Baby's weight at 2.5 months. Dynamics in the emotional development of an infant

The baby is actively growing and exploring everything around him, and all the baby’s organs are improving and developing. The baby already recognizes his mother, gives her his conscious smile and greets her with movements of his whole body. Let's find out what else a two-month-old toddler can do and how parents can help the development of a baby of this age.

Physiological changes

  • By the age of two months, the baby's salivary glands begin to function fully. And although their functioning is not so active as to cause the formation of a large amount of saliva, breastfeeding becomes more comfortable for the baby. In addition, due to tighter contact between the baby’s mouth and mother’s breast, the baby swallows less air, which reduces the occurrence of colic.
  • The baby's digestive system is actively developing. In a two-month-old baby, digestive juices and enzymes are more actively produced, beneficial microflora develops in the intestines, and stool changes.
  • Physiological hypertonicity begins to fade. First, it decreases in the upper extremities, and a little later in the legs. The crawling reflex also disappears - if you place your palm under the feet of a baby lying on his stomach, the child will no longer push off.
  • By two months, the communications that were in the child’s heart during intrauterine development begin to close. Changes also occur in the child’s blood formula.
  • Baby's vision improves– the baby already sees everything better at a distance of 50 centimeters, but the baby’s eyes are not yet able to fix objects that move quickly.
  • A child has at least 6 urinations per day, and the type of feeding a child has affects his bowel movements. A baby receiving mother's milk can defecate from 1 time every few days to 12 times a day, and the frequency of feces in artificial babies is on average 1-4 times a day.

Physical development

The height and weight of a two-month-old baby can vary greatly. A child can grow 3-5 centimeters in the second month of life or gain only 1 centimeter in height, and this will be normal.

On average, in the second month, children gain about 800 grams of weight, but some toddlers may gain less, while others may gain more. Average volume increase chest is 2 centimeters, and the head circumference is 1.5 centimeters.

If you are in doubt and worried, find out the limit values ​​of the main physical parameters of a child’s development, which we have noted in the table:

Insufficient weight gain (if a 2-month-old boy weighs less than 4.3 kg, and a girl weighs less than 3.9 g) should be a reason to consult a pediatrician. An excessive increase in head circumference should also cause concern - this is a good reason to show the baby to a neurologist to rule out problems with the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid.

You can use a calculator to calculate norms for your child. The calculator is based on height and weight standards from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Height and weight calculator

What can the baby do?

  • The two-month-old baby responds with a conscious smile to his mother’s affectionate speech and games. The range of emotions of a baby becomes very extensive - the baby can be happy, offended, indignant, silently laugh, flirt, attract attention, protest against the actions of an adult.
  • Thanks to improved function of the eye muscles and increased ability to concentrate, the look of a baby of this age has become studying and attentive. The baby recognizes the mother's face and examines it carefully. The baby is also attracted to various bright objects. He fixes his gaze on them both when they are motionless and when they move slowly in space.
  • The baby is already better at recognizing different sounds, at the same time distinguishing the mother’s voice and turning his head towards it.
  • In the tummy position, the baby raises his head more confidently and is able to hold it for about a minute. At the same time, the baby’s shoulder girdle comes off the surface. The baby can hold his head up for just as long when his mother holds him vertically in her arms.
  • The 2-month-old baby's noises have become louder and more frequent. The baby's sounds become clearer. They are predominantly vowels - “e”, “i”, “u”, “o”, “a”.
  • If you place your fingers or toys in the palms of a 2-month-old toddler, the baby will reflexively grab onto them.
  • Lying on its side, the baby has already learned to turn to a position on its back.
  • The child began to understand some connections between cause and effect. For example, the baby has already realized that his crying causes his mother to appear nearby. At this age, the baby still uses crying to inform his parents about any discomfort.

Development activities

For stimulation physical development baby parents should use:

  • Massage and light exercises.
  • Air baths. The baby should be placed on the changing table and completely undressed, leaving him lying naked. Start with 1 minute of such a bath, and then gradually increase the duration to 10 minutes.
  • Walks in the fresh air for 2-4 hours daily (duration depends on weather conditions).
  • Frequently placing it on the tummy so that the baby can practice holding his head up.

Carry the baby in your arms, holding him up, showing him the surrounding objects and introducing the baby to other people. Give your baby the opportunity to explore the faces and voices of adults and other children. Provide the opportunity for the baby to explore his own body, as well as his parents’ face by touch.

In order for a child to learn to hold objects and improve tactile sensitivity and motor skills, small balls from different materials(wood, rubber, plastic and others) with different weights. Such balls can be soft and hard, smooth or embossed. You need to place objects in the child’s open palms and get the baby to reflexively grab them. Balls can be tied to ribbons and lowered towards the child, and when the baby grabs objects, pull them towards him, thereby encouraging him to grasp the balls more tightly. The balls can be replaced with sticks (smooth or ribbed) and inserts of different fabrics.

Try to do the exercise “Here is a gift for the baby,” which Tatyana Lazareva shows in the next video.

