What is needed for the proper development of a child. Child from birth to one year: stages of development by month. Key points in speech development at this age

This age is called the most capricious and traumatic in the development of children. At 1 year 4 months, your baby is as fickle as the wind in May, so be patient and monitor your baby very closely.

Physiological parameters of a child at 1 year 4 months: weight, height of the baby

  • Height. For boys, the optimal height is considered to be around 78 cm. The average height of girls at this age is slightly more than 80 cm.
  • Weight. Girls of this age weigh on average 10.6 kg, boys a little more - 11.3 kg.
  • Head circumference - 45.6-48.9 cm, chest 47.3-53.1 cm.
  • Teeth . According to generally accepted norms, the upper canines appear this month.

It is believed that fangs are the most difficult to erupt, so stock up on soothing gels, teethers and strong nerves.

What a child can do at 1 and 4: baby skills at 1 year 4 months

Children of this age are full of energy and cheerfulness. It is very important for a child, in addition to the opportunity to jump and run, to satisfy emotional curiosity and sensory thirst. Let the baby explore the world, using all senses, and touches, examines objects by taste and touch.

What can children do at this age?

  1. The child now stands up independently, walks holding onto a support, sits down and turns in different directions.
    Particularly noteworthy is the child’s ability to walk up and down stairs, holding on to an adult’s hand or a railing. In addition, he demonstrates attempts to climb onto chairs, armchairs, and sofas.
    At this age, the risk of injury increases significantly, since the baby’s movements are not coordinated and there is no fear of falling.
    Therefore, do not leave your child unattended, even for a few minutes!
  2. Children begin to hold a spoon quite confidently in their fists and try to eat on their own and drink from a mug.
    Be patient and have bibs. Give your baby the opportunity to eat thick foods on his own - mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, porridge.
  3. The baby can already perform simple actions - raise his arms up, forward, move them behind his back, to the sides, rotate his hands, move his fingers. He can do these actions either independently or at the request of adults.
    In addition, the ability to fulfill adult requests “Show me” is considered mandatory. Bring it. Give."
  4. The child reacts emotionally to different situations: parting with parents, returning from a walk, grandmother's arrival, etc.
  5. Children of this age pronounce 4-10 words , know the names of animals, fruits, vegetables, body parts, and household items.
  6. Perform certain actions with toys , play simple story games: they know how to pour sand into a bucket, they can pour water, feed toys, rock a doll.

What to feed and how to care for your babyat 1 year 4 months: child care and diet

As for hygienic care at this age, it can be noted that there is no need to wash the baby often, since he “goes to the toilet” less often, and some by this time are generally “friendly” with the potty.

Otherwise everything is as usual:

  • daytime sleep - 2-3 hours;
  • Daily walks in the fresh air are required.

At this age, children develop the skill of cleanliness. They begin to wipe their hands themselves; when they get dirty, they may ask to wash them.

It is very important to maintain a daily routine. To overcome the changes occurring with the baby, he needs confidence in the stability of events.

A daily routine gives the child a sense of consistency and calms him down.

You can gradually switch to four meals a day. The fifth feeding in the form of milk or kefir should be reserved for children with poor appetite. But it is not advisable to insist in situations where the child himself shows a tendency to switch to four meals a day.

Approximate serving sizes for each meal

Dishes are still prepared mainly in pureed and chopped form. But gradually, denser foods and more pieces are added to the baby’s diet in order to develop chewing skills.
Children of this age already have their own food preferences - favorite and unfavorite dishes. Listen to your child's wishes, but don't follow his lead.

Menu for a child aged 1 year and 4 months for a week

The suggested dishes can be taken as a basis as a general guide.

It is important to change the baby’s menu so that dishes are not repeated more than twice a week.

Speech and psychology of development of children at 1 year and 4 months: communication and emotions of the baby

At this age, children's speech begins to take on a meaningful form. The baby already knows how to pronounce simple, easy words that relate to a particular situation. For example, seeing a cat, a baby can say “Kitty” and point to the animal.

  • A child's vocabulary at 1 year 4 months fluctuates greatly. For one it may be only 10 words, for another it may be more than 50.
  • Stimulate your baby's speech development by reading poetry out loud, as rhymed lines are easier to understand.
  • Choose brightly illustrated books to read. They help to absorb information not only auditorily, but also visually.
  • While reading, encourage your child to try to say a word by pointing to the picture that the word relates to.

