Anti-cellulite massage with sugar gel. Peeling. A slippery question: massage gel Several effective remedies for therapeutic massage

Facial massage is a procedure given, as a rule, for the purpose of rejuvenation. The visible effect of manipulations with the skin is achieved only with the observance of special techniques. In particular, all movements should be smooth, the fingertips follow the massage lines. However, the full observance of the technique will not help if the cream is not chosen correctly. It is extremely important for the procedure, as it provides easy gliding, softening of the skin, increasing the tone of the integument, and relieving tension. It is advisable to use a special, and not a regular cream. It enhances the effect of massage.

Which facial massage cream to choose?

Massage creams are divided into types depending on the following features:

  • Scope of application (professional cosmetic products are purchased for salons).
  • Compound.
  • Impact (rejuvenating, moisturizing, tonic).

Means for massage, as a rule, are characterized by high cost. If you want to save money, you can make the composition yourself.

professional tools

Professional creams have the following advantages:

  • Flawless glide without the use of additional lubrication.
  • The possibility of adjusting the depth of grinding.
  • Thick consistency, which ensures economical use of the product.
  • Deep hydration.
  • The composition does not leave difficult stains on clothes and towels.

Consider some of the professional creams:

  • BELLITAS. Professional tool with geranium oil. Suitable for all skin types. Does not damage delicate skin. The composition includes bee oil, paraffin wax. The tool tones up tired skin, reduces stress, softens the integument.
  • OPSIDERM. The composition includes almond oil, vitamin C and E. The product moisturizes the skin, but does not make it oily. Works great with massage oils.
  • Re-Generiq. Means from the Polish producer. Usually used in beauty salons. The composition includes almond oil, which provides a regenerating and moisturizing effect.

Professional cream can be used not only in the salon, but also at home. It makes sense to purchase the tool only if a person is really fond of massage and often spends it, since the cost of one jar is high.

Cream for home use

Modern manufacturers offer creams for home use, the effect of which is comparable to visiting a salon. Let's consider some of them:

  • ever prime. The tool has a rejuvenating effect. The desired effect is achieved by removing toxins, eliminating edema, smoothing the skin. The production of collagen and elastin is also activated.
  • Asterope Cold Cream. This is a low molecular weight cream with a nourishing, rejuvenating, regenerating effect. The composition helps to eliminate irritation, redness, and peeling. Suitable for long massage. One application is sufficient for the entire procedure.
  • lift massage. Lifting effect. Provides perfect glide. Helps improve blood circulation.

The formulations can be easily found in pharmacies or online stores.

Competent facial care requires an integrated approach: high-quality care products, massages, gymnastics, etc. The benefits of manual facial massage are beyond doubt, but sometimes massaging can be contraindicated.
Find out how to do cosmetic facial massage here. Before starting self-massage, it is recommended to carry out several procedures in the salon.

Homemade massage cream for the middle zone of the face

The middle part of the skin of the face is the cheeks. No special cream is required for this area. The only condition is the correct movements of the massage therapist. You should move your fingers from the nasolabial fold to the tip of the ear. Consider recipes for homemade creams:

  • 4 tablespoons of lanolin, sunflower oil are mixed. The composition is heated in a water bath. After that, 9 tablespoons of rose water are added to it. Lastly, a spoonful of camphor and 2 tablespoons of petroleum jelly are added.
  • Beeswax, sunflower oil, lanolin are mixed in equal parts. The composition can be diluted with distilled water. Glycerin is added last.

In order to prepare a good cream at home, it is important to purchase fresh and high-quality ingredients.

Cream for Japanese massage

Japanese Tanaka massage for the face is distinguished by its effect on both deep and superficial muscle tissues, connective tissues. Combines massage techniques and gymnastics. Increases muscle tone, provides a tightening effect. Able to rejuvenate the face of 7-10 years. Such an impressive result is due to the deep study of all tissues.

Japanese massage does not require a special cream. However, you can choose compositions from Japanese manufacturers for a more harmonious effect. These include Yokibi Essence Cold cream emulsion. It has a rejuvenating effect, which complements the influence of Japanese technology.

During the massage, the product is completely absorbed. It contains an extract of southern mandarin.

What is the best massage cream?

To choose the best remedy for the procedure, you need to take into account many factors: skin type, expected result (rejuvenation, moisturizing, tightening), type of technique. In any case, the following recommendations should be considered when purchasing:

  • It is forbidden to use compositions with an expired expiration date.
  • It is not recommended to purchase products that include allergens. These include, for example, walnut.
  • You should also pay attention to the content of mineral oils and alcohol in the product. These ingredients may irritate the skin.

So which cream should you choose? As a rule, a facial massage takes no more than 5-10 minutes, so the creams for the procedure are light in texture and quickly absorbed. If a long session is expected, it is advisable to select products specifically for him. They provide excellent glide throughout the procedure.

This video will help you choose the right oil for facial massage depending on your skin type, for those who prefer it to a cream:

Massage cream can be professional, home-made, self-made. What to choose? It all depends on the planned budget for the purchase, the massage equipment used, and the type of skin. People prone to allergies, it is important to pay special attention to the composition. It should not contain allergens.

You can find more information on this topic in the Facial Massage section.

Why is it necessary to use a facial massage cream?

Facial massage cream it is primarily used to ensure that the masseur's hands glide easily. The structure of the cream, unlike other massage products, allows you to evenly distribute it on the surface of the skin of the face and after the end of the massage session, it is easy to rinse with water.

Also, the benefits of using a face massage cream are determined by its moisturizing and nourishing effect on the skin.

Criteria for choosing a facial massage cream

Facial massage cream must be selected according to several criteria: composition and consistency.

massage cream for oily and problem skin must be made on water based and do not contain fat-containing components. It is recommended to give preference to massage creams made on plant ingredients (tea tree, string, calendula, chamomile) with the addition of fruit or lactic acids, vitamins A and E, salicylic acid, retinol, sulfur, caffeine.

For dry facial skin oily massage creams made on the basis of natural oils(avocado, olive, jojoba) and extracts (passion fruit, grape seed, seaweed). Also, the composition of massage creams for dry skin should include ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, functional keratin, potassium, honey.

Mature and aging skin face needs both deep types of massage and more intense cosmetic products. Facial massage cream in this case it should contain amino acids, ceramides, proteins, retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids, oligosaccharides and liposomes.

In addition to the above criteria, when choosing the right face massage cream, you should also be guided by the individual characteristics of your skin. It is believed that the choice of massage cream from the cosmetic line that you use for general daily care will be ideal. Thus, it is possible not only to reduce the likelihood of developing allergic reactions skin on the components of the cream, and to maximize the properties of daily used products.

Massage face cream at home

For self-performing facial massage, you can prepare excellent massage creams at home.

Owners of dry and sensitive skin can use the following recipes:

  • heat 100 ml of honey and, without removing from heat, add 200 ml of lanolin and 100 ml of almond oil to it. The resulting mixture must be beaten with a blender and placed in a glass container;
  • 20 ml of aloe extract (available in ampoules at a pharmacy) combined with lanolin (20g), spermaceti (2g) and peach oil(10g).

Facial massage cream with visible manifestations of age-related changes can be prepared in this way:

  • add 5 g of oatmeal to 10 ml of melted honey. Thoroughly stir the mixture until creamy and combine with beaten egg white.
  • Melt 20 g of lanolin, 10 g of emulsifying and beeswax, 50 ml of sunflower oil over a fire. Separately mix 50 ml of distilled water, 10 ml of glycerin and 2 g of borax. After complete dissolution of the wax-oil mixture, it should be carefully (adding dropwise) combined with the glycerin composition, and constantly stirring, bring to a white state.

Also, to prepare a massage cream for the face, you can combine the pulp of various berries and fruits with dairy products (cream, yogurt, sour cream, kefir).

You may like:

1. Le Mieux – Pomegranate Massage Cream

Massage cream "Pomegranate" has a very rich composition. He contains:

  • Natural oils – borage oil, Shea butter, macadamia seed oil
  • Herbal extracts - green tea, aloe, pomegranate
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Vitamin E

The cream has a very delicate texture and a beautiful pinkish tint. But despite the delicate texture, the cream gives excellent gliding throughout the entire massage session - it lasts at least 20 minutes, that is, for the complete Renaissance self-massage scheme.

I am often asked: Olga, what kind of self-massage of the face do YOU ​​use? I answer: I use this cream for self-massage of the face.

It has another wonderful property - it gives a feeling of light coolness, which is very healthy for sensitive skin prone to vascular reactions.

This cream suits me perfectly, but this does not mean that this cream is the best choice for you. You need to look at the condition of the skin.

I did not find any flaws in this cream, for me everything is fine in it - the composition, the texture, the result and the price-quality ratio.

And although in general the Le Mieux brand is quite expensive for us, the price of this particular cream is quite affordable. For home use there is a volume of 60 ml, and for professionals there is a large volume of 500 ml.


For mature skin from 30 and older, as well as for young normal or dry skin. And especially for sensitive facial skin prone to swelling, redness and rosacea.

Won't fit

Not suitable for young people with oily, breakout prone skin, and may not be suitable for people with very dry skin that greedily absorbs any cream.

2. Le Mieux – Hyaluronic Shea Mask

This mask also has a very rich composition:

  • Shea Butter
  • macadamia oil
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • beta glucan
  • Vitamins A and E

This mask has a very dense texture and gives excellent glide throughout the massage session. Among other advantages - good combination price quality. There is a volume for personal use - 60 ml, and 500 ml for professionals.

I can’t point out any shortcomings, it’s just that this tool is not suitable for everyone. And I'm afraid not in all countries this brand can be found. But these disadvantages do not apply to the shortcomings of the tool itself.


This mask is perfect for mature or aging skin prone to dryness. Especially for people with very dry, injured, dehydrated and flaky skin. And also for skin that loves dense textures.

Won't fit

Not suitable for those with normal to oily skin. And also this tool is not the best choice for people with sensitive skin that does not like dense textures and is prone to puffiness.

If Pomegranate cream gives a feeling of coolness, then this mask, on the contrary, is warm and kind of warms the skin, which, for example, is not very comfortable for my skin.

Of course, I use this cream-mask to the end, but I will not buy more for myself. However, I can safely recommend it to those who like this texture.

3.Dr. Spiller – Cellular Cream Mask

In this case, we are also dealing not with a massage cream, but with a cream-mask, which gives a good glide and can be used not only as a mask, but also as a means for massage or self-massage of the face. That is 2 in 1.

I already talked about this mask a couple of years ago as a nourishing mask for women 40 and 50+. This product has a very rich texture, contains grape seed oil, vitamins and phytoestrogens, which are very effective in caring for aging and aging skin.

A relative disadvantage, I can call the high cost of a portion necessary for a massage. The disadvantage is relative, because what is expensive for one person is quite affordable or acceptable for another person.


This remedy is perfect for women during menopause or premenopause. That is, for women over 40 and over 50, if the skin is prone to dryness and does not retain moisture well.

Won't fit

Younger women, as well as women over 40, whose skin is not dry. Personally, despite the appropriate age, I use this tool very rarely. As a rule, only in winter, and only as a mask.

So right now I don't have the full size of this product and I took a sample to show you the texture. But I used this mask in my work, and I can safely recommend it to women with dry, aging skin, prone to a fine-wrinkled type of aging.

4.Dr. Spiller – Fresh and Fruit Moisturizing Mask

This is a gel mask that contains extracts of pineapple, papaya and has a cleansing, moisturizing and brightening effect on the skin.

The main advantage of this mask is that it is perfect for young oily skin.

Among the minuses of this mask, I can note a drawback inherent in almost all gel products. It does not give a long slip, and during the massage it is necessary to periodically moisten the fingers with water in order to resume the slip.

But this is the case when you need to choose the lesser of two evils - for those who are not suitable for a cream massage, it is better to opt for a gel.

