Child development 7 months lessons. The seventh month of life - educational games for the baby. Development of motor activity

The first half of your baby's life is behind us. I hope that with the help of our selections of developmental activities you regularly and variedly engage with your treasure and are happy to celebrate his first successes.

Today's selection of games is dedicated to...

Every month the games become more and more interesting, but I once again urge you not to forget about the activities that you started doing in previous months.

You have probably noticed that the child is in many ways a real conservative. He may refuse to eat from a new plate, get upset because you suddenly decided to put him to bed with a new lullaby or hung a toy on the stroller on the wrong side from which he is used to seeing it. Therefore, regular repetition of familiar games and activities and songs and nursery rhymes that the child loves is the key to his Have a good mood and a favorable attitude towards the new activities that you offer him this month.

Such different kids

To begin with, I would like to say a few words about the difference in the pace of development of seven-month-old babies. Some children at 7 months are already sitting confidently and even try to stand up, holding onto a support. Others don’t even attempt to sit. Don’t worry, because in many ways this is determined not by the speed of development or even the level of physical “training” of the baby, but rather by his temperament. Mobile, active, inquisitive babies begin to roll over from back to stomach and back, crawl, sit down, stand up and walk earlier than their calmer and more self-sufficient peers.

So if your seven-month-old baby is still not sitting, despite your regular gymnastics and massage, just be patient and continue the classes. I am sure that by 8 months the child will definitely sit up on his own. If you are very worried, consult a neurologist about this issue.

You especially shouldn’t rush the process of your baby getting up on his own. It is much more useful for those who are still too weak to maintain upright posture of the spine and back muscles to stimulate crawling - as much as possible and for as long as possible. Even for a one-year-old who has already taken his first steps, crawling on all fours is an extremely useful exercise aimed at strengthening almost all muscle groups.

After this small digression, let's get back to the topic, how to develop a baby at 7 months. I would like to remind you that when your baby began to crawl, he began to try to overcome obstacles in his path in the form of your legs and small sofa cushions. This month this exercise can be complicated and varied.


Get down on the floor with your seven-month-old baby and have a crawling race. Crawl towards a toy across the room, crawl towards each other, encourage your baby to crawl after you, or crawl behind him to gently tickle his heels. There are a lot of options, but the goal, in general, is one - to have a lot of fun and make crawling, which is useful in all respects, also interesting for the child.

Crawling up the hill

The Obstacle Course exercise, which you started last month, can be supplemented in the seventh month by crawling up an inclined surface. A wide shelf covered with a blanket or an ironing board is ideal for this purpose. Place it on a small elevation (for example, a sofa cushion) so that the angle of inclination is about 30 degrees.

At the top of your makeshift mountain, place a cube or other toy that can interest the child. Be there to protect your little climber. Crawling down an incline is still challenging for a seven-month-old baby, so be prepared to catch him at the top so he can continue down the obstacle course.

You can find other active games for your baby in the article ““.

Let's crawl and... massage our hands

Now that your baby spends more and more time moving around the floor, a massage track will become a useful item in your home. You can buy it in specialized orthopedic stores or sew it yourself. You can read more about how to sew a massage track. In short, this is a textile track on which materials of various textures are sewn - bags of cereals, wooden sticks and rings, elastic, soft and rough sponges, buttons different sizes, plastic grilles, cords, etc.

When the baby learns to walk, this path will be useful for the prevention of flat feet, but in the meantime he will crawl along it, grab and touch various elements of the path and develop tactile perception and fine motor skills.

Where is the fruit?

Has your baby already tried his first complementary foods? It's time to play this fun game. It will be most convenient to do this right after eating, while the baby is sitting in his highchair. Take a piece of banana, peach or other soft fruit that is safe for the baby (you can also use a piece of boiled zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli) and cover it with a plastic cup in front of the child. Then put 2 more plastic cups upside down on the table and move them.

Invite your child to find a fruit or vegetable. Express surprise when there is no prey under the glass and rejoice with the baby when his search is finally crowned with success. You can play by the same principle by hiding it under a glass. small toy. This game stimulates attention and logic.

