Electric charges. Methods for obtaining charges. Law of conservation of electric charge. How to get a boost of energy Get the necessary boost of energy without

In nature there are two types of electric charges, conventionally called positive And negative . Historically, charges similar to those that arise when glass is rubbed on silk are called positive; negative - charges similar to those that arise when amber is rubbed on fur. Charges of the same sign repel each other, charges of different signs attract (Fig. 1.1).

Silk + Glass =

Fur + Amber =

Fig.1.1. Positive and negative charges.

Essentially electric charges atomistic (discrete). This means that in nature there is a tiny, indivisible charge, called elementary . The magnitude of the elementary charge in absolute value in SI:

Electric charges are inherent in many elementary particles, in particular, electrons and protons, which are part of various atoms from which all bodies in nature are built. It should be noted, however, that according to modern concepts, strongly interacting particles - hadrons (mesons and baryons) - are built from the so-called quarks – special particles carrying fractional charge. Currently, six types of quarks are known - u, d, s, t, bс - according to the first letters of the words: u p-upper, d own-lower, s ide-way-side (or s trange - strange), t op-vertex, b ottom - extreme and c harm-enchanted. These quarks are divided into pairs: (u,d), (c,s), (t,b). Quarks u, c, t have a charge of +2/3, and the charge of quarks d, s, b is equal to – 1/3. Each quark has its own antiquark. In addition, each of the quarks can be in one of three color states (red, yellow and blue). Mesons consist of two quarks, baryons - of three. In a free state, quarks not observed. This allows us to consider that the elementary charge in nature is still integer charge e, but not fractional quark charge. The charge of macroscopic bodies is formed by a set of elementary charges and is, thus, an integer multiple of e.

To conduct experiments with electric charges, various methods of obtaining them are used. The simplest and most ancient way is rubbing some bodies by others. In this case, friction itself does not play a fundamental role here. Electric charges always arise when the surfaces of contacting bodies are in close contact. Friction (grinding) only helps to eliminate unevenness on the surface of contacting bodies, which prevents their close fit to each other, which creates favorable conditions for the transfer of charges from one body to another. This method of generating electrical charges underlies the operation of some electrical machines, for example, the Van de Graaff electrostatic generator (Van de Graaff R., 1901-1967), used in high energy physics.

Another way to obtain electric charges is based on the use of the phenomenon electrostatic induction. Its essence is illustrated in Fig. 1.2. Let's bring it to the divided into two halves uncharged metal body (without touching it) another body, charged, say, positively. Due to the displacement of a certain fraction of the free negatively charged electrons present in the metal, the left half of the original body will acquire an excess negative charge, and the right half will acquire a positive charge of the same magnitude, but opposite in sign. If now, in the presence of an external charged body, we move both halves in different directions and remove the charged body, then each of them will turn out to be charged. As a result, we will get two new bodies charged with charges equal in magnitude and opposite in sign.

Fig.1.2. An experiment illustrating the phenomenon of electrostatic induction.

The experience also demonstrates law of conservation of electric charge , according to which the total charge of an electrically isolated system) remains constant:

In our specific case the total charge of the original body did not change before and after the experiment - it remained equal to zero:

Everything in the world is energy and everything living in the world needs energy. Energy cannot be created and cannot be destroyed, since it is uniformly present in all places and constantly changes from one state to another all the time.
In nature, everything is balanced, and a person who lives correctly, in harmony with himself and with the world around him, spends and receives energy in proportion. However, modern life often requires us to spend too much energy, and the rhythm and style of life do not provide the opportunity to replenish the energy spent. Being energetic and full of strength is not always possible.
We often try to find a way to recharge ourselves with energy, sometimes forgetting that we are wasting it completely in vain. Each of us feels the stress Everyday life, stress, lack of sleep, unhealthy and poor-quality nutrition, overwork at work and too much big time time spent with electronic gadgets. And with all this, we do not want to change anything, we are looking for ways to draw from somewhere vital energy. By and large, refusal bad habits and changing your life gives a lot of energy and improves the quality of life, and now we offer seven rules, using which you can feel cheerfulness and a surge of vitality.