To develop the baby's hearing, it is worth using quiet classical music, rattles and bells. Lay the baby on his back, take a bell in your hand and, holding it 60-70 centimeters from the baby's chest, make a few rings. After waiting for the sound to die down, make two or three more calls. You can also tie a fishing line to the bell and move it, stimulating the baby to look for the source of the sound with its eyes. Such ear training can be carried out several times a day, but after 3-4 days of training it is worth taking a break for a week.

To stimulate the organ of vision, put on bright clothes for the baby and surround the baby with objects different color. Hang bright toys over the baby's crib about 50 centimeters from the child. The baby will not only look at them, but will also begin to try to grab them.

Conduct unique dialogues with the baby, copying the babble of a toddler. The baby will hear himself from the outside and repeat after you, while training articulation and speech. Children also really like it when mom imitates animal sounds (meows, moos).

After introducing your baby to a regular massage, try using objects for this procedure that can be rolled over the baby’s body, for example, smooth sticks, small balls, pencils. If you take a large object for such a massage, roll it only on the baby’s back, and small objects can be used to stroke the toddler’s entire body.

For “self-massage”, you can scatter cereals (millet, rice, buckwheat, beans) on the changing table and lay the baby on it with its back down. If the baby’s hands are not yet very dexterous and cannot grasp the grains, you can place the baby on the cereal and on the tummy. Moving on such a massaging material, the child will develop tactile sensitivity.

Daily regime

Many babies develop their own daily routine by the age of two months. It is important for parents to take into account the baby’s biorhythms and adjust the main routine moments to suit them (walking, developmental activities, bathing).

A two-month-old baby spends most of the day sleeping. The baby sleeps at night for about 11 hours, and in the daytime 4 times for 1.5-2 hours. It will also be normal if several daytime naps last up to 3 hours, and the rest are very short (half an hour each). Periods of wakefulness at this age are still short. On average there are 4 of them, lasting from 1 to 1.5 hours.

The number of feedings in 2 months is 6-7, and the interval between them is approximately 3 hours. There is no night break in feeding at this age, and during night feeding the baby no longer fully wakes up.


A two-month-old toddler should not be left alone - let the baby always be under the supervision of an adult. When caring for the baby, you need to wash the child every day, wiping his eyes, nose, ears and face. Wash the baby under running water after each fecal discharge and after several urinations.

Daily bathing of a 2-month-old child should last 5 minutes in water at a temperature of 36-37 degrees.

A 2-month-old baby's head is washed two to three times a week.


Breast milk is considered the best food for a 2 month old baby. It provides the baby with the necessary nutrients and changes simultaneously with the growth of the baby. The best option Breastfeeding is called feeding on demand, when the baby is fed as many times as he needs.

The baby can be attached up to four times an hour to suck for a few minutes, and fully feed on mother's milk with an interval of 40 minutes to 2 and a half hours. A two-month-old baby usually always asks for the breast after waking up and while falling asleep. At night, the baby is latched mainly from 3 to 8 am.

But there are strict standards for feeding artificial children. If a child is formula-fed, then to calculate the daily volume of nutrition, the weight of the baby is divided by 6. Having found out the total volume of formula per day, it is divided by the number of feedings (6-8). On average, a child at this age eats 900 g of formula per day - this is approximately 130 g per feeding, if there are 7 feedings.

Common problems

  1. Colic. Despite the maturation of the digestive tract, many babies as young as two months still suffer from colic. To prevent discomfort and pain, pediatricians recommend using physical methods - holding the baby upright after feeding, laying the baby on his stomach before eating, taking breaks from sucking, allowing the baby to burp air.
  2. Oral thrush. This problem can appear in a baby due to infection with Candida from the mother or with reduced immunity. If you notice a white coating in the baby's mouth, you should show the baby to the doctor.
  3. Heat rash. Overheating of the child leads to its occurrence, and proper hygiene and clothing appropriate for the weather can be used to prevent such a problem. To quickly eliminate prickly heat, add chamomile infusion or oak bark decoction to the bathing water.
  4. Fitball exercises

When your baby turns 2 months old, his wandering sleepy gaze disappears, and he has some awareness of what is happening. Movements become smooth, losing their former chaos, the child begins to make the first sounds. Your baby is growing, and these are just a few small achievements in his second month of life.

Height and weight

During the second month of his life, the child should gain one-fourth of his weight at the end of the first month, in other words, 800 grams (plus or minus 100-200 grams). During this time, the baby’s height should increase by one tenth, that is, by 3-4 cm.

As a result, the normal growth rate of a child at 2 months should be 56.95-57.71 cm, and weight - 5.010-5.290 kg.

What can a 2 month old baby do?

A 2-month-old child should be able to raise his head well and hold it in an upright position for several tens of seconds. Lying on his stomach, the baby can raise his chest and head, sitting in this position for some time. The child's legs and arms should be relaxed and extended to the sides; if someone supports him, he can sit, shaking his head in different directions. Involuntary muscle twitching is now much less frequent than in the first month; the child can hold the toy in his hand for a long time.

Hearing development

In the second month of life, the child actively tries to determine the location of objects that make sound. You can do an easy test. Make noise with the rattle for 10 seconds, but do it out of the baby's field of vision (but no more than a meter away from him). You will be able to see how the child freezes for a few seconds, and then tries to determine where the sound is coming from. He can react in the same way to a voice, especially a mother's.

