Folder adaptation in kindergarten. "We are with you, baby!" From the experience of working with children in the period of adaptation. Model of organization of the adaptation period through regime processes

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Adaptation is a kind of emotional stress for a child. Our main task is to help the child get used to the new situation as quickly and painlessly as possible, feel more confident, and, if possible, become the master of this situation.

Work on the preparation and implementation of the adaptation of children to preschool education is built in several areas: conducting a pre-adaptation period, which includes work with parents and educators. And the actual adaptation period.


Working with parents

1. Education of parents on issues of adaptation begins with their first arrival in kindergarten. In the foyer of the preschool educational institution, they can familiarize themselves with the exhibition, which contains material for both parents and children: (Figure 1)

- “We are preparing the baby for kindergarten. How to ensure that the child gets used to the new conditions” is a sliding folder with practical recommendations for parents whose children enter kindergarten for the first time;

- “I'm going to kindergarten. Problems of adaptation” is colorful book with illustrations, made in the form of a sliding folder, reading it, the parent, together with the child, gets acquainted with the peculiarity of the life of children in kindergarten;

- “We are waiting for you” - an album with photographs from the life of the kindergarten. At the beginning of the album meets parents and children fairy tale hero, on behalf of which there is an acquaintance and a journey through the pages of the album. This fairy-tale character introduces children to the dressing room and the locker that is waiting for the baby; a group room and toys that look forward to meeting; with children who already go to kindergarten and with an interesting and varied life that they spend there. (Picture 2)

Information leaflets with brief material “Adaptation. What it is?" and “Recommendations for Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten”. Parents can take these sheets with them.

The material of the exhibition is very popular with parents.

2. As soon as the child is registered in the kindergarten, the parents are invited along with the child to individual consultation to the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution.

The consultation has three goals:

During the conversation and filling out the card for the child, collect information about the family, identify the attitude of parents to entering kindergarten, establish partnerships, friendly relations.

During the conversation and filling out the questionnaire, collect information about the child: find out the child’s individual and personal habits, habituation to the regimen, nutrition, falling asleep and sleep patterns, playing skills, the ability to make contact with unfamiliar adults and peers.

Based on these data, the degree of subjective readiness for the child to enter kindergarten is determined, and on the basis of this, parents are given recommendations on how to prepare the child for joining the children's team.

A mini-consultation is also held on the question of what adaptation is and the factors on which its course depends.

Another important goal of the meeting is the formation of positive associations in the baby related to kindergarten (while the conversation with the mother is going on, the child has the opportunity to play with bright, colorful, various toys that are available in the office); observation of how the child comes into contact and, in agreement with the parents, the diagnosis of neuropsychic development.

Based on the results of the diagnostic examination, parents are given recommendations on what to pay attention to in the development of the baby and what games, exercises and literature can be used at home.

Experience has shown that the study of the child before entering kindergarten can significantly mitigate the course of the adaptation period.

After the consultation, the teacher-psychologist conducts a short tour for the parent and the child, shows the main premises of the kindergarten and the group that the child will attend. Such a demonstration helps parents and children to satisfy their curiosity and feel more confident.

3. At the group meeting, which is held by the head of the preschool educational institution before the opening of the group, we once again explain to the parents that it is easier for the child to get used to everything gradually, therefore we recommend:

In advance, before entering the preschool educational institution, come to the territory of the kindergarten and your site in order to make a preliminary acquaintance;

Agree on a time when it will be possible to come to the group so that there are no other children there: the teacher could get to know the baby, and the child could study a new adult for him;

To make an evening excursion to the kindergarten and show the child that mothers and fathers take all the children home in the evening, no one stays in the kindergarten forever. This will help the child avoid the feeling of being “left behind” when he first begins to stay in the garden without his mother.

Working with educators

Senior preschool teacher and an educational psychologist are jointly building work with educators of early age groups who will recruit children:

1. Draw up work plans for adaptation, taking into account the age of the children, on the basis of which work is built in the pre-adaptation and adaptation period (see Appendix 1).

2. Conduct a debate on adaptation issues.

The purpose of the dispute: to identify the existing knowledge of teachers on the organization of the adaptation period with children of the second and third years of life, to promote the best experience and new approaches to the adaptation of babies.

During the discussion with educators, the following questions are discussed:

Adaptation, what is it?

Types of adaptation;

Techniques that facilitate adaptation;

Signs that the child has adapted.

This form of work shows that educators are very active in preparing and discussing these issues. When modeling by teachers of different situations, game moments, etc. teachers actively use the existing knowledge and practical skills.

At the end of the debate, educators are given leaflets on “Organizing a sparing regimen during the adaptation period” (see Appendix 2).

3. The senior educator, psychologist and educators jointly review the design of groups and prepare to receive new children.

As the theater begins with a hanger, so the kindergarten begins with a dressing room, so much attention is paid to the design of the dressing room. There are prepared for children:

- “Shelf for favorite toys”, where (at the request of the child) things brought from home are located (Figure 3);

Funny, children's panels (Figure 4);

A mini-play area where bright, beautiful toys are displayed so that the child wants to stay, touch, and examine them; (Figure 5)

Pendants that help visually “lower” the ceiling and make the child feel more comfortable and calm (Figure 6).

In the group room, all zones are also being re-equipped, and the main goal is to make the room the most comfortable, homely and attractive for children (Figure 7).

We think over a place for the possibility of privacy for the child, if he wants to take a break from the team and be alone.

A selection of special games is being prepared to help children cope with a tense, stressful situation during the addiction period:

A good effect is given by a variety of games with sand and water, a dry pool;

Negative emotions are inhibited by monotonous hand movements or squeezing of the hands, so games such as stringing balls on a cord are being prepared for children, rubber toys- squeakers, large parts designer "Lego", etc.

The best cure for stress is laughter. In order to create situations in which the child will laugh, a selection of fun toys, bi-ba-bo dolls, is being prepared.

Educators are preparing a music library with calm music and funny children's songs, card files of the artistic word for all regime moments in order to create a cheerful, joyful mood in children throughout the day, to avoid the everyday environment.


In our work with children, we consider the main thing is the acceptance of the child as he is and close cooperation with the family.

The day before the child enters the kindergarten, the teacher-psychologist gives the teachers all the information about the child that was obtained from the conversation with the parents. This helps to build work with a newly arrived child based on taking into account personal characteristics, his experience and habits.

All the habits of the child during the adaptation period are preserved.

Likewise, for best acquaintance and obtaining as much diverse information as possible about the incoming baby, the educators offer parents to write an essay about their child “My child. What is he? (See Appendix 3).

In the first days (1-2), the mother is present in the kindergarten with the child. This helps the child feel more confident and reduces the anxiety of the mother herself about her child's stay in kindergarten.

Arriving at the kindergarten, the child himself chooses the locker he likes and the picture-tag for it, this helps the child quickly get used to the idea that “his” locker is a corner of his private life.

The first days of the child do not lead to breakfast, but to a walk. And it is recommended to leave a child without a mother for a walk, since children feel more comfortable on the street, there are many opportunities to distract them.

We recommend bringing small photo albums with family photos. If you feel sad, having such an album, the child always has the opportunity to open it and see mom or dad, take a toy phone and, looking at the photo, talk with relatives.

