Is it possible to use cosmetics during pregnancy? What cosmetics should not be used during pregnancy Harmful substances in cosmetics during pregnancy

While carrying a child, a woman wants to look attractive more than ever. For this she is ready to put in a lot of effort. But can all products and procedures be used in the situation? What can harm an unborn child? After all, most cosmetics contain not very healthy ingredients. How to protect yourself and your unborn child while remaining a beautiful and sweet “pregnant woman” for photo shoots, which have become so popular lately.

Taking care of your face during pregnancy

During such a crucial period for a woman, when hormones, like a nuclear explosion, are produced by the placenta, pituitary gland and thyroid gland, a woman’s skin type may change. However, there is no need to panic. Only facial skin care needs to be changed. And based on the fact that pregnancy and cosmetics are not enemies, it is worth excluding just safe components contained in beauty products.

Those with dry skin should first of all give up soap in favor of, for example, micellar water. Choose a cream that is moisturizing, but does not contain hormonal components. It is desirable to contain vitamin E and a natural component - aloe vera.

At oily skin, and even more problematic, from purchasing funds It’s better to refuse altogether. Try to switch to folk remedies skin care. Or watch very carefully to ensure that salicylic acid does not appear in the composition. Store-bought products can easily be replaced with masks made from cottage cheese and kefir or carrots and proteins. There are a lot of recipes for tonics, masks, and peelings at home in the public domain. Choose for yourself suitable option won't be difficult.

Taking proper care of your body

The main enemy of all pregnant women is stretch marks. During pregnancy, the skin becomes sensitive and elastic to be able to stretch to accommodate the growing fetus. Sometimes the tissue under the skin fails and ruptures. Rip scars are nothing more than stretch marks.

Based on the above, we can conclude that to prevent stretch marks, the skin needs to be regularly moisturized and fight to maintain its elasticity. Fortunately, there are now plenty of products designed specifically for pregnant women. You can buy and use it without fear for your health and the health of your little one. This needs to be done regularly. It is the systematic care that will allow you to avoid the appearance of “offenders.”

The only disadvantage of purchased products can be considered the cost, which sometimes, due to the promotion of brands, is not entirely justified. Therefore, in case of difficulties in purchasing expensive products, they can be easily replaced with oils. It can be olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, or wheat germ oil. And again, just don’t forget about regular use.

Taking care of your hair

Hair also goes through difficult times during pregnancy. They take on a dull hue, become dry, and begin to break. Just like your skin, your hair needs to be moisturized. And because Due to the risk of swelling, it is not possible to compensate for the lack of moisture by drinking water; you need to act externally. Use shampoos and conditioners made from natural ingredients containing plant substances. It wouldn’t hurt to forget about using hairspray for a certain period of time. If absolutely necessary, replace it with wax or foam. Paints for permanent coloring must be replaced tinted shampoos or tonics, but not without caution. Henna or basma can be an excellent solution for color correction. These are dyes, but natural ones. They are able to minimize the negative effects on the hair and scalp.

Taking care of your nails

Harmful fumes from varnish can be a source of concern for pregnant women. But sagging nails is the very first sign that a woman is unkempt, to which men react extremely negatively. What can you do? Use nail polish remover without acetone. Nails can be given beautiful shape and sand without resorting to varnish. Or choose a formaldehyde-free varnish.


For makeup, try to choose hypoallergenic products. It is advisable to avoid applying foundation, because it can cause clogging of pores. Do not deny yourself eyeshadow and mascara. After all, makeup and pregnancy are not mutually exclusive concepts.


It's no secret that during pregnancy a woman is not very friendly with odors, and sometimes even against them. Even if your favorite perfume causes headaches or seems suffocating, you should not force yourself. In this case, it is better to simply stop using perfume. Regarding deodorants, you can buy talc in stores selling natural cosmetics.

For a woman, pregnancy is the most beautiful stage of life. Every second she feels her baby under her heart, his movements, his heartbeat. Therefore, during this period for expectant mother It is unforgivable to look indecent.

Can pregnant women use cosmetics - video

How long have you been reviewing the cosmetics you are used to using? With the onset of pregnancy, you will have to do this without fail. After all, a bright jar of lotion or cream may contain substances that are potentially dangerous to your baby. Our expert Victoria Klishko will tell you which ingredients in cosmetics pose the greatest danger “in an interesting situation.”

Victoria Klishko

cosmetologist, specialist in hardware techniques at the aesthetic medicine clinic “Premium Aesthetics”

The most important principle of skin care during pregnancy is no experimentation. The skin becomes quite sensitive during this period. So hold off on switching to a new line or brand. And if you do decide to make a change, test the new product on the most sensitive areas of the skin (forearm or neck area) and track your reaction.