2 month old baby's daily routine


One of the main advantages of breastfeeding is that there is no need to control the amount of food consumed. Wherein middle child, weighing about 4 kg, can eat 170 g of food at one time, and 60 in subsequent meals, and there is no need to overfeed the baby, as this can cause excess weight. Also, at 2 months you can start introducing complementary foods, this must be done starting with one teaspoon and always before breastfeeding.

How long does he sleep?

A 2-month-old child sleeps briefly and restlessly if he sleeps alone. This is due to the peculiarity of the brain - for now, shallow sleep prevails over deep sleep, and in easy time he sensitively monitors sleep phases whether his mother is nearby. If you put the baby in the crib and left, then after 30-40 minutes he will certainly wake up and call you. At 2 months, the baby most often combines sleeping and breastfeeding. If you are breastfeeding him, and at this time he has his eyes closed, his eyelids are closed, his body is relaxed, his breathing is calm and even - rest assured, the baby is sleeping. This does not need to be interfered with or prevented; this condition is typical for babies.

Stool standards

Normally, a baby’s stool at 2 months may have a liquid consistency, yellow, milky smell, and be up to 4 times a day. Most mothers think that loose stools are a sign of diarrhea and begin to treat their child. However, no medicine can make a child's toilet breastfeeding hard. Also, many parents mistakenly consider loose stools to be a sign of dysbacteriosis, yes, this is true, but you need to know that only by the age of one year will the intestinal microflora be fully established, and before that time the baby’s stool can be either solid or liquid.

Caring for a 2 month old baby


At 2 months you can start doing easy for baby massage. It must be remembered that at this age his skin is still very delicate, and the only massage technique that can be used on him is stroking.


In the bathroom, the air temperature should be 24-26 degrees, while the water temperature should be +37. Bathing products designed specifically for this age can be added to the water. The ideal option would be products containing soft components and corresponding to the pH level of children's skin. They will not dry out or irritate delicate skin, having a cleansing and gentle effect on it. There may be foam for bathing, but it should not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes. The duration of bathing a 2 month old baby should be 12-15 minutes.


At 2 months, a child can not only follow moving objects, but also hold his gaze even on a stationary object. Place toys above the crib different sizes and colors - from soft large balls to small bells - touching them with his legs and arms, the baby will receive different impressions and sensations. Also, at 2 months, he will develop an interest in things happening around him - you can ring the bell, from time to time asking the child “Where it rings.” And for better development his fingers are ideal for playing magpie-white-sided.


If your two-month-old baby cries continuously and for a long time, she may have a stomach spasm - colic. They are the most common problem at this age. It is also not uncommon at this age for a baby to have problems opening his eyes, since the eyelids are stuck together with purulent discharge, which dries up - conjunctivitis. If this disease is not advanced, then you can cope with it at home. Every half hour you need to wash your baby’s eyes with a decoction of chamomile or furatsilin.

At each scheduled visit and during vaccination, the pediatrician checks the child’s weight and evaluates it, comparing it with the parameters indicated in the tables. The doctor acts this way because regular measurements of the baby are necessary to assess the correctness of its development, which is facilitated by medical tables. Let's look at what weight is considered normal for two-month-old babies and what parents should do if the baby weighs too little or too much.

The concept of normal weight

At birth, healthy newborns may vary significantly in body weight. Some babies weigh just over 2.5 kg, while others weigh up to 4 kg, which is almost twice as much.

This is considered normal and depends on the characteristics of gestation, which are of great importance for the body weight of the newborn. For example, women with diabetes tend to give birth to larger babies.

In turn, women with anemia, who have had infectious diseases during pregnancy, or who smoke most often give birth to low birth weight babies. Genetic inheritance is also of great importance, although its influence on the development of the infant manifests itself in a later period of life.

  1. The development and weight gain of a baby in the first months of life depends on the baby's nutrition and good night's sleep (growth hormone is released during sleep, so children who sleep peacefully develop better). Babies who regularly walk outdoors gain weight faster than their peers who are constantly indoors without daily walks.
  2. A baby's weight is a reflection of the baby's health, and one of the first signs of problems with the baby's health may be that it increases too slowly. This is why it is important to regularly check and evaluate normal development and weight gain.
  3. Baby's weight is one of several parameters that are monitored during pregnancy (during ultrasound examinations), and are recorded in the medical record immediately after birth. Initial weight after birth is very important, as it helps to estimate future weight gain. Based on how many grams the baby gains over the next months of life, the pediatrician can assess whether the baby is developing correctly and is healthy. Any disturbances, such as infection, can slow down the rate of growth.

Did you know? The German company Nuckel has released an unusual pacifier for sale. This amazing baby pacifier is made of fluorescent material. During the day it is charged by the rays of the sun, and then shines with a pleasant, dim light all night.

Weight gain rate:

  • until the sixth week of life, the baby should gain approximately 20-30 g per day;
  • at the beginning of life, the baby should be at least 0.7 kg heavier than immediately after birth;
  • pediatricians have noticed that boys gain a little more weight than girls (the difference is about 100 g);
  • after this period, the rate of increase in the child’s body weight slows down somewhat, but in the second month of life the baby should become heavier by another 0.5-0.7 kg.

