How to remove old sweat odor from clothes. How to remove persistent sweat odor from clothes: working methods. How to remove unpleasant smell from clothes

Sweat is a natural reaction of the body to various changes in the external environment. A person sweats when he is hot, thus the body restores normal thermoregulation. We may sweat when we are worried or stressed. For mammals, sweat is not only a way of thermoregulation, but also a method of attracting a representative of the fair sex - sweat contains a lot of pheromones. In addition, with sweat we get rid of many harmful substances, excess salts and mineral metabolism products. If a person does not sweat, he has serious health problems.

That is why it is generally accepted that human sweating is absolutely normal. But the color, intensity and smell of sweat may vary from person to person. Depending on the state of the body and its health, on gender (it is known that men sweat more intensely), as well as on hygienic conditions, the smell of sweat can be completely unnoticeable or, conversely, corrosive. Often, even intensive washing does not help get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes. How to get rid of this amber? Are smelly clothes really lost forever and the only way for them is in the trash?! No! Don't rush to throw away your favorite wardrobe items. With the right approach, they can still be saved.

How to get rid of sweat odor quickly

Here are ways to quickly clean clothes that do not require washing or large amounts of liquid. They can be used in emergency cases, when you absolutely need to wear one or another blouse that has a light bad smell. Often this can happen even after washing. If you dry your clothes after washing, but the smell of sweat is still present, use the following methods.

  1. As you know, unpleasant odors are not sweat at all, but bacteria that actively multiply and colonize neighboring areas. If there is an unpleasant odor on your clothes after washing, you probably washed them at a standard temperature, no higher than 40 degrees. For a quick fix, place the item of clothing in the freezer for a few hours. Low temperature will kill all germs and there will be no smell left on clothes.
  2. If the odor is only present in the armpits, treat these areas with vodka. After some time, the liquid will evaporate, and its remains can be dried with an iron.
  3. Prepare the following composition. Dissolve salt and ammonia in equal quantities in a glass of water. Use the prepared solution to treat those areas that have the most pronounced unpleasant odor. Often these are the armpits and collar. After an hour, dry your clothes with a hairdryer to get rid of not only the unpleasant odor, but also excess moisture.
  4. If fresh clothes you need it here and now, try this method. Soak a cotton swab in clean gasoline and apply it to the contaminated areas. Then take a clean cotton pad, soak it in ammonia and apply it to the fabric. After an hour, you can dry your clothes with a hairdryer or iron, and there will be no trace of the unpleasant smell left. This method cannot be used constantly, otherwise the fibers of the fabric will become weak and the clothes may tear.

These tips can be used not only in emergency situations, but also in the case of delicate fabrics. They do not need to be completely soaked in an aggressive composition; it is better to treat only part of the fabric.

We have collected for you the most effective ways removing unpleasant sweat odor from clothes.

  1. Laundry soap. Before putting your clothes in the wash, soap your armpits and shirt collar with regular laundry soap. Then run a brush through the fabric before putting the item of clothing in the washing machine. This will not only get rid of excess odor, but will also remove yellow marks of sweat on white fabric.
  2. Salt. Get things out of delicate fabric A saline solution will help remove the smell of sweat. Dilute more salt in a glass of warm water, 2-3 tablespoons. At a certain point, the salt will stop dissolving; this is the concentrate we need. Dampen some areas of clothing with this solution and leave for a couple of hours. After this, wash your clothes as usual. Rinse the fabric thoroughly so that no salt stains remain on it. After this treatment, not a trace remains of the smell.
  3. Baking soda. Dissolve five tablespoons in two liters of water baking soda. Soak your clothes in this solution and leave for a couple of hours. After this, the fabric needs to be rinsed and hung to dry.
  4. Ammonia and salt. Dissolve a tablespoon in a glass of salt water ammonia. Treat the armpit area of ​​your clothing with this mixture. Leave the fabric for a while and then rinse it in large quantities running water. However, remember that this composition can only be used to clean white fabrics.
  5. Lemon. If there is a slight smell of sweat on your clothes, you can get rid of it by wiping the armpit area with lemon peels. If the smell is quite persistent, prepare this composition. Take two tablespoons of pure lemon juice and mix with one spoon of vinegar. Soak a cotton pad in the prepared solution and treat the fabric. Instead of lemon juice you can use citric acid.
  6. Vinegar. Usually this composition is used in difficult cases when other methods of getting rid of an unpleasant odor are powerless. To get rid of the smell of sweat, pour pure undiluted essence (food grade) onto certain areas of the fabric. After 30 minutes, when the fabric is well saturated, pour water into a basin and lower the item of clothing into it. Leave the item to soak in vinegar water for another couple of hours, and then wash as usual. Be careful, vinegar should not be used for odor control on delicate fabrics.

