Graduation scene in kindergarten. Kindergarten graduation script. Quatrains at graduation in kindergarten by name for children Personalized congratulations to kindergarten graduates

So the years flew by unnoticed kindergarten. Children came there as still quite inept preschool children, and they go out - tuned in a serious way and school life. A lot has happened over the years, but in the memory of educators, nannies, some funny cases are associated with each child. You can tell a whole story about each child, and perhaps even compose a poem for graduation in kindergarten. These poems will decorate a wall newspaper or postcards that educators can put in gifts and present at graduation in kindergarten.

We publish personal poems for children at graduation in kindergarten. The poems are not simple - educators need to correctly substitute the names of young craftsmen.

...... (child's name) - our best helper Always.
He will redo things without difficulty.
The nanny will help the teacher.
Hard working and very diligent.

…… - gorgeous! Always in a new dress.
And always patient in class.

...... friendly with sports,
He doesn't need a couch.
No time to lie -
Ready to run anywhere.

….. loves books.
Reading boy.

...... always helps kids,
Protects with careful care.

……. - faithful friend
And an exemplary girl.

…… (for example, Kolya) prize for the best dream.
Here he is a champion.

...... eats lunch faster than anyone,
and is growing very fast.

...... toys will always collect,
order in all corners will bring.

...... fabulously draws -
Colors always excite her/him.

…. , of course, naughty little by little,
But in general, she (or, in general, he) will not offend a cat either.

…… best of all sings.
The whole day is all over the place.

….. come up with a game
And entertain the kids.

….. will read poetry wonderfully.
The rhymes and lines are all so interesting.

…….floats like a real dolphin.
Here's a brilliant result.

...... in the dance it spins so well.
She will need this skill.

At ... ... just a braid to the waist.
We have a fairy tale beauty.

……has such a wonderful laugh.
Cheerful always expects success.

...... learns from us all the animals,
He reads a lot of magazines about them.

…… always very polite and nice.
If only it were like this.

Have ... .. skillful hands.
He masters everything, not knowing boredom.

……. always asking questions.
Learns a lot about everything.

……. sits in class, listens,
He sleeps well and eats well.

...... - coquette, star, laughter.
Mom's daughter and talker.

……. always support and understand.
If you need it, you will come to the rescue.

...... in the sandbox will build a house,
Maybe later he will go to the builders.

…… growls like a real tiger.
This is a talking child.

…… want to play,
and not sleep at all.

……. not a bit rude
he is a real erudite.

...... dresses dolls,
dreams of becoming a fashion designer.

Irina Kulikova
Poems about graduate children

golden sun

We have in the group

golden sun

Rays can not be counted!

We wish Nastenka

And at school shine for everyone.

Bring good grades from school!

Gelya - as an adult, she will always support and understand

If you need it, help will come,

And slender as a spikelet.

Likes to help adults.

She has many talents: draw, sculpt and sing,

dress fashionably,

Dancer anywhere

And the mind and all took.

We will miss you

Promise to visit us!

Artem loves to build, craft,

Much, much to say

Reason, prove.

He is not rude to anyone, he is a real erudite!

May the road be bright, we sincerely wish!

Toys are best removed

In all corners, girls are better, they will put things in order.

The most serious and fair!

Praise is always worthy.

Children respect Vanya

Everyone wishes him success in school!

Dasha values ​​friendship

Always in a hurry to kindergarten!

He likes to study, draw a lot.

We want true friends

In your studies, success and only good

May her life be full of joy.

Igor grew up quickly

He managed to learn everything!

Strives for new knowledge

It will come in handy at school, and he will not be lazy!

Our Masha is a laugher!

Cheerful, nice girl!

He loves to play and play sports

At school they will love her and take her to competitions!

Ksyusha is our best assistant always

Things will redo everything without difficulty.

The nanny will help the teacher.

Hardworking, smart and very diligent!

Alina is a gentle beauty, responsive and inquisitive!

Very vulnerable and attractive.

She is never alone

May she always be lucky at school in life!

The girlfriend is very faithful and the girl is exemplary

Modest and smart. Beautiful and kind.

