Monologue on Mother's Day to tears. Poems for mom: long and short, touching to tears. Beautiful poems to my beloved mother from my son and from my adult daughter. My temple - your gentle hands

I love my mom

Mom brings me
Toys, candies,
But I love my mother
Not for that at all.
Funny songs
She hums
We're bored together
Never happens.

I open it for her
All your secrets.
But I love my mother
Not only for this.
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight
Well, just for that
That she is my mother!

L. Davydova

Song about mom

You know, mom, it's an ordinary day
We can't live without you!
The word mom is so familiar
Talk to us from the first days!

You just have to look closely -
The whole world is warmed around
With the warmth of my mother's heart,
Gentle, kind hands...

Our troubles and tribulations
They retreat before you
It becomes clearer to us every year,
How you fight for us!

Mom, - there is no dearer friend -
Do you believe in our every takeoff!
Who else, like you, will help?!
Who else will understand like you?!

M. Sadovsky


Mom's dresses
Well straight away
Can't count.
There is blue
AND there is green,
There is blue
With big flowers -
Each serves
In my own way, mom.

This goes away
She's at the factory
In this to the theater
And he goes to visit
Sits in this
Busy with drawings...
Each serves
In my own way, mom.

Tossed carelessly
On the headboard
Old, shabby
Mom's robe.
I'm serving it
Take care mom,
And why -
You can guess for yourself:
If he puts it on
Colored robe,
So, all evening
Will stay with me.

G. Demykina

Mom and Motherland are very similar:
Mom is beautiful, Motherland is too!
Take a closer look: mom's eyes
The same color as the sky.

Mom's hair is like wheat
What grows in endless fields.
Mom's hands are warm and tender,
They resemble a ray of sunshine.

If mom sings a song, then she
The cheerful and sonorous stream echoes...
This is how it should be: what is dear to us,
Always reminds us of our mothers.

A. Starikov

March 8

Spring is babbling in streams again,
Birds chirp for show.
And the sky blue eyes
He looks at us with cunning.

Today is a special day for mom -
The holiday came to her doorstep.
My daughter and I, both joyful,
We are preparing a sweet pie for her.

Although this is not an easy matter,
Pie is difficult for us,
But in the morning, what infusion
Now our whole house is filled!

Mom is beaming with happiness
And, smiling, on the go
He says to us: what a pity that it’s a holiday
This happens once a year.

Just like mom

My mother sings
Always at work
And I always tell her
I'll help with the hunt!

I dream
Looks like mom
I become.
I'm learning to iron
And cook
And wash,
And I wipe away the dust,
And I sweep the floor...
I dream, I dream.

I dream, I dream...
I dream
How is your mom,
Be able to do everything
And maybe
How is your mom,
I'll learn to sing.

M. Sadovsky

An important meeting, or What to give to mothers

Everything in the forest is noisy, singing -
Mother's Day is coming!
Everyone needs to talk about:
What will we give to mothers?

Monkey dads will say:
– We’ll buy mothers bananas!
To cook all year round
Banana compote for us.

Hamster dads will say:
– We’ll buy hooks for mothers!
From day to day until night
They knitted sweaters for us!

The daddy bears will say and say:
– Let’s buy and buy lids for mothers!
Let's buy jars, roots -
Let mothers make jam!

Well, the bunny is on the edge
Rushes into the distance, ears outstretched,
Hey, wait! Where are you going?

– I’m in a hurry to buy flowers!
After all, why give hooks?
Eh, you bears, hamsters!

So that mothers can rest,
So that they flutter like little birds,
Let's, let's love mothers!
We will give them flowers!

So stop thinking too much!
Everyone follows me on my way!
It's time to get a gift!
Our mothers are waiting for us with flowers.

We’ll find where to get flowers!
To the mothers with them let's go to the forest,
Mother's Day is a big day...
We love mom with all our hearts!

K. Avdeenko

Quarrel with mom

Nikita was rude to mom,
And now she's angry!
It is necessary, without a doubt,
To apologize!

Although Nikita was stubborn,
Still goes to mom.
After all, it’s not life, but just grief,
If you and your mother are in a quarrel!

Who will hug you tenderly?
Only mommy, of course!
She will forgive you everything
And he'll treat you to some candy.

Nikita apologizes
And the insult is forgotten!
Things are going well
If mom is happy!

E. Popova

Our mother is the best!

Our mother is the best!
On her gorgeous fur,
A smile, a clear look
Cats look with envy!

In a gray, velvety fur coat,
In a gray-silver hat,
With a handbag, high heels,
In light pink glasses...

Pink and grey colour
There is nothing more elegant!

Mom's pink tail
Like the most fashionable lady,
We are more beautiful than the tail
Never seen it!

Others have worse tails,
Aunt Piggy loves puddles
Aunt Lizard, - oh! –
I lost my ponytail.

And here is our mother's tail
Everyone is more elegant and beautiful.
We are our big family
We love mom with all our hearts!

Only kittens with Aunt Kisa
They call mom "Rat"
And her outfit is cool
They call him a “rat.”

And Aunt Klushi's chickens
They say we are braggarts
What are the tails of braggarts -
Just the tails of rodents.

Only the peacocks themselves
They love to show off their tails
Like, peacock tails -
Standards of beauty!

We don't argue, we don't make noise,
We look at mommy
We praise, congratulate,
We give compliments!

After all, for every child:
And a kitten and a rat,

Mom is the most tender of all,
Mom is the most needed
Mom is more important than everyone else
Mom is dearest to everyone,

Both clear and simple
From ears to tail!
From beautiful sweet ears
To the wonderful tail!