1. Sunlight

Sunlight gives energy to all living things on earth; it is impossible to imagine life without the sun. Sunlight charges with energy everything that falls into its rays, since solar energy is the powerful energy of the cosmos itself, feeding and permeating everything around.
The sun's rays are streams of energy that can sometimes work wonders with our body. Under the influence of sunlight, the human body produces many substances that are useful and necessary for functioning. Everyone knows that sun rays form biologically active compounds in the skin and help increase vitamin D.
There is nothing better and more useful in the morning, immediately after waking up, to plunge into the rays of bright warm light. Sunlight nourishes the body not only with energy, but also with warmth, stimulates the body to awaken and work, and gives a sea of ​​positive emotions. Dive into sunlight perfectly energizes, improves mood, gives a surge of strength. It’s even better and more useful to take a short walk before starting work, leaving thoughts about problems and worries and completely immersing yourself in the sunlight.
For those who engage in mental work at work, it is recommended to place their workstations next to the window, where on a bright sunny day the sun's rays will become an endless source of energy and will help to complete the work quickly and efficiently. Scientists claim that this will increase a person’s attention and productivity at least twice. In general, you should try to make the most of daylight hours, and it’s better to move important things to the evening.

2. Cold water provides healing and good spirits

Our ancestors long ago knew very well that temperature changes not only help to harden the body, but also stimulate all processes in our body, increase morale and good health. Pouring cold and hot water perfectly stimulates all the body's defenses. A contrast shower can provide such temperature changes.
Cold and hot shower great way use the body's reserve forces and enhance metabolic processes. A cold shower forces the body to function properly, and increased blood circulation helps improve nutrition of all tissues and organs. A contrast shower also stimulates brain function, improves mood, and a person feels cheerful and energized.
Many people are afraid of the procedure of taking a contrast shower, because they think that a contrast shower is mostly a douche. cold water. This is where the erroneous ideas about the correctness of taking a contrast shower lie. In fact, dousing yourself with cold water in a contrast shower occurs after warming up the body with warm water.
First you need to warm up the body with warm water, and then douse it with cold water. Alternating cold water with warm water, you need to finish the contrast shower again with warm water. You can even simplify the contrast shower procedure by simply rinsing with cold water for 30 seconds after taking a hot shower. This will refresh and invigorate.

3. Laughter is the best medicine

Congratulations to everyone early childhood It is known that a positive mood is not only a source of cheerfulness and energy, but also an excellent assistant in the fight against stress, problems and illnesses. Laughter improves the quality of life, makes it simpler and easier, promotes health and ensures longevity. Sometimes a positive attitude is much more effective than pills and tablets.
The popular proverb says it for a reason: laughter is the best medicine! And it is true. Research has shown that laughter increases endorphin levels and reduces the effects of stress. The more we laugh, the better we feel, because laughter creates vigor, and five minutes of laughter can replace forty minutes of rest. To spend the coming day cheerfully and productively, laugh in the morning, improve the mood of yourself and those around you. If it is difficult to perceive everything positively at once, learn to simply smile, to yourself and to those around you, and you will also begin to receive smiles from others in return.
Laughter not only improves mood and gives a charge of vivacity, but also improves the quality of life, helping to overcome difficult situations more easily, and significantly increases life expectancy. During laughter, many muscles are activated, relaxing, oddly enough, the entire body. Very often we keep many problems inside ourselves, thereby creating tension throughout the body, spending a lot of energy. And tension, as we know, is the cause of all diseases. Laughter helps to relax and relieve tension, and increases our energy, adding strength for other things.

