Nursery rhymes. Counting tables for children for elimination and counting. This finger went into the forest

Naughty nursery rhymes

Reading book - a genre of oral folk art. It arose in ancient times. In those days, many types of work were not only very difficult, but also life-threatening. But someone still had to do this dangerous work. Who should be appointed? This is where they came up with a way to distribute work - a counting rhyme.

In ancient times, the counting rhyme was used by adults for a practical life purpose - to help distribute work. Later, the counting rhyme moved into a children's game and began to help children distribute roles in the game so that everyone had fun and did not offend anyone. The change in the role of the counting rhyme led to the emergence of new, already “children’s” rhymes. And now it is difficult for us to understand which rhymes came to us from ancient times, and which arose recently. Moreover, they live in oral creativity, which means they change, new options appear.

King on the bench

The king was sitting on a bench,

counted my pins:

one two Three,

you will be the queen!

A game

One two three four five.

We decided to play

but we don’t know what to do,

no one wanted to drive!

We will point you to:

it will definitely be you!

A squirrel collected pine cones

A squirrel collected pine cones

for the raccoon and for the bear.

Three for a raccoon and three for a bear,

who cares about the rest?

One two three four five,

I'll find the bump again.

Forest River

The forest river runs into the distance,

bushes grow along it.

I invite everyone to the game,

We play - you drive!

Round dance

One two Three.

Come out into the clearing

round dances of the backwaters.

Who's left

that driver.

Two plus three

We gathered in the yard

it was in September.

One two three four five,

we decided to play.

How much is two plus three?

If you know, then drive!

Turtle and snail

Turtle and snail

They ran very quickly.

Keep up with them

fly out of the counter.

Pigeon, goose and jackdaw

They say at dawn

gathered on the mountain

dove, goose and jackdaw -

That's the whole counting rhyme.

Cook, cook

Cook, cook,

pussy and kitten

played happily

jumped, galloped.

One two three four five,


We'll pretend we're squirrels

We'll play burners.

We collected a pile of leaves,

I won't drive anymore!

Hide and seek

One two three four five,

We will search in a row:

ball, apple, cookies,

toothpicks and jam.

We will search everywhere -

both in the sky and in the water,

under the mountain, and under the sofa,

both in the stable and under the bathroom.

But if you don't find it,

then you will go out.

One two three four,

The cat lives in our apartment.

Five, six, seven, eight,

he carries mice for lunch.

Nine, ten, five and five

The mice went out for a walk

One two three four five,

The mice went out for a walk -

went to the garden, went to the forest

and they came to the river.

We shopped there a little -

suddenly a cat comes towards you.

The mice say to the cat:

"Stand in a row with us,

One, two, three, four, five,

You still have to look!"

Moscow, "Samovar", 2012

"Counting Tales" - poems for children from the series "For the Little Ones", editor-in-chief A. Alir. The audio book of poems for children "Counting Tales" features poems by Vladimir Borisov, Yuri Entin, Mikhail Plyatskovsky, Sergei Mikhalkov, Nina Sakonskaya, Lev Sorokin, Irina Tokmakova, Sasha Cherny, Irina Pivovarova, Maurice Karem, Lyudmila Fateeva. You can read, listen online or download for free and without registration your favorite audio poems for your young children, preschoolers and primary schoolchildren.

"Magpie, magpie! Where were you?" “Far away! I lit the stove, cooked porridge, jumped on the threshold - called guests. The guests arrived, sat on the porch. She gave to this, she gave to this, she gave to this, she gave to this, but she didn’t give to this: he didn’t walk on water, didn’t chop wood, I didn’t light the stove, I didn’t cook the porridge..." We invite you to read, listen online or download for free and without...

"Hedgehog, hedgehog, eccentric, He sewed a prickly jacket. He wants to play with us, count all the guys." You can read, listen online with your children, or download nursery rhymes for free and without registration.

“The fox walked through the forest, screaming in a loud voice. The fox tore the stripes, the fox wove bast shoes - whoever finds the bast shoes will go.” You can read, listen online with your children or download children's poems - counting rhymes - for free and without registration.

Children's rhyming rhyme "Ladybug": "Ladybug, fly to the sky, bring us bread: black and white, but not burnt." We invite you to read, listen with your children, or download audio poems for children - counting rhymes - for free and without registration.