Now about the contents - read the label carefully. If you find one of the following in the list of ingredients, put the cosmetic product aside until the baby is born.

Vitamin A (retinol)

As well as its derivatives - retinoids, which in the list of ingredients may be indicated as retinol palmitate, retinaldehyde, adapalene. All these substances have a teratogenic effect, that is, they can provoke fetal development abnormalities. Most often, vitamin A and its derivatives can be found in anti-aging cosmetics. Their concentrations may vary, but doctors are adamant in their opinion: even in small quantities, retinol and retinoids can be dangerous for the unborn baby. An exception may be cosmetics that use retinol from plant extracts. In this case, the packaging must indicate: “Approved for use during pregnancy.”

This substance belongs to beta-hydroxy acids, therefore in the list of ingredients it may be designated as BHA. It can be included in tonics, cleansers and creams. Salicylic acid products are often prescribed to people with problem skin, in particular with various forms acne and seborrhea. Doctors have different opinions about whether products with salicylic acid can be used or not. But on this moment It is reliably known that this substance, like vitamin A, can provoke defects in fetal development.

Of course, you can find an alternative and use products with other acids, in particular alpha hydroxy acids, during pregnancy. These include glycolic and pyruvic (their molecules are small and can penetrate deeper layers of the skin) or lactic and almond (their molecules are large and work on the surface). With the help of products based on these acids you can do chemical peels even during pregnancy. But it is important to remember that the concentration of active substances in them should be in the range from 5 to 15%.

These substances are hidden in cosmetics under very long and difficult to pronounce names: imidazolidinyl urea, DMDM ​​hydantoin, sodium hydroxymethyl glycyanate. They can be found in shampoos and hair conditioners, foam and shower gels, face and body lotions, moisturizers, mascara and nail polishes. Formaldehyde is added to all of the above products as a preservative - they are so active that they can kill almost all known bacteria and fungi. They are introduced into cosmetics not in their pure form, but in the form of certain derivatives, from which formaldehyde molecules are gradually released over time and converted into shampoo or cream. It must be said that these substances themselves are very toxic and have a carcinogenic effect; it is no coincidence that the maximum permissible concentration of formaldehyde in cosmetics cannot exceed 0.1%. Moreover, if the manufacturer does not use a large number of of these preservatives (no more than 0.05%), he has the right not to indicate them in the list of ingredients at all...

For reference: the use of formaldehydes for the production of cosmetics is completely prohibited in Japan and Sweden; in the USA they can only be found in products that are washed off the skin (shampoos, hair conditioners, shower gels). In our country, alas, the use of formaldehyde in cosmetics has not yet been regulated.

Among these substances there are those that can harm the unborn baby. Why? Essential oils are powerful volatile organic compounds made up of more than 200 compounds. They quickly penetrate the blood and have therapeutic properties, that is, they act not locally, but on the entire body as a whole - even if we are talking about a small amount of essential oil in the cream! This is why esters can affect the fetus. It is important to remember this when choosing cosmetics with essential oils. Essential oils containing ketones - sage, rosemary, dill, verbena oils - are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. They have a neurotoxic effect and can cause miscarriage. There are oils that can affect the hormonal system of the woman herself. These include essential oil sage, geranium, sacred vitex.

While expecting a baby, it is better to use lightening cosmetics with other active ingredients, for example, glycosylated hydroquinone, better known as arbutin. You can also include creams with herbal ingredients that have a brightening effect in your daily care. As a rule, each cosmetic company develops its own whitening complex. And be sure to use SPF protection when going outside. For the autumn-winter period, creams with an SPF value of 30 are sufficient.

Any woman, even from a very young age, takes care of her appearance. And this is certainly welcome. Remember the expression: “Beauty is a terrible force!” Just 3 words contain a huge meaning.

Even in ancient times, women could attract any man with their beauty. Currently, cosmetology and cosmetic preparations can not only prolong the youth of the skin, but also turn even the “ugliest” into a real beauty.

At a certain point in life, a girl or woman dreams of a child. And now the long-awaited and joyful event has come for absolutely everyone. Your friends, mother and, of course, doctors at the antenatal clinic will tell you about all the intricacies of pregnancy.

But this article will help you properly care for your skin during 9 months of pregnancy, how to use and apply cosmetics so as not to harm the skin of your face and body, as well as your baby.

Many expectant mothers are afraid to use cosmetics for 9 months, and they are absolutely right. It’s better to forget about conventional means for a few months. Questions arise: what to use and are there cosmetics for pregnant women? Yes, and yes again. Yes, not simple, but natural cosmetics for pregnant women.

