A conspiracy to quickly and successfully sell a product. Conspiracies for selling a house - what rituals will help you sell real estate quickly and profitably Rituals and conspiracies for selling

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will explain to you how to correctly perform independent rituals for the successful sale of goods, so that it really becomes such. By following my advice, you will be able to help yourself in simple everyday situations when there is no need for professional magical intervention.

In the magic of money there are strong rituals, complex and to some extent dangerous, not recommended in, just as there are a huge number of effective conspiracies for good sales of goods - simple, but quite effective.

Some conspiracies have a ritual part, others do not, but it should be noted that magicians very often use simple conspiracies for the successful sale of things in order to enhance the main effect. In other words, in order for the result of the work to be good and more or less stable, the work must always be carried out in a comprehensive manner.

A strong conspiracy to sell quickly - how to attract customers

Conspiracies to quickly and successfully sell your product turn out to be useful, no matter in what field of activity you apply your efforts and skills. Whether you are trading food or industrial goods, selling cars, land or real estate, or selling services - the same product, but non-property, money magic will help you. But proven, effective conspiracies for quick successful sale of goods it is necessary to carry out in full confidence that you are right, with faith in their positive result. If there are doubts about the magical ritual for good luck in sales, what kind of success can we talk about?

The best option is to perform a witchcraft ritual for the profitable sale of goods in a comprehensive manner. This is a professional approach. Rituals are performed systematically for money, successful trading, and general well-being. Runes combine perfectly with black magic. There are very good formulas and bets for wealth, goodness and prosperity. In combination with runic magic for money and success, black magic conspiracies to quickly sell things will be even more effective.
If you have no experience working with runic egregor, this should not stop you. Experience comes in the process of witchcraft practice, during the process of application. The good thing about runes for successful sales is that they work for beginners too. Of course, not in the same volume, and not with the same power of influence that the masters achieve, but, nevertheless, there is a result. Good results can be achieved without involving other Forces, working only with unclean spirits or with a cemetery egregor. In black magic rituals there is conspiracies to sell goods, which are easy to do yourself. Naturally, observing all the rules of magical work.

The most powerful rituals for a profitable sale need to be done in a complex.

Plus constant repetition - monthly in the waxing moon phase. The ideal period for conspiracies to attract customers and increase product sales is the new moon. Yes, it’s also worth saying that technically simple spells for good luck in sales can turn out to be very powerful in practice. It all depends on how much effort you put into an independent ritual for good luck and attracting money into your life. This will be the return.

Let's return for a minute to the issue of runic magic in complex work with black rituals and conspiracies for good sales. If you don’t want or are afraid to use runes, then you should pay attention to magical talismans for success. Money talismans and amulets also work very, very well, provided that you have configured them correctly for yourself.

A strong conspiracy to sell a product - a reading for trading with a candle

When you want to quickly sell your product and make good money from it, you need a conspiracy to quickly and successfully sell the product. Take a wax candle and, without lighting it, tap on the thing you want to sell, and read the following words 7 times:

“Ride on horseback, walk on foot, and come to my market, and keep an eye on my goods, whoever catches your eye, he will leave with peace, at night he will be drawn to this thing, during the day he will show up for it, he will not consider the money, he will be stupefied by this thing, will part with the money, just stare at the thing, the money is uncounted, but given for this thing, then the spell is demonic, the spell is black, it is gold for the merchant, but it is a headache for the people, the candle is a witness, if it blazes with fire, then everything will be done, in a word it will be fulfilled, yes my wallet will be filled with money. Amen".

Read the plot to quickly sell things seven times, then burn the candle entirely.

Do it 3 days in a row. The item will be sold soon. Do it on the waxing moon - to attract customers to the store. The ritual is suitable not only for selling things, but also for selling real estate. If you are selling a house or apartment, it is not at all necessary to knock a candle on the walls. All you have to do is tap on the photo of your property or the BTI plan. Reviews about the plot for a successful sale are good, the magical ritual is effective and efficient. Helpers need a payoff. On the third day, at the crossroads, at the end of the witchcraft ritual to attract good luck and money into life.

If there is negativity on the performer, there will most likely be no result. Magical negativity can be of various types:

  • evil eye,
  • damage,
  • stealer,
  • closing the tracks,
  • interception of luck,
  • generational curse.

