Prayers for the full moon. Effective spells for the full moon phase that will help attract various benefits. A strong spell for wealth on the full moon that cannot be removed

Natural phenomena are closely related to man and his ideas about the universe. Believing in magic makes the world much more interesting, and when you combine this with the uncontrollable and powerful energy of natural elements, you can get impressive results. Therefore, almost all magical rituals are performed on the full moon.

Moon influence

The moon has a magnetic effect on people: not only the cardiac condition, but also many events depend on its cycles. The power that has accumulated in the moon over the course of a month contributes to the successful performance of magical rituals.

Depending on what type of magic is used, the influence of the monthly cycle is also regulated. Black rituals and several rituals of gray magic are best suited for the full moon. The period of the waxing moon is best suited for rituals of good power.

Using any type of magic for a waning month will not give any result; you will feel exhausted and lack of strength.

On the full moon, you can read spells or prayers yourself- the power of the companion will fill every word and allow it to come true faster. But in addition to paying off the dark force that one turns to for support, one must also honor the moon for its help. To do this, after the ceremony, a handful of earth is poured into the river from under the threshold of the house, with the words: “The river carries, it will not carry, the power of the moon will not dry out, when you give help, you receive in return.” Walk home without looking back or stopping. If the ritual involved blood, then a few drops of it should be added to the ground before throwing it into the water.

How to give power to a magical ritual

Practicing sorcerers who use the moon as a source of strength and energy know several tricks, so that the result is fast and reliable.

Of course, in addition to the power of the moon, you need to believe and want to perform the ritual, because a lot depends on your mental state and mood. A person must be ready for this action, morally relaxed and calm. If the rituals for the waxing moon are pronounced clearly and intonationally, then on the full moon it is the whisper that is important.

At the time of the conspiracy, the speaker must have all his teeth intact, otherwise he will have serious health problems later. In order for a ritual for money on the full moon to have a positive effect, you need to read it on a mirror that reflects the moonlight.

Rituals for love

A powerful ritual to bring back a loved one carried out in his photo. After midnight, you need to stand naked in front of a large mirror reflecting the moonlight, pick up a photo of a young man, turn him to face the mirror so that two images are reflected in it. Looking at the reflections, whisper: “As the power of the moon grows and fills, so your love for me slave (name) grows and tears your soul into pieces slave (name). I call for help, heavenly forces, otherworldly forces, powerful forces. Show him that he wanted me alone, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, and came to me like he was looking at the moon.”

After this, pour a glass of holy water onto the mirror and place it horizontally, attaching a photo of a guy and a girl performing the ritual on it, facing the surface.

Another powerful ritual is performed for menstrual blood.. To do this, during the full moon, take a couple of drops of your blood and smear it on the photo of the person being charmed and whisper over his face: “My blood is my part, you are my slave forever, the power of the moon will bring us together, the power of the earth will never separate us.” Then burn the photo and collect the ashes in a handful of cloth. You need to hem the cloth for the person being charmed or pour the ashes under his threshold.

The results of full moon spells for a man’s love appear very quickly, because the power of the moon really contributes to their implementation. The only condition of the rituals is that they cannot be performed by other people. That is, turn to a magician for help so that he can bewitch a person. no need. After all, personal contact and building a connection between only two people is important.

Money conspiracies

So that luck and wealth never leave, perform rituals on the full moon. To carry out you need:

  • new wallet;
  • large denomination banknote;
  • a little sugar;
  • several coins;
  • red wool thread.

At midnight, take the banknote and coins in your hands and start fiddling and sorting them so that the warmth of your hands is transferred to the money, then open a new wallet and pour sugar inside, whisper: “Bees for honey, money for sugar, profit grows like the moon, my wicket.” will always be full." Place a bill wrapped in red thread there. Then try not to pull the banknote out of your wallet, but simply jingle the coins from time to time so that new money arrives in response to the sound. Every full moon the ritual must be performed again, but with the same money, this is called charging with power.