At this stage, the range of emotions expands significantly:

  • kids are happy when they succeed at something and get upset if they fail;
  • try to express agreement or disagreement with facial expressions and gestures;
  • react differently to familiar and unfamiliar people.

A feature of this age is the ability to “get infected” with emotions and feelings - the baby may cry or laugh “for company.” Children:

  • they are surprised by new things and frightened by unexpected actions;
  • easily switch attention from one thing to another.

The difference between boys and girls in behavior and emotional terms is becoming increasingly noticeable. Boys are more self-reliant and independent, less responsive to the emotions of others. Girls are more receptive, cry more often, and like to be held or hugged.

What to do with a 1 year and 4 month old baby: educational activities and games for the child

A child’s games at this age are imitative in nature - they love to repeat after their parents everything they do. Therefore, stock up on toy dishes, a broom, an iron and other similar toys that will help your child feel like an adult.

Properly selected educational games will make your child’s leisure time rich and interesting.

  1. The children are now playing games that develop their skills with great pleasure. fine motor skills, and therefore speech centers. For example, a variety of mosaics with large and bright elements. Also popular are a variety of lacing and bright designs with clingy details.
  2. The simplest, most accessible and exciting game - stringing beads or buttons onto fishing line or safety wire.
  3. Great toys would be pyramids and cups. of different sizes and colors, inserted into each other.
  4. At this age, you can already turn your baby’s attention to more complex educational games: simple labyrinths, figures with inserts, games involving rearranging or pouring out all kinds of objects.

Girls and boys of this age prefer different toys and games.

  • Boys They prefer more active ones, with a ball and cars, but at the same time they spend less time concentrating on any activity.
  • Girls They like to deal more with small objects and story games: cleaning the house, feeding dolls, treating animals.

At this stage, you can start playing educational games to study the world around you: colors, shapes, properties of objects: large - small, soft - hard, smooth - rough, etc.

At this age, children do not realize the need to share toys and do not want to wait even a minute. Psychologists advise in such cases to switch the baby’s attention to another subject or to occupy him with a simple game, for example, entertain him with finger games.

Just do not overdo it with educational games so that the child does not lose cognitive interest.

Just yesterday expectant mother she was interested in questions related to her own proper nutrition, and childbirth seemed unrealistic. After the birth of a baby, new problems arise, including the stages of development of a newborn - one regime of rest and eating is not enough, since babies are able to absorb a minimum amount of information from the first days of life.

The right time to study

Young mothers may not agree to develop a child from 1 month, because the only activity that fascinates him is sleep. Babies sleep up to 18 hours a day, the rest of the time they eat or take water procedures after changing the next diaper. However, it's not that hard to find just a few minutes to play even with a one-month-old baby. It is advisable to engage in development at the moments when the child has eaten, has woken up from sleep and is not capricious.

It is enough to spend about 10-15 minutes playing with a newborn to give an impetus to mental and emotional development. After communication, the baby will probably fall asleep and give the mother the opportunity to pay attention to herself and household chores.

Proper stimulation of natural interest in children 1 month of age will be a good start for the formation of a harmonious personality.


Regular laying on the stomach help strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back and spine, and are an excellent prevention of colic and digestive disorders. The child must be placed on a hard and level surface, carefully holding his head. Not all children like such manipulations, since the exercise requires some effort. You can gently stroke the back, avoiding the spine area, and talk quietly.

At first, the procedure should last no more than 1 minute, then gradually the time increases to 10-15 minutes, but here it is important to monitor the reaction and mood of the newborn. To increase interest in the exercise, it is recommended to use bright toys that will attract the little one’s attention.

Even a newborn needs physical activity - doctors recommend laying him on his stomach and giving him a gentle massage accompanied by stroking

The muscles of the neck and head are strengthened if worn periodically one month old baby on hands, placing it vertically. At the same time, it is necessary to lightly hold the baby’s head, since up to 3 months he is not able to fix it independently.

Pediatricians recommend carrying babies in the first days of life, supporting the buttocks and neck– the baby should sit completely in the adult’s arms, supporting the back of the head with one hand and the buttocks with the other. The arms and legs are in a free position, and the torso can bend slightly.

