Signs on the nails of the hands palmistry. Palmistry of nails. What does the oval shape of the nails mean?

Did you know that you can determine the nature of the shape of the nails? Palmists claim that the shape of the nail plate is directly related to the character of a person and can tell a lot about a person. Is it so?

In the article:

How to recognize the character by the shape of the nails?

If you are, then you need to learn how to understand all the features of human hands. After all, any bend of the finger, the line can be a storehouse of useful information. It is also very important to pay attention to the shape of a person's nails.
Before proceeding with the analysis, you need to make sure that this is really the natural form of the nail plate. In particular, this applies to women, since with the help of nail extensions you can correct natural form. This will interfere with accurate and correct analysis.

In total there are 5 most popular forms:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • trapezoid;
  • oval;
  • fan-shaped.

It is worth noting that if it’s hard for you to decide what shape of a person’s nails (you can’t choose between several options), then most likely he / she has some qualities and others expressed to one degree or another.

To date, it is possible to simulate any form of nails from the master. However, this is not a guarantee that, along with the desired outlines, you will acquire qualities that were not originally inherent in your nature.

What does the oval shape of the nails mean?

nail shape

A woman with this form of the nail plate is very dreamy, sensitive, sentimental and emotional. Quite often, they tend to idealize themselves, and the people nearby, and the world in which they live. Unfortunately, this sometimes complicates life, as they are not always able to perceive other people's weaknesses, shortcomings and solve problems through diplomacy.

However, they are quite fair, defend their point of view and do not tolerate cruelty towards others. Such ladies often feel guilty before their relatives and friends. Often they rush from one extreme to another, so their behavior and character are not always easy to understand for other people.

Square shape

The owner of such marigolds is very balanced and it is almost impossible to piss them off. These ladies are cold, sometimes phlegmatic, but at the same time very witty, have a developed logical thinking are curious and very suspicious. They are freedom-loving and value independence in relationships.

Such women will never dwell on the past, they always try to move forward, they are very assertive, sometimes they are even ready to go over their heads to achieve their goal.

However, if they are making an important decision, rest assured they have carefully weighed the pros and cons. Often such ladies become good leaders, as they can give valuable advice and lead by example to subordinates.

Rectangular nail character

The owners of such marigolds are extremely hardworking, filled with energy, incorrigible optimists. You will definitely not get bored with them, as they are extravagant, love experiments and thrills.

Such ladies are very active, always in sight, they are often envied. But at the same time, girls with rectangular nails are very trusting, sometimes naive, and often open their souls. With age, these girls get used to relying only on their own strength and rarely ask for help from others.

Trapezoidal nail plate

Women with such nails are often selfish. They are absolutely self-confident, have inflated self-esteem, as a result, others often shun them. But at the same time, such ladies are extremely impressionable, bright, creative natures. They are dreamy and vulnerable, but they hide these qualities behind ambition.

fan nails

The spatulate shape of the nails indicates that their owner is a hospitable hostess, a real keeper of the hearth. She is sure that family and a calm atmosphere in the house are the most important things in life.

The more the nails expand closer to the ends, the more vulnerable and impressionable the girl is. She is often subject to experiences and outbursts of emotions. Such ladies easily talk on philosophical topics, clearly know their purpose, have a great sense of humor and are very active.

Additional features

Not only the shape of the nails can tell about a girl, but also their thickness, length, color. If the fair sex has a short nail plate, this indicates that she is quite energetic, brave, fighting.

Perhaps she is not devoid of excessive scrupulousness and often finds fault with the shortcomings of others. Often such people become real leaders, as they are demanding of themselves, the people around them and are very disciplined.

Short thick nails are most often found in centenarians and in people with a bad temper.

If a person has long nails by nature, then this indicates his secrecy, extravagance, unpredictability. Such people love comfort and ostentation, often they tend to envy.

If the plate is uneven, twists a little, this indicates a masterful, aggressive character. The same assessment can be given to the owner of sharp, bent nails in combination with thin fingers.

Flesh color speaks of a strong character, constancy and good nature.

Dark pinks signal passion, strong sexual energy, toughness of character.

Bluish at the base and wide at the ends - health problems, lack of energy, constant stress and fatigue.

The shape of the nails and the character of a person are probably interconnected, and the desire to change the shape of the plate can be provoked by a subconscious need to change something in oneself. Of course, it is highly doubtful that your character will improve as a result of changing the shape of the nail plate. But perhaps this is the first step towards a radical change in your life.

We are all a little superstitious. Someone does not like black cats, someone is afraid of broken mirrors, someone is especially focused on Fridays and the 13th ... Most of us, no, no, yes, and look into the horoscope or start looking for lines of fate and love on our hand. How many centuries humanity has lived, our desire to open the veil over the future is just as alive.