These methods will help you remove even the most stubborn sweat odor from clothes.

Rules for washing in a washing machine

To ensure that clothes stretch well and do not leave an unpleasant odor on them, they must be washed correctly. Many women have not used basins for a long time and wash by hand only in exceptional cases. For machine washing to be effective, you need to know several rules, subtleties and nuances.

To begin, pre-soak the item of clothing in a basin, for example, with the addition of vinegar. Dilute in three liters clean water 5 tablespoons of essence, leave the clothes in this solution for three hours. After this, treat the armpit area of ​​your clothing with simple shampoo. It contains powerful rinses and conditioners that will definitely get rid of unpleasant odors. When placing clothes in the washing machine drum, add half a glass of salt, baking soda or lemon juice. When setting the washing temperature, choose the maximum - 90 degrees. High temperatures will help kill smelly germs. You can add fabric softener to the special compartment. It will not only get rid of foreign odors, but also give the fabric a pleasant aroma.

How to prevent the smell of sweat from appearing on clothes

Often, simple hygiene rules can get rid of the corrosive odor of sweat on clothes.

  1. Take a shower twice a day, especially during the hot season.
  2. Be sure to use deodorant. Apply it to clean and dry skin. Take your time to put on clothes until the deodorant has completely dried. This personal hygiene item should always be used – even in winter.
  3. If your clothes smell unpleasant smell, don’t put off washing it for too long. Getting rid of fresh sweat odor is much easier than cleaning old fabrics.
  4. Change your clothes regularly, especially on hot days. Wear fresh shirts on a clean body every day - this will help you get rid of the corrosive odor of sweat.
  5. Do not iron dirty clothes. Not even dirty, but worn only once. The fact is that a hot iron drives the unpleasant odor even deeper into the fibers of the fabric, and then it will become much more difficult to get rid of it.
  6. On hot days, wear fabrics made from cotton, linen and other natural materials. IN synthetic clothing the person sweats much more intensely.
  7. To get rid of the persistent smell of sweat, clothes are hung outside after washing. There's nothing better than the smell of fresh laundry. In well-ventilated conditions, no unpleasant odor remains on the fabric.
  8. If you have shirts and blouses made of thin and delicate fabrics that you don’t want to wash and iron often, you can wear a cotton T-shirt or T-shirt when wearing them. They will help keep your blouse fresh for a longer period.
  9. If your sweater smells like sweat, don't put it in the machine with the rest of your clothes. The smell of sweat is so corrosive that all other clothes can also acquire a bad smell.
  10. According to doctors, the sweat of a healthy person has almost no odor. If you suffer from severe sweating with a pungent odor, perhaps you should consult a doctor? This condition can cause obesity, as well as disruptions in the body's endocrine system. Often, simple treatment can relieve a person of a problem they have been struggling with for years.

These simple tips will help you protect your favorite things from the persistent smell of sweat. You don't have to look for methods to eliminate excess odor - with proper hygiene, it simply won't exist.

The smell of sweat on clothes is a small but very unpleasant problem. Especially if this smell begins to be noticed not only by you, but also by those around you. To keep your look fresh, you need to regularly change clothes, follow hygiene rules and clean fabrics with special products. And then the problem will disappear like an unpleasant smell.

Video: how to get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes

Causes of unpleasant odor

Before you remove the smell of sweat from things, you need to understand the causes of the problem. All deodorants and sprays only mask the unpleasant “aroma”. You can eliminate it forever only by getting rid of the causes.

Any “overload” of the body results in increased energy expenditure, and at the same time increased sweating. Among the main factors are:

Image Cause
Excess weight
Various diseases

Poor nutrition
Pregnancy and lactation


Bad habits

If you yourself cannot figure out the reasons for the increased activity of the sweat glands, consult a specialist - first, a therapist.

Removing the smell of sweat

Many people wonder how to remove the smell of sweat from clothes without washing. And in the process of solving the problem, they have to fork out for monthly purchases of special products and even dry cleaning.

Or you can just bring it into your life good habits and get rid of the smell once and for all:

Image Recommendations

Maintain good body hygiene.
Keep your clothes clean.

