Massage with a brush in the shower. An anti-cellulite massage brush is the best assistant in the fight against cellulite. How to properly massage with a dry brush? Scheme and basic rules

A fit and slender figure without cellulite is the dream of almost every woman. It is quite possible to get rid of flabby and unsightly orange peel with a massage with a dry brush. This great way make the body beautiful and healthy, and give the fair sex self-confidence. Before using the procedure, you must consult a specialist.

Benefits and indications for the procedure

Cellulite is a skin disease that affects women. It is formed under the influence of the hormone estrogen and poor nutrition. The skin becomes lumpy and uneven. This occurs because subcutaneous fat cells, due to improper lymph flow in the epidermis, absorb toxic substances and harden. This process occurs unevenly, which is why a kind of lumpiness of the skin is formed.

Massage with a dry brush has a positive effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on the body as a whole. Among its main positive qualities are the following:

  • improves the functioning of the lymphatic system

Cellulite deposits are formed due to improper functioning of the lymphatic system. It is distributed unevenly, as a result of which the fat cells under the skin are unevenly replenished with lipids and harden. This leads to the formation of an unpleasant "orange peel" on the thighs, stomach and other places.

Using a dry brush solves this problem by mechanically targeting the “bumps of fat” under the skin, reducing and breaking them down.

  • improves blood circulation

By improving the blood supply process in the upper layers of the epidermis, metabolism improves, various stagnant processes stop, and the skin becomes firmer and more elastic.

However, if you have varicose veins, you need to use a dry brush with caution, since too intense mechanical impact can destroy the fragile walls of the capillaries.

  • removes swelling

Since this massage activates metabolism, this leads to normalization of water-salt balance by improving the functioning of the kidneys and bladder. Toxins are eliminated better and swelling is reduced.

  • evens out skin texture

This happens because the fatty tubercles are smoothed out, getting rid of unnecessary “accumulations”. By improving blood supply, the epidermis is better supplied with nutrients and becomes healthier, firmer and more elastic.

  • has a relaxing effect on the body

A properly massaged cellulite dry brush will allow the body to relax after a busy day and prepare for sleep. You can combine this procedure with aromatherapy and pleasant music.

  • reduces the amount of acne

The product works on the principle of a scrub, exfoliating dead epidermal cells. This prevents sebum and dead skin cells from clogging the pores, which prevents pimples and blackheads from occurring on the body and face.

  • improves metabolism

This occurs by improving lymph flow and stimulating blood supply. The body becomes toned, the work of all organs and systems is activated, the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients improves.

The procedure is an inexpensive and effective means of improving appearance and the state of the body as a whole.

The effectiveness of anti-cellulite massage with a brush

This massage is effective, which has been confirmed in practice by many representatives of the fair sex more than once. The positive dynamics can be seen clearly in the photo below:

How to choose a brush for dry massage against cellulite

TO this issue you need to approach it quite responsibly. When choosing a brush for dry massage, you must be guided by the following basic principles:

  • the tool must have a natural base and bristles

The product you choose for dry massage should be completely natural. It should have natural bristles and a wooden base. This is necessary to once again do not injure your skin and hands. Because plastic bristles are too hard and can scratch the upper layers of the epidermis. An inconvenient handle made of the same material can injure your hands by slipping during the massage process and worsen the result of the procedure itself.

  • the form should be comfortable

It is advisable that this massage tool have either a long handle or fit completely in the palm of your hand; this will greatly facilitate the procedure.

Brush care

A brush is a type of hygiene product, so it is necessary to take care of it:

  • After use it must be washed with soap

This is necessary so that the brush does not become moldy and pathogens do not accumulate on it. It is also advisable to rinse this instrument in a disinfectant solution after washing it. If the stubble has become gray, and a musty smell appears, the product must be replaced. It is also necessary to take into account that this tool must be changed at least once a year.

  • It is better to store in a special bag

This is necessary to prevent dust and pathogens from getting on it. It is better to use a linen bag, since a cellophane bag can cause a musty smell.