Maybe it is useful for a manicurist to know the basics of chirology? This will not only help him understand the nature of the visitor, but also allow him to turn a manicure into an exciting activity for the client.
Chirology (from the Greek heir - hand and logos - teaching) - the study of the relationship between events in a person's life and structural features of the hand (its shape, size, proportions, lines, bumps and signs on it; the structure and color of nails). Possibilities of chirology are very wide: this is the definition of hereditary diseases, and the diagnosis of the psychophysical state of a person, and the compilation of personal characteristics ... Many people confuse chirology with palmistry and consider it ordinary quackery, but we still dare to publish some interesting, in our opinion, facts. After all, all these statements can be tested in practice and form your own opinion about the client. Considering the specifics of the journal, we will focus primarily on the study of nails. Since the time of Hippocrates, it has been believed that diseases of the internal organs can be determined by the appearance and shape of the nails, as well as mental condition person. A full member of the Riga Society for Psychical Research, one of the greatest chirologists V. A. Vrede made a number of sensational statements at the beginning of the last century. He claimed that hard nails and strong bones are indicators of health. Very hard nails, resembling claws in structure, speak of anger, painful pride, intolerance and greed for money. Soft, thin nails and thin bone - about soreness and weakness of will. The habit of biting or biting your nails- about nervousness, hypochondria, often abnormal sensuality; such people easily provoke quarrels and squabbles. Short soft nails with impending, as if overhanging rollers - about a very developed sensuality. Nails are flat, wide and slightly curved upwards- in people prone to lies and exaggerations. conical shape speaks of the desire for honesty, beauty. Round resembling a watch glass - warn of a predisposition to pulmonary
diseases - this observation was made by Hippocrates, and therefore a nail of this form is called hippocratic.
In addition to the studies of V. A. Wrede, research related to the diagnosis of various diseases is known. They were published by Dr. Shinner in 1925. Studying for many years the shape, relief and color of the nail plates and phalanges of the fingers, he found a characteristic relationship between their condition and a number of diseases.
So, according to Shinner, normal nail shape says that the person is practically healthy; if the nails are short and flat, organic pathologies of the heart are possible. Large nail hole indicates tachycardia, and its absence indicates cardiac neurosis. Large protruding nail talking about pulmonary tuberculosis, flat and curved about congenital bronchitis or bronchial asthma, and concave about hereditary forms of alcoholism. Club-shaped fingers("drumsticks") warns that the owner has problems with the lungs. bitten nails they will talk about neuroses, gastritis and sexual dysfunctions of their owners. Stripes and patches on nails signal problems with the spleen, intestines and small intestine (Fig. 1).

In chirological diagnostics, much depends on nail length.
Normal the length at which the nail occupies exactly half of the upper joint of the finger is considered. Manner cut nails it does not matter, and in the examples below, only that part of the nail that cannot be cut or filed is taken into account - that is nail bed. Long nails characterize thoughtful, calm, restrained, polite and compliant people. If nails disproportionately long- this indicates slowness, distrust, secrecy, embarrassment. People With short nails more logical, active, prone to criticism and control, quick in word and deed. If nails excessively short, then a person is distinguished by irascibility, aggressiveness, captiousness and intransigence. Very short nails on thick fingers - a sign bad memory and learning disabilities.
People with short nails they are not successful in public activities, as they like to object and criticize, but in any activity related to control, account or property management, they are out of competition. Long oval nail shape- a sign of a dreamy nature, which is characterized by calm and lightness. Owner of very large square nails endowed with a phlegmatic, cold and selfish character. small so-called wedge-shaped nails speak of a sensitive nature (2).

It must also be remembered that each finger, and in particular the nail, is responsible for a certain internal organ. For example, if the nails on all fingers except the little finger are in perfect condition, you need to pay Special attention heart. Nail thumb informs us about the state of the brain. Forefinger reflect on your nail possible problems with the stomach. middle finger nail informs about the state of the intestine, and nameless talk about the liver.
Nail color, according to chirologists, can also tell a lot about the character and physical condition person. So, white nails they talk about coldness, selfishness, vanity, conceit, arrogance of a person. pale pink- about warmth, responsiveness, sociability, friendliness. Red- about anger, depravity, depravity. bluish(bluish), as a rule, are a sign of ill health.
Of course, before drawing any conclusions, you need to pay attention to the structure of the brush itself.Square shape of the hand- sign good health. Extended fingertips give out a nature capable of committing careless acts, prone to immoderate consumption of alcohol and tobacco. Tapered brush warn of a predisposition to cardiovascular disease. Long arms with elongated fingers, as a rule, occur among representatives of sedentary professions and homebodies. These people do not pay due attention to sports and any other types of physical activity, but it would be worth doing a variety, moderate female bodybuilding will have a good effect on health. Hands that combine both types of fingers ( square and elongated), belongs to active natures, experiencing a constant thirst for activity.
The mysterious lines with which nature generously adorns our palms are no less interesting, and therefore deserve a separate article. Perhaps the information given in this article will serve you as just a topic for an entertaining conversation that will help the client brighten up the long hours spent in a nail salon. But maybe you will be able to extract something useful from this information for your daily work? In any case, do not forget that our fate is in our hands!

Seeing white spots on their nails, many begin to worry - someone is in a hurry to see a doctor, someone (especially girls) is worried about spoiling appearance nails. Well, superstitious people immediately turn to beliefs, and they do it for good reason, because the signs of white spots on the nails have always been widespread among the people.

General signs

Modern medicine associates the appearance of marks on the nails with the fact that the body does not receive enough vitamins and minerals.

But our great-grandmothers called the appearance of spots "flowering nails." This was considered a good sign, since it foreshadowed the approach of a joyful event to a person.

