The red spot on the body burns. Red spots on the body Varicose veins

All the problems and disorders that arise inside the human body are often always reflected on the surface - the skin. The appearance of red spots on the body may indicate a serious and dangerous disease, but there are also cases when such spots do not carry a great danger. In any case, it is always best to consult your doctor.

When blood vessels dilate, red spots may appear on the surface of the skin. When you press on the inflamed area, the spots disappear, but then come back. Red spots come in completely different sizes and diameters. Often, itching, pain, a feeling that the reddened place “burns” and burns, go together with this redness.

Why does the red spot on the skin burn?

Discomfort and burning of the skin can cause prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. To prevent it, you should use products with a high degree of sun protection. Also, the effect that the skin “burns” can be caused by various allergens and this will be a protective reaction of the body.

Who burns and itches spots on the body?

People with increased nervous excitability are more at risk of red spots. Itching of such spots is explained precisely by a nervous breakdown.

A number of procedures will help get rid of this phenomenon: sports, proper rest, contrast shower. Such measures will help to significantly reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage and prevent the appearance of spots in the future.

Also, the bite of an insect can be the cause of redness. In this case, if there are no serious symptoms, there is no cause for concern.

Red spot on leg

The appearance of red spots on the legs is due to many processes occurring in the human body. This is a kind of body signal that seeks to warn of danger. Such warnings should never be ignored, and at the first symptoms of various redness, you should seek specialized help. Itching and burning of such spots indicates that the disease is in the progression stage and is developing.

Even if the area of ​​redness does not bother a person in any way, you should immediately see a doctor, as this can develop a benign tumor. It is easy to treat in the initial stages of its development, so you should never ignore any changes in your body, so that later it will not be too late.

Also a serious reason for the appearance of spots on the legs can be elevated level glucose in human blood. Often diabetes becomes a serious causative agent of dangerous inflammatory processes. Knees and feet are places with a special tissue structure. It is in these areas that malnutrition usually occurs, which leads to discoloration of the skin.

Redness on the legs in children can be caused by allergic and infectious reactions, blood diseases.

An unpleasant cause of this disease can be a fungus. The sore spot is most often covered with cracks, itches and burns.

Red spot on the hand burns

Redness in the palms appear due to hormonal disorders caused by pregnancy or transitional age. The skin mite could also cause red spots on the palms. At night, the pain may intensify. Peeling and itching of red spots in the elbow area is an allergy to some kind of food product or household chemicals. In this case, it is worth carefully reviewing your diet or the means that a person uses to care for the body.

Another reason for redness on the hands is lichen. It can cause severe itching, burning and pain. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, based on the symptoms.

After being outside for a long time during cold weather, some people may develop red spots on their hands that burn and bake unpleasantly. In order to avoid such a problem in the future, it is worth using protective and moisturizing creams, and always wear gloves. If this problem persists, see a dermatologist.

What to do if red spots on the body itch and burn

Starting self-treatment of reddened places is a bad idea. The use of many drugs can only aggravate the situation. It is also necessary, as far as possible, not to scratch the inflamed area and refrain from sun exposure to this place.

You can try to soothe the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with various decoctions of herbs. Chamomile and string in this matter can effectively help. It will be enough to prepare compresses and lotions.

Well relieve itching and pain ice cubes with a decoction of calendula or green tea. But it is worth remembering that these measures are aimed only at alleviating the symptoms that have arisen, but not at their complete elimination. For an accurate recovery, you need to seek specialized help.

Red spots on the skin appear in children and adults, regardless of gender. They indicate various diseases that are viral, bacterial or fungal in nature. A rash may indicate an allergic reaction, psoriasis, or malignant processes.

Sometimes rashes are accompanied by itching and pain, fever and deterioration of well-being are possible. At the first symptoms, you need to seek help from a doctor.

Causes of appearance in adults

A red rash occurs in adults for various reasons. Some of them cause additional symptoms, the disease itself is severe. Other types of pathologies pass quickly, even without treatment.

The main reasons for the appearance of spots include the following:

  • Allergic reactions - when exposed to an irritant, the body responds with obvious symptoms. There are bright red lesions on the skin, they itch a lot. Lachrymation, runny nose, cough begins. In severe cases, swelling, suffocation are likely. Reactions continue and intensify as long as the stimulus acts on the body.
  • Insect bites - often insects have little or no effect on the human body. But the poison of some species is dangerous, it can provoke an allergic reaction (wasps, bees, bumblebees). After bites, edematous swelling occurs.
  • Fungal infection - fungi live in every organism, but under favorable conditions, they begin to multiply. Reddish or formed, they are usually localized in the groin area.
  • Viral infections - some viruses cause rashes: chicken pox, measles. The virus spreads through the blood, the body reacts with rashes, fever, weakness.
  • Bacterial infections - with syphilis (caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum), the patient is bothered by a rash. Rashes are also observed when other bacteria enter the body.

In children and newborns

In medicine, there are over 100 diseases that cause red spots in children. The causes of rashes are similar to those that affect adults. Each disease is characterized by additional symptoms, in addition to the rash.