“One, two, three, four, five! The bunny went out for a walk. Suddenly the hunter runs out and shoots straight at the bunny. Pow! Pow! Didn’t hit. The gray bunny ran away!” You can read, listen online with your children or download children's poems and counting rhymes for free and without registration.

“One, two, three, four! The mice lived in the apartment; They drank tea, broke cups, paid three pieces of money! Whoever doesn’t want to pay, Drive!” You can read, listen online with your children, or download audio poems for children - counting rhymes - for free and without registration.

“The seagull boiled the kettle, the seagull invited the seagulls: “Come everyone for tea!” How many seagulls? Answer!” We offer you to read, listen online with your children, or download audio poems for young children - counting rhymes - for free and without registration.

“A zealous horse with a long mane gallops, gallops across the fields here and there! Here and there! Where he gallops, get out of the circle!” You can read, listen with your children, or download audio poems for young children - counting rhymes - for free and without registration.

“You naughty little bastards, run out into the courtyards. Start playing and choose a governor. A leader of the people, get out of the round dance. And you, good fellow, stand at the very end.” We offer you to read, listen online with your children, or download audio poems for children - counting rhymes - for free and without registration.

“White hare, where did he run? - Into the oak forest! - What did he do there? - He tore the bast! - Where did he put it? - Under a bush! - Who stole it? - Rodion! - Get out!” We offer you to read, listen online or download for free and without registration children's audio poems - counting rhymes.

“The turtle put its tail between its legs. It found itself in front; whoever doesn’t believe it, come out!” We offer you to read, listen online or download for free and without registration audio poems for children - counting rhymes.

“On the golden porch sat: the king, the prince, the king, the prince, the shoemaker, the tailor. Who will you be? Come out quickly, do not detain good and honest people!” You can read, listen online with your children or download children's audio poems - counting rhymes - for free and without registration.

"Aty-baty - the soldiers were walking, Aty-baty - to the market, Aty-baty - what did they buy? Aty-baty - a samovar! Aty-baty - how much does it cost? Aty-baty - three rubles. Aty-baty - who is leaving? Aty -bats - you and me!" You can read, listen online with your children, or download children's audio poems - counting rhymes - for free and without registration.

"A" and "B" were sitting on the pipe. "A" fell, "B" disappeared. Who's left on the pipe?" You can read, listen online with your children, or download audio poems for children - counting rhymes - for free and without registration.

“A car was walking past the forest looking for something interesting. Inte, inte, interest, go out with the letter “S.” We invite you to read, listen online with your children or download free audio poems for children - counting rhymes without registration.

"One, two, three, four, who lives in our apartment? Dad, mom, brother, sister, cat Murka, two kittens, my puppy, a cricket and me - that’s my whole family! One, two, three, four , five, I’ll start counting everyone again.” We offer you to read, listen online or download for free and without registration audio poems for children - counting rhymes.

“One, two, three, four, five we can’t count our friends, but life is hard without a friend, get out of the circle as soon as possible.” We offer you to listen online with your children or download audio poems for children - counting rhymes - for free and without registration.

“This finger went into the forest, this finger found a mushroom, this finger took a place, this finger will lie tightly, this finger ate a lot, that’s why it got fat. This finger is grandfather, this finger is grandmother, this finger is daddy , this finger is Mama, this finger is Vanechka." You can read, listen online with your children or download...

Alarm. “We gave the screw to Vitka, the nuts to Gala, the washers to Sashka. We gave it to Svetka, the hands, the dial from the table.” younger brother. The entire alarm clock was dismantled. I got... A slap on the head." (Vladimir Borisov) You can listen online with your children or download children's poems for free and without registration - audio counting rhymes.

Spotted Counter. "Spots - spots on my shirt. The most different, blue-white-red, yellow, green - all my friends. Variety! Beauty! From raspberries - red. Blue - from plum, green from nettles. This yellow spot - from scrambled eggs . And where is the little black one from? I don’t know!” (Vladimir Borisov) We invite you to read and listen online together...

“I believe that you can learn to count. One, two, three, four, five... Is it difficult?!” (Yuri Entin) You can read, listen online with your children or download audio poems for children - counting rhymes - for free and without registration.