It could concern both the improvement of personal life - the appearance of a person dear to the heart or the strengthening of relationships for those who have already met their soul mate; and success in the financial sector or in the field of self-realization and creativity. In general, the appearance of white spots should be rejoiced.

Often there is such an interpretation of this sign, according to which spots on the nails indicate an imminent new thing that a person will receive, and the number of brand new things reflects the number of spots.


If a person experiences difficulties in life, the marks portend an early resolution of problems and a long-awaited white streak.

Specks promise recovery to those who were sick. A positive sign value enhances the appearance of spots on right hand- for right-handers and on the left - for left-handers.

If exactly three spots formed on the nails of one hand, this is evidence that a person will be lucky everywhere and in everything. He should be especially active in order to take advantage of the period while fortune is entirely on his side.

However, if three spots are counted in aggregate on both hands, then the sign has the opposite meaning - in the near future a person should not make responsible decisions at all, because there is a high probability of unforgivable mistakes.

White spots on thumb

The marks that appear on the thumb portend a person just the same as getting a new one. He will either receive them as a gift or buy them at a good discount.

However, white spots here may also indicate that the person has become painfully relaxed and lazy. In this case, you should pull yourself together, get together and concentrate on business.

In addition, the marks indicate that in the near future a person will have to work hard for generous pay. In this case, the nail should not be cut until the sign comes true.

On the index finger

Spots on the index finger warn that not the most pleasant times will come in your life soon. Perhaps something will happen that will unsettle you and make you feel sad and annoyed.

There is also the possibility of an ill-wisher appearing in your life who will "put a spoke in the wheel." Therefore, be more attentive to new acquaintances, take a closer look at them before trusting secrets and telling the details of your life.

On the middle finger

The dots on this finger promise a cloudless future to a person. You can be sure that an event will soon happen in your life that will please you so much that nothing else can overshadow this joy.

Surely life is going to give you what you miss the most - it can be health, peace of mind, love, money, whatever.

There is only one “but”: the sign has the opposite interpretation if the spot turns yellow over time.

On the ring finger

The ring finger is a symbol of marriage

The ring finger symbolizes the marriage bond, and it is not for nothing that married couples wear rings on it.

The meaning of signs about white spots on ring finger also associated with the relationship of lovers. They warn of problems in their personal lives - serious quarrels with a loved one, which can even end in a break in relations.

Therefore, until the spots come off the nail, be very careful in dealing with your loved one, try to be more tolerant and control yourself if emotions overshadow the mind - otherwise, under their influence, do an act that you will have to regret for a long time.

On the little finger

But the specks on the little finger are considered a good sign. They say that a person will finally relax and be able to live at his own pleasure, without worrying about anything or anyone.

Perhaps a pleasant journey awaits him in the company of an equally pleasant person.

Sign value depending on the size and location of the spot

The size of the mark matters - the larger it is, the more significant an event in a person’s life it speaks of. If the speck is very small, then it can not be taken at all as a sign.

If the spot is located closer to the cuticle, this indicates that a lot of time will pass before the sign comes true. If the meaning of the omen is good, then you will need to patiently wait for your happiness, and if it is bad, then you have the opportunity to prepare for the blows of fate.


If the speck is located exactly in the center of the nail plate, then everything that is said about will come true very soon. Pay close attention to what is happening around you.

Well, if the spot is close to the edge, then the predictions may not come true at all. If they are negative, then cut off the nail as quickly as possible - there is a high probability that you will not have to face trouble. If the prediction is positive, then do not cut the nail - who knows, maybe joyful events are already on the way.

It often happens that a person, doing the usual thing, suddenly discovers something incomprehensible. In the morning, the girl carefully applies varnish on her nails, and notices a strange white speck on the nail plate. Or a man washing his hands with a brush after a long dig in the engine of his favorite car, and notices a strange spot on the nail of one of his fingers. What's happening? Where did they come from, and what do white spots on the nails mean?

White spots - small air bubbles formed in a multi-layered nail plate

medical look

If white spots appear on the nails of the fingers, then there may be several explanations, from a medical point of view:

  • trauma to the nail plate;
  • chemical damage;
  • fungal infection;
  • imbalance of nutrients and vitamins;
  • stressful situations;
  • kidney damage.

The medical name for the disease that causes dots on the fingernails is leukonychia. In fact, spots are small air bubbles formed in a multi-layered nail plate.

The easiest way to deal with whitened places, formed later injuries, chemical damage and stress. In this case, the simplest recommendations will help restore the beauty of your hands:

  • balance the diet and add vitamin complexes to it;
  • eliminate stress, learn to relax and switch attention;
  • strengthen nails with salt baths;
  • use treatment complexes for nail growth, and special varnishes to strengthen them;
  • give up temporarily gel extension length.

If everything is done correctly, then the white dots on the fingernails will gradually disappear.

Folk omens

White spots on the nails of the fingers gave rise to many different signs. People say that single and multiple points speak of future changes in life. These signs have been tested and supplemented for decades, but the most interesting thing is that they still inspire confidence today. Various superstitions apply to the location of spots, their number and shape.

The appearance of spots on the nails is most often considered a good omen.