The main cause of spots is an allergic reaction. Most often it occurs on the following allergens:

  • food products - citrus fruits, cocoa, dairy products, seafood;
  • medications;
  • pet hair;
  • fish food;
  • household chemicals.

The second reason for the formation of a rash is viral diseases. "Children's" contagious diseases are caused by viruses, among infections: chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever.

Other causes may include: infection with a scabies mite (common scabies), fungal infections (lichen),.

In newborns, reddish rashes may indicate prickly heat, a local reaction to urine or other irritants.

Red spots on the body - photo and name of the main diseases

When a rash appears, many people begin to panic, suspecting the most terrible diseases. Neoplasms may not manifest themselves in any way, but they may itch, hurt and cause severe discomfort.

Do not immediately put yourself a dangerous diagnosis. When the first symptoms are detected, it is recommended to consult a doctor, he will diagnose, find out what it can be, tell you how to cure the disease.


Rashes in psoriasis can be different shapes and sizes. Regardless of this, plaques develop according to a certain principle:

  1. There are scaly rashes. They are greyish white. Easily scraped off the skin. The scales look like paraffin shavings.
  2. After complete scraping of the plaques, a thin, terminal film is formed on the rashes.
  3. The next stage is characterized by the symptom of "blood dew". If you remove the film, then the papillae bleed. The bleeding itself is dripping.

Usually, with psoriasis, plaques are localized on large extensor joints - the knees, appear. The scalp and places subject to frequent injuries are severely affected. But this symptom cannot be considered final when making a diagnosis, since atypical forms of psoriasis are very different.

The disease is characterized by severe itching of the body. Due to scratching, the rash often bleeds. This leads to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. In parallel, nails, hair suffer, the condition worsens internal organs and joints.

Pityriasis, ringworm and herpes zoster

With pityriasis versicolor, small spots appear. They may be prone to merging, or they may exist in isolation from each other. The lesions are dark or red in color, the borders are clear. Lichen is localized on the back, neck, chest, shoulders. The spots do not tan in the sun, so they often appear to be of a lighter shade.

Ringworm is a reddish, small growth on the scalp or scalp. Sometimes it is accompanied by itching, but most often it does not bother the patient. Gradually, the focus grows.

A clear border of small pimples is formed along the edges. Next to the lichen, new lesions may form. If the lichen struck the head, then the hair above it gradually becomes brittle and breaks off.

The main symptom of shingles is the appearance of rashes from one part of the body. It is usually localized on the chest, abdomen, in the pelvic region. At first, edematous spots appear Pink colour.

They turn into papules, and then into vesicles. They burst and in their place, slight pigmentation is possible. Additionally, a person is disturbed by painful sensations.


The main symptom of the disease is the sudden appearance of a reddish rash. Rashes are localized throughout the body, they do not have clear boundaries. The rash may appear on the arms, legs, face, trunk, scalp, soles of the feet, and palms. Redness usually transforms into blisters.

Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe itching, can be unbearable;
  • nausea and headache;
  • temperature increase;
  • weakness.

With a positive course of the disease, the rashes disappear as suddenly as they appeared. If the urticaria is chronic, then they are less abundant. The lesions are flat in shape, but rise slightly above the skin. Sometimes they merge into continuous formations.


The incubation period during rubella lasts from 11 to 24 days, after this time, obvious symptoms of the disease appear. If the course of the disease takes a mild or moderate degree, then only a rash bothers the patient.

First they are localized on the face, then appear on other parts of the body. Usually the diameter does not exceed 5 - 7 millimeters. The foci do not merge with each other, do not grow, remain in their original state. If you press on them, the rashes will disappear, and then reappear. When palpated, they do not stand out above the surface of the epidermis.

The rash is clearly visible on the face, buttocks, popliteal cavities, elbow joints. Usually lasts 2-3 days, then disappears. Sometimes patients complain of itching, but this symptom does not occur in all patients.

Atypical rubella fort is characterized by:

  • large lesions - more than 1 centimeter in diameter;
  • raised papules above the surface of the epidermis;
  • merging of several papules into one.


Reddish lesions occur when the body reacts with allergens ( detergents, drugs, food, pet hair). Rashes are formed unexpectedly, some time after contact with an irritant.

They do not rise above the upper epidermis. Initially small in size and do not itch. But over time, they begin to increase in size, grow to extensive lesions. In addition, severe itching is added. The localization of the rash depends on the allergen. If the cause of the rash was a food or medicine, then they.

When reacting to low-quality cosmetics, a rash forms on the hands. If spots appeared on the face and went all over the body, then the sensitivity to plant pollen or animal hair is increased. Additionally, the patient's health worsens.


The incubation period lasts from one to two weeks. Even before the rash appears, the patient has other symptoms. The patient's temperature rises to 39 degrees, the eyes turn red, severe tearing begins. Then there are rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.