4. Jasmine scent

Smells and aromas can have an effect on the human body. There is even a whole science - aromatherapy - that studies this area. Aromatherapy is perhaps the most pleasant type of treatment and influence on a person, which has an amazing, almost magical effect. One of the most effective means The use of jasmine is considered to have an effect on the body in aromatherapy. Special properties The ethers of this plant simultaneously affect the physical and emotional energy state.
Jasmine flowers have an incredible, amazing and unique scent that cannot leave anyone indifferent. Jasmine has a good effect on the nervous system; it is used in the treatment of neuroses and stress relief. The scent of jasmine invigorates and energizes. There are many types of jasmine scented perfumes. If you want to feel a surge of vitality, change your perfume!

5. Without water there is no life

Water is very important for our body, it is the basis of all processes occurring in the body. Water, just like food, can produce energy when digested. If the body's cells receive enough water, they perform their work as efficiently as possible and are constantly recharged. When there is not enough water, the cells begin to give up energy and the overall energy level of the body begins to fall. Water is the main component of cells in the body, because cells consist of 80% water.
Water is an indispensable component, because it helps maintain health and refreshes. Often the cause of a drop in the body’s energy and a deterioration in well-being is the body’s slagging. Water best cleanses our body and perfectly removes toxins from the body. If your health worsens and your energy level drops, you need to provide your body with enough water.
Tea, coffee and juices cannot replace clean water, but the cells of the body need it pure water. And in order for clean water to get into the cage as quickly as possible, you need to drink melt water. Melt water is the purest high-quality water that does not contain salt chlorides and harmful substances and connections. Preparing such water at home is easy and affordable for anyone who wants to be healthy and energetic.

6. Chocolate cures sadness

Many people believe that chocolate is the most delicious and easiest source of energy. And this is also true. Chocolate contains a lot of sugar and fat, and these are the main suppliers of energy for the body. Magnesium and potassium, which are also found in chocolate, are necessary for normal muscle and nervous system function. Chocolate replenishes lost energy well and quickly. It’s not for nothing that children and athletes love it so much, who spend a huge amount of energy and need to quickly replenish it.
Chocolate is a good source of joy; it perfectly creates a feeling of comfort, lifts your mood and helps relieve stress. Chocolate invigorates and improves performance; chocolate is a precious source of energy and well-being. It perfectly restores strength. And for those who are worried about their teeth, scientists reassure: chocolate does not destroy teeth, as is commonly believed. It contains substances that prevent bacteria from multiplying in the oral cavity and destroying tooth enamel. However, you need to know when to stop everything. Therefore, from time to time you simply need to treat yourself to your favorite chocolate. This product will increase your blood glucose levels, resulting in a feeling of satisfaction and energy.

7. Kindness is a source of internal energy

Everything around obeys the law of conservation of energy. If the priority in life is only consumption, then accordingly you will need to give a certain amount of energy for this. And by spoiling, giving energy to others, you can get it in return.
Everything that we give into the world around us comes back to us, both good and evil. And it is much wiser to give only good things into this world, because you can get much more back. But here it is important to understand one thing: the exchange of energies (giving energy to the world and receiving it back) is possible only with a sincere attitude. You cannot give and receive something without doing it sincerely.
If you want to receive a lot of energy, learn to be kind, live in kindness, do good deeds. Kindness is a source of internal energy; it fills us very well with positivity and internal energy. She, like a magnet, begins to attract all the good things into our lives. After all, everyone knows that after selflessly helping others, one then feels uplifted and a surge of energy. If you are looking for saturation with internal energy, then here you go main advice- do good deeds. If you don’t know what to do, choose the kindest one from all the options. Good always comes back to you! And this happens exactly at the moment when you especially need it.
We hope our advice will help you find a source of replenishment and increase of internal energy. And if you have your own effective methods, then you can share them with others in the comments

Work, study, constant communication with many people - all this makes us restless, drains energy from us, the reserves of which must be constantly replenished, otherwise by the end of the day you will not even look like a squeezed lemon, it will be something worse. Most often we rely on caffeine when we need a boost, but... How to get an energy boost without caffeine, because in addition to several cups of coffee or tea, we can get headaches, blood pressure problems, mood swings or other unpleasant effects. The good news is that there are many other ways to tone up. We'll talk about them below.