On store shelves and online stores you can find different skin care products throughout all months of pregnancy, but how to do right choice and don't make a mistake.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body experiences hormonal changes, which in turn affects the condition of the skin. The skin of the face can change type, for example, if the skin was oily it becomes drier or vice versa. The same applies to the epidermis of the body. But don’t worry, all these changes disappear immediately after childbirth.

Criteria for choosing funds:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • does not contain hormonal or animal ingredients;
  • lack of vitamin A;
  • availability of a hygiene certificate;
  • composition only from organic components.

How to avoid stretch marks?

We all know that the structure of the skin is not elastic. During pregnancy, the fetus grows and puts pressure on the abdomen, causing it to stretch. Stretch marks can be avoided if you take proper care of your body skin. Otherwise, these “horrible” skin breaks will remain with you for life. And no matter what plastic surgeons say, you cannot get rid of them. It is better to prevent this problem - stretch marks. And unique products from Weleda and Mustela manufacturers will help us with this.

Weleda remedy for stretch marks

For more than 90 years, German Weleda cosmetics has been producing only natural cosmetics, developed together with doctors and pharmacists, and undergoing clinical and dermatological studies.

Weleda oil for stretch marks contains only organic matter: almond oil, jojoba oil, arnica flower extract, wheat germ oil, sandalwood, lavender, orange, limonene, citral aromas.

Weleda oil can be used from the first months of pregnancy, and, if possible, applied to areas of the body 2 times a day that are most susceptible to changes (abdomen, buttocks, thighs, chest).

Weleda stretch mark remedy stimulates the production of collagen fibers in the skin, strengthens and nourishes it. Thanks to selected components, the oil maintains body skin tone.

More detailed information and reviews of the Weleda stretch mark remedy can be read below.

Fighting cellulite during pregnancy

During all 9 months of pregnancy, do not forget about the “orange” peel. You can use ordinary cosmetic products for cellulite, just carefully read the composition; it should not contain chemical dyes or fragrances.

Natural breast remedies

The expectant mother's breasts also require special care. The mammary glands increase in volume throughout the 9 months, stretch marks may appear, the Weleda remedy, which we discussed above, will come to your aid. What other dangers lie in wait for the breast? This is itching of the nipples and the appearance of cracks.

Mustela breast care product

Specially developed Mustela cream from French manufacturers can and should be used throughout pregnancy. Mustela cream has been dermatologically tested and does not contain harmful toxins or dyes, only patented ingredients. It maintains skin tone, relieves tension in the mammary glands, moisturizes and nourishes. Mustela cream contains: glycerin, avocado peptides, lupeol, calendula. It has a pleasant light texture and is instantly absorbed upon application. Read reviews from women who have tried mustela.

Foot products

Pregnant women are very prone to swelling of the legs. To prevent this phenomenon, use creams with a cooling effect. They will help relieve swelling and heaviness in the legs.

Don't forget about makeup during pregnancy

Again the question: is it possible to paint? It is possible, but only with modern safe decorative means.

Decorative cosmetics for the face, like any other during pregnancy, must be carefully chosen. Should be paid Special attention for the shelf life of the product and the substances included in its composition.

When choosing face blush or shadow, give preference to those that contain mineral dyes. They do not cause allergies or redness on the skin. Don't wear eyeliner or nail polish. Avoid products that contain lanolin. When purchasing, pay attention to the presence of a certificate, so you will avoid buying a fake.

Instead of lipstick, use lip gloss. For cracked lips, you can use Weleda hygienic lipstick. It is not only 100% natural, but also economical to use. Can be applied at any time of the year.

A pregnant woman herself is very beautiful, an incredible glow emanates from her. You should use face cosmetics as little as possible; try to pay more attention to the skin of your body, and, of course, to your baby.

And finally, love yourself and your future baby, use cosmetics for pregnant women from trusted manufacturers.

4.2 - Ratings: 36

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For every woman, pregnancy is a special period, which is sometimes easy and sometimes difficult. The expectant mother wants to remain attractive to herself and others, but for fear of harming the fetus, she resorts to various self-restraints, which include certain foods, medications, clothing and cosmetics for pregnant women. But while expecting a baby, it is imperative to take care of your skin, because the body’s hormonal levels are disrupted, which leads to a worsening of its condition.

Can pregnant women use cosmetics?

Mental comfort is the main condition for good health during pregnancy. Does a woman feel comfortable without makeup? Especially now, when with the development modern technologies We have developed entire lines of hypoallergenic cosmetics with minimal dyes and no fragrances. In such series, preference is given to natural ingredients without the content of synthetic derivatives.

Cosmetics for stretch marks

Pregnant women are especially concerned about stretch marks, but they already have special means that prevent this problem. If you think about the prevention of stretch marks or stretch marks in advance, this trouble can be easily avoided during pregnancy. All lines for expectant mothers contain cream or oil for stretch marks with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients.