The rash forms on the 3rd - 4th day, lasts up to 5 days. The patient has bright burgundy spots, initially they can be seen on the head, face and neck. On the second day of illness, a rash forms on the arms, chest and back. On the third day, it falls on the buttocks, abdomen, legs and feet. At the same time, the rashes on the face and neck begin to fade.

With measles, the rash is small papules. They are surrounded by a patch and tend to merge. This is the main difference between measles and rubella.

Scarlet fever

The disease most often occurs in children, by the age of 20 a person develops immunity to it. But sometimes, during outbreaks of scarlet fever, even adults get sick. The disease has similar symptoms with angina, begins suddenly.

The skin becomes rough, itching and rashes occur. This is an allergic rash on the entry of the virus into the blood. First, it is formed on the patient's face, then falls on the torso, abdomen, back, groin, legs and arms.

Pimples ranging in size from 1 to 2 millimeters, pink or reddish in color, rise above the skin. On the neck, in the elbow and knee folds, the skin becomes very dark. The rash lasts for several days (3-5), with a mild course of the disease - several hours.

Pityriasis rosea Zhibera

Initially, a maternal plaque appears on the body. It rises slightly above the skin, with a diameter of three to five centimeters. The plaque is round in shape, red. A few days after the appearance, it begins to peel off.

Then child spots appear all over the body. These are pink lesions. Size: from five millimeters to two centimeters, they are round or oval in shape. They peel off in the central part. Accompanied by moderate itching.

They can be localized in any part, but never appear on the palms and soles of the feet. Extremely rarely formed on the lips, face and groin.

At the appearance of pink lichen it is forbidden to sunbathe in a solarium or in the sun, it is impossible to injure the lesions or comb.

Fungal infection of the skin

The development of reddish spots depends on the type of fungal infection. There are two forms of the disease:

  1. With an erymatous-squamous form of the disease, the spots look like rings or garlands, have a round shape. They are located in groups, appear on any part of the skin. The disease is accompanied by very severe itching. Pathology usually becomes chronic, exacerbations begin in the warm season.
  2. The follicular-nodular appearance is much more serious. Lesions affect the buttocks, shins, forearms and feet. They grow and merge with each other. Outwardly similar to erythema nodosum.

Atopic dermatitis

It is a chronic but not contagious disease. Remissions alternate with exacerbations. During the acute stage, red spots form. They are slightly raised above the surface of the skin.

Localized throughout the body, especially on the neck, elbows, under the knees.

The papules are flaky and itchy, and the itching often worsens at night. Most often, dermatitis affects children, by the age of 18 it disappears in 70% of cases. The skin becomes dry, cracks badly. When scratching, the papules begin to bleed, possibly attaching a bacterial infection. Dermatitis is exacerbated by allergens (fish food, pets, a number of food products).

Chicken pox

In the photo, small red dots on the skin of the abdomen due to chickenpox

In adults, chickenpox occurs in a severe form, it is considered a childhood disease. The main symptom of infection is small red dots on the body. Red papules appear on the skin, they exist in different stages. Some pimples heal, new points appear. The rash is localized on all integuments with the exception of the palms and feet.

Red spots transform into papules. Then they turn into vesicles with a clear liquid inside. The vesicles open up and crusts form in their place. Sometimes pustules leave behind scars. Chickenpox is characterized by very severe itching, possibly an increase in body temperature and a general deterioration in well-being.

Skin cancer

At first, neoplasms in malignant tumors are not accompanied by additional symptoms. They don't hurt or itch. But there is a tendency to the rapid growth of the lesion. Subsequently, they begin to disturb the patient.

The main symptoms include the following:

  • the usual area of ​​the skin darkens, the tumor increases in size;
  • ulceration does not heal for a long time, begins to bleed. Or it may just have a wet surface;
  • the affected area rises above the skin, its color changes. The affected area is shiny;
  • finally, the tumor begins to disturb: it hurts, itches, turns red.

The site provides photos and descriptions of all types of pathologies for review. But you can not make a diagnosis based on photographs.

If appeared on the limbs

Reddish plaques are localized on any part of the body, arms and legs are no exception. This gives the patient not only physical, but also psychological discomfort.

After all, the hands are always bare and visible to others. And in the summer, a significant part of the lower and upper limbs is bare. If you experience any unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Red spots on the hands

The skin of the hands is most often exposed to aggressive factors. She is the most vulnerable, so red rashes form on her hands. The clinical picture is complemented by itching, burning and pain. The skin dries and cracks, causing discomfort. In some diseases, the nail plates suffer.

Red spots in an adult or child indicate the following phenomena:

  • A sharp temperature drop is especially noticeable in the cold season. The skin is irritated, reddish spots appear on it. In medicine, there is even a special term: "allergy to cold." Relaxing warm baths will help a person and strengthen immunity with the help of a contrast shower.
  • Nervous breakdown - with prolonged stress the immune system the patient suffers. Neurodermatitis is formed on the hands - rashes on the arms and hands. Periods of remission and exacerbation are possible. The patient will be helped by sedatives.
  • Infectious diseases - these include a large list of diseases. They can be caused by both viruses and bacteria. These are measles, rubella, scarlet fever, chickenpox, syphilis.
  • Allergic reactions - irritants negatively affect the sensitive body, causing redness of the arms, legs, torso.
  • Fungal infections - there are five types of lichen. This pathology is caused by fungi, as a result, red lesions form on the patient's body.