""The rabbit ran out of the forest... I am the King! And you are the Princess! The rabbit swam crawl style... I am a Princess! You are the King! It’s very, very, very sad that the counting rhyme is ending!” (Yuri Entin) You can read, listen online with your children or download for free and without registration audio counting rhymes - children's poems.

I can count everything. “One, two, three, four, five - I can count everything: the sleds on the mountain, and the strollers in the yard, and the girls, and the boys, their sisters and brothers, and the counters in the grocery store, and the windows in our house. One, two, three, four, five - I can count everything, except stars and moths, except grass and clouds, except jumping raindrops and spring...

Kittens. “Listen, guys, I want to tell you: we had kittens - there are exactly five of them. We decided, we wondered: what should we name the kittens? Finally we named them: One, Two, Three, Four, Five. One - the kitten is the whitest, Two is the bravest kitten, Three is the smartest kitten, and Four is the noisiest, similar to Three and Two - the same tail...

Where is my finger? “Masha put on the mitten, - Oh, what did I do with my finger? The finger is missing, it’s gone, I didn’t get into my little house! - Masha took off the mitten, - Look, I found it! You look, you look, and you will find it. - Hello, little finger! How are you living? ?" (Nina Sakonskaya). We invite you to read and listen with your children or download audio poems for free and without registration...

“I am a raspberry, you are a viburnum, you are a birch, you are a lilac, you are an aspen, you are a rowan, and you are a pine stump!” (Lev Sorokin). We invite you to read and listen with your children or download audio poems for children - counting rhymes - for free and without registration.

“We could find a compass north, west, south, east. But we can’t find friends. Friends cleverly hid.” (Lev Sorokin). We invite you to read and listen with your children or download audio poems for children - counting rhymes - for free and without registration.

Ten birds are a flock. “Sing, sing along, ten birds - a flock: this bird is a nightingale, this bird is a sparrow, this bird is an owl, a sleepy little head. This bird is a waxwing, this bird is a corncrake, this bird is a starling, a gray feather. This one is a chaffinch, this one is a swift, this one is a cheerful siskin... Well, this one is an angry eagle, birds, birds, - by...

Conversation between an old willow and the rain. "- Eight - by the road, nine - in the meadow... - What do you, Rain, think? Maybe I can help? - Two - under an old spruce tree, near a haystack - six... - What do you, Rain, think? That you can’t count? - I’m in a hurry to count all the daisies, ten - at the edge, under the aspen - five... Well, how long will it be before trouble comes to everyone...

“A rider gallops on a horse, on a dun horse, bows to the king, passes it on and goes out.” We invite you to read and listen online or download free and without registration audio poems for children - counting rhymes by Irina Tokmakova.

Siskin. "Chizhik, chizhik, where have you been?" I drank coffee at Katyusha’s, with a roll, butter, milk and smoked tongue. And then we danced “Kee-ka-poo” on the wardrobe with her... Legs this way and that, and tummies like that. And then I sang a song about spring to her at the window: the cat purred, the dog grumbled, the wind swayed the curtain. And then, then, then I hit the cat in the eye with my tail, lifted...

Counting book. “The Sun rides, rides in a golden carriage, sees, sees the Sun from above, everything in the world: a sheep, a rooster, a goat with horns, and how Petya Ivanov waves his fists...” You can read and listen online or download for free and without registration audio poems - counting rhymes for children by Irina Pivovarova.

I couldn't count. “The stars are shining in the sky - golden sand. I was counting the grains of sand, I couldn’t count them. Early in the morning I went out into the forest, I started counting the leaves, I couldn’t count them. The rain started dripping in the forest. I sat down on a stump and began counting the raindrops.. . And got wet through." You can read and listen online or download audio poems for free and without registration...

Counting book. "One - two - three - four - five! You can't count all the miracles! Red, white, yellow, blue, copper, iron, aluminum, sun, air and water, mountains, rivers, cities, work, fun, sweet dreams. And let the war come out!" We invite you to read and listen online or download audio poems for free and without registration - counting rhymes for Maurice's children...

I learned to count. “One, two, three, four, five - I learned to count! Kolka extended his hand to me: “Count: how many fingers?” Why not count? One, two, three, four, five! He stretches out his other hand: “How many fingers will there be?” I’m not in a hurry to count, I’m a little afraid: eight, twenty, ten, a hundred... But I don’t know for “one hundred”...

