Healthy habit trackers. Habit tracker in bullet journal Habit tracker template

Most of the day is occupied by familiar, familiar tasks. And this makes them very convenient, since performing such tasks does not require excessive volitional efforts; much is done unconsciously, on autopilot. Useful habits help you better structure your day and don’t put self-care on the back burner. Even one small healthy habit can change your entire day for the better. Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit, believes that a new habit can affect old ones, for example, by playing sports it is easier to change your eating habits.

Leo Babauta's advice can help you form new habits:

1. One habit at a time.
This is extremely important; many people ignore this rule because they underestimate how much willpower it takes to establish a new habit. It's easy to start working with one or even five habits. Sticking to them is a completely different story. Please note: one habit is exactly ONE habit. Don't think you can commit to one fitness habit, one behavioral habit, one work habit, etc. One habit at a time. Don't break this rule.

2. Small habit.
Don't focus on results when forming a habit. I recently wrote that I do three asanas every morning. Studying for more than an hour is very difficult for me; I don’t make it to the end of long classes. Are three asanas a good workout? No, I'm not trying to get a good workout, become flexible, more aware, or get in good shape. Someday, yes, I will achieve these results. But now, I'm just instilling the habit of doing yoga every morning. Pick the smallest habit. What you think you should do, cut it in half. Then, if possible, halve it further. Perhaps double that if you have no more than two minutes to complete.
3. Once a day.
You may believe that you can change your diet one day at a time. This is very unlikely. Start by doing the habit once a day, for a minute or two. Once the habit takes root, you can expand your horizons. But wait three weeks before doing this.
4. Focus on the beginning.
The only thing you need to do is start. This is the part that matters during the first month. In a few months you will be able to run a marathon. For now, focus all your efforts on getting into your workout gear and getting out the door. If you start meditating, just sit on your pillow. If you want to stick to a healthy diet, just set yourself a healthy snack (like carrots with hummus) and eat the first bite. If you want to write, close your browser, open a text document and type the first sentence. Get started!
5. Enjoy the process.
It's important to receive positive feedback from the beginning when you form a new habit. Many people try to instill a habit that they hate, about which they have a built-in negative attitude. And they still wonder why they can’t stick to this habit. Build the habits you love, or find a way to enjoy the ones you strive to instill. Focus on the positive aspects. Or, as my friend Tynan does, praise yourself for achieving what you want. Enjoy what you do. It's an instant reward and it's necessary.
6. Watch your thoughts.
If you start avoiding doing a habit, or do it without enthusiasm, or feel like you want to quit... pay attention to these thoughts. Where do they come from? Do you try to rationalize the breakdown? Do you treat yourself negatively? These thoughts are not reality, they are a defense mechanism that your brain uses to not leave your comfort zone. Let them go, don't let them take over you. You can overcome them with positive self-talk.
7. Don't miss two days in a row.
This is the key rule. If you miss one day, make sure you don't miss another day. If you miss a day, activate a state of emergency and do your best not to miss tomorrow. Tynan says to redouble your efforts, but whatever you decide, don't let another day pass you by. If you allow this to happen, you will no longer be able to establish the habit.
8. Be responsible.
Tell at least one person about your plans, ask for help, be accountable to someone. A group of 4-5 people is even better. In my experience, this makes you 50 percent more likely to stick with the habit.

Phone apps can help you develop new habits. Your phone is always at hand, you can set up notifications, and graphs and diagrams motivate you not to abandon what you started. Below the cut are links to several applications:

1.Way of Life

The free version allows you to track 3 habits. A very easy to use and convenient application, red marks indicate a pass, green marks indicate completion of a task. You can immediately see which habits easily become daily practices, and which ones you don’t really want to do. The most important thing is that you can finally get away from abstract “should” and “should”.
iOS app | Android app

Android Applications

2. HabitHub

The application is currently only available for Android, but a version for iOS is being prepared. In the program, you can group habits into categories, various charts will help you evaluate the completion of tasks and help you find what prevents them from being completed, and there are customizable reminders. The application is based on the fact that you need to collect a chain of completed tasks and not miss a single day. It’s very convenient that the application can be added to the home screen and you can mark your habits there without opening the program itself.