Single and multiple spots

The appearance of spots on the fingers is most often considered a good omen. So in the old days, such a stain meant that a new thing would soon appear in the house. It could be useful thing in the house or something beautiful from clothes. A particularly good omen was considered a quick opportunity to cut off the edge of the nail along with the stain. This meant that the new thing will appear very soon.

Today, women like to associate the appearance of white spots with shopping. The white dot on the nail is especially appreciated before a major purchase. Superstitious people are sure that things purchased after the appearance of the stain will serve well and be worn for a long time.

But if several things were bought, and after that several white spots appeared on the nail plates of the fingers, then this is a sign that you need to stop and wait with the next new thing.

A good sign is the appearance of a white spot on the nail of a seriously ill person. This means that you can expect get well soon or symptom relief. Doctors are very skeptical about this sign, but people believe and hope for the best.

white stripes

If not dots, but white stripes appeared on the nails, several signs also apply to this case. When they are located on one nail, you should expect good luck in all matters. They say that any undertaking will be successful. But those who have stripes on three different fingers at the same time should prepare for failure. First of all, a career and complex service combinations can be hit. At this point, you should not ask for time off and extraordinary leave, the authorities will refuse.

Location of spots

Except common signs, among the people there are separate explanations about the white dots on different fingers:

As you can see, different interpretations of signs promise opposite events: victories and defeats, joy and sadness, love and parting. But, someone drew attention to the relationship between leukonychia and life events, so completely denying this sequence may be a mistake.

Signs related to children

In relation to children, there are no bad signs among the people associated with dots and stripes on the nails. Any white bubble in the thickness of the nail plate promises the baby joy and good mood. Most often, the spots on the fingers of children speak of gifts and new clothes. And if there are several of them, then there will be the same number of gifts.

Superstition has never singled out the location and number of dots and stripes in babies. Maybe this is due to the fact that in relation to children, to believe in bad omens and expecting illness and failure is very scary. Positive signs in this case bring more joy, so stripes and dots promise kids fun, travel, new friends and interesting games.

Each person decides for himself whether to believe or not to believe. folk omens. Superstitions can lead to excessive nervousness in anticipation of the promised troubles, or they can improve mood and bring joy. However, any doctor will say that the appearance of a white dot on the nail is a reason to consult a doctor. Especially if you are sure that there were no traumatic effects on the plate. Let better doctor will say that you are worried in vain that the first symptom of a complex disease or fungal infection will be missed.

Current page: 7 (total book has 16 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 11 pages]

thick nails testify to the great practicality and pragmatism of a person, which were acquired by him as a result of difficult living conditions. As a rule, such people look at things soberly and are not inclined to fantasies and dreams.

Thin nails talking about lack vital energy and vitality. However, their owners have a kind character, caring, good attitude towards others and, along with this, are sociable and sociable.

Determination of the time of occurrence of the event on the nails. A human nail grows from beginning to end in about 5-6 months. For exact definition the time of this or that event that should occur in life, it is necessary to visually divide the nail into six equal parts, and the part that goes from the beginning of the hole to the area of ​​​​the nail where it detaches from the finger should be divided. The regrown nail is not taken into account and is not taken into account in the analysis.

The first third of the nail, from the beginning of the hole, portends the future; the second third, which occupies the middle of the nail, reflects the present; the third, upper part, speaks of the past. Figure 1.62 shows the division of the nail into time intervals, and based on the fact that the nail grows for about 6 months, it turns out that the past and future will take periods of 2.5 months each, and the present is located in a time interval equal to four weeks. Based on the figure, it becomes clear that the signs that have just appeared will affect a person with maximum force only in the third month, when they reach the center of the nail, that is, the place that denotes the present.

For the most complete study, it is necessary to study all the nails and, summing up the information received, draw a general conclusion. For example, if on the ring finger there is a white sign under nail plate goes along the center of the nail, and on the middle one at the same time there is also a white sign, but shifted to the side from the center, then we can say that the Sun portends happiness, and Saturn - grief, loss and disappointment. Together, they say that a person will experience grief, because Saturn is the planet of fate and punishment, but something will happen to him that will save him from trouble and disappointment, due to the fact that the Sun is a planet of good luck and achievements. If in the example we are considering there was no favorable sign on the finger of the Sun, and the sign would only be on the finger of Saturn, then the person would have to experience all the hardships of deprivation and disappointment, since the Sun is able to negate the unfavorable value of Saturn.

If, for example, the sign on the fingernail of Saturn is in the center and is exactly in the middle of the nail, then this means that an unfavorable life period has come or will come very soon. If the sign is not strictly in the center, but slightly shifted to the side, then the negative strength of the sign will be reduced. But if at the same time the same sign is located in the center of the fingernail of the Sun or Mercury, then this indicates a successful overcoming of troubles due to the fact that other planets are called by fate to protect a person. But in any case, the event will still happen, since the action of Saturn cannot be canceled, but at the same time the person will be spared from severe negative consequences.

In order to find out what the white marks on the nails mean, you need to remember the characteristics of the fingers. Thus, White spot on the fingernail of Jupiter will talk about the rise in the career, and the same sign on the nail of Saturn will tell about the approaching grief and a period of disappointment. The sign on the fingernail of the Sun will smooth out the negative effects of other unfavorable signs and bring or enhance success if white marks are also present on other nails. The most interesting in the interpretation will be the nail of the little finger. He will talk about a big cash win during the period when the white sign reaches exactly the middle of the nail. Thus, the interpretation of the near future on the nail is not very complicated and is distinguished by its simplicity and practicality.