Audio counting rhyme for children. “One, / two, / three, / four, / five, / There is nowhere for a bunny to jump; / A wolf, a wolf, walks everywhere, / With his teeth - click, click! / And we will hide in the bushes, / Hide, bunny, and you. / You, wolf, wait! / As soon as we hide, go.”

Vadim Levin, audio counting rhymes for small children "Cat Counting Counter". “One, two, three, four, five./ The cat learns to count./ Slowly, little by little/ Adds a cat to the mouse./ The answer is:/ There is a cat, but no mouse.” Mouse's counting rhyme. “One, two, three, four./ Let’s count/ The holes in the cheese./ If there are a lot of holes in the cheese,/ That means the cheese will be delicious./ If...

Audio counting rhymes by Ivan Demyanov. “Once at our Stepan/ The cat was on guard for sour cream,/ And when lunch came,/ The cat was sitting there,/ There was no sour cream./ Help Stepan,/ Look for sour cream with him.” "-Where have you been so far?/ - The traffic light was delayed./ Red is clear -/ The path is dangerous!/ Yellow is the same/ As red,/ And green/ is ahead -/ Pass on!" "They were scared of the bear cub/...

Audio counting rhyme by Marina Boroditskaya "Shchi-talochka". “I’m peeling vegetables for cabbage soup./ How many vegetables do you need?/ Three potatoes, two carrots,/ One and a half heads of onion,/ And a parsley root,/ And a cabbage stalk. Make room, cabbage,/ You’re making the pan thick! One or two - three, the fire is lit - / Kocheryzhka, get out!” You can read, listen online or...

Audio counting rhyme "Rule about borscht". “Cook the borscht according to the rules, / Carrots along with the beets, / Well, strictly after that: / Onions, potatoes and tomatoes. / And then cabbage, / To make it thick. / Pepper, salt, bay leaves / That’s all, girlfriend!” Read and memorize the little rhyme “Rule about borscht”. Now it’s fun to play with her, and when you grow up, these rhymes will help...

Audio counting rhyme by Boris Zakhoder "Countings". “From the window I can see / A wonderful Land / Where the Counting Tales live. / Everyone has been there more than once, / Who has ever played / Hide and seek or tag... The White Hare himself greets you, / As if he has a soul for you ./ Tirelessly, for the hundredth time/ He repeats his story -/ And now you are here, at home!/ Everything is so...

Audio counting rhyme for children. “The hut was walking along the bridge / And wagging its tail, / It got caught on the railing, / It fell straight into the river. / There is noise in the river, there is a ringing in the river! / Those who don’t believe, get out!”

- useful to know and pronounce from the very beginning early childhood. In addition to knowing how to count, they perfectly train a child’s memory. The more unusual the plot of the counting rhyme, the faster it is remembered by the kids. On the site you can find counting rhymes for learning to count to five and to ten, I hope your children will like the online counting rhymes with professional voice acting.

Counting books on-line




Counting books for children - counting to 5

One, two - blue!
Three, four - the sun in the world!
Five, six - there is a river!

E. Blagina

One two three four five!
We're going to play!
A magpie flew to us
And I told you to drive!

Sheep were walking along the road
My feet got wet in a puddle.
One two three four five
Let's wipe our feet!
Some with a handkerchief, some with a rag,
Who has a holey mitten!

One two three four five!
I learned to count!
Kolka extended his hand to me:
“Count how many fingers there are!”
What is there not to count:
"One two three four five!"

One two three four five!
The bunny went out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out,
He shoots straight at the bunny.
Bang bang, didn't hit!
The gray bunny ran away!

One two three four!
There were mice living in the apartment!
They drank tea and broke cups!
They paid three pieces of money.

One two three four!
Who lives in our apartment?
Dad, mom, brother, sister,
Cat Murka, two kittens
My puppy, cricket and me.
That's my whole family!
One two three four five!
I'll start counting everyone again!

One two three four five!
We can't count our friends!
Life is hard without a friend!
Take care of each other!

Cockerel, cockerel!
Show me your skin!
The casing is on fire
How many isthmuses are there on it?
One two three four five!
It's impossible to count!