T. Shatskikh


Mom loves and regrets.
Mom understands.
My mom can do everything
He knows everything in the world!
– Why do wasps bite?
I'm asking directly.
And to ALL my questions
Mom answers.
Tell me where from the sky
It snows in winter.
Why a loaf of bread
Is it baked from flour?
Why does the dog bark?
What will you dream about?
Why does the icicle melt?
And your eyelashes tremble?
Why is there a cloud in the sky?
Is there a lawn in the forest?

Our mothers are the most beautiful

The song flies into the blue sky
From a large school window.
Our mothers are the most, the most beautiful,
Spring gave them the song.

Winter no longer smokes with powder,
The sun is peeking into our classroom.
Our mothers are the best, the best -
Who knows this better than us!

White as swan feathers
The fluffs of clouds float into the distance.
Our mothers are the most, most beloved
In a world full of stars and cornflowers!

Rainbows play with tints,
Shining over the expanses of the earth...
Our mothers are the happiest -
We read it in their eyes!

M. Plyatskovsky

Talk about mom

From the heart,
In simple words
Come on, friends,
Let's talk about mom.
We love her
Like a good friend
For what we have
Everything is together with her,
For what, when
It's hard for us
We can cry
At the native shoulder.

We love her because
What sometimes
They're getting stricter
In the wrinkles of the eyes.
But he confesses
Come with your head -
Wrinkles will disappear
The storm will pass away.

For always
Without hiding and directly
We can trust
She has her own heart.
And just because
That she is our mother
We are strong and gentle
We love her.

N. Sakonskaya

If mom is nearby

If mom is nearby, the world of miracles is full,
You don't need anything if mom is here,
I'll take her hand tightly,
I will not give my mother to anyone in the world.

If mom is nearby, the world is filled with sunshine,
She will help me in everything, she will forgive everything,
He will tell me a story, sing a song,
If mom is nearby, she will understand everything.

I won't cry if I fall
Mom will be there, she will take care of the trouble,
He will kiss you tightly and press you to your chest,
If mom is nearby, the pain will go away immediately.

If mom is home, I'll play with her,
Of course, everything is more fun to do with mom,
I won’t hide anything from my mother,
I never get tired of playing with her.

If my mother is nearby, I'm not afraid of the rain,
Even if it rains with hail, so what?
I won't cry ever again
If mom is nearby, rain is not a problem.

If my mother is nearby, then I can do everything,
I take care of my mother from all sorrows,
I fall asleep to her tunes.
Let me dream about my mother.

T. Frolova

Without mom

There is a carousel in our house:
Kissel flows like a stream,
Plates on the table
They jump like squirrels.

Masha is looking for a cat
The cat is looking for a bowl
Misha is looking for dad
Dad is looking for a hat.

And no one finds anything!
Misha whines
Masha is crying
The cat is sick of white light!..
What does this mean, guys?

That means mom is not at home!

Here comes mom. Finally!
Everything is falling into place.

E. Serova

You are the best in the world, mom

I love your ringing laughter
You are the best in the world
Open the doors to a fairy tale,
Give me a smile

If you sing a song,
Then the rain will be heard,
"Good morning" you say to me
The sun will break out in the window,

The stars look from above,
It's good that you're nearby
Smile, sing songs,
I will always be with you,

M. Plyatskovsky

Who loves you dearly, children...

Who loves you dearly, children?
Who loves you so tenderly?
Without closing my eyes at night,
Does everything take care of you?
Mom dear!

Who rocks the cradle for you,
Who amuses you with a song?
Or tells a fairy tale
Who gives you toys?
Mom is golden!

If you kids are lazy,
Naughty, playful,
As happens sometimes,
Who is shedding tears then?
She is all dear!

A. Maikov

Good Mom Option

There must be a mother's character
Definitely humane
Very human!
If I don't pass the exam -
Don't sigh all evening
And say: - Go to the cinema,
Take a walk together -
Clear your head
From your geometries!

There must be a mother's character
Necessarily humane:
If on holidays
I'll go somewhere to the park
Let him ask - don’t call
To me from the machine gun,
Have fun until late
I'll be alone too!

There must be a mother's character
Definitely humane
Shouldn't be gloomy!..
I'll forget the promise
Take a bag of vegetables
On the dacha plot -
Mom should take her
It may strain
Let her not groan:
"It's terribly hard!" –
Let him show courage!..

This is my mother’s character,
Without a doubt, humane!
He's quite human
And quite convenient for me.

What a mom

When mom puts on an outfit,
Hanging in the closet under a cover,
Dad is terribly happy:
– You are simply a gorgeous woman!

If mom is wearing a robe
And he stirs something in the pan,
Dad comes in and is happy again:
– You are a very cozy woman!

When we're on the beach and mom comes
Along the sea with coastal pebbles,
Dad looks with his mouth open:
“You’re just a goddess—not a woman!”

It seems to me: at least dress mom in a jacket
With some kind of paint smell,
Dad will watch every day
And admire again!

O. Bundur

About mom

The house is empty
Very sad,
I don't want anything -
Can't sing
Doesn't fight
I don’t even want to laugh...

I sat and was silent.
Someone knocked.
I opened it and right
In front of me is Mom!

And not boring
And not sad
I want to run, jump,
And he laughs and sings,
And he laughs with all his might!