Therefore, before read a spell for successful trading in a store or at the market, do a diagnosis, figure out what kind of negativity is affecting you, and then select the most effective cleaning. This is the only way the most powerful sales conspiracies will be effective; Money magic has its own immutable rules.

After a home plot for the profitable sale of a product gives the desired result, do not brag, do not tell everyone about your luck, to no one at all, remain silent, never tell anyone why you were lucky, not drunk or sober, otherwise it will be bad, in will leave you a hundredfold. And I want to brag! Especially for a newbie. But, we must learn to remain silent. Silence is the most important condition for planned business and strong home rituals for good luck in trading.
The magical ritual is effective and working, read the conspiracy for the urgent sale of goods for 3 days in a row, give time to the witchcraft ritual to promote (in most cases, the result begins to appear the next day, but not for everyone), wait until it has completely worked out and goes down in your history practice, give yourself time to analyze your work.

Effective conspiracies to quickly sell goods in a store

A good conspiracy for a profitable sale, which I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, now want to offer you, has a simple ritual part. The words of a spell are spoken for trade, for a product, or a separate thing that needs to be sold. Read effective quick sales plot With this plan you can use it at any time of the day. But it’s better in the morning, before you start trading in the store.

While reading this powerful conspiracy to sell a product, hold a nickel in your left hand. Place your hand with the coin on the item that needs to be sold urgently. And then throw this nickel at a pedestrian intersection. He will pay the ransom.

“I persuade with force, I persuade with ancient persuasion, with strong words. I rule, I magnify, I bestow this success on my trade: dark-looking demons, we will be assistants, in the dark guarantors. Help and assist so that whenever someone, be it old, be it small, be female, or be male, when he sees a thing in me, he will not be able to resist this feeling, his gaze will sparkle with desire, like the sun, like a patched robe. If the thing was dear to him, everyone would be seduced by it, and the greyhounds would admire it, their hands would be drawn to my things, their fingers would interlock with my things. They paid us in gold and silver, and quickly left the yard. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Summary: this home plot to sell things at a profit works. One note: the power of the magic spell lasts for 1 day, but it lasts well. Perhaps it will last longer for some. But, there is a calculation to read daily. Every day you bring the payment - a nickel to the intersection. While reading effectively conspiracy for a quick and successful sale property, you may feel an energy release - from slight dizziness to nausea. Here it is important to follow all the rules of the witchcraft ritual for success in trading, and, of course, you must be protected.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

An effective conspiracy to make a profitable sale using white magic

The question is the following: your product is expensive, one-piece, you need to sell it, naturally, at a profit, and the buyer “matures” for a long time, thinks. How to hurry him up, how to push him to make a decision? Try to make an effective plot to sell an expensive item at a profit. It's very simple:

“The plowman plows, the blacksmith forges, the merchant sells goods. The reaper is walking into the field, the buyer is carrying money. The reaper in the field reaps, the buyer (name the product you are selling) will take it for himself. Amen".

And although white rituals and conspiracies for successful sales are often criticized, this particular one turned out to be a very good spell for good luck in selling an expensive item. It is simply read for the product, but in a magical ritual, visualization plays a special role.

A strong conspiracy for good sales - rituals of practical money magic

When washing your face before trading, read yourself to make the words of a conspiracy to sell stale goods. Then wipe your face with a new handkerchief and take it with you to trade.

There comes a time in every person's life when it becomes necessary to get rid of some item. Often, there is no desire to throw away an item, since it may be expensive, useful and in good condition.

In this case, the thought of selling an item comes to mind, and a conspiracy to sell an item can help realize the plan much more profitably and faster.

To carry out a successful sale of goods, it is enough to use magical powers and call on higher powers for help in this matter. Thus, without the help of magic, it may take quite a long time to realize what was planned, whereas with the help of magic, the item being sold will be purchased very quickly.

To quickly and profitably sell one thing, it is enough to cast a spell over it, sincerely believing in its power.

Through a magical ritual, you can create talismans, the constant wearing of which will improve the daily sales of goods. Such talismans will be a great help for owners of retail outlets, sellers whose salaries depend on revenue, and ordinary people who occasionally sell personal items.

What determines the effectiveness of the ritual?