Tactile sensations

The baby's tactile sensations are best formed through touch, which replace any toys. You can touch various parts of the body: legs, arms, neck, cheeks. Cotton wool, feathers, and fur are used as stimulants - this will allow the child to learn to distinguish gentle touches from soft ones and become familiar with tickling.

In the first month you need hand development classes, for which it is useful to stroke the back of the hand from the wrist to the fingers. After the manipulation, you should place a small rattle or small toys in the child’s fist, offering them one at a time. The rattle should have a short handle, since a long one is difficult for the baby to hold. You can pull fabrics of various textures or a flagellum with knots tied on it through a fist. Do not underestimate such games, because the development of speech directly depends on the motor skills of the fingers.

Visual perception

A newborn's vision does not allow him to focus his gaze on a specific object, and the baby sees the world around him blurry. During play, it is important to lean very closely over the baby so that the adult’s face is at a distance of 30 cm. As soon as it is clear that the child has fixed his face loved one, you can slowly move your head to the right and left, call the baby by name, click your tongue or smack your lips. Such actions will be much more effective than the most expensive toy, as they will help evoke tracking and attention.

In order for the child to better perceive the words, gestures and visual images of the parents, it is advisable not just to stand over the crib, but to lean closer to the baby

Gradually, within 1 month, toys that differ from each other in texture, color and sound should be introduced into use. At this age, the child distinguishes between checks and stripes, black and white shades, yellow and red. There is no point in buying toys of the same type, because you can keep your baby busy communicating with his parents. Among the main acceptable options, experienced mothers identify:

  1. Toys that can be hung above the playpen. It is not necessary to attach a whole carousel at once; one bright detail is enough for the little one to learn to fix his gaze. It is advisable to change toys 2 times a week.
  2. Toys that are attached with an elastic band. A simply hanging object can quickly bore a child, but moving toys will arouse interest. You don’t need any special skills to use this game to entertain your baby: just pull the rubber band and release it.
  3. Toys that can be moved. Here you will need the presence of an adult and the presence of a colored toy, which must be smoothly moved from one end of the arena to the other.

At 1 month, babies look with great interest black and white patterns and pictures: spirals, image of a chessboard.

If you don’t have time to deal with your child’s development every day, you should hang pictures on the wall next to the crib. However, you should not console yourself that the baby develops independently with the same success as when playing with adults. Communication helps the baby quickly get used to the world that is unfamiliar to him.

Auditory perception

In order for a newborn to concentrate hearing, in the first month of life it is necessary sing him lullabies. If you lack vocal abilities, you can play soft classical music or ring a rattle to the left and right of the baby. In fact, the baby does not care at all what songs and how his mother sings - he is simply pleased to hear her voice. Freezing and stopping movements are a sure signal that the child is listening to new sounds.

Speech perception

The most suitable time for exercise is considered to be when the baby is awake after feeding. You need to take him in your arms so that he takes the “embryo” pose and looks into the adult’s face, then you need make "ahu" sounds, imitating the toddler, pausing for 1-2 minutes. It will take several repetitions to get a response from the newborn.

During the “dialogue” it is useful to stroke the baby, stir him up, and bring him closer to your face. If you play while the baby is lying in the crib, you should hang the toys with their faces down so that the baby can see them. During the first days, it is advisable to use large black and white objects, then replacing them with colored ones.

Speech contact with an adult always causes a storm of emotions in a newborn. He pays attention to the speaker, rejoices in communication, smiles and hums. Particular sensitivity is manifested when the dialogue is conducted with a childish manner of speaking. Loving mother To convey all his tenderness, he most often uses lisping techniques when addressing his child. Among the first needs of a toddler, psychologists note:

  • affection;
  • Love;
  • tenderness;
  • care.

It only takes a few days for a strong emotional and sensory connection to be established between mother and baby. You should not listen to the advice of the older generation about the dangers of quickly responding to a baby’s cry. It is important to respond to a cry as quickly as possible so that the baby felt completely protected and safe. A newborn may experience discomfort for various reasons: pain, hunger, wet diapers, full diaper. We should not forget that in the first month of life, the world around us frightens the little one, and we need to provide him with a harmonious atmosphere.