Red spots on legs

Red dots come in different shapes and consistencies - flat or raised, dry or wet. The size also varies considerably, they can be small millimeter dots or large spots.

Associated symptoms depend on the disease. The main pathologies for the appearance of red spots on the legs include the following:

  • urticaria - spots can be different sizes and forms, strongly itch. Appear due to exposure to allergens;
  • vasculitis is inflammation of the blood vessels in the legs. In addition to rashes, a person may feel numbness of the affected parts of the body and general weakness of the body;
  • folliculitis is a condition in which hair follicles on the skin become inflamed. Usually caused by improper shaving of the legs. Sometimes the rash is accompanied by severe itching. With folliculitis, you should change the shaving method;
  • eczema is a non-contagious disease. Most often affects the lower extremities. Legs feel swollen and slightly swollen. Red large and appear on the limbs. The disease is considered genetic, many people are predisposed to it, despite provoking factors;
  • psoriasis is an autoimmune non-contagious disease. It affects different parts of the body, localized in the area of ​​​​the knees. Exacerbations of the disease alternate with remissions.


The photo clearly shows

With varicose veins of the lower extremities, reddish, blue, red-brown foci may appear on the legs. Exist different types spots with varicose veins.

These include the following:

  1. Spots of bright red color - are formed as a result of fragility of blood vessels, lack of vitamin C, due to rupture of capillaries. Reddish lesions with varicose veins do not cause discomfort, no larger than a freckle. If the disease progresses, then the person notes itching, dry skin.
  2. Red-brown foci - this color indicates that the disease has moved to the next stage, and the treatment has not begun. Such a spot can develop into eczema or an ulcer. Itching, pain will follow.
  3. Spots of red of blue color indicate a chronic process. They occur due to the fact that the blood supply in the veins is disturbed.

Additional symptoms of varicose veins include: dry skin, swelling and swelling of the extremities, pain, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, the skin becomes an unhealthy shiny and shiny color.

When contacting doctors for early stages pathology can be significantly slowed down in development. The veins will be in a normal state, but the treatment is regular, permanent and complex.

Other classifications and characteristics

Red spots on the body can mean not only the main and above diseases. There are other classifications of rashes. They depend on the shape of the spots, the frequency of their occurrence, the accompanying symptoms.

Sometimes the rashes do not itch, do not peel off, without causing any discomfort. Sometimes the patient is greatly disturbed, not allowing him to live normally.


Such rashes are slightly raised above the skin. They can be of different reddish shades: from pink to dark cherry. Often, bulging formations appear with dermatitis, both atopic and allergic. Additionally, they are accompanied by severe itching.

Serious autoimmune diseases include lupus erythematosus and psoriasis. As a result of these pathologies, plaques appear. The main problem is that these diseases are not curable.

With herpes zoster, painful and raised red dots appear on the trunk. They are localized on one side of the body, usually on the abdomen, back or ribs.

With blisters or blisters

Blisters and blisters appear if the upper papillary layer of the skin becomes inflamed and swollen. Small or large itchy vesicles form on the integument, a clear liquid accumulates inside them. Most often, in the form of spots with bubbles, chickenpox occurs, caused by the herpes virus.

This disease usually occurs in children. After the child has been ill, immunity is formed to chickenpox. After a few days, the blisters burst, in their place a crust forms, which heals after a while.

Bubbles also appear with inguinal epidermophytosis. This fungal infection groin skin. With the active development of the disease, vesicles and sores form at the site of the lesion.

Inflamed and swollen

Such neoplasms indicate that an inflammatory process is taking place in the body. The main reasons why swollen formations appear in men and women include the following:

  • infectious diseases;
  • fungal infections of the epidermis
  • erythema;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • allergic reactions body to external stimuli;
  • disturbances in the work of the vegetative system.

Inflamed spots remain after insect bites: mosquitoes, flies, wasps, bees. This is the body's reaction to their poison. If the bites are combed, then the spots swell up a lot, constantly itch, hurt and bleed.

Clear-edged, with red rim or red dots

If a spot with a rim or clear edges appears, this indicates that the person is sick with a dermatological pathology.

Round formations on the body with a clear border (it can be a bright rim or just red dots) indicate the following pathologies:

  • lichen is a fungal infection of the skin. It is found on the arms, legs, face, even under the hair. There are several varieties of lichen: pink, red, ringworm, shingles;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • allergic reactions.

Lichen is a contagious disease, it must be treated immediately by limiting communication with other people.

Rough and flaky

Red and rough plaques appear for various reasons. They can be a symptom of a serious illness, or result from exposure to external factors.