In order for the conspiracy to be effective, and for its result to be to the liking of the performer, it is necessary to strictly observe all the requirements for its implementation. So, conspiracies to sell things should be read completely alone, so that no one knows about the ritual.

Moreover, even after the successful sale of the goods, you cannot tell even your closest people about the previously performed ritual, otherwise it will cause some unpleasant consequences.

It is completely unacceptable to laugh at such rituals - they should be taken extremely seriously, otherwise the consequences are inevitable. Only people who believe in magic are allowed to perform the ritual, who know how to concentrate on what they want and put all their strength into the conspiracy.

In addition, most of these rituals are carried out on the waxing moon, and 3 days before the ritual the performer is not allowed to drink alcohol.

People know a large number of conspiracies that can help quickly sell this or that item. So there is a fairly strong ritual for the successful sale of goods through water. Spring water is drawn into the vessel, a spell is pronounced over it three times, after which the item being sold is sprinkled with the enchanted water.

Spells “To sell things” for spring water

“On the market square, bargaining is going on. They sell everything: silk and fur. I will sell your product (name the thing) and its price (name the price). Anyone who sees it will want to buy it. Amen."

Another no less powerful conspiracy can be read in key. To perform the ritual you will need a glass or clay vessel, spring water and a key. The container with water must be put on fire, then the key must be thrown into the boiling water. The words of prayer are said over the steam 9 times, after which the water is left to cool.

Conspiracies “For selling things” for the key and water

“Just as people cannot do without a lock and key, so they cannot do without (name of product). Just as people cannot live without water, they cannot live without (name of product). My word is strong! Amen."

The cooled water along with the key must be poured into a glass vessel. As soon as the day of sale arrives, hands are rinsed with charmed water and the items being sold are sprinkled. It is recommended to keep the key until the next sale.

For the trade to be successful, things must be crossed three times, after which it is necessary to cast a spell over them, while stroking the goods with the right hand.

Spells “For successful trading”

“Just as I, the servant of God (my name), iron (name) my goods, so I get along with my customers. One will look, the second will praise, the third will buy for his own joy, and for me - for profit. My word is strong, it is molded to the product. Amen."

A very strong ritual for a quick sale is carried out using a nickel. On the waxing Moon, you should take the coin with your right hand, hold it for a while, and then say a prayer over it 12 times.

Conspiracies “To sell things” on a coin

“Pyatak Pyatakovich! Give me (your name) luck without giving up! For now, forever, forever! Amen."

In order to sell goods quickly and profitably, it is recommended to take a coin with you at all times.

Will the trade be successful?

To avoid consequences, magical rituals should be used in exceptional cases when no other ways to sell the goods are possible. The use of black magic is not free of charge - at some point the performer of the ritual will have to pay for the service provided. So, a merchant may lose some or all of the goods, lose a round sum of money, or pay with his health. The most severe consequences will manifest themselves in cases where the ritual was performed not according to the rules or as a joke - magic does not like to be mocked.

Video: Conspiracy to sell things

Every person may be faced with the need to sell some item. All sellers strive to do this as quickly as possible and get the expected benefit as quickly as possible. You can speed up this process if you start reading a conspiracy to sell things. We will give examples of effective rituals for realizing something later in the article.

If you want to achieve the desired result of the conspiracy, which you will like, you must strictly follow all the instructions for its implementation.

  1. For example, the most important point is that the ritual must be carried out in splendid isolation. It is also prohibited to share with anyone about the magical actions you perform.
  2. Please note that even after successfully selling an item, it is unacceptable to talk about the ritual. If you neglect this point, you may face unpleasant consequences.
  3. You need to take magic seriously, otherwise you may get hurt. It is important that the ritual is carried out by people who sincerely believe in magical powers, who can concentrate on what they want and invest their energy in the ritual to the maximum.
  4. You should also take into account the phase of the moon - ideally when it is in its waxing phase.
  5. Three days before the ritual, you need to stop drinking alcohol (many magicians also stop eating meat).

Now that you know the rules for reading rituals, you can move on to a detailed review of the most effective options.

Examples of conspiracies for selling things


Many people take visualization lightly and treat it as some kind of entertainment, but in vain. Our brain is not able to distinguish real images from the fruits of our imagination, therefore, when we begin to visualize, it automatically perceives the picture as real and over time it actually comes to life (provided that you visualize often and imagine what you want in detail).