And if you need a budget option, this tool most likely will not suit you. But you can try another gel mask for oily skin. The main thing is that the gel has a fairly dense jelly-like consistency and is not absorbed very quickly.


People with young oily skin prone to breakouts and clogged pores. For those who have almost any massage cream contributes to the appearance of acne.

Won't fit

Owners of young and mature skin, which does not differ in increased sebum secretion - there are many other interesting remedies for such skin.

5. Christina – Bio Phyto Comforting Massage Cream

This cream attracted my attention because it is positioned as a massage tool for sensitive skin prone to oiliness, irritation, redness and various inflammatory reactions.

And I must say the cream justifies these statements - it gives a slight feeling of coolness, which is certainly very pleasant, comfortable and beneficial for sensitive skin.

The texture of the cream is light, non-greasy, although it contains Shea butter, as well as vitamins and plant extracts.

And one more plus - it's quite a budget option and this cream is not difficult to find in online stores.


This cream is suitable for owners of sensitive, normal, combination and oily skin.

Won't fit

Owners of dry skin - this cream can be absorbed very quickly and the slip will stop.

As for the shortcomings, I can note the quick absorption of the cream. Literally after 10 minutes of self-massage, the cream is completely absorbed and the sliding stops. And if you add a new portion, the cream begins to roll a little during the massage, which personally does not suit me.

That is, this cream is suitable for a 10-minute massage, but I can’t recommend this remedy for a longer session.

However, in Chapter 17 of the Renaissance Self-Massage Training Course, I gave clear recommendations on how to turn your cream or nourishing face mask that does not give proper slip into a good massage tool. At what, taking into account the age and other features of your skin.

Facial massage is one of the most popular methods of preserving youth and beauty. It is this effective procedure that our article is devoted to.

The choice of cosmetic products for facial massage

The choice of cosmetics used in the massage process depends on the type of skin. For women with oily and problematic skin, cosmetologists recommend paying attention to special powders with a drying antiseptic effect. Water-based gels, as well as massage emulsions, will not be superfluous. With overdried thin skin of the face, it is worth using herbal oils and fat-based creams. Happy owners normal skin the whole range of cosmetics is available.

Types of facial massage

Facial massage can be classic, plastic and pinch. Classical massage is based on gentle rubbing and stroking. It brings a good effect at the first signs of aging, expressed in the loss of muscle tone and fading of the skin.

In the process of plastic massage, a range of strong “pressing” movements is used, and it is carried out without oil and cream (talcum powder). It is indicated for puffiness, deep mimic wrinkles, age spots.

Pinch massage consists of stroking, kneading, as well as a series of vibrating movements and deep pinching. It has a good effect on problematic skin with scars, infiltrates and spots left after acne.

Direction of massage lines

Middle of chin → earlobe
Corners of the mouth → lower part of the pinna
Upper lip and wings of the nose → upper part of the auricle
Nose → whiskey
On the upper eyelid: inner corner → outer corner
On the lower eyelid: outer corner → inner corner
Middle of forehead → temples
Bridge of the nose → tip of the nose

Facial self-massage technique

Before the procedure, thoroughly cleanse the face of makeup residues and apply a suitable massage agent.

1. Place the pads of your thumbs on the back of the nose (between the eyebrows) and, applying even pressure, slide them along the cheeks to the jawbone.
2. Place the tips of the ring, middle and index fingers between the eyebrows in the middle of the forehead and gently smooth the skin, directing movements towards the temples, and then from bottom to top. After that, put one hand on the temple, fixing the skin, and very gently slide the fingertips from one temple to another in one, and then (changing hands) in the other direction.
3. Close your eyes and press your middle finger right hand to the outer corner of the right eye. With the middle finger of your left hand, massage the lower eyelid (from the outer corner to the inner). Repeat the same with the left eye.
4. Place the thumbs of both hands in the corners of the lower jaw, and with the pads of the ring, middle and index fingers, stroke the cheeks through the zygomatic arch towards the auricles.
5. Using the ring and middle fingers, smooth the skin on the back of the nose in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the tip.
6. Relax your face completely and open your mouth, as if you want to say the letter "o". Place the ring and middle fingers of both hands near the nostrils, and smooth the skin towards the ear, performing light circular motions.
7. Finish the massage by tapping the pads of the index and middle fingers over the entire area of ​​the face, starting from the forehead line and going down to the chin. After that, go back, moving along the same points from the chin to the forehead.
8. Remove the remnants of the massage agent with a cotton swab dipped in tonic and make a nourishing mask.

In conclusion, we want to remind you that only by regularly conducting facial massage sessions, you can achieve noticeable results. Good luck!

Functions of facial massage cream

Massage on a dry surface of the skin is quite difficult and harmful. Strong friction leads to damage, so you need a tool that will improve glide. As a rule, massage creams have an oily texture, so they are ideal for this purpose.

Massage creams have a multidirectional effect on the skin:

  • soften;
  • nourish and moisturize;
  • improve complexion;
  • saturate the skin with useful substances;
  • smooth;
  • activate metabolic processes;
  • stimulate regeneration;
  • increase the effectiveness of massage;
  • activate skin microcirculation;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • relieve tension from the muscles;
  • soothe;
  • exfoliate dead skin cells;
  • eliminate signs of fatigue;
  • relieve puffiness.


Oils are selected according to skin type:

  • dry - avocado, olive, grape seed, argan, peach seed, apricot, sesame, borage seeds, neroli;
  • oily - tea tree, rosemary, almond, coconut, ylang-ylang, lavender, hazelnuts, grape seeds;
  • combined - kukuya, peach, coconut, jojoba, watermelon, milk thistle, strawberry seeds, sesame;
  • normal - lavender, rose, neroli, geranium, jasmine, milk thistle, juniper, jojoba;
  • mature and fading - macadamia, argan, blackberry, noble navel, clary sage, geranium, jasmine, incense;
  • sensitive - soy, neroli, rose, chamomile, jasmine, sandalwood, candea, cypress, wheat germ, avocado;
  • problematic - tea tree, lavender, camphor, lemon, orange, tamanu, jojoba, black cumin.

Also, the composition of massage creams often includes hyaluron, medicinal herbs and extracts, keratins, algae, glycerin, fats and other useful components.

Advantages and disadvantages

Facial massage promotes skin renewal, and the right product enhances this effect. Massage creams have benefits such as:

  • relaxing effect;
  • skin restoration;
  • lifting effect;
  • impact on the deep layers of the epidermis;
  • compatible with various types skin;
  • simplification of the massage.

As a disadvantage, the impossibility of using massage creams on an ongoing basis is distinguished.

Whatever remedy you take, they are all quite concentrated, so abuse is fraught with oversaturation of the skin.

It is also worth paying attention to the composition, especially for allergy sufferers. Some components may cause an allergic reaction.

Application features

Creams come in several types and are selected for the type of massage:

  • classic massage to improve skin tone and improve tugora - moisturizing cream;
  • plastic massage for a lifting effect - anti-aging cream;
  • therapeutic massage for solving skin problems (salon procedure) - special formulations.

Distribute as follows:

  • from eyebrows to hairline;
  • from the space between the eyebrows to the tip of the nose;
  • from the inner corner of the upper eyelid to the outer;
  • from the outer corner of the lower eyelid to the inner;
  • from the middle of the chin to the earlobes;
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples;
  • from neck to chin.

Homemade facial massage cream recipes

If desired, you can prepare a massage cream at home. The process does not take much effort and time, but the quality of the tool will not be inferior to the purchased one.


Calms the skin, regenerates and moisturizes. Removes signs of fatigue and improves complexion. Suitable for classic massage.

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. vaseline or baby cream without dyes and fragrances.
  2. Add 3 drops each of avocado, coconut and almond oil.
  3. Put 1 tsp. chamomile decoction.
  4. Mix the cream thoroughly and apply to the skin.


Increases firmness and elasticity of the skin, has a rejuvenating effect. The face becomes more fresh and toned. The cream is suitable for plastic massage.

  1. Mix 2 tsp. lanolin, 2 tsp olive oil and 1 tsp. vaseline.
  2. Melt in a water bath.
  3. Pour into the finished mixture 5 tsp. rose water.
  4. Add 1 tsp. camphor and mix well.


Deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, relieves puffiness and improves complexion. Stimulates regenerative processes. Suitable for various types of massages.

  1. Melt in a water bath 1 tsp. beeswax.
  2. Add 2 tsp. olive oil.
  3. Dilute 4 tsp. freshly squeezed juice of carrots, zucchini, pumpkin or cucumber.

How to choose the right cream for facial massage

First of all, you need to take into account the type of skin, otherwise the cream may simply not be suitable. You also need to pay attention to the composition. You can safely take a cream that contains oils and fats. Such a tool usually has an oily and medium density consistency.

As a rule, massage creams are produced by brands specializing in professional care.

However, there are options for manufacturers of home care cosmetics.

  • Christina Massage Cream.

It has a rejuvenating, antioxidant and nourishing effect. Stimulates renewal.

  • Arabia Professional.

Cream for face, neck and décolleté massage. Rejuvenates, restores and moisturizes. Makes the oval of the face more clear.

  • beautymed.

Modeling cream for face and body for dry and sensitive skin. Relieves inflammation, irritation and external signs of allergies. Promotes the absorption of nutrients by cells. Regenerates, tones, reduces puffiness.

  • new line.

Relaxing massage cream with argan oil for face and body. Soothes, moisturizes, nourishes and softens. Increases elasticity.

From time immemorial, a massage session necessarily included rubbing the body with oils and incense. Over the course of many centuries, in addition to improving massage techniques, technologies for the manufacture of various oils, including aromatic ones, used for medicinal, cosmetic and other purposes, have been developed. Today, in massage, countless oils, creams, ointments are used, which have a pronounced effect on the body. Illiterate, inept use of these products leads to a decrease in the effect of the procedure, rapid fatigue of the massage therapist, the occurrence of allergic reactions, skin irritation, soiling of linen and other undesirable consequences.

Depending on the purpose of use, rubbing can be divided into two groups: agents used for therapeutic purposes, and lubricating agents for sliding hands, used to improve the quality of the procedure performed.

Therapeutic rubbing most often used after massage to enhance the effect of the procedure: reduce pain, improve microcirculation, eliminate edema, inflammation, pathological changes that occur with arthrosis, osteochondrosis, bruises, sprains and other injuries and inflammatory diseases of the joints (Table 3).

There are the following rubbing:

Anti-inflammatory (finalgel, nimesulide gel, artrosilene spray, indomethacin ointment, diclofenac gel 5%, longevity, etc.);

Locally irritating (nikoflex, finalgon);

Improving outflow, microcirculation (lyoton 1000, hirudoid, heparin ointment, dimexide, venoruton, troxevasin, etc.);

Contributing to muscle relaxation (cream "Ballet" for massage, cream Decontractile);

Combined effect (apizartron, tiger ointment, Bom-Bengue ointment).

As a rule, not one, but several therapeutic rubbings are used in combinations, for example:

In case of injuries - anti-inflammatory + improving outflow and microcirculation;

With exacerbations of osteochondrosis - anti-inflammatory + locally irritating + promoting muscle relaxation;

With arthrosis during an exacerbation - anti-inflammatory + locally irritating + improving outflow and microcirculation + thermal procedures;

After subsiding of the acute period - locally irritating + improving outflow and microcirculation;

With muscle spasms, myositis - anti-inflammatory + improving outflow and microcirculation + relaxing.

Currently, most pharmaceutical companies have switched to issuing gel forms therapeutic rubbing and creams that are well absorbed and do not leave marks on the skin.

Therapeutic rubbing should be applied at the end of the massage session.

Ointments and gels are not used simultaneously due to the incompatibility of absorption mechanisms: if the gel is applied to the ointment, it will be pushed back from the skin by the fatty base of the ointment, and when the ointment is applied to the gel, it will not be able to penetrate the film formed on the skin by the gel.