One two three four five!
The tiger came out for a walk!
He's walking down the street
Doesn't bother anyone!
But for some reason from the tiger
People are running away!
E. Uspensky

One two three four five!
Let's count fingers
- Strong, friendly,
Everyone is so necessary!
On the other hand again:
One two three four five!
Fingers are fast
At least not very clean!
Z. Alexandrova

One two three four five!
We need to count the spoons!
One two three four five!
We need to count the forks!
Spoons, forks, spoons, forks...
Sawdust is rustling in my head!
E. Karganova

One two three four five!
I can count everything:
And the sled on the mountain,
And strollers in the yard,
And girls and boys,
Their sisters and brothers,
And grocery store counters,
And windows in our house!
M. Plyatskovsky

Counting books for children - counting to 10.

One, two - blue!
Three, four - the sun in the world!
Five, six - there is a river!
Seven, eight - let's take off our shirts!
Nine, ten - we tan for a whole month!

I decided to count crows:
One two three four five,
Six is ​​a crow on a post,
Seven is a crow on a trumpet,
Eight - sat on the poster,
Nine - feeds the crows...
Well, ten is a daw.
That's the end of the counting!
A. Usachev

The fox has a housewarming party
Fun awaits guests in the forest.
The first guest found out about this
And a raccoon came with a bouquet.

Wolf with godfather's fox:
“My gift is me!”
The wolf wanted to come first
Yes, I was delayed on the way.
"Here's a feast for you
Am I really second?

The third one is a mischievous bunny
Carrying a teapot
The fox will be happy -
She needs to treat guests.
The tea will be brewed strong and minty
Very tasty, aromatic.

Who is our fourth guest?
Aunt Mouse will come now.
“I was at the fair,
Brought a book of fairy tales
Read to the kids at night
The children will sleep better"

The fifth guest stomped the bear
Very small Toptyzhka.
What about the gift? What's the question?
The bear brought sweet honey.

Prickly hedgehog – sixth guest
- I ran into a thick forest.
I picked a few mushrooms there
And he brought the fox a basket.

The gray donkey is the seventh guest
Returns home.
He was thoughtful in the morning
And I forgot the gift.
At home, right at the door:
“I’ll run after him quickly!”

The eighth guest goes to the fox
- A very important red cat.
The cat brings her a samovar,
Which sparkles like heat.
“Meet the guest little fox
Pour some stronger tea!”

And the ninth ball is a dog,
He brought the accordion to the fox.
“Hello little fox-sister,
Isn't it time for us to make peace?
- We barked yesterday
At the owner's yard.
You came to our chicken coop,
Well, I’m the owner’s guard!”

Meet the tenth guest,
This is a striped tiger.
He promised not to bite
Don't rush at the animals
The fox has a housewarming party.
Let's let the tiger have fun?
M. Manakova.

It's not easy to count chickens
- The chicken has ten of them:
This one got into the basin - once.
And the other one climbed into the firewood - two.
Don't take the frog in your beak, three!
The fourth one jumped into the hole -
He wants to kill his mother!
He tries to get into the puddle again - five!
I was about to crawl under the porch - six!
Where-where! Don't climb the hill...
Seven - I'll give him a spanking!
Eight - jumped into the kennel...
No, by God, I'm going to die!
Where is the ninth? Quickly throw it!
- This is not a worm, but a nail!
Here's the tenth one. He is good...
Wait, where? Don't get into the galoshes!
Wait! Where to where?
They fled in all directions...
I just counted everyone -
Start counting again!
A. Usachev

Once - the referee blows his whistle
Two – the athlete with the ball is standing
Three - we mow the sedge with an oblique.
At four, we carry hay.
Five - the gate in the garden creaks.
Six - on the leaves of the snail.
Seven - the grasshopper fell silent in the bushes.
Eight - the shepherd was tending the sheep.
Nine - evening comes
Ten - Sasha falls asleep.

Once, the bus brought us.
Two - Barbos was gnawing on a bone.
Three – Sveta has a jump rope.
At four, the jackdaw jumps.
Five - the badger spreads straw.
Six - the neighbor sows beets.
Seven – the dog drinks from a bowl.
Eight - pussy eats sausages.
Nine - the sun sets.
Ten - the groundhog goes to bed.

Once - the baby elephant builds a bridge.
Two - owls have a short tail.
Three - the donkey picked a flower.
For four - ate a flower
Five - the woodpecker has a sharp nose.
Six - the weed was growing in the flowerbed.
Seven - the fox is sitting in the forest.
Eight – juice is poured into a glass.
Nine - it will soon be quiet.
Ten - Tanya had a dream.