Find the music!

Hide a musical toy or a phone with a pleasant melody on in the baby's field of view in the room. Make sure your child can hear music. Ask him: “Where is the music?” Together, crawl around the room looking for the source of the sound. The game stimulates crawling, promotes the development of auditory concentration, visual-auditory coordination and crumbs.

Have you recently become a mother of a baby?

Shall we drum?

At the age of 7 months, children love to knock different objects against each other. Is it time to cook lunch? Great. Spread a blanket on the floor and sit your child down. Give him 5-6 different bowls or pans and a large wooden spoon to act as a drumstick. Let the baby rattle to his heart's content.

The game promotes the development of a sense of rhythm, differentiation of auditory perception, logic (I knock - I hear a sound), the formation of ideas about properties various materials(the child hears different sounds of metal, wooden, plastic “drums”).


I don’t know if you use a glove puppet (“bibabo”) in your games? If not, it’s time to get one - buy, knit or sew. There are a great many options for using bibabo dolls in activities with a child. A doll can help feed a baby, calm him down, give him a light massage and stroking before bed, tell a fairy tale, play and even become a hero in a puppet theater.

Cube with a secret

Here is another useful and easy-to-make toy that helps develop coordination of hand movements. You will need a cube or a small box with an edge length of approximately 8-10 cm. Glue or draw a bright picture, such as a duck, on one of the faces.

Give your child the opportunity to look at the picture, and then turn the cube to the other side (without the picture). You will be surprised: “Where is the duck?” Show your child how to look for a picture by turning the cube in his hands. If this action is still too difficult for the baby, invite him to look for the picture by placing the cube in front of him and turning it from side to side. Experiment by gluing the picture onto a cylindrical box (for example, a yogurt bottle).


If you have a light box or other container with a hinged lid at home, you can play like this. Place some interesting object in advance (spoon, keys, small toy) into the box and rattle it in front of the baby. Ask him: “What is that rattling inside?” Give your little one some time to find a way to open the box himself.

You can also put various items in and out of the box. For a seven month old baby this still remains the most interesting activity. And if you take care to give him objects to fold that are different to the touch and difficult to grasp, then this activity will also become educational.

Here are some ideas:

  • thread pompoms;
  • cotton balls;
  • plastic caps from bottles;
  • champagne corks;
  • coins (washed with soap and boiled);
  • raisin;
  • seeds;
  • canned corn or peas;
  • screws and nuts;
  • beads;
  • chopped;
  • curly pasta (raw or cooked).

Don't forget about safety precautions and stay close to your baby while playing with small objects!

We have collected a lot for you in a separate article.

Speech development

To conclude our conversation about how to develop a baby at 7 months, I want to say that despite the fact that the baby will not soon say his first meaningful word, his vocal apparatus and brain are already in the process of active preparation for mastering speech. Therefore, it is very important to talk a lot with the child, give him the opportunity to see (and even feel) your mouth in the process of pronouncing words, speak to the child clearly, in short phrases, name everything that comes into his field of vision and attracts his attention.

Already at this age, you can begin to use various onomatopoeias in speech, which will later become your baby’s first words. For example, when you play with a toy duck, dog, pussy, or look at their pictures in books, do not forget to repeat many times, as these animals say: “The duck quacks: “Quack-quack.” The dog barks: “Woof-woof,” etc.”

Use onomatopoeia not only for animals, but also for other objects around the child. For example, the telephone is ringing “ding-ding”, the clock is ticking “tick-tock”, the pipe is playing “doo-doo”, the bear is going “top-to-top”, the cube has fallen “thump”, etc. The more and more often your child hears such onomatopoeia, the sooner he will delight you with his first words.

And now I invite you to watch this two-minute video about the development of a child at 7 months.

This is the answer to the question: how to develop a baby at 7 months. I’m sure you can’t wait to play new games with your baby, because next time you’ll have another portion of educational activities - this time for... See you!