He always takes care of the kids, protects them with his attention.

POLINA- fabulously draws

Drawings excite her all

Coquette, star, laughter

Mom's daughter and the restless talker


EVELINA - always very polite and sweet

There is no kinder in the whole world

And it will be bad without it for an adult and a baby.

But we wish her from the bottom of our hearts

meet good friends

To be as kind, sincere and beautiful,

nice and patient

And at school 5 only to receive!

DIMA - began to try a lot, sometimes to be indignant.

Take offense at the girls, but if you have to give in.

A good boy, a faithful friend, will come to the rescue and never

will not let you down!

Inquisitive, active, open-minded

According to an adult, he will judge everything, he will teach the mind to the mind of everyone.

He will not tell you too much and will never refuse to help anyone!


Sometimes a little naughty

But in general, it will not offend the cat.

Likes to build and draw

Get new toys.

Artem has matured, recovered remarkably well.

How to eat, sets an example to friends!

And he knows how to draw beautifully, build a complex town!

He is never averse to teaching friends, they will suddenly offend, he will endure.

Let him take diligence at school, everything that the teacher will give!

Graduation at the DOW. Scenario

Description: I offer for musical directors and educators a script for a graduation party for children of a preparatory group for school. It is built in such a way as to demonstrate all the creative abilities of children aged 6-7 from different sides, while attracting parents and teachers to participate in this common holiday, giving them the opportunity to show their theatrical abilities.
Target: arrange an unforgettable holiday of farewell to childhood;
- create a positive emotional mood for graduates;
- unleash the creative potential of each child,
- show the parents of each of them from a new creative side;
Holiday preparation: learning songs, dances, preparing dramatizations with both children and parents; preparation by graduates of costumes for scenes.

Holiday for the preparatory school group "First Graduation Ball"

3 boys and three girls run into the hall, dancing a cheerful perky dance.
Song-dance "We're going to play"

The leader enters.
Leading. What kind of performance is this?
What's with the noisy fun?
Why did they come here
Are you all, all alone?
1. We wanted to play, frolic, shout,
And dance with your toys here for the last time!
2. After all, it's time for us all to say goodbye to childhood,
Because we have to go to school.
Q. Why did you rush and didn't open the script?
Everything goes in order: dances, games and riddles,
Congratulations and flowers of unprecedented beauty.
3. Today we forgot all the verses from excitement,
There were just preschool children, and now they are students.
4. Today we dressed up and worry in the morning,
That's why we forgot about the script a little.
5. I have an offer!
All: What?
6. Overcome your excitement, everyone out of the hall together,
Let's start our holiday from the beginning.
Leading. Sound, fanfares, and trumpets, trumpet!
The children are in a hurry for the holiday.
Today we are seeing the children to the kindergarten,
It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten!

Dance performance of children
to the music of Rondo Veniziano - Piazza San Marco
(children come out in rows of five, introducing themselves and their outfits)
1. Hello moms, dads and guests!
Hello, our dear kindergarten!
We are impatiently, with special excitement
Waiting for our big holiday!
2. The holiday is very important for us today -
Graduation day is coming
It is a pity that we are leaving kindergarten,
School is waiting for us in autumn.
3. Today we were hardly recognized
All the guests that gathered in the hall.
Came here for the last time
Remember us forever!
4. Bouquets, music, poetry
And a hall bright with smiles.
All this to us, graduates,
Today is our farewell party.
5. With tender sadness "goodbye"
Let's say we are native to the group.
We didn't part with her.
Except on the weekend.
6. Other children in September
A new group will come
Well, we will close the doors:
School lessons are waiting for us.
7. Today we'll say goodbye
And educators and nannies
Everyone who loved us was glad to us
All: Farewell, beloved kindergarten!
Song "Kindergarten - Magic Land" (words and music by O. Shaporenko)