If itching, severe burning occurs, especially when using locally irritating rubbing, for example, finalgon, you should smear the affected area with petroleum jelly or massage oil, then wash it off with soap and water, and then treat the skin with a greasy hand cream.

Table 3. Therapeutic rubbing

Active substance. Side effect (if any)




Anti-inflammatory analgesic drugs

Artrosilen Spray ++++++

Ketoprofen 10%

Inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, gout, bursitis, myositis; soft tissue injury accompanied by swelling, pain, stiffness, etc.

Apply 2-3 times a day

Diclofenac gel 5% ++++

Diclofenac 5%

Dolgit Ointment +++

Ibuprofen 5%. Rash, itching, dyspepsia, headache

Pregnancy, individual sensitivity. Ulcers, erosions of the gastrointestinal tract, severe diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas

Indomethacin Ointment, gel ++++

Indomethacin 10%. Rash, itching, dyspepsia, headache

Nimesulide Gel +++++

Nimesulide 1%

Pregnancy, individual sensitivity. Use with caution

A column 3 cm long is squeezed out, applied 3-4 times a day, gently rubbed until completely absorbed

Fastum Gel +++

Ketoprofen 2.5%

Anti-edematous, venotonic, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory drugs that improve outflow and microcirculation

Lyoton 1000 Gel ++++++

Heparin, in 100 g 100,000 units. Rash, itching, hives

Phlebeurysm; injuries, bruises, hematomas; scars and stitches after operations

Tendency to bleeding, with prolonged use, local allergic reactions

Used for electrophoresis, 3-10 cm strips of gel several times a day

Heparoid Gel ++++

Heparin, 30 g 6000 units. Rash, itching, hives

Heparin ointment Ointment ++

Same. Rash, itching, hives

Hirudoid Ointment +++++

Mucopolis-charide ester of sulfuric acid, 4.45 mg per 1 g. Rash, itching, hives

Venoruton Gel +++

0-(b-hydroxyethyl)-rutosides Rash, itching, urticaria

Same; can be used for iontophoresis

Locally irritating drugs of local vasodilating, analgesic, warming action

Nicoflex Cream +++++

In 1 g of cream 0.105 mg of capsaicin, 20 mg of ethyl nicotinate, 90 mg of ethylene glycol

Arthrosis, neuralgia, muscle pain, can be used instead of mustard plasters

Individual non-tolerance; active phase of inflammatory processes

Finalgon Ointment +++++

In 1 g of ointment 4 mg of nonivamide and 25 mg of nicoboxy

Table 3 continued

A drug. Release form. Efficiency

Active substance. Side effect (if any)




Combined preparations of local heating, vasodilator, analgesic, anti-inflammatory action

Apizartron Cream +++++

In 100 g of cream 3 mg of bee venom, 10 g of methyl salicylate, 1 g of aliisothiocyanate

Arthrosis, radiculitis, neuralgia, muscle pain, etc.

Pregnancy, diseases of the blood, kidneys, liver, pancreas, tumors, acute infectious diseases, hypersensitivity to components

Forapin Ointment +++++

In 100 g of ointment there are 300 biounits of bee venom, 1 g of benzylnicotinic acid, 0.2 g of vanillamide-nonylic acid, 3 g of boron-salicylic acid ester

Note. Efficiency rating: ++++++ - high; +++++ - good; ++++ - average; +++ - low; ++ - very low.

Anti-inflammatory ointments include aromatic oils, heparin, horse chestnut, arnica, essential oils, hyaluronidase. Hyperemic ointments contain nicotinic acid, methyl salicylate, camphor, capsicin, snake and bee venoms. They act on the expansion of blood vessels and activate muscle blood flow.

Ointments are used to relieve pain, speedy recovery of injured tissues and increase the temperature of massaged muscles and tissues.

When working with athletes, such ointments as finalgon, dolpic, nico-flex, venoruton, etc. are used.

They contain active ingredients that are well absorbed through the skin and penetrate into the blood vessels.

In order to prevent and treat injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, anti-inflammatory and hyperemic ointments are used, which are used in combination with each other.

When applying ointments to the skin, one should not forget about the severity of injuries and the degree of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In case of acute injury, only gels can be used in the first three days, and hyperemic and anti-inflammatory ointments should be combined in the following days. First, a massage is performed using warming ointments, after which an anti-inflammatory ointment is applied, which is subsequently fixed with a bandage.

During an acute injury, it is best to use gels, because they cool, but do not irritate the skin, and also relieve pain. To avoid hyperemia and additional injury to damaged tissues, the gel should be applied, not rubbed. After that, the damaged area should be wrapped with a thin plastic film and fixed with a soft bandage.

During the subsequent application of the gel, the remnants of the previous one should be removed with a cotton swab, and the injured area should be wiped with alcohol and after 15-30 minutes a bandage with the gel should be applied.

On the 4th-7th day, after the acute pain has been removed, warming ointments are used during the massage.

For diseases and injuries associated with the musculoskeletal system, the ointment should be applied in a small amount, because. the absorption process is slow. After a preliminary massage with a warming ointment, the absorption of the ointment increases significantly. It is not recommended to apply it to the gel layer, because it forms a film through which the ointment cannot be absorbed.

In order for the ointments to be absorbed faster, they should be combined with various thermal compresses: a bandage moistened with hot water or alcohol should be applied to the ointment layer, wrapped with a thin plastic film and fixed with a soft bandage.

Special care should be taken when using compresses during injuries of the wrist, ankle, and other joints, because. they can aggravate pain and burn the skin. A burn is also possible when using compresses with warming ointments, for example, finalgon.

There are frequent cases of allergic reactions to warming ointments in athletes, they are expressed in redness of the skin, swelling, etc. In this regard, before using them, it is necessary to test for sensitivity: a small amount of ointment is rubbed into the skin. If after a few hours no changes are found on the skin, then it can be applied. Often, allergic reactions are observed in those athletes who have used some kind of ointment for a long period.

In the first three days after injury, gels such as hirudoid, troxevasin-gel, opinogel, etc. are used.

In the next four days, warming ointments (capsoderma, dolpic, nicoflex, etc.) are used in combination with anti-inflammatory ointments (mobilat, brufen, hirudoid, etc.).

It has been clinically established that after the application of warming ointments (Slonz, Reine-Vrol, Nikoflex, etc.), skin hyperemia occurs. It is formed as a result of absorbed components and a mechanical factor.

The result of an increase in the rate of oxygen consumption by the cells of injured tissues is a decrease in pain and activation of the functions of the musculoskeletal system.

The active ingredients that make up the ointments have a calming and relaxing effect on the injured area. When using them, the treatment time is significantly reduced.

The anesthetic liquid consists of menthol, novocaine, anestezin and alcohol. It is used for the following diseases: sciatica, myositis, as well as bruises and sprains of the bag-ligamentous apparatus. Apply to the injured area a large number of liquid, then rubbed with massaging movements.

Apizartron includes methyl salicylate, mustard oil, bee venom. It is used for myositis, neuralgia, bruises, sciatica, etc. A small amount of ointment is applied to the diseased area. After its absorption, which occurs after 1-2 minutes, a massage is performed. Massage using ointment is carried out 1 to 3 times a day. If there is a greater sensitivity to the drug, then the use should be started with the lowest dose (up to 1 g). With a normal reaction to the drug, the dose can be increased.

The composition of the Sanitas balm includes: methyl salicylate, lemon balm and eucalyptus oils, camphor, pork fat or petroleum jelly, turpentine.

Bom-benge consists of menthol, petroleum jelly and methyl salicylate. It is used like other similar ointments.

Venoruton-gel is used for bruises, acute injuries, edema, thrombophlebitis, etc. It has a cooling effect, relaxes muscles, relieves pain. It is applied as follows: the gel is applied to the damaged area several times during the day and fixed with a bandage. When using Venoruton-gel, thermal procedures are contraindicated!

Vipratox consists of methyl salicylate, camphor, snake venoms. It is indicated for diseases such as arthritis, periarthritis, as well as myositis, and damage to the bag-ligamentous apparatus, bruises. First, the ointment is applied to the damaged area, and then the massage is performed.

Viprosal includes salicylic acid, glycerin, paraffin, petroleum jelly, fir oil, camphor, viper poison. A small amount of ointment is applied to the painful area, after which a massage session is performed.

Virapin contains a large amount of bee venom. The ointment is used for arthritis, radiculitis, myositis, bruises. A small amount of ointment is applied to the affected area, then a massage is performed for 5-10 minutes.

Hemorrhoid is used for hemorrhoids. The ointment consists of camphor, menthol, adrenaline, procaine and active substances.

1 g of heparin ointment contains 200 conventional units. units heparin. Removes swelling, resolves infiltrates, has an antiseptic effect. It is used for thrombophlebitis, lymphostasis, varicose veins, venous edema, leg ulcers, bruises and inflammatory processes. An ointment is applied to the painful area and fixed with a bandage.

Gymnastogal is indicated for bronchitis, radiculitis, arthritis, lumbago, myositis, sprains and bruises of the bag-ligamentous apparatus, etc. In case of bronchitis, it is applied to the area chest. The ointment has a good thermal effect. A little ointment is applied to the diseased area, then a massage is performed. At the end of the massage session, you must wash your hands hot water.

Camphocin liquid, which includes salicylic acid, pepper tincture, camphor, turpentine, castor oil, is used for bruises, sprains, myositis and arthritis.

Kapsitrin consists of a solution of ammonia, as well as tinctures of capsicum and St. John's wort. It is used to treat myositis, radiculitis, bruises, etc.

The composition of the Capsoderm ointment includes capsacin, camphor, active ingredients. Its effectiveness has been proven in sciatica, myositis, lumbago, rheumatoid arthritis, various muscle pains and sprains, as well as bursitis. A small amount of ointment is applied to the painful area, and a massage is performed. In case of excoriations, the use of capsoderm is contraindicated.

Lidocaine contains lidocaine and other active ingredients. Used for injuries of the musculoskeletal system. In acute injuries during the day, it is used repeatedly. An ointment is applied to the painful place, then it is rubbed.

Pepper-camphor liniment consists of camphor alcohol and tincture of capsicum. Indicated for rubbing diseased areas with bruises, radiculitis, myositis, and neuralgia.

Compound pepper liniment includes ammonia, capsicum tincture and green soap. It is used to treat lumbago, myositis, sciatica, bruises, etc. It is used to rub diseased areas.

The composition of the massage oil "Vesima" includes components from medicinal herbs. It differs in types: B, M, I, P, Y, K. It is used as an anesthetic for various injuries and diseases. It is used as follows: a small amount of oil is applied to a sore spot, after which a massage session is performed.

Mellivenon consists of chloroform, bee venom and other active ingredients. It is indicated for bursitis, arthritis, myositis, osteochondrosis, muscle pains of various kinds, etc. The ointment is applied to the painful area, after which a massage is performed. After completing the massage session, wash your hands with hot water and soap. It is impossible to use mellivenon in the presence of abrasions on the skin, and contact of the ointment with mucous membranes should also be avoided. Mellivenon is also used for ultrasound treatment.

Menthol ointment includes lanolin, menthol, methyl salicylate and yellow wax. It is used for muscle pain, arthritis, bruises, etc.

The composition of Myoton includes oils, medicinal plants, active ingredients. The ointment activates blood circulation, has an antiseptic effect, relieves pain. There are several types of myoton: A, B, C. Myoton-B is used before a sporting event or an upcoming physical activity. It warms up the muscles. Myoton-A is indicated after training or competition. Due to its warming properties, it relieves muscle tension. It is also used in restorative massage. For injuries of a different nature, inflammatory processes, Myoton-S is used. It is also used before competitions and training. Avoid getting this ointment on mucous membranes and abrasions.

Methyl salicylate has an antiseptic effect, relieves pain, is used both in pure form and in a mixture with fatty oils and chloroform - for radiculitis, lumbago, myolitis.