  • The brush is for personal use only

It is a personal hygiene product, so it should be used only for personal use, so as not to provoke infection with any infection.

How to massage with a cellulite brush

Before using a brush to combat cellulite, you need to familiarize yourself with the following rules for its use:

  • massage should be done on dry skin

This will increase friction and create a better massage effect. When using the oil, there is some slippage on the surface of the skin, which has little effect on the subcutaneous cellulite fat tubercles.

After the procedure, you can take a shower and apply to the body nutritious cream, this will somewhat soothe and enrich the stimulated skin with vitamins.

  • You need to massage with smooth movements, starting from the feet and above

This method of massage is necessary for the reason that this is how lymph moves in the body, from the feet upward. It is better not to make quick movements, as there is a high risk of damaging the skin. Increased friction will not make cellulite disappear faster, but the likelihood of bruises, scratches and abrasions is quite high.

  • After the procedure you need to take a shower and drink water

After such a procedure, the body becomes heated, the pores open, and blood circulation in the upper layers of the epidermis accelerates. The body becomes toned, and an intensive massage with a dry brush will help you stop using various peelings and scrubs, as it has an excellent exfoliating effect.

  • To obtain the desired effect, massage must be performed on a regular basis.

In order for the effect of dry massage to become noticeable, at least a month must pass. This procedure to appear desired result must be carried out on a regular basis. It is necessary to carry out massage procedures at least three times a week, this will help maintain the functioning of the lymphatic system at the required level.

  • try to avoid moles and papillomas

When performing massage procedures, it is necessary to avoid stimulation birthmarks, moles and papillomas. Mechanical impact on them can cause negative consequences, ranging from scratches and suppuration to malignant neoplasms. When using this procedure on a regular basis, you must stop visiting the solarium and not be in the open rays of the sun.

If you have skin diseases, rashes, or cancer, massage with a dry brush cannot be used. This can lead to a worsening of the situation and provoke further development of the disease.

  • don't massage for too long

Massage with a dry brush should not be carried out for too long, as this can lead to hyperstimulation of the skin and a general deterioration in well-being. Long and intense rubbing of areas of the body covered with “orange peel” does not help get rid of it as quickly as possible. To carry out the procedure, a time interval of 20-30 minutes is sufficient. Do not stimulate one area for a long time, massage evenly over the entire body.

When carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics and the body’s reaction to the massage.


Anti-cellulite massage of this kind will not cause harm. However, before using it, you should consult a specialist. The main contraindications when using a dry brush include the following:

  • do not rub areas with abrasions, bruises and cuts

Before using this procedure, you must make sure that there are no abrasions, injuries, hematomas, cuts, rashes, etc. on the body, which can lead to additional injuries and areas of suppuration. Therefore, it is necessary to first heal the injured areas and then start doing procedures.

  • cannot be used if you feel generally unwell

If you have fever and chills, you should not use this procedure. During the period of an infectious disease, the human body fights pathogens. By stimulating the body with a brush, you will create additional heat in the body and weaken the immune system.

Also, using a brush can provoke pain in the abdomen and epigastric area, if the deterioration in well-being was associated with disruptions in work internal organs and systems.

  • limit visits to the solarium and exposure to the sun

During the period of using this procedure, blood supply in the upper layers of the epidermis improves, the stratum corneum is exfoliated, and the skin becomes thinner. This makes it more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, during the period of using this procedure, it is necessary to refrain from solarium and wear closed clothing in the sun.

  • should not be used if you have very sensitive or thin skin

This mainly applies to women with dry and combination skin. This type of epidermis is very sensitive to mechanical and environmental influences. Using a dry brush can cause microtraumas and abrasions on the body, which can then become inflamed.

If you really want to massage with a dry brush for this type of skin, you need to use a tool with softer bristles than usual. You also need to use a special nourishing cream and reduce the intensity of massage during the procedure.

For women during pregnancy and lactation, it is better to consult a specialist before using a dry brush massage. Of course, this procedure will not bring much harm to ladies in an interesting position, however, it is better to find out the opinion of a specialist on this matter.