Leading. The holiday started off great!
Children, do you agree with me?
All Yes!
Child: What will you tell us next?
take a look at your script.
Maybe a song, maybe a dance?
Leading. Well, of course, it's a fairy tale!
Here on a glorious holiday.
We will tell old tales about the main thing,
We will present them in detail.
With feeling, tact and arrangement.
"The Tale of the Golden Fish"
Moms come out, in their hands are bundles with dolls. There is a crying baby.
Sit down, friends, comfortably, we will tell you a fairy tale.
The wise old tale of the Golden Fish.
Lived by the blue sea kind mothers.
Their children were different, but the concerns were common.
They went to the blue sea to cast a net.
In the hope that they will catch the Goldfish.
The blue fabric is unraveling. Her mothers come to her.
First mother:
I would say: “Rybka, I don’t need much in my life.
Do such a miracle so that the child is healthy.
Second mother:
I would come with a bow: “Have mercy, Empress Rybka.
Let our children go to kindergarten and better for free.
Third mother:
And I would ask Rybka for a little, but not a little,
So that someday they come to the kindergarten with a kind word.
They got a goldfish.
Good mothers fell on their knees before her,
Mothers pleaded:
Lady Rybka! Hear our confessions
And help us fulfill our cherished desires.
The fish listened to all of them and answered quietly.
Gold fish:
Go home as soon as possible, look at the world more cheerfully!
And I will fulfill all the wishes that you have made here.
The mothers leave.
And three years have not passed since my mother's children grew up.
And with a timid, timid step they came to the kindergarten.

The song "Kindergarten is a house for children" (T. Kersten)

Scene "Memories"
Q. Let's remember how we once came to kindergarten, guys.
1. What are you, they didn’t come, they brought us in wheelchairs.
We often sat on the handles, we didn’t want to stomp our feet.
2. I remember crying every day,
I was waiting for my mother, I looked out the window.
3. And I did this - I fell asleep over soup at lunchtime.
Sometimes, I ate poorly, they fed me with a spoon.
4. We loved to throw sand, Our (name) loved to laugh.
They were such fools! They fought with their hands and feet.
5. Yes, we were all good, Yes, what to take from us, because kids.

Kids come out to the song "Top-top stomp baby"
caregiver junior group speaks:
The same crumbs
You came to kindergarten
Learned to stomp their feet
Now you have grown up.
And we came to congratulate you
With the transition to the first class!
1. Today the kids congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts!
You enter the first class, but don't forget about us.
2. Your teachers spent a lot of effort,
Every day and every hour everyone took care of you!
3. Let us be small today, but we will grow up soon,
And, too, after you, we will go to the first class!
4. We envy you a little: you are almost schoolchildren.
And we sincerely wish you a good trip!
5. And now we are very happy to dance with you.
Goodbye, goodbye, please don't forget us!

Dance to the song "Top-top, stomp baby"
(words: Lev Magrachev (Alexey Olgin), music: Stanislav Pozhlakov)
Graduates invite kids to dance.
Kid: And when you go to first grade,
Will you take all your toys with you?
Child: Lovely, good babies,
We have no time to play with dolls, bears.
But still we want the last time
Dance with toys now.

Dance with toys to the song "Goodbye, toys."
(words: E. Prikhodko, music: E. Zaritskaya)
The guys give toys to children from the younger group.
Child: The toys were handed to the guys,
And more to us, friends,
No need to be sad.
Toys for reliable preschoolers.
They smile at us and say.
Children: Thank you, bye.

Q. So our children have grown up. Summer will fly by and they will go to school. And who will look after them after school? We decided to put an ad in the newspaper: "A kind governess who loves children is required."
Knock on the door.
Q. It must be her!
The governess enters.
G. Hello! Do you need a governess? So, it's me! And not just a governess, but a housekeeper!
Q. Hello!
G. Is this your apartment? Well, the apartment is suitable, there is even a piano. I love, you know, all sorts of symphonies to play! (looks around). What are all your children? And should I educate them? I have never tried to raise such a bunch of children at once. I will work with each one individually. Come on, give me that talkative boy over there. Well, baby, say hello to your aunt.
The child greets.
G. Yes, the children are neglected, but not lost. I will take them seriously while they are small, grow up - it will be too late.
B. No, our children are good, well-mannered, with a sense of humor.
G. I will eradicate a sense of humor in the bud! Got it, comedians?! (To the presenter) Well, okay, go, mother, do not interfere with raising children. (The teacher leaves) Children, did you do exercises today? Doesn't matter! Once again it won't hurt!