Read other articles about child development by month:

Every month the games become more and more interesting, but I once again urge you not to forget about the activities that you started doing in previous months. You have probably noticed that the child is in many ways a real conservative. He may refuse to eat from a new plate, get upset because you suddenly decided to put him to bed with a new lullaby or hung a toy on the stroller on the wrong side from which he is used to seeing it. Therefore, regular repetition of familiar games and activities and the songs and nursery rhymes your baby loves is the key to his good mood and favorable attitude towards the new activities that you offer him this month.

To begin with, I would like to say a few words about the difference in the pace of development of seven-month-old babies. Some children at 7 months are already sitting confidently and even try to stand up, holding onto a support. Others don’t even attempt to sit. Don’t worry, because in many ways this is determined not by the speed of development or even the level of physical “training” of the baby, but rather by his temperament. Mobile, active, inquisitive babies begin to roll over from back to stomach and back, crawl, sit down, stand up and walk earlier than their calmer and more self-sufficient peers. So if your seven-month-old baby is still not sitting, despite your regular gymnastics and massage, just be patient and continue the classes. I am sure that by 8 months the child will definitely sit up on his own. If you are very worried, consult a neurologist about this issue.

You especially shouldn’t rush the process of your baby getting up on his own. It is much more useful for those who are still too weak to maintain upright posture of the spine and back muscles to stimulate crawling - as much as possible and for as long as possible. Even for a one-year-old who has already taken his first steps, crawling on all fours is an extremely useful exercise aimed at strengthening almost all muscle groups.

After this short digression, let's return to the topic of how to develop a child at 7 months. I would like to remind you that last month your crawling baby began to try to overcome obstacles in his path in the form of your legs and small sofa cushions. This month this exercise can be complicated and varied.

Get down on the floor with your seven-month-old baby and have a crawling race. Crawl towards a toy across the room, crawl towards each other, encourage your baby to crawl after you, or crawl behind him to gently tickle his heels. There are a lot of options, but the goal, in general, is one - to have a lot of fun and make crawling, which is useful in all respects, also interesting for the child.

Crawling up the hill
The Obstacle Course exercise, which you started last month, can be supplemented in the seventh month by crawling up an inclined surface. A wide shelf covered with a blanket or an ironing board is ideal for this purpose. Place it on a small elevation (for example, a sofa cushion) so that the angle of inclination is about 30 degrees. At the top of your makeshift mountain, place a cube or other toy that can interest the child. Be there to protect your little climber. Crawling down an incline is still challenging for a seven-month-old baby, so be prepared to catch him at the top so he can continue down the obstacle course.

Let's crawl and... massage our hands
Now that your baby spends more and more time moving around the floor, a massage track will become a useful item in your home. You can buy it in specialized orthopedic stores or sew it yourself. In short, this is a textile track on which materials of various textures are sewn - bags of cereals, wooden sticks and rings, elastic, soft and rough sponges, buttons of different sizes, plastic grilles, cords, etc. When the baby learns to walk, this path will be useful for the prevention of flat feet, but in the meantime he will crawl along it, grab and touch various elements of the path and develop tactile perception and fine motor skills.

Where is the fruit?
Has your baby already tried his first complementary foods? It's time to play this fun game. It will be most convenient to do this right after eating, while the baby is sitting in her high chair. Take a piece of banana, peach or other soft fruit that is safe for the baby (you can also use a piece of boiled zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli) and cover it with a plastic cup in front of the child. Then place 2 more plastic cups upside down on the table and move them around. Invite your child to find a fruit or vegetable. Express surprise when there is no prey under the glass and rejoice with the baby when his search is finally crowned with success. You can play by the same principle by hiding a small toy under a glass.

Find the music!
Hide a musical toy or a phone with a pleasant melody on in the baby's field of view in the room. Make sure your child can hear music. Ask him: “Where is the music?” Together, crawl around the room looking for the source of the sound. The game stimulates crawling, promotes the development of auditory concentration and visual-auditory coordination.