In conclusion of this section, I want to say more about the fact that the spots on the nails can be either white or black. The interpretation of black spots speaks for the most part about problematic health, and in a psychological sense it exacerbates all the positive interpretations that we have already studied. So, for example, a black spot on the little finger will speak of financial difficulties or ruin, and a white one will speak of winnings and acquisitions, and the peak of all events will be in the time period of the present, that is, when the spot is exactly in the middle of the nail.


If you look closely at your palm, you will see on it a kind of elevation and depression, which form a kind of relief. These hills are called hills or mounds in palmistry and are called the planets of our solar system. Hills in the palm of your hand are a kind of energy storage or energy centers, which are designed to give their owner both physical and mental strength, which he needs for daily activities. Each hill on the hand is responsible for a certain area of ​​​​life and along with this indicates the innate abilities of the individual. High and strong hills endow a person with the fullness of the qualities of the hill, giving the necessary energy for action, and flat and smoothed hills speak of the shortcomings of the necessary qualities inherent in these hills and indicate a lack of energy for self-expression in society. By the features of the development and location of a particular hill, one can very easily recognize the inner essence of a person, and with a comprehensive analysis of all the hills in the palm of your hand, you can find out the true karmic destiny and the field of activity in which he can easily reveal the potential inherent in him from birth.

There are ten hills on the human hand, which are distributed as follows (Figure 1.63). Two at the base of the palm, on the wrist, are the hills of Neptune and Pluto. The hill of Neptune symbolizes the channel that is connected with our subtle body and our instincts, through which clues come in the form of insights about how to act in life. Neptune is also able to endow a person with parapsychological abilities and inspiration. The Mount of Pluto symbolizes the influence of the inherited qualities that its owner uses in life, and gives him the ability to manifest power in extreme conditions and the ability to instantaneous insight in times of danger. These two hills are connected with our subtle body, and thanks to numerous past lives and the instincts formed in them, we are able to receive tips from Above and act in unpredictable situations unconsciously and sometimes logically inexplicable, but always correct. Human intuition and foresight are connected precisely with these two hills, because the developed hill of Neptune enhances foresight, and the hill of Pluto enhances intuition.

The next two hills, which are higher than the previous ones, are called the hills of Venus and the Moon. The hill of Venus, or the pad of the thumb, symbolizes the potential for vitality and sexual energy. The Hill of the Moon gives shape to our dreams, and with the help of it the world of images is extracted from the subconscious. Thus, these two hills are a reflection of our subconscious.

Still higher are the hills of Lower and Upper Mars. The hill of Lower Mars, or Rahu, demonstrates the potential of a person’s internal forces, and the hill of Upper Mars shows their character. They represent our consciousness and actions, which have not yet passed into instincts in this incarnation, but are used to manage and solve everyday issues and tasks.

The hills of the index, middle, ring fingers and little finger. Thus, each finger has its own “bag”, or energy store, presented to us in the form of a corresponding hill. They accumulate our forces of desires and instincts, so necessary for life relationships, with the help of which the soul embodies its destiny.

Depending on the degree of their severity and development, the hills are called strong, normal or weak. A strongly developed mound is immediately noticeable in the palm of your hand and stands out relative to others with its bulge and fleshiness; a normally developed mound is not as prominent as the previous one, but is nevertheless easily noticeable; an underdeveloped hill in the place where it should be present forms a hole or plain. Thus, any overabundance or lack of a hill indicates an energy imbalance in the personality. It must be remembered that the fullness of the hills can change throughout life, because our vitality and spiritual energy also undergo changes over time, and this process can be reflected in the fullness of the hills both positively and negatively.

The hills also reveal the inherent potentials and the possibilities of their realization. On the passive hand, the hills testify to the innate qualities of a person’s character, about his destiny in this incarnation and the general directions of his life interests. These basic factors throughout his earthly life will influence his life. The hills on the active hand indicate how a person develops what was given to him by nature and how he follows his karmic destiny.

General characteristics of the hills. Determining the development of the hillocks is somewhat more complicated than determining the development and length of the fingers. In order to determine how a particular hill is developed, it is necessary to clearly imagine how it should look in the palm of your hand and where it should be, therefore the most important qualities of hills are their general development, location and density. When analyzing a hill, it is first necessary to determine its size and height relative to the rest of the hills in the palm of your hand. It should always be remembered that a thin arm has flatter and more even hills, and their development is determined only by comparing one with another.

hill development shows how clearly it expresses the qualities that it defines in the character of a person. As a rule, it is by the hills and the signs on them that we can most likely determine the karmic destiny and professional orientation. Very often, only one large and developed hill stands out on the hands, which is called dominant in palmistry. The influence of this hill on a person will be much stronger than the influence of all the others, and it will determine the main features in the character of the individual. Also, some hills in the palm may be very small, flat or undeveloped, or there may be depressions in the place where they should be located. The qualities of such hills are negative, since required energy action is not received, and the person will lack the necessary qualities of this hill for normal life.

hill density determined by pressing it with a little effort. If the hill, when pressed on it, quickly restores its original state, then such a hill is called elastic. If it is impossible to push it, then it will be called hard, and if, when pressed, the hill takes its original state after some time, then it is considered soft.