Once - the bell rings in the hallway.
Two - Seryozha came to see me.
Three - I asked a riddle.
I guessed four.
Five - Zina has a hairpin.
Six - the snake crawls towards the basket.
Seven - the bunny is gnawing on a carrot.
Eight – the hostess is angry here.
Nine - sunset is approaching
Ten - the boys are called to bed.

Once - the cat scratches.
Two - the acacia is blooming.
Three - the chicken has an egg.
Four - my face.
Five - the princess on the porch.
Six - blush on the face.
Seven - the palace is large.
Eight - the king sits in the center.
Nine - a messenger comes to us with a letter.
Ten - the fairy tale ends here.

Once - a mouse rustles in the closet.
Two - a frog in the tubs.
Three - the jackal went into the reeds.
And four - there is a mouse in a hat.
Five - let's write "bump" in school.
Six - the monkey is naughty, rustling.
Seven - our cat is on the roof.
Eight - a bumblebee flew into the window.
Nine - a seamstress sews a hat.
Ten - I walked along the sleepers.

One - two girlfriends whispered.
Two - a cuckoo at the edge.
Three - I carry toys into the hut.
At four, I wash my ears.
Five - bought Dasha checkers
Six - eat millet porridge.
Seven - there are three potatoes in the basket.
Eight - crumbs on the palm.
Nine - we darn the shoe.
Ten - take a wider step

Once - the puppy chews the clothespin.
Two - the bloodhound is looking for a sliver.
Three - put the sorrel in the cabbage soup.
At four, the mouse squeaks.
Five - the goldfinch chirps in the thicket.
Six - I clean the children's raincoat.
Seven - we caught bream.
Eight – vegetable borscht.
Nine - the racer walked to the square.
Ten - things are dragged by a horse.

Once - the cat lapped milk.
Two - the deer are far away.
Three - put the noodles in bowls.
For four, we took spoons.
Five - Oleg broke the glass.
Six - the broth in the cauldron has cooled.
Seven – there aren’t enough pins in the shop.
Eight – lay down a blanket.
Nine - the firecracker went off.
Ten - the frog croaked.

One - Volodya was going to school.
Two - the ox pulled the cart.
Three - the wolf tied the knot.
At four - untied.
Five - there was a white bun.
Six - a ball fell under the chair.
Seven - the horse ran.
Eight - the squirrel jumped.
Nine - falcon in the clouds.
Ten - bees in the meadows.

One - carrots in the garden.
Two - Egor is building a fence.
Three - a steamer at sea.
Four is a fast move.
Five - a crow on the threshold.
Six - nettles along the road.
Seven - I draw a still life.
Eight – cutting a sandwich.
Nine - the mole digs a hole.
Ten beetles are gnawing on the bark.

Once - in the trough there is food for the pig.
Two - let's quickly pick some parsley.
Three - fry the potatoes together.
For four – cook the fish.
Five – snowdrifts in the yard.
Six – wood is burning in the fire.
Seven - thunder rumbles in a thunderstorm.
Eight - Roma is building a house.
Nine - loading the truck.
Ten - the boletus has grown.

There is a loud knock.
The hammers are knocking
They are building a house for the children.

2. For fingers:

This one is the smallest
This one is the weakest
This one is the longest one
This one is the strongest.
Well, this one is fat,
And all together - a fist!

3. Listen guys

I want to tell you:
We had kittens -
There are exactly five of them.

We decided, we wondered,
What should we name the kittens?
Finally we named them:
One two three four five.

Once the kitten is the whitest,
Two - the kitten is the bravest,
Three kitten is the smartest,
And four is the noisiest,
Five is like three and two-
The same tail and head
The same spot on the back,
He also sleeps all day in a basket.

Our kittens are good -
One two three four five,
Come to us guys
Look and count.

4. This finger went into the forest

This finger found a mushroom
This finger cleaned the mushroom,
This finger fried a mushroom,
And this finger ate it -
That's why I got fat!

5. A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts.
To my little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the clubfooted bear,
Bunny with a mustache.