E. Karganova

Mom has warm hands like the sun

Mom has warm hands like the sun,
They know how to caress so tenderly,
They will cure pain, relieve boredom,
Ready for a hug at any moment.
While playing, they will gently ruffle my hair,
They bake pies on weekend mornings,
And the legs tickle happily in the bed,
When I don't want to wake up myself.
Iron all dresses, shirts and trousers
And then they will find another job...
I stroke my mother's tired hands, -
Let them rest at least a little.

I. Morozova

Poems for mom

I'll take her by the hand
I'll look into her eyes.
Her laughter will drive away the cloud,
A tear of rain will fall.

I'll sit on my mom's lap
And I'll hug you comfortably.
I don't need sweeter happiness
I'm not afraid of anything!

Mom, dear, dear!
Happy birthday!
Always be by my side!
Just don't frown!

I will become obedient now
I'll stop being a bully
I will help you
Sweep and wash dishes!

I'll give you flowers
I'll kiss you tenderly on the cheek.
I’ll snuggle up to my dear mother,
I'll give you a big hug!

I'll get up first in the morning,
I won't wake anyone up
I'll wipe the dust on the shelves,
I'll put away all the toys.

Mom is still sleeping in bed,
Next to it is a festive dress.
I'll tiptoe in
I'll wait quietly nearby.

Dear mother will wake up,
Mom will smile at the sun,
And then he notices me
And he will celebrate the holiday with me!

I'll be there before everyone else
Hear mommy's laughter
I'll say "Happy Birthday"
I'll show you my gift!

Our dear mother,
These gentle lines are for you.
The sweetest and most beautiful,
The kindest on this earth.
Let no sorrows come into your home,
Let illnesses pass by.
We would place the whole world in the palm of our hands
And they gave you one.
But even this would not be enough,
To repay your kindness,
We are all our lives, our dear mother,
I owe you an unpaid debt.
Thank you, dear, for raising me,
For not asking for anything in return.
That sorrow and joy are divided in half,
You wished us the best life in everything.
Beautiful, caring, tenderly tender,
We need you every day and forever!

She's all

Who loves you children more?
Who loves you so tenderly
And takes care of you
Without closing your eyes at night?
- “Dear mom.”
Who rocks the cradle for you,
Who sings songs to you?
Who tells you fairy tales
And does he give you toys?
- “Mother is golden.”
If, children, you are lazy,
Naughty, playful,
What happens sometimes -
Who is shedding tears then?
- “That’s all, dear.”

Agniya Barto


I'll tell you a riddle,
And you guess it.
Who puts a patch on his heel,
Who irons and mends laundry?
Who cleans the house in the morning,
Who makes the big samovar?
Who plays with his little sister?
And takes her to the boulevard?
Who embroidered the fringed rug
(To my little sister - apparently)?
Who writes detailed letters?
To the soldier, my father?
Whose hair is whiter than snow,
Are your hands yellow and dry?
Whom I love and regret
Who did you write poems about?

E. Blaginina


I do everything for my mother:
I play scales for her,
I go to the doctor for her,
I teach mathematics.
All the boys climbed into the river,
I was sitting alone on the beach
For her after illness
I didn’t even swim in the river.
For her I wash my hands
I'm eating some carrots...
Only now we are apart,
Mom in the city of Pryluky
Fifth day on a business trip.
And today the whole evening
I have nothing better to do!
And probably out of habit
Or maybe out of boredom
I put matches in place
And for some reason I wash my hands.
And the scales sound sad
In our room. Without mom.

Agniya Barto

Poems about mom

Who opened this world to me,
Sparing no effort?
And always protected?
The best MOTHER in the world.

Who is the cutest in the world?
And it will warm you with its warmth,
Loves more than himself?
This is my MOMMY.

Reads books in the evening
And he always understands everything,
Even if I'm stubborn
I know MOM loves me.

Never gets discouraged
He knows exactly what I need.
If suddenly drama happens,
Who will support? My mom.

I'm walking along the path
But my legs are tired.
Jump over the hole
Who will help? I know - MOM

About mommy

Who cherished my dolls,
I sewed funny clothes,
Helped me cradle them
And played with toys with me?
- My mommy!

Who helped me with advice?
When you fall and it hurts,
And he wiped away my tears,
Did he say: “Don’t cry, that’s enough...”?
- My mommy!

Who read me bedtime stories,
Leaning slightly over me,
(And I closed my eyes,
And I felt so calm)?
- My mommy!

Who carried me to the crib,
I wished you good night,
He whispered to me tenderly, sweetly:
“Sleep quickly, daughter!”?
- My mommy!

Who is the most sensitive in the world?
She cannot find better glory,
The kindest, the wisest?
- Well, of course, my mother!

Mom's holiday

I am proud - a holiday date,
A dream come true!
Dad took me with him
Buy flowers for mom!

Them, straight out of a children's book,
I carry, and follow me
The boys look with envy:
Wonderful bouquet!

Get out of bed early in the morning
I wasn't lazy at all
Indeed, today
Mother's holiday - Women's Day!

I'll knock. The door will open
I'm on the porch with flowers!
And will light up with a smile
Sweet mommy's face!
There is such a day in March
With a number, like a pretzel.
How many of you guys know
What does the number mean?
The children will tell us in chorus -
This is the holiday of our mothers!

Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom's first friend.
Not only children love their mothers,
Loved by everyone around.
If anything happens
If suddenly there is trouble,
Mommy will come to the rescue
It will always help out.
Mom has a lot of strength and health
Gives to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

Without mom the house is empty

Without mom the house is empty...
And they won’t call my daughter...
They won’t ask: “What’s taking so long?”
With anxiety in my eyes...
And to the holy silence
The spirit and the brain will not get used to it...
And it seems so much
Lost in a hurry...