Peeling neoplasms indicate the following processes:

  • the body's reaction to irritants - plant pollen, food, drugs. In these cases, the plaques are very itchy;
  • pink lichen (aka Gibert's lichen) is a fungal disease. Spots on the body - and itchy;
  • psoriasis - with this disease, red rough scales appear on the body, they can be removed, a film forms in their place.

Vascular spots

They are bright red or dark blue. Sometimes they stand out above the skin, sometimes they are on the same level with it. The size varies greatly, from a small dot to an impressive spot.

Some formations do not cause itching, or patients rarely complain of burning. These include psoriasis, eczema, hemangioma.

with dots inside

In dermatology, specks are distinguished, upon examination of which you can see the points inside. When pressed, they do not lose their color. They have different textures and shapes. Main reasons:

  • folliculitis - inflammation of the hair follicles;
  • scaly rash - spreads throughout the body, its exact nature is not known. Appears and disappears on its own;
  • psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin;
  • Follicular keratosis is a disease in which rough foci with dots appear on the body. This is due to the fact that keratin is stored in the holes of the follicles;
  • versicolor versicolor is a common pathology in which many points can be seen inside the speck.

If periodically appear or disappear

Sometimes patients are faced with the fact that the spots on their body appear and disappear. The shape of the shade and texture depends on the disease and can vary greatly. Sometimes the formations cause severe discomfort: they itch or hurt. In some cases, they do not cause any sensations.

Most often, the spots that appear indicate hives or allergic reactions. In this case, they suddenly form, and also suddenly disappear. Also, formations can speak, insect bites, nervous disorders, or an unbalanced diet.

Which doctor should I go to for treatment

Doctors treat spots. The specialization of the doctor depends on the specific disease. When the first symptoms appear, you should go to see a dermatologist. The doctor will diagnose, if necessary, refer you to another specialist for treatment.

Skin diseases are treated by a dermatologist. If we are talking about neoplasms due to autoimmune diseases, then they are treated by a rheumatologist. In infectious diseases, the help of an infectious disease specialist is needed. When it comes to allergies, an allergist-immunologist will help.


Pathological foci are formed regardless of gender and age. The reasons for the appearance of women and men are different. Neoplasms are caused by viral or bacterial infections, fungi, allergic reactions.

They can be a symptom of a disease or an independent pathology. Localized on all parts of the body, with viral infections even the mucous membranes are affected.

Red spots on the skin are a specific symptom of a certain pathological process that can appear periodically or disturb a person constantly. In most cases, the clinical picture is complemented by itching and other unpleasant sensations that can affect the quality of life of a person. Treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, after a complete examination and accurate diagnosis. With such a symptom, you should, first of all, contact.


Red spots on the skin of the hands, feet or locally on the body can be a sign of almost any disease, including a psychological one. Children often suffer from this symptom as a result of an allergic reaction. However, an accurate diagnosis is possible only after the examination.

In general, we can distinguish such etiological factors that can provoke the appearance of red or pink spots:

It should be noted that most often red spots on the skin are a sign of a dermatological or infectious disease. The nature of the rash and additional signs in the form of itching or peeling may indicate the clinical picture of a particular disease. But an accurate diagnosis is possible only after a clinical analysis. Self-medication is unacceptable, as this can only provoke a complication of the pathological process.


Conventionally, such spotty rashes on human skin can be divided into the following types:

  • dry and weeping spots;
  • convex and located at the level of the skin;
  • inflamed and swollen to the touch;
  • having clear edges and a certain geometric shape or vague;
  • covering with scales of dead skin or not separating in structure from the skin.

For a certain pathological process or dermatological ailment, a certain type of rash and localization is characteristic. In any case, if a red spot appears on the skin, you should consult a doctor, and not try to eliminate the symptom yourself.


Not always the appearance of red spots on the skin is accompanied by additional signs of the clinical picture. This can be with nervous strain or an allergic reaction to a certain factor. However, this is individual and depends on the characteristics of the organism. In general, the clinical picture may be supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • local increase in temperature;
  • dry skin;
  • peeling;
  • the formation of bubbles with liquid at the site of spots;
  • transformation of rashes into brown spots on the skin;
  • the formation of crusts on the surface of the spot.

If the rash is provoked by an infectious process, the clinical picture may be supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • or ;
  • , sometimes with vomiting;
  • chills and fever;
  • general, for no apparent reason;
  • irritability;
  • through the body, which can be provoked not by the disease itself, but by psychosomatics.

Red spots on the scalp may be a sign or. In this case, the general clinical picture may have such specific additional symptoms:

  • on the affected areas of the skin;
  • education a large number ;
  • severe itching, which may worsen after washing the hair.

It should be said that red spots on the skin of the face, hands or the whole body can be a sign of any dermatological or infectious disease. In this case, the clinical picture cannot be unambiguous. Therefore, the use of even local preparations is not desirable. This is due to the fact that with such unauthorized medical measures, the clinical picture becomes blurred, which complicates the diagnosis.