Shall we drum?
At the age of 7 months, children love to knock different objects against each other. Is it time to cook lunch? Great. Spread a blanket on the floor and sit your child down. Give him 5-6 different bowls or pans and a large wooden spoon to act as a drumstick. Let the baby rattle to his heart's content. The game promotes the development of a sense of rhythm, differentiation of auditory perception, logic (I knock - I hear a sound), the formation of ideas about the properties of various materials (the child hears the different sounds of metal, wood, plastic “drums”).

I don’t know if you use a glove puppet (“bibabo”) in your games? If not, it’s time to get one - buy, knit or sew. There are a great many options for using bibabo dolls in activities with a child. A doll can help feed a baby, calm him down, give him a light massage and stroking before bed, tell a fairy tale, play and even become a hero in a puppet theater.

Cube with a secret
Here is another useful and easy-to-make toy that helps develop coordination of hand movements. You will need a cube or a small box with an edge length of approximately 8-10 cm. Glue or draw a bright picture, such as a duck, on one of the faces. Give your child the opportunity to look at the picture, and then turn the cube to the other side (without the picture). You will be surprised: “Where is the duck?” Show your child how to look for a picture by turning the cube in his hands. If this action is still too difficult for the baby, invite him to look for the picture by placing the cube in front of him and turning it from side to side. Experiment by gluing the picture onto a cylindrical box (for example, a yogurt bottle).

If you have a light box or other container with a hinged lid at home, you can play like this. Place some interesting object (spoon, keys, small toy) in the box in advance and rattle it in front of the baby. Ask him: “What is that rattling inside?” Give your little one some time to find a way to open the box himself.

You can also put various items in and out of the box. For a seven-month-old baby, this is still a very interesting activity. And if you take care to give him objects to fold that are different to the touch and difficult to grasp, then this activity will also become educational. Here are some ideas:

Thread pompoms;

Cotton balls;

Plastic bottle caps;

Champagne corks;

Coins (washed with soap and boiled);


Canned corn or peas;

Screws and nuts;


Sliced ​​cocktail tubes;

Figured pasta (raw or cooked).

At the end of our conversation about how to develop a child at 7 months, I want to say that despite the fact that the baby will not soon say his meaningful first word, his vocal apparatus and brain are already in the process of active preparation for mastering speech . Therefore, it is very important to talk a lot with the child, give him the opportunity to see (and even feel) your mouth in the process of pronouncing words, speak to the child in clear, short phrases, name everything that falls into his field of vision and attracts his attention. Already at this age, you can begin to use various onomatopoeias in speech, which will later become your baby’s first words. For example, when you play with a toy duck, dog, pussy, or look at their pictures in books, do not forget to repeat many times, as these animals say: “The duck quacks: “Quack-quack.” The dog barks: “Woof-woof,” etc.” Use onomatopoeia not only for animals, but also for other objects around the child. For example, the telephone is ringing “ding-ding”, the clock is ticking “tick-tock”, the pipe is playing “doo-doo”, the bear is going “top-to-top”, the cube has fallen “thump”, etc. The more and more often your child hears such onomatopoeia, the sooner he will delight you with his first words.

Thanks to physical activity, the world for a child has become much wider and more diverse, however, his development does not stop there and very soon, even parents will not catch up with their curious child.

Developing color perception

If the baby does not crawl, diversify his life in the crib with toys, this could be a carousel over the crib or rattles on a string. In addition, you can make such a toy with your own hands - take thick cardboard and draw or stick bright pictures on it, such a toy will distract the baby for at least 5-10 minutes and will contribute to the perception of shades.

Establishing social contact

Hide your face behind the diaper; if the baby takes it off, cover yourself with the diaper again. Do this until the child turns to you using his voice. The baby will quickly understand the essence of the game and will deliberately shout to his mother to show her to him. The purpose of this game is to help the child make conscious contact through communication, even in his own language.

A similar game can be played with a toy that the baby plays with. Take the item from the child and wait for the moment when he asks her to return it. Return the item with words of praise.