And the smell of pies
Mom had a special one...
And mom's pancakes
I won't see you anymore...
And quiet soft words,
What heals the wounds in the heart,
I won't hear again...
And it’s scary to realize...

Her portrait stands
Where she is slightly over forty...
A bouquet of flowers in my hands,
What did you collect in the field...
And mother’s light warms,
Which is infinitely dear...
And holiness and love,
What mom kept.

My mom

Go around the whole world
Just know in advance:
You won't find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother’s.

You won't find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are more valuable.

A hundred paths, roads around
Travel around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mother!

What is your assessment of this article?

This blog contains for you the most beautiful and touching poems about mom, which can move the harshest heart to tears and make it beat faster

As mom sang, can birds do that?
And who can hug like she does?...
And forgive as much as mother says goodbye
No one can do more than her...

Sergey Silvestrovich

The day will come when mom will be gone

And the sky, swaying, will fall,
And I, barefoot, will stand in front of the temple,
To which God will lead a little later.

And there will be pain that words
Not to express, not to write with a pen,
And I’m below, and there, behind the clouds...
But this won’t happen soon, then...

Everything for later, gratitude to each other,
Words of love, tolerance - will wait,
After all, youth always does not believe in old age,
As if ahead, carefree, she goes.

Well, for now we can quarrel
To the point of hatred into smoke, to the point of hoarseness,
We hasten to flare up in our pride
Love burning fragile bridges.

There's no need to make drama out of little things,
And remember, melting ice in your palms -
The day will come when mom will be gone,
And the sky, swaying, will fall...

Elena Ustimenko ©

God is our life, and Mom is the best thing in this life... God is the Holiness that we feel... Mom is the Holiness that we see...

© Aladdin

The creaking of floorboards from childhood,
mom makes jam

The creaking of floorboards from childhood,
Mom is making jam.
And there's no escape
from joyful obsession. –
The sound of apples on wet roofs,
the neighbor's cherry is nicer.
...The jam sizzles barely audibly,
and the smell is so fragrant.

It's like it's all nearby.
It's like the years have returned.
Jam aroma
I drink nature's elixir.
I've been calling stubbornly through the years
to where the neighbor's Lenka...

- What are you doing, dear mother?
- I skim the foam off the jam...

Evgeniy Shvachkin

Your eyes are an eternal secret, mom!
Spring is not in a hurry to come to us, not in a hurry...
They just stubbornly fall from the sky
Shadows of swallows in the ringing silence.

Heart for mom

Give me your hand, mom!

In a distant, pure and sinless childhood
Making the journey step by step,
We whined: “Mommy! Give me a pen!",
To go around a puddle or hole.

And clasping your palm with your hands,
Happily tugging at my fingers...
We forgot about everything in the world,
Relying entirely on YOU!

The years flew by...the children grew up.
The step became harder, the look became stern...
But there is no hand more reliable and warmer
Than the one who took us to kindergarten.

And often walking over an abyss,
Or vegetating in a bitter dead end,
I am calm...only because I know -
You, Mommy, will always help me!

When sometimes life gives you a thrashing,
And a steel hoop will squeeze my chest...
I whisper, as in childhood: “Mommy! Give me... a pen!
And suddenly my path becomes easier.

Give me your hand! Mommy... dear!
After all, now I’m in trouble...alone!
And you hear everything, you know everything...Mom!
And like salvation you reach out your hand to me...

Vladimir Russian

My temple - your gentle hands

My temple - your gentle hands
I am looking for repentance in every crack.
Snow falls like avalanches
After forgiveness in a children's song.

I admire you, cheerful eyes -
They hide the sadness of our past,
How much did the fragile and brave endure?
Shoulders - the support that held everyone,

Olya Solnechnaya

Fortieth day

This sun, this thaw -
Pre-spring warmth.
Forty days since we parted,
Forty days have already passed.

The blizzard swept for forty days,
Snow fell from above.
All forty have flown by.
Forest, grave crosses,

Sky, branches, temple dome,
Blue across the virgin snow...
Now you know everything, mom,
About everyone and about me.

Here is a snowdrift - your grave.
I freeze, taking off my hat.
Mom, you forgave me,
Having learned everything and understood everything?

Don't reproach me, dear,
That sometimes he was secretive
And, protecting you,
I didn't tell you everything.

Mom, my life is a battle.
And he was silent... He was silent, loving, -
Defeats and falls
Hiding from you.

And the falls cannot be counted,
And you can’t hide it anymore,
And you even know the thoughts
My thoughts are sinful.

I believe, before you now
Light and paradise.
And you are the Lord's son
Please, my dear.

Alexander Kuvanov​

Poems for mom

I don't understand why, what happened to me,
I woke up so early today.
Outside the window, only the icy wind whistles.
It’s like a laceration on my soul!

It was Mom who passed away - my Mom left,
Quietly, as if afraid to disturb.
Without saying goodbye simple words,
Leaving me with my pain.

The March rain was falling, there were a lot of people,
Everything just floated as if in a fog.
And I didn’t understand then that I would never
I won't see your sad look.

Now the earth has closed over your head,
And a tear fell onto the muddy clay.
And the flowers were laid on a small hill,
Quietly, quietly, we said goodbye to you.

Well, the rain kept pouring down, as if crying for her,
And I didn’t believe what happened.
Only at home, only in your former room,
It was only there that a thought came to me.