Musical number to the music for charging "The sun is radiant"
G. Well, nothing, nothing. For the first time will go. Let's do vocals. And you, move away, dear (pushes the music director aside), do not bother me raising children! Children, sing: “La-la-la” (presses one key). And now with accompaniment! “The chrysanthemums in the garden have faded a long time ago ...” (knocks on all keys)
Children, I can't hear you! Sing with me! Did a bear step on your ear?
Your kids can't sing at all!
Musical director: Our children sing wonderfully! Here, listen!

"Song about friendship" (words and music by Lyubasha)
G. What, do you want to go to school? Well done, and now they sat down, hands on their knees, do not move, eyes closed. And until your mother comes, everyone sleep.

The governess sits down on a chair and begins to knit. Kids are sleeping. The leader enters.
Q. And why is there silence at our holiday?
The governess quits knitting.
G. Why-why? I'm tired of raising your children. Let them sleep. Very noisy: they sing, dance.
B. They sing and dance, because our children go to school, and we see them off.
G. What kind of school?
V. (surprised) Like what school? (looks at the governess)
Dear, do you have a pedagogical education?
G. (frightened) What? Pedadic?
V. So-so. Something and your face is painfully familiar. Have I seen you somewhere?
G. (ingratiatingly) No, they didn't see it. Yes, my face is unfamiliar. (closing)
V. Guys, but this is Baba Yaga. Decided to deceive us? Ruin our holiday? And we tried so hard to prepare. We say goodbye to kindergarten, we are going to school.
B.Ya. Again about school. School, school...
Q. Do you want our guys to tell you what a school is?
B.Ya. Tell (unsure)?

Three children go out to read poem "What is a school"(L. Chadova)
1. What is a school? How do you answer?
This is where all the children rush in the morning.
What a strange question, if you have already grown up?
If seven, then just right,
Get ready for first class!
2. What is a school? How do you answer?
This is where you learn about everything in the world:
About the multiplication table, about verbs and addition,
About planets and seas, what a round earth!
3. What is a school? How do you answer?
Changes and calls, buns in the buffet,
And the marks in the diary, and the task on the board.
You will know and understand everything.
If you come to school.
V. And we can also sing a song ... about the school.

The song "Teach at school"
(Words: Plyatskovsky M., music: Shainsky V.)
(6 soloists sing two lines each, chorus - all together).
B.Ya. What a bore. Teach, teach. And that's it. And I love to dance.
B. And so are we. And sing and dance. Do you want to listen to a funny song?
B.Ya. Merry? Well, come on, show me.
Song-dance "Pea"
B.Ya. Wow. What good fellows! And that they will all be taken to school?
V. They will, of course.
B.Ya. What about me? I also want to play instruments the same way.
Q. Well, I don’t know ... Baba Yaga, what school would you like to go to?
B.Ya. I mean, which one? And what are they different?
B. Of course. Here look.
B. One, two, three, four, five,
Let's write a story.
Adventure story,
fairy tale with transformations
Whether it was or not, this tale will give an answer.
Scene "Three sons"
Once upon a time, three sons lived, and their father was a wonderful sage.
Three sons come out.
The eldest was smart, the middle son was this way and that,
The younger one was an idiot.
Father: Learn, children, you must. Here's an arrow for you
pull the string and shoot the arrow wherever your eyes look.
Where the arrows hit, it means that they are waiting for you in that school.
The eldest son shoots a bow, goes for an arrow and carries a sign with the inscription "Lyceum"
Elder son: Well, I won't be lost. I'm going to study at the Lyceum!
I will read all the poems there, I want to become a poet.
Narrator: As he said so and did so, his father praised him:
Father: You will be a good fellow!
(referring to middle son)
You shoot now, son.
Aim better, don't be shy, shoot at that wood soon.
The middle son shoots from a bow, goes for an arrow and carries a sign with the inscription "Gymnasium"
Middle son: I will go to the gymnasium. I will study all sciences,
I learn the economy - I want to become a businessman!
Narrator: Praised his father:
Father: You will be a good fellow! (approaches the youngest son)
What, Ivanushka, is not cheerful? What did you hang your head on?
It's your turn to shoot!
Youngest son Ivan: I don't want to study, dad. I don't like to practice.
I don't want to read, pore and sit at a desk.
Father: No, Ivan, go shoot. Choose your own school.
The younger son shoots a bow, goes for an arrow, and returns with the Frog Princess.
Two sons in chorus: What kind of miracle is this?
Father: Where is the school? Missed?! I, Vanyusha, knew it!
Ivan: So what! Why do I need a school?
Father: Oh, son, what are you talking about? After all, learning is light!
You know, Vanya, nowadays there is no happiness without science!
Frog: Aren't you ashamed, Ivan? Listen to your father.
You and I should study, Vanya, it seems that the time has come.
We will study science, we will go to school with you.
We will sit next to each other, we will help in everything.
Ivan: Okay, we persuaded you. I will go to school with you
math, english, whatever you need to learn.
Father: Listen to me guys: don't play hide-and-seek at school.
You study the computer, respect the teachers.
Chorus: We will, dad, we will study, and we will not be lazy.
V. Well done, guys. No wonder they went to kindergarten year after year. Learned a lot here.
And now another year has ended, time flies quickly - and you are already in the preparatory group for school. School is waiting for you. You won't see you in kindergarten anymore.
B.Ya. So, it means that I will never hang out with them again!!! (sobs)
B. Don't be upset, you will definitely meet them at school! Guys, let's play folk instruments, let's have fun with Baba Yaga!
B.Ya. On folk? (thinking) I heard about an ax, I heard about a hammer, a rake, I know a shovel. What else is this?
B. Yes, we will show you now.