Getting to know prohibited things

Place toys in front of the baby, including scissors, a needle, a button and a package of medicine. When the child reaches for a prohibited item, say in your voice and with a head movement, “No, you can’t.” When the child reaches for the toy, say “yes, you can” by nodding your head. A nod of the head should be accompanied by a smile, and a negative answer should be accompanied by a stern look. Thus, the child will learn to distinguish and understand the parent’s “do’s and don’ts” even before meeting dangerous objects.

Increasing vocabulary

Pay attention to your child’s favorite toy and start the exercise with it. Show your child the toy and say its name, for example, “this is a bear.” Repeat the name of the toy several times, then place it in front of the child among other toys and say: “Where is the bear?” The baby will pull his hand towards the bear or show you with his eyes where the toy is. So, the game can be played every day with different objects in different rooms of the house. Gradually, the child will pronounce the words learned in this way consciously and more often.

Meeting other people

From this age, the child can be left for 5-10 minutes with close relatives whom he has seen before. At the same time, he must understand that the parents are in another room. To prevent him from getting scared, let him know your presence with your voice. Contact with other people provides valuable communication experience and an understanding that people communicate differently.

How to develop a child at 7 - 8 months - motor skills

The child learns to judge the size and shape of an object and then adjust its hand grip to grasp the object. This skill develops from birth, but now it becomes most noticeable. From this age, he learns to catch large objects from a short distance, and then smaller objects. In addition, children really like to play “Cinderella” - sorting peas and beans together with their mother.

Spatial thinking

Offer several types of logic sorter toys, children's "fishing" toys, and wooden insert puzzles. Finger painting with paints or in the sand is good for eye-hand development.

Encourage self-care

The development of a child at 7-8 months should include self-care skills; encourage the baby’s desire to do something on his own. For example, at this age he can hold a bottle himself and drink from it, hold a spoon, and put toys in place.

Developing imagination

To do this, we will go to the bathroom, where we will not just bathe, but build entire castles from delicate foam and draw designs with our fingers. Don't forget to prepare bath toys - a duck, a boat, a small bucket.

Physical activity

These games are suitable for babies who crawl. If your child has not yet mastered this skill, don’t worry, some kids skip it and immediately get on their feet.

1. Play tag with your child; it greatly improves mood, develops body muscles and has a positive effect on social development.

2. Use a small board that will be raised at an angle of about 15-20 degrees, and place pillows before the “break” of the board so that the child does not hurt himself. Climbing a board can be compared to conquering a mountain peak, if your child succeeds.

3. Organize an “obstacle race” on the way to the desired toy. Place chairs and pillows in the path of the object to encourage your baby's body and spine to move in different directions, creating healthy spinal curves and the ability to manipulate their own body.

How to strengthen a child’s muscles if he does not crawl:

1. Give your child as much free space as possible.

2. Get a massage or ask your doctor to prescribe a course of strengthening massage.

3. Visit a pool intended for children under one year old.

In this article:

Play is an integral and most important part of a child’s life. In infants, the sensory organs - hearing, vision, smell, touch, as well as motor skills are at a developing stage. It is during play that the baby will improve motor skills, learn the world, develop speech, attention, intelligence. Games with a 6 month old baby should encourage him to perform the action. For 8-month-old babies, preparation for walking is important. By 10 months, you can already begin to master role-playing games.

The task of parents is not only to provide comfort to their baby, but also to contribute in every possible way to his psycho-emotional and physical development. Educational games and exercises will help them with this.

Features of development of children 6–12 months

In children, neuropsychic and motor development are in direct relationship. The lag in motor skills causes a lag and mental development, as it limits the baby’s ability to perceive the world around him and makes it difficult to actively manipulate objects. Therefore, games in the second half of a baby’s life should contribute to both physical and mental development.

By the end of the second half of the year, the baby will learn to walk independently, navigate well in familiar surroundings, and communicate with adults. He will have elements of active speech, he will hum songs and dance squat.

Organization of games for children in the 2nd half of the year:

  • The timing of the games is selected taking into account the baby’s mode (the period of wakefulness, after eating).
  • The child's obligatory interest, if he does not want to perform some actions, turns away, is capricious - do not insist, put it off until a more appropriate time.
  • Follow the principle - from simple to complex. Teach your baby to manipulate simple things: a spoon, a cup, a cube, a ball.
  • Positive emotional attitude - the baby is able to distinguish your facial expressions and respond adequately to it.