Of course, it’s stupid to expect money to rain right away, but this is an effective and proven ritual for more than one generation, often used to improve the condition of a business. So it's worth a try.

Whisper for money can be used at any time, but the full moon enhances its effect well. Whisper to your stash at the moment of a full month: “I’m counting under the moon, you’re growing like mushrooms, you’ll double by tomorrow, the moon is in witness.” After this, use one of the waters (holy or marsh) to wash the storage area.

Dark magic

In addition to the rituals of gray magic, love spells and rituals of dark power are also used. You can’t do them without preliminary preparation, because playing with the otherworldly never ends well.

It's good to have a good time on the full moon love spells for a loved one, for successful theft and binding of a slave. The stronger the ritual and the more serious the demand, the more ransom is needed. For attachments it is blood, for death, theft it is an animal or big money.

Most often, to carry out a spell, they use the help of experienced practicing magicians with high vital energy and a strong biofield. This is a reliable shield from the possible influence of black forces.

The power of the moon brings nothing new, it doesn't change a person's life, but serves as a strong guide that doubles the request. And what will happen as a result depends on the person himself.

I liked the ritual for money. She whispered a conspiracy to the money, and a few days later they offered a good job!

I performed such a ritual for love with a young man. Now we won't part.

My husband and I divorced six months ago and left for someone else. I did a ritual with a mirror, and he called me himself! It works!

Attention, TODAY only!

Everyone thinks about making a lot of money, so conspiracies to attract money into your own life are in great demand. Many of them are simple, so they can be carried out independently without any negative consequences.

The most powerful rituals

Conspiracies and prayers for money on the full moon are considered the most powerful. This is because the full moon symbolizes stability and prosperity. Magic rituals for attracting money performed during the full moon remain effective throughout the entire lunar cycle. They guarantee the possibility of receiving a large amount of money in the near future. That is why such rituals are in great demand among those who pay off bank loans or other debts, and, therefore, live, limiting themselves in everything.

A simple ritual

A simple money ritual is performed for three nights in a row:
    On the night before the full moon, an empty wallet (preferably a new one without negative energy) is placed on the windowsill under the rays of moonlight and the following magic words are spoken:

    “Just as there are a huge number of stars in the dark sky, just as there is no measure of water in the blue boundless ocean, so in my wallet there will always be a lot of different coins and banknotes. May God's servant (own name) have enough money for all good purchases. Amen!".

    On the night when the full moon appears in the sky. It is necessary to put the wallet on the windowsill again, having first put a small amount of money in it, and the words of the spell are repeated again. On the first night after the full moon, the wallet is laid out on the windowsill with the maximum possible amount of money, and the same magic words are spoken again.

With holy water and coins

A very effective full moon ritual that attracts money is a ritual that uses holy water and coins. Holy water can be collected in the temple after the Sunday morning service. First you need to prepare seven large denomination coins. On a full moon, you need to put a glass of holy water on the windowsill and put the coins in it. After this, you need to read the following plot:

“Just as water gives life to all living things on the planet, even the dead roots of a tree wake up under your influence, so let my money multiply and I become richer day by day. Amen!"

After this, the coins need to be taken out of the glass and buried in a pot with a house plant, and the enchanted holy water needs to be poured over it. You should know that you cannot carry out several rituals on a full moon, which include conspiracies and prayers to attract money. Their magical directed effect will be significantly reduced, and they will not be effective.

The night of the full moon has long been shrouded in a veil of mystery and endowed with great magical power.

After all, it is on this night that the transition from the accumulation of energy by the moon to its waste takes place.

Strong magical spells to attract money will be especially effective during the full moon phase.

As we already wrote in the article about, this is a unique opportunity to attract not only money, but also other material benefits closer to yourself.

Conspiracy: Money never transfers!

To carry out this conspiracy, you will need money received in the most “accidental” way: won, found, received in the form of a gift, returned a “bad” debt, given as a bonus, etc.