In a psychologically tense, stressful situation, switching to an ancient, strong food reaction helps, so educators try to offer children to drink and eat crackers more often.

Each newly admitted child is in the center of attention. Educators calmly, affectionately and in detail explain to the child everything that happens, prepare him for each routine process, since the incomprehensible and unknown frightens.

For each child, an individual regimen is established. The residence time increases gradually depending on the habituation of the child. This question is decided jointly by the doctor, educators and psychologist.

One of the most difficult moments during the adaptation period is putting the child to sleep, so educators use techniques such as:

Tuning in to sleep with lullabies

Caress the child: stroke the arms, legs, back (children usually like this)

A good effect of falling asleep is given by stroking the baby's head and eyebrows (the hand should only touch the ends of the hair).

The emotional state of the child and his addiction is controlled using the “Adaptation Sheet”, where they are noted on the control days 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 16th, 32nd and, if necessary, 64 th (according to the method of K. Pechora) the emotional state of the child, appetite, sleep, relationships with adults and peers, the type of activity that the child prefers.

In order to dispel parents' anxiety and anxiety for their child, educators talk to them daily, instilling confidence in them and observing the main rule - do not condemn the child's experience, do not complain about it to parents. All problems of the child become professional problems for teachers.

Such a multifaceted and painstaking work of the teaching staff of the kindergarten during the period of adaptation of children to a preschool institution gives its stable positive results.

At the end of the adaptation period, a medical-psychological-pedagogical council with an expanded composition gathers in a preschool institution. It includes the head, senior educators, educational psychologist, speech therapist teacher, doctor, senior nurses, educators of early age groups and educators of other groups (by invitation). It discusses the results of the work carried out during the adaptation period, positive aspects, analyzes the results, adjusts plans for organizing adaptation, and outlines further work.

An analysis of the work over several years shows that the process of getting used to children is very successful. The degree of adaptation is mostly mild to medium. In recent years, there has not been a single child with a severe degree of adaptation. It is also positive that young children, and especially the second year of life, get used to kindergarten painlessly. These data make it possible to judge the well-structured work of the teaching staff in organizing and conducting the adaptation of children to the conditions of the kindergarten.

Used Books.

  1. Alyamovskaya V.G. The nursery is serious. - M.: LINKA-PRESS, 1999.
  2. Vatutina N.D. The child enters kindergarten: A guide for educators det. garden / Ed. L.I. Kaplan. – M.: Enlightenment, 1983.
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It is very difficult for children of any age to start attending kindergarten. Each of them goes through a periodadaptation to kindergarten. The whole life of a child changes dramatically. Changes literally burst into the usual, established life in the family: a clear daily routine, the absence of relatives and friends, the constant presence of peers, the need to obey and obey unfamiliar adults, the amount of personal attention sharply decreases.

The child needs time to adjust to this new life in kindergarten.

Adaptation is the adaptation or adaptation of the body to a new environment. For a child kindergarten, undoubtedly, is still an unknown space, with a new environment and relationships. This process is costly psychic energy and often passes with tension, and even overstrain of the mental and physical forces of the body.

Many features of the child's behavior during the period of adaptation to kindergarten scare parents so much that they wonder: will the child be able to adapt at all, will this “horror” ever end?We can say with confidence: those behavioral features that worry parents very much are mainlytypical for all children in the process of adapting to kindergarten. During this period, almost all mothers think that it is their child who is “non-Sadovsky”, and the rest of the kids, allegedly, behave and feel better. But it's not. Adaptation usually proceeds difficultly with a lot of negative shifts in children's body. These shifts occur at all levels, in all systems. In a new environment, the baby is constantly in strong neuropsychic tension, stress, which does not stop for a minute, especially in the first days.

Degrees adaptation

Depending on durationadaptiveperiod there are three degreesadaptation of the child to kindergarten:

1 – 16 days - mildadaptation

20-40 days -moderate adaptation

40 to 64 days - severeadaptation

Three degrees of severity of passageadaptation period

Lightadaptation- by the 20th day of stay in the preschool educational institution, sleep is normalized,childeats normally, does not refuse contacts with peers and adults, he makes contact himself. The incidence is not more than once for a period of not more than 10 days, without complications. Weight unchanged.

Mediumadaptation- behavioral responses are restored by the 30th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. Neuropsychic development how much slows down(slowing down of speech activity). The incidence is not more than 2 times for a period of not more than 10 days, without complications. Weight unchanged or slightly decreased.

heavyadaptation- characterized by a long duration(two to six months or more)and the severity of all manifestations.

Factors interfering adaptation to kindergarten

Too much addictionchild from mother

Excessive parental anxiety

The unwillingness of adults to give greater independence to the baby

Upbringingchildin the spirit of permissiveness

Neurological symptoms inchild: asthenia, hyperactivity

soreness of the baby

Lack of an adequate daily routine for the baby in the house

Typical situations parents face when the child begins to go to the nurserygarden(Start adaptation period )

"DON'T WANT!" The baby is crying, naughty every time it's time to go to kindergarten. This allowsto kidopenly talk about what he does not like. Parents can sympathize with him, say that they are really sorry when he is sad, parting with them, but "this is how the world works - moms and dads work, and children go to kindergartens and schools."Child, who openly protests against the kindergarten, most often quite welladaptsif the parents do not scold him, do not shame him, but express sympathy, remaining confident that the kindergarten is a good choice for themchild.

AT HOUSE - WHIM, IN THE GARDEN - SUCCESS.The fact is that in the gardenchildoften sees exactly the place where they are ready to perceive him as he SHOWS himself.

FREQUENT ILLNESSES.Childstarts to hurt literally from the first days of visiting the kindergarten: “a week in the kindergarten is a week(and sometimes two) Houses". Many parents complain about the kindergarten: they say they overlooked it, there are drafts, they accept sick children, an infection. But most often it is not the kindergarten that is to blame, but the transition situation itself.childto independent stay somewhere without parents. As you know, physical and mental developmentchild interconnected, and the organismchildsometimes helps him cope with anxieties and worries. Most often, it is those children who are not very capricious and cry, not expressing clearly, in words and tears, their reluctance to go to kindergarten.

AT HOME -"GOOD" , AT KINDERGARTEN -"HORRIBLE" . The fact is that if parents pay a lot of attention to proper upbringing, they control too muchchild, protect against making wrong decisions, thenthree or four year old child, left in the kindergarten without them, is simply lost. He seems to be left without his CONSCIENCE, as the proverb says -"without a king in the head" , because his ability to self-control has not yet developed, and at home his mother and father were his conscience and control.

Left alonechildtrying to find an adult who could, like a mother, help him be"correct" . It is for this that he behaves defiantly, this challengespeaks : "Please restrain me, show me my limits, RESIST me!" Most often, the goodwill of surrounding adults helps in a short time.child to believethat in order to be good enough, constant adult control is not at all necessary.

Having calmed down about the lack of constant extraneous control over oneself, childbegins to feel more confident and communicate better both with adults and with their peers.