Hill location no less important when analyzing hills. To determine the displacement of a hill, it is necessary to find its top, which is determined by the presence of a triradius. If the top of the hill is directly under the finger, then it is considered that it is located harmoniously and receives all the positive characteristics of this planet. If its top is shifted to one side or the other and lies between the fingers, then this means that the properties of this hill are combined with the neighboring one and pass to it. The principle of moving the hills towards each other is somewhat similar to the principle of tilting the fingers that we studied earlier, but only in the fingers the qualities of leaning fingers pass, and in the hills - the energy of action and realization.

When exploring hills, you must remember the following rules:

If one hill is more developed than the others, then the properties inherent in it constitute the main character trait of this person.

An overdeveloped hill negatively affects the properties of other hills.

A well-developed and well-placed hill indicates the positive influence of the hill energy and a harmonious personality.

The overdevelopment of the hill indicates an overabundance of the corresponding properties and can negatively affect a person.

An underdeveloped hill testifies to its energy and negative influence on personality.

The displacement of the hill speaks of a shift in qualities and energy in the direction of the hill where it deviates.

The unification of the hills indicates that the qualities and energies of these hills are combined and complement each other.

The deepening in the place where the hill should be, reports that all the qualities inherent in this hill have a negative meaning and turn into disadvantages.

The influence of the development of the hills on the psychological characteristics of the individual.

According to the established tradition in palmistry, all the hills in the palm of your hand are divided according to the degree of their development. In total, there are three degrees of development, based on which positive or negative personality traits are attached to the hills. If the hill is high, dense and stands out strongly in the palm of your hand, this indicates a strong development of the hill; if it is clearly visible, elastic, but does not have too sharp outlines, then such a hill is considered normally developed; and if the hill is not expressed in any way and it seems that it does not exist at all, or it is slightly drawn into the palm - such a hill has a weak development.

With a highly developed hill, all the qualities that it personifies appear well and harmoniously. A weakly developed one says that his qualities are very poorly manifested or not manifested at all. If the hill is developed excessively, then the qualities of this hill are distorted and instead of positive, it acquires negative characteristics. And if the hill is absent or not developed, then the person does not have the qualities inherent in this hill at all. Sometimes a hole or depression is formed on the palm in the place where the hill should be. This is a sign that the abilities for which this or that hill is responsible are turning into their opposite.

For clarity, photographs will be presented that show various degrees hill development. The first photos in each topic we review will have strong development, the second - normal development, and the third, respectively, weak. Also, under each photo, the psychological characteristics of the individual will be given, which correspond to the degree of development of the hill, so that you yourself can see how the qualities change based on the development of a particular hill in the palm of your hand. It should also be noted here that the characteristics of the fingers of the same name have the same psychological interpretations with the palmar hillocks. If the fingers and hills of Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury and Venus coincide, examples will be given of how the development of one or another hill is reflected in the finger of the same name and what generalized characteristics, depending on the degree of development, they carry in the complex. Determining the development of hills is one of the most important and most difficult topics in palmistry, having mastered it and learned how to generalize everything you see and apply the knowledge gained in practice, you will get the key to unraveling the character of any person.

Hill of Jupiter located at the base of the index finger, where it is separated from other hills of the line of Life, Head or Heart.

The main qualities of this hill coincide with the qualities of the finger of Jupiter and correspond to the external side of life and the potential of spiritual forces aimed at satisfying one's ambition, upholding self-esteem, as well as maintaining authority and realizing ambitions. Also, this hill testifies to the religiosity of a person, his ability to find a goal in life. By the signs on it, among other things, you can find out how many formations a person will receive and how he will use them in life.

The main qualities of the hill: ambition, ambition, self-esteem, level of self-esteem, level of desire for self-expression, financial ability, desire to lead, pride and religiosity. The qualities of a hill are enhanced and considered positive if there are signs on it: stars, a square, a triangle, a clear and direct cross, a closed square, a double cross, vertical lines and special Indian signs, which we will study at the end of this topic. Also, a branch from the line of Life, going to the hill of Jupiter, will be considered an auspicious sign. With positive signs on the hill, it plays a decisive role in a person's life and his personal characteristics. Negative signs are: circles, horizontal lines and various kinds of forks.

The strong development of the hill of Jupiter is shown in Figure 1.64; normal - in Figure 1.64-1, and weak - in Figure 1.64-2.

highly developed hill speaks of the spiritual potential of the individual, healthy self-awareness, ambition, ambition, authority, justice and authority. It testifies to the ability to lead other people, based on really existing abilities, innate constancy and sociability. The people of Jupiter are friendly, kind-hearted, generous, complaisant, they are naturally given faith in God, they are drawn to knowledge and strive to penetrate and get to the bottom of any issue that they encounter in their activities. They prefer the very process of gaining power and glory to their end result - material wealth. It is very important for such people to have a goal in life, and they invest a lot in order to achieve it. They are not inclined to meekly submit to fate and all its intricacies, but are able to go against it and fight for their place in the sun. Many of them devote themselves to politics, military service and religion, as well as activities where leadership of others is needed.