Around the 8th week of a baby's life, an increase in height and weight is expected. During this period, the baby’s nervous system develops at a rapid pace, and the baby has an increased appetite and grows quickly.

Birth weight is always the starting point for assessing normal newborn weight gain. Don't expect a very small newborn to reach the same weight as his peers within a month.

In addition to weight, there are other indicators of normal development:

  • chest volume;
  • hand volume.

However, parents should not stress themselves out and weigh their baby every day. It is enough if the pediatrician or children's nurse weighs him during the examination and vaccination.

Did you know? Aelita Andre is an Australian small artist. Her talent as an abstract artist was discovered at the age of two (a year ago), when the director of a famous art gallery in Melbourne exhibited her work at an opening day.

How much should a baby weigh at 2 months?

Thanks to regular measurements of the baby, the pediatrician or parents can monitor his individual growth rates and assess the development of the baby over several months and years. Just look at the table and you can already understand whether the baby is developing harmoniously and whether something (for example, illness) has disrupted his growth.

But for objective monitoring of a baby’s normal weight, assessments from charts and tables are not enough. The doctor assesses the development little man not only by strict standards, but also by observing him. Therefore, it is impossible to say on the basis of a table or diagram: this is the norm, and this is a disease.

The most important thing is that the baby develops harmoniously. If the baby develops normally, but the body weight or height is lower than that of peers, then this may indicate the influence of genes.

According to domestic pediatricians

Normally developed two-month-old babies weigh as follows:

  • boys - from 4.5 kg to 6.5 kg (average 5.1 kg);
  • girls - from 4 kg to 6 kg (average 4.8 kg).

There are general minimum values ​​for a baby’s body weight during the day, week, month. But all children are different and not alike. Typically, weight gain can be 600-1200 g per month, and sometimes twice as much.

To objectively assess the development of each little person (after all, babies can vary in weight and rate of increase), there are growth charts. They allow you to assess the baby’s growth dynamics, taking into account his current weight and how much he weighed a month or six months ago.

Because boys are typically born on average 60g heavier than girls, a separate growth chart has been created for girls and boys. The table for girls has pink color, for boys - blue. Monthly changes in development are recorded in each child’s medical record.

Domestic pediatric development table for girls:

Domestic pediatric development chart for boys:

Did you know? Kristina Pimenova - by the age of nine she was named the most beautiful girl in the world. She is Russian and has already started her career as a supermodel. The girl appeared on the podium at the age of three. The little model has signed official long-term contracts with such fashion brands, like Armani and Benetton.

According to WHO

Weight of normally developed two-month-old children:

  • boys - from 4.3 kg to 7.1 kg;
  • girls - from 3.9 kg to 6.6 kg.

Weight gain according to World Health Organization standards from two to three months:

  • the boy should gain weight from 800 g to 2 kg;
  • the girl should gain body weight from 700 g to 1.2 kg.

Let's take a look at the percentile grid (chart) and learn how to use it correctly.

Such a grid is one of the methods for monitoring a child’s health by assessing his physical development. The most common indicators are an increase in height and head circumference, and body weight.

Several curves pass through the grid (maximum at the 99th centimeter line) - this means that for 99% of children the estimated parameter has a lower value. The following lines are: 97, 85, 50, 15, 3 and 1 cm.

The following indicators are available in the WHO chart:

  • weight of children under 5 years of age (vertical axis weight - body weight in kilograms, horizontal axis age - age in weeks);
  • height of children under 5 years (height of the vertical axis - height in cm, age of the horizontal axis - age in weeks);
  • head circumference of children under 5 years (length of the vertical axis - head volume in cm, age of the horizontal axis - age in weeks);
  • arm length of children under 5 years of age (vertical axis - arm length in cm, horizontal axis age - age in weeks);
  • body mass index of children under 5 years of age (BMI index - on the vertical axis, on the horizontal axis - age in weeks);
  • weight-to-height ratio for children up to 120 cm in height (body weight is indicated on the vertical axis in kg, height on the horizontal axis in cm).

The data presented in the World Health Organization (WHO) charts is the result of many years of scientific research into child development around the world.

Important! To determine normal weight for anyone childhood according to the growth chart (according to WHO): it is enough to find the baby’s age along the horizontal axis of the table, and then the baby’s weight (along the vertical axis). The intersection between the two lines indicates what your body weight should be currently. Above the line of the diagram at the intersection the weight of children with excess body weight is indicated, and below the intersection point - infants who weigh less than normal.

For example: the baby does not reach one hundred percent of the weight indicated in the chart for this age.

His numbers stopped at 75%, which means that 25% of his peers are heavier. If the indicators stop at 50% of what is indicated in the diagram, this means average weight, 3% is considered underweight, and 97% is the upper limit of the norm.

WHO percentile grid for harmonious development for girls:

WHO percentile grid for harmonious development for boys:

Feeding method and weight gain: features

Today, experts recommend moderate nutrition for both breastfed and bottle-fed children. Parents should use common sense because not every baby's cry means he's hungry, especially if he's been fed recently.