Psychological level(takes getting used to)

To the absence of a significant adult(moms, dads)

To a large number new people and the need to interact with them

The need to deal with your problems alone

The need to defend your personal space

Physiological(need to get used to it)

To a new regime, rhythm of life, new loads(the need to sit, listen, follow commands)

The impossibility of privacy

The need for self-restraint

New food, new rooms, lighting, smells

How to prepare a child for kindergarten?

Psychological preparation

    First of all, the mother does not need to be nervous and show this to the child. Talk positively about the kindergarten, but at the same time try not to embellish too much so that the child does not have overly optimistic expectations.

    Focus on building pride in your child that he will go to kindergarten. Tell them that getting into the kindergarten is not so easy (which is really the case now because of the long lines) and many children are deprived of such an opportunity.

    To make the baby less afraid of the "disappearance" of the mother, often play hide and seek with the baby and periodically leave the child with other relatives, for example, while the mother goes shopping.

New team

If the baby is shy and shy, it will be more difficult for him to get used to the children's team than for sociable little ones. Try to expand your child's social circle even before visiting the garden. Go to visit, meet the children on the playground, sign up for developmental classes.


    Try to change your child's daily routine 2-3 months before he starts walking. preschool. Adjust the schedule so that it is easy for the child to wake up by the time you are going to the garden in the future.

    If the child has already stopped sleeping during the day, teach him to rest after dinner just by lying in bed. Tell him what quiet games are available to him during such a holiday, for example, writing stories, playing with words, playing with fingers, or carefully examining objects around and remembering their details.

    Offer food to your child at the same time every day. It is desirable that it coincides with the time of breakfasts, lunches and afternoon snacks in kindergarten. Try to avoid snacking at the wrong time, and homemade meals can be made similar to those that the baby will receive in the kindergarten. This will reduce the likelihood of whims associated with nutrition in preschool.

    Also pay attention to your child going to the toilet after breakfast. It is optimal that it is at this time that the child goes "by and large". Give your baby time to relax on the toilet. If your child has problems with bowel movements, take the time to resolve them before starting the daycare.


Play with your child in kindergarten, let the toys be the children, and you the educators. Such a game will not only help the child to better understand what kind of regime he will have in kindergarten, but by repeating it in the future, the mother will find out how the baby relates to a new place and what is happening within the garden walls.


    Teach your child to undress, to eat with a spoon, and to ask for help if something doesn't work out. Pay attention to weaning the baby from diapers if the child is still wearing a diaper.

    Read more to your child, teaching him to listen to you carefully. At the same time, increase your reading time gradually.

    Play imitative games with your baby, such as walking like a bear or jumping like a bunny. This will come in handy for the baby during outdoor games for a walk, and for music lessons and for physical education lessons.

    Remember that it takes an average of 2-3 months to adapt to the garden, and during this period, parents should pay enough attention to the baby at home.Try to organize joint dinners on weekdays, and on weekends cook your child's favorite dishes.

    As you pick up your child from daycare, ask about the events of the day and listen carefully as you ask questions.This will not only show your son or daughter that you are interested in his business, but will also contribute to the development of speech.

    Don't forget about garden feedback.Periodically talk with the teacher about how the child behaves in the garden. This information will be useful to you, as many kids behave differently in a team. And by telling the teacher about the behavior of the child at home and his character, you can help find the right approach to the baby. If your child is having difficulty napping, talk to the caregiver about allowing the baby to take her favorite toy to bed with her.

    Pay attention to the clothes in which the child will be in kindergarten.Things with small buttons and hooks, as well as laces, are a poor choice, as it will be difficult for the baby to remove them and put them back on. Do not dress your child in too tight clothing. Avoid synthetic fabrics, it is better to choose cotton or wool clothes for the garden. good choice there will be clothes with different kind front and back.

Age crises are an inevitable stage in the development and maturation of a child. These are a kind of turning points, during which there is a reassessment of all previous values, a rethinking of one's self and relationships with others. One of these moments is the crisis of 3 years, which very often falls on the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten.

This stage of personality formation is only conventionally referred to as the "crisis three years". The first symptoms of disobedience are sometimes noted as early as 18-20 months, but they reach their greatest intensity in the period from 2.5 to 3.5 years.

The crisis of three years is an absolutely normal phenomenon, which is not a mental disorder and requires the intervention of a psychologist only in very rare cases.

Three year crisis symptoms

1. Constant negative responses to requests from adults (“I won’t go there”, “I don’t want to eat it”, “I won’t play”, “I won’t tell”) and appropriate behavior (mother asks to come up - the kid runs away, on the contrary, dad asks to put toys - he scatters them, etc.).

2. Irritation and anger when something doesn't work out or you don't like something.

3. Manifestations of aggressiveness towards parents and all people around, including peers (the baby bites, scratches, fights, calls names).

4. Frequent state of depression in the baby, tears and whims.

5. The appearance of various fears in the child (darkness, loneliness, animals, in rare cases even death).

Tips for parents

The crisis of 3 years in children requires, first of all, adequate behavior on the part of parents. The main thing is attention to the baby, the absence of resentment, anger and aggression towards him and a sincere desire to help him in this difficult period. Usually the crisis of three years in a child lasts for several months, so moms and dads should be patient.

The most important thing is to remain calm in any situation. Seeing especially vivid manifestations of the crisis of three years in their child (tantrums, screams, tears), parents should not react to them in a similar way. If a child screams, you don’t need to shout back at him; if he is stubborn, you don’t have to try to break this stubbornness at any cost. It is better to approach the solution of the problem with calmness and equanimity (“If you don’t want to, don’t!”, “If you want to cry, cry”). Many children, not getting the reaction they expected from mom and dad, calm down very quickly.

To successfully overcome three years, psychology advises in situations where the child shows his negativism in every possible way (“I don’t want”, “I won’t”, “I won’t”), to act by the opposite method. For example, a mother asks the baby to collect toys, and he answers with a categorical refusal, and even continues to scatter them. In such a situation, a mother should tell the child: “Don’t collect toys!”, And most likely, he, trying to do it out of spite, will immediately quickly remove them.

The crisis of 3 years in children is associated with the first attempts, so parents during this period should be especially flexible: you can allow the child to make some decisions himself and in some situations not to argue with him. The main thing here is not to go too far and not start to indulge him in everything.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Adaptation is a kind of emotional stress for a child. Our main task is to help the child get used to the new situation as quickly and painlessly as possible, feel more confident, and, if possible, become the master of this situation.

Work on the preparation and implementation of the adaptation of children to preschool education is built in several areas: conducting a pre-adaptation period, which includes work with parents and educators. And the actual adaptation period.


Working with parents

1. Education of parents on issues of adaptation begins with their first arrival in kindergarten. In the foyer of the preschool educational institution, they can familiarize themselves with the exhibition, which contains material for both parents and children: (Figure 1)

- “We are preparing the baby for kindergarten. How to ensure that the child gets used to the new conditions” is a sliding folder with practical recommendations for parents whose children enter kindergarten for the first time;

- “I'm going to kindergarten. Problems of Adaptation” is a colorful book with illustrations, made in the form of a sliding folder, reading it, the parent, together with the child, gets acquainted with the peculiarity of the life of children in kindergarten;

- “We are waiting for you” - an album with photographs from the life of the kindergarten. At the beginning of the album, parents and children are met by a fairy-tale hero, on whose behalf the acquaintance and journey through the pages of the album takes place. This fairy-tale character introduces children to the dressing room and the locker that is waiting for the baby; a group room and toys that look forward to meeting; with children who already go to kindergarten and with an interesting and varied life that they spend there. (Picture 2)

Information leaflets with brief material “Adaptation. What it is?" and “Recommendations for Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten”. Parents can take these sheets with them.