Neftalgin is an analgesic emulsion that contains anal-gin, sperm whale fat acids, methyl salicylate, Naftalan oil. It is used for bruises, sprains, radiculitis, etc.

Neo-capsiderm is composed of camphor, oils and other ingredients. It is used mainly for various kinds of damage to the bag-ligamentous apparatus, as well as bruises, myositis and lumbago. This ointment is used as follows: a small amount of it is applied to the affected area, after which a massage session.

Nikoven includes heparinoid, benzylnicotine and active ingredients. Indicated for hematomas, varicose veins veins, sprains and bruises. A small amount of ointment is applied to the sore spot, then a massage is performed. Instead of massage, you can apply a bandage.

Nicodan consists of heparin and active substances. It is indicated for chronic bronchitis, rheumatism, various kinds of muscle pains and sprains of the ligamentous apparatus. First, a small amount of ointment is applied to the affected area, and then a massage is performed. A massage session can be replaced with a bandage. Before using the ointment, it is necessary to test for skin sensitivity to this drug.

The composition of the sports cream Nicoflex includes lavender oil, capsacin, ethyl nicotinade. It is used for various bruises, muscle pain, cramps, etc. A small amount of cream is applied to the affected area, then a massage session is performed. Nikoflex should not be used for skin lesions.

Percluson - analgesic ointment. It is used for bruises, sprains, phlebitis and thrombophlebitis, lumbago, etc. When using the ointment for the treatment of the listed diseases, it is first applied to the painful area, and then fixed with a bandage. In other diseases, it is used to perform massage.

Picaryl liniment contains methyl salicylate, chloroform, benzyl nicotine. It is indicated for injuries of the musculoskeletal system, radiculitis, myositis, etc. Before performing a massage, a small amount of ointment is applied to the affected area. The use of Picaril for abrasions is contraindicated.

Raymon-gel consists of active ingredients. It is used for sprains and bruises, rheumatic muscle pains, periarthritis, sciatica, etc. The gel is applied to the affected area and fixed with a bandage.

Reoneurol includes camphor, methyl salicylate and active substances. It is recommended for sciatica, neuritis, sciatica, etc. Method of application: a small amount of ointment is applied to the skin, and then massage is performed.

Reparil-gel consists of heparin, horse chestnut, which help to reduce pain. The active ingredients that make up the gel quickly penetrate the skin and have a cooling effect, reduce the amount of water accumulated in the tissues and swelling, relieve pain and have a warming and antiseptic effect. The gel is used for inflammatory processes of a different nature, lymphostasis, edema. A small amount is applied to the painful area and fixed with a bandage. In acute injury, it is necessary to apply a bandage with gel repeatedly.

Sports cream Richtofit-sport (Hungary) contains extracts of medicinal plants, oils and other active ingredients. When using the cream during massage, the effect of muscle relaxation, skin regeneration, and inflammation is removed. The cream is indicated for bruises, sprains, myositis, myalgia, etc. It is applied to the injured area and rubbed.

Troxevasin-gel consists of active ingredients and has antiseptic and analgesic effects. Used for post-rheumatic syndrome, venous insufficiency, edema. It is used as follows: a small amount of gel is applied to the painful area and fixed with a bandage.

Finalgon contains from 2.5% butoxyethyl ether nicotinic acid and 0.4% nonylic acid vanillamide. Recommended for arthritis, lumbago, neuritis, rheumatic pain in the joints and muscles, circulatory disorders, radiculitis. The ointment is applied to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and carefully rubbed. The use of the ointment should be started with minimal amounts. Do not use the ointment for hypersensitive skin. It is necessary to avoid getting the ointment on the mucous membranes and damaged areas of the skin, abrasions. At the end of the massage session, wash your hands thoroughly with hot water and soap.

Elakur is an antirheumatic agent. It contains capsacin, propyl nicotinate, methyl salicylate and other active ingredients that cause skin hyperemia. It is indicated for myositis, lumbago, arthritis and myogelosis. A small amount of ointment is applied to the injured area of ​​the skin and a massage is performed.

Efkamon contains methyl salicylate, clove and eucalyptus oils, camphor, menthol and other ingredients. It has an analgesic effect and is used for bruises, lumbago, myositis and radiculitis. How to use: apply a little ointment to the affected area and massage.

Lubricants are divided into three groups:

Lubricants that increase the sliding of the massage therapist's hands on the skin of the person being massaged;

Lubricants that normalize the smoothness of the skin;

Lubricants that reduce hand slip.

Means that increase the slip of hands, improve the cosmetic properties of the skin, soften it; the touch of the masseur's hands becomes pleasant, does not irritate or scratch the skin, especially if there is hairline on it. It should be borne in mind that when these funds are used in excess, the effectiveness of such techniques as stroking and especially squeezing increases, and it makes it difficult to perform rubbing, kneading, vibration techniques, as well as those that require the capture of massaged areas.

This group includes oils and creams. The best oils are burdock, peach, apricot, almond, olive, grape seed oil. Some manufacturers produce special oils consisting of several components (aromatic oils, stabilizers). Oily creams for massage, such as "Ballet", in addition to softening additives, as a rule, contain extracts of medicinal herbs.

Rules for the use of emollients that increase the slip of hands.

Emollients are applied to the skin before the start of the session.

Remember that when using emollients, it is difficult to perform such techniques as kneading, rubbing, vibration techniques, which require the hand to grasp the massaged areas.

To treat the patient's skin, you need to apply a few drops of oil and rub them thoroughly over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body that will be massaged.

Excess oil remaining on the hand can be rubbed on another part of the body.

Try to use the oil sparingly, because with its excess, along with the difficulty of performing certain techniques and reducing their effectiveness, the patient's clothes are contaminated.

Cproducts that normalize the smoothness of the skin, dry it, making it easier to slip, absorb the fat secreted by the skin, cleansing it, do not cause irritation and allergic reactions, reduce perspiration, being excellent desiccants, do not stain clothes. These products are universal, and people with any type of skin can use them. These include talc (pure and flavored, with various additives), baby powder.

Means that reduce the smoothness of the skin, moisturize it, making it difficult for the hands of the massage therapist to slip. They facilitate the performance of such techniques as rubbing and kneading, and make stroking and especially squeezing difficult, contributing to the appearance of abrasions. These products should not be used in people with delicate skin, increased sweating. They can be applied before kneading or rubbing in people with very tight muscles to make it easier to perform techniques. These include all moisturizers and medicated gels.

Essential oils . Theoretically, most essential oils should have a shelf life of up to several years. However, some oils live longer, others can be stored less. Keep in mind the following exceptions to the general rule:

Citrus oils: All citrus oils, except for bergamot, begin to spoil after six months.

Base oils: Some oils improve over time, especially sandalwood, patchouli, and frankincense.

Blends: Oil blends should be stored under the same conditions as undiluted oils.

However, you will find that diluted oils begin to lose their properties after about two months, and then the smell evaporates, and the beneficial qualities gradually disappear.

The frequency with which you use your essential oil vial, which means exposing it to the oxygen in the air, will also progressively decrease its shelf life. Apart from the above oils, it is recommended to remember that the approximate shelf life of the oil is about a year and a half.

For best preservation, always keep oils at a constant low temperature. Ideally, it should be below 18"C, but always above the freezing point of 0"C.

Aromatherapy massage. This is probably one of the oldest uses of essential oils. To carry out an unforgettable procedure, you need to add 7-10 drops of essential oil to 2 tbsp. spoons of the so-called "base" (it can be olive, sesame, apricot oil, or even a composition of vegetable oils). Then carry out a gentle, light massage, moving from the limbs to the spine or chest, always starting from the more distant, lower areas and moving towards the center, rising up.

The emergence and development of aroma massage.

Literary sources testify that massage has been known for more than 25 centuries BC. and around this period, the use of essential oils is mentioned as the main component for therapeutic massage.

It is known that the most ancient method of obtaining essential oils in Egypt was soaking raw materials in hot oil or cold fat.

Lipsticks and aromatic oils obtained in this way were used in ointments for anointing pharaohs and clerics.

Chinese Emperor Shen Nung 1000 B.C. compiled the "Great Herbalist", which contained detailed recommendations on the use of medicinal herbs and incense for the treatment of various ailments, with particular attention to acupuncture and aroma massage.

Hippocrates developed the use of herbs and essential oils into a more serious science, basing his recipes on observations and diagnoses. He considered essential the daily use of aromatic baths and massages and the use of aromatic oils to maintain health and longevity.

Theophastus, the famous Greek botanist, discovered the mechanism of the effect of externally applied oils on internal organs. The Romans adored perfumes and aromatic oils. They used them for massage, anointed their hair and clothes. With the fall of the Roman Empire, massage, as a healing and healing tool, disappeared from the life of Europeans for a long time, especially during the spread of Christianity. And only peoples professing Islam continued to use massage in medicine and everyday life. They also have the merit in preserving and improving the methods of obtaining incense.

Avicenna, who is considered the father of distillation, the main method for obtaining essential oils, wrote in the Canon of Medicine: “It is necessary that the massage be moderate in quality and quantity. hands. Indeed, this is beneficial for them (the elderly) and prevents suffering from diseases of the organs. The spread of aroma massage in Europe is associated with the Crusades in the twelfth century, when the Crusaders, returning from campaigns, brought incense with them, how to obtain and use them.

In ancient Rus', ointments, aromatic fats, decoctions for rubbing joints and kneading muscles were widely used.

In Western Europe, after the publication in the 18th century of the capital work of the French clinician Clemen Josève Tissot "Medical and Surgical Gymnastics", almost all herbalists began to use essential oils for therapeutic massage.

Marguerite Maury (1895-1964) initiated the widespread use of aromatherapy in Great Britain. She pioneered the practice of blending essential oils with conventional fatty, non-aromatic oils and used the mixture in massage.

Domestic scientists A.E. Shcherbak, A.F. Verbov, I.M. Sarkizov-Sarizini, V.V. Nikolaevsky, S.S. Soldatchenko brought a lot of new things to the theory and practice of aroma massage for the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

Aroma massage combines two methods: the massage itself and the aroma-therapeutic procedure with the effect of aromatic substances on the skin receptors, their penetration through the skin and into the body through the lungs, affecting the olfactory cells.

Everyone knows that when essential oils are applied to the skin, it turns red. This means that there is an increase in blood microcirculation due to the opening of reserve capillaries (hyperemia). Secondly, even Gattefosse (France) was able to show the different penetration of aqueous and oily solutions, especially essential oils through the skin. He found that aqueous substances hardly pass through the skin, and for essential oils mixed with essential oils, this is possible, since their molecules are quite small.

It is believed that essential oil molecules pass through the skin through the holes of the hair follicles, mix with the natural oily secretions of the skin (sebum), and then enter either the blood or the lymph and interstitial fluid that surrounds all body cells.

Depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer of a person, the process of absorbing essential oils can last from several minutes to several hours.

So, Professor Valette, studying the rate of penetration of essential oils through the skin of rabbits, found that turpentine is absorbed in 20 minutes, thyme and eucalyptus oils in 20-40 minutes, bergamot, lemon, anise - in 40-60 minutes, mint, pine , lavender, cinnamon, geranium - in 60-70 minutes, coriander in 100 minutes.

Thirdly, when we inhale the aroma, its molecules penetrate inside, reach the lungs, and are carried throughout the body.