Chastushki performed by the exemplary vocal and instrumental ensemble "Vanka-Vstanka"
B.Ya. How amazing! I also have a washing board at home. I'll go and practice.
I will learn to play on the board, they will also take me to school. (to the audience) Everyone who knows how to play on the washing board is taken to school. Why are you sitting, run home as soon as possible.
Runs away, saying goodbye on the go.
V. (after Baba Yaga) Baba Yaga, you didn’t understand ... Well, she ran away.

V. And our holiday continues. Our guys have prepared many more words of gratitude
1. In a cozy kindergarten, we lived like at home.
Any corners were familiar to us here.
2. Our educators are a feast for the eyes, the highest class.
We studied everything with them, we did not get bored in the classroom.
What we glued, sculpted, gave everything to our parents.
They controlled plasticine, they didn’t even stain their hands.
They taught us to work, not to be lazy in the classroom.
It's sad to part with you, you need to get ready for school.
Thank you and thank you for everything.
3. We considered our second caregivers to be mothers.
We were sometimes capricious and stubborn.
Forgive me if something is wrong, as the mother of the children forgives.
We will remember you for a long time, we promise together.
Thanks to Lyudmila Yurievna and Marina Vladimirovna!
4. good word“assistant”, toys will help to assemble,
He will help the guys undress, quietly put them to bed.
From a clear dawn to dark in our garden she is.
Who will bring us dinner and clean the dishes?
Our group is not more beautiful, clean and light around!
Maybe our nanny has not 2, but 10 hands?
Thanks to Natalya Yurievna.

5. Farewell, our kindergarten! you with love
We will remember for a long time.
Everything is ahead of us, but only kids
We will never, ever be!
6. Our kindergarten is like a home
We've had all these years!
But we are leaving, and other children will come here.
7. Only one word we want.
Fold from capital letters
We want it for you today
Speak with love!
Seven children line up on the stage with "THANK YOU" signs.
8. Manager - everyone is happy
Say that word myself
To all those who maintain the garden,
To all nannies, cooks!
9. For everyone who protected us
And taught good
Who always washed our clothes
And the floor was scrubbed hard!
10. Who brought food to us,
Who sang songs with us.
We know what's in our garden
There are many different things.
11. We speak with a bow
We are our educators.
You taught us how to read
Problems are hard to solve!
And now we are writing
Like those who go to first grade!
12. We grew up, now other children
They will come to your garden, as we once came,
And we say to all employees: “Thank you!”
And this song is given to you guys.