The material of the exhibition is very popular with parents.

2. As soon as the child is registered in the kindergarten, the parents are invited together with the child for an individual consultation with the teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution.

The consultation has three goals:

During the conversation and filling out the card for the child, collect information about the family, identify the attitude of parents to entering kindergarten, establish partnerships, friendly relations.

During the conversation and filling out the questionnaire, collect information about the child: find out the child’s individual and personal habits, habituation to the regimen, nutrition, falling asleep and sleep patterns, playing skills, the ability to make contact with unfamiliar adults and peers.

Based on these data, the degree of subjective readiness for the child to enter kindergarten is determined, and on the basis of this, parents are given recommendations on how to prepare the child for joining the children's team.

A mini-consultation is also held on the question of what adaptation is and the factors on which its course depends.

Another important goal of the meeting is the formation of positive associations in the baby related to kindergarten (while the conversation with the mother is going on, the child has the opportunity to play with bright, colorful, various toys that are available in the office); observation of how the child comes into contact and, in agreement with the parents, the diagnosis of neuropsychic development.

Based on the results of the diagnostic examination, parents are given recommendations on what to pay attention to in the development of the baby and what games, exercises and literature can be used at home.

Experience has shown that the study of the child before entering kindergarten can significantly mitigate the course of the adaptation period.

After the consultation, the teacher-psychologist conducts a short tour for the parent and the child, shows the main premises of the kindergarten and the group that the child will attend. Such a demonstration helps parents and children to satisfy their curiosity and feel more confident.

3. At the group meeting, which is held by the head of the preschool educational institution before the opening of the group, we once again explain to the parents that it is easier for the child to get used to everything gradually, therefore we recommend:

In advance, before entering the preschool educational institution, come to the territory of the kindergarten and your site in order to make a preliminary acquaintance;

Agree on a time when it will be possible to come to the group so that there are no other children there: the teacher could get to know the baby, and the child could study a new adult for him;

To make an evening excursion to the kindergarten and show the child that mothers and fathers take all the children home in the evening, no one stays in the kindergarten forever. This will help the child avoid the feeling of being “left behind” when he first begins to stay in the garden without his mother.

Working with educators

The senior educator of the preschool educational institution and the educational psychologist are jointly building work with educators of early age groups who will recruit children:

1. Draw up work plans for adaptation, taking into account the age of the children, on the basis of which work is built in the pre-adaptation and adaptation period (see Appendix 1).

2. Conduct a debate on adaptation issues.

The purpose of the dispute: to identify the existing knowledge of teachers on the organization of the adaptation period with children of the second and third years of life, to promote the best experience and new approaches to the adaptation of babies.

During the discussion with educators, the following questions are discussed:

Adaptation, what is it?

Types of adaptation;

Techniques that facilitate adaptation;

Signs that the child has adapted.

This form of work shows that educators are very active in preparing and discussing these issues. When modeling by teachers of different situations, game moments, etc. teachers actively use the existing knowledge and practical skills.

At the end of the debate, educators are given leaflets on “Organizing a sparing regimen during the adaptation period” (see Appendix 2).

3. The senior educator, psychologist and educators jointly review the design of groups and prepare to receive new children.

As the theater begins with a hanger, so the kindergarten begins with a dressing room, so much attention is paid to the design of the dressing room. There are prepared for children:

- “Shelf for favorite toys”, where (at the request of the child) things brought from home are located (Figure 3);

Funny, children's panels (Figure 4);

A mini-play area where bright, beautiful toys are displayed so that the child wants to stay, touch, and examine them; (Figure 5)

Pendants that help visually “lower” the ceiling and make the child feel more comfortable and calm (Figure 6).

In the group room, all zones are also being re-equipped, and the main goal is to make the room the most comfortable, homely and attractive for children (Figure 7).

We think over a place for the possibility of privacy for the child, if he wants to take a break from the team and be alone.

A selection of special games is being prepared to help children cope with a tense, stressful situation during the addiction period:

A good effect is given by a variety of games with sand and water, a dry pool;

Negative emotions are inhibited by monotonous hand movements or squeezing of the hands, so games such as stringing balls on a cord, rubber toys - squeakers, large parts of the Lego constructor, etc. are being prepared for children.

The best cure for stress is laughter. In order to create situations in which the child will laugh, a selection of fun toys, bi-ba-bo dolls, is being prepared.

Educators are preparing a music library with calm music and funny children's songs, card files of the artistic word for all regime moments in order to create a cheerful, joyful mood in children throughout the day, to avoid the everyday environment.


In our work with children, we consider the main thing is the acceptance of the child as he is and close cooperation with the family.

The day before the child enters the kindergarten, the teacher-psychologist gives the teachers all the information about the child that was obtained from the conversation with the parents. This helps to build work with a newly arrived child based on taking into account personal characteristics, his experience and habits.

All the habits of the child during the adaptation period are preserved.

Also, in order to get to know each other better and get as much information as possible about the incoming baby, educators offer parents to write an essay about their child “My child. What is he? (See Appendix 3).

In the first days (1-2), the mother is present in the kindergarten with the child. This helps the child feel more confident and reduces the anxiety of the mother herself about her child's stay in kindergarten.

Arriving at the kindergarten, the child himself chooses the locker he likes and the picture-tag for it, this helps the child quickly get used to the idea that “his” locker is a corner of his private life.

The first days of the child do not lead to breakfast, but to a walk. And it is recommended to leave a child without a mother for a walk, since children feel more comfortable on the street, there are many opportunities to distract them.

We recommend bringing small photo albums with family photos. If you feel sad, having such an album, the child always has the opportunity to open it and see mom or dad, take a toy phone and, looking at the photo, talk with relatives.

In a psychologically tense, stressful situation, switching to an ancient, strong food reaction helps, so educators try to offer children to drink and eat crackers more often.

Each newly admitted child is in the center of attention. Educators calmly, affectionately and in detail explain to the child everything that happens, prepare him for each routine process, since the incomprehensible and unknown frightens.

For each child, an individual regimen is established. The residence time increases gradually depending on the habituation of the child. This issue is resolved jointly by a doctor, educators and a psychologist.

One of the most difficult moments during the adaptation period is putting the child to sleep, so educators use techniques such as:

Tuning in to sleep with lullabies

Caress the child: stroke the arms, legs, back (children usually like this)

A good effect of falling asleep is given by stroking the baby's head and eyebrows (the hand should only touch the ends of the hair).

The emotional state of the child and his addiction is controlled using the “Adaptation Sheet”, where they are noted on the control days 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 16th, 32nd and, if necessary, 64 th (according to the method of K. Pechora) the emotional state of the child, appetite, sleep, relationships with adults and peers, the type of activity that the child prefers.

In order to dispel parents' anxiety and anxiety for their child, educators talk to them daily, instilling confidence in them and observing the main rule - do not condemn the child's experience, do not complain about it to parents. All problems of the child become professional problems for teachers.