The thought that now I'm left alone
I have no one else to support me,
I have no one else to say the word Son to!
Sometimes call someone a gentle word.

This Mom is gone - my Mom is gone!
Quietly, as if afraid to disturb.
Without saying goodbye simple words!
Leaving me with my pain.

Dmitry Ivanovich Gavrilenko

Live longer, mother, live, live!

Mom, dear mother,
Now... the time has come...
I'm telling you straight:
You are right in many ways.

You're right because
We are much wiser
And we remember the minutes
The kindness of mothers.

Raised sons -
Gave her life
At the native pier
She was waiting for us, worried.

Having lived a difficult life, -
How many losses were there...
Turned into a saint
For your children.

Forgive the unfortunate
Unlucky men:
Didn't make any difference
Didn't reach the top.

With stingy kindness
This was our answer.
That “male” trait
We have closed the circle of years.

And now, realizing
How much did I not add?
I beg fate
No matter how late...

And I whisper stubbornly:
For our love
Live some more, Mom,
Live, live...

Alexander Kolokolov

Sorry mom

You've been gone for a long, long time,
And I have aged over the years,
But I don’t care to forget
How you suffered and became sad,

But don't forget me, don't forget
Your eyes, your fatigue,
Your ability to love
Your patience and pity,

I'm on my knees before you
I beg you to forgive me for everything,
What's the point in praying now?
I have to live with this somehow...

I need to remember my negligence
Both painful and unbearable,
Like your caress, your tenderness
Didn’t take care of it and didn’t store it,

And I didn’t call again...
And I didn’t hug you one more time...
How painful it is that I didn’t love you,
But I realized too late...

Olga Martin

​I miss you, mom, so much

You always stood by the window
Composing lines of thoughts into a poem.
And with you there was only the moon,
Yes, a withered chrysanthemum flower.

And every line shrinks
Flies to the sky and melts:
"Tell me, moon, where is my son?
Tell him: mom misses you"

But in response to indifference there is silence,
The thought is not finished... ellipses.
And the moon leaving, goodbye
He won’t want to give her warmth...

Everything is worn out by my grief
Winter sweeps away all words.
Tell her, moon:
I'm with you...
I miss you so much, mom...

Catching up with the Sun

Don't hurt mothers

Don't offend mothers
God will not forgive such an insult
On the way of the lifetime planid
Please correct mistakes as soon as possible.

The mother will cry on the sly,
Swallowing tears quietly,
Pull the needle out of the heart
Help me. Hug her

You just have to be careful
Press my gray head
Whispered in my ear: Impossible
This is how you offend your mother in life,

My precious man
You are the closest in this world!
In any house, in any apartment,
Mother and child from century to century!

Don't offend mothers!
Their life is no longer so long,
While you can hear your mother's voice -
Save the children of their mothers!

Valentina Nechaeva-Lebedeva


The old mother lives with her daughter forever,
She has enough worries for the whole day,
joints hurt and I can’t sleep at night,
and in the morning the grandson brings it - he’s too lazy to go to school.

The years fly by, and autumn knocks on her,
waves a leafless branch to the days gone by,
and the woman is in no hurry in impulses,
He just sits down to rest more and more often.

Memories in a bright crowd
around her, like reflections of separation,
my eyes are filled with involuntary tears,
and weak hands fill with trembling.

A? What? I'm already on my way, I'm on my way...
And again he goes to the call tiredly.
-Now, now, I’ll walk quietly...
And there are few, few days left ahead.

And so she left - just a photo on the wall,
where she shone with a white-toothed smile,
and I really want to return “No...” back,
When she lacked family attention.

Everyone was busy: work and affairs,
went out with friends on weekends,
and in the evening; Would you give me some tea?
and they found reasons to separate.

I felt sorry for everyone, I didn’t sleep until the morning,
I prayed to God for the health of the children.
She spent the rest of her life quietly,
shining with all pure and loving light.

And here is the family around the long table,
suddenly got ready. And silence came -
as if my mother came here when called,
and stood at the threshold with the pies...

Valentina Nechaeva-Lebedeva

Conversation with mom

I talked to my mom today,
Just like that, I saw it... and that’s it...
Even though I broke up with her twenty years ago,
I looked again at my beloved face...

My dear one told me...calm down...
And don't worry, I'm always with you...
Live calmly, don't be afraid of anything...
I'm nearby, behind the Sunny Mountain...

What kind of mountain is this, where are you mom?!
Where did you hide from me again?...
You are like a banner for me in life,
I'm calling you, I have no hope...

Even though you have not been with me for many years,
And the voice is almost forgotten...
But we are forever connected by fate,
And I can go far with you until the end...

You will regret it and sit down next to me,
Touch your heart with a trembling hand,
You will comfort me with your mother's warm gaze,
And you will regain the lost peace...

Oh, how hard it is sometimes, dear,
And tears lump in my throat at night...
You whisper - I know, I know everything, daughter...
And you stroke the drooping shoulders...

Take me with you, I'm so tired...
And the heart is torn, torn to pieces...
No, no, it’s not time yet,” she stood up abruptly...
No one comes to us out of sadness...

Your days haven't counted down yet,
And the flow of life did not stop...
You remain my continuation...
And great-grandchildren...another round...

Well, that's it, don't cry - it's time, it's time for me,
I can't be with you for so long...
In terms of strength, you are on a level with the Gods...
And we must continue to live with this power...

And dissolved into a whitish cloud... if it never existed...
And I remained in physical form,
So that the worst of the issues can be resolved...