Development and games of children 6–7 months

Games and activities for a 10–12 month old baby

At the tenth month, the baby is making obvious progress - he walks with the support of his hand, imitates some of the movements of adults, and partially understands speech addressed to him. Educational games for children 10 months old are selected taking into account the skills already achieved.

You can play with your child large puzzles consisting of 3-4 parts with animal fragments. The baby will develop well while playing with children close in age.

How to play with a 10 month old baby? Exists a large number of educational games for children, including a 10-month-old child.

Educational toys for children 10-12 months:

  • Carts, gurneys in the form of animals and birds - coordination of movement is practiced.
  • Musical instruments such as a toy piano or xylophone strengthen hand-eye coordination.
  • Toys that imitate technical devices - telephone, tablet, imitation of adult conversation with sounds and gestures (elements of play activity).
  • Yula is like a carousel with animals.

Games with a 10-month-old child are already meaningful. Just recently, the baby, regardless of the purpose of the toy, acted in the same way - knocked, waved, threw, but now he rolls a car, cradles a doll, and “talks” on the phone.

How much to play with a child

It is possible to play with a 6-7 month old baby for 10-15 minutes. According to their own physiological characteristics Playing with a 7-month-old child cannot last for a long time due to insufficient development of the baby’s nervous system. Effective method keeping the baby's interest in activities is alternation quiet games with noisy, mobile ones.

Games with a 9-month-old child can be played for up to half an hour; at this age, the baby is able to independently play a game that interests him. Games with a child 10 months and older are reminiscent of role-playing games.

Attentive parents will notice signs of baby fatigue and stop the game in time. Overexcitation is dangerous for a child's nervous system. Instead of joy and fun, you can get crying and hysterics.

Child upbringing and development – creative process. Fantasize, invent, invent, create. Even if you fill the entire nursery with beautiful and expensive toys, but you won’t play with the baby yourself, they won’t bring him any benefit.

With love and diligence, making many toys with your own hands, studying and playing with your baby every free minute, you will give him the main thing - happiness and the joy of communicating with you. And even though he is such a baby now, the memory of your maternal warmth will warm him all his life.

Useful video about games with a 6 month old baby

A seven-month-old baby is exploring his surroundings at a stunning pace. Every day the child learns something new, reaches out to all objects that are within his reach, pleases his parents with a sincere smile and masters new skills: the ability to crawl, sit, etc. During this period of time, educational games that promote speedy adaptation baby in the modern world.

The purpose and purpose of educational games with a 7 month old baby

Games designed for activities with a baby aged 7 months are aimed at developing the following skills and abilities:

  • development of the baby’s sensory skills (vision, hearing, tactile sensations);
  • harmonious physical development child, strengthening his muscles;
  • improving coordination of movements;
  • obtaining new information, replenishing passive vocabulary;
  • strengthening emotional contact with adults.

Classification of educational games for children aged 7 months

In relation to the purpose they serve, educational games for seven-month-old children can be divided into the following categories:

  • games that help improve coordination of movements;
  • activities designed to develop the baby’s muscle strength;
  • games that promote the development of a child’s musical ear;
  • finger games designed to improve the movements of the hands and fingers, as well as for intellectual and emotional development baby;
  • activities that help strengthen mental contact between the baby and adults.

Despite the fact that mothers, fathers and other relatives can improvise and come up with some games on their own, taking into account the interests of their baby, it is also advisable to take advantage of the experience of parents of previous generations and offer the baby the following games and activities:

To conduct activities with your baby, you can use a “magic” mat created by your mother or grandmother yourself. To do this, you should take an unnecessary diaper, an old tablecloth or cape and sew or glue various objects to it: ribbons, appliqués, some toys. Of course, the fabric for the rug should be washed before use.