The song "It's a pity to leave"
(words: V. Borisov, music: A. Yermolov)

V. And now the word to our educators and not only.
Sing a song to the motive of the song "Call me with you"
The first time you timidly entered here,
But the moment will come, the last day will run
And then you will be sad
Because childhood is gone forever, your carefree years
We will never return.

There will be many more changes in life, but still again
You will return to the comfort of our garden walls, we give you our word.
You and I look into each other's eyes, we can't forget our childhood
And again we want to tell you.
Leaving the kindergarten, we say to you "Goodbye"
Dear graduates, we wish goodbye
So that all teachers, like we love you,
For new dreams to regain the power of heights.

Manager's words:
Today, the excitement can not be contained -
Your last holiday in kindergarten.
Our hearts are both warm and anxious,
After all, the children have grown up and go to school.
And how hard it is to part with you,
And let you out from under the wing into the light!
You became relatives, you became friends,
And better than you, it seems, can not be found.
Today, guys, we congratulate you!
You go to school to learn, to make friends.
We wish you all good health and success
And never forget your kindergarten.

Q. And now the awarding of our graduates.
Alumni awards

Scene "What will happen?"
Q. So our holiday is coming to an end ...
1. What is happening now?
B. First graduation ball! In the hall, relatives and friends, kind faces.
2. Prom ball, so everyone will have fun?
V. There will be fun and joy, and sometimes tears!
1. What will happen behind all this?
B. Farewell hour! The hour of parting with the garden of relatives and friends!
Our beloved children say goodbye to us!
Happy time with you, we will remember more than once!
2. How will it all end?
V. Friendship forever!
1. Friendship forever?! Are you sure?
Q. Yes, I really believe! Kindergarten cheerful and kind love tested,
No matter what happens, he will never be forgotten!
2. What follows from this?
B. One should live! We continue to educate the children of others!
Wishing the graduates all the best,
Please loved ones and do not forget us!

Final dance "Graduates Waltz"

Leaders enter the room

1c. Good afternoon Dear Parents!

2c. Hello dear guests and colleagues, we are glad to welcome you. Today our kindergarten opened its doors for a traditional holiday dedicated to our little graduates - future first graders.

1 in. For parents, they will always be babies, for us they are the smartest, most cheerful, most inquisitive children who have been proud and admired all these years.

2 in. And today we have to sum up the work that we did together, together, helping and supporting each other.

1 in. And the kids won't let us down.

2 in. Because they are the smartest, the most fun, the most inquisitive!

1c. That's why something - the hall went silent,

In the eyes of delight and sadness a little.

Let the hall now remember them:

2c. Flirtatious and mischievous,

A little daring and stubborn

The most childishly playful,

1c. Unique, expensive,

2c. And all in their own way beloved, and equally relatives. Meet them!

The entrance of children, the presenter announces: Graduates of kindergarten No. 116 - 2012

Children enter the hall to the solemn music. Representation of children.

Dance __________

Children stand in the center of the hall

1R. The years have flown by,

And the school is waiting for the guys

Only a quiet round dance

A kindergarten will flash in the distance.

2r. Fireworks will rumble like a rain of fire,

Fulfilling a childhood dream

Give the world, at least for five minutes,

A new, beautiful star.

3r. The imperceptible glance of sad eyes,

And the words are a little hazy.

After these words for the very first time

I want to turn the whole world upside down.

4r. A May tear will fall from the sky -

Parting warm seal.

The main thing is to be on time good words

To say goodbye to everyone.

5p. My first step! My first friend!

All this was remembered and it became bright all of a sudden!

I thank you with all my heart

To all who have walked this great path with me!

6r. We will remember more than once that kind planet,

Where sunrises meet with rays of eyes,

Where are the sunny dreams, where are the star paths.

Where chuckles and sadness are heard in the songs.

8r. Today is a cheerful, bright day,

So exciting for us.

Summer will pass unnoticed

We will meet the school - the first class!

9r. Today we are in a spacious hall

You hardly want to be sad.