Such a multifaceted and painstaking work of the teaching staff of the kindergarten during the period of adaptation of children to a preschool institution gives its stable positive results.

At the end of the adaptation period, a medical-psychological-pedagogical council with an expanded composition gathers in a preschool institution. It includes the head, senior educators, educational psychologist, speech therapist teacher, doctor, senior nurses, educators of early age groups and educators of other groups (by invitation). It discusses the results of the work carried out during the adaptation period, positive aspects, analyzes the results, adjusts plans for organizing adaptation, and outlines further work.

An analysis of the work over several years shows that the process of getting used to children is very successful. The degree of adaptation is mostly mild to medium. In recent years, there has not been a single child with a severe degree of adaptation. It is also positive that young children, and especially the second year of life, get used to kindergarten painlessly. These data make it possible to judge the well-structured work of the teaching staff in organizing and conducting the adaptation of children to the conditions of the kindergarten.

Used Books.

  1. Alyamovskaya V.G. The nursery is serious. - M.: LINKA-PRESS, 1999.
  2. Vatutina N.D. The child enters kindergarten: A guide for educators det. garden / Ed. L.I. Kaplan. – M.: Enlightenment, 1983.

The system of work with young children in the period of initial adaptation

Forms of work with young children:

Special games are offered that help children cope with a tense, stressful situation during the adjustment period.

Target- help children adapt to the conditions of preschool educational institution.

This determines main goals:

    Coping with stressful conditions in infants and toddlers preschool age during the period of adaptation to kindergarten;

    Development of attention, perception, speech, imagination;

    Development of gaming skills, arbitrary behavior.

    Listen to quiet, calm music and funny children's songs;

    Bring your favorite toy with you from home, if the baby is sad, he will be able to press it to himself and feel more relaxed;

    Small photo albums with family photos will also cheer up a sad child;

    A mini-game zone where bright, beautiful toys so that the child would like to stay, touch and examine them;

    Places for privacy where the child can take a break from other children.

Algorithm for passing adaptation

First week:

The child is in kindergarten with his mother for 2-3 hours (9.00 - 11.00)


    lay the foundations for a trusting relationship with strangers, sympathy for the educator;

    to promote emotional perception of peers;

    to acquaint with the location of the rooms in the group in detail.

Second week:

The child is in kindergarten for 2-3 hours without mom (9.00-11.00)


    establish individual emotional contact with the child (the child goes on his hands, on his knees, accepts the caress of the educator, boldly asks for help);

    to lay the foundations for a friendly attitude towards peers, to promote the development of the game "next to";

    to encourage independent actions in the group, to consolidate the ability to navigate in the premises of the group, to find items for personal use (with the help of an adult, based on an individual picture).

Third week:

visit preschool child in the first half of the day (7.00-12.00). By the end of the week, the child, if desired, remains for daytime sleep.


    accustom the child to eating in the preschool educational institution (getting used to a new range of dishes, their taste);

    attract to joint games according to the type "Walked, walked, found something ...";

    to form self-service skills in children, encourage them to perform hygiene procedures with the help of an adult.

Fourth week:

Children attend kindergarten throughout the day.


    organize a rational day regimen in a group that provides physical and mental comfort;

    develop the child's confidence in himself and his abilities, awaken activity, independence, initiative;

    to develop a sense of empathy, a desire to help and comfort newly arrived children, to establish unshakable rules of the hostel;

    prepare the child to expand the circle of communication with other employees of the preschool educational institution, with older children;

    encourage cultural and hygienic skills.

Leading activity in early agesubject.

Leading mental function - perception.

Model of organization of the adaptation period through regime processes

The use of a gentle regime in the organization of the adaptation period

morning reception

Games with elements of folklore

Educational games


eating, dressing, hygiene procedures)

Games-classes, games-exercises in a group

Game situations, communication

Preparing for a walk


Games with elements of folklore

Games: role-playing; didactic; mobile;


Water and sand games

Observations, entertainment, conversations

Experiences and experiments

Hardening: air, sunbathing

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills


Warm up after sleep. hardening procedures

Elements of theatrical activity

Artistic and creative activity

Dramatization games, dramatization games


Formation of cultural and hygienic skills

Independent activity children

Communication of children

leaving home

Tasks for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills

    Encourage children to ask for a potty, encourage attempts to do so

    Teach kids to find their potty and towel

    Teach children to try to take off tights and panties before sitting on the potty, encourage children to put them on themselves

    Introduce children to hygiene procedures:

Rinsing the mouth after eating;

Wash hands with soap;

Wipe dry with a towel

    Learn to use a spoon

    Teaching children to drink from a mug

    To form the ability with the help of an adult to put oneself in order.

    When dressing children for a walk, teach them to find their locker, take off their change of shoes and put them in the locker, ask the children to get street shoes out of it

    Encourage children to help put toys away. Teach kids not to throw toys around while playing.

Group lessons.

Classes are held indoors in compliance with sanitary and hygienic norms and rules.

The purpose of the classes is to help children adapt to the conditions of a preschool educational institution. This defines the main tasks of the classes:

    Overcoming stressful conditions in children in the initial period of adaptation to preschool education.

    Creating a positive emotional climate in the children's team.

    Relieve emotional and muscle tension.

    Development of general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

    The development of perception.

    Activation of speech processes.

    The development of arbitrariness of behavior, the ability to obey the rules.

    Development of communication skills, interaction with adults and peers.

    Development of gaming skills, the transition from the game "side by side" to the game "together".

    Decreased impulsivity, excessive motor activity, anxiety, aggression;

    Development of skills of interaction of children with each other;

    Development of attention, perception, speech, imagination;

    Development of a sense of rhythm, general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements;

    Development of gaming skills, arbitrary behavior.

Do not insist on the active participation of all children in the lesson. It is normal if at first some of the children will only observe what is happening in the group. You can start with those children who are ready to start playing.

You should not evaluate children, seek the only correct, in your opinion, action or answer, since in this case the kids will repeat only what is required of them.

In progress practical work admissible both reducing the number of games and introducing various additions, in accordance with the age, condition, needs and individual characteristics of children. Parents of indecisive children can be invited to participate in classes not only during the first month, but also later; it is useful to recommend that they play the same games with the child at home.


Music library, Board games, subject toys, plasticine, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, carpet, massage ball, light transparent scarves, paper for drawing, special handouts (for individual classes), colored cords, small toys, peas.

Principles of conducting classes:

visibility of learning;


Developmental and educational character educational material;

Systematic presentation of material.

Structure and form of classes: Classes are held once a week in subgroups (the maximum number of children in a subgroup is 9 people). The duration of the lesson is 8-10 minutes.

The main part of the lesson includes games and exercises that give children the opportunity to move intensively, freely express their emotions, and actively interact with their peers.

The general structure of the lesson:

greeting ritual;

Breathing exercises;

Finger, articulatory gymnastics;

Educational game;

Inventiveness (relaxation exercises);

Farewell ritual.



Morning : Reception and examination of children.

Getting to know children.

Greeting the baby on behalf of the toy ( Teddy bear, bunny, doll). Group tour.

The game "Wonderful bag".