1. High Protein Snacks
Do you regularly feel sleepy? During the day, you need to snack on snacks that are rich in protein. Eat, for example, a slice of apple with peanut butter, a piece of bread with cottage cheese, a handful of almonds or dried fruits. Well, if you need to cheer up very quickly, then a protein shake will help. It can be found in the fitness club.

2. More vitamin B
Signs of vitamin B deficiency: frequent mood swings, poor concentration, anxiety, depression. If you constantly feel tired, then you need to think about replenishing your reserves of this valuable vitamin. You can find many foods high in it (beans, fish, nuts, whole grains, eggs) or drink vitamin complexes, which are best taken in the morning with meals for good results.

3. A little training
When you are tired, the last thing you want is once again stir. However, it has long been known that a little exercise can give you a boost of energy for the rest of the day. You don't need to torture yourself on the treadmill for an hour; a short jog around the block will do. Lack of motivation at all? As always, good music on headphones can help. By the way, we recently compiled a special selection for running. Well, if you don’t want to get out of your home or office at all, then do 25 squat jumps.

4. Cold shower
A hot shower is soothing and relaxing. But if your goal is vigor, then the water should be made colder. Cold water tones the body and speeds up blood circulation. You can start with a hot shower and finish with a 5-minute douse of cold water. If you shudder at the thought of a cold shower, then you can splash ice water on your face at least a couple of times.

5. Eat less, but more often
Changing your eating habits can significantly increase your energy levels. If you eat less and more often, you will get a steady flow of calories. Heavy meals will make you feel sleepy, while small meals will give you energy. And try to avoid sugary drinks, especially those containing caffeine. You will get a sudden boost in energy, but after a while you will feel even worse.

7. Try going to bed 20 minutes earlier
Many people have already gotten into the habit of putting off urgent matters until late at night. As a result, you go to bed later and later. 4 hours of sleep is not enough for a normal body; you will be tired and nervous during the day. Try to turn the situation around, firstly, trying to have time to do urgent things during the day, and secondly, start going to bed every day 20-30 minutes earlier than the previous one. After some time, you will develop the correct and suitable regime for you.

8. Take a walk
A walk in the fresh air has almost the same effect on the body as a short workout. If you walk in winter, you will be additionally invigorated by the frosty air. Worried you'll get bored? Grab your camera and take some beautiful pictures. Or you can walk one extra stop instead of jumping on the bus straight away (you can also leave the car away from work). A walk will help you reboot your brain and relieve the fatigue that appears after several hours spent at your desk. So the next time you feel like you need a break, take a walk!

9. Massage or reflexology
Reflexology is the impact on certain points on the arms and legs that are associated with various internal organs and body parts. For example, the top thumb The arm is connected to the pituitary gland. A general massage will refresh you and invigorate you, but reflexology will do even more - it will make the right organs work more actively. During a break, massage your hands and feet yourself (if possible). This way you stimulate the work of all organs and give yourself energy for the rest of the day. We recently wrote an article in which we talked about what specific points are on the feet.

10. Talk
Chat with someone, maybe even via chat or phone. A few minutes of conversation on abstract topics will increase your level of attention and productivity. Colleagues too busy? But your mother is probably ready to discuss the latest family news with you.

“The higher your energy level, the more efficiently your body works. The more efficiently your body works, the better you feel and use your skills to achieve best result" - Anthony Robbins.

Given the frantic rhythm modern world, most of us experience sleepiness during the day at work or school. Most often we are looking for quick ways cheer up. Unfortunately, many people choose unnatural and unhealthy ways to gain energy, such as energy drinks, caffeinated drinks or pills. They do their job and instantly charge you with energy, but at the same time they negatively affect your health.