Fourthly, odorous substances emit molecules that evaporate during aroma massage. Some of them settle on the mucosa in the nose and meet with olfactory cells located in the upper part of the nose in the mucosa. Each cell is connected to its own representation - a nerve ending in the brain. At the tip of the mucosal cell there is a tiny protrusion that looks like a hair. It is on this hair that the molecules of the smelling substance act, which immediately sends a signal through the nerve ending to the olfactory zone of the brain. This zone, in turn, is closely connected with the limbic region, the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. And this means: the limbic region of the brain is our memory, intuition, emotional reactions, sexual desire; hypothalamus and pituitary gland - control of hormones of the nervous and endocrine systems. The brain processes the signals sent and makes appropriate decisions and sends them back to those areas of the body that are being massaged. Moreover, today scientists have proved that the genes that control our sense of smell are also responsible for the body's ability to distinguish "own" viruses from "strangers" and, thus, affect the state of our name system.

And finally: G. Yang, studying the electrical frequency of the human body, came to the conclusion that the normal level of the electrical frequency of the body of a healthy person is approximately 62 - 78 Hz. If this frequency decreases, then there is a decrease in function immune system. So, the first symptoms of a cold appear at an electrical body frequency of 58 Hz, a runny nose - 57 Hz., Candidiasis - 55 Hz. etc. Thus, the task is to maintain the electrical frequency of the body at the proper level throughout life. At the same time, attention should be paid to the fact that the electrical frequency of canned food is 0, freshly cooked - up to 15 Hz, dry herbs from 12 to 22 Hz, and essential oils have a frequency of 52 to 320 Hz.

Thus, with the help of aromatherapy procedures, using the high electrical frequency of essential oils, an increase in the frequency of the patient's body is achieved and his immune system is strengthened.

Therefore, when performing a massage, we act, through physical and aromatherapy techniques, on the entire body as a whole, and not just on the massaged organs. Essential oils contain a large number of organic compounds, have a complex chemical composition and have a certain therapeutic effect on the human body. Knowing the therapeutic properties of essential oils, you can mix them in such a ratio to get the best effect in the treatment of diseases of individual organs and systems.

The use of therapeutic essential oils for massage helps to release deeply hidden emotions, even at the subconscious level, which is important for our long-term health.

Aroma massage is based on the philosophy of the integrity of the body, attention is taken not only to the body, but also to the mind, as well as the spirit, and all this is ultimately aimed at balancing the human being for his health, well-being, harmony of inner peace and tranquility.

Bergamot has anti-spasmodic and soothing properties, it helps to cope with digestive problems. Bergamot oil can be used in abdominal massage to increase appetite after an illness or to stimulate the digestive process. A valuable antiseptic and coolant, bergamot is effective in treating various infections and inflammations. It is especially useful for relieving stressed skin conditions.

basilica corresponds to the element of Fire, basil oil acts as a tonic, antiseptic, mucus dissolving and antispasmodic agent: it relieves tension and alleviates pain during stomach and menstrual cramps, cleanses the intestines and restores flora in intestinal infections and difficult digestion, promotes normal blood circulation in case of menstruation and stimulates the activity of the adrenal cortex.

Thanks to its stress-relieving, strengthening and stabilizing effect on the nerves, brain and mood, basil essential oil is considered a balm for the mind and soul. Its calming and strengthening action on the nerves is used not only for exhaustion and insomnia, but also for states of fear, anxiety and depression. In addition, basil oil frees the mind and activates the possibilities of thinking. It even sharpens the sense of smell after prolonged exhaustion.

Uplifting massage: Mix 2 drops of basil oil and 10 drops of black pepper and bergamot oils in 25 ml of grape seed oil and give yourself a massage that will drive away depression and apathy.

Gentle pleasant massage of the abdomen with basil oil will help with digestive problems. Stomach massage with basil can also be done for scanty and painful periods.

As a massage oil for a relaxing massage, basil is good to use in combination with other oils, lavender is best. This mixture perfectly helps with fatigue, as well as tension and overwork of muscles.

Such a massage is especially useful for people whose work is associated with nervous and muscular tension.

rose oil possesses antiseptic, antirheumatic, bactericidal and wound-healing action and at the same time is characterized by low toxicity. Therefore, it can even be used to care for children's skin. This oil is ideal for pregnant women and can be used during childbirth.

Rose oil is a powerful regenerating agent that improves skin elasticity and firmness. Normalizes the secretory functions of the skin, eliminates its hypersensitivity. Eliminates inflammatory rash of bacterial and viral origin, but also effective in eczematous, allergic dermatitis and neurodermatitis. It has a dissolving effect on the scar tissue of a small area. Eliminates visible vascular pattern, eliminates puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, swelling of the eyelids. Also, rose oil has a general rejuvenating effect. Eliminates nausea, weakness, migraine, headaches, dizziness. Normalizes the work of the endocrine glands, Normalizes the digestive process and has a moderate choleretic effect.

Massage: 5 drops of rose oil per 15 grams of transport oil. Baby Oil: Mix 1 drop of rose oil with 50 ml of almond oil. Regular massages with this oil will help the child if he is restless.

Oil against shock: put 1 drop of rose oil on the inside of the palm, rub between the palms and inhale the aroma in shock situations and with severe emotional stress.

Caution: check the oil for individual intolerance.

Lemon widely used in medicine of antiquity and the Middle Ages, oil is, first of all, an effective remedy against vegetovascular dystonia. Lemon oil is used to care for oily skin that has lost its elasticity, with scars and cellulite; for oily hair and dandruff removal. It also rejuvenates the walls of blood vessels, eliminates the vascular network, and has an anti-sclerotic effect. Prevents varicose veins and the development of hemorrhoids. Participates in cleaning the body of toxins. It has an anti-anemic effect, activates leukocytes in the body's defense system, and normalizes the blood formula.

Cleanses the body of toxins. Has antianemic action; activates leukocyte activity, restores the natural blood formula. The ancients equated the effect of lemon with bloodletting. Hemostatic effect (bleeding from the nose).

Lemon oil improves blood circulation and tones the muscles of the venous wall, which prevents varicose veins. Lemon oil has the ability to lower blood pressure, so it is not recommended for people with low blood pressure.

Massage: 4-5 drops per 20 g base,

Essential oil of orange. Has a strong calming effect. Recommended for depression, states of fear and nervous tension. It is used as an antiseptic for colds and sore throats. Helps with inflammation and bleeding gums, periodontal disease. Purifies the skin, brightens age spots, promotes cell renewal, improves complexion

Risk of burns if applied directly to the skin!

Impact on human bioenergetics: increases optimism, self-confidence and charm. Restores the aura after a serious illness and emotional stress. Recommended when you need sympathy and warmth.

Massage: 5 drops per 10 g base (cellulite, rheumatism).

Essential oil mandarin evokes creative and stimulating energy in a person. "Washes away" overwork, irritability from the soul. Helps in a state of nervous excitement and insomnia. It has a relaxing and antidepressant effect, creates a cheerful mood and promotes the development of active energy. The perfect fragrance for productive and uplifting intellectual communication. Mobilizes personal intelligence. The invigorating effect of the oil (mixed with other oils) is sometimes used to relieve premenstrual tension. In combination with other citrus fruits, the effect of the oil is enhanced.

Note! Check the aroma for individual tolerance. Do not apply to skin less than 60 minutes before sunbathing.

Medicinal properties. Provides excellent health in case of sun deficiency, accumulates solar energy, stimulates the absorption of vitamins. Helps to easily survive the longest and most difficult winter. It has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect. It stimulates appetite, promotes digestion, and serves as a mild choleretic agent. Eliminates bleeding and inflammation of the gums. Cleanses the body of toxins. Prevents the accumulation of excess weight and loss of elasticity of body contours. Optimizes blood circulation in tissues.

Massage: 6-7 drops per 15 g of transport oil.

Essential oil of patchouli. The deep, tart, bitter, sensual and unusually persistent aroma of this exotic oil came to us from India along with outlandish patterns on fabrics soaked with this incense.

The effect of patchouli oil on the emotional state is a calming, antidepressant and pronounced erotic effect. It pacifies, calms and creates an atmosphere of love, while clarifying the mind. Tones the body, accelerating the process of tissue renewal. Patchouli restricts appetite, so it is useful for people who want to lose weight.

The cosmetic effect of this oil will be fully appreciated by people with dry and tired skin, to which it gives elasticity and freshness.

Patchouli oil treats skin infections, including fungal infections. It contributes to the rapid renewal of epidermal cells.

Patchouli oil has anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to treat obesity, due to its ability to remove excess fluid from the body and control appetite.

Massage: 6-8 drops per 10 ml sweet almond oil.

Essential oil sandalwood has a mild soothing and relaxing effect. Well tones the body. Traditionally, the oil is used to treat infections of the genitourinary system, such as cystitis, gonorrhea. Sandalwood oil effectively smoothes wrinkles. It rejuvenates, revitalizes the skin, gives it a natural color, eliminates sagging and dry skin. Eliminates acne. Restores hair health and shine, eliminates dandruff. Due to its antiviral properties, the use of oil is effective in various diseases of the respiratory tract. Optimizes blood circulation and microcirculation. Respiratory system: Catarrh, runny nose, tonsillitis, chronic bronchitis accompanied by dry cough. Genitourinary system: Cystitis, urethritis. Skin care: Moisturizer, acne, eczema, psoriasis, oily skin. Reproductive system: We normalize the menstrual cycle, it is effective for prostatitis, orachnoiditis and impotence, vaginitis. Nervous system: Headaches, insomnia, nervous tension.

Do not use in renal pathology.

Palma rose oil has a strong antiseptic effect, especially in inflamed skin conditions such as abscesses, wounds, ulcers, bedsores. Palmarosa oil helps fight diseases such as eczema, dermatitis, acne, it regulates the sebaceous and sweat glands, eliminates age spots and wrinkles. Palmarosa essential oil regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increases appetite, and helps restore intestinal flora. Regulates metabolism in the body. Acting directly on the central nervous system, it has a tonic effect in states of nervous tension, depression, stress, improves memory, helps to restore the body after prolonged illness. In addition, it is a mild erotic stimulant.

Massage - 7-8 drops per 30 g of base oil.

Essential oil of geranium has a fresh, rich, warm and uplifting floral rose scent. Influencing the nervous system, eliminates anxiety and depression, improves mood.

Massage: 5 drops per 15 g of transport oil.

Reflex massage: a mixture of essential and transport oils in a ratio of 1:1.

Essential oil of marigolds fights skin infections, helps draw out pus. Heals wounds, cuts, softens corns and calluses. It has diuretic, sedative and stimulating properties. Used in the treatment of inflammation of the respiratory tract. Helps to get rid of cough and congestion. It is used for sports massage - when stretching muscles and tendons, because. has good analgesic properties.

Ylang Ylang Oil- universal oil, controls the balance of subcutaneous fat, and therefore has a beneficial effect on both oily and dry skin. Tones and stimulates the scalp, promotes hair growth.

Massage: 5-7 drops in 15 ml of sweet almond oil.


To properly prepare massage oil, you need to know that essential oils have different effects on human organs.

We will acquaint you with the general effect of essential oils on individual organs and human systems, as well as give recommendations on the selection of essential oils for the prevention and treatment of common diseases.

Functional properties of some essential oils:

Analgesic: bergamot, cajuput, chamomile, lavender, mint, rosemary, tea tree, fir, cypress oils.

Antidepressants: Help reduce depression: bergamot, clary sage, geranium, jasmine, lavender, lemon balm, neroli, orange, patchouli, rose, sandalwood, ylang-ylang oils.

Anti-stress action: bergamot, geranium, jasmine, coriander, lavender, patchouli oils.

Antiseptics: bergamot, lavender, eucalyptus, juniper, lemon, orange, pine, rosemary, sandalwood, tea tree, thyme oils.

Astringents: Reduces the secretion of secretions: cedar, cypress, lavender, geranium, lemon, myrtle, patchouli, rose, sage, sandalwood oils.

Increase blood pressure - rosemary oil.

Reduce blood pressure - geranium, lavender, lemon, lemon balm, ylang-ylang oils.

Deodorants: Eliminate unpleasant odors: citronella, cypress, eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, tea tree oils.