Other possible causes of discomfort should be checked, such as:

  • wet diaper;
  • uncomfortable position;
  • the need to feel mother's hands and so on.

How much should a breastfed baby weigh at 2 months?

All infants should be fed on demand. There is an opinion that such children cannot be overfed, but in practice this means that the child will gain weight from excess food.

By life, the feeding regime is usually already established, since the baby himself establishes the rhythm of eating. Only in summer, in hot weather, do babies ask for the breast between meals more often and for a short time (from 1 to 2 minutes) because they are thirsty.

Standards indicate that a breastfed baby's body weight should increase from 750 to 1200 g per month (in the first three months of life), which is approximately 170-300 g per week.

Did you know? Lu Hao - This 4-year-old child weighs 60 kg, which is five times the normal weight of other children his age. His case baffles doctors and is an unsolved medical mystery. The little fat man eats three cups of rice every day and is constantly hungry. His parents tried to put the boy on a diet, but he cried until he got enough to eat.

How much should a bottle-fed baby weigh at 2 months?

Children who are bottle-fed should receive food in accordance with their diet.

When preparing the mixture, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding the ratio of milk powder and the amount of water. If you do not follow these recommendations, it can harm the baby. Too much protein and minerals can cause stomach cramps, vomiting, or illness.

The body weight of a two-month-old baby also depends on the method of nutrition. Children who are on artificial or breastfeeding will always have more body weight than their peers who are breastfed.

You need to be guided by the fact that the weight of a two-month baby is artificial feeding should be 1400 g more than birth weight.

How much should a mixed-fed baby weigh at 2 months?

If the baby does not have enough mother's milk, then pediatricians recommend supplementing him with milk formulas. The taste of such mixtures is noticeably different for the worse from mother's milk.

This is done specifically so that the baby does not stop breastfeeding. The weight of babies on a mixed diet should increase by 1200-1400 g from their birth weight by two months.

Did you know? Brothers Stro, Giuliano and Claudio, who live in Romania, are the strongest little kids in the world. Giuliano’s achievements have already been recorded several times in the Guinness Book of Records, and he followed in his footsteps. younger brother. These little strong men have been bodybuilding since they were two years old.

Overweight or underweight: what to do

In children, especially newborns, weight is very important element in health diagnostics. The norm is that the child’s body weight decreases slightly after birth, but this physiological decline should not exceed 10% of that recorded at birth.

And after eight to ten days, the weight of the newborn, as a rule, returns to its original state, and then it continues to grow systematically. But there are sharp deviations from the norm in one direction or another.

Is it worth supplementing your baby if he is not gaining weight?

When a baby is not gaining weight well, this is a red flag. The reasons can be very different, for example, the child explores the world around him very intensively, moves too actively, the mother has too little milk, or the child has fallen ill in recent weeks.

Slow growth is acceptable, but only if this is a temporary phenomenon, and the child is active, calm, eats well, has no fever and normal stool. However, if this does not go away in the near future, and your body weight stays the same or returns very slowly, you need to urgently consult a specialist.

The pediatrician needs to carefully examine the child and conduct a number of additional tests: blood tests for iron levels, urine tests, ultrasound examination internal organs.
Consultations with specialists, such as an allergist, cardiologist, and sometimes the baby’s stay in a hospital are necessary. All these actions are aimed at discovering the cause of poor weight growth.

It is considered underweight if the infant's body weight falls below 10% on the percentile grid (WHO chart). Extremely underweight when falling below the third percentile.

Being underweight may be a sign of poor nutrition, poor environmental situation in the place of residence or illness of the baby. It may also be a sign of abnormal development of the baby.

But if both parents are not large and of small stature, then it is genetically determined that the baby will not be large either. If the baby's weight is below 10%, the pediatrician, together with the parents, must determine the cause. Perhaps the baby is simply not getting enough to eat.

Whether the baby is full after feeding can be determined by how:

  • the child asks for food often and for a long time;
  • whether the baby knows how to suck properly;
  • whether the mother’s nipples are properly formed;
  • Does the baby fall asleep while sucking?

If a baby loses weight in the next few days after birth, this is normal. All babies lose 10% of their weight after birth, with which they come into the world. If the doctor does not see any abnormalities when examining the child, there is nothing to worry about.

This is a natural transition state. Within 1-2 weeks the child will make up for the loss.

Is it necessary to “put a baby on a diet” if he or she is overweight?

Overweight in children is more than 90% associated with the growth (height) of the baby. If the body structure of the baby is proportional, that is, it is not only heavy, but also has a long body ( high growth), then most likely this is due to genes, and the baby takes after his father or mother.

Unfortunately, pediatricians are increasingly talking about excess body weight in young children.

Important!Prevention overweight in infancy may prevent obesity later in life.

Regardless of the number of kilograms that are displayed on the scale, do not “put” your baby on any restrictive diet. It is difficult to overfeed a baby who is exclusively breastfed.

Children have different temperaments and appetites. If you have any doubts about your baby's weight, consult your pediatrician.