Among the sedative methods used pacifier and rocking in arms, which is also sometimes considered unacceptable, but there is nothing wrong with the baby being able to realize the sucking reflex or plunging into a familiar state when he gently swayed inside his mother’s belly. There is no need to be afraid that an extra touch will spoil the newborn. It is much worse if from the first days the baby feels lonely just because the grandmother forbids the mother to approach the playpen often. When a child is held, the parts of the nervous system associated with the organs of hearing and vision are activated. Direct contact with the mother best stimulates the full development of the baby.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

Having reached the age of 1 year, the child moves from material satisfaction of his needs to intellectual food: the baby is actively developing psychologically and socially. Food and sleep provide his physiological needs, but the entire period of wakefulness is aimed at accumulating and improving mental abilities. Of course, he continues to grow and get stronger in body. The competent upbringing that parents give to the child also plays an important role.

Indicators of physical development

If the child grew and developed normally in the first year of life, then by the age of 1 his weight should increase three times compared to what he weighed at birth. The baby is also gaining height. According to statistics, approximately 25-29 centimeters are added to the initial height with which the baby was born. The brain develops: per year its volume should be 60% of the volume of the adult brain.

Motor skills

The arsenal of motor skills with which children meet their first year after birth allows us to talk about the increased independence of the little man. Many children are already starting to walk by this time. If your baby has not yet walked, do not miss the moment of his first steps. Film an event that takes a child's life to a new level.

At the age of about a year, the baby moves to a fundamentally new stage of development - he begins to master independent steps and becomes less dependent on mom and dad.

Fine motor skills develop:

  • The child takes food with his hands and learns to hold a spoon.
  • Helps his mother leaf through the pages of books that are read to him.

While getting dressed, he hands over his arms and legs. Recognizes the purpose of household items, knows what a comb, broom or telephone is for. Tries to repeat adults’ manipulations with these objects. The movements may be awkward, but they are clearly conscious. It is still far from the moment when your child will completely get rid of parental care, but without you he will not achieve independence.

Features of development

After the child turns one year old, the frequency of visits to the pediatrician is reduced - as a rule, preventive examinations are carried out once every 3 months (see also:). This regulation is related to the individual developmental characteristics of each child. Psychology often comes out on top for negative results. This happens due to the inexperience of the young mother, who was unable to develop a sense of tolerance for the whims of the baby. Deviations from established norms may also occur in premature infants. From 1 to 2 years old they are slightly behind physically and intellectually, but, as a rule, after 2 years they quickly catch up with their peers in all areas.

The character of the child, the parents’ contribution to activities with the child, the psychological and social situation adjust progress in one direction or another. If a mother wants her child to develop faster than others, she must be a patient teacher - thoughtful, responsible, rational.

Calendar periods

By observing her child, it will be easier for mommy to determine the degree of his development if he divides the entire period from one to two years into calendar periods. Our improvised calendar is tied to the frequency of visits to the pediatrician: this means that when going to see a doctor, you will have an idea of ​​what nuances in the baby’s behavior the doctor pays attention to. In addition, you will be able to independently assess the level of development of your treasure and the correctness of its upbringing. Each item on the calendar is written in ascending order - from a simple action or skill to a complex one.

12-15 months

Here's what a toddler can do:

  • start playing on your own, without prompting from adults;
  • fulfill simple requests - for example, hug your mother;
  • use a fork and spoon;
  • walk up the steps of the stairs;
  • notice funny things and laugh at them;
  • imitate the speech and actions of parents;
  • speak your own language;
  • show with gestures what he wants;
  • clap;
  • in addition to the words “mother”, “father”, “grandfather”, “woman”, pronounce one more word;
  • crawl quickly;
  • walk leaning on furniture;
  • take off socks without any help;
  • take several steps without support;
  • understand simple requests;
  • notice the reaction of parents to his actions;
  • stand confidently;
  • walk holding mom or dad's hand;
  • shake your head when giving a negative answer;
  • drink from a mug;
  • try to “draw” with felt-tip pens and pencils;

You shouldn’t expect artistic masterpieces from a child at this age: now he is just beginning to feel colors and textures. The child should be allowed to create as he wants, giving him freedom of expression
  • help parents put him on, supporting his arms and legs in a comfortable position;
  • bend over to pick up a fallen object;
  • recognize yourself in the mirror and enjoy your reflection;
  • lift heavier objects;
  • when playing a ball, roll it back and forth;
  • reinforce words with gestures to be understood;
  • pull out and put toys in a drawer or box;
  • show your eyes, hands, nose and other parts of the body at the request of an adult;
  • run;
  • indicate a requirement for silence with the “shhh” gesture;
  • "help mom around the house.

