How to light a candle for a baby? Which candles should I use for a specific occasion? How to light a candle for a child? Useful recommendations for parents How to correctly insert suppositories rectally into a baby

No baby likes to take medicine. Tablets, especially if they are bitter, instantly disgust children. When a child is prescribed several types of drugs at the same time, the parents experience a slight shock. The only saving grace is that today a large number of drugs are available in the form of suppositories (candles).

  1. Before you light a candle for your baby, try to inspire his trust. Play with your baby and establish contact. It is best that during this manipulation someone helps the mother (father, grandmother, grandfather).
  2. Before you put infant, it is necessary that it warms up to room temperature. To make this happen faster, you can put it in warm water or warm it up a little in your hands without removing it from the package.
  3. After the suppository has warmed up, immediately before manipulation, the mother needs to thoroughly wash her hands and only then remove it from the package.
How to light a candle?

In order to properly place a candle for a baby from or another problem, lay it on its back, and taking both legs, lift them up, as if pressing against the tummy. Right hand quickly, with a confident movement, insert the candle with its pointed end into the rectum.

Older children are usually laid on their side, legs bent at the knees and pressed to the stomach.

After carrying out such manipulation, it is necessary that the child lies down for at least 5 minutes. Otherwise, the candle may come out due to the reflex contraction of the rectal sphincter. It would be ideal if the child lies down for 30 minutes after the manipulation. In practice, this is almost impossible to achieve.

Thus, putting candles on babies is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow the sequence, and perform the actions in the order described above.

Babies are very sensitive not only to changes in the outside world, completely new and unknown to them, but also to changes in their own bodies. When transitioning from consuming mother's breast milk to purchased mixtures in newborns, there may be digestive problems and colic in the abdomen. With a normal digestion process, children under three months of age can defecate two to four times a day, and children under one year old can defecate one to two times a day.

If your child has long delays in bowel movements, this may indicate constipation, accompanied by pain due to the constant formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract. Parents often encounter this problem with infants, because the system responsible for processing and removing food from the body has not yet been fully formed in the baby.

Causes of constipation in a child

Infectious diseases or the process of growth of baby teeth, characterized by inflammation in the oral cavity, can also provoke constipation in a baby. There are also other causes of impaired peristalsis in infants:

What suppositories are prescribed for newborns?

Gentle and most in an effective way To ensure the timely process of defecation of the child is the anal administration of glycerin suppositories. To determine the suppositories that are most suitable for your child, you need to contact a pediatrician who will examine the baby and prescribe medication. To treat constipation, glycerin suppositories can be used from three months of age. The drug has an irritating effect on the rectum and provokes the onset of defecation.

It is believed that the active substance of these suppositories, glycerol, does not spread through the child’s gastrointestinal tract and does not enter the body, which means it does not cause addiction or allergies.

To eliminate constipation in infants, it is necessary to use special baby glycerin suppositories in a volume of one and a half grams. If the baby has inflammation of the rectum or anal fissure, the introduction of suppositories is contraindicated. When introducing too large quantity The drug may cause itching and discomfort in the anus. To get rid of the burning sensation, you need to introduce a small amount of warm sunflower or olive oil into the baby's anus.

How to light a candle for a baby

Many parents, especially if this is the first baby in the family, have a logical question about how to properly administer the suppository to their child. To ensure the process goes through with the least discomfort, parents need to follow the following steps:

The task of parents is to make the unpleasant process of introducing suppositories as unnoticed as possible for the baby. After all, suppositories help to cope with more unpleasant sensations during intestinal obstruction.

There are suppositories that also help reduce fever. If you learn how to place candles correctly, it will make life much easier for you and your child.

Every parent has situations when they need to do something, help their child, and most often this help should be of a medical nature. That is, the baby needs to be given certain medications to alleviate this or that condition. Let's talk about glycerin suppositories, which are extremely relevant for newborns.

Pediatricians call glycerin suppositories a kind of real salvation for parents and their children, but only if the parents know how to correctly insert suppositories into their children.

Candles for diseases

Suppositories are used for various diseases, ranging from constipation (glycerin suppositories) to suppositories for fever and pain. As a rule, parents are not always able to light a candle for their child the first time. This requires some practice. Moreover, you will have to practice on your own child. Below is a small instruction - how exactly to light a candle for a child?

Answers on questions

  • When should glycerin suppositories be given to a child?

The mistake of most parents is that they give glycerin suppositories to their child in cases where he cannot go to the toilet or is constipated. But! It is best to put a candle on your baby after he has pooped. In the first case, there will be no effect from the suppository - it will simply come out with the feces (some of which will remain in the rectum). In the second case, the child will be able to completely empty the rectum in the next act of defecation.