Take care of your health.
Wear good perfume.

When the cause of the disease is known, it becomes clear that quickly removing the smell of sweat is quite difficult - it takes time. However, to freshen your clothes, you can use folk remedies for the smell of sweat under the arms:

Image Description

Tip 1. Ventilation

No matter how trivial it may sound, you can remove aroma from a jacket or a scarf by sending the item into the fresh air.

For best results, freeze your clothes.

Tip 2. Salt

To combat unpleasant trails from linen or silk items, you can use table salt:

  1. Dissolve a spoonful of salt in a glass of water.
  2. Rub the mixture onto problem areas.
  3. After 20-30 minutes, wash as usual.

For thicker fabrics, increase the salt dose.

Tip 3. Soaking

50% of the success of the procedure will be ensured by preliminary soaking. Water has the property of drawing out odors.

Refer to clothing label recommendations to select water temperature.

Method 4. Double dose of powder

This method can be considered a last resort. The principle works here: we knock out wedge with wedge.

In other words, the unpleasant aroma will displace the more powerful smell of the powder.

Method 5. Ultraviolet

Organic odors are produced by bacteria living on our skin. And to get rid of the smell of sweat, you need to remove microorganisms.

The sun, or more precisely, the ultraviolet radiation it emits, will help with this.

For everyday things - 6 methods

T-shirts, T-shirts, blouses and everything that directly touches our skin suffer the most from organic secretions. As a rule, these are clothes made of thin fabrics.

I know the exact ways to remove the “aroma” from such things:

Image Description
Method 1. Shampoo

Sweat stains themselves are easily removed, but the smell often remains. If you wash your favorite blouse with shampoo, unpleasant odors will be eliminated.

Method 2. Laundry soap

A universal product not only for doing laundry yourself, but also for disinfection - laundry soap:

  1. Rub the product thickly into the armpits of your clothing.
  2. After 5–10 minutes, rinse off the soap with running water.
Method 3. Vinegar + baking soda

Soda quenched with vinegar has unique property- disinfection:

  1. Wash the item by hand with a spoonful of the mixture.
  2. Or add 2 tablespoons and half a glass of 9% vinegar to the drum of an automatic machine and wash on a delicate cycle.
Method 4. Vodka

Stubborn stains from thick fabrics, for example, from a jacket, will be removed by a strong drink:

  1. Mix ¼ cup of water and a tablespoon of fire liquid.
  2. Apply the mixture to problem areas.
  3. Wash the item as usual.
Method 5. Citrus

The zest of these fruits has a pleasant and persistent aroma. Place the peels in the closet next to your clothes - this way clean clothes will absorb the light notes of citrus.

Method 6. Gasoline

Gasoline is the most vigorous among other means for the most complex contaminants:

  1. Treat stains with gasoline.

Use gloves and do not allow the product to penetrate deeply into the material.

  1. Rinse the items and apply an ammonia solution.
  2. Air your clothes thoroughly.

For outerwear - 5 methods

Outerwear, unfortunately, is also saturated with sweat. Taking it and washing it at any convenient time is not so easy.

To remove, for example, an unpleasant odor from a down jacket, you will have to resort to dry washing:

How to prevent odor?

Of the huge selection of household chemicals for clothes, I tried as many as eight, but I only appreciated two.

Before using any product, be sure to read the “INSTRUCTIONS” section:

Image Instructions
From a down jacket or from a coat

Method 1. Alcohol + water
  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of water.
  2. Using a sponge, treat the underarm areas of clothing.

To enhance the effect, add a teaspoon of salt to the solution.

Method 2. Vinegar
  1. Dissolve 2 tbsp in a glass of warm water. spoons of vinegar.

Instead of regular acid, you can add a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

  1. Apply the liquid to problem areas and let the tissues soak thoroughly.
Method 3. Hydrogen peroxide
  1. Pull the lining and lower it into the 3% solution.
  2. After 30-60 seconds, squeeze out the peroxide.
  3. Ventilate your outerwear well.
WITH leather jacket
Method 4. Soda
  1. Baking soda is applied to the wrong side - sprinkle it on the item.
  2. Gently rub the sodium into the cloth using water.
  3. Dry the jacket and use a brush to remove any sediment.
Image Means

An effective product for removing any odor from clothes. Universal for use on any item - from socks to fur coats.

Price- 650 rubles.