15-18 months

  • turn book pages when reading a fairy tale;
  • feel affection for animals and favorite toys;
  • walk confidently;
  • sing and do it with pleasure;
  • hysteria if you are dissatisfied with something;
  • back away;
  • climb on different surfaces, while exploring them;
  • speak up to 15 words with different meanings;
  • take off your socks or panties yourself;
  • sleep once a day after lunch instead of twice;
  • run fast;
  • sort things by size, shape, color (we recommend reading:);
  • while playing, “feed” dolls or soft toys;
  • put words together into phrases;
  • “read” the book independently”, looking at the pictures;
  • confidently handle a spoon and eat with it;
  • brush your teeth under parental supervision;
  • speak more clearly for adults.

A child up to one and a half years old is already able to brush his teeth independently under adult supervision. It is necessary to carefully observe that the baby does not swallow toothpaste

18-21 months

  • speak about 50 words;
  • understand the meaning of about 200 words;
  • make simple sentences from words;
  • take off your clothes yourself;
  • , controlling acts of defecation and urination;
  • wash your face and brush your teeth under the supervision of mom or dad;
  • know and name parts of your body (hands, legs, ears, nose);
  • imitate more adult actions - for example, throwing garbage into a bin;
  • build towers from cubes;
  • give descriptions of simple drawings from books;
  • open and close doors in the house and closets.

21-24 months

  • ask to go to the toilet;
  • quickly learn new words or actions (10 words in one day);
  • repeat everything after other people;
  • collect simple puzzles;
  • draw a straight line;
  • walking down the steps hand in hand with mom;
  • distinguish between cold and hot, many and few, large and small;
  • put on and take off clothes independently;
  • distinguish people by gender (boy-girl, uncle-aunt);
  • jump;
  • understand good and bad (behavior, words).

By the age of two, a child usually learns a very timely and useful skill - asking to go to the toilet, temporarily restraining physiological urges (more details in the article:)

How to submit information?

After a year, the period of active mental maturation of the baby begins. All his actions are a greedy interest in the world around him, in his inner and external device. The easiest way to give him this knowledge is through play. Make a lesson plan for yourself with your child, enter it into it. Your task is to provide your child with competent social and emotional development. During the game, create situations that the child may encounter in real life (we recommend reading:). This method of presenting information is optimal for a 1-2 year old child; he remembers everything better and coordinates his behavior more easily.

Moments related to real life, explain when the child can see their visual embodiment: talk about personal hygiene when you wash your hands with your baby, and about danger on the road when you stand with your baby near speeding cars. Information not supported bright images, is poorly perceived and is not fixed in the consciousness of the baby. Help your little treasure develop correctly.

Developmental disorders

It’s great if the baby fits into the norms of behavior prescribed for his age. Small deviations from the standard may be associated with the individual characteristics of the child, and they, as a rule, do not cause concern among specialists. There are also critical points that are worth paying attention to Special attention. When assessing your child's physical and intellectual abilities, check to see if he has any of the following problems:

  • by 15 months the baby still does not understand the functions of simple household appliances;
  • does not seek to imitate the actions of adults;
  • Having reached the age of 18 months, the baby never learned to walk;
  • at the same age speaks less than 15 words;
  • at 2 years old he cannot form words into a sentence (more details in the article:).

Doctors believe that these deviations are most often associated with insufficient efforts of parents in educating the child. The problem may also be caused by a lack of communication. It depends only on the parents how correctly development will proceed. little man. Give him as much warmth, knowledge and skills as a loving and caring mom and dad can give.

Hello, dear readers! Psychologist-defectologist Irina Ivanova is with you. Today I want to tell you about how to develop a child up to one year old month by month. Recently I had to attend a discussion that unfolded in a company of young modern women.