  • Where and how are glycerin suppositories stored?

Glycerin suppositories should be stored on the refrigerator door. Before using the candle, take it out, cool it a little (it will take about 5-10 minutes) and then insert it into the baby’s anus.

  • How to painlessly administer a suppository to a child? Is there any way to distract him?

During the introduction of the candle, try to talk with the child. Otherwise, turn on the baby cartoon or your favorite tune. This way, the child will be distracted and will not prevent you from administering the suppository.

Preparatory activities

It is convenient to carry out such manipulations (introduce glycerin suppositories) on a hard surface. To do this, use a changing table or a bed (if you feel comfortable caring for your baby on it).

Before entering glycerin suppository child, be sure to wash your hands with soap. Prepare candles (take them out of the refrigerator first and cool them), wet wipes, baby oil or cream, and distracting rattle toys for your baby.

What and how to do?

So, place your baby on his back. With your free hand, grab it by the heels and lift it up. You must first have a glycerin suppository prepared. With a quick, precise movement, insert the suppository into the baby's anus approximately 2 cm.

The deeper you insert the glycerin suppository into the anus, the more effectively the medicine will “work.”

Otherwise, if the glycerin suppository is insufficiently introduced into the anus, it (the suppository) will fall out and no therapeutic effect will be provided.

Parents need to ensure that the glycerin suppository does not come out of the anus immediately after inserting it into it. To avoid this, you need to insert the suppository deeply, and then firmly squeeze the child’s buttocks for 5-1-0 minutes. After such procedures, the baby’s anus should be lubricated with baby oil or cream.

Before using glycerin suppositories, be sure to consult with your pediatrician.

Indications for the use of suppositories

Suppositories are a very effective medicine that helps get rid of fever in a child (for example, Viburkol suppositories) or glycerin suppositories that eliminate constipation in babies and help fight constipation and colic.

Glycerin suppositories are very cheap, so it is not difficult to purchase them for your home medicine cabinet.

Candles for constipation

Constipation is quite common in newborns. By constipation we mean the physiological retention of stool for 1-2 days. Moreover, the normal number of bowel movements for a child from birth to 3 months is from 2 to 4 per day; for babies 12 months old, 1 to 2 times a day is acceptable.

Constipation causes small child suffering - he cries, screams. Due to constipation, gases accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, making defecation very difficult and extremely painful.

Constipation is most common in children under one year of age.

The cause of constipation in children under one year of age is an incompletely formed gastrointestinal tract. In children at this age, the process of digesting food, absorbing it into the stomach and then removing toxic substances from the body is disrupted (or rather not formed).

Causes of constipation

Before giving your baby a glycerin suppository, you should find out the main causes of constipation in your child. You won’t constantly put a glycerin suppository on your child to make him poop, will you?

So, the most common causes of constipation in children:

  • Switching from breast milk to formula;
  • Baby's first teeth;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Lack of fiber in the main diet;
  • Early introduction of complementary foods to the child;
  • Poor nutrition, insufficient for the functioning of the child’s gastrointestinal tract and his life in general;
  • High temperature outside (in hot weather, bowel movements may be disrupted for 3 days);
  • Low mobility of the child;
  • Premature birth, premature baby;
  • Deficiency in body weight of the child, both at birth and in the first months of life;
  • Lactose intolerance;
  • Rickets.

Pediatricians strongly do not recommend making it a rule to solve the problem of constipation in a child with the help of laxatives, one of which is glycerin suppositories. The best place to start is by changing your diet. For example, switch from regular formula to fermented milk and introduce juices, vegetable/fruit purees into the diet (from 4-6 months).

When the need to light a candle for a baby first arises, parents begin to get nervous, worrying about the baby’s condition. Will it hurt him, how to insert it correctly, is it harmless - these and other questions haunt moms and dads. But in fact, everything is much simpler, it is important to follow some rules for using candles for infants and then nothing will threaten the baby’s health.

Rules for using candles

Regardless of what ailment (fever, constipation) suppositories are used to combat, it is important to follow the rules. Make the procedure more comfortable, safer and more efficient compliance with basic requirements on the use of candles:

  • Candles must be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise they will melt and cannot be used.
  • You need to remove the candle from the package right before the procedure. You should not do this in advance, because germs can get on it.
  • Hands must be washed with soap and dry before the procedure.
  • It is recommended to use candles after consulting a doctor.