Local irritants: Stimulate peripheral blood supply: peppermint, cajuput, coriander, eucalyptus, ginger, juniper, fir, rosemary oils.

Diuretic (diuretic) means: Promote urination: cedar, cypress, fennel, geranium, grapefruit, juniper, lavender, lemon, patchouli, sage oils.

Refreshing: Essential oils of fir, mint, lavender, mandarin, neroli, orange, lemon have this quality.

Cleansing action: Essential oils of geranium, lavender, orange, rose, rosemary, sage, lemon have this quality.

Expectorants: Contribute to the treatment of catarrh of the upper respiratory tract: basil, bergamot, cedar, eucalyptus, fennel, hyssop, lavender, lemon, sage, sandalwood essential oils.

Liver: Chamomile, cardamom, lemon, mint, rose oils tone up the liver.

Anti-inflammatory: Reduce inflammation: cajuput, lavender, peppermint, rose oils.

Sedatives: Essential oils of clary sage, marjoram, neroli, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, geranium, rosewood, lemon balm, valerian oils have this property.


First of all, it is necessary to point out the antiseptic ability of essential oils, associated with the presence in them of special biologically active substances related to phytoncides, the phenomenon of which in the plant world was discovered in 1928-1930. zoologist B.P. Tokin. It was he who at the beginning of the "penicillin era" advised physicians, together with biologists, to foresee the consequences of the largest experiment that medicine began to conduct on people and bacteria in the entire history of mankind: new antiseptics began to be introduced into the body of millions of people. A spontaneous selection of the most resistant forms of microorganisms has taken place and is taking place, thereby creating the basis for the evolution of infectious diseases. Biologists have long foreseen that nature can "retaliate" in different ways. It was foreseen not only the emergence of new resistant forms of microorganisms, but it was also proved that the introduction of powerful, selective antibiotics into the intestinal tract would disrupt the evolutionary biocenoses of the intestinal tract, the "balance" in the antagonism of microbes, on the basis of which new diseases could arise. And this assumption, unfortunately, was confirmed: fungal infections have become one of the urgent problems of modern medicine. Modern research has confirmed the high antiseptic activity of essential oils. The action of the latter extends to almost all groups of microorganisms. Essential oils are able to suppress the development of gram-positive and gram-negative cocci, various representatives of the Enterobacteriaceae and Bacillaceae families, vibrios, many types of fungi, protozoa, and have antiviral activity.

An aqueous 5% solution of thyme essential oil completely kills typhoid bacteria and Shiga bacillus (the causative agent of dysentery) within 2 minutes, colibacilli - in 2-8 minutes, streptococcus and diphtheria bacillus - in 4 minutes, staphylococcus - in 6 minutes, Koch's bacillus (pathogen tuberculosis) - in 60 minutes. Similar data can be given for other essential oils. Thus, a mixture of essential oils of pine, thyme, mint, lavender, rosemary, when sprayed indoors, kills all staphylococci and mold, and out of 200 microbial colonies initially identified, only 4 remain. When evaporated using special devices, essential oils are almost completely destroyed in the premises pathogenic microflora and provide a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. Essential oils of lemon, lavender, coriander, pine, fir, eucalyptus, etc. are most effective here.

The aggressiveness of essential oils in relation to microbes is combined with their almost complete harmlessness to the human body. Then, as we have already indicated, with prolonged use of antibiotics, immunological reactivity decreases, drug allergies and candidiasis occur, and, finally, resistance to drugs of the microorganisms themselves is formed. The antiseptic ability of essential oils does not decrease with time, and microorganisms practically do not develop resistance to them. This is due to the fact that the antibiotic effect of essential oils on microbes is due to the destruction of the cytoplasmic (peripheral) membrane and a decrease in the activity of aerobic respiration, which leads to a decrease in the release of energy necessary for the synthesis of various organic compounds. Thus, by modifying the ecological situation, essential oils do not allow microorganisms to create their own defense mechanisms and adapt to an aggressive agent. At the same time, there are no changes in the genetic apparatus of microorganisms, that is, essential oils do not have mutagenic properties. Essential oils easily penetrate the skin and quickly enter the systemic circulation. So, turpentine, essential oils of pine, fir, spruce pass through the skin in 20 minutes, eucalyptus - in 20-40 minutes, mint, lavender, geranium, coriander - in 60-100 minutes. Due to the high penetrating power of essential oils, when applied topically, their therapeutic effect on internal organs is achieved. In addition to bactericidal properties, many essential oils have an antiviral effect, so it is advisable to use them for the prevention and treatment of viral influenza. Of particular value are essential oils for air sanitation in crowded places during outbreaks of viral influenza and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). It is known that people living in forest areas are 2-4 times less likely to get ARVI, influenza and tonsillitis than city dwellers. This can be explained by the constant purification of the air in the forest with essential oils containing a large amount of phytoncides.

The experience of the Crimean Research Institute named after I.M. Sechenov showed that the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in adults when using aromatherapy with essential oils is reduced by 50-80%, the duration of the infection is significantly reduced, and the frequency of complications is reduced. In children, thanks to the courses of aromatherapy in spring and autumn, the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections is reduced by 1.5-2.8 times.

The anti-inflammatory effects of essential oils are well known. The main mechanisms of this action are the ability of essential oils to reduce vascular permeability and stabilize cell membranes, as well as their antiradical activity. Attention should also be paid to the valuable property of essential oils to have a pronounced antioxidant effect. The above properties of essential oils in a more general way are manifested by the ability to have an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate regeneration processes during the healing of wounds and injuries, reduce the level of sensitization of the body, have a beneficial effect on cerebral hemodynamics, reduce the risk of developing atherosclerotic vascular lesions by reducing the level of beta-lipoproteins. , total and protein-bound cholesterol, etc. In the Crimean Research Institute. I.M. Sechenov also confirmed the immunomodulatory activity of essential oils (coriander, monard, rose, sage, lavender, etc.), the manifestation of which was their ability to actively influence the primary and secondary immune response. The range of action of essential oils is extremely wide, covering various systems of a warm-blooded organism and a variety of physiological processes. Essential oils are not characterized by a narrowly specific action and the potential of their influence is distributed evenly among various systems and organs. Medicinal use of essential oils allows solving many problems faced by medical practice both in the treatment and prevention of diseases.

An important positive factor is the relatively low toxicity of essential oils, the ability to be active in doses that are less than toxic. In this case, of course, there is a high safety factor.

Essential oils have a direct and varied effect on the central nervous system. At the same time, 4 types of main reactions were revealed - a constant improvement in concentration and working capacity; achievement of the maximum of these indicators after a certain period with a subsequent decrease to a level exceeding the initial one; maximum improvement in performance immediately after exposure to essential oil with a subsequent decrease; decrease in indicators of concentration of attention and working capacity under the influence of essential oils. Aroma prophylaxis expands the adaptive capabilities of a person, is one of the ways to improve health and increase the body's resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors. In adaptive reactions, the psychological factor is especially important for a person. With emotional stress, there is an overstrain of various functional systems, which is one of the main causes of vascular accidents. In such cases, it is advisable to use essential oils.

Very promising is the use of essential oils in spa practice to reduce adaptation period in patients who come for treatment from different climatic zones and time zones, as well as with a rotational work method. According to researchers from the Central Republican Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv), inhalation of essential oils of mint, lavender, anise during work improves cerebral circulation, increases labor productivity, and also improves immunity. Essential oils provide vivacity, freshness, reduce fatigue at the end of the working day, improve sleep, and normalize the functions of the nervous system.

The versatile influence of essential oils on the cardiovascular system has been experimentally proven. In many cases, aromatic oils cause a decrease in blood pressure (BP). The ability to excite the central nervous system, stimulate respiration and blood circulation, increase blood pressure, dilate coronary vessels, improve blood supply to the heart and reduce pressure in the pulmonary circulation are characteristic of a drug widely used in medical practice from camphor cinnamon essential oil - camphor. When exposed to optimal doses of essential oils, there is an increase in the contractility of the heart, a decrease in pulse rate, an intensification of oxidative processes in the heart muscle, an improvement in conduction processes in the myocardium, and activation of tissue respiration of the heart muscle.

Of particular interest is the use of essential oils for the treatment of diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system. As studies by employees of the Crimean Research Institute named after I.M. Sechenov have shown, sage, pine, monard, fir, lavender, sage and other essential oils are extremely effective in the complex treatment of chronic bronchitis, prolonged pneumonia, bronchiectasis, bronchial asthma. A similar effect is primarily associated with the anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and bronchodilator properties of oils. Group inhalations of volatile fractions of essential oils are used at a concentration of 1.0-1.5 mg / m3, that is, close to natural, characteristic of the air near the respective plants.

The high efficiency of the use of volatile fractions of essential oils as phytoadaptogens makes it possible to recommend their use in a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures in pediatric practice. The aromatherapy technique can be introduced into the practice of children's clinics, hospitals, sanatoriums and preschool institutions in order to stimulate nonspecific protection, immunological reactivity, relieve emotional stress, as a primary and secondary prevention of chronic and recurrent respiratory diseases in children.

Many essential oils have choleretic, diuretic and antispasmodic properties, which leads to their widespread use for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, liver and biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract. Clinical observations have confirmed that rosemary and rose oils help to increase the production and separation of bile. Essential oils of lavender, mint, sage, thyme have the same properties. This allows us to recommend essential oils as possible remedies for the treatment of cholecystitis and other diseases of the liver and gallbladder. There was evidence of lysis under the action of essential oils of kidney and liver stones. The formation of the latter is prevented by rose, lemon, fir, juniper and calamus essential oils.

The anti-cancer effects of essential oils continue to be studied. Numerous experiments allow us to talk about the possibility of using garlic, burnet, celandine, mistletoe, tropical periwinkle, marsh cinquefoil and calendula as additional means in the treatment of cancer. Considering the importance of free radicals in the occurrence of malignant tumors, it is possible to assume that essential oils (fennel, basil), which have an antiradical-forming effect, can be used in the development of antitumor drugs.

Many scientists believe that the rate of aging of the body is primarily related to the intensity of cell lipid oxidation, when the so-called free radicals accumulate. This process can be slowed down with the help of the same essential oils that are natural antioxidants, strengthening cell membranes. This property is also used in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

It is known that in the treatment of burns, infected and gangrenous wounds, the greatest danger is intoxication arising from the absorption of tissue decay products and microbial toxins by the surface of wounds and burns. It is here that the exceptional advantages of essential oils over other drugs are manifested, due to their ability to combine with the breakdown products of tissue albumins, which leads to the formation of non-toxic substances that are easily excreted from the body. Due to the local neutralization of microbial toxins by essential oils, the process of tissue regeneration and wound healing is accelerated. Similar properties are most pronounced in lavender, rosemary, sage, coriander, thyme. A good effect of essential oils has been established for other skin diseases - various dermatitis, dry and weeping eczema, acne. To assess the biological activity of medicinal substances, their allergenic properties are of great importance. Essential oils can exhibit both allergenic and anti-allergic activity. The latter is noted in the individual components of rose essential oil, it reduces histamine spasms. Most researchers classify the main components of essential oils as slightly or moderately toxic compounds.

The main requirement of aromatherapy is not to exceed the recommended doses of essential oils in the prevention and treatment of diseases.


Essential oils for treatment and for domestic purposes cannot be used unlimitedly. In some cases, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary. This is especially true for people with a tendency to allergic diseases, as well as pregnant women. Sometimes there is an individual intolerance to any smell. In this case, you must stop using an oil that does not suit you.

You should not use essential oils constantly and without control, as this can lead to undesirable consequences.

Aromatherapy, like other methods of treatment, requires literacy, a balanced approach and not intended for long-term use. It all depends on your physical and mental state and the body's need for this type of treatment. It is not recommended to use regularly, for a long time essential oils of anise, geranium. With increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, essential oils of basil, cypress are contraindicated.