If red spots appear on the body that peel off, itch, you should contact a dermatologist or. First of all, the doctor will conduct a detailed physical examination to determine the location and nature of the rash. Also, during a conversation with the patient, you should find out the general anamnesis.

For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory diagnostic examination:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • allergen test;
  • scraping from the affected areas of the skin;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • STD test.

Additional diagnostic methods will depend on the specific clinical presentation and suspected etiology.


Treatment will depend entirely on the diagnosis. There is no general therapy in this case. Application folk remedies medicine is also ineffective, since it is not a guarantee of the complete elimination of the disease.

If the etiology is an allergy to the skin and the red spots are itchy and flaky, therapy may include the following:

  • local drugs to relieve the inflammatory effect;
  • antiallergic agents;
  • exclusion of the provoking factor;
  • diet, if the cause was a food product.

If the symptom arose due to an infectious or inflammatory process, antibiotic therapy is prescribed and anti-inflammatory drugs are selected.

In any case, whatever the nature of the manifestation of red spots on the skin, only a doctor can prescribe treatment, after establishing an accurate diagnosis.


In this case, there are no targeted methods of prevention. In general, the rules should be followed healthy lifestyle life, observe the rules of personal hygiene, eliminate all ailments in a timely manner and not self-medicate.

Red spots on legs- a symptom of negative processes in the body. Changes in pigmentation and skin structure are caused by allergies, stress, impaired blood circulation and vascular pathology, and unbalanced nutrition. Determining the relationship between the provoking factor and the negative manifestation helps to identify the source of the problem and eliminate it.

Red spots on the legs appear as a result of various pathological processes in organism

Why do red spots appear on the legs?

Depending on the causes of the appearance of red spots on the skin of the legs, rashes differ:

  • sizes - from small dots to large plaques;
  • color - from pale to burgundy;
  • quantity - can be single or consist of several formations;
  • the rate of occurrence - appear gradually or abruptly.

Red spots can consist of many small formations, depending on the cause of their appearance.

As the disease worsens, the red marks increase, causing discomfort to the patient in the form of burning, itching, pain, and peeling.

Table "All kinds of causes of red spots on the legs"

Provoking factorsType and localization of spots
AllergyA rash in the form of red dots in adults and in a child is possible upon contact with any allergen. As the reaction develops, spots, blisters, small seals appear on the knees, on the hips, buttocks.
Atopic dermatitisSwollen, scaly seals without a clear contour. The disease reacts to temperature changes - the rash worsens with cold snap, and disappears in warm weather.
fungal infectionRedness on the feet, on the fingers. Seals itch and peel off. Mycosis quickly spreads over healthy skin - on the sole, partly on the lower leg. Dry itchy formations are not hot to the touch, covered with small cracks, in advanced cases they begin to get wet, become painful.
Varicose veinsSpots of a red or bluish hue, resembling stars, appear on the shins. Red dots form below the knees, under the knees, on the calves. The walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity, stretch, which leads to rupture of capillaries and hemorrhage - the growth of vascular spots on the skin from light pink to bluish in color.
DiabetesSymmetrical large red spots on the shins and knees. Burgundy blurred formations are a sign of the progression of the disease.
VasculitisSmall red rash from knees to feet. Seals are accompanied by swelling of the legs due to the inflammatory process in the superficial vessels. In advanced stages, the rash turns into painful ulcers and begins to bleed.
EczemaHard nodules on the entire surface of the skin of the legs, itchy sores, scaly plaques, painful blisters and severe redness of the injured areas, which is associated with inflammation and expansion of the capillaries.
PsoriasisPink plaques with a red rim in the folds of the skin - under the knees, between the legs, on the buttocks. In the acute stage, the spots spread to the entire surface of the legs, arms, and body. The plaques are dry, itchy, very flaky.
pink lichenLarge pink spots around which are concentrated small dots. Formations cause itching, burning. Localized on the hips, shins, knees, calves, on the feet.
Thermal burn, injury, chapping, frostbiteSpots are localized in open areas of the legs affected by mechanical stress. The color varies from pale pink to bluish red depending on the extent of the lesion. The surface of the formations can be hot, rough, hurt and itch.
TelangiectasiaVascular networks, convex venous stars under the knees, on the shins, under the buttocks. Spots are provoked by excessive expansion of blood vessels that are close to the skin.
Insect bitesHard hot bumps, red spots at the site of the bite, an allergic rash is possible near the injured area. Seals hurt, itch, bake.
Emotional upheaval, physical exhaustionA vegetative disorder provokes the formation of extensive rashes on the legs, hips, legs. Itching may occur.
AvitaminosisDark small spots appear on the skin of the legs due to a lack of vitamin C, PP in the body. They do not cause discomfort to a person - there is no itching, burning or pain.
Hemangioma - benign vascular tumorLarge red spots on the shins, calves, under the knees, on the outside of the foot. Redness does not itch, does not cause burning and pain.

Disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder and organs of the digestive tract can also cause reddening of the skin of the lower extremities. To identify the causative agent of pathological changes, you need to consult a specialist.