The pediatrician will determine whether the baby's excess weight is associated with problems such as diseases of the thyroid gland or nervous system. Typically, in such young children, problems with gaining excess weight are associated with a frequent feeding schedule and the size of a single serving.

Your pediatrician will help you determine the best feeding schedule for your baby.

In order for the baby to develop harmoniously, gain weight correctly and acquire all the necessary skills (develop finger motor skills, hold his head, watch his mother with his eyes), parents need to listen to the recommendations of children's doctors, follow a feeding and sleep schedule, and take daily walks in the fresh air. Let your baby grow up healthy!

At the age of two months, the baby begins “discovery time”. Literally every day, the baby turns from a newborn completely dependent on his mother into an active baby, interested in everything that happens around him. It is important for parents to know what a child’s development should be like at 2 months, what skills and abilities will appear during this period, in order to determine the correct rhythm of development for their baby.

Growth and development of a two-month-old baby

During the second month of life, the baby becomes heavier by an average of 800 g and longer by 3 cm. The rate of increase in head circumference during the first 8-12 weeks of life remains high, and at the end of the second month this figure can vary from 38.2 to 40. 1 cm. As the skull grows, the size of the fontanelles decreases accordingly; The small posterior fontanelle should close completely by 2-3 months.

On a note! It is best to weigh a two-month-old baby at the same hours, preferably in the morning. The data from evening and morning examinations cannot be compared: according to the observations of pediatricians, weight may increase in the evening.

At two months, the baby looks round-cheeked and plump in build. But every day the child’s activity increases, he begins to move his legs and arms more actively. The muscles will strengthen and the fat layer will thin out. The baby's bones also grow rapidly, the body and limbs lengthen. By the end of the month, the baby will look slimmer and taller than at the beginning.

The physical development of a two-month-old baby has some features:

  • By the age of 2 months, the hair begins to change - vellus hair falls out, and bulbous hair grows in its place.
  • Beginning with of this age the baby's pain sensitivity increases. Also, the baby reacts more sharply to any kind of discomfort, be it hunger or wet diapers.
  • Two one month old baby unconsciously able to express his attitude towards pleasant and unpleasant odors. To the first ones he reacts with a smile or freezes; on the second - he sneezes or makes a grimace.
  • The baby's vision develops and improves. He can already recognize objects in his environment (pacifier, bottle of milk). When a child is awake, he fixes his gaze on toys located in front of him or to the side of him, especially bright objects attract the baby’s attention. The duration of a baby's visual concentration can be 5-7 minutes.
  • Sometimes a baby is born with bright vascular spots on the back of the head and forehead, which are clearly visible during the newborn period. By the second month they gradually begin to fade, and after another six months they disappear almost without a trace.

Note! If vascular spots persist for a longer time, most often this indicates that the child has cerebrovascular accidents.

Motor activity and emotional development

Starting from the 2nd month, the tone of the flexors of the legs and arms decreases in the baby, and the range of spontaneous movements, on the contrary, increases. If the baby is lying on his side, then you can notice that his head is no longer thrown back, as it was in the first weeks of life (newborn period).

Most babies by two months can do the following:

  • bring your hand to your mouth, suck your fingers;
  • hold the object placed in your hand for at least 10 seconds;
  • move your hand away from toys hanging in front, push them away from you;
  • able to hold their head up for some time;
  • lying on your stomach, lift your chest for a few seconds;
  • rub your eyes and nose with your fist;
  • listen to the voices of adults.

The child begins to show active interest in the objects around him. Anything that can be touched or grasped with the palm of your hand will not pass by his attention. By the middle of the second month, the baby is actively clinging to everything around him: he crumples his mother’s magazine, sheets, grabs adults’ fingers and tries to rip toys off the development mat.

Small achievements at 2 months of life

What should a child be able to do at such an early age? This question worries many parents. The two-month-old baby is growing quickly, getting stronger and has already adapted to new living conditions. Lying on her stomach, the baby can already hold her head quite well. If mom puts a rattle in his hand, he will hold it for a while and then drop it. A two-month-old child follows with his eyes what is moving, but only if the object of observation is large enough. The baby can understand where the sound is coming from and will turn its head towards its source with curiosity.

What else can a two-month-old baby do:

  • straightens his palms more often, no longer holds them constantly in fists, as in the first weeks after birth;
  • Having heard a sound, he reacts to it with a glance and turning his head, listens and waits for continuation;
  • sees not only the outlines of objects, but can notice details;
  • learns to attract attention with facial expressions, and not just crying, and changes his facial expression;
  • gets scared if he hears someone's loud voice, sneezing or loud household appliance.

To help a young mother, we provide a table of standards formulated by doctors. It will serve as a guideline that will help you evaluate physical health and child development.

Speech As in the first month of life, the baby expresses discomfort by crying. There are attempts to hum, sometimes the baby can make back-lingual sounds, for example, “g-g-g”, “k-k-k”.
Hearing Hearing the sound, he turns his head in its direction. Listens to mother's voice, to a rattle or to a working TV. When a sudden sharp click or other sound appears, it blinks or even shudders.
Vision He examines the faces of adults with interest, especially peers at his mother. Follows with his eyes moving objects, a singing carousel on the crib. Black and white are of interest geometric figures and drawings of these tones.
Emotions When the mother addresses the baby, she turns her head in her direction and listens with her mouth open. Smiles often when communicating with adults.
Motor skills Tries to hold small toys placed in his hand for a few seconds. Lying on his stomach he is able to hold his head for some time; if it gets hard, it lowers it, but after a while it raises it again.