Don't go far
Row with your paws
Look for grains
Ate a fat beetle
Little guys
Yellow chicks


Our ducks in the morning
Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!
Our geese by the pond
Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha!
And the turkey in the yard
Ball-ball-ball! Bullshit!
Our bunnies are above
Gru-gru-gru! Gru-gru-gru!
Our chickens through the window
Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!
Well, Petya the Cockerel early in the morning
He will sing to us ku-ka-re-ku!!!


The cat has kittens,

The mouse has little mice,
The bunny has bunnies,
The hen has chicks.
... here follow various variations on the theme of animals
The apple tree has apples,
And the daughter is with her mother.


This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is ME!
Together a friendly family!


The pussy will come slowly and stroke the baby

Meow-meow the pussy will say
Our baby is good


Bucket sun,
Come up quickly
Light up, warm up
Calves and lambs
More little kids!


Let's go cows
Near Dubrovushka,
Sheep - near the river,
The pigs are near the thread,
And the cats are near the hill!


A swan floats along the river,
Above the bank the little head is carried.
He waves his white wing,
He shakes some water onto the flowers.


I walked through the forest,
She teased the wolf:
- But I’m not afraid of the wolf,
I'm not afraid of gray:
I am from the gray from the wolf
I'll hide under the birch tree.


A horse walks along the bank,
Black on green.
He shakes his head
Shakes his red mane,
The golden bridle rattles,
All the little rings are blink-blink-blink!
They are golden, clink-clink-clink!


Oh you, Domnushka -
Red Sun!
Get up from the stove
Look into the oven -
Isn't it time to bake pancakes?

Nursery rhymes are one of the genres of folklore, most often presented in the form of humorous rhythmic rhymes. With their help, children distribute roles in a group game, which helps to avoid unnecessary disputes and insults. The driver is chosen not based on friendship, sympathy or some other preference, but honestly. The counting table is a kind of lot, the choice of which is not contested, thanks to which all the children are on equal terms. A child who knows many counting rhymes by heart is always the center of attention, because it is he who, as a rule, is the organizer of children's undertakings.

But counting rhymes are needed not only for entertainment. With their help, the baby’s speech, memory, attention and sense of rhythm develop. Counting rhymes often use foreign words that have difficult pronunciation, and their frequent repetition makes the child’s speech clearer. In addition, in the process of assigning roles in the game, the counting rhyme is passed on from mouth to mouth, and this requires not only a good concentration of attention, but also the ability to quickly memorize. Although some children try to independently change the text or endings of these rhythmic rhymes, which allows them to develop imagination, imagination, and sometimes a sense of humor.

Counting books and Counting books for children

* * *

Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta!
A cat married a cat,
For Kot Kotovich - For Pyotr Petrovich!
He is mustachioed and striped,
Well, not a cat, but just a treasure!


The toad jumped, jumped,
I almost fell into the swamp.
Grandfather came out of the swamp
Two hundred and eighty years.
He carried herbs and flowers.
Get out of the circle.


A bunny was running along the road,
Yes, my legs are very tired.
The bunny wanted to sleep,
Come out and look.


One day a mouse came out
See what time it is.
One two three four,
The mouse pulled the weights.
Suddenly there was a strong ringing sound.
Get out of the circle.


The mouse dried the dryers,
The mouse invited the mice.
The mice drank, the mice ate,
Only the dryers crunched.
One two three four five.
The fingers went out for a walk.
This finger found a mushroom
This finger is a clean table.
This one cut, this one ate,
Well, this one just looked.


I am an animal
And you are an animal.
I am a mouse
You're a ferret.
You are cunning
And I'm smart.
Who is smart
He went out.


Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Atty-batty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
Aty-baty, how much did they give?
Aty-baty, one hundred pennies.
Aty-baty, come out, A
Aty-baty, hurry up.


One two three four five.
We can't count our friends
And life is hard without a friend,
Get out of the circle quickly.


Behind the high mountains
There is a bear with pies.
Hello, Mishenka-friend,
How much does a pie cost?
Pies are not for sale
They put themselves in the mouth,
But who will take them?
He will drive.


Over the seas, over the mountains,
Behind dense forests
There is a tower on the hill,
There is a lock on the door.
Who will find the key to the lock?
He will go out of the circle.


Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
Stay at your hem
Look into the field
The trumpeters are riding there,
Yes, they eat rolls.
Look at the sky -
There's a crust of bread there.
One, two, don't be a crow,
Run like fire.