We have grown in body and soul.

Adults agree with me….

10 rub. In September other children

a new group will come.

Well, we will close the doors -

Big things are waiting for us!

11r. Hello school! Hello school!

Open doors wider

And flowers and calls

First Grader Meeting!

The song "The Bell Rings"

Children sit on chairs

3 children remained in the center of the hall

12 rubles Wizards live in the world

They bring joy to us

Children are eagerly awaiting their visit.

And they know everyone by name.

13r. Wizards live and believe

That childhood is a holiday without end,

That all the doors are open to a fairy tale,

And all hearts are open.

14r. And somewhere nearby fairy tales roam,

Wizards come and go

But miracles remain!

Fanfare sounds

part 2

1c. Attention attention! Ladies and gentlemen!

Today you are present at the Golden Ray award ceremony.

2v. On the stage of the kindergarten "Luchik" the annual ceremony of the award "Golden Ray" . For the thirty-third time, awards will be presented to the brightest graduates of 12!

1c. Whose talents shocked, amazed, admired us for several years.

2v. And today you will see the most exciting hits, popular performances on our stage.

1c. Only today and only for you the main show of the year!

2c. Well, the dance opens our ceremony

Dance "Photography"

1c. For our performers, your applause will be a great reward!

2c. Dear friends, we are glad that the amazing vocal group "Luchiki" burst onto our stage with leaps and bounds!

1c. Let's listen to the song

2c. Performed by charming ______________________________

1c. Beautiful song! Beautiful performers! Applause…

2c. Well, friends, let's continue! Meet! The dance group "Topotushki" is on stage! with a dance

Dance __________________

1c. And I want to ask for applause!

2c. Before I introduce the next number, I want to ask…. what performers do you like?

1c. Potap and Nastya, Nyusha ...

2c. And I will name the performers of my dreams __________________________ listen to the song they perform

Song ____________________

1c. Friends, your applause!

2c. Ladies and Gentlemen! Meet! A frequent guest of our ceremony - Our Masha!

The arrival of Masha from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" (on a bicycle) .

Masha:(sings) So we became a year older!

1c. Hello Masha!

Masha: Hello! Oh, what are you doing here?

2c. We take the children to school. Children say goodbye to kindergarten, in the fall they will become students.

Masha: All I want to do is learn! Want! Make me a school! And don't forget the board! And I know the magic word... DO IT!

1c. Well, let's make a school for Masha. Bring a board and chalk. (Bring in the board, markers)

Masha: Wow! Look how I can: stick, stick, stick ... OP-LA.

The game "counting apples" (candy)

(from the cartoon series about the school)

(candy, magnetic numbers)

Masha takes out a bell, rings, shouts: "Change ... ..", runs

1c. Wait, Masha! Stop! Lets play!

Masha: Wow, I'm so groovy! Let's! Will you? (takes fishing rods tied to a bicycle)

Fishing game

There are numbers (fives, fours) cut out of cardboard in the hoop. You need to hook the “good mark” with the fishing rod.

Let's fish! (gives fishing rods to two children)

Masha runs around and shouts: Are you biting? And do I bite? Does it bite here? And who is biting? Where does it bite? Does it bite like that? And why is he biting?

2c. So how's the catch? What did you catch?

Masha: Do you have a five? Do I have five? Is there a five here? Where is the five? How about a five? Why a five?

1c. Look, dear parents! This is how your kids will learn! Do you agree with such assessments?

Masha:(asks parents) Did you study? Where did you study? How did you study? Did they help you? And who helped? How did he help? Will you help them? How can you help?

2c. And this, Mashenka, we will find out now!

Game "Fortune telling"

(Parents are asked questions, to which they answer prepared answers.

For example, - who will collect the child in school? The answer is a dog, neighbor, mother, etc.)

Masha: What a good school! I like it!

1c. So your wish came true - now you are a schoolgirl, you can safely go to first grade!

Masha: And I have one more wish! Guys, let's sing!

The children get up.

Song "Three Wishes"

(Masha leaves)

1c. Bravo! Bravo!

2c. Today we saw the performances of many wonderful bands.