Treatments for stretch marks usually contain retinol, an excellent moisturizer that penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis. Among the components of such cosmetics there are also chitosan, aloe vera and hyaluronic acid. Depending on the manufacturer, anti-stretch mark products consist of different substances that increase skin elasticity, have a drainage effect and promote skin regeneration:

  • avocado, jojoba, shea or cocoa oils;
  • rosehip seeds, soybeans and wheat germ;
  • vitamins A, C, E;
  • amino acids and minerals;
  • collagen;
  • wheat germ extract;
  • seaweed.

The main secret to preventing skin from stretch marks is the regular use of cosmetics. All components must be ingested into the skin daily to achieve desired effect. If you use the cream occasionally, even the most expensive cosmetics for pregnant women will not give any results. Already from the third month of carrying a baby, the expectant mother needs to start using cream for stretch marks so as not to give them a single chance.

For face

During pregnancy, special attention should be paid to the skin of the face. With changes in hormonal levels, the body produces a large amount of estrogens, which contribute to dry skin. For those women who naturally have oily skin, this will only add to their attractiveness, and for those who have problematic or dry facial skin (which, unfortunately, is the majority), they need to take care of it more carefully. Lines for the care of dry skin during pregnancy, which contain moisturizing foams for washing, emollients and sunscreens, will help with this.

Once a week, you need to perform mechanical cleansing of the face using a scrub and a moisturizing mask, which contains aloe vera, sodium hyaluronate and other nourishing and moisturizing agents that increase skin elasticity. It is advisable to take care of your face with homemade exfoliating and cleansing face masks using ground coffee, sour cream, mint or yogurt.

During pregnancy you need to use decorative cosmetics. Gone are the days when a pregnant woman walked around with a pale, unmade-up face and age spots. Doctors do not recommend removing or lightening pigmentation during pregnancy, but no one forbids masking it with high-quality decorative cosmetics.

Review of manufacturers of natural and decorative cosmetics for pregnant women

A pregnant woman should not use all cosmetics so as not to harm her baby. Many cosmetic products contain components that can negatively affect the health of mother and child, so preference should be given to specially developed series. Natural cosmetic for pregnant women from the best manufacturers is no longer considered a luxury, but rather a necessity. Let's look at companies that produce cosmetics specifically for expectant mothers:

  • Chicco

Italian cosmetics chicco have been on the market for a long time and have managed to win millions of fans. Their body care line is designed for pregnant women, therefore it contains wheat and rice bran oils, which provide maximum hydration and elasticity of the epidermis. Cosmetics for pregnant women of this company include a wide range: products for stretch marks, breast care serum, tonic gels for the face, anti-mosquito gels, nourishing creams, shampoos, lotions and much more.

  • Weleda

Cosmetics for pregnant women from the German company weleda are made only from natural ingredients that do not harm the body of the expectant mother. Cosmetologists presented four cosmetic products designed specifically for pregnant women:

  • Oil that improves lactation
  • Oil for ruptures during childbirth
  • Oil for stretch marks
  • Gel-tonic for feet “Venadoron”

This small but effective series gives positive results with daily use.


The maternity series from this English company includes only hypoallergenic products, which are approved by leading European dermatologists and fully meet all requirements. AVENT cosmetics are based on papaya oil, shea butter, seaweed extract, and milk proteins. The range of cosmetics for expectant mothers includes creams for the care of nipples and stretch marks, moisturizing oil for dry skin, and relaxing shower gel.

  • Sanosan

German cosmetics for pregnant women sanosan has earned the title of “impeccable environmentally friendly composition” and received the highest rating from independent European experts. The hypoallergenic series for expectant mothers includes: protective cream with panthenol, baby moisturizing soap, weather cream, stretch mark treatment, Comfort wet wipes.

  • Mustela

The line of French cosmetics Mustela includes a whole series called “9 months”, which includes: nipple care balm, figure restoring gel, foot cream, breast care product, stretch mark oil, body milk.

  • Lierac

Cosmetics from the Korean company Lierak are sold only in pharmacies. It is based on a deep knowledge of histopathophysiology, so the anti-stretch mark product Fitolastil is quickly sold out to expectant mothers. Pregnant women like the results so much that once they try the cream, they are no longer able to refuse it, even without paying attention to the high price.

  • our mother

The Russian company “Our Mama” has released a whole line of products for pregnant women called “mama comfort”, which includes cosmetics:

  • for the chest area
  • for body
  • for hair
  • for the intimate area
  • against stretch marks

All products are developed on the basis of natural ingredients and are equipped with vitamins A, B, E, F. See the photo below for the range of Mama Comfort products.