A ram was walking
Over steep mountains
Pulled out the grass
I put it on the bench.
Who will take her?
That one will go too.

Mathematical Counters for Kids


One two three four five,
The bunny went out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out,
Shoots straight at the bunny
But the hunter didn't hit
The gray bunny ran away.


One two three four five,
The cat learns to count.
Slowly, little by little
Adds a cat to a mouse.
The answer is:
There is a cat, but no mouse!


One two three four five,
Kolya will start.
The bees flew into the field,
They buzzed, they buzzed,
The bees sat on the flowers,
We scare - you drive!


One two three four five,
Six seven eight nine ten -
You can count everything
Count, measure, weigh...
How many corners are there in the room?
How many legs do sparrows have?
How many toes are there?
How many benches are there in the kindergarten?
How many kopecks are there in a penny!


One two three four five,
The bunny went out for a walk.
What should we do? What should we do?
We need to catch the bunny.
We will count again:
One two three four five.


Once upon a time there lived a hundred guys.
Everyone went to kindergarten,
Everyone sat down to lunch
Everyone ate a hundred cutlets,
And then they went to bed -
Start counting again.


One two three four,
Midges lived in the apartment.
A friend himself got into the habit of visiting them,
Cross - big spider.
Five, six, seven, eight,
Let’s ask the spider: “You glutton, don’t go.”
Come on, Mashenka, drive!


One day the mice came out
See what time it is.
One two three four -
The mice pulled the weights.
Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound -
The mice ran away.

One two three four.
Who lives in our apartment?
Dad, mom, brother, sister,
Murka the cat, two kittens,
My puppy, cricket and me -
That's my whole family!
I'll start counting everyone again.


One two three four,
Who doesn't sleep in our apartment?
Everyone in the world needs sleep.
He who is not sleeping will get out!

There lived one burbot in the river,
Two ruffs were friends with him,
Three ducks flew to them
Four times a day
And they were taught to count - One, two, three, four, five.


The seagull warmed up the kettle.
She invited eight seagulls:
“Everyone come over for tea!”
How many seagulls, answer!


The seagulls lived at the pier,
The river rocked them with waves.
One two three four five -
Help me count them!


One two three four.
I was taught to read and write.
Don't read, don't write,
Just jump on the floor.
I jumped and played
The doll's leg was broken
Yes, I sent for the doctor.
The doctor is riding on bulls
Yes, with an accordion in his hands.


To fly us to the planet.
We made a rocket.
One, two, three - You will fly today!


A hare runs across the bridge
Long ears, short tail.
Don't run far
Help us do the math.
One two Three -
Come out!


Here are the mushrooms on the meadow
They are wearing red caps.
Two mushrooms, three mushrooms,
How many will be together? -

Funny and Comic Counting Counters for Children


Koko-Moko gobbled up the eggs
And I didn't say thank you
He got on his horse and ran away.
He comes back from the war
Mom, where are my pants?
And the pants are on the street
The chickens were pecked.
The chicken went to the pharmacy
And she said: ku-ka-re-ku!
Give me soap and perfume,
So that Pe-tu-hi don't fight.


Two sailors were sitting
Smoking cigarettes
One didn't finish smoking
Gave it to the dog
The dog ran
I told the boss
The boss was surprised
And he fell into a barrel.
And there are cockroaches in the barrel,
They played drums.
One didn't finish the game
The whole barrel was torn apart.


I am a little girl
And I don't go to school.
Buy me sandals -
I'm getting married!


I will go outside,
I'll catch a chicken there.
I'll tie her by the tail -
It will be a steam locomotive!


Hush, mice! Cat on the roof.
And kittens are even higher!
The cat went for milk
And the kittens are head over heels,
The cat came without milk,
And the kittens: - Ha-ha-ha!


One two three four five,
The bunny went out for a walk
Suddenly the hunter runs out,
Shoots straight at the bunny:
Bang Bang! Oh-oh-oh!
My little bunny is dying!
They took him to the hospital -
He stole a mitten there.
They took him home -
He turned out to be alive!


Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman,
We ate porridge with milk.
The grandfather was angry with the woman -
Slap your belly with your fist!
And from the belly - two watermelons
They went head over heels.
And from the nose - two sailors
We ran barefoot.


The car was walking through a dark forest
For some interest.
Come out with the letter "es"!

Find out what else a child at this age should know and be able to do.