Visualization will also help speed up the sale of any item, but only if it is presented in one copy.

You will need to grab the item you want to sell with both hands (if this is not possible due to its large size, then simply touch the item with both hands). Take a closer look at this object, look at it from all angles, carefully study all the details. At the same time, imagine how it attracts the attention of a large number of people, how buyers look at it with interest and want to make a purchase.

If desired, you can even imagine expected conversations with customers. Be sure to set a specific price for the item at which you agree to sell it.

The important point is that no one disturbs you during the ceremony and that you are in a positive mood.

When you finish visualizing, you will need to cross the object three times and say:

“I will get what I have in mind! Amen!"

On the waning moon

A spell for the waning moon is being carried out. You will need to say the following text:

Please note that this ritual for quick sale is only effective for inanimate objects. With its help, you will not be able to sell the animal; for this purpose you will have to use another conspiracy.

For good profit

If you need to sell an item and want to get some good revenue for it, take a wax candle, knock on the item you are selling and say the following curse:

The hex is read 7 times. At the end, you will need to wait until the candle burns out completely. The ritual itself is performed over three days (in a row). Very soon there will be a buyer for your product.

A simple ritual with goods

If you have been trying to sell a product for a long time, but it just doesn’t work out for you, you need to stand next to it, close your eyes and read the following conspiracy to sell things:

Ritual with the key

The key traditionally symbolizes openness and quick sales. Therefore, there are various powerful conspiracies that help sell land and other real estate.

To perform an effective ritual for selling property with a key, you will need to stock up on the following items:

  • With the key. It is he who plays the main role in this ritual. You can prepare a key of any size and design, it will not have any effect on the power of the conspiracy.
  • Water. Do not use ordinary tap water for the ceremony. The ideal option would be purified water from a spring or melted ice, which is easy to make yourself.
  • Fireproof cookware.
  • A container for water (glass or clay).

The time of the ritual is the waxing moon. Boil water until bubbles form, then place the key in it. A pair will be formed, for which you will need to recite a special text nine times:

After this, leave the water to cool, leaving the key in the saucepan. Then you will need to take it out and hide it in a secluded place to which only you have access, and carefully pour the water into a pre-prepared glass or clay container.

When customers begin to appear, sprinkle the item with the enchanted water, and also wash your hands in it. These actions will help you quickly realize what you want at a cost that will completely satisfy you.

After a successful sale, there is no need to throw away the key; it will become your talisman and can be used for other magical rituals.

The conspiracy will help you speed up the process of selling some items or property. But we do not recommend that you abuse magic; turn to it only in cases where other methods do not work and there is an urgent need for it.

Please also watch the following video, which explains the rules for successful trading and purchasing

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Pre-sale preparation has been completed, the house is clean and comfortable, everything on the land plot has been cleaned, it’s time to invite potential buyers for inspection. Everyone knows that selling real estate can take a long time.

How to make buyers choose your offer and speed up the sales process? White magic will come to the rescue.

The most important thing is the mindset for success; you must with all your heart wish to successfully complete the transaction and without red tape. When using spells, the desired emotional mood plays a major role; without it, the effect will be weaker.

Such conspiracies belong to white magic and do not entail negative consequences if they do not harm anyone. Conspiracies should be read during the waning moon, as it symbolizes disappearance and alienation.

Magic does not tolerate mistakes, the text of the spell must be read without errors, do not change words, and perform all the actions of the ritual as required.

Only sellers, that is, the owners of the house, can resort to magic in selling real estate.

Simple spells to sell a house

There are many conspiracies to read which do not require complex rituals.

Buy a broom at the store and, after you have decided to sell the property, on the night of the waning moon, begin your revenge. Mark each room to the threshold with the words:

“Just as I sweep away rubbish from a house, so I call merchants to me. They will come, they will take my house, and I will live in another house. Amen".

A very effective and at the same time simple plot. To carry out the ceremony, you will need natural water, for example, from a spring or well. Early in the morning, take a container of spring water and start washing the floors in the house you are selling, repeating the words of the conspiracy all the time:

I water it with spring water and attract buyers.

Welcome, buy generously.

I want money, not in silver, but in gold!

Selling. Selling. Selling.

I renounce my corners.

I'm waiting for buyers.