Useful video

Here you can see how to correctly carry out the process in practice. Which areas of the body need to be given extra attention, and which areas should be left untouched.

Here you can find out additional interesting information about the benefits of dry brushing massage for the body as a whole. Also receive educational information about the functioning of the lymphatic system, the malfunction of which is the main cause of cellulite formation.

Dry brush massage is effective means to remove cellulite from problem areas. Massage must be carried out from bottom to top along the lymph flow. During the period of application of this procedure, it is necessary to avoid exposure to the sun and visiting a solarium. Such a product for massage should be selected with a special one with soft bristles and natural basis. It must be changed periodically to prevent contamination by pathogens.

Body massage with a dry brush is an increasingly popular procedure that takes only 5 minutes a day and at the same time helps the body get rid of toxins, gives a beautiful and soft skin, and also allows you to perform lymphatic drainage at home. The body massage brush is very easy to use and further you will learn why and how to use it correctly.

How exactly does dry brushing massage affect the body?

A third of all toxins are eliminated from our body through the skin. A dry massage brush helps unclog pores and remove these toxins along with dead cells from the skin. In addition, body massage with a brush always leaves behind a pleasant feeling of freshness and vigor, thanks to increased circulation. Here is a list of all the main benefits of dry body brushing:

1. This is a good way to do lymphatic drainage

The lymphatic system is a vital part of the body's immune system, consisting of organs, nodes, ducts and vessels that carry lymph throughout the body. Many of these vessels are located just under the skin, so when used regularly, a dry massage drainage brush stimulates lymph flow and helps the body eliminate toxins naturally.

2. A body brush with natural bristles will remove dead cells.

This body massage brush with natural bristles is moderately rough, which allows you to remove dead cells from the skin without damaging it. After the first use, you will notice that your skin has become significantly softer, just like after using a well-exfoliating scrub.

3. Body massage with a brush will cleanse and tighten pores

An additional benefit of massaging your body with a dry brush is that it removes oils and dirt from your skin that clog your pores. You can also invest in a softer brush with natural bristles for your face to leave it feeling soft, clean, and pores less noticeable. Clean pores help the skin better absorb moisturizers and nutrients, so following this massage it is recommended to apply your favorite oil or natural skin care cream.

4. Massage with a dry brush helps get rid of cellulite

One possible cause of cellulite formation is toxins that accumulate in the fat cells of the body. And since massaging your body with a dry brush increases circulation and stimulates lymph flow to remove toxins, there is no reason not to try getting rid of cellulite with such a simple and beneficial procedure.

What kind of brush should be used for body massage?

  1. As we said above, for massage it is better to buy a brush with natural bristles.
  2. The stiffer the bristles on the brush, the better it will stimulate your body's lymphatic system. However, it is still recommended to start with soft brushes until you get used to it and can move to the next level.
  3. It’s good if you have a set of brushes: with coarse bristles for the hips and buttocks, a little less stiff for the chest and neck, and the softest for the face.
  4. It will be much more convenient for you if your body brush has a long handle that allows you to easily reach your back, feet and all other parts of the body.
  5. Body massage brushes with natural cactus bristles are considered one of the best of their kind as they gently exfoliate the skin without damaging it.

Whatever brush you choose, try to wash it thoroughly with soap and water at least once every 2 weeks and dry it in a clean, sunny place so that dead skin cells do not accumulate on it. It is also recommended to change your body brush every 6-12 months, as the bristles eventually wear out and cease to perform their useful functions.

How to properly massage with a dry brush? Scheme and basic rules

How to massage with a dry brush? To begin, buy a soft brush and massage your body with light, lightly pressing movements. As you get used to it, purchase increasingly stiffer brushes and press harder on the skin.

If you prefer a dry massage, it is recommended that you take a shower afterwards (to wash away dead cells, toxins and dirt) and moisturize your skin with a cream or oil of your choice. Many people also prefer to apply a little oil to the brush itself. Then you should take a shower before this procedure. The figure below shows a diagram of body massage with a brush. By the way, it is very useful to combine it with a sauna or steam room.