What the spots on the legs look like with various diseases is shown in the photo.

Red spot caused by lichen rosacea

If red spots appear on the legs, consult a dermatologist

A consultation with several specialists allows you to accurately determine the cause of the appearance of red spots and select an effective therapy.


A thorough examination is necessary to make a diagnosis.

  1. Laboratory tests - a general blood test and a biochemical analysis of plasma with kidney samples.
  2. Blood test for sugar.
  3. Collection of biomaterial (epidermis) for bacteriological culture.
  4. Scraping from affected tissues to detect fungal infections.
  5. Instrumental examination of the venous bed for the presence of blood clots in it - venography.

Scraping the affected area of ​​the skin will help to determine the presence of concomitant infections.

With the help of diagnostics, a disease that provokes reddening of the skin of the legs is recognized and adequate treatment is prescribed, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body.

How to treat red spots and dots on the legs

Spots on the legs are not a disease, but a symptom of an underlying disease. Drug therapy is prescribed based on the cause that led to unpleasant manifestations.

Used groups medicines to eliminate red spots on the legs:

  • venotonics - Diosmin, Detralex, Phlebodia 600, Venarus, Troxevasin;
  • antihistamines - Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, Fenistil;
  • anti-inflammatory substances - Heparin ointment, Voltaren, Nise gel, tetracycline ointment;
  • antifungal drugs - Mycozoral, Exoderil, Sebozol, Mikoseptin.

The antihistamine drug Suprastin is prescribed for the treatment of red spots on the skin.

With beriberi, vitamin complexes are prescribed, which include vitamin C, PP, folic acid.

Possible consequences and complications

The appearance of spots on the legs should not be ignored. Improper treatment or prolonged neglect of pathological manifestations can lead to severe consequences and dangerous complications:

  • the spread of infection throughout the body, which leads to viral pneumonia, pathologies in the genitourinary system;
  • inflammation of the brain - a consequence of running lichen, inflammation of the vessels;
  • the development of lymphadenitis - the appearance of nodular seals in the legs that interfere with walking, turning over time into an edematous sac of a dense consistency;
  • thrombophlebitis - the formation of blood clots in the vessels;
  • penetration of infection into the blood, which provokes sepsis in the internal organs;
  • elephantiasis - changes in the lymphatic tissue, which leads to an increase in the size of the legs, over time, people cannot walk, cell necrosis occurs.

Do not ignore the appearance of red spots on the legs to avoid the development of complications, up to elephantiasis.

It is realistic to prevent complications if infectious, fungal, allergic and viral pathologies are treated in time, follow the doctor's recommendations and active image life.

The appearance of red spots on the skin of the legs- a sign of dysfunction in the body. Skin pathologies, stress, allergic reactions, mechanical effects, endocrine changes, and vascular disorders can provoke a rash and seals. Timely identification of the cause helps examination by specialists of a narrow profile and complex diagnostics - blood tests, epidermal bakposev, scraping on fungal infections, examination of the vessels of the lower extremities. Proper treatment using venotonic anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antihistamine drugs helps to avoid complications.

The skin is not only the largest human organ, but also the most sensitive. Any changes in the body are reflected in its condition. Red spots on the body are signs of a disease, for the treatment of which it is first necessary to alleviate the symptoms, and then eliminate the cause.

Types of stains

An itchy rash can be triggered by an infectious agent or an allergen. It may be irregular, round or oval shape with a diameter of 0.1-6 cm, rise or be at the level of healthy skin.

Red spots can be:

  1. up to 0.5 cm in size (roseola);
  2. in the form of a small-dotted or large-spotted rash, consisting of spots up to 2 cm;
  3. erythema;
  4. intra- and subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Erythema is usually a response to physical or emotional overload, and is not associated with any pathology. Red spots can be provoked by a mask or scrub, as well as disturb after a massage session.

They usually appear after the expansion of the capillary network and increased blood circulation in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. The epidermis changes its natural color if the skin is affected by psoriasis, neuro- and photodermatitis. In total, about 8 dozen diseases are accompanied by a patchy rash on the skin.

The most common include:

  • disturbances in the work of the autonomic nervous system;
  • bites;
  • connective tissue lesions;
  • helminthiases;
  • infection of the body;
  • allergies and other pathologies of the immune system.

With slight reddening of the skin, accompanied by mild itching and swelling, a bath with the addition of potassium permanganate or sea ​​salt. The inflammatory process can be removed by drops of "Zirtek" and "Fenistil" taken orally. Gel "Fenistil" helps in relieving itching.

The doctor chooses the treatment regimen, taking into account the trigger mechanism, the consequences of which were symptoms such as pain and swelling. Sometimes the disease is recognized only by the rash.

It is characterized by the appearance of a small-spotted red rash in the buttocks, back, neck and face. The doctor prescribes antihistamines and antipyretic drugs. A soda bath, prepared at the rate of a pack of soda per bath, relieves itching.