Once you become familiar with healthier and safer ways to boost your energy, you will eventually be able to give up coffee and other artificial stimulants.

Here are 44 Natural Ways to Get an Energy Boost

1. Every 30 minutes, take a break and move a little.

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to serious health problems, so periodically take a break from work and walk around the office. Even 5-minute breaks will have a positive effect if taken every half hour.

2. Go outdoors

What wakes you up in the morning? Most people's answer will be an alarm clock, but sunlight actually has a greater impact on how you wake up in the morning. Nature is one of the most natural ways to recharge your energy and at the same time the most accessible.

3. Eat fruit

Fruits contain fructose, a type of sugar that immediately enters cells and is converted into glucose, which gives the body energy. When you start eating more fruits, you will naturally feel more energetic. Coffee has also been shown to be more effective at helping you wake up in the morning than caffeine.

4. Increase your magnesium levels

A magnesium deficiency means your body will have a harder time doing its job and your oxygen levels will drop at the same time. To maintain optimal magnesium levels in your body, eat more spinach, nuts and legumes. Thanks to the high magnesium content, you will feel more energy and it will be easier for your body to cope with daily tasks.

5. Take a nap

While naps don't get a lot of attention in American culture, other countries like Spain make siesta part of their daily routine. One study found that people who took regular naps noticed improvements in their overall health and productivity at work. Napping during the day will help you regain your strength and get a second wind if you feel tired or can't concentrate.

6. Never skip breakfast

Some scientists claim that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, which gives a person a boost of energy to start their day on the right note. Even if you are a little late, at least prepare yourself a quick smoothie that you can drink on the way to work or already at your workplace. Fresh fruit for breakfast will give you energy for the whole day, and will also help get rid of drowsiness during the day.

7. Exercise at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week

A sedentary lifestyle can cause serious illnesses and also makes a person apathetic and unhappy. Try to do exercises of any difficulty for at least half an hour, 5 days a week. This will help you become more energetic and improve your mental and physical health.

8. Keep yourself busy

When a person has a lot of free time, he quickly becomes bored, begins to think too much and overwhelms himself. His consciousness seems to be shrouded in fog and he begins to experience stress and exhaustion. To combat these feelings, find something to do and give it your full attention to clear your mind and perform at your peak every day.

9. Get enough sleep

Most people need to drink coffee or an energy drink in the morning to stay awake (in most cases this is due to lack of sleep). If you want to be energized every day, make sure your brain, body and soul are properly rested. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

10. Limit your use of gadgets

Research shows that excessive use of gadgets can disrupt a person's circadian rhythm and affect melatonin production, which in turn can lead to insomnia or even depression. Limiting your use of gadgets can be difficult these days, especially if your line of work requires constant use of a computer, but try to at least put your phone aside at least an hour before bed. This way you will sleep better and therefore be more alert the next day.

11. Meditate

Meditation, one of the most effective ways get a natural boost of energy, there are also a number of other benefits. Meditation can literally change our DNA and affect our brain chemistry. If you've noticed that you've been feeling constantly tired lately, try meditating for at least 10 minutes every day. After each session, you will immediately feel a positive effect on yourself, as well as a sense of calm and clarity of mind.

12. Drink enough water

If you drink enough water, you can avoid dehydration, which is usually accompanied by weakness. The human body consists of 60% water, so we must replenish its reserves as often as possible.

13. Avoid artificial stimulants such as caffeine

Over time, caffeine can affect your sleep patterns, which in turn can lead to exhaustion. Drinking caffeine-containing drinks even 6 hours before bedtime can significantly impair sleep quality. By avoiding caffeine, you can sleep better and feel more alert.
Believe it or not, eating an apple can give you an energy boost naturally.

14. Wash your face with cool water

By washing your face with cool water, you can instantly refresh and invigorate. Try this method the next time you feel sleepy.