Here's how to properly do lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite massage with a dry brush:

  1. To begin, rub your body in light circular motions, using a little more force when massaging your knees, elbows, ankles, outer thighs (where cellulite is usually deposited), buttocks and shoulders (the area that sags with age). Be tough on areas where the skin is rough or has bumps.

2. As a rule, massage of different areas of the body is performed in the following order: legs, stomach, arms, chest and neck. After you have rubbed one area in a circular motion, perform a drainage massage towards the chest or heart - where the lymph naturally moves. That is, first perform long movements from the legs to the heart, then from the arms to the heart. On the stomach and armpits, use circular movements in a clockwise direction.

3. Gently stroke the delicate area of ​​the chest and neck. Over time, skin sensitivity will decrease throughout the body and you will be able to move on to more forceful movements, such as rubbing strokes. Finally, you can perform a light facial massage according to the pattern below.

4. Immediately after massaging your body with a brush, take a contrast shower. It perfectly stimulates blood circulation and promotes blood flow to the upper layers of the skin.

5. After showering, apply a mild nourishing or moisturizing product to your skin, such as shea or coconut butter. Additionally, using a scrub or aggressive cream is undesirable, since you have just removed the surface layer from the skin and made it temporarily more prone to irritation.

With daily use, the body brush will rejuvenate your skin by the end of the 1st month. All it takes is a little self-control. Do not handle the brush as if you were scrubbing pots and pans. Start with stroking movements and make sure that the skin after the massage is slightly pinkish, but not red.

Does dry brushing really get rid of cellulite?

There is no scientific evidence that dry brushing helps with cellulite. Some experts are sure that this is a genetic pathology, others blame Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, which are present in abundance in the diet of many people.

At the same time, no one denies that cellulite is characterized by insufficient nutrition of fatty tissues and impaired blood and lymph circulation, which is what brush massage ultimately affects. Moreover, there are many reviews on the Internet that regular massage of the skin with a brush with natural bristles helped get rid of cellulite or at least reduced its appearance. This treatment also helps strengthen the skin and can prevent stretch marks, which is another reason to try it for yourself!

Do you definitely have a hair brush, probably not even just one, a separate tooth brush that you change every 2 months, but a special body brush? If not, why not?

Dry massage with a special brush for skin is becoming more and more popular. And for good reason. The “dry massage” service can now be found even in spa centers. This procedure has many benefits - from smooth skin to fighting cellulite.

What is dry massage and why do you need it?

Dry massage- this is a body massage using a special brush - without oil or cream: moving the brush over your skin in a certain direction. Our choice: Forsters beech massage brush, 1,698 rubles (regular price 2,264 rubles).

History of dry massage

Russians, Turks and Scandinavians have used dry massage for centuries. 30 years ago, the Finnish doctor Paavo Airola revived a long tradition of treatment for his patients. Dry massage is recommended for skin renewal, but this is not the only advantage.

Benefits of dry brushing massage

  1. Fights cellulite
  2. Strengthens the lymphatic system
  3. Cleanses the skin
  4. Strengthens immune system
  5. Stimulates the sebaceous glands
  6. Tightens the skin
  7. Tones muscles
  8. Stimulates blood circulation
  9. Improves the functioning of the nervous system
  10. Invigorates and gives a surge of energy

It's also simple, fast and inexpensive!

Benefits of dry massage

1. Fights cellulite

Cellulite is changes in the subcutaneous fat layer. They start with a slight swelling and end with bumps and an “orange peel” effect. To combat this skin condition, one of the key factors is improving blood circulation, which the brush does perfectly. Annette King, director of Dermalogica and the International Institute of Dermatology, says dry brushing helps remove “stagnant toxins” that cause problems in the skin. connective tissue, leading to cellulite.

2. Strengthens the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is a major part of the body's immune system. It is part of our vascular system. It plays an important role in metabolism and cleansing of body cells and tissues. Dry brushing helps stimulate the flow of lymph in the body, congestion in the lymphatic system is eliminated and the body undergoes a detox process naturally. To do this, you need to brush along the lymphatic pathways in the direction of the lymph nodes.