Valentina Nechaeva-Lebedeva

Ode to Mother

The feat of women is not at all noticeable,
Carry, reach and give birth...
And not particularly noted by anyone,
Well, just think: Give life!

This is the norm! And that’s all there is to it,
And try to prove it to whom
That in the beginning there is complete torment, -
Whenever called, you run...

How heavy is this load that you carry,
How your legs hurt later,
After all, you can’t take it off and throw it away,
Nine months you have a belly...

And after, when everything is beyond the bounds,
And the envelope squeaks in my hands,
Always sleepy, early in the morning,
You and the baby are back on your feet.

And sores, and teeth, and mangers,
They won't drink a liter or two of blood...
Now the windows in the houses have all gone out,
And you don’t sleep alone, only alone.

And later, when these legs
They will run, drag, carry,
You're suffering for this baby
And your prayers are protected.

And when he, a serious man,
Walks through his life,
Has the torment ended?
To forget about your blood.

You still grieve at night,
And you are sad, praying to God.
And you stand in bow with candles,
You ask, you ask, saying a prayer.

So that the paths run smoothly,
Along which he goes on his way,
So that small stones lie
Which you will have to walk through.

What else, you, my dear,
Precious mother, pray,
Everything, everything, everything, about your son, you, knowing,
You rush to help every hour.

Do you remember all the moles and wrinkles,
Do you remember all the bruises over the years,
You're still blowing away specks of dust
Even though he has been gray-haired for a long time, your Ivan.

And your great-granddaughter is already nearby,
Her grandson takes her to kindergarten,
You still caress everyone with your gaze,
And you kiss your son on the temple.

And when you lay down without getting up,
I have no strength, the years have taken them away,
You whisper to your son, calling him to you:
"God bless you, honey, I'm sorry.

Don't be sad, dear, I'm with you,
I will love you from above,
I'll be between you and trouble,
It can't be any other way...

You give your last glance to your son,
Going into endless distance...
When leaving, you put it on,
In my mother's warm shawl...

Mother's Reward
You are always so close, so close!
What can I give for this?
And you answer me: “The reward is
when a daughter is someone’s mother.”

Oh, I wish I could repay that debt until I shed a tear,
But alas, I am resigned to fate.
And I will walk along this path,
Giving it away - not to you.

Women's calling

We didn't always get along, but we always made peace.
There were insults and silence.
Only now, having become a mother, have I discovered
What is a woman's vocation?
Children who have grown up are just children for you,
Even though the parents themselves have been around for a long time.
Still with questions about everything in the world
They will turn to their mother first.
After listening carefully, without interrupting,
Give me your wise, sincere advice.
“Is it difficult to be a mother,” I ask, “darling?”
“This is happiness!” - you will say in response.

To my beloved mother

When I feel bad or in pain,
You save me from sadness,
When I'm happy with the whole world,
You know about my joy.

You gave me this world,
You are my example and help in everything,
Like the sun, it warmed and shone,
You have joy, tenderness, strength!

And even if I'm far away,
And I forgot to call you,
I know how the surf wave is
Your love has covered me.

And let the days of sadness come,
And let the drama happen in life,
There have been days like this before
You will save me again, mom!

Poem to mom from her grown-up daughter

I'm twenty-seven. I'm an adult, period! (age can be changed)
I live as I know, as I want to live!
But only to you, like a little daughter,
I float into your arms like a bundle of tenderness.
Only you will hug like no one else in the world,
Only you will warm me, leaning against my heart,
Only you can give me good advice,
Which always keep me safe.
I'll light a candle - your health, mom!
You are no longer sick and no longer old.
Let your life pass like a melodrama...
In a luxurious villa with a thousand alleys.
Let every alley lead to happiness,
Walk and don't rush anywhere.
We love you with the same passion
Which you were probably born with.
Don't be sad that we are not together now.
Sorry for disturbing your peace...
And expect only good news from your daughter.
I'm close, dear, I'm with you!
Author of the verse: Bogdan Khudaverd

Ladies and mothers

Life rolls around, only to repeat itself:
Girls grow up, inheriting all their mothers,
From little daughters they want to turn
Shy girls in respectable, strict ladies.

They dream of being happier than their mother,
Build your own cozy, quiet home,
Sometimes ladies look for joy in work,
But they return to their old mother’s house.

They come to be a child again
To feel care and warmth,
So that, like a carefree call in childhood,
It became simple and light for those older ladies.

They will plunge back into childhood for a while,
Become close to your mother and forget the strictness of the ladies.
The ladies will be moved and others will return to life,
Inheriting their generous, kind mothers.

Ulyanich Nadezhda

There is no more beloved mother in the world,
She is our ideal, our model.
All our lives we are just children for her,
Even though we got married, or walked down the aisle.
There is no dearer mother on the planet,
It's always warm in her arms.
Thank her for keeping you alive
It's high time to tell my family.


Having learned about the happiness of motherhood,
I want to tell you this -
What's a child's birthday
Mom should be celebrating.
Oh, so much joy and happiness
Comes to mom at that moment,
When a child from beautiful dreams
Will appear in the white light!
And even though I'm far from being a baby,
And even if I’m already twenty-five,
But for warmth and support,
I will run to you, mommy.

Today I am for the beautiful one,
The best on Earth,
I'll give you a red bouquet,
My mom, for you!
Red color is associated with health,
That's why I wish
Never deal with illness
Always be cheerful!
May the years not be young,
Your soul is young!
All the relatives send greetings,
And, of course, mom, me!