Ringworm Zhibera

It begins with the appearance of one large pink maternal plaque 3-5 cm in size. Over time, many small spots appear around it. Pink lichen is associated with the activation of the herpes virus in conditions of weakened immunity. The treatment regimen is chosen by the doctor, taking into account many individual indicators and parameters.


Mycoinfection that affects the scalp, as well as the hands and feet. Accompanied by ring-shaped itchy and flaky spots. For treatment, the doctor prescribes antibacterial and antifungal agents. The disease is contagious, so the patient is isolated. To cover the spots of microsporia, the head is covered with a scarf. The scarf itself is boiled and ironed daily. The same procedures are done 1-2 times a week with bed linen.

A disease of a bacterial nature, the distributor of which are ixodid ticks. Small spots appear at the bite sites, over time their size increases up to 10 times. The spots are itchy. For their treatment, desensitizing, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds are used.

Accompanied by a rash as a symptom of intoxication of the body. The skin under the armpits, in the groin and in the lower abdomen is covered with dotted roseola 1-2 mm in size. Due to densely located spots, the entire skin appears reddened and inflamed. Treatment is carried out without treatment of the rash, with antibiotics, as well as with the help of herbal baths taken every other day.

Erysipelatous inflammation of the skin

A serious infection that is provoked by streptococci that have penetrated the dermis. Among the symptoms: high temperature up to 40 ° C, pronounced erythema. Treatment is with antibiotics. Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide and other antiseptic compounds are used to treat lesions.


Often affects adults who have had chickenpox. Accompanied by intense burning and high temperature. Severe cases require the use of antibacterial drugs, the application of combined ointments to the lesions. It is most difficult to treat if it has captured the genitals and groin area.

The disease begins with red spots, in place of which bubbles up to 5 mm in size soon form. On the third day, they are covered with dry crusts, which take about 7 days to dry. With chickenpox, both spots and vesicles can be present on the skin at the same time. Treatment consists of applying brilliant green to the lesions, which speeds up the drying of the crusts.

Red spots of an immunoallergic nature

When exposed to an allergen, the skin may react with the appearance of red spots of various shapes. An allergen can be:

  • animal waste products;
  • pollen;
  • food products;
  • medicines.

Allergodermatosis does not occur due to the properties of certain substances, but because of individual hypersensitivity to them. Special ointments, herbal infusions and soda baths can cope with the symptoms of the body's response.

If red spots persist on the body for several days, qualified medical assistance will be needed.

Erythema after lichen planus

Erythema is characterized by polygonal and round dense patches. Accompanied by swelling and discoloration of the skin. Comprehensive treatment is required, including formulations with anti-allergic properties.

Eczema or weeping lichen

On initial stage characterized by the appearance of a pink rash. For severe forms, red, intensely itchy spots are characteristic.


It develops as a result of prolonged sunbathing, which leads to persistent redness with burning and itching.


After exposure to seafood, chocolate, and certain drugs, an allergic response occurs with red spots and itchy blisters.

Spots of an allergic nature are gradually disposed of, taking into account such factors as the nature of the rashes, their localization and the etiology of the disease. The doctor prescribes without allergens.

Thanks to enterosorbents: activated carbon, Laktofiltrum and Enterosgel, it is possible to clean the digestive canal, after which the existing spots disappear.

To relieve itching, antihistamines are used in the form of tablets "Fencarol", "Parlazin", "Loratadin", "Tavegil" and "Suprastin". Tablets can be replaced by injectable forms. Against itching, you can also apply compresses and lotions soaked in the following compounds:

  • decoction of oak bark;
  • cucumber juice.

Nettle, St. John's wort and celandine can be used to prepare effective herbal baths.

Other causes of red spots on the skin

If allergic dermatosis was the result of diseases, the gallbladder and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, then they take medications with lacto- and bifidobacteria in the composition to improve the functioning of the digestive system.

For internal use, preparations are prepared from herbal preparations containing:

  • corn silk;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • cumin and chamomile flowers.

The skin can become covered with unpleasant red patches due to an unbalanced diet and the subsequent deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Correction of the diet in such cases allows you to quickly solve the problem so that the skin becomes clean and healthy again.

The interconnection of all organ systems causes red spots provoked by diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

The unstable state of the nervous system leads to loss of tone by the vessels of the skin, their expansion and the appearance of spots. Physical effort, taking a contrast shower will help normalize the tone of the vascular system of the skin and get rid of spots.

Spots due to nervous excitement should be the reason for a visit to a neurologist. He will most likely prescribe sedatives to calm the nervous system. For a while, you can take a tincture of peony, motherwort or valerian. With the ineffectiveness of the latter, you can use drugs such as Novo-Passit or Persen.

A rash on the skin in infants is a sign of diathesis. Itchy, scaly, weeping spots on delicate baby skin cause discomfort and anxiety to the baby. Particularly affected by diathesis are "artists", as well as those who are allergic to certain foods.

As you can see, there can be a lot of reasons for red spots on the body. Only a doctor of the appropriate specialization can establish their true source and get rid of them once and for all.