3. Skin cleansing

You will notice the amazing effect of soft and deep cleansing of the skin immediately after the first dry massage procedure. Hard natural bristles gently exfoliate the skin (the main thing is to correctly calculate the strength and not overdo it). If you do dry massage regularly, your skin will always be soft, tender and velvety.

The bristles are great at cleaning pores, removing dirt and making pores smaller. This effect is especially noticeable on the face, but remember that a special brush is needed for dry massage of delicate facial skin!

4. Strengthens the immune system

Dry massage accelerates the removal of toxins from the body. This helps support the immune system during treatment of any disease. By stimulating the lymphatic vessels, the entire body can be cleansed.

5. Stimulates the sebaceous glands

Skin is the largest organ of our body. In case of skin problems, its functions are partially superimposed on the kidneys. Chemical analysis of sweat shows that it is similar to urine. If the pores are clogged with millions of dead cells and other impurities, then all these products will remain in the body, placing additional stress on the liver and kidneys. This leads to diseases. For example, people with large thighs usually have bladder infections, and the skin in this condition secretes a special bad smell. Give your kidneys a rest and cleanse your skin! Dry massage daily before showering to help stimulate circulation and speed up the elimination of toxins from the body.

6. Tightens the skin

Dry massage tightens and firms the skin by improving blood circulation, which helps remove toxins from the body and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Skin cells are renewed every 24 hours, the brush removes the old top layer, cleansing the skin to the surface of the new layer, leaving it soft and smooth.

7. Tones muscles

Dry brushing improves muscle tone by stimulating the nerve endings that cause individual muscle fibers to fire and move. This is a great technique for those who can't or don't want to exercise.

8. Stimulates blood circulation

Our skin breathes! And yet, for most people, this vital detoxification pathway works far less well than it should. Pores become clogged with dead skin cells and waste products that the body eliminates through sweat. Dry massage improves blood circulation, thereby stimulating the detox process. By activating blood circulation, you can also prevent varicose veins.

9. Improves the functioning of the nervous system

Dry massage with a brush rejuvenates the nervous system by stimulating the nerve endings of the skin.

10. Invigorates

This fact has not been scientifically proven, but those who regularly do dry massage feel a surge of strength and vigor after the procedure. Perhaps this effect occurs due to improved blood circulation, which leads to natural energy. To begin with, you can do dry massage in the morning to avoid potential insomnia.

Healthy, breathable skin contributes to overall body health. When you use a brush, your skin's pores open, allowing your skin to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins.


How to do dry massage with a brush?

The main rule is that movements should be from the periphery to the center. From the feet and hands - to the heart.

  1. Start at your feet, working your way up your legs. Movements should be long and slow - from bottom to top. It will be enough to do 10 movements for each leg.
  2. Now the hands. Start with your palms, then run the brush over your arms, moving from your hands to your shoulders. It will be enough to make 10 movements for each hand.
  3. Stomach. Massage the skin with the brush in a clockwise circular motion.
  4. Buttocks. Brush from the center to the sides or use circular motions.
  5. Back and Neck: movements along the back - from bottom to top, from the spine to the shoulder. Along the neck - from top to bottom. To perform a dry back massage, you will need an assistant.

CAREFULLY! Do not dry massage your chest. This will put additional pressure on the veins and lymphatic vessels and can cause blood vessels to rupture and varicose veins.

Attention! Calculate the force of your touch! Don't press the brush too hard. Smooth, soft movements are more effective. The skin should be pink after a dry massage, under no circumstances red!

Limitation for dry massage: If you have skin irritation, wounds or other minor injuries, wait until everything heals! Do not use on skin areas with hanging moles or warts!

The whole procedure will take you from 3 to 5 minutes.

Dry brush massage for sensitive skin

If you have sensitive skin, use dry massage with caution. Focus on your feelings. If you experience discomfort, itching, or see redness, stop the procedure immediately.