The main feature of the drug is environmental friendliness. For this reason, a spray can remove the smell of sweat from the head in hats and on children's clothing.

Price- 570 rubles.


I have given all the necessary recommendations, the rest is up to you. The video in this article also talks about how to properly get rid of unpleasant odors. If you have your own effective recipes, I will be glad to read them in the comments - write!


The smell of sweat causes trouble for its “owner” and the people around him. This “aroma” can ruin the whole impression, even if you are dressed to the nines and in the most fashionable things. It also happens that even after washing it remains - it is so durable. Fortunately, there are several useful recommendations on how to get rid of misfortune from items of clothing.

Sometimes, in order for the unpleasant odor to disappear, it is enough to simply dry the item in the sun and fresh air after washing. But regular washing does not always help; sometimes special modes or additives to the powder are required. There are also traditional proven methods of removal.

Removal by washing

To begin with, it is worth soaking the smelling item for 30–40 minutes before washing to ensure that unpleasant odors are killed. When soaking, add half a glass of vinegar or a salt solution (1 tablespoon per glass of water). Before the main wash, we also recommend soaping problem areas with regular laundry soap - it will degrease stains and remove aroma.

When removing the smell of sweat, do not neglect soaking

Do not leave things that smell of sweat next to other clothes - the smell of sweat easily transfers to surrounding objects.

If time is pressing, and there is simply no time to soak, then when washing in washing machine Use stain removers as additional support for washing powder. For colored linen - oxygen bleaches, and for white - chlorine.

It’s better to wash clothes that smell of sweat with a double wash. washing powder, but do not forget to put things on an extra rinse.

Popular tip: pour half a glass of vinegar into the rinse compartment of your washing machine and wash as usual.

Modern household chemicals also offer a solution to the problem with the help of special products against various odors. For example, “SmellOFF sport” is a product that can be used when washing, and also sprayed locally on certain areas. According to the instructions for the product, it is enough to add it to the powder at the rate of 100 ml. by 10 kg. linen The composition includes surfactant detergent components, enzymes and plant extracts.

The universal product “SmellOFF” for removing various odors can also be used against the smell of sweat

Another product based on organic silver is “Silvester:: Impregnation / Rinse”. Its action is based on the disinfecting properties of silver, which kill microorganisms that produce an unpleasant odor. The instructions say that before washing, just soak the clothes in the product and then wash. Or soak and dry without rinsing.

"Silvester:: Impregnation / Rinse" - a product that kills bacteria on clothes

It is worth noting that both products are suitable for all types of fabric.

Unfortunately, the problem does not always go away after washing. This is especially true for the armpits - the places where sweat is produced the most. In this case, you need to treat the smelly areas separately. For this you can use folk remedies.

Folk remedies for removing sweat odor

Unfortunately, this problem is not new. Therefore, today housewives have accumulated several effective recipes to combat unpleasant odors. The most effective means are actually at everyone's fingertips. Let's list them:

  • Vinegar. If the smell is fresh, then vinegar essence is suitable, but for a stubborn, old smell, it is better to use pure vinegar. To remove, spray the desired area and lightly rub the product into the fabric. After this, rinse. Vinegar does not harm the color, so it can be used on any fabric.

    Vinegar effectively fights sweat odor

  • Salt. Apply a salt solution (1 tablespoon per glass of water) to areas that emit an odor, or rather rub it into a cloth. Then rinse with water. If you are removing amber from white clothes, you can add a teaspoon of ammonia to the solution to also remove yellow stains. After treating with an ammonia solution, it is better to wash the item.

    The salt solution can be applied to any tissue

  • Lemon acid. A slice of lemon can deal with the fresh smell that has not yet been absorbed into the fabric: rub it on the area that smells of sweat and rinse in warm water. For older ones, it is better to use citric acid: dilute one teaspoon of acid in a glass of water and wet the smelly area on the clothing, then rinse the item.

    An unpleasant odor will be eliminated by a solution of citric acid.

  • Shampoo. The hair shampoo degreases well and also contains fragrant fragrances. Apply shampoo to the sweat stain and wash the area. Rinse afterwards.

    A drop of shampoo will add a new scent to your clothes

  • One of the most effective means- regular laundry soap. Just wash the necessary areas with soap and leave for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse.

    Laundry soap is an economical and effective remedy for sweat odor

  • Soda. Wet the cloth and sprinkle baking soda on the desired areas. Lightly rub baking soda into the fabric and leave for 20-30 minutes. After this, rinse the item.