If a plot of land is put up for sale, you simply need to sprinkle water around its perimeter, repeating the same plot.

Another effective ritual associated with washing floors. Fill a bucket with plain water and wash your house or apartment. And for dirty water, read the words of the conspiracy three times:

"Four corners, four walls,

My home and my brownie, I renounce you, I renounce you.

From locks, from doors, from corners and from windows.

So that the new owner will soon come to the doorstep,

I made this purchase, but I didn’t bring silver coins with me,

And he paid with gold!

Pour the water outside.

Conspiracy to hide defects at home

If the property you are selling has some flaws that scare away buyers, for example, an inconvenient location or peeling wallpaper, this spell will help.

Choose a suitable lunar day and wait until the moonlight appears. You need to pour white salt into a plate and place it on the windowsill so that the light from the moon falls on it.

Looking at the salt, say the words of the spell seven times:

“White salt, pure salt, salty salt!

How the light of the month hits you,

So that buyers will come to me too!

So that only the rich and the haves go,

So that they bring money and do not regret it!

Just as I spill this salt, the buyer will immediately come to me.

In the morning, scatter the charmed salt throughout all the rooms.

Candle spell

A strong conspiracy should be used if constant difficulties arise: buyers refuse at the last moment, paperwork begins, or the property needs to be sold urgently.

You will need seven church candles. Wait until the day the moon enters its waning phase and begin.

The ritual is performed at night alone. Before you start, clear your thoughts of negativity, don’t think about problems, imagine selling your house. As soon as you feel that you are in the mood, take the candles and place them so that you get a circle. Light them and stand in it.

While in the circle, say the words of the spell, learned by heart:

“Let the roof and walls attract people, they will come quickly in the coming days. Having entered so as not to leave, I’d rather leave. All the signs will come together in my favor, and I will gain profit from the sale. Let the church candles burn out, direct their smoke to help me. And when I burn out, I will betray them to the earth so that everything turns out the way I want.

Stay in the circle until the candles burn out, always thinking about a profitable sale. Then take a white sheet of paper, collect cinders in it, they need to be taken to the forest and buried under a tree. The tree must be “female” - birch, willow, pine, etc.

Don’t tell anyone about the ritual and soon the problems will be resolved on your own.

Coin spell

When a coin is used in rituals, it means money is attracted. This is the so-called magic of trading.

Be careful, it will not work if you inflate the price or want to deceive. Such a plot is suitable for selling a house with a plot of land.

You will need any coin, say it five times:

“I’ll put a coin in the soil, and I’ll get a benefit from it. Mother Earth, share your luck. I will sell you honestly, I will not deceive you, I will not offend you, I will give you to a good owner. Amen".

Bury a charmed coin on your land, it will attract buyers to you.

Key spell

A simple spell for the keys to a house or apartment helps especially well if the property is not for sale for a long time. Take the keys and rub them in your hands, saying the words of the conspiracy three times:

“The blacksmith forges his iron, the farmer plows all his fields, so it’s time for me to do my job. Find a kind, generous person and come to me soon. Pay, have fun, and share your new happiness. Amen".

It is better to learn the text by heart, and if the property is expensive, repeat it as many times as you see fit.

Instant conspiracy

“My windows, my windows!

Light and beautiful!

The thresholds are gilded, the pillars are twisted!

So that they would admire you and want to buy you!

If the buyer did not want to buy the house, when seeing him off, spit after him and say:

“If this one doesn’t, the next one will buy it!”

Of course, everything needs to be done so that no one notices anything. Be sure to perform the ritual during daylight hours.

A powerful ritual for selling a house

One of the very effective and powerful rituals is performed on the waning moon. To perform the ritual you need to prepare:

  • Sugar and salt;
  • One pin;
  • Glass container.

Take a glass bowl and mix the bulk ingredients in equal proportions. Then insert a pin, point down, into the very center of the resulting mass and say:

“I sell not to evil people, but to good people, for happiness and prosperity what I do not need. For myself, God’s servant (name), I will purchase what I need (you can name the amount you are counting on). Let it be so! Amen!".

Hide the vessel in front of the entrance, after selling the house, take it with you and bury it in the forest.

Conspiracy to sell a house with land

First, you need to tidy up the house, it must be clean. Money will not go to a dirty house. When cleaning the house say:

“Money for me, house for the buyer. I am selling the house, but my happiness is with me always and everywhere. Amen!".