Candles for constipation

If the baby’s stools are abnormal, the stool becomes less frequent and the stool is coarser, but the child continues to go to the toilet on his own, you should not use heavy artillery. It is preferable to use fennel-based teas, products that promote bowel movements.

If the baby hasn’t pooped for 2-3 days, it’s time to use candles. They should be used not for prevention, but for the treatment of a specific problem. Don't get carried away with this kind of thing. so that the intestines don’t get used to it to outside help. An overdose may lead to difficulties with bowel movements in the future, and then the baby will no longer be able to poop independently without laxatives.

Suppositories for temperature

A baby's temperature below 38 degrees is not a reason to worry. The only task of parents is to create comfortable conditions for the child: moist and cool air, plenty of fluids, dry clothes. It is necessary to allow the immune system to fight the virus on its own. If the temperature has exceeded 38 degrees, you can use candles.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to cheer up and distract the baby. You cannot light a candle for a screaming, tense child. In this case, with each new attempt, the baby will fall into hysterics, which will make it difficult to insert the candle and facilitate its exit back.

A child in good mood, most likely, will not even notice that a candle has been lit for him, the main thing is to do everything quickly and carefully.

  • We put the baby on his back and distract him with toys, songs, and conversations.
  • Raise your legs and press them to your stomach.
  • For convenience, you can lubricate the anus baby cream, this will make the process easier.
  • Remove the candle with clean hands and lightly pinch the sharp edge with two fingers. This way we heat it up, it becomes soft and the insertion process becomes easier.
  • We insert the candle into the anus quickly and carefully. When it disappears, we lightly squeeze the baby’s butt with our hands and hold it for a while to prevent it from slipping back. At this stage, it is also important to keep your baby happy so that he is relaxed and does not fidget.
  • After a few minutes, if the child is not fussy, we dress him.

Video instructions: how to put candles on a baby?

How often can you use glycerin suppositories?

Glycerin-based suppositories can be placed on a baby no more than once every three days, no more than one piece. Increase the dosage only after consulting a doctor. If the first suppository provoked bowel movement, there is no need to continue treatment.

Sea buckthorn suppositories and Glycelax, no more than one suppository per day, will also help with constipation.

Suppositories Nurofen for babies

The course of treatment with Nurofen suppositories as an antipyretic is 3 days (for pain relief - 5). Babies are allowed to use 1 candle 3-4 times a day. The interval between procedures is at least 6 hours.

At the first signs of normalization of temperature or drop below 38 degrees, you should stop treatment with them.
Often heat in infants accompanied by diarrhea. In this case the use of candles is inappropriate, since it will only provoke another bowel movement and will be released along with the feces. Also, candles Vibrukol, Efferalgan, Cefekod will help with temperature.

What to do if allergies, itching or irritation appear after using candles?

If, after inserting the suppository, the baby begins to cry and does not stop for a long time, he may be bothered by a burning sensation in the anus caused by the suppository. Or after a few days you notice red spots on the baby’s body - an allergy.

In these cases, rectal treatment must be stopped and seek medical help. As a rule, experts prescribe Suparstin in a dosage appropriate for the child’s age.

Sometimes, using candles for infants is not only the only, but also the most effective option. Do not refuse such treatment for fear of harming the child. It is necessary to observe the expiration dates of medications, wash your hands before each procedure, and distract the child with conversations. You need to use candles to solve the problem, and not for prevention.

LLC Feron

Viruses influenza and SARS many - more than 300 species, and the manifestations of the disease are very similar. It is often difficult even for a doctor to determine which specific virus is currently “working” in your body. VIFERON has a wide spectrum of antiviral activity, therefore it is a universal remedy for the treatment of influenza and colds. It is known that the virus, once it enters the body, begins to multiply rapidly, so the speed of action of the drug is no less important than its composition. Thanks to the convenient form of release - suppositories (suppositories), VIFERON acts quickly and carefully, it is easy to give even to the smallest patients. The multiplicity of reception - 1 time in 12 hours - is comfortable for children and for parents.

Suppositories are one of the forms of release medicines. Outwardly, they resemble candles, which is why many people call them that. Syrups, drops, suppositories, tablets - which form of the drug to choose for treating a child? It happens that the tablet is difficult to swallow, especially for young patients; Older children may not like the taste of the syrup. And given that children do not like treatment in general, taking the right medication often becomes a big problem for parents. A possible way out of this situation may be the use of medications in the form of rectal suppositories. Let's talk in more detail about this form using the example of the drug VIFERON Suppositories.