Pregnant women and epileptics are contraindicated in the use of essential oils: basil, oregano, juniper, rosemary, sage, wormwood, coriander, fir, thyme, arborvitae, cloves.

Children under 6 years of age should not use peppermint oil, as it has a strong effect on children's skin and causes insomnia. This oil should be used with caution in allergic hay rhinitis and the passage of a course of homeopathic treatment.

You can not sunbathe in the sun if you have used preparations with orange, bergamot, lemon essential oils.

With increased doses of sandalwood essential oil, you may experience a feeling of warmth in the epigastrium, a feeling of thirst, and sometimes nausea.

You can not use inside the essential little sage and lavender simultaneously with any preparations containing iodine and iron, as well as in combination with alcohol.

With increased excitability of the nervous system, essential oils of cloves and sage are not recommended.

Essential oils of fennel, dill, coriander, cumin, anise in their pure form can irritate the skin, so their use for massage is recommended only in mixture with other essential oils or with vegetable oil.

Essential oils that cannot be used independently without consulting your doctor: laurel, Tauride wormwood, Cossack juniper, thuja.

Restoration of softness and elasticity of rough skin areas.

Massage oil: essential oils (in drops): spruce - 2 rosemary - 3, mint - 2 per 20 ml of almond fatty oil.

Nail care.

Massage of the nail roller to eliminate brittleness and delamination of nails. Massage oil: essential oils (in drops): bergamot - 3, pine - 3, ylang-ylang - 4 per 20 ml of almond fatty oil.

Elimination of stained nails.

Massage oil: essential oils (in drops): rosemary - 4, lemon - 3, grapefruit - 3 per 20 ml of almond fatty oil.

Increasing the transparency of the nail plate.

Massage oil: essential oils (in drops): eucalyptus - 4, lemon - 6 per 20 ml of almond fatty oil.

Polishing of the nail plate.

Massage oil: essential oils (in drops): lavender - 4, bergamot - 3, ylang-ylang - 3 per 20 ml of almond fatty oil.

Hand massage.

Massage oil: essential oils (in drops): rosemary - 3, geranium - 3, lemon - 4 or juniper - 3, hyssop - 3, rose - 2 per 20 ml of almond fatty oil.

Foot massage. Skin care after epilation.

Massage oil: essential oils (in drops): cypress - 3, lemon - 3, rosewood - 2 per 20 ml of almond fatty oil.

Sprain, bruises.

For a light foot massage, use massage oil: essential oils (in drops): cypress - 3, lavender - 3, citronella - 4 per 20 ml of almond fatty oil.

Reducing the lability of the skin to external influences.

Cosmetic and reflex massage of normal and sensitive skin is performed with massage oil: essential oils (in drops): spruce - 3, orange - 3, rosewood - 4 per 30 ml of almond fatty oil.

Elimination of peeling, irritation, redness of the skin.

Cosmetic and reflex massage of dry and sensitive skin is performed with massage oil: essential oils (in drops): lavender - 4, patchouli - 3, sandalwood - 3 per 30 ml of almond fatty oil.

Elimination of stale, tired skin.

Cosmetic and reflex massage of normal, oily, dry and combination skin is performed with massage oil: essential oils (in drops): juniper - 3, neroli - 4, mandarin - 3 per 30 ml of almond fatty oil.

Skin lightening, reduction of heterogeneous pigmentation.

Cosmetic massage of normal, oily, dry and combination skin is performed with massage oil: essential oils in drops): grapefruit - 3, ginger - 4, rosewood - 3 per 30 ml of almond fatty oil.

Broken capillaries on the cheeks disappear with regular rubbing of a mixture of jojoba oil (10 ml) and rose oil (1 drop).

cypress essential oil has an antiseptic, astringent, deodorizing effect; prevents the formation of dandruff and hair loss; hemostatic, anti-inflammatory; eliminates the visible vascular pattern under the skin and pinpoint hemorrhages, bleeding gums; vasoconstrictor for varicose veins, hemorrhoids; strong sedative; normalizes the hormonal status in women, especially with menopause; improves memory.

Massage: 5-6 drops of cypress essential oil or its mixture with juniper, lavender and pine essential oils in a ratio of 1:1:1:1 mixed with 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil (almond, peach, apricot, olive, etc.) or selected creams. Use for problematic skin, hyperhidrosis, cellulite. The same fat-based mixture can be used as an insecticide (for fleas).

Aroma oil from osteochondrosis

10 ml of aloe vera juice, 20 ml of almond oil, 60 ml of grape seed oil, 10 ml of guarana diluted in water, 10 ml of wheat germ oil, 5 drops of thyme or fennel oil, 6 drops of rose oil, 10 drops of lemon, grapefruit or orange

Mix all the ingredients and massage the painful areas with the resulting oil. Store remaining oil in a cool, dark place.

Heaviness in the legs and pain by the end of the working day can not only spoil the mood - it can lead to serious problems with blood vessels. Together with the treatment prescribed by the doctor, you can use the properties of aroma oils:

Aroma oil enriched with vitamins

50 ml soybean oil, 10 ml wheat germ oil, 2 drops geranium essential oil, 2 drops grapefruit essential oil, 1 drop lemon oil, 1 drop of orange oil.

Mix all ingredients well. Apply to the body with gentle massage movements from the bottom up.

This oil also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps to get rid of varicose veins: geranium improves blood circulation, and citrus fruits strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

From tired legs

25 ml grape seed oil, 25 ml almond oil, 20 drops orange oil, 10 drops peppermint oil, 5 drops lemon oil.

Mix everything and rub into the skin of the legs until completely absorbed.

Aroma oils for dry skin

45 ml jojoba oil, 10 ml rosehip oil, 10 ml wheat germ oil, 10 ml evening primrose oil, 3 drops jasmine oil, 5 drops lavender oil, 4 drops lemon oil

Mix all ingredients and apply on the body. massage movements in the direction from bottom to top. Store butter in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.

Aroma oils for hands

15 ml almond oil, 15 ml argan oil, 10 ml wheat germ oil, 10 ml evening primrose oil, 10 drops lavender oil, 2 drops rose oil

Mix everything and shake well. Apply to the skin of the hands every evening and rub until completely absorbed.

Facial oil

30 ml (2 tablespoons) rosehip oil, 10 ml argan oil, 10 ml borage oil, 10 ml wheat germ oil, 6 drops parsley essential oil, 2 drops violet or orange blossom essential oil

Mix all the ingredients and apply on a face cleansed with tonic or lotion. After 10 minutes, remove the remaining oil with a napkin. It is advisable to perform this procedure in the morning for 2-3 months.

Ylang Ylang Hair Loss Treatment

6 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil, 10 ml of borage oil, 10 ml of evening primrose oil

Mix all oils and shake well. Rub into the scalp 1 hour before washing. Use 2-3 times a month. You can also add a few drops of this oil to your shampoo.

Remedy for redness of the eyes and bags under the eyes

1/2 cucumber, peeled and grated, 10 ml wheat germ oil, 50 ml decoction of one of the 4 herbs: calendula, fennel, parsley or comfrey officinalis

Mix 1 teaspoon of herbal decoction and 50 ml of boiled water. Then add cucumber gruel and wheat germ oil. Apply the gel with your fingertips to the skin around the eyes. Put the remaining gel components in the refrigerator. Use 1 time in 3 days.

Lip balm

10 ml wheat germ oil, 10 ml jojoba oil, 5 ml castor oil, 5 ml argan oil

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the lips with soft tapping movements. After 2 minutes, remove the rest of the balm with a napkin. You can also massage the skin around the lips with this mixture: clockwise movements.

Anti-cellulite, Ayurvedic, erotic, Shiatsu... There are at least a hundred massage techniques, which eloquently speaks of the popularity of the method, the roots of which go back to ancient times.

Where and when massage originated is impossible to establish. There are many white spots in the issues of the benefits of massage, not to mention the exact mechanisms of its effect.

While scientific treatises are acquiring new details, let's turn our gaze towards more mundane categories. In particular, we will discuss one of the "lubricants" for massage - gel.

Oil in the context of massage sounds more familiar. What is remarkable massage gel and why complicate your life when the good old olive oil is always at hand?

Nevertheless, gels are confidently conquering the market, which means it is worth getting to know the "occupiers" closer.

  • Oil is not for everyone. Oily skin oils can clog. The gel has a water base with high penetrating power and does not form a film.
  • Oil and cream cannot provide perfect glide in the harsh conditions of abundant hair. Gels are excellently distributed even in areas with lush vegetation.
  • Linen soiled with massage gel is washed off the first time. And how many sheets and towels were hopelessly damaged by oil?
  • Finally, the thick consistency of the gel provides an economical consumption of the product and insures against spillage.

Chiropractors rightly love gels. Their competitors, specialists in hardware massage, gels are forced to love even contrary to personal preferences.

With iontophoresis, ultraphoresis, myostimulation, ultrasonic exposure, only gels can provide a contact function. Oil is a dielectric. It does not conduct electricity. Let's talk about hands and devices in more detail.

Massage with gel: hands or devices?

Manual or hardware - which massage is better? The key criterion is the problem to be solved.

Get under the arm

Worried about diseases of internal organs, problems with joints and spine? Look for a good manipulator. The devices work according to a template and do not take into account the individuality of the disease.

Manual massage sessions are also effective in solving cosmetic problems, but it is more humane to deal with cellulite with devices, saving the masseur's hands for special occasions.

Man and vacuum

With edema, excess weight and cellulite, you can go to the vacuum. Vacuum exposure is one of the best lymphatic drainage techniques. It is no coincidence that pharmacy "wonder-jars" for three kopecks at one time became (and continue to be) a hit.

Because they work. The best accompaniment to home or salon vacuum - anti-cellulite massage gel.

Fitness for the lazy

Pay attention to myostimulation if there is no time for fitness, and the muscles cry for help. Impulse currents will restore muscle tone, strengthen and even increase muscle mass.

You can supplement and enhance the action of the myostimulator with a gel with a “special effect” - for example, lifting.

Liposuction without surgery

With local fat deposits, it is better to fight with cavitation. Ultrasonic massage is the only technique that destroys the fat cell. Don't worry, muscles and blood vessels will not suffer. Ultrasound waves are tuned exclusively to the destruction of fat.

Myself massage therapist

Not all roads lead to salons. You can deal with the body autonomously - both with devices and with your hands. Everything for self-massage can be bought. If you want to work with instrument problems, pay attention to hardware gels Beauty style(USA).

When doing manual labor, give preference to products that are formulated without regard to conductivity. Mini-review of seven such gels - right now.

On a slippery hand: TOP-7 body massage gels

What distinguishes a good massage gel? Result. We have compiled the TOP 7 massage gels that work. Among the favorites are not only “professionals”, but also the mass market that is lifting for the wallet.

Biocon, STOP cellulite massage + drainage

How to stop cellulite? The Ukrainian company Biocon offers its own cosmetic solution to the problem based on caffeine, eufilin, orange essential oil, medicinal leech and ivy extracts.

The gel is equipped with a massage nozzle, which should be used to rub the “woman's bins”. Cosmetics with such a composition cannot work, and the price of the gel is more than budget, to be sure of this.

Green Mama, Seaweed Anti-Cellulite Massage Gel Cream

Warmers are not for everyone. You can work with cellulite "cold". Cream-gel massage Green Mama with seaweed, menthol and essential oils - an ice-cold blow to the "orange peel".

Ready for that "butt in the freezer" feeling? Stock up on blankets and go for it!

Price: 335 rubles. for 170 ml

PREMIUM, Oil-gel base for massage

A gel that turns into a velvety oil that does not leave a sticky film - a dream! Premium brand massage oil-gel is part of the Silhouette line - cosmetics, the composition of which is designed for aging skin.

Premium base gel based on soybean oil and grape seed is recommended for toning and anti-cellulite massage. The formulation of the product can be supplemented "to taste" with aroma oil, herbal extract or any massage product from the Silhouette line.