To perform the ceremony you need:

  • Pick three branches from a bush or tree growing on your site;
  • Prepare one candle and matches;
  • Pour plain water into any container.

Light a candle and move the branches over it, saying the words of the conspiracy:

“Grow up with me, grow up with another owner. To the joy of you and me, care for you, prosperity for me. Let it be so! Amen!".

Place the charmed branches in water and plant them in an inconspicuous corner of the site.

Ritual for coffee beans

A very effective plot that will help you quickly and profitably sell real estate.

You need to prepare:

  • One church candle and matches;
  • Three roasted coffee beans.

Buy a candle in the temple that is closest to your home, choose the largest candle. The ceremony can be performed during the daytime.

Place the candle on the table and place the grains in front of it.

You need to light a candle in a special way. Bringing a burning match to it, you need to speak to the fire:

“Holy light fire will go everywhere, under my dwelling. Yes, as he comes, so he will remain. And it will cover the eyes of anyone who enters, and everyone will like the home. Oh, yes, it will sell quickly, but for a long time. Amen, amen, amen."

After you have read the plot, extinguish the candle. Take the grains and place them under the mat in front of the entrance.

Poppy spell

To carry out the ritual, you need to go to church and take holy water. Since you have come to the temple, it will not be amiss to pray, this will clear your mind.

Prepare two containers: pour holy water into one, pour poppy seeds into the second.

The essence of the ritual is to pour pinches of poppy seeds into holy water, while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“As I throw poppy at you, I invite money.

Buyer, come and buy my apartment.

Mac will help me with everything, I will sell the apartment at a good price.

I hold a magic poppy in my hand, as I said, so be it.”

The text must be learned by heart. Repeat the spell until all the poppy seeds are in the water, then place the vessel in a secluded place in the house.

When you sell the house, take the enchanted item with you and pour the liquid under the tree. Don't forget to thank Mac for your help.

Prayer for selling a house

Very often, people turn to the Saints in prayer for help in selling their home.

Remember that in order to ask for help and receive it you need to believe, go to the temple only with a pure heart and thoughts.

Prayers for the sale of a house follow Saint Nicholas the Pleasant.

Go to the temple and buy three candles, place them in front of the icon of the Saint and pray:

“Prayer Nikolai, bless me for the successful sale of the apartment and send down generous, honest and not poor buyers. Thy will be done. Amen".

Be sure to get an icon of the Saint; when you return home, light church candles and place them in front of the face of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

At home you need to pray like this:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, I turn to you with a prayer. Send me an appropriate bargain, honest and generous buyers. Let the client like the apartment and the sale will be successful. Thy will be done. Amen".

The saint will protect you from scammers and help you with a speedy sale.

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A conspiracy to sell an apartment will help speed up and make the process more profitable and attract buyers. Thanks to the ritual, you can be sure that you will be able to sell a house, apartment or land quickly and profitably.

In the article:

Conspiracy to sell an apartment - the history of trading magic

Rituals associated with trade were used by merchants to achieve additional profit. They did not hesitate to combine several spells, rituals and amulets at once. In the 10th and 11th centuries, for example, merchants did not hesitate to perform pagan rituals and immediately go to pray to Orthodox saints.

Although in those days trade witchcraft was the prerogative of a select few and was carefully protected from ordinary people, now everyone has the opportunity to touch the ancient tradition and get what they want. In the process of execution, objects associated with the house and everyday life are used - brooms, salt, various wood.

Conspiracy to sell an apartment using Christmas tree needles

This is an effective plot to quickly sell an apartment. As a rule, a trade transaction after the ritual is carried out quickly, and the buyer agrees with the proposed price without haggling. You should not unnecessarily inflate the price if the property is not worth it - the cost of the apartment should be fair.

For the plot you will need several spruce needles (three or four). Pine trees are not suitable - you need spruce. Needles can be either fresh or dry.

You need to take the needles in your hand, make a fist and hold them there for a few seconds. Then unclench your hand and whisper the conspiracy words:

Fir needle, pin my goods to the merchant.
He won't run away from him anywhere,
He always comes running to my house to buy something.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

The spoken fir needles are hidden in the apartment that is planned to be sold, so that no one can see them. You cannot leave needles in a sold apartment; they are taken with you after the transaction is completed and thrown away. The plot is suitable for the successful sale of a car and other goods.