The high hill of Jupiter with clearly visible borders is also a sign of a person who appreciates communication between people in all its manifestations - in friendship, in love and business relationships. Such a person is honest, energetic and well trained in his field of activity and, thanks to his own strength, achieves material well-being and recognition. Most often, this is a good and devoted friend, as well as a proud and independent person, taking everything possible from life and having clear life principles and high moral goals and aspirations. The positive properties of the potential of the hill of Jupiter will be used only if its owner has enough vitality. If there are few of them, then there will be a feeling of inferiority and dissatisfaction with oneself.

If only the hill of Jupiter stands out very strongly in the palm of your hand, and all other hills have normal or weak development, then such a hill will be called overdeveloped. He distorts, sometimes beyond recognition, the favorable positive qualities of this hill, endowing the person with a thirst for power, megalomania, excessive and often unjustified ambition. Also, such a person will be distinguished by an exaggeration of his own importance in this world, a morbid imagination, pride, arrogance, voluptuousness, disregard for social laws, self-deception and hypocrisy. Self-deception in the case of unfulfilled expectations can lead to severe depression and decomposition of the personality.

Normally developed hill should be in harmonious balance with other hills and not stand out much from them. In this case, he receives all the positive qualities of Jupiter and indicates healthy self-esteem, optimism, idealism and the desire to help other people. He also speaks of the spiritual potential of the individual, healthy self-awareness and ambition, ambition, authority, justice, and to the extent of expressed authority. This is a sign of a soft, balanced and harmonious character, especially if there are positive signs on the hill.

The difference between a highly developed hillock and a normal one is that with a highly developed hillock, the qualities inherent in it are expressed to the maximum, which can work in two ways. On the one hand, the strong development of Jupiter gives a person more chances to succeed and fulfill himself in life, but with the negative tendencies of the hill of Jupiter, a person will have too high ambitions, high conceit, exorbitant pride, which are not always justified and deserved. In this regard, the most favorable is the normal development of the hill of Jupiter.

Weak hill of Jupiter speaks of a complete lack of ambition and low self-esteem. Such a person often lacks the will to live or faith in himself, in the development of his innate abilities and talents. The lack of these qualities can be the cause of laziness and apathy. It is also a sign of coldness, insufficient religiosity, stinginess and selfishness. In life, such a person is very often unlucky in career advancement, which can be the cause of an unstable financial situation. Negative qualities are greatly aggravated if, along with an undeveloped hill, there is a short finger of Jupiter, which signals a low sense of self-worth and a lack of self-love.

If the hill of Jupiter is flat, then such a person constantly experiences a feeling of internal dissatisfaction with himself or with life circumstances. Bad luck in life arises from the unwillingness to achieve the goals and objectives, and the resulting failures plunge the owner of the flat hill of Jupiter into despair, where he generally loses the desire to somehow fight in order to turn the tide of his life.

With a weakly expressed hill, it is unlikely that much energy will be released for one's own ambition and maintaining one's authority. Looking at such people from the outside, it seems that they do not have an internal incentive in life, but this is not entirely true, and if you look more closely, you can understand that the whole point here is motivation. These people are incapable of taking unreasonable risks. Often they will have long and powerful index fingers, but the absence of the hill does not endow it with the motivation of internal energy and the potential for fulfillment, as a result of which, despite their natural abilities, they do not advance in life as far as it indicates. long finger Jupiter.

Each mountain in nature has its own shadow side, beyond which the sun almost never looks, and the hills on the hand have two sides of personality development. Therefore, the strong hill of Jupiter must find its equivalent in the finger of Jupiter. Even a powerful finger will do nothing if the hill is weak or flat. In this case, there will be no energy that the force symbolized by the corresponding finger will have to use. In the opposite situation, when the hill is highly developed, and the finger of Jupiter on the hand is short, then the increased energy of motivation will be inhibited by modesty and shyness. In words, such a person is able to turn the whole world upside down, but when it comes to practical application, then at the first opportunity, he will retreat because of the inability to overcome natural self-doubt.

Mount of Saturn located at the base of the middle finger, where on the one hand it is limited by the hill of Apollo, on the other - by the hill of Jupiter, and from below it is separated by the line of the Heart.

The qualities of the hill of Saturn coincide in their interpretation with the qualities of the finger of Saturn and are responsible for the inner world and worldview of a person, and also reveal such character traits as a sense of responsibility, a sense of duty, a degree of self-control and a general attitude to life and work.

The main qualities of the hill of Saturn: practicality, responsibility, materialism, spiritual development, inner peace, search for truth, self-digging, self-discipline, wisdom, a tendency to melancholy and depression, seriousness, punctuality and the ability to concentrate. Mount of Saturn defines external factors human life and major events. The signs on this hill are signs of our karma, showing a kind of predestination of fate and events that we have to work out in this incarnation. Auspicious signs are considered: a triangle, a square, a trident, a cross in a square. Also a positive factor, as on the hill of Jupiter, will be a clear, straight vertical line that enhances the hill of Saturn. Unfavorable signs include: a star, a cross, an island, a lattice, various kinds of points, a circle and lines of Rahu.

To further consider the characteristics of the hills, a strong development of the hill of Saturn is shown in Figure 1.65; normal - in Figure 1.65-1, and weak - in Figure 1.65-2.