We were talking about what is now popular. All the mothers spoke with enthusiasm about the achievements of their children. Someone takes them to the studio early development, of which a lot has now been opened. Some people use the method at home, and their children already know the letters by the age of three or four and are almost ready to read books on their own.

There were even adherents of the now half-forgotten, but no less valuable, system of raising the Nikitin family, very popular at the end of the last century. Well, now the only people who don’t use benefits are those who are not interested in anything at all. But... all this concerned children older than one and a half to two years. What about children who are less than a year old? Do they really only need healthy sleep and good nutrition?

One of the participants in the discussion, a girl working in a development center, undertook to enlighten the audience on this matter. children's center psychologist. I want to introduce you to what she told us. Firstly, she gave us the authoritative opinions of many well-known experts in the field of child psychology. It turns out that you should not place unreasonable expectations on artificial stimulation of development.

Each skill will come to the child only when the psyche, brain cells and the entire body rise to a certain level in its development in order to master it. This is a genetically inherent property in humans. After all, you won’t be able to do the splits right away if you’ve never done gymnastics? Even if two chickens are planted on one egg at once, the chicken will still hatch only on the 21st day.

Yes, it is necessary to prepare the basis for new skills and abilities. When the time comes, the grain will fall into the prepared soil, but it is unnecessary to force events too much. As for infants up to one year old, they can and should be developed, but in accordance with the baby’s capabilities.

What to do with an infant

There are no words, it is very important that “the butt is dry” and “the tummy works like a clock,” but we must also remember that every day of a baby’s life is invaluable for its development. Here are some recommendations on how to develop your baby month by month, what to play and do with him.

  • First month

There is no need to care for your child in complete silence. Talk to him in a calm, gentle voice, and by the end of the month he will begin to linger his gaze on your face, and you will wait for the first precious smile - an invitation to further communication. Hang a bright rattle above the crib at a distance of 60 cm and let him try to focus his gaze on it. For the first time this is enough.

  • Second month

Take the baby in your arms more often, and he himself prefers this position. This is how the genetically inherent desire for knowledge in a person is realized. Moreover, when you are holding the baby, do not even think about arguing with someone at this time or getting angry. Only kind facial expressions, only a calm and even tone of conversation. At this stage of development, the main thing is to satisfy the orientation reflex.

  • Third month

Place the baby on his tummy with a bright object in front of him. Talk to him, respond to his hum: a-a-a, goo-goo, boo-boo. Sing songs, turn on melodic music, and don’t leave him crying in the crib for a long time to “train” you to occupy yourself independently. These are prerequisites for future neurosis.

  • Fourth month

Decorate as colorfully as possible the interior in which the baby spends the most time - bright colors fabrics, a carousel with melodic music, or moving modules will create the right mood and prepare you for mastering shapes and shades of color. Place rattles in its handle, hang them at hand level, change the baby’s position more often: in the crib, in the playpen, or in your arms.

  • Fifth month

This is the month of showing interest in toys. From now on, the child can take them, grab them, and pull them towards him. Now teach him how to handle them: knock, move them from hand to hand, and examine them carefully. Show him moving toys - jumping, spinning. Developing attention is the basis for future successful learning. Do not forget to respond to the humming, which by the fifth month becomes active and very melodic. This way you help develop speech, the foundations of which are being laid right now.

  • Sixth month

The child strives to start crawling, and now we need to create the conditions for this. It is better if it is a special playpen, but a part of the carpet covered with a thick blanket will also work. Place toys in front of the baby lying on his tummy. He will reach for them and try to crawl, perhaps on his tummy or on all fours.

The main educational games this month are all kinds of boxes and modules into which you can put objects in and take them out. It is advisable that they be equipped with lids that the baby really likes to open and close.

  • Seventh month

This is a period of intensive development of speech understanding. Talk to your baby, show objects of the surrounding world, toys, name them. This is how a passive vocabulary develops and the prerequisites for it to begin to speak. The most best toys at the moment - a box or box with cubes and balls, small toys. Let the child take them out and put them back.

Playing with water while swimming, with objects floating in it, is very useful. From this age, the concepts of “possible” and “impossible” must be wisely introduced into everyday life. We should not forget that indulgence in whims is a breeding ground for the development of hysteria, and excessive severity is a prerequisite for raising either a rebel or a person who is indecisive in the future.