1c. I'll tell you a secret, all these performances took place thanks to creative work another wonderful, bright, creative, positive team.

2c. The staff of the kindergarten "Luchik"! Applause!

1c. And with great pleasure, we want to give children the opportunity to say words of gratitude to the people who have been with you throughout all these years.

15r. We came to kindergarten as kids,

They couldn't even hold a spoon.

And now, you can see for yourself:

We have matured and grown up.

16r. We are sad, very sorry to leave

We promise to visit our garden.

But it's time to say goodbye

We want to say thank you to everyone!

17r. Educators, nannies, nurses.

We will often remember you

After all, it's probably very difficult.

Give your heart to children!

18r. It was cozy, beautiful in the group,

In the morning we were happy to go to the kindergarten,

We say to all of you together:

"Thank you" (chorus, air kiss)

And bow to you to the ground.

Song __________________

2c.….., now is a very significant and exciting moment! The head of kindergarten No. 116 "Luchik" Domracheva M.O. is invited to the stage for the presentation of diplomas!

1c. Guys let's say hello!


2c. We still have some time to listen to the kind words of the parents of our graduates!

1c. Please come to our stage!

2c. This concludes the 33rd Golden Ray Award Ceremony! We want to say a huge thank you to all of you!

1c. It was the best day ever! And to prolong the joy of the meeting, our children have prepared another number for us! Greet them with a standing ovation!

Dance _________________

2c. Guys, now make your most cherished wish! And for it to come true, you need to release the balloon into the sky!

Children with parents go out on the porch

Internet resources were used in the scenario:

The years went by quickly
Kindergarten behind.
You have become very big
It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer a preschooler
You are going to first grade!
Congratulations guys
Let dreams come true!

We wish you victories
Life is fabulously beautiful.
Let the green light burn
In a children's and happy fairy tale!

Congratulations guys
Happy first graduation!
We are happy for you, of course.
But we are a little sad.

Don't come to the kindergarten anymore
New things are waiting for you
But toys and cribs
You will always be remembered.

We wish that at school
You studied all the "five".
And, of course, with warmth
Remember Kindergarten!

Congratulations on an important event, on your first graduation. May the kindergarten leave wonderful memories in your heart, may great discoveries and happy days await you ahead. Stay the same wonderful child, dream of something beautiful and enjoy every new day.

Kindergarten is already behind -
First graduation ever!
We accompany you to school
We wish you only fives.

So that you learn with joy
To make parents proud.
Happiness, perseverance, patience
And a little more luck.

First ever graduation
Very important holiday is yours.
Was a preschooler yesterday
And today - hurrah! -
You are almost at school.
We wish: plenty of happiness,
Getting "five" is easy,
Get smarter and taller
Be healthy, smile
Have fun and laugh.

That's the end of kindergarten.
And soon you will be going to school.
So let there be a starfall
Days of interesting and fun.

Time flew by quickly
Our kids have grown up
And we hurry to congratulate
Happy first graduation!

Day by day they move forward.
School will open soon
Before you the world of science
So that the children do not know boredom.

Kindergarten you do not forget
Visit us sometimes
We will miss you
Well, first class is waiting for you!

Congratulations on graduation
Cheerful, kind, mischievous!
We wish you success
Lots of joy and laughter.
Be healthy and strong
Spirit strong, active.
Studying well in school
Achieve a lot in life.
And of course a sea of ​​​​happiness
Long life without adversity.

Such an exciting moment
First graduation ever.
There are many events ahead
Life is a long road.

Let her be happy
And next to all the native people.
I wish you colorful events
Life without worries, sorrows!

We accompany you from the garden
It's time for you to go to school!
Good luck dear guys
On your life path!

Do you remember kindergarten,
After all, those were great years!
Walk towards your dreams
Always with a happy smile!

The years went by quickly
It's time for you to go to school.
You are already older
Kindergarten behind.

We wish you success
Reach any height.
Lots of joy and laughter
May it always await you in everything.

To study for "five"
Met new friends.
And you are delighted with the school
Have been since the very first day.

Warmly to be remembered
Our favorite kindergarten.
Never forgot
How happy everyone here was for you!