Conspiracy to sell land for a coin

The plot is suitable if you need to sell a vegetable garden, a garden or a plot of land. A ritual is performed when a country house with an attached plot is put up for sale.

Trading magic only works well if you ask the buyer for a fair price. Otherwise, the entities “responsible” for the deal will be outraged, and the conspiracy will not work.

On the plot to be sold, it is necessary to bury a small coin that is in use, with the following words:

My benefit is in Mother Raw Earth. My nurse, share your luck, lay out a path for the buyer. I will take the full price for you - I will neither demand more nor sell you cheap.

A conspiracy to successfully sell an apartment with keys

Thanks to this conspiracy, apartments, houses and cars can be sold quickly and without hassle. The ritual helps to get money for premises that have been on sale for several years, but have not been able to sell them.

You need to read the keys to the apartment that is for sale three times. If there is an expensive apartment, a cottage or a car of a prestigious brand, the number of readings of the plot increases: they read three, seven, nine, eleven, thirty-three, seventy-seven or one hundred eight times. The number of readings also depends on how large the purchase will be for an average-income citizen.

Conspiracy text:

Just like a blacksmith needs to forge, a plowman needs to plow, a merchant needs to trade,
Ass for honest people to pray,
And I should go to church and get baptized,
So to the kind, rich and generous buyer
Come to my house, pay for it and settle in it.

A conspiracy to quickly sell a house while cleaning

A good owner will clean the property before putting it up for sale. This moment is used to read the current conspiracy to quickly sell a house and attract buyers.

The floors in the entire house or apartment should be washed with one bucket of water, without changing them. Perhaps this will be a second or even a third wash - depending on the condition of the property being sold. You need to wash it everywhere, in every room and even in the closet and on the balcony, if there are any.

It is necessary to ensure that the dirty water after washing the floors remains untouched until late at night and that no one pours out the liquid. At about 3 o'clock in the morning, the following hex is read over a bucket of water three times:

I’m leaving you in good hands so that there is no boredom. Get yourself a new tenant - a good fellow, and let me go. Amen!

Afterwards you need to go out into the yard and pour the dirty water into the ground. If this is an apartment, you can pour the liquid near the entrance onto a flowerbed or lawn, if it is a private house - behind the gate. You can't talk to anyone and look around. If you meet someone or speak to them (whether out loud or in a whisper), the selling spell will not work.

Strong conspiracies to sell a house on a broom

To read the plot, you need some holy water and a broom. They take holy water from church on any day or use the one that is already at home. A broom should be bought on Friday without haggling.

The plot is read any day, but only when the sun rises. It is desirable that the solar disk be visible. You should sprinkle holy water on the broom and say:

So I sweep away the rubbish, clean the house so that it sparkles and attracts rich buyers. I give a period of three days, I seal my word with holy water. Amen.

Then the entire house or apartment is swept, not forgetting the balcony. They do this for three days in a row: each time you need to spray water on the broom again, read the spell and thoroughly sweep the room.

There is another conspiracy to quickly sell an apartment or house, which can be read on a broom. Nothing is needed except a broom, which does not have to be new or purchased on a certain day, but one purchased without bargaining on Friday is better suited.

The hex on the broom is read at about three o’clock in the morning:

Just as I sweep away the litter, I sweep it away, so I attract buyers to me. The first one will arrive, the second one will come, the third one will buy it and take it for himself. Amen.

You need to sweep the entire house or apartment at dawn, when the glow appears. It is necessary to repeat the ritual for three days in a row - at night, slander the broom, and at the first rays of the sun, sweep the apartment put up for sale with it.

Conspiracy for a good buyer

Often, when selling real estate, situations arise when there is no end to clients, but no one is eager to make a purchase. If only rude, stingy and unpleasant people come, perhaps this is the evil eye or an imprint of someone else's negativity. They get rid of damage without resorting to, simply by covering the slander with this conspiracy.

You will need some honey, ten coins and twelve church wax candles. Before sunrise on Thursday, you need to place candles in a circle, in the center of which place a small cup or bowl with prepared coins (of any denomination) and honey. If the honey is hard and candied, it is better to melt the bee product. The ritual is used in conjunction with.