    Aspirin has the property of bleaching fabric

  • Drying clothes correctly

    One of the conditions for the absence of unpleasant odors on clothes is proper drying after washing.

    Sun and fresh air will help get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes.

    The sun and fresh air will help with this. To dry an item in the sun, you need to turn it inside out so that the color of the item is not damaged. The sun's rays should reach all problem areas.

    But the sun does not always please us with its light. In this case, after the items have dried, iron them through gauze previously soaked in a weak vinegar solution. This will help get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat and more.

    How to get rid of different items of clothing

    The methods and means of struggle listed above are not always universal. For example, you cannot wash a wool sweater on the longest cycle. And outerwear cannot always be washed. Therefore, you should consider the type of clothing and fabric when choosing a method.

    Leather jacket, jacket, coat

    A leather jacket cannot be washed. Nevertheless, the problem of the smell of sweat also concerns her - it remains on the fabric lining, as a rule, in the armpit area. To remove it from the lining of a leather jacket, use vinegar. Pour vinegar into a spray bottle and spray the undersides of your armpits. There is a more radical method: pour hot water into the bath and add about a glass of vinegar. Hang your jacket, inside out, over the bathtub. Steam from a vinegar bath will solve the problem.

    Another removal method can be applied to a jacket, blazer or coat: sprinkle baking soda on the underside of the armpits and leave overnight. Shake off the baking soda in the morning.

    To remove the smell of sweat from a jacket, jacket or coat, your armpits can be treated with ammonia. To do this, prepare a solution of ammonia and water in a 1:1 ratio, apply ammonia to a sponge or cotton pad and wipe the armpits on clothing. Do not rub from the front under any circumstances! Ammonia is an extreme measure used for old “aroma”.

    Another folk method removal from outerwear- stuff your coat or jacket with dry newspapers. They will absorb the smell over a few days and remove excess moisture.

    If it's cold outside, you can simply hang your clothes out in the fresh air. The bacteria causing this phenomenon will die and the item will no longer smell bad.

    Items made from natural fabrics

    For natural fabrics - linen, silk and wool, use salt. Apply the saline solution to the unpleasantly smelling area, and then rinse the item in warm water.

    For woolen sweaters, you can use ammonia: add 2-3 tbsp to a bowl of cool water. l. ammonia and soak the item for 30 minutes. After that, wash it.


    It's no secret that the leader in sweatiness is sportswear. This is logical, because physical activity involves profuse sweating. Therefore, it is for sportswear First of all, special products were invented, which are described above - “SmellOFF sport”, “Silvester:: Impregnation / Rinse”.

    But if special means no, you can contact folk remedies. The peculiarity of removing odor from sportswear is that it is better not to apply any product locally, but to soak the entire thing. Because when playing sports, all sweat glands actively work, and almost the entire thing suffers from sweat, and not individual areas. For anyone tracksuit saline solution is perfect - 3 tbsp. l. per glass hot water. The salt should be mixed thoroughly.

    But boxing gloves cannot be washed, because they can become deformed and become unusable. For gloves, you can also use special anti-odor sprays or stuff them with newspapers, for example, at night, and remove them in the morning. After each workout, it is recommended to hang the gloves in fresh air.

    Clothes made from synthetic materials

    Things made of synthetics do not allow air and moisture to pass through easily, so stains and the smell of sweat appear on them more often than on things made from natural fabrics. Therefore, synthetic clothes should not be worn for a long time and should be washed regularly. But if the problem has already arisen, then such products as laundry soap and soda will do. Saline solution can also be used on synthetic items.

    How to prevent unpleasant odors

    It is easier to prevent any problem than to solve it. Ours is no exception. To prevent unpleasant odors, follow these rules:

  • change clothes regularly. Do not wear sweaty clothes for more than one day, and if possible, immediately change them to fresh ones.
  • Use antiperspirant deodorants that prevent sweat odor.
  • Remove hair from the armpit area - smooth skin smells less.
  • Give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics. Then the skin will “breathe” better, and there will be less sweat than in synthetic things.
  • Wear cotton T-shirts or T-shirts under warm clothes.
  • How to remove odor from clothes under your arms. Video

    All people sweat - it's inevitable. But it is not at all necessary to endure this phenomenon and walk around in foul-smelling clothes. Knowing the means to combat this nuisance, you will be able to wear your favorite things for a long time and communicate with others without hesitation.