From this money, take a bill of the highest denomination and, finding your oldest wallet, which you have not used for a long time, put the bill in it. On the first day of the full moon, whisper the following spell into the wallet in which you put the bill 7 times:

“Like a lost puppy rushes to its mother, like a lost dog rushes to its owner, like a cat separated from home always returns to it, so all the lost, lost, excommunicated money and money would rush to me today, tomorrow, always! LET IT BE SO!"

Then take this bill in your hands again, fold it in half lengthwise and read the spell again. Then fold them in half again along the short side and hide them in the wallet so that they do not touch the said bill. Do this for 3 months every full moon. Then the money collected in the wallet can be spent. And all the money will return to you again, in its place, in your old wallet.

Money love spell on sheepskin

In order to carry out a conspiracy and ritual for money on a full moon, you will need a sheepskin. A small piece of old outerwear will also work. You need to lay it in front of you and, turning your face to the full moon, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“As a sheep is small and rich in wool, so may I be rich. Just as I can’t count the hairs on my sheepskin, I can’t count the money in my wallet. May it always be like this!”

After the ceremony, the sheepskin needs to be hidden in a secluded place, but not forgotten about it. Sometimes take it out, stroke it, mentally imagining banknotes. When money begins to appear and prosperity comes, you need to wait for the waning moon and bury the sheepskin in a secluded place.

Magic spell to attract money

“Moon and night, please help. I ask you to remove debts and poverty. I ask you to give away wealth and generosity. I always attract money to myself. I renounce poverty forever. Just as the moon shines forever, so I will always be in abundance. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Full moon spell for coins

To carry out the conspiracy you will need seven coins. It is desirable that they be of large denomination. On a full moon, you need to take coins, a glass of holy water and say the words of the water spell:

“Just as you give life to everything, even a dead stump begins to grow, so let my money only multiply and make me richer.”

After this, the coins must be buried in any pot with a house plant and watered with the enchanted water.

Wealth Spell:

Do it on the night of the full moon, in clear weather. Fill a cup or pot halfway with clean water and throw a silver coin into the water. Place the cup so (in a house or apartment - on the windowsill, opening a window or window, or on the balcony) so that the light of the moon falls into the water. It is better if the moon is reflected in the water. Lightly move your hands over the surface of the water several times, as if you were collecting moon silver in your palms. At this time, say three times:

“Beautiful Mistress of the Moon! Bring me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I can take whatever You give!”

Go outside and pour water into the ground (not on the asphalt...). Keep the coin in your wallet.

Spell for money on the full moon

Look carefully at the full moon and literally inhale monetary power from the heavenly sanctuary. When your channels are open, you will feel a certain surge of strength and calm. Then you should read the money plot from a handwritten sheet filled with your handwriting.

“Oh, Moon and powers of the night, enter me and remain forever. Bring money, wealth and luck with you. Deliver me from scarcity and poverty. I attract into my life everything that I buy. I renounce forever anything that sells cheap. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

So that there is money

Go to the forest on the Full Moon, find a pile of ants, throw some change there. Read on to see how the ants start running after the money:

“Like there are a lot of ants in this heap, so that I don’t have any money
were translated. Amen."

Full moon spell for wealth

This is a home spell for wealth through a coin on the full moon, where the number 5 is present:

“I go to trade as a merchant, and return home a fine man. I bring home the treasure. God grant me so much money that I have nowhere to put it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Carry the spoken coin in your wallet until the next full moon. When the time comes, give it away when you buy something. You can repeat this conspiracy to the Moon two more times.

No matter how great the temptation may be to take advantage of the powerful lunar energy and use several conspiracies to attract money, you should not do this. Various spells for money on a full moon can often reduce each other’s effect or reduce it to complete zero.

Therefore, if you have a desire to improve your own financial situation, you should choose one ritual you like and perform it.

We should not forget that all conspiracies and rituals for money relate to aspects of an intangible nature, so they must be carried out carefully. It is important to follow all the rules prescribed by the ritual.