Body oil and dry massage

If you use classic version dry massage, take a shower after the procedure and apply body oil to your skin.

You can also use oil during the massage with a brush, and not after. But in this case, you must apply oil to a dry (pre-cleaned brush) and be sure to take a shower before the dry massage procedure with a brush and oil.

How to choose a brush for dry massage?

We recommend choosing natural bristles - such brushes will last longer, and the effect of fine natural bristles is better than that of plastic. Most nylon and synthetic brushes are too sharp and can damage your skin. For the first procedures, soft bristles are suitable, because the skin at the beginning of the course is more sensitive to massage. But after several sessions you will need harder bristles. In order not to buy a set of brushes of different softness, we recommend choosing a good option with hard bristles, simply adjust the pressure: for the first procedures, use light touches. You can also use a rough towel for the first sessions.

If you also want to do dry facial massage, you will need a completely different brush - smaller in size and with soft bristles!

Do not forget! Mremove body brush You can do it every 12 months because the bristles wear out. Also, do not forget to clean the brush: rinse it after the procedure.

Our choice: Forsters beech massage brush, 1,600 rubles (or 1,440 rubles at the Herbin ordering point in Moscow).

Among all the methods of getting rid of cellulite, dry massage using a wooden silicone or bristle brush is considered the most accessible and effective, and this is clearly evidenced by the reviews left by women of different ages.

Body beauty and a fit figure are what every woman strives for, for which she has to engage in fitness and monitor the amount of calories consumed. But even such close attention to one’s personality is not a guarantee that “orange peel” will not appear in the area of ​​the buttocks, abdomen and hips. We have long learned to combat this phenomenon, and many articles are devoted to such a delicate topic, which can be read on our website. And one of the methods is rubbing and massage with a dry brush against cellulite. This device can eliminate the problem no matter how far the process has gone, and the procedure itself is completely painless and even pleasant. But the most important thing: after it there are no bruises or other defects.

Important! In the presence of abrasions, cuts and bruises, massage procedures are prohibited, as well as in the presence of varicose veins, psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases.

An anti-cellulite massage done in a salon with the assistance of a specialist is not a cheap procedure, but a manual anti-cellulite massage with a dry brush is no less effective than a professional one.

When making simple movements, even in the deep layers of the epidermis, metabolic processes are activated, which accelerates blood flow. Blood flows to the massaged areas, therefore, provides the subcutaneous fatty tissue with useful substances and saturates it with oxygen. This helps remove excess fluid and improve the condition of the skin. Also, massaging the skin with a dry brush:

  1. Forces cell turnover faster because dead cells are sloughed off, which inevitably leads to improved skin texture.
  2. It helps to activate the lymphatic system, because if it does not work well, then this is fraught with stagnation of the lymph, which ceases to cope with its direct responsibilities - removing waste products (toxins) from the body.
  3. Allows you to improve the condition of the skin. Dry massage with a cellulite brush literally breaks down compacted fat cells.
  4. Promotes better absorption cosmetics.

Important! Self-massage of problem areas using a brush is a procedure that irritates the nerve endings, inevitably leading to an improvement in the general condition of the body and giving a charge of vigor. Therefore, it is recommended to carry it out in the morning.

Rules for choosing a brush

It doesn't matter what material the tool is made of. The main thing is that it is of high quality. A massage brush for cellulite can be:

  1. With natural bristles. Here Special attention should be given to rigidity. For those with sensitive and delicate skin, a hard brush is clearly not suitable. The first sessions can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations and leave behind scratches. To reduce the stiffness of the bristles, just soak the device for 4 hours in cold water.
  2. Wooden. This is the best option, because wood is a hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly and durable material, and the effectiveness of such a tool is no lower than that of a brush with natural bristles.
  3. Silicone. It is quite tough, but during the massage it does not injure the skin, since the “pimples” are thick and rounded. This product is especially recommended for women with thin skin.