Video about the development of a child from one to two months:

Approximate daily routine at 2 months

At the age of 8-10 weeks, the baby leads a fairly calm lifestyle. The child still spends most of the day sleeping, because to grow he needs a large number of energy. In the 2nd month of life, sleep time generally moves to the night hours, and waking time to daytime hours. The alternation of sleep and wakefulness is not established immediately; you need to consistently accustom the baby to the regime. A clearly established daily routine helps maintain a balanced, cheerful and emotionally positive state in the child.


Ideally, food for a two-month-old baby is only mother's milk. The feeding regimen may already be undergoing changes: if a month-old baby eats exclusively on demand, then by 2-3 months the intervals between feedings can be set to 2, 2.5 or even 3.5 hours. Artificial and mixed breastfeeding have their own standards, but there is a mini-formula for approximate determination of the amount of milk/adapted formula that a baby should receive per day. To do this, the mother can use the calculation: from 2 to 4 months this amount is 1/6 of body weight. By dividing the resulting daily dose by the number of feedings, you can find out the approximate amount of food per feeding.


If in the first month of life bathing was an exciting event for parents that required skill, then by 2 months moms and dads’ confidence increases significantly. At this stage, the baby is most often bathed every other day, in the evening - from 19.30 to 21.00. The baby bath is filled with water; if desired, you can add a decoction to it for better sleep for the baby - from chamomile, string, lavender or oak bark. The desired temperature water should be measured with a special thermometer; it should be at least 36-37ºС. You should also maintain the correct temperature in the room where the baby is bathed (23-24ºC).

A two-month-old baby needs at least three to four naps during the day. The daily routine may vary depending on feeding and how early the baby gets up in the morning. One of the mode options might look like this:

Waking up, morning toilet, feeding 8.00-8.30
Wakefulness 8.00-9.30
First nap 9.30-11.30
Feeding 11.30
Wakefulness 11.30-12.30
Second nap 12.30-15.00
Feeding 15.00
Wakefulness 16.00-16.30
Third nap 16.30-18.30
Feeding 19.30
Wakefulness 19.30-20.30
Bathing 20.30
Night sleep 21.00-8.00
*First night feeding 22.00
*Second night feeding 01.30 or 03.00

Most often, this regime (with 3-day sleep periods) is established by 2-3 months in well-developing children, with good health and a balanced nervous system. It is advisable for the child to spend all his daytime sleeps in the fresh air.

The physical development of the baby must be stimulated daily for successful development and growth. To do this, parents must:

  1. Provide daily walks outside with the baby lasting at least 2-4 hours, regardless of the time of year and weather conditions.
  2. Place the baby on the tummy little by little but often so that the baby develops neck muscles and trained to hold his head for a longer time;
  3. Give your baby 5-minute air baths by stripping the baby naked while changing a diaper or before preparing for a bath. Over time, you can increase the duration of air baths to 10-15 minutes;
  4. For development fine motor skills introduce the baby to various materials, putting objects with different surface(soft, rough, smooth), different weights and composition (plastic, rubber, wood, etc.);
  5. Perform a light massage of the whole body, stroking and gentle, weightless pats on the baby’s back, arms, legs, feet and palms.

Comprehensive development of a 2-month-old baby

Communication and contact

Communication permeates a child from the first days of life. Under no circumstances should it be episodic. Address your baby by name, talk to him in gentle intonations. Babies love it when mom plays sounds from his “repertoire.” You won’t even notice how your stupid baby will continue the “conversation” with you, answering you with a roar.

Smile and play

Accompany all your actions aimed at caring for your child with a friendly smile. It is especially important in response to your baby’s smile. When the baby is in good mood and have fun, laugh and have fun with him. Give your child emotional communication, it is priceless. Carry it in your arms, rock it, tell nursery rhymes. At two months, the baby is inquisitive and will watch your actions with interest.

Positive emotions

Express love for your baby, even if it seems to you that he is still too young and does not understand anything. Touch the baby - the baby gets incredible pleasure from his mother stroking his back, fingering his fingers, . Do not forget to look into the eyes of the baby, try to extend eye contact as long as possible.

The right toys

In the first months of a child’s life, small details are not important. Now for him the best toys there will be bright pendant objects (mobile, Stuffed Toys or rattles) with clear outlines. In order for the baby to learn to focus his gaze on them, they should be placed at a distance of 30-40 cm from the child, hanging in a stroller or crib. At first the baby will watch them, but the moment will come when the child will reach out to try to grab them. By bringing toys closer and further away, the eye muscles are trained.


Light physical activity will help your child grow healthy and strong. Let's dwell on this point in more detail. We present a video about how to properly do massage and gymnastics for 2-month-old babies:

It is best to perform exercises in the morning, an hour or two after your first “breakfast”. Grasp the baby's arms with your palms, and easily, without effort, spread the baby's arms to the sides. Then fold your fists on your chest. Accompany the gymnastics with a count of four, or a fun song.