You should also pay special attention to ensuring that all objects attached to the homemade rug are safe for the baby. Under no circumstances should you use sharp, too small, prickly or easily broken accessories to decorate fabric.

After the rug is ready, you can spread it on the floor on top of a regular rug and sit your baby on it. Next, you should allow the baby to independently examine the “decoration” of the rug for two to three minutes, and then begin to introduce him to various objects one by one. For example: “What is this? This is a flower! (At the same time, we point to a picture of a flower pasted on the surface of the rug).

Items used to decorate the rug can be changed periodically. It is very convenient to update the “assortment” of the carpet during the next wash.

This activity helps train the child’s memory and attention, helps him remember the names of new objects, evaluate their physical parameters (size, surface properties, color, etc.).

Duration: 10-15 minutes. You can exercise at any time of the day during the period of active wakefulness of the baby.

The baby is accustomed to the fact that all the objects that he managed to hold in his hands and play with are quite heavy and difficult to move in space. It’s time to introduce the child to a toy with completely new properties – a balloon.

inflate balloon, then show it to your baby. Let the child take the ball by the string and try to play with it. The slightest movement will cause the ball to move in different directions, which will be an amazing discovery for the child.

You can also tie a ball to the baby's leg, but not for long. Let the child play with the ball, but only under the supervision of an adult. If the baby squeezes the ball too much, it may burst, so it is better to play with this object while holding it by a string.

The said game develops spatial perception helps the child become familiar with the properties of various objects.

Duration of execution – 4-7 minutes. The optimal time to practice would be the second half of the day or early evening.

After the baby has played enough with various toys on the rug, and there are many scattered objects around him, you can play the “Order” game.

For this purpose, we first show the baby the toy that is closest to him than all the others, and ask him to take it in his hands. Then we show where this item should be put: it could be a shelf for toys, cardboard box or a place on a special table. We bring the baby closer to the “storage” and ask him to put the toy back in its place.

This game is aimed at teaching the child order. It should be done every evening after the child has had enough of playing.

Despite the fact that the baby cannot speak yet, he listens carefully to the speech of adults and is quite capable of learning. With a child aged 7 months or older, you can begin to gradually learn letters.

Take a piece of white paper the size of a landscape paper and draw the letter “A” on it. Color the letter with bright paint, e.g. Pink colour. In the future, all vowels should be painted in the specified color, and consonants should be painted in a different color (for example, blue).

After this, hang a piece of paper with a letter on the wall or other vertical surface near the baby, point to it and say: “This is the letter A.” Repeat the sound “a” several times, motivate your baby to say it too.

Within a week, it is enough to study no more than two letters. To get acquainted with each new letter two to three days should be allowed. In addition, at the beginning of each week, you should repeat previously covered material, showing your child pieces of paper with previously drawn letters.

The game presented is the first initial stage in a child’s learning the alphabet. This is a great activity for developing a child’s attention and memory.

The duration of each lesson is 5-7 minutes. It is better to exercise every evening at the same time.

Object manipulation

Take the time to find a small box for your child to store toys and other frequently used items. Place different toys there, and the child will be happy to study each item from the box separately. And over time, he himself will put all his toys in this box. Below are all the things that can be placed in such a box:

Mobiles. These toys develop a child's logic very well. Show your baby that if you push one toy, others will follow. It will be very interesting and educational for the child;

Useful tips that you should consider when conducting classes

When playing educational games with a seven-month-old baby, you need to consider some recommendations:

  • when conducting classes on the floor, special attention should be paid to ensuring that the floor covering is warm and clean;
  • After completing any game involving the use of toys, you must ask the baby to put all the items back in their place. So the child from the very early age will become accustomed to order;
  • Starting from the age of seven months, your baby can be given interesting books with pictures. Let the child hold the book in his hands and look at the colorful drawings;
  • All dangerous household items should be kept out of the baby's reach.

You can use any convenient moment to conduct educational games: walking outside, swimming in the bathroom, chatting with friends. It should be borne in mind that it is better to refrain from playing while feeding the baby. The child must firmly understand: eating is a serious activity, so you should not joke or play during lunch.