Mom gave us life,
It was comfortable to be around her.
In a desperate moment she saved
With your warmth.
Our mother is dearest to us in the world,
Our guiding star.
What are you doing, children?
Mom's eyes are sad...
How often do you talk to her
About life, about family, about love?
Call at least occasionally
You and she are one blood!
There is no dearer mother in the world,
And God forbid you understand
When your children grew up
And you have no one to hug...

I don't know any other word.
To so caress the ear.
I'll repeat it again and again
Sorry my voice is muffled.
This is the word we first taught.
We live with this word until death,
And when the clouds gather,
Be sure to call mom mom,
my dear mother.
The most faithful and loving friend
I feel with all my heart,
The warmth of your gentle hands.
These hands led me
from childhood to adulthood.
These hands protected me.
From illnesses and blows of fate.

How many stars are there in the clear sky!
How many ears of corn are there in the fields!
How many songs does the bird have!
How many leaves are on the branches!
There is only one sun in the world.
Only mother is alone in the world.

My love is boundless like the heavens,
And I ask a thousand candles
To fulfill one stupid and tender dream:
Wake up in the morning on your native shoulder...

I'll go to my home
When everyone is still asleep.
I'll knock on the window quietly,
So that only the mother can hear.
Only a mother deserves love!
She alone knows how to wait!

By the will of fate, one young mother,
She gave birth to her son directly on a pole.
I barely managed to get to the bridge.

But not a single soul here within a mile!
There was no one to call for help.
Intuitively unhappy mother,
She delivered the birth herself.
Swaddled the baby in fluffy skirts,
and, warming it, pressed it to my chest!
Having taken off the last jacket,
She covered her son, hugged her lovingly...
Couldn't break this hug
In the morning the couple who were found dead,
A mother who warmed her son with herself.
And surprisingly: he was alive!
They buried my mother at the bridge,
And that boy was adopted.
This couple didn’t tell anyone
Somehow, the child was not their own.
The surprised quarter spoke:
- So God sent a son to the childless!
The boy grew up happy with them!
He loved freedom and often walked in the fields.
But no matter where he goes for a walk,
The old bridge always attracted him.
He sat here for a long time, fishing.
The river was overgrown, small,
But he felt so good here.
Walking from the church, he kept striving for the bridge,
It’s like being blessed by God here.
He laughed quietly and prayed while crying,
laid flowers on an unfamiliar grave:
“After all, a man lived and loved someone!!!”
When, having matured, he became serious,
A father in a clean field called his son:
- “I have to tell you one secret!
So that I can live my old age in peace.
The mother is dead, she won’t be able to tell;
Yes, I’m not the father, and she’s not the mother!”
He led me to that familiar grave, to the bridge,
And he told the whole story:
“Twenty years ago, in January
There was such a snowstorm outside.
My wife and I rode in a cart,
Near the bridge here, suddenly we saw
The woman pressed her son to her heart,
Newborn and not breathing
We buried - here is a mound in silence,
This is where your dear mother lies.
We then hid the secret from everyone,
Because they were childless!
You don't owe your life to us, son,
- To God, that I saved you in my mother’s arms!
He sent us to you to save,
Taking it from the cold, frozen ground.
I remember we cried when we saw
That your mother's arms were wrapped around you,
They warmed you with the warmth of their tender love.
She took off everything, even her underwear -
I wrapped the little body, my son, yours.
And, half naked, loving very much,
She warmed you with her breath.
So you came to her on a date,
To the place of your departure.
Mother rests, son, here is yours,
Wait, bow. I’ll go home!”
A blizzard haze swirled over the field.
But he shouted louder: “You saved me,
- Beloved, kind, my mother!
Oh, what, my dear, will I repay you with?
You were chilly, you were freezing,
But, having taken everything off yourself, you saved me.
Your love is sacrificial, poor mother,
I cannot revive you, raise you!
Even though I can’t do anything anymore,
But I will warm your mound! I’ll warm you up!”
And a passerby nearby marveled, frozen,
Like a crying person, having taken off all his clothes, covered him,
He hugged that mound and cried,
I warmed my mother as best I could!

Oh children, hurry up, hurry up,
And hug your mom tighter!
As long as your mother lives and is always waiting for you,
Warm her as she warmed her!
He will help you in everything, he will never betray you,
He will give all the best to you, his children.
And if a difficult time comes one day,
Then mom will protect and save.

Without exaggeration, this person can be called a key figure in everyone’s life. We are talking, of course, about mother, because without her the life of most people, both big and small, loses its meaning. The surest way to express your feelings on an important day in the life of a parent or even on ordinary gray days is to present her with wonderful touching poems about her mother.

Mothers are women who are beautiful and magnificent just by their status as mothers. It is difficult to argue with this fact, as well as with the fact that a beautiful woman should receive beautiful poetry as a gift. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that their donor be a man. The resulting bright, original, emotional lines from their own children please the mother no less, and sometimes even more.

This could be a description of her appearance (tender eyes, gentle hands, etc.), personal qualities (devotion, care, selfless love, etc.). This also includes the special qualities of the mother - she is probably famous for her skills as a wonderful gardener, cook, seamstress, and so on.