    Don't forget to tell your friends

    Getting rid of the smell of sweat is not so easy, especially in summer. People who are forced to work from morning to evening return home at the end of the day with their backs and armpits wet from sweat. Of course, the clothes are sent for washing, but to the great chagrin of the owner of the items, it is not always possible to completely remove this heavy smell. If you have exactly this problem, do not rush to take your clothes to the dry cleaner or spend money on super expensive powders and conditioners. There is an exit! 5 simple ways They will help completely remove the terribly unpleasant smell from clothes.

    How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes?

    Choose the method that suits you from this list, and as a result, your clothes will smell fresh:

    1. Laundry soap
    Laundry soap, according to many people, has lost its popularity; it has been replaced by modern laundry detergents. What a pity that housewives consider it a relic of antiquity. Indeed, at a time when super powders and conditioners cannot cope with the unpleasant smell of clothes during washing, the bar laundry soap will completely remove the smell of sweat. You just need to soap the contaminated areas from the wrong side and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then wash the items as usual. This product should not be used on clothing. bright colors, this may cause them to fade.

    2. Vinegar and soda
    Fill the washing container with warm water, add 150 ml. vinegar and soak dirty clothes in the prepared solution for 2-3 hours. Then wash things as usual, just add a few teaspoons of soda to the powder. This method is simply irreplaceable in cases where clothes have been worn for a long time and the smell of sweat has firmly “grown” to the clothes.

    3. Citric acid
    Stir 1 tablespoon of citric acid in a glass of water. We wet the contaminated areas with this concentrated solution. After 2-3 hours, wash the clothes by hand or in the washing machine. This method Effectively used for woolen products, the smell of sweat disappears completely.

    4. Salt
    Prepare a concentrated solution by diluting 2 tablespoons of table salt in a glass of water. Moisten sweat stains with prepared salted water. For two hours, let the salt soak into problem areas. Then wash your clothes as you usually do. Thanks to this method, even very old stains and odors will be removed.

    5. Salt and ammonia
    Mix 2 tsp in a spray bottle. salt, 4 tbsp. ammonia and 5 tbsp. water. Shake the bottle well and spray the mixture onto contaminated areas of clothing. Wait for the solution to dry. The smell of sweat has disappeared! This method is very helpful in situations where there is no time to do laundry, but you need to quickly get rid of the smell of sweat. Just keep in mind that this solution is contraindicated for thin, delicate tissues.

    You can find a way out of any situation. The main thing is to act!

    All people sweat. The process is natural, and thanks to the appearance of sweat, the body’s normal temperature is not only restored, but also eliminates harmful substances. Unfortunately, the smell of sweat often becomes a real problem. The intensity of sweat secretion and the sharpness of the smell depend on the characteristics of the human body. It is often not easy to deal with sweat, even if you follow all the rules of personal hygiene and use modern deodorants. As a result, our clothes suffer, which sometimes we have to stop wearing because of the banal smell that has become deeply ingrained. But why deplete your wardrobe if you have plenty effective methods combating unpleasant odors? Use these simple tips to remove sweat odor from clothes.