Price: 1436 rubles. for 500 ml

CANNAAN, Sugar Gel Massage & Peeling

A wedge with a wedge is about the sugar gel of the Israeli company Cannaan. Sugar is the enemy of the figure if consumed internally. By massaging the problem areas with sugar, their condition can be improved.

Anti-cellulite massage with Cannaan gel is similar to classic honey massage with sticky hands. With one difference, the effect is many times stronger, because the gel formula is enriched with caffeine, horse chestnut, kelp and clove extract. Cellulite has no chance to stay.

SANA, Ginger Body Massage Gel

What is high technology and tradition in cosmetics? This is SANA. The products of the Japanese brand are developed on the basis of old recipes, enhanced by modern scientific achievements.

Massaging problem areas with SANA ginger gel, you will sharply feel the philosophy of the Land of the Rising Sun. Ginger in gel is enough to learn the lesson.

Price: 1480 rubles. for 180 g

Histomer, Cryo-Gel Wrap & Massage

Cryo-gel from the Italian cosmeceutical brand Histomer is designed to treat advanced cellulite, when the degeneration of adipose tissue has gone beyond an aesthetic problem. You can find out what plant stem cells are capable of after the first procedure.

Manufaktura, Massage gel with thermal salt and lemon balm

Not only problem areas need massage, but also tired muscles. Relaxing body massage gel with the aroma of meadow melissa from the Czech brand Manufaktura will relieve tension, reduce pain, normalize blood circulation and provide muscles with a restorative rest. Do sports in comfort!

Price: 500 rubles. for 160 ml

Does everything written above mean that gels are the best alternative to oils and creams, and massage techniques using gel lubricants have no competitors? Not at all. The story about gels is one of the pages of the multivolume "Massage".

Within the Eastern and Western schools there is a gradient of techniques, each of which is good in its own way. And if the soul appeals to the soul of Charcot, there is no need to contradict it. On the gels, the world did not converge like a wedge. But keep a couple on hand. During leisure hours there will be something to do.

Auxiliary massage tools facilitate the work of a massage therapist, increase the effectiveness of the procedure. Massage or self-massage can be performed without auxiliary means, using mainly shock techniques, vibration and movements.

Basic massage aids:

  1. Powder
  2. Alcohol preparations
  3. Oils, ointments and creams
  4. Emulsion preparations

Soap- the most common remedy in the bath. For this purpose, toilet soap is used, which has a relatively high fat content and does not dry out the skin. Persons with sensitive skin can be recommended for children - the highest quality and practically does not irritate the skin.

The use of soap has a drawback: it does not provide long-term sliding of the hands when performing.

Massage carried out after soaring in a room with a minimum temperature of + 25 C.

Powder- creates a slight slip of the hands, so stroking and rubbing are difficult. It is used primarily to dry the skin (where sweating is increased). After the massage, excess powder is removed with a towel. Powder is not applied to damaged skin.

Pharmacies sell rash powder and therapeutic Aviril, successfully used to prevent and treat inflammatory skin processes.

Alcohol preparations are liquid products used for short massages, for example, between competitions. Alcohol dissolves a number of substances that are sparingly soluble in water and fats. One of the most popular preparations is Alpa, which has a refreshing and cooling effect.

Sports shoes are made for sports massage. The yellowish sports shoe is universal. It is intended not only for a short massage, but also for cleaning the skin and in case of damage. Sportswear contains an extract from medicinal herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. The red sportswear has a warming effect (contains pepper and camphor). It is used in cold weather or for a tonic massage. Blue sportswear (with menthol) has a cooling effect and is used in soothing massages and massages in a hot room.

Doctors sometimes recommend opedeldoc, payne expeller, or liquid reumosin, which can be used for a tonic massage or as a warming massage in cold, dry weather. These preparations are not suitable for persons with sensitive skin and for facial massage. They should not be allowed to get into the eyes (as well as all other warming agents).

Oils, ointments and creams for sports massage are used very rarely, as they create an impenetrable greasy layer that is difficult to wash off with warm water and soap. Previously, vegetable oils, lard, animal fat were used, then mineral oils and petroleum jelly. Recommended for dry skin.

Also use special ointments tsalovat and reumozin. For gentle massage after frostbite, neopeutone is sometimes used, which has a vasodilating effect and improves blood and lymph circulation. Special preparations are suitable for sports and cosmetic massage medical cosmetics that are sold in pharmacies.
Emulsion preparations are the most common and are available under the general name empoma. There are 4 types of it:
1. Universal emspoma - white - used in general preparatory and anti-fatigue massage.
2. Emspoma "O" - orange - warming. Used for emergency massage and tonic self-massage, as well as in cold weather to prevent muscle spasms (cramps). Not suitable for facial massage.
3. Emspoma "M" - blue - has a refreshing and cooling effect. Used for a soothing readiness massage or massage in hot weather. Suitable for face (avoid contact with eyes!).
4. Emspoma "Z" - green - eliminates local fatigue and soreness. It is used in, and in a mixture with white emspoma is also suitable for a massage that relieves fatigue.

Recently, a special “C” emspoma has appeared with a water-repellent effect caused by silicone oil. It dilates blood vessels, has a tonic effect, and prevents hypothermia. It is used during a tonic massage of readiness and before sports performances, when it is necessary to protect the skin from cold, rain, snow, etc. (for example, the legs of cyclists, football players, marathoners, etc.).

for massage, , emulsan is used - an emulsion after bathing, which is recommended for self-massage, as well as for persons with dry skin.

Of the new means, we point out special types of indulons:

1. Massage indulon - designed for all types of massage as the main aid. It is easily applied to the skin, slowly absorbed, does not clog pores and is easily washed off. Its advantage is that it simultaneously nourishes the skin of the massaged and the massage therapist.
2. Indulon sports derivative - used before training or competitions in cold weather for better blood supply. It can be used for the prevention of muscle cramps, for massage, which relieves fatigue after heavy exertion, especially in cold weather, and also for relieving pain in the joints after exertion.
3. Indulon sports protective - special remedy for a massage of readiness before training or competition, especially in adverse weather. Protects the body from large heat loss, absorbs well. Silicone oil, which is part of its composition, has a water-repellent effect.

To achieve the best effect during massage, various means are used - talcum powder, aromatic oils, ointments, scrubs, special creams and gels for massage. Depending on the purpose of the massage, one or another remedy is used. Various vegetable oils are widely used: sea buckthorn, fir, pistachio, burdock, olive, peach. Also used are homeopathic ointments based on St.

The composition of massage oils includes two groups of components - basic and active. The basic components included in the massage oil provide the necessary gliding of the massage therapist's hands and can be either single-component or multi-component in their composition.

In addition to providing glide, the base components also have a softening and moisturizing effect on the skin. The active components are designed to bear exactly the functional load and have a directed effect.

Massage oil can be formulated individually for each person, taking into account the wishes and tasks solved by the massage therapist, for example, activating biochemical processes, nourishing and protecting the skin with the help of vitamins and antioxidants.

Several massage oil recipes:

  • An oil to relieve tension, stress or insomnia consists of five drops of neroli (orange blossom) oil, three drops of chamomile oil, five drops of lavender oil and thirty milliliters of base oil.
  • Oil to relieve muscle pain and relieve physical fatigue consists of six drops of lavender oil, five drops of rosemary oil, four drops of black pepper oil and thirty milliliters of carrier oil.
  • The stimulating oil for romantic massages consists of six drops of sandalwood oil, four drops of sage oil, five drops of rose or jasmine oil and thirty milliliters of base oil.

The success and effectiveness of aromatherapy massage is the authenticity of the essential oil and the right dosage. Therefore, it is completely unacceptable to carry out aroma massage with analogues of essential oils that contain synthetic oils and are much cheaper.

Often for manual, and especially for hardware massage, massage gels are used. Massage gels are water-based and water-free. Anhydrous gels (based on silicone) are usually used for hardware massage. Water-based gels are usually used in manual massage as an additional agent under massage oil.

Honey is widely used in massage. Honey massage is used for bronchitis, prolonged pneumonia, treatment and prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia. With the help of honey massage, mental and physical fatigue, depressive and stressful conditions are removed. The basis of honey massage is a reflex mechanism based on irritation of skin receptors under the influence of massage therapist's manipulations. Biologically active substances of honey penetrate deep into tissues and have a regenerative effect on the human body. Honey massage intensively cleanses the skin, increases blood flow and gas exchange in tissues and organs. As a result of the procedure, skin turgor and its elasticity increase, subcutaneous fat capsules dissolve.

Scrub is an excellent massage tool. The scrub is a composition, the main components of which are small hard granules. Upon contact with the skin, they have a mechanical effect and remove accumulations of dead cells. The scrub improves hemodynamics in the tissues, and the moisturizing and softening components that make up its composition gently care. After this procedure, it is necessary to use a nourishing cream.

You can buy a scrub in the store, as well as cook it yourself:

  • Coffee scrub. For preparation only natural coffee is used. The coffee grounds must be separated from the water with a strainer and dried. Finely ground unroasted coffee is also suitable. It contains more caffeine, so this coffee is more effective in the fight against cellulite. Mix dry powder with massage gel (can be mixed with sour cream or honey). Optionally, you can add a drop of essential oil to the body scrub;
  • It is an excellent exfoliating agent sea ​​salt. Even if there is none, the usual large food is also suitable. Salt, unlike coffee, is a chemically active substance, so it is strictly forbidden to apply it to damaged skin, minor scratches or wounds. Otherwise, you may get burned. It is necessary to rub the composition with the help of banana or kiwi skins. You can use this body scrub at home no more than twice a month. This recipe can be used as a face scrub.

In therapeutic massage for injuries and some diseases, various ointments, gels and creams are often used. Depending on the properties of the ingredients included in the composition, these agents act differently on the massaged areas. A number of ointments cause tissue hyperemia, that is, increased blood flow to the rubbing area. These ointments include finalgon, efkamon, gymnastogol. When rubbing these ointments, the patient feels a surge of heat in the massaged area, as well as a slight burning and tingling sensation. Blood flow to the diseased area helps to speed up metabolic processes, which is beneficial for healing. The first massage session with a warming ointment is best done in the evening, before going to bed. The next day, if the tolerability is good, this doge is applied already three times - in the morning, afternoon, evening. On the third day, only in the morning and evening, but the amount of ointment can be increased. After such a massage, the sore spot should be wrapped with a woolen cloth and not allowed to cool. The massage technique using warming agents is as follows: first, a deep warming massage is performed and only after that an ointment is applied and massage is done, starting with light techniques and ending with deep ones. Dry massage is done for 3-5 minutes, and with ointment - 2-4 minutes.

There are ointments that have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. These include venoruton, heparin ointment, lazonil and a number of other ointments.

Often used for rubbing folk remedies. For example, with inflammation of the joints, myositis, gout, rheumatism, an infusion of birch buds on alcohol is used in a ratio of 1: 5. After 3~5 minutes of massage, this tincture is rubbed into the affected area.

For bruises, muscle pain, sciatica, gruel from horseradish roots is used. Grated horseradish is applied to gauze with a layer of 0.5 cm. The compress is placed for 20 - 30 minutes on the affected area.

Talc works well on the skin. It absorbs sweat, grease well, makes the skin smooth and almost never causes irritation. Also, the advantage of talc is that it is easily washed off with water. Talc is used for massage on oily and sensitive skin.

Many experts advise to massage only on dry skin. Of course, such a massage has a number of advantages: the pores of the skin open and are cleansed of the keratinized layer of the epithelium, fat, sweat, and there is also a rapid rush of blood to the massaged area.

It is not recommended to use any massage means for some mechanical damage to the skin (abrasions, scratches) and for skin diseases (dermatitis). If the skin is dry and flabby, then it is better to use products containing vegetable oils, glycerin. With children's massage, it is better not to use massage products at all.