15. Stand up and stretch

If you spend the whole day at a desk, you may feel tired just because you've been at work for too long. sitting position. Relax your muscles or joints with quick stretching or yoga. Yoga, in turn, stimulates the circulatory system and awakens the nervous system, energizing your body.

16. Find your passion in life

Very often, people get stuck in a routine when they live a life devoid of passion. If you want to feel energetic, you must do everything to ensure that life gives you inspiration and satisfaction.

17. Hug someone

It's always nice to hug. Hugs help people exchange energy and also give a feeling of comfort and happiness. Hugging others often can increase levels of oxytocin, the happy hormone that reduces stress. You will also feel loved and accepted, which in turn will naturally energize you.

18. Call an old friend

19. Take Vitamin D

If you live in a place where there is a lack of sunlight, try to take vitamins every day. This will help you feel instantly happier, refreshed and give you a natural boost of energy.

20. Help those in need

Feeling low on energy? Learn to give. This will give you a boost of joy because you have made someone else's life happier and feel fulfilled in the process. One of the best ways to restore energy is to give something away, because soon the positive energy will return to you 10 times.

21. Organize your space

If your desk or room is cluttered, your stress levels increase, which in turn saps your energy. Take some time to clean your room. This will help you feel calmer and stay focused.

22. Eat the right snacks

Try eating a handful of nuts and some fresh fruit throughout the day. This will help you maintain normal glucose levels, which in turn means your energy levels will not drop.

23. Write down your goals on a piece of paper.

If you already have a ready-made list of goals, then working towards achieving them will give you joy. It will also help you stay focused and make achieving a goal feel satisfying. Once you realize your full potential, you will realize your true power and gain access to a source of energy like never before.

14. Be grateful

Another way that is guaranteed to give you a boost of energy is to be grateful for everyone and everything in this life. Remember to say thank you for everything and over time you will find more reasons to be grateful.

25. Love

If you've ever hated or felt intense dislike for someone, you've likely noticed how those feelings drain your energy and make you unhappy. If you give love to everyone around you, you will have a huge supply of natural energy and a positive attitude, which in turn will restore your strength.

26. Choose positivity

Of course, there should be at least one positive item on our list. A positive attitude helps you avoid low-frequency thoughts and feelings that drain your energy. No matter what situation you find yourself in, try to stay positive. You'll thank yourself for it later when you feel energized.

27. Connect with close friends

Having people in your life that you can trust and share the joyful moments of life with gives you a sense of love and belonging and energizes you.

28. Avoid processed foods

Modified and chemical foods tend to be low in nutrients and high in calories. Choose natural and organic foods whenever possible to get the most out of your meals and boost your energy.

29. Use natural light

Artificial LED and fluorescent lighting can interfere with our natural sleep cycle and cause insomnia. Try to turn off all sources of artificial light and open the blinds to let in daylight. Our body responds better to sunlight because it contains vitamin D, which it needs to function properly.

30. Give those things you no longer use to those in need.

If you want to get rid of clutter and help those in need at the same time, try going through your old things and deciding what you need and what can be donated to charity. By getting rid of unnecessary things, you will not only organize your space, but you will also feel energized because you know that you did a good deed.

31. Change your route to work

New experiences are always beneficial, so changing your usual route to work or school will give you a boost of energy and feel like you're going to a completely new place.

32. Tell a funny story to your colleagues

You have nothing to lose by sharing. funny story with your colleagues, plus it will help liven up the atmosphere in the workplace. If your workday seems dull and you feel like you're losing energy, try mentioning something funny that happened to you recently. Your colleagues will appreciate it.

33. Avoid negative films and programs

Negative messages in television shows or movies can negatively impact your outlook and dampen your mood. Try to fill your life with positive images and thoughts, and avoid heavy TV shows and films that promote fear and cruelty.

34. Keep a diary

Every evening, write down in your journal your thoughts about the day or anything else that comes to mind. By expressing your feelings, you can release what you've been holding inside and thus save your energy for something more important.