The application helps you evaluate the “strength” of a habit: each omission makes the habit weaker, and each repetition makes the habit stronger. You can track not only your daily habits, but also things you should do several times a week. Diagrams will clearly demonstrate how habits have become ingrained over time. The application can also send a reminder at a selected time. The program is free, completely free of advertising.
Download the Android app

iOS apps
4. Strides

You can track your progress both from your phone and through the web interface; you can track up to 10 habits for free. You can filter out both good and bad habits, choose how many times a day/week/month you need to mark the completion of a task, and at what time to send a reminder.
Download for iOS

5. Weekly

There is nothing superfluous in the application; you can set the frequency of tasks, set up reminders, and you can also view the weekly completion statistics. The main screen displays all habits and brief statistics. Does not contain advertising and is absolutely free.
Download for iOS

6. Productive

I have made several habit trackers in pdf format for the community that you can download and print. I took the main idea for them (24 days to form a habit) from Olga Vikotorovna here. For every habit there is a habit.
If interested, I can make a habit tracker for the next month, 30 days.

Clicking on the image will open the full size.

A tracker for 5 habits, you can either shade the cells or put dates in them.

A combined habit tracker is a great way to save space in your planner. To avoid wasting time filling out lists, re-writing the same tasks multiple times a week, or using a ton of colorful sticky notes to remind you to complete tasks, create a simple but effective habit tracker sheet.

There are tons of things you can track in a habit tracker. You don't need to keep track of everything, but a sheet like this would be an ideal reminder for, say, a month. We made a face mask - put a cross on the sign, called our parents or friends - put a cross, made a backup copy of the blog - put a cross.

Or you can make a tracker for mandatory completion, for example, when you write a book. You need to write every day and, in order not to stop, put a cross after, say, you’ve written a chapter.

What do I add to my habit tracker?

  • Morning routine
  • Evening routine
  • Sport exercises
  • Written blog article
  • Working on a book
  • How much coffee did you drink per day?
  • How much water
  • Column - breakfast - trying to teach myself to eat breakfast
  • Masks for hair, face, etc.

I use a monthly tracker, but you can also create weekly, quarterly, for any period that you need. Habit trackers should not be confused with challenges, although sometimes they can be combined. You can track the execution of your challenge in the tracker - also a convenient option. So, is there? Reading ideas for them...

Examples of habits for your BuZho tracker


Personal habits allow you to keep yourself in shape not only physically, but also temporarily. If you follow them, like new tasks in your bullet journal tracker, for at least a few months, then you will be able to complete them simply and automatically.

  1. Didn’t press the snooze button, that is, didn’t snooze the alarm, but got up right away
  2. Went to bed on time
  3. I slept for so many hours
  4. Was reading a book
  5. Take time for yourself; dispelled; rested
  6. Didn't watch TV
  7. No expenses
  8. Washed my hair
  9. Made a face/hair mask
  10. Turned off computer phones 30 minutes before bed
  11. Yoga, stretching, other sports
  12. Back up phone files such as photos
  13. Less than 1 hour on social networks
  14. Called my parents
  15. Filled out a gratitude journal
  16. Left work on time
  17. Paying bills as a habit
  18. Transferred money to a savings account


Adding healthy habits to your trackers is a great way to visit doctors less often.

  1. Ate 5 vegetables
  2. Ate fruit
  3. Workout
  4. Drank 8 glasses of water
  5. Calorie intake below or at target
  6. No soda, junk food, coffee, alcohol, booze, etc.
  7. Taking medications and/or vitamins
  8. Brushed my teeth
  9. No snacks
  10. Changing toothbrushes and cosmetics based on expiration date or opening of the cap

It's less about habit and more about tracking your social media activities. However, if these all-powerful networks are embedded in the meaning of your work, then go ahead and form the necessary habit.

  1. Publication on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.
  2. Sent a letter to subscribers


For many, cleaning is a hated task, regularly procrastinated, and then forgotten or not fully completed. If you add BuZho to your tracker, then you can live in purity and with a free head. Not to think, I had to remove something else.