If they seem ridiculous and awkward, it is better to refuse to perform the conspiracy ritual. Internal skepticism is also a huge obstacle to wealth and prosperity, as is an incorrectly performed ritual.

In this article:

Since ancient times, humanity has endowed the full moon with enormous power, incomprehensible strength, and attributed many secrets to this phenomenon.

This lunar cycle is a symbol of the highest strength, the most powerful energy, at this time the Moon stops growing and begins to decline.

During the full moon, all living things on our planet show all their important qualities, so it is at this time that it is recommended to collect medicinal herbs and seek help from the forces of nature.

Conspiracies read during the full moon have always been considered the most powerful and effective; this time is ideal for conducting many love rites, rituals for money and good luck, as well as for creating various protective amulets and amulets.

According to our ancestors, witchcraft performed during the full moon will act very quickly and lead to the fulfillment of the most cherished desires.

Spells for love on the full moon

Magic rituals to attract love, performed during the full moon, can begin to work almost the next day after execution. Rituals performed during the full moon are closely related to the strength of the zodiac signs. It is believed that love magic will be most effective if the Moon is in the constellation Taurus.

In general, the full moon is a lunar cycle, which is a transition from energy storage to its use. At this time, significant changes occur in the physical and psychological state of a person. If you wisely use the advantages that this period of time gives to the magician, you can fulfill almost any of your desires and have a strong impact on your loved one.

A powerful ritual for love

This is a very effective magical ritual and it requires great concentration and poise from the magician.

Before performing the ritual, you need to tune yourself and your thoughts into a calm mood, refrain from drinking alcohol and having sexual intercourse, as this can lead to energy exhaustion and there simply won’t be enough strength for magic.

On the night of the full moon, witchcraft herbs have their maximum power, so they can be used to calm down and concentrate on what you want.

To carry out a love ritual, you will need any item that belongs to your lover, it can be an item of clothing, a watch, jewelry or any other item filled with the energy of the person on whom the ritual will be performed.

You should be careful when choosing an item; it must be stable

When midnight comes, you will have to light a red candle, put a teaspoon of cumin seeds and the same amount of salt in a small saucer, mix the ingredients well and cover the saucer with a clean napkin. Now you need to put your beloved’s personal item on top of the napkin and read the words of the conspiracy on it:

“In a dense forest, in a damp forest, there is a hut, the hut is neither covered nor sewn. In that hut lives an evil witch, an old witch from Kiev. I’ll go into that dense forest, walk through the damp forest, and go up to the hut of the old witch.

You, evil witch, command your raven to fly to the Khvalynskoe Sea, find a copper house there, peck the fiery serpent, and get the golden key from the heart of the young man (name). The old witch will become stubborn and will not want to send the raven for the golden key. I will command her with my commanded word, I will command her with my strong will.

The old woman will send the raven across the seas, and beyond the oceans, he will get me the keys to the heart of the young man (name), the keys to love, to longing, and to loyalty to me, the girl (name). Well done (name) will love me, he will love me, and he will only be mine.

Then I will throw the golden key into the deep sea, it will fall under a flammable stone. No one can drink the water in that sea, no one can get the golden key, from this day until the end of time. Let it be so. Amen".

After pronouncing the words, you need to wait for the candle to burn out and go to bed. The next morning you need to return the item to your lover. It is best if he does not know that you took his thing.

Ritual for love on the full moon

This magical ritual must be performed between 23 and 24 hours. The ritual is ideal for forever tying your loved one to you and not being afraid that he will leave you or cheat on you. You need to fill a glass or crystal glass halfway with clean water. We take the vessel in our left hand, and with the fingers of our right hand we make circular movements along the edge of the glass.

Even a few drops of water carry information

When you have made seven full turns around the glass with your fingers, say your lover's name seven times. Now you need to place the vessel on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it, and leave it there all night. The next day, you need to treat your loved one with tea, coffee or any other non-alcoholic drink, to which at least a few drops of charged water will be added.