Other types of brushes

On sale there are single-sided and double-sided brushes, with a detachable long handle, with a slot for the hand, plastic teeth, rotating rollers and other Elements. A model with rollers is, but the final choice is always yours. Based on reviews left by women who regularly perform anti-cellulite self-massage, tools with long handles are considered the best, because with their help you can reach hard to reach places. Others claim that a dry brush without a handle is much more convenient to use, as it allows you to more thoroughly work on problem areas.

The effect of using the brush will be even better if you combine it with.

Technique and basic principles

Important! The procedure does not involve the use of oils, creams and other cosmetics. The skin should be dry and clean, as well as the brush itself.

  • Dry massage starts from the feet, that is, from the periphery to the center.
  • Rubbing the feet, ankles and knees are the very first actions, carried out with long and straight movements.
  • Gradually approaching the hips and buttocks, you should change the tactics: the movements should be circular, and it is recommended to do them counterclockwise.
  • The inner thighs are treated delicately, since the skin in these places is thin and delicate.
  • The sides are rubbed mercilessly, but without much fanaticism, but you need to take pity on the tummy, especially if you have gynecological diseases.
  • How to do self-massage of the abdomen? Without unnecessary zeal, in a circular motion clockwise.
  • The lower back is rubbed from bottom to top, and the upper back is rubbed vice versa.
  • The shoulders are massaged with “sweeping” movements, and the chest and arms are massaged in a circular motion.

Basic Rules

  1. If after the procedure the body burns, it means that it was carried out incorrectly, and if the skin turns a little red, you did everything right.
  2. How long should you massage? This activity should be given 10 minutes daily.
  3. It is impossible to provide overexposure on the skin, since this will do more harm than good, and you can learn more about all the nuances on our website.
  4. Massage procedures against cellulite should be carried out in the morning or 3-4 hours before going to bed.
  5. Tanning and massage are two processes that should never interfere with each other.

Real reviews about using a dry brush for cellulite

  1. Snezhana, 25 years old, Blagoveshchensk: “I bought an anti-cellulite massage brush just yesterday, and immediately tried it out. I can’t boast of anything yet, but I really liked the process itself, so I will continue in the same spirit.”
  2. Maria, 31 years old, Krasnodar: “I’ve been doing dry massage regularly for two months now. I noticed that my skin became less lumpy, and yesterday I stepped on the scale and discovered that my weight had dropped by 5 kg.”
  3. Svetlana, 40 years old, Barnaul: “I have suffered from cellulite since early youth. Finally, I decided to take care of myself: I alternate dry massage with wraps and

Do you dream of smooth, elastic skin without cellulite, but have tried all the cosmetic products and don’t know what else you can do? There is a simple way out - purchase a brush for dry massage and set aside time for the procedure every day. This method is very simple: it only requires purchasing the appropriate product. The massage rules are also simple, and the result exceeds all expectations.

What is dry brush massage

The procedure for treating problem areas or the entire body with a special brush without the use of cosmetics is a dry massage. The manipulation consists of rubbing the skin in circular or longitudinal movements. This procedure helps to get rid of keratinized particles of the epidermis, disperse blood and lymph, cleanse the body of toxins, and give a charge of vigor. The best thing about this type of massage is that it is easy to do on your own. All you need is to have a brush on hand.


A dry massage brush is an alternative to body scrubs and peelings. The main advantages of its use: simplicity and good result. Benefits of the procedure:

  • Exfoliation. The body massage brush has an exfoliating effect, removing dead skin particles from the surface of the epidermis. As a result, the skin is renewed, becomes smooth and elastic.
  • Improving blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body. The procedure stimulates lymph flow, relieves swelling, removing waste and toxins with excess fluid. In addition, the action of the brush disperses blood throughout the body, providing nutrition to tissues and organs.
  • Promotion muscle tone. After the massage you feel cheerful and have energy.
  • Anti-cellulite effect. The destruction of the “orange peel” occurs due to increased blood circulation. In combination with anti-cellulite cosmetics, massage shows good results.
  • Fighting stretch marks. A massage brush against cellulite helps not only with “orange peel” skin. Blood flow and stimulation of regeneration ensures increased elasticity and reduction of stretch marks.
  • Skin cleansing. Problems such as acne appear due to internal problems in the body. When dry massage circulates lymph and removes toxins, it cleanses the skin too.
  • Prevention of ingrown hairs. A beneficial effect is observed because rubbing with a special product removes dead skin particles.