Benefits of candles (suppositories)

Action speed

When a child gets sick, the virus begins to multiply rapidly in the body, so it is necessary to begin treatment as quickly as possible. The speed of action of suppositories is determined by the method of their administration. The rectum has a dense network of blood vessels, through which the drug is quickly absorbed into the blood. In addition, rectal administration of the drug VIFERON ensures longer circulation of interferon in the blood compared to intramuscular or intravenous administration of interferon. This occurs due to the introduction of a complex of highly active antioxidants (vitamins C and E) into the drug.

Gentle impact

Thanks to the rectal route of administration, the liver and stomach do not experience additional stress, which is very important for young children and people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, including gastritis. This is also important for older people taking several medications in pill form at the same time.
Suppositories do not contain dyes or sweeteners, unlike syrups and other oral medications. Therefore, their use helps to minimize the risk of allergic reactions.
The drug VIFERON Suppositories acts carefully - it is allowed for children from the first days of life and for expectant mothers from the 14th week of pregnancy.

Easy to use

The original formula VIFERON

How to put a candle on a child rectally?

Your child, if he has already grown up and wants to delve into everything himself, needs to understand what is happening during the treatment process. Then, without fear, he will begin to perform all the necessary manipulations with you. And you, too, will feel calm and comfortable.

If the child does not allow you to light a candle, think about how to game form explain to the child the need for treatment. We will give some tips, but remember that your creativity and imagination also play an important role.


Wash your hands. Show your baby the candle without removing it from the package. Lay him on his left side: let the lower leg remain straight, and the upper leg be tucked towards the stomach. The left side is a classic medical recommendation. If the baby is more comfortable in another position - on the right side or on the back - do what is more comfortable for him.


Imagine with your baby. For example, call a candle a “health rocket.” The rocket flies quickly and delivers useful substances that help to recover and fight colds that cause a child to have a runny nose, cough and fever. Remove the candle from the packaging (open by gently pulling the top edges).


With one hand, lift the upper buttock, and with the other, insert the suppository beyond the muscle sphincter. Continue the story about how the rocket flies quickly and attacks viruses. Use your imagination with your child; together you can come up with a lot of fun games.


Squeeze your baby's buttocks and hold them squeezed for about 10 seconds. Explain that this is necessary for the rocket to reach its target safely.


After administering the suppository, the child needs to lie quietly for 2–3 minutes. This time is enough for the candle to dissolve. Sit next to your baby and entertain him while continuing the story about the journey of a rocket bravely fighting viruses.


"Health Rocket"

The rocket carries useful substances on board. They get into the tummy and help to quickly remove fever, runny nose and cough.

"Magic Fish"

Tell us about the magical fairy who found out about your baby’s illness and sent a magic fish to help. The fish fiercely fights viruses and helps the baby not get sick.

"Captain Keith"

A brave whale that swims fast as lightning and fearlessly fights viruses.


The brave crew has already jumped on board and is rapidly sailing towards new victories. At the same time, viruses try to hide, but they cannot escape. The team that fights for the child’s health contains only real heroes and sharp shooters.

We hope these tips help you and your baby!
Be healthy!

Video instruction “How to light a candle for a child”

Read the instructions using the example of the drug VIFERON. For children, the release form of the candle has a convenient frequency of administration - 2 times a day, as well as a number of advantages that will be outlined in the video.


How long do you need to lie down after administering the suppository, and how quickly does the body absorb the medicine?

You don't need to lie down for a long time. On average, it is advisable for a child to be at rest for 2–3 minutes, no more.

The rate of absorption largely depends on the base of the suppository itself. Different drugs have different base substances, all of them are indicated in the instructions for use. Each base (solid fat, shortening, cocoa butter) has its own melting point. It determines how quickly the suppository will melt/dissolve in the rectum. Cocoa butter, which is part of VIFERON candles, turns from a solid state into a liquid substance at a temperature of 35–37 degrees. Thanks to this, VIFERON suppositories begin to act immediately, quickly releasing medicinal ingredients.

If the baby, after putting a candle on him, went to the toilet “in a big way”, will the medicinal substance be absorbed?

As mentioned above, the drug VIFERON Suppositories begins to be absorbed immediately after use. If no bowel movement occurs within 2-3 minutes after the administration of the VIFERON suppository, then we can say with confidence that the required dose of the drug has entered the child’s body.

The candle is melting in my hands. What am I doing wrong?

VIFERON candles must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 8 degrees. Typically this temperature corresponds to the temperature of the refrigerator door. Remove the drug package immediately before use. The cooled suppository has a solid consistency and is easy and convenient to administer. After opening the package, immediately administer the suppository. You should not hold it in your hands for a long time, as it melts at a temperature equal to body temperature.