Full moon ritual to bring back a loved one

To carry out this magical ritual, you will need a recent photograph of your loved one. This should be a single shot, preferably a full-length man, but his face should also be clearly visible. It is highly recommended not to use cropped photographs. The ritual can be performed when your lover has already left you, or when he is just about to leave. You will also need a photo where you are depicted in full growth and, preferably, smiling.

It is very important that your photo is full of positive energy, it will significantly enhance the power of the ceremony.

Once you find the photos, you will need to attach them back to two small mirrors and put the mirrors together so that the photos are facing each other.

Now the mirrors need to be tied with a red ribbon or thick thread, left on the windowsill all night, and then hidden until the next full moon. When the new full moon comes, the mirrors need to be separated. Then, one by one, turn the pictures facing the moon and ask the Mistress of the Night in your own words for your loved one to return to you and never leave you again.

This ritual works on the intention of the performer

Full moon conspiracies and rituals for money

As already mentioned, the period of the full moon symbolizes maximum energy, the transition from one period of life to another, and therefore this lunar cycle is excellent for carrying out a variety of rituals for monetary well-being. Rituals for money can differ greatly from each other and can work in completely different ways, but they have the same goal - to enrich the performer of the ritual.

Powerful money plot

This is a powerful magical ritual that is performed using a small denomination banknote, for example, 100 rubles. You need to take the bill in your hands and bend its corners so that the rectangle turns into a triangle. Now you need to fold the money in half and, raising it to your lips, read the words of the magic spell:

“Like a mighty river attracts small streams to itself and unites them in itself, just like a wide sea collects rivers in itself. Like a woman attracts a man to herself, and a man attracts a woman.

How night attracts day.

So this money will attract its own kind and gather together.

Many of you will gather with me, and I will be rich.

Let what is said come true.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words of the conspiracy must be read in a whisper, clearly, without hesitation and by heart, this will enhance the effect of an already powerful ritual. After pronouncing the last words, the performer must put the folded bill in his wallet next to other money.

The charmed money can no longer be taken out of the wallet, and it is better not to touch it at all, so you can devote a whole section to it. It should stay in your wallet for at least three months. If you come across bills of the same denomination, you can put them next to the charmed one, but under no circumstances should you count money that has already been set aside.

A simple ritual for money

This ritual must be performed three nights - the night before the full moon, the full moon, and the night after. On the first night, place your empty wallet on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on it, and read the words:

“There are so many stars in the night sky. Just as there is a lot of water in the sea, so there will be a lot of money in my wallet. So that the servant of God (name) has plenty of money and has enough for everything. Amen".

On the second night, you need to put the same wallet on the windowsill, but with a small amount of money, and repeat the words of the conspiracy. And on the third night, collect all the money in the house into your wallet and repeat the procedure.

This is a simple but effective magical ritual that can be repeated every full moon without harming yourself.

Post updated: 03/29/2019 Comments: 0

Who doesn't want wealth? It's easier with fame. Not everyone wants to appear in the news and have everyone delve into their personal life.

But no one refuses money. And almost everyone dreams of them. They open up so many prospects! You can get everything for them.

And it's not even about property. A decent income makes it possible to give up the tedious obligation of going to services. You can go for pleasure, not out of obligation.

Magic spells and rituals for money, of course, will not guarantee that you will become a member of the club of the extremely rich. And is this necessary? But it is quite possible to improve your situation with them.

Only people still do not believe in their effectiveness. Nevertheless, everyone who has tried it at least once will definitely return to them. Why? Let's figure it out.

The full moon is an absolutely incredible time of extraordinary magic. Observant people have long said that what is wished for during this period necessarily comes true even without rituals and conspiracies.

The point is the influence of the queen of the night on a person. On the full moon, the entire planet opens up to “clean energy.”

You can compare the process to a child’s smile when he sees his mother. Such pure energies descend at this moment onto the planet and go from its center into space.