What types of body massage brushes are there?

The range of dry massage products on the market is very wide. For example, according to the degree of hardness, the following brushes are distinguished:

  • soft;
  • average;
  • and strong rigidity.

The first type is suitable for beginners. This will help avoid irritation from rubbing. They are often produced in the form of mittens, so they take the shape of the palm and are convenient for regulating the degree of pressure. In addition, such brushes best reach problem areas. Gradually you can move on to other types, and in the future you can combine them for different types massage.

Material of manufacture

Natural bristles are made from animal and plant fibers. The following materials are mainly used:

  • Cactus. Hard brushes for those who are already familiar with dry massage.
  • Wool of a boar, horse, goat. Products of medium hardness.
  • Sisal (Mexican Agave), Palm. Both materials are used to make Japanese massage brushes. They have a medium degree of hardness.

Nylon is often used from synthetic fibers (sometimes mixed with plant material), but all-natural bristles show better results and are gentler on the skin. Electric brushes are considered separately. Keep in mind that the touch of the fiber should be barely perceptible; if you feel strong pressure during the massage, the product is not suitable for you and needs to be replaced.


Not only ease of use, but also the purpose for which the products will be used depends on the size and shape. Based on this criterion, the following types of brushes are distinguished:

  • Round, oval. They are universal, do not have a handle, but they have a strap for fastening on the back side.
  • With a long handle. Used for back massage. If the handle can be removed - the most convenient option.
  • Japanese. Brushes made of palm fiber, which is attached to steel wire. May have a handle included.
  • Mittens. Soft products that are worn on the hands. They are easy to treat even hard-to-reach areas.

How to properly massage with a dry brush at home

  1. Do not use lotions, oils and creams (even a thin layer).
  2. Do not use the brush in the shower or bath (preferably before water procedures).
  3. Remember that slight redness is a normal reaction, but there should be no irritation or discomfort. It is ideal if the skin is slightly browned.
  4. Observe personal hygiene rules.
  5. Do not increase driving speed for the sake of greater efficiency. All you will achieve is irritation on the skin.
  6. Alternate circular and longitudinal movements.
  7. Do not massage areas with lymph nodes (armpits, groin, inner side of the knee).
  8. Carry out the procedure from 3 to 10 minutes.
  9. It is advisable to repeat sessions daily, but beginners are advised to start with twice a week.

A massage should be a relaxing procedure; do it slowly, calmly, and enjoy the process. Technique:

  1. Start with your lower extremities, gradually moving up from your feet.
  2. Then massage your hands in the same way: from your fingertips to your shoulders.
  3. When treating your back, make longitudinal movements from the lower back to the neck.
  4. While massaging your stomach, move the brush clockwise. Don't press.
  5. Very lightly, using circular movements, treat the neck and chest.
  6. Take a contrast shower.


Although dry massage with a brush is very effective, in some cases it is prohibited. The procedure is contraindicated in:

  • damage to the skin (abrasions, cuts, bruises);
  • increased temperature (massage will cause a worsening of the condition);
  • infectious diseases;
  • presence of a tan;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • sensitive skin type.

About once a week, the product must be washed with soap and then dried thoroughly. Also, store the brush in a dry place and make sure it is not exposed to water. If this does happen, let it dry before using it again. It will be useful to regularly check the condition of the product - if cracks appear somewhere, it is better not to use it, but to replace it with a new one.

How to choose a brush for dry massage

In order for the dry massage procedure to bring only benefits, you need not only to conduct the sessions correctly, but also to use a high-quality brush. Criteria to pay attention to when choosing this product:

  • Material. Best model A body massage brush with natural bristles and a wooden handle is considered.
  • Degree of hardness. Beