Slippery shoes - what to do: the best home remedies for ice on the street. How to make anti-slip shoe pads with your own hands The right shoes for icy conditions, special shoe pads to protect against ice

  • Shoes with leather soles are pleasant to wear and comfortable for the feet, as they allow air to pass through, “as they say, feet breathe,” and also make it possible not to retain moisture in the shoes, since feet can sweat when walking.
  • At the same time, when walking on a wet road, the leather sole absorbs moisture, which is harmful for this type of sole and leads to damage, more on that later
  • When walking on particularly rough surfaces such as asphalt, concrete, leather soles wear out quite quickly.

So, we see that the advantages of shoes with leather soles are quite significant, but if you do not take into account the disadvantages, then after some time after purchase you can be very upset that your expensive and beloved shoes will become unusable.

From the above, you can see that there are two main enemies for such shoes: moisture and bad roads.

What to do to protect leather soles from rapid deterioration?

1 The first advice: do not walk on bad and wet roads, but only on carpets, parquet or tiles.
It’s true that this is not always possible.

2 Then the second and most optimal advice will suit you: after purchasing the shoes, take care to install the outsole on the sole. You may also hear another name for such repairs – prevention or roll-up.

These are rubber soles that a shoe repair shop will glue onto your soles.

Interestingly, some stores even sell shoes that have leather soles and branded soles for them, taking into account that if the buyer wants to install them over time, he can do this in the workshop and with his own soles.

Or you can do it yourself, but of course this requires certain knowledge and skills. (Who is interested in watching mastery lessons)

Of course, it should be taken into account that not all shoe repair specialists will be able to beautifully and efficiently install preventive maintenance, so if you have expensive shoes, then try to find a workshop where they do high-quality repairs and where they can take into account your wishes.

For example, owners of expensive shoes often ask me that prevention be installed not just as standard, but in some unusual way, so as not to be conspicuous.

There are different options, for example, I recently installed an outsole where the base of the edge is not flat, but arched. Looks good.

Of course, in order to install the outsole beautifully, and even on a leather sole, you need to take into account some nuances that not everyone knows about, but I talk about them in my master class, which can be found on the page

What is prevention?

Preventive measures involve creating protection for shoes, namely strengthening the sole, which is carried out by applying a special product to it. This method can preserve your shoes and protect them from damage. In simple words, this procedure involves creating a sole or roll.

Not every factory, when producing shoes, installs a roller on them, so after purchasing, we advise you to immediately take the shoes or boots to a repair shop. Many people put off this visit and wait until the sole begins to wear off. But this is not correct; it is better to prevent damage to the sole and delay its wear.

The goal of such prevention is not only to protect shoes, but also to make the product more stable. With these boots you won’t be afraid to get your feet wet in the rain or slip on wet asphalt.

What shoes are suitable for prevention?

Traditionally, prevention is used for shoes with leather soles. In these shoes you can visit the theater, meet with family and friends, go to the cinema and restaurant. It’s worth saying right away that expensive shoes first of all need preventive maintenance, since their soles are prone to rapid wear. In addition, those aggressive substances that are sprinkled on roads in winter have a negative impact on the condition of the product. And moisture helps to quickly soften the leather sole.

Types of prevention

Prevention itself can be a product made from a wide variety of materials. The most popular and relevant are polyurethane rolls. They can also be made of rubber, steronite and micropore. Polyurethane, in its characteristics, is somewhat ahead of other materials, so it is most often used to create prophylaxis.

This protection is suitable for any sole. Its main function is to prevent premature wear and deformation.

Women's shoes require the installation of a thin heel so that it does not weigh down the shoes, but at the same time gives them strength. Men's shoes need better protection, and in the case of winter products, additional non-slip coating.

You can choose any color for the prophylaxis, so it won’t stand out in any way.

The thickness of the knurling does not exceed 1 mm, so wearing such shoes is quite comfortable.

Where to install prevention

If desired, the outsole can be installed on the entire foot, but most often it is placed on a separate area that is most susceptible to wear, traditionally this is the toe part of the shoe.

You should contact specialized repair shops to install preventive maintenance. True professionals in their field will not only do their job efficiently, but will also tell you about additional ways to care for your shoes.

Procedure for performing prophylaxis

  1. The master removes from the sole its original coating created by the manufacturer. This will allow the glue to set faster and more evenly;
  2. Next, you need to apply glue to the sole, always heated to a certain temperature;
  3. The roll is carefully leveled on the area coated with glue and pressed;
  4. At the final stage, excess material is removed and the knurling is secured using a hammer.

How necessary is prevention?

If you plan to wear your shoes for a long time, then they need preventive maintenance. Thanks to the outsole, your sole will not wear off in the near future, and the shape of the shoe will remain in its original condition for a long time. If you neglect these measures, you will soon take your shoes to a workshop, but repairs will cost you much more.

To prevent shoes from losing their shape and appearance, you need to take care of them, and it doesn’t matter what brands you prefer and how much money you are willing to pay for one pair. FURFUR publishes a short guide on how to care for shoes: what exactly needs to be done with boots and shoes to prevent them from premature aging and what products to choose for different materials.

General rules for shoe care

Despite the availability of universal products that, according to manufacturers, are suitable for any shoe, it is worth distinguishing between products and methods of care for different materials. Incorrectly selected creams and lotions can only ruin your new boots. A few basic rules for caring for different types of shoes:

Cleaning suede

Unlike a leather sole, which can be prepared in advance for going out into the harsh reality of the street, it will not be possible to protect suede from weather troubles and city dust. Typically, experts condemn the use of all kinds of shoe care products that only absorb into the suede, but do not protect it from moisture and dirt. In this case, it is almost impossible to prevent their appearance on shoes; moreover, good products are very expensive, but it is quite possible to clean suede shoes from dirt.


Blackbird Inc.
Oi Polloi

Mr. Porter

Previously, suede was thoroughly cleaned with rubber brushes, after wiping the boots with a damp cloth. After drying, the boots needed to be rubbed with a brush again and boldly went outside. However, now, due to greater environmental pollution, we have to resort to more radical methods and tools - sandpaper and rubber glue.

You need to rub the suede very gently with the sandpaper, so it will not spoil it, but will only ruffle the pile and remove dirt from it. With glue it’s a little more complicated: you need to apply a thin layer on the glass surface, wait for it to dry, and roll it into a ball. You need to rub your shoes with this ball like a brush, all the dirt will stick to it, and the shoes will look clean and well-groomed. Even if the suede is completely worn out and whitish spots are visible on the shoes, it is not necessary to resort to dyes. You can, as was done in Soviet times, tint black suede with ordinary carbon paper. The only thing you can't completely cope with is oil stains; they practically cannot be removed from suede.

Outsole protection

“Prevention” is a special thick sticker that is attached to the sole of the shoe and protects it from rubbing. Thirty years ago such explanations were not required - everyone did preventive maintenance, because often a man had only one pair of boots in his wardrobe, which in any case had to be looked after. Now few people care about this, although prevention can be done in any shoe workshop in a very short time and for little money - about 350 rubles.

Prevention is necessary primarily for shoes with leather soles. Upon any contact with water, it softens and, having absorbed moisture, is instantly erased. Such a sole takes a long time to dry, and even in a dry state it will not hurt to protect the skin from rubbing. If you do not put preventive measures on leather soles, the shoes will very soon become unusable, but the leather will retain its original condition. Only shoes with rubber soles do not need preventive stickers; all other rubber soles should be covered with preventive stickers.

New John White boots
First, the factory coating is removed from them, which does not adhere to glue.
Then take ready-made rubber stickers or cut them out of a large roll of rubber
Heat the glue and apply it to the rubber sticker and sole.
The shoe is placed on a metal stand called the “heel”
Carefully straighten the sticker
Glue the prophylaxis to the sole
For reliability and better gluing, use a hammer
At the end, carefully cut off the excess rubber so that the edge of the sticker coincides with the edge of the sole.
Finished boots can be put on immediately, but it is better to let the glue cool

There are three main types of preventive stickers: microporous, regular and special dense rubber. The first two are the most universal, they are cushioned and therefore do not wear out for quite a long time. In addition, you can choose the color of the stickers: most often they are black, brown, beige and white.

It is best to think about prevention in advance, immediately after purchasing boots, but it is never too late to do it. It is best to carry out prophylaxis after the third or fourth wear of the shoes, so that the soles spread out a little. The process of gluing the prophylaxis itself takes no more than ten minutes.

Usually, at the same time as prophylaxis, heels are put on heels, but in the case of new boots or shoes this should not be done: the heel will become higher than necessary - walking in such shoes is not useful. Heels should be installed only when the factory ones have worn off. It will cost about 200 rubles per pair.

Shoe stretching

Stretching shoes is a much simpler process than you might imagine, and does not require special tools. To begin with, before taking a pair to the workshop, you can try stretching the boots at home. You need to wet your palm with warm water and wipe the inside of the shoes, cover the pair with a wet cloth on top and leave for half an hour. When the skin softens, you need to put on your shoes and walk around in them a little - then the shoes will take the desired shape.

Leather and suede stretch only in width; increasing the length of the boot even by one size will not work

If this is not enough, go to a specialist, he will moisturize the pair in the same way, only he will stretch it using a special apparatus. It is important to understand that both leather and suede stretch only in width; there is no way to increase the length of the boot even by one size.

A transition period has arrived. It's icy outside.

Even the softest sole on a shoe may not save a person from ice and slipping. The risk of falling and getting injured in these conditions is very high.

Now we will look at several options - how to make anti-slip pads for anti-slip shoes at home with your own hands. And if you don’t have the opportunity to buy these pads, we’ll tell you how to make sure your shoes don’t slip in icy conditions.

How to cut a snowflake from paper in 1 minute: .

1) Option 1.

We take an old felt boot. We cut a piece from it and nail it with small nails to the sole of our shoes. Or glue it to the sole. Typically, this option using an old felt boot (a piece of felt will also work) will help prevent shoes from slipping if there is no rain (not damp) outside, if there is no snowfall. If all this is present (snow or rain), then the felt will simply form a small crust and will also slide along the road, as if you were skating. This method protects shoes from ice for 7-10 days. Then the felt is washed.

2) Option 2.

To make your own anti-ice shoes, you will need Moment glue. Apply glue to the sole of the shoe with a snake. Let's let it dry a little. Then, using a match, we spread it over the sole with a small snake. After a day, when the glue has dried, we rub it a little with coarse sandpaper so that its surface becomes rough. Typically, this method protects against ice for 4-6 days (a week).

3) Option 3.

Simplest. Take a large adhesive plaster and stick it in pieces to the sole of your shoe. The effect is approximately the same - you will have enough protection from ice for 3-4 days. But it is necessary that there is no snowfall or rain so that the adhesive plaster does not crust over.

4) Option 4.

The hardware store sells special strips with sticky sandpaper (see photo). They are usually used near shops, stuck on the porch to prevent visitors from falling in the winter. In the same way, they can be glued to the sole of shoes, like a patch. Usually this method lasts for 2-3 days in case of ice, since the sandpaper quickly wears out when walking on asphalt or in the entrance of a house.

5) Option 5.

Use of various polyurethane heels. This material is soft, like silicone, and it does not harden when there is ice. Therefore, it clings well to the ice and protects a person from slipping on it. Typically, such heels last the entire season.

6) Option 6.

Metal heels. They are manufactured and sold specifically for those regions where ice is frequent. Or for special services that work in the mountains or in conditions where shoes often slip. These can be special heels with spikes, with nails, heels around the perimeter of shoes, etc. But in the city, where people come indoors after going outside, these heels are somehow inconvenient; they rattle like metal horse shoes. Therefore, they should be used only as a last resort when other methods do not help.

7) Option 7.

Special anti-icing pads for shoes. They are rubber. And on the bottom they have metal spikes, like a studded car tire. By wearing woven pads on shoes, a person will be able to walk very steadily on ice and not fall.

And the most important thing. How to avoid falling in ice.

First tip . You need to choose shoes specifically for winter. That is, the sole should not be made of plastic, which in the cold becomes “oak, wooden” and glides like skates. And it should be made of polyurethane, which remains soft in the cold.

Second tip . The sole of the shoe should be grooved. Then it will “grab” the ice, preventing it from sliding.

Third tip . Develop the habit of walking in icy conditions in a special way, not like in the summer. How to walk in icy conditions? It’s very simple: a) bend your legs slightly at the knees and don’t straighten them completely until you step on a normal, stable surface. b) take small, short, slow steps. If we walk quickly, wide, if we run, then we will quickly fall into the ice. C) be sure to look under your feet, noting areas with ice. If we don’t watch our step, we won’t be prepared for dangerous areas, and the risk of falling in this case is very high.

Products for protecting leather soles are professional products that prevent cracking and damage to leather shoes due to constant contact with moisture and various chemicals. You can purchase these products from well-known manufacturers on the “Magic Shoe Shoe” website.

What do we offer?

On sale are tonics based on special resins that impregnate the material and make it stronger, and also prevent the effect of moisture on the product. You can purchase compact stick pencils made from synthetic wax. Such products create a durable protective film on the sole, preventing deformation and damage to the material.

The store also has standard impregnations in cans (Ouraline SAPHIR), which are also suitable for sports and hiking shoes. This impregnation contains animal fats and vegetable oil, which soften the skin and reliably protect it from dampness.

Why us?

Why is it recommended to purchase products for protecting leather soles on shoes at the Magic Shoe Shoe store? Here are some reasons:

  • We sell high-quality and certified products that are guaranteed to extend the life of leather shoes.
  • You can purchase these products at an affordable price.
  • We have products in various forms of release.
  • Fast and inexpensive delivery is another advantage of our online store.