A person just needs to connect to them. It is both simple and difficult at the same time.

It is necessary not only to carry out the ritual, but also to feel like a “child” to whom everything is just given. After all, the mother does not feed the baby because he is good or works tirelessly.

Those around him love him just like that, for what he is.

On a full moon, each person can turn for a few hours into such a baby, for whom the Higher Powers fulfill any desire only “on request,” without conditions.

If you manage to feel this way, you will open your way to money.

But there is also a not very pleasant side to the process. Any person is born with his own “income level”. If you are interested in the developments of psychologists and esotericists, they often talk about this.

Someone who can have ten thousand (as if) a month will not be able to afford a hundred. He'll just die.

So, conspiracies and rituals for money on a full moon do not raise the bar. They simply eliminate all superficial contradictions and statements that prevent it from being achieved.

As much as you are supposed to receive, you will receive as much, even if you expect more.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't dream. Vice versa! You came into the world to develop, which means you can quite “move” this bar. For this you need to work extra.

Conspiracies and rituals for money on the full moon are aimed only at removing obstacles in your path. All damage and evil eyes, beliefs and other elements that prevent you from getting rich are removed.

Spell for money on a full moon with a coin

  1. Go out into the open sky at night.
  2. Stretch a silver coin (five rubles, for example) towards the Moon.
  3. Tell:

“Round coin, the face of the moon reflected. Bring me wealth for my revival. So that without counting, you can spend it for the joy of yourself, your loved ones and the Moon! Amen!"

Bring the coin into the house and throw it into the flower pot. She must be there all the time.

If the flower begins to fade or get sick, then you are under the influence of negative energy aimed at prosperity. or the evil eye.

with candles

You will need seven green candles. You will also need cash in different currencies.

  1. On a full moon, catch the moment when the disk in the sky is open, not obscured by clouds or clouds.
  2. Place candles in the window from which you can see it.
  3. Light it and place the banknotes around in “artistic disorder.”
  4. Read seven times:

“Light the candles, bring money to me! The lunar disk encourages you and frees the flow of money! Let them fly to me like butterflies to the Moon! Without barriers and without fences, lies, betrayals, slander! All income is sanctified by the Moon, it is dedicated only to me!”

The candles must burn out completely. Collect money. On the second day, be sure to buy gifts for your loved ones. Don't skimp. In order to receive, you must be able to give.

In principle, this is the main obstacle to cash flow. It sits in a person from birth, representing an insurmountable “weight of poverty.” Try to get rid of it.

Spell for money on the full moon with green tea

Don't you like to have tea in the evenings? But you have to. When the queen of the night comes into full force, revealing her face, have a tea party.

This ritual is good because you can involve family and friends in its implementation.

If they support you, then together you will begin to feel more confident among the “financial tycoons,” otherwise known as sharks.

Buy white marshmallows. Brew green tea. He needs to be “married.” Do you know about this?

Tea is brewed in a large teapot. After a few minutes, pour a little into the bowl and pour it back into the kettle. Have you ever seen it? This is an Eastern custom.

So, when you begin to “marry” the drink, pour it into a bowl and say:

“I fill the tea with moonlight. I open the paths of all my aspirations. So that flows of money are attracted to me, so that all my dreams come true! Whoever drinks tea with me will close the ranks of our friendly team more closely. We will grow rich together and have a lot of money. Share and rejoice! No one can handle us! Amen!"

Now you can treat everyone who has gathered at your table to tea. And everyone must whisper to the marshmallow:

“Sweetness for the mouth, joy for the wallet. I cover it with the moon and wash it down with tea!”

Interestingly, money will begin to come from completely unexpected sources. Most of all, you will be pleased that your talents will be revealed.

Each participant in the ritual, which will bring a decent income.

Well, if you don’t have anyone to share tea with yet, then start yourself. When you begin to reveal your abilities, like-minded people and friends will definitely appear.

Then you will have a “traditional enriching tea party” with them.