  1. Vacuum cleaner
  2. Wiped off the dust
  3. Washed the floor
  4. Cleaned the bathroom
  5. Washed clothes or took them to the laundromat
  6. Cleaned the kitchen inside the cabinets
  7. Cleaned out the wardrobe
  8. Cleaned glasses, lenses, monitors, phones, etc.


Blogging on a professional (or semi-professional) basis requires regularity. Publish posts, make backup copies, read comments, and so on - all this is periodically forgotten. But if you make a kind of list or a cool checklist, then there will be no problems with memory.

  1. Added blog post
  2. Blog statistics verified
  3. Content Planning
  4. Editing Blog Posts
  5. Images taken for blog posts
  6. Replies to comments
  7. Commented on other blogs
  8. Sent a newsletter to blog subscribers
  9. Created a backup copy of the blog

Business and work

Well, everything is clear here, right? The work requires organization and concentration. Develop the right habits to do your best work.

  1. Backing up computer files
  2. Prepared the workspace
  3. Updated spreadsheets
  4. Took photographs; scanned the receipts
  5. Reviewed your goals for the week/month
  6. Answered emails
  7. Negotiations on cooperation
  8. Track your progress as you work on a project


Oh, these restless children. I'm a mom, and you? An hour ago we got our child high and forgot about it when we went to the toy store to pamper our child! 😊 It turns out that mom didn’t seem to punish her, since she brought a new toy, but this way we can write everything down. Or, on the contrary, the child is a “listener”, and you did not keep your promise, did not bring what he wanted. In general, all parents need a children's tracker, believe me, you can write a lot there.

  1. Diseases
  2. Vaccinations
  3. Courses
  4. Homework
  5. A haircut
  6. Payment for school, extracurricular activities, etc.
  7. Naughty behavior
  8. Buying a new toy
  9. Number of hours your baby slept
  10. Breastfeeding (you can use the usual tracker by hour instead of day)

Random Habits

Want something new? No problem, write it down and follow the instructions 😊.

  1. Learning/mastering a new skill
  2. New word
  3. Practice something, such as drawing, calligraphy, wood carving...
  4. Watered the plants


School, university, college, etc. – everything requires organization and freeing of thoughts. Write down what you need and relieve your brain, because you can always look at your planner.

  1. Passed the exam
  2. Working on a task
  3. Did my homework
  4. Prepared for the exam
  5. Extracurricular activities

These are the habits for your tracker. Organize yourself and free up time for more enjoyable things than cleaning, taking an exam, or watering the plants. 😊

Have you heard of the “21 day rule”? They say that if you do something every day for three weeks, the action will become ingrained in your brain and become a habit. Whether this is true or not, regularity is really important in everything: from studying to morning exercises. This is why habit trackers for bullet journals have become so popular. In this article I will tell you how you can create a tracker for your diary, and at the end of the page you will find a list of 40 useful habits that you can track with its help.

Perhaps the coolest thing about the bullet journal habit tracker is that you can't cheat it. “Oh, come on, I’ve been on proper nutrition for two weeks now, I can eat a burger once!” - but that’s not true, the bullet journal shows that you’ve already missed your diet twice this week. In addition, with the help of a tracker you can monitor not only your habits, but also repetitive routine tasks that you often forget about: cleaning, washing, watering flowers.

Typically, a healthy habit tracker in a bullet journal is designed in the form of a table, where vertically are dates, and horizontally are habits that you want to track. The days when you completed the desired action are marked with icons or by filling in the squares with a certain color. Colors can represent different areas of life: for example, red for personal affairs, blue for health, green for finances, etc. And to have enough colors, stock up on a set of bright markers.

You can include a habit tracker in your weekly planner spread:

And here the tracker is combined with a to-do list for the month:

You can get more creative. For example, use a circle rather than a lined table:

Another interesting tracker format:

However, it is not necessary to mark many habits on one sheet. If you want to focus on one thing, this format is suitable for you:

Another example of a habit tracker for a bullet journal. Here the author focused on beauty and healthy sleep:

You don’t have to write in words - you can mark your habits with icons like this:

And now, as promised, a list of 40 habits that you can track using a tracker in a bullet journal. Write in your journal every day if you...