  1. Who do we meet first when we come into the world? So this is our mommy, she is no nicer. All life revolves around her, Our whole world is warmed by her, All century she has been trying to protect us from troubles. She is a support in the house, She is busy every hour. And there is no one except Who would love us so much. So she will have more happiness, And a longer life, And joy will be her lot, And less sad things to do!
  2. How many stars are there in the clear sky! How many ears of corn are there in the fields! How many songs does the bird have! How many leaves are on the branches! There is only one sun in the world. Only mother is alone in the world.
  3. The warmest thing in the world is your hands, The kindest thing is the sparkle of my dear eyes, And the beats in my heart become more frequent, When I see you every time, All because for me you, Mom, are the most beloved, my dearest person, You are for me - joy and reward, And there is definitely no better Mom in the world!
  4. We have grown up a long time ago, But for you we are also children. Years go by, but for us it doesn’t matter, You are the best mother in the whole world! Your beauty is not subject to age, Your kindness, care and affection. Mommy, you are very dear to us, Life with you is a real fairy tale!

Lines touching to tears

Perhaps one of the most touching poems set to music and familiar to everyone from early childhood is the song of a baby mammoth desperately looking for its mother. Real life often very much resembles the plot of this wonderful cartoon - children, even adults, can rarely do without the love and attention of their mother. So why not once again declare your feelings to her by presenting a touching poetic gift?

A sensitive mother's heart will surely accept wonderful poems about mother with a favorable eye, to the point of tears, and tears of tenderness and delight will flow from the radiant parental eyes. The main thing is not to be shy, even in your advanced “...twenty years”, to utter the secret words: “Let mom hear, let mom come, let mom definitely find me.” Of course, you shouldn’t completely duplicate the baby mammoth’s song. It is enough to use a ready-made selection of beautiful, touching and sentimental poems addressed to your mother.

  1. Again you look reproachfully. Yes, sorry, I didn’t call! Yes, I haven’t come for a long time... I’ve been working too hard, dear. I know it's not an excuse! But you worry in vain, everything is fine, mommy! (Smack!) Well, that’s great!
  2. You will forgive me for everything and tenderly love me, You will understand me at any moment in life, You will not offend me, you will not judge me one bit, Although there is something for it, but you will say “no”, Thank you, my dear Mom, For the fact that you exist in I have a life, And I know for sure - you are the only one, You are the best, My Mom!
  3. Only mother will understand us and add the necessary words. He will pour some hot tea, and immediately all the sadness will melt away. Mom will give you the right advice and keep it a secret. He will encourage you in return, He will warm us with His love!
  4. The most caring, kind and sweet, A little strict, always beautiful! Sensitive, gentle, wise, dear, It’s all you, dear Mom! For affection, tenderness and love, I thank you again! I wish that you don’t get sick, that you warm us endlessly with your love!

Nursery rhymes about mom

It is no secret that for a mother, a child will always remain a child, even if he himself already has children growing up, and even if the child occupies a high social position, walking around in a three-piece business suit and shaking hands with the top officials of the country. It will be all the more touching for a mother to receive congratulations imbued with childish spontaneity. Such lines will surely bring back memories of the carefree childhood of her dear baby, broken knees, the first trip to kindergarten or school, first love and many, many other trembling and very important moments for her.

One should not be afraid of seeming infantile, because such a verse is by no means a work that is planned to be nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

This is just another way to show your loved one that his care and tenderness are just as important as in childhood.

Children's poems about mom are equally suitable for both small and adult children.

  1. A gentle and gentle voice flutters like a bird above me. How easy and serene it is to be next to your dear mother! I will take her hand, I will look into her eyes. Her laughter will drive away the cloud, and a tear will fall from the rain. I’ll sit on my mother’s lap and hug her comfortably. I don’t need sweeter happiness, I’m not afraid of anything!
  2. For the feast, who baked a Delicious pie? Who cooks the best? Who is the most important person in the apartment? Who is beautiful, like a queen, Who is a seamstress and craftswoman? Who blooms like a rose in the park, For whom are the gifts laid? Who is my best friend? Who kisses your ear good night? For whom do flowers bloom? Yes, mommy! It's you!
  3. I will cut out a piece from colored paper and make a small flower from it. I'll prepare a gift for mommy. I have the best Mom!

Short poems for mommy

How often do we, in the bustle of endless days, remember how nice it would be for mom to receive news from us? Perhaps it’s unlikely... Many children even call occasionally. Fortunately, as long as the mother and the child are on the same earth, it is quite possible to correct this situation. It is enough to give your mother a beautiful and expressive poem just like that, for no reason, on an ordinary beautiful summer or cloudy autumn day. At the same time, it is not necessary to address your mother with a huge sheet-poem praising human qualities.

A small, but capacious and beautiful poem will be quite enough to give mom a few pleasant minutes.

In the modern age of digital technology, not only mothers, but even some grandmothers are familiar with mobile communications and the intricacies of newfangled gadgets. Of course, the SMS message format is the most convenient in terms of sending the necessary information to the interlocutor. However, a very effective and beautiful gesture would be to send a real letter to your mother, even if it includes only short poems in its content.

  1. I tell you this so rarely, But there is no need for a reason for this, Mommy, I love you so much, And I wish you happiness in a bright life!
  2. Mom, you are beautiful and kind, radiant and sweet, I always admire you, I always adore you! Oh how I want to be with you. I love my mom!
  3. Every time life is hard, I think about you, And I understand that there is something to live for! For the sake of the best Mom on earth!
  4. Mom, my sunshine, you give me your warmth! And ordinary days become brighter, When you are near, there are no better days!

A poem for your beloved mother is a great way to tell a loved one about your feelings. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to give poetic gifts exclusively on major holidays: birthdays, March 8, etc. After all, having received wonderful lines of poetry on an ordinary, unremarkable day, mom will certainly be delighted. For such purposes, it is useful to always keep on hand ready-made poems addressed to the one without whom the meaning of life fades.