Distribution of gifts.

On a flat path!

Game progress: The teacher sits the child on his knees, then begins to rhythmically toss him up, accompanying the movements with a nursery rhyme. At the end of the game, the teacher pretends to drop the child.

On a flat path

On a flat path

Over the bumps, over the bumps

Over the bumps, over the bumps

Straight into the hole - Boo!

Give me a pen!

Goal: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult,

establishing contact.

Game progress: The teacher approaches the child and holds out his hand.

-Let's say hello. Give me a pen!

In order not to frighten the baby, one should not show excessive assertiveness: do not come too close, say the words of the appeal to the child in a low, calm voice. To communicate correctly, squat down or high chair- it is better that the adult and the child are on the same level, they can look into each other's faces.

Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Getting to know children.

Inspection by children of the group, toys, games with them.

Continue with the group. The story-improvisation of the educator about the life of toys and children.

The game "Forty-forty".

Game-fun "Music box".

"Tender Minute" - audio recording "Baby by the Sea"

Tritatushki - three-ta-ta!

Game progress: An adult sits the child on his knees, facing himself, holds the child by the belt. Then he performs rhythmic bodily shaking (left-right, up-down), accompanying the movements with repeated pronunciation of the words:

- Tritatushki - three-ta-ta! Tritatushki-three-ta-ta!

Games for establishing contact with the child

Hello! Bye!

Purpose: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.

Game progress: The teacher approaches the child and waves his hand, greeting.

Hello! Hello!

Then he invites the child to respond to the greeting.

-Let's say hello. Wave your hand! Hello!

At parting, the game is repeated - the teacher waves his hand.

Bye! Bye!

Then he invites the baby to say goodbye.

-Wave goodbye. Bye!

This ritual of meeting-farewell should be repeated regularly at the beginning and end of the session. Gradually, the child will begin to show more initiative, learn to greet the teacher at a meeting and parting on their own. This game is useful because it teaches the rules of behavior between people.


Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Getting to know children.

Inspection by children of the group, toys, games with them. Conversation "Who is good with us?" (game at the mirror).

The game "There is a horned goat"

Game-journey "On a visit to Moidodyr" (to the sanitary room).

Detailed acquaintance with individual hygiene items, rules of conduct.

Riding on rocking chairs, wheelchairs, swings in sports corner.

    game lesson


    What we can.

    Magic words (hello, thank you).

We swing a bunny. Group membership.

Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Getting to know children.

Inspection by children of the group, toys, games with them.

Examination of the photo album “Our kindergarten is good!”, A conversation about life in kindergarten.

Game-fun "Wonderful bag".

Distribution of gifts.

Games "There is a horned goat", "Over bumps".

Journey to Moidodyr - game exercise "Find your picture".

Games in a sports corner using a dry pool, swings, slides.

Relaxation "Molchok".

Fun workout.

game lesson

    I study myself. Body diagram.

    What my hands can do.

    What my feet can do

I recognize myself and others.

doll play .

Purpose: development of emotional communication with an adult, establishing contact.

Material. Doll.

Game progress. Give the child his favorite doll (or soft toy), ask him to show where the doll has a head, ears, legs, stomach, etc.


Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Getting to know children.

Inspection by children of the group, toys, games with them.

A conversation about animals living with children at home. Acquaintance with the inhabitants of a corner of nature in a group (if any).

The game "Carcasses-tutushki", a repetition of familiar games.

Mobile game "Catch the ball".

Games with natural material"Magic Boxes"

Reading fiction.

Games for establishing contact with the child

Let's clap our hands!

Purpose: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.

Game progress: The teacher claps his hands with the words:

-I'll clap my hands, I'll be good, We'll clap our hands, we'll be good!

Then he invites the baby to clap his hands with him: -Let's clap our hands together.

If the baby does not repeat the actions of the teacher, but only looks, you can try to take his palms in your own and make claps with them. But if the child resists, you should not insist, perhaps next time he will show more initiative.

Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Getting to know children.

Inspection by children of the group, toys, games with them.

Conversation at the mirror "Who is good with us?".

Mobile game "See what I can."

Examining pictures about animals, improvisation story "Kindergarten for forest animals."

Visiting Moidodyr - a play on N. Pikuleva's poem "Washer".

Games for establishing contact with the child

Catch the ball!

Purpose: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact; movement development.

Equipment: small rubber ball or plastic ball.

Game progress: The teacher picks up the ball, invites the child to play with it. It is better to organize a game on the floor: the teacher and the child sit opposite each other, legs wide apart so that the ball does not roll past.

Let's play ball. Catch the ball!

The teacher rolls the ball towards the child. Then he encourages him to roll the ball in the opposite direction, catches the ball, emotionally comments on the course of the game.

-Roll the ball! On! Caught the ball! The game is played for some time, the game should be stopped at the first sign of fatigue or loss of interest on the part of the child.


Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Getting to know children.

Inspection by children of the group, toys, games with them.

The story-improvisation of the educator “How Bunny and I were waiting for Masha, Katya ...”, observation through the window.

Game-fun "A minute of a clockwork toy."

Games "We drove, we drove ...", "Okay".

Game-journey through the group "Who, who lives in this house?". Acquaintance with the location of play areas, toys and aids.

Mobile game "See what I can."

A game-journey to the "Dream Room", acquaintance with the hostess-doll Splyushka.

Games for establishing contact with the child


Purpose: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact; attention development. Equipment: Petrushka doll (in a mortar). Game progress: The teacher shows the baby a toy (Petrushka hid).

- Oh! Who is it hiding there? Who's there?

Then Petrushka is shown with the words: -Ku-ku! It's me, Petrushka! Hello!

Petrushka bows, turns in different directions, then hides again. The game can be repeated several times.


Purpose: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.

Game progress: The teacher shows his palms and invites the child to clap them.

Baby knows how to clap

He does not spare his hands.

Like this, like this, like this

He does not spare his hands!

Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Getting to know children.

Inspection by children of the group, toys, games with them.

Game-journey through the group "Who lives in the house?".

Water game "Diving".

Fun game with sounding, musical toys.

A minute of rest "Soft".

The game "On the bumps, on the bumps."

Game-journey to the "Dream Room", audio recording "Lullaby".

A mobile game - riding on wheelchairs, swings.

Games for establishing contact with the child


Purpose: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact. Equipment: Parsley doll (bi-ba-bo). Game progress: Unbeknownst to the child, the teacher puts a toy on his hand, then starts the game. Parsley approaches the baby, bows.

- I am Petrushka funny toy! Hi Hi!

Then Petrushka invites the baby to say hello, takes his hand in hers.

-Let's say hello! Give me a pen!

After that, Petrushka performs various actions: clapping, dancing and singing, inviting the child to repeat these actions.

Let's clap your hands - clap-clap-clap! And now I'll sing a song: la-la-la! La-la-la!

Then Petrushka hides and reappears. The game ends with the toy saying goodbye and leaving.


Tour of the kindergarten.

Teach children to walk only on the playground. Diversify them motor activity. Ritual walks around the site (we consider flowers and trees on the site). Purpose: orientation in space, vocabulary enrichment.

Learn make sand cakes, draw with a stick in the sand.