  1. Drank __ glasses of water
  2. Ate no more than __ calories
  3. Did not consume sweets (fast food, coffee, alcohol)
  4. Ate fruits or vegetables
  5. Watering flowers
  6. Did exercises (exercises, yoga, jogging)
  7. Cooked food at home
  8. Spent time with your pet
  9. Doing what you love (hobby)
  10. Engaged in a project (for study or work)
  11. Have taken medications or vitamins
  12. Keep a diary (blog, morning pages)
  13. Posted something on social media
  14. Meditated
  15. Cleaned the apartment
  16. Have had sex - useful for those who are planning a child or simply monitoring their health, may be useful when going to the doctor
  17. Didn’t log into social networks (or spent less than __ hours on them)
  18. Studied a foreign language (music, calligraphy, drawing, etc.)
  19. Called parents
  20. Spent time in nature
  21. Went to bed on time
  22. Woke up on time
  23. Slept at least __ hours
  24. Read a book
  25. Didn't watch TV or YouTube
  26. Take care of your skin or hair
  27. Did your hair or makeup
  28. Turned off the phone an hour (half an hour, two) before bed
  29. Didn't stay late at work
  30. Didn’t spend money (spent less than __ rubles)
  31. Deposited __ rubles into the account
  32. Wash the dishes
  33. Did your homework
  34. Have a rest
  35. Learned something new
  36. Did a good deed
  37. Prepared for the exam (control)
  38. Didn't smoke
  39. We walked
  40. Seen friends

The most important thing is not to forget about the habit tracker in your diary; you need to fill it out every evening. If you delay filling in for even a couple of days, it will be difficult to restore the entire picture.

In conjunction with the tracker, you can use some kind of reward system for yourself, for example, “if I last a month without coffee, then...”, “if I never spend money on stupid things, then I’ll buy myself a console,” etc.

Health, work, study, budget and even personal life - all this can be reflected in a convenient habit tracker, so that you can then analyze the picture and, of course, make your life better. Isn't that what it was invented for?

In December, I conducted an experiment, instilling new habits and strengthening existing ones. To track the progress of the process, I prepared a habit tracker as a separate file.

Later, from the beginning of January, I marked up a diary page for the tracker. February came, and I completely forgot what it was like to live without such a useful tool! If you've heard something about a tracker, but have no idea how much it helps in life, keep reading!

Now my tracker looks like this (page on the left):

As you can see, its “structure” is as simple as possible - on the left are all the habits/repetitive actions that I try to maintain in my daily routine. On the right are columns with dates. To begin with, I made the tracker multi-colored; there is an opinion that using one black pen will make it easier to control your habits. I’ll try this option on the next page - so far it’s convenient and pleasant for me to color my day.

What is the usefulness of the tracker?

  • The tracker is a very visual tool. This is useful for habits like “drink 4 glasses of water a day” and the like. - you will stop forgetting about them! Most often, such mistakes also happen with ideas like “walk N steps a day.”
  • The tracker quickly develops a new and extremely important habit - checking it every day 🙂 This helps you quickly fit new things into your daily routine and make them habitual. If I hadn’t noted anywhere whether I was able to turn off the Internet at 23.00 and forget about it until tomorrow, then the habit itself would not have taken hold so quickly.
  • Only with the tracker did I get my hands on some habits - before I didn’t understand where to write them down and how to check their implementation. For example, English classes. It was pointless to write on the pages of the planner - you turn the page and immediately forget that you wanted to improve some grammatical topics. And here this information on all areas of life is collected on one page, which I check at least once a day.
  • The tracker teaches you to praise yourself - after all, all the progress is before your eyes! It’s so nice to sit down and celebrate that I was again able to devote time to the things that I consider important, but previously I regularly forgot to do (and everyone has this, right?).

What is most often practiced with the help of a tracker?

Here is a random and fairly universal list of habits that can be included in your habit tracker (all to be completed in a day):

  1. Drink 4 glasses of water
  2. Walk 10,000 steps
  3. Read 30 minutes
  4. Meditate
  5. Exercise/Jogging/Any other physical activity
  6. Rest from the Internet from 23.00
  7. Taking vitamins
  8. Write down one to three good events per day
  9. Do not add sugar to tea or coffee
  10. Have fruits/vegetables

Materials about the experiment in December can be read here.