Strong development of the mount of Saturn indicates that a person approaches life with all seriousness, he is constant in his predilections, conservative and not inclined to change anything. Such people are very responsible, constant, serious, and they need confidence in the future. Very often they are closed and taciturn, able to withdraw into themselves and need free psychological space around. Such people will like painstaking work that requires heightened attention and focus on details, which you can do on your own, without the participation of other people, since in life these people are loners. Because of their inherent seriousness and melancholy, they have trouble expressing their emotions in public.

A well developed and solid hill can enhance and even distort the basic qualities of Saturn. Prudence can turn into overcaution, and healthy self-criticism can be reborn into a strong propensity for analysis and constant self-digging. In addition, this hill gives a person the ability to esotericism and talents in the field of occult sciences.

If the hill of Saturn is high and elastic, then such a person has a stable and harmonious character. This is a thinker capable of observation and research, who has his own point of view on any issue. Such people live by their own rules and prefer certainty and clarity in everything they encounter. Being firm in their principles and decisions, they are very cautious and do not like senseless risk, and the process of self-knowledge and self-improvement occupies a very important place in their life.

Overdeveloped Mount of Saturn speaks of frugality, constraint in society, fear of people, distrust, isolation, thoughtfulness, fearfulness, a tendency to melancholy and a pessimistic outlook on life.

If the hill stands out on the active hand, then this indicates a person with a serious attitude to life and a conscious desire for self-expression in society. If the hill is noticeably expressed on the passive hand, then it means that the subconscious mind has serious attitude to life, which, however, can develop into depressive melancholy, and responsibility will manifest itself more in dreams and dreams than in real life.

Normally developed Mount of Saturn should be in harmonious balance with other hills and not stand out among them. People with such a hill will have the average qualities of Saturn, and they can be called the golden mean. They love independence and loneliness and are always able to balance between the desire to be alone with themselves and the need for communication. People with a normally developed hill will also be serious, responsible, constant, confident in their abilities, faithful and prudent. In addition, they are quite careful in their actions and actions, but unlike people with a highly developed hill, they will not get hung up on caution, and sometimes they will be capable of risky and adventurous things. These are emotionally balanced people who strive to learn everything new and rarely go to extremes, so a good and harmonious balance of the qualities of Saturn increases a person's chances of success in life.

If a plain or depression is found in the place where the hill of Saturn should be, then such a hill is called underdeveloped and carries the negative qualities of Saturn. In this case, it is always necessary to determine where the remains of this hill are located, since they can go either to the hill of Apollo or to the hill of Jupiter. If this hill is divided, then the energy of Saturn passes to both neighboring hills. The transition of the remnants of the hill of Saturn to the hill of Apollo (Figure 1.65-2) indicates an idealistic, creative and spiritual seriousness, and to the hill of Jupiter - ambition and a serious attitude to life.

But in any case, the absence of the hill of Saturn will speak of strong distrust, suspicion, frivolity and a tendency to envy and intrigue. Such a person, as a rule, may have difficulties with self-realization in a career, since he either often relies on standards and equals those around him, or he is too independent, which rejects the people around him.

Hill of Apollo (Sun) is located at the base of the finger of Apollo and is limited on one side by the hill of Saturn, on the other - by the hill of Mercury, and from below it is separated by the line of the Heart.

The hill of Apollo reveals the creative abilities of a person, and also bestows a person with kindness, love of beauty, fine taste, craving for the arts and a strong desire to become famous.

The main qualities of the hill of Apollo (Sun): creativity, talent, luck, self-realization, harmony with oneself, a sense of beauty, self-expression and attitude towards success. The qualities of the hill are enhanced by positive signs: a star, a circle, a triangle, a square, a trident, special Indian signs, as well as parallel vertical lines. With negative signs - lattices, crosses and islands - the qualities of the hill of Apollo are greatly weakened and in some cases carry negative characteristics.

A strong development of the Apollo Hill is shown in Figure 1.66; normal - in Figure 1.66-1, and weak - in Figure 1.66-2.

Strong development of Apollo Hill testifies to a subtle and deep mind, a creative orientation of the personality, giftedness with talents, developed intuition and religious tolerance. Such people are endowed with empathy, tact, politeness, a sense of beauty and curiosity. These are individuals with a sanguine temperament, who are able to converge with people very easily, are interesting conversationalists and are attractive to others. People with a highly developed hill have an artistic flair and creativity, which is why they are in a constant search for beauty and ideal in human relationships. They love to live beautifully, and they do not feel sorry for money for all the best and dearest for themselves and their loved ones.

For such people, the opportunity to earn and become famous is the main priority in life. They strive to be in demand and realized not only in terms of their ambitions and vanity, but also in terms of material benefits and privileges. Therefore, such people will never pass by the opportunity to earn and at least a little, but to become famous. They are characterized by confidence in themselves and in the work they are doing, and this is not unfounded, since they are developed, harmonious and strong personalities who are always true to the path that they have chosen for themselves. Along with this, they are able to win over those around them with their unshakable moral principles, cordial and spiritual kindness and the ability to look after and love very beautifully. They are freedom-loving, it is difficult to lead them and impose their opinion on them.