35. Garden or get houseplants

Another opportunity to get closer to nature is to start growing your own food or planting beautiful flowers. This will help you connect with the earth and also do something positive. Many people advocate for a cleaner planet and prefer to save money by growing their own food. Moreover, they feel satisfaction knowing that their food comes from ingredients grown in their backyard.

36. Do a headstand

If you succeed, try looking at the world upside down for a few minutes. The rush of blood to your head will saturate it with oxygen and also give you a boost of energy.

37. Try adding natural supplements to your diet.

Certain herbs, known as adaptogens, can calm you down and make you more resilient, which in turn keeps you energized. Eleutherococcus is one of the most popular and effective toning supplements.

Most of us love to watch funny films, of which there are a huge variety. If you're in a bad mood, turn on your favorite comedy. This will remind you that you shouldn’t take everything to heart and will give you positive emotions.

39. See your family

If you haven't visited your family in a while, try to do so as soon as you can. As they say: visiting is good, but home is better. Family will remind you of what is important in this life and give you their support, and this is just what the doctor ordered.

40. Listen to energetic music

If possible, play upbeat music. It will stimulate your brain and give you the energy boost you need.

41. Avoid energy vampires

This includes those people who constantly complain and find something bad in every situation. If you want to preserve your energy, try to avoid these types of people. They'll take everything from you positive energy, I leave one negative if you are not vigilant enough.

42. Exercise before work

Being active every day will boost your energy levels, but exercising before work is on a whole other level. Getting a good sweat before a long day of work or school prepares your brain to better cope with challenges and respond to negativity.

43. Make your life easier

Most of us have quite complex lives, filled with a lot of obligations. Try to stop doing things that you don't consider particularly necessary. This way you will free up your time and life for those activities that will bring you joy.

44. Practice positive affirmations

When you wake up in the morning, think about what you love about yourself and your life, and remind yourself of what a beautiful universe you live in. Tell yourself something like “I am amazing and I can achieve anything I set my mind to.” This will give you strength and also give you a boost of energy at the very beginning of the day.

Do you take a long time to wake up in the morning and feel lethargic? There is a method that will quickly put you on your feet and give you a boost of energy for the whole day!

This simple exercise will give you an instant boost of energy.!

Prepare any sufficiently large container - you can use a basin or bathtub, it is better if the container is plastic so as not to damage the enamel.

Add aquarium soil or sea ​​stones(can be found in pet stores). Then fill the stones or soil with cold water until it completely covers the rock bottom.

Now stand in the container with both feet, the water should reach your ankles. On the first day, take 7-8 steps on the spot.

Add one or two steps every day. Take your time, you need your body to get used to this procedure. Gradually increase the number of steps to 108.

Do this procedure every day after you get out of bed, and you will be amazed at how much more alert and energetic you will become.

Why is this exercise so effective?

There are a huge number of biologically active points on the feet that are connected to all our organs. This massage engages all systems and tones the body. This exercise has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and will give you an instant boost of energy.

And one more secret! Mantra of success!

During this morning energization, repeat silently (or out loud) the following mantra¹ for success, wealth and good fortune:


This mantra to the goddess Lakshmi² will attract positive events into your life and help you set yourself up for success.

You need to pronounce this mantra 108 times (this is exactly how many steps you will take when you get used to the morning exercise).


The success mantra to Goddess Lakshmi can be repeated throughout the day to enhance the attraction of positive changes. The most favorable time for pronouncing the mantra is from three o'clock eleven minutes in the afternoon to four o'clock ten minutes in the afternoon. At this time, you can repeat the mantra only 37 times.

It is believed that with the help of this mantra you will very soon attract wealth and success into your life, become happier and feel healthier.

Is this the path you have chosen for yourself? Are you moving in the right direction now? To find out, request your free brief personalized life purpose assessment. Follow the link directly