  • Eighth month

Don’t put out a lot of toys at once; it’s better to hide them periodically and take them out one by one. In order for thinking to develop, you need to play out small scenes with them that are understandable to the baby. Let the dolls walk, eat, sleep, feed cats and dogs. Accompany these performances with understandable comments and onomatopoeia. They will bring much more benefits to the development of children's intelligence and speech than the best educational cartoons.

  • Ninth month

Play hide and seek where you hide yourself, your baby or a toy under a scarf or diaper. Children at this age develop modulated babbling. Select syllables from it that are similar to words in your native language, repeat them expressively several times. This way you create the preconditions for your baby to say them.

Play music to listen to, be it light melodies or children's songs. Children will dance to them while standing on the floor or in the playpen. Play with toys together, show their capabilities, name the color and shape of objects, ask for a certain thing. The baby’s tenacious memory will retain this knowledge, and soon he himself will operate with these concepts.

  • From 10 months to a year

During this period, you need to talk to your child tirelessly. Say whatever you want, you just can’t remain silent. Accompany your actions with comments, talk about what is happening in the house, what you see on a walk, outside the window.

All kinds of pyramids, inserts, games where you need to put something somewhere (such as the “mailbox” game), rings that fit on pins, nesting dolls, large plastic puzzles - this is the minimum set of educational games and toys. Give the baby a sheet thick paper and a soft pencil. He is already able to leave a mark on a sheet of paper, to draw a line. Read books, play games finger games, sing him songs and tell him nursery rhymes.

The birth of a child turns the life of a man and woman upside down. The way of life changes, new worries and troubles appear. On initial stage Throughout his life, the baby only eats and sleeps, but every day he requires more and more attention. And now he is already 1 year old. The little one changed in appearance, his face became completely different. Your baby is already an individual with his own demands, discontents and joys.

Physical activity

Your little one has become very active, at this age most children can already walk freely against a support or holding the hand of an adult, crawl well on all fours (although some are still on their bellies), and sit confidently.

If the baby does not yet stand on his feet, the mother needs to create such conditions so that he has to do this (for example, put his favorite toy at a height from the floor at which he can only reach it by rising to his feet). Overcoming various obstacles, the child will master new knowledge and skills in physiological development much faster.

Don’t try to help your baby right away, let him practice. It may not be possible without hysterics and screaming, but the result is worth it.


Approaching the milestone of 1 year, the child should already understand words such as “impossible”, “possible”, yes”, and “no”. Start teaching your baby to understand these words from the moment he begins to crawl. You will be able to do this after a year it is much more difficult, since the child has a misunderstanding of why everything was possible before, but now it is not.Also teach the child to be kind, to have compassion for people and animals (show this by stroking a toy or grandma, dad, saying, for example, dad is good).

The baby is already pronouncing syllables and some words: mom, dad, ba, nya, dya, etc. A child’s speech arsenal contains from 2 to 8 words. If the baby has not spoken by the age of one and a half years, you should consult a doctor to determine and more easily eliminate the reason for his silence.

The brain activity of children is most active under the age of 3 years. It is at this age that they remember everything easily. Therefore, you can teach a child a second language by pronouncing words in Russian and then in a foreign language.


At the age of 12 months, children love to chew bagels, crackers, and dry crust of bread. They drink from a small mug on their own, know how to eat with a spoon, and some have mastered the skills of using a fork (the development of children is purely individual, so don’t panic if your baby doesn’t do something at 1 year old, he will learn by the age of one and a half years).

Also, the baby has already grown at least 4 teeth, so he can easily chew food with lumps and moves on to the adult table. But this does not mean that he can be given everything in a row. You should not feed your child sweet, salty or fatty foods. Take care of his digestive system.

Play activity

At one year of age, parents expand the range of games they can play with their baby:

  • plays with a ball (the child returns the ball by rolling it on the floor)
  • can stack two cubes on top of each other
  • can take off and put on pyramid rings (without paying attention to their size and color)
  • many at this age can already play with a sorter
  • plays "okay" and "peek-a-boo"
  • matches animals in music books
  • admires looking at himself in the mirror

In order for your baby to develop correctly and grow up happy and healthy child Give him as much attention as possible, play, walk, talk and, most importantly, love your baby.