    We take preventive measures
    First of all, you need to think about prevention. It's best to try not to let the sweat leave such a strong odor on your clothes, and also to prevent the sweat from penetrating deeper into the fabric.
    1. Always use deodorant. Even if it’s cold outside, you’re completely calm and have already taken a shower, you need to use deodorant. Let it just become a habit for you. Heavy sweating may be unexpected. The cause is fear, overexcitement, any stress, the onset of illness and much more. Deodorant will help you fight sweat and the appearance of its smell on clothes.
    2. Change your clothes regularly. Sometimes the smell of sweat is almost invisible at first. And suddenly, once again picking up a blouse or sweater, you can feel an unpleasant smell. When you wear a thick sweater or jacket, clothes that are undesirable to change too often, be sure to wear something additional under your main outfit: a thin T-shirt, T-shirt. This “lining” must be changed constantly.
    3. Did you smell sweat from your clothes? Don't wear it a second time! This will make the situation even worse.
    4. Wash the smelly item immediately. The longer the sweat-soaked fabric sits, the more the unpleasant odor will penetrate into it.
    5. Wear natural materials in hot weather.
    We remove the smell of sweat from clothes. Several effective methods
    There are a number good ways remove the smell of sweat from clothes. Let's look at the most effective ones.
    1. Salt. Use a salt solution if wool, linen and silk items have an odor. Natural fabric It will cleanse well of the smell of sweat when you rub it with saline solution. The standard proportion is 1 tablespoon of salt per glass of water. When the material is denser (for example, wool), the salt concentration needs to be increased. It is necessary to identify the problem area and carefully rub the solution into the fabric. Then it needs to be washed off.
    2. Salt and ammonia. Then it smells white thing? Then add a teaspoon of ammonia to the saline solution. Wipe the problem area thoroughly. Don't forget to rinse the solution well with water.
    3. Citric acid and vinegar. Reliable assistants in the fight against the smell of sweat - vinegar essence and citric acid. You will also need the usual lemon juice. When the smell is not very strong and the sweat has not yet penetrated deeply, it is enough to wipe the fabric with lemon juice and then rinse thoroughly. In more difficult cases, use citric acid and vinegar. One teaspoon of acid diluted in one glass of water will help cope with the odor.
    4. Pure vinegar. Have you already treated problem areas with different solutions, but the smell is ineradicable? Then try using pure vinegar (food grade). Spray the material a little with vinegar and rub it into the fabric. Rinse thoroughly. Repeat the procedure if necessary. The smell of sweat should disappear.
    5. Concentrated solution. You can prepare another composition with greater effect. Mix 4 tablespoons of water with 3 tablespoons of ammonia and 1 tablespoon of salt. Soak a clean cloth in the solution to wipe all problem areas on your clothing. After this, rinse the fabric thoroughly.
    6. Pre-soaking. Clothes that smell strongly of sweat should not be sent straight away. washing machine along with other things. Please note: the unpleasant smell may even transfer to other outfits! First, the item that smells of sweat must be soaked. Take a bowl of warm water. Pour the powder into it. You can add saline solution, vinegar, soda, and first rub your clothes with soap. Place the item in a basin and leave for 30-40 minutes. This procedure will definitely have an effect: the smell will either disappear completely or become noticeably less.
    7. Vinegar and baking soda in the washing machine. Before washing, you can add a cup of vinegar and half a cup of baking soda to the machine (directly to the clothes). The smell of sweat will certainly be removed.
    8. Shampoo. You can pour a little on problem areas regular shampoo for hair. It will degrease sweat stains well, eliminating the unpleasant odor.
    9. Laundry soap. Simple laundry soap effectively combats the smell of sweat on clothes. It copes well with odor and degreases stains. Thoroughly soap the most smelly areas of your clothing. Leave the soap on it for about 5-10 minutes. Rinse well so that the soap is completely removed with water.
    10. Whiteners and stain removers. During the washing process, use oxygen stain removers if the items are colored. For whites, chlorine bleach is more suitable. These compounds effectively destroy the odor of sweat, penetrating deep into the fabric, acting between the fibers.
    11. Salt in the washing machine. You can add 2-3 tablespoons of salt to the main compartment to remove the smell of sweat from clothes.
    12. Baking soda. It is good to use baking soda directly in dry form if the smell is too strong. Just take a close look at your clothes. Pour baking soda onto all problem areas and gently rub it into the material. Let it soak into the fabric, keeping the clothes rubbed for about 20 minutes. For a stronger effect, wet the fabric a little. Then you can rinse your clothes well.
    13. Increased dose of powder. When washing in a machine, use more powder. Then the smell of sweat will be easier to eliminate.
    14. Double wash. When the smell is persistent, you can wash things in the machine twice. Install the pre-program first and then the main program.
    15. Drying. Dry your clothes in the sun, in the fresh air. The fabric will not only dry, but will also be well ventilated and acquire a pleasant smell.
    16. Special means. You can also purchase modern chemicals. Some foreign companies have already begun producing innovative compositions that help effectively and quickly remove the smell of sweat from clothes. The result will not depend on the strength of the odor or material. The products destroy any unpleasant odor at the molecular level.
    Tackle the smell of sweat on clothes thoughtfully. Do not rush to immediately use the most powerful means. It is quite possible that ordinary lemon juice or a small piece of laundry soap will cope with this smell. Use increasing solutions if weaker ones no longer help. Take into account the color of the clothes, the structure of the material, look at the labels. Remember that strong solutions can change color and disrupt the structure of the fabric. Proceed carefully and thoroughly rinse off any compounds. Then you can remove the smell of sweat from clothes effectively and without problems, and then wash your clothes with your usual powder. Enjoy the pleasant aroma from your things!