It is also useful to do the “Bicycle” exercise from 2 months. You need to take the baby by the shins and alternately press the legs bent at the knees to the chest, and then straighten them. The exercise helps to cope with colic and actively strengthens the leg muscles.

On a note! It is important that classes are regular and take place every day. But if the baby is unwell or has had a scheduled vaccination, then physical exercise It's better to wait.

The two-month-old baby is very sociable and active: he smiles at his mother, communicates his condition with various sounds and waves his arms and legs with all his might, sometimes hitting a hanging toy.

Newborn baby

The main things a newborn needs are physical contact with the mother, warmth and breastfeeding. These needs will be the most important throughout the entire neonatal period - the first month of life.

Baby 1 month

The main achievements of the first month are weight gain from 500 to 1500 g, attempts to hold the head in a lying position and eye contact with the mother.

Baby 2 months

The two-month-old baby is very sociable and active: he smiles at his mother, communicates his condition with various sounds and waves his arms and legs with all his might, sometimes hitting a hanging toy.

Baby 3 months

A three-month-old baby can already clearly see the rhythm of feedings and sleep. The child actively communicates with loved ones with smiles and sounds, loves to explore his hands and confidently lies on his stomach, leaning on his forearms.

Baby 4 months

At 4 months, most children are able to roll over and become increasingly interested in the world around them: their vision acquires an “adult” quality, and their hands are able to grab a toy.

Baby 5 months

A five-month-old baby is preparing to crawl - spinning around his navel and rolling around. May be interested in adult food. Often the first tooth is on the way.

Baby 6 months

At 6 months, the baby begins to be introduced to new foods - the first complementary foods are offered. The child intensively communicates with loved ones, babbles, and begins to manipulate toys in various ways.

Baby 7 months

At 7 months, some children are already crawling well, others are just trying to lift their torso off the floor. Some people master sitting before crawling. Many people stand up with support.

Baby 8 months

An eight-month-old child, when asked to find an object, looks for it with his eyes. The first onomatopoeic words appear. Most crawl well and can stand up with support from a sitting position.

Baby 9 months

The baby can stand and walk while holding onto a support. A “tweezer grip” appears - the child can now grasp objects with his thumb and forefinger. Gums and teething teeth require increased chewing load.

Baby 10 months

At 10 months, many children take their first steps. The baby is fascinated by collecting objects in boxes and throwing them away, closing and opening lids.

Baby 11 months

At 11 months, many children begin to walk and master actions with objects that correspond to their purpose: putting a doll to sleep, carrying loads by car. Some children begin to speak their first words.

Child 1 year

A one-year-old baby understands and fulfills simple requests, imitates the actions of children and adults, and manipulates pyramids and cubes.

Child 1 year 3 months

The child moves actively and in a variety of ways and can run. Learns to use a spoon, knows how to drink from a cup. Compared to the first year of life, weight gain and growth almost stops.

Child 1.5 years old

At one and a half years old, the baby pronounces about 40 words, and the first sentences may appear. He is interested in books - looks at pictures, turns pages. Learns to use pencils, begins to master dressing skills.

Child 1 year 9 months

At this age, the baby usually already understands simple shapes and colors and watches children play with interest (“plays nearby”). Can negotiate last words in familiar verses.

Child 2 years old

By this age, many children master the potty and learn to eat themselves carefully. The child can listen to the adult’s explanations; some children begin to ask questions.

Child 2.5 years old

At two and a half years old, children begin to say “I” about themselves. The kid can learn to ride a tricycle, throw and catch a ball, and enjoy drawing and sculpting from plasticine.

Child 3 years old

A three-year-old child can dress and wash himself. Communicates with other children in the game, can follow simple rules. Very inquisitive and strives for independence.

At 2 months, the child already sees further than a newborn - 2-3 meters, and learns to fix his gaze on the most interesting object - the mother's face. First, the baby and adult make eye contact, and soon the 2-month-old baby will give you a smile. The development of a child at 2 months is more emotional than physical. The baby is trying to control his arms and legs, but they move mostly chaotically.

Height and weight of a child at 2 months according to domestic pediatricians

Height and weight of children at 2 months - standards according to WHO

Baby nutrition at 2 months

Breast-feeding on demand, without a pronounced regime. Frequent attachments can occur up to 4 times per hour, full feedings after about 40 minutes - 2.5 hours. The main time of night feedings is between 3 and 8 hours. A 2-month-old baby usually asks for the breast when falling asleep and when waking up.

Caring for a 2 month old baby

Urination are still frequent, but the child is able to sleep dry and give a signal to the mother when waking up. Stool can be 5-8 times a day, or once a day and even every other day.

Dream. At 2 months the baby begins to sleep noticeably less. He usually has 5 periods of daytime sleep, 2 long ones - 1-3 hours each and 3 short ones - 10-30 minutes each. Night sleep lasting 10-12 hours is established (with breaks for feeding, during which the child may not wake up completely). During sleep, the baby may still need limited space (sleeping buried in a pillow), including swaddling - if he wakes himself up by raising his arms.