Mobile games "Bunnies",

Purpose: to evoke positive emotions from interaction with each other, to bring joy from the game.

Excursion to the kindergarten site.

Purpose: to introduce children to sand buildings, to show how you can play with sand and water.

Outdoor games "Airplanes" - to consolidate the ability to run without bumping.

Invite the kids to collect dry twigs from under the trees in the area.

Observations of natural phenomena: - the sun is shining (high - not to reach, shines, it's fun, joyful with him - vocabulary enrichment)

"The sun shines through the window,

looks into our room.

We clap our hands

Very happy with the sun"


Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Getting to know children.

Inspection by children of the group, toys, games with them.

A conversation with a child on a topic of interest to him (about his father's car, older brothers and sisters, about toys, a cartoon).

Fun game with musical toys.

The game "There is a horned goat", "Carcasses-tutushki".

Playing with water "Diving" (preparatory skills for washing hands), fixing the rules of conduct in Moidodyr's room.

Mobile game "Catch the ball".

Games for establishing contact with the child


Purpose: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact. Equipment: soft toy kitty.

Game progress: The teacher shows the child a toy kitten and offers to stroke it.

- See which one is for us. a kitten came - small, fluffy. Let's pet the kitten, like this.

The action is accompanied by a poem:

Kitty, kitty, kitty la! -

Yulia called the kitten.

Don't rush home, wait! -

And stroked her hand.

You can continue the game with the kitten: give it milk to drink, show how the kitten can jump, wag its tail.

Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Getting to know children.

Inspection by children of the group, toys, games with them.

The story-improvisation of the educator “How Mishutka and I were waiting for Masha ...”, observation through the window.

Come on game.

Mobile game "Catch the ball".

Independent ball games.

Affectionate minute "Who is good with us?".

Games with natural material "Sea Treasures".

Visiting Moidodyr - staging of the poem "Washer" by N. Pikuleva.

Games for establishing contact with the child


Purpose: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.

Equipment: a small plastic ball (which can fit in the palm of your hand).

Game progress: The teacher shows the child a ball and offers to play.

- Look what a beautiful ball. Let's play: I'll hide the ball, and you guess which hand it's in.

After that, the teacher removes his hands behind his back and hides the ball in his fist. Then he puts both hands, clenched into fists, forward and invites the child to guess and show which hand the ball is in. Then he turns his hand over and opens his palm.

- In which hand is the ball - guess! You guessed right - here it is, the ball, look! Let's hide the balloon again!

Children like this game, so, most likely, the game action will have to be repeated many times.

3rd week

4th week


Morning: Reception and examination of children.

Getting to know children.

Inspection by children of the group, toys, games with them.

Continue exploring the group room.

Story game"We walked, walked ...

A minute of rest "Soft".

Playing with water "Floats-sinks".

Games for the development of fine motor skills "Beads".

Fun workout.

Independent games.

Games for establishing contact with the child


Purpose: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.

Equipment: a large bright silk scarf (it is desirable that the scarf is not electrified).

Game progress: Before starting the game, prepare a scarf: it is desirable that it be pleasant to the touch, beautiful colors. It is permissible to first use a translucent scarf (in this case, the child can observe from under it what is happening around and will not be afraid of sudden darkness and loss of visibility). In the future, you can use opaque scarves. It is convenient to play this game, sitting on the couch or sitting on the carpet. Invite your child to play with the scarf. Put a scarf on your head with the words:

- Now I will hide. Come on, find me!

The child will be happy to pull the scarf off your head. After that, offer to hide the baby - throw a scarf over his head.

-Where is our Vanya? Vanya, where are you?

After these words, pull off the scarf from the child’s head, hug him, rejoice at the meeting with him. The game can be repeated many times.


Examining the photo album "Kindergarten is good with us!".

A tour of the kitchen.

Salt dough molding.

The game "Wash your hands clean."

Game-fun "Soap Bubbles".

Free activity.

The plot game "Help the toys find their home."

Tender moment - listening to the audio recording "Classic melodies for kids."

Mobile game "Train".


Game-lesson "Doll Katya woke up" - teaching gaming skills.

Outdoor games in a sports corner (swings, rocking chairs, game exercises in a dry pool).

Reading fiction "Kurochka Ryaba".

Games for establishing contact with the child


Purpose: development of emotional communication between a child and an adult, establishing contact.

Game progress: The teacher invites the child to play in the swing.

Do you like swinging? Let's play swing! The teacher sits on a sofa or a comfortable chair, puts the child on his knees, face to face. Then he takes the child's hands in his own and spreads them to the sides, after which he imitates the rhythmic movements of the swing - sways from side to side, dragging the child with him.

-The swing is swinging: swing, swing! Kach-kach!

You can also play standing up. An adult and a child stand opposite each other,

legs wide apart, they take hands and spread them to the sides. With the words “kach-kach”, swing movements are imitated - together an adult and a child swing from side to side, alternately tearing off the right and then the left legs from the floor.


Talk to children about topics that interest them.

Mobile game "Airplanes".

Excursion to the gym.

Free activity.

Game See What I Can Do.

Sweet minute. "Visiting Splyushka" - an audio recording of "Classic Lullabies".

Who's in the fist?

Purpose: development of emotional communication with an adult, establishing contact.

Game progress. The teacher opens his hands and moves his fingers. Then he tightly clenched his fists so that the thumbs were inside. Shows the child several times how to do it, and asks him to repeat. Might have to help him clean up thumb into a fist. Reads a poem and performs movements with the child.

Who got into my fist?

Could it be a cricket? (Close your fingers into a fist.)

Come on, come on, get out!

Is it a finger? Ah ah ah! (Put thumb forward.)

game lesson

    What do fingers feel? Tactile perception (warm-cold).

    What does the tongue feel? Taste sensations (sweet-salty).

    What do ears hear? Auditory perception (loud-quiet).

What do the eyes see? Visual perception (light-dark).


Examining pictures on the topic "Animals" - a conversation about pets.

Game-fun "Where is our ...".

Journey to the gym.

Free activity.

Games "Over the bumps, over the bumps", "There is a horned goat."

A moment of rest "At Splyushka" - the teacher tells a fairy tale-improvisation.

The plot yoke "Let's drive away the whims."

Mobile game "Train".


Teacher's story-staging “What are pencils for?” - free drawing.

Mobile game "Bunnies".

Game-lesson "Katya's doll fell ill" - teaching gaming skills. Looking at pictures about life in kindergarten.

game lesson

    Affectionate sun. Color perception (yellow).

    Cheerful fly agaric. Color perception (red).

    Warm rain. Color perception (blue).

    Naughty frog. Color perception (green).

3rd week

4th week


Reading fiction, looking at illustrations.

The plot game "I'm going to visit with gifts."

Mobile game "Airplanes".

Playing with water "Nimble fingers".

Relaxation "Grandfather Molchok".

The game "Visiting Moidodyr" (fixing the rules of conduct in the sanitary room).

Parsley came

Purpose: development of emotional communication with an adult, establishing contact.

Material. Parsley, rattles.

Game progress. The teacher brings Petrushka, examines it with the children. Parsley rattles a rattle, then distributes rattles to children. Together with Petrushka, they shake their rattles and rejoice.

Games for establishing contact with the child

Blowing soap bubbles

Purpose: development of emotional communication with an adult, establishing contact.

Game progress. Educator soap bubbles. Tries to get bubbles by shaking the straw instead of blowing into it. Counts how many bubbles can be held on the tube at a time. Tries to catch all the bubbles on the fly before they hit the ground. Steps on soap bubble and asks the children in surprise where he has gone. Then teaches each child to blow bubbles. (Tightening the muscles of the mouth is very helpful for developing speech.)


The plot game "On a visit to the dolls."

Mobile game "Airplanes".

A minute of sounding, musical toys.

Free activity.

Music game"We're going to the woods."

The game "Visiting Moidodyr" is the consolidation of the first cultural and hygienic skills.


Excursion around the kindergarten - to continue acquaintance with the kindergarten, its employees.

Watching a cartoon.

Games with building material (floor soft modules) "Let's build an airplane ourselves ...".

Game-lesson "Let's feed the doll Katya lunch."

Independent activity.

Games for establishing contact with the child

Hide the bear

Purpose: development of emotional communication with an adult, establishing contact.

Game progress. The teacher hides a familiar child big toy(for example, a bear) so that it is slightly visible. Saying: “Where is the bear?”, He is looking for him along with the child. When the baby finds the toy, the adult hides it so that it is more difficult to find it. After playing with the bear, the teacher himself hides, loudly saying “ku-ku!” When the child finds him, he runs across and hides in another place. At the end of the game, the adult offers the child to hide.

Let's spin

Purpose: development of emotional communication with an adult, establishing contact.

Material. Two teddy bears.

Game progress. The teacher takes the bear, hugs it tightly to him and spins around with him. He gives another bear to the baby and asks him to also spin around, clutching the toy to himself.

Then the adult reads the rhyme and acts in accordance with its content. The child follows him with the same movements.

I'm spinning, spinning, spinning

And then I'll stop.

I'll spin around quickly,

Quietly, I'll circle around

I'm spinning, spinning, spinning

And I'll fall to the ground!


Continue to teach children to walk only on the playground. Ritual walks around the site (we consider flowers and trees on the site). Purpose: orientation in space, vocabulary enrichment.

Watching passers-by.

Purpose: To consider the clothes of people in the summer.

Outdoor games "Who is the first to the flag", "Who will run faster"

Purpose: to teach to run in a given direction.

Involve in the implementation of the simplest labor assignments: on the site after the game - collect and put toys in a basket.

Drawing with colored crayons on the pavement, drawing with sticks on the ground.

Looking at a leaf or flower.

To give children primary ideas about the plant world: - looking at leaves on a tree and on the ground.

Purpose: To teach children to admire the beauty of nature.

Outdoor game "Hide a toy (bear, bunny, doll)". Purpose: orientation in space, to teach children to move after the teacher, to evoke a feeling of joy because they found a toy. Riding puppets on wheelchairs, bicycles.

Mobile games "Airplanes" - learn to run without bumping

"Roll the ball" - exercise in rolling the ball from the hill for dolls.

The simplest labor assignments - offer to collect toys in a basket


Conversations on topics of interest to children.

The plot game "I'm coming to visit you with gifts."

Drawing with felt-tip pens, markers.

Mobile game "Run to me".

A moment of rest "At Splyushka" - listening to the audio recording "Tales of Boni-weasel".

Independent activity.

Finger game "Guests", "Okay".

Free games in the sports corner (swings, dry pool, wheelchairs).

Fun workout.

Games for establishing contact with the child

Blow on the ball, blow on the spinner.

Purpose: development of emotional communication with an adult, establishing contact.

Material. Balloon, spinner.

Game progress. Suspended at the level of the child's face balloon, and a turntable is placed on the table in front of him. The teacher shows how to blow on a balloon so that it flies high, and invites the child to repeat the action. Then the adult blows on the spinner to make it spin, the child repeats.


Games with natural material "Treasure chest".

The plot game "We walked, walked ...".

Fun game with soap bubbles.

Mobile game "Bunnies".

A minute of rest "In the forest clearing" - listening to the audio recording "Baby in the village."

Independent activity.

The plot game "Let's help the toys find their house."

Finger game "Guests".

Fun workout.


Show-staging of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" (puppet theater bi-ba-bo).

Mobile game "Airplanes". Independent

activity. Finger game "Okay".

Games for establishing contact with the child

Let's collect the toys.

Purpose: development of emotional communication with an adult, establishing contact.

Game progress. Invite your child to help you pick up the scattered toys they played with. Sit next to the baby, give the toy in your hands and put it in the box with him. Then give another toy and ask them to put it in the box themselves. As you stack the toys, sing something like, “We collect toys, we collect toys! Tra-la-la, tra-la-la, we remove them in their place.

Children of two or three years of age do not yet feel the need to communicate with their peers. They can watch each other with interest, jump, holding hands, and at the same time remain completely indifferent to the condition and mood of the other child. An adult must teach them to communicate, and the foundations of such communication are laid during the adaptation period.

3rd week

4th week


Observation from the window of the group for the arrival of children in kindergarten.

The plot game "Look into my window."

Game-fun "Who is it clapping hands?".

Show-staging of the nursery rhyme "Cucumber, Cucumber".

Mobile game "Airplanes".

Affectionate minute "At Splyushka" - listening to the audio recording "Tales of Boni-weasel".

Independent activity.

The plot game "Let's drive away the caprice."

The game "Wash your hands clean."

Games for establishing contact with the child

The ball is in a circle.

Purpose: development of emotional communication with an adult, establishing contact.

Game progress. Children sit on the floor in a circle and roll the ball to each other. The teacher shows how to push the ball with both hands so that it rolls in the right direction.

Purpose: development of emotional communication with an adult, establishing contact.

Material. Bright ball.

Game progress. The child is sitting. The teacher, standing at some distance, throws the ball to him and says: "Let's throw it further, throw it higher." The kid catches the ball.


Fun game "Balloons".

The plot game "Look into my window."

Finger game "Magpie-Crow".

Show-staging of the nursery rhyme "Kisonka Murysonka".

Free activity.

The plot game "Let's help the toys find their home."

Mobile game "Bunnies".

A minute of rest "In the forest clearing."

Water game "Bulbochki".


Attending evening entertainment in the senior group.

Games with dolls "Let's feed the doll", "Let's ride Katya in a stroller."

Mobile game "Catch the ball". Sensory play"Beads"

Games for establishing contact with the child

We stomp our feet.

Purpose: development of emotional communication with an adult, establishing contact.

Game progress. The players stand in a circle at such a distance from each other that they do not touch their neighbors when moving. The teacher, together with the children, pronounces the text slowly, with an arrangement, giving them the opportunity to do what the poem says:

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We lower our hands

We give hands.

(Children hold hands, forming a circle.)

We run around.

After a while, the teacher says: "Stop." Everyone stops.

And other games: "Let's get to know each other", "I'm coming to visit you with gifts", "Come to visit me, I'll treat you", "Walk and go, found something", "Bubble", "Sun and rain."

finger games: “Fingers say hello”, “This finger is grandfather”, “Forty, forty, cooked porridge”, “One, two, three, four, five! Fingers came out for a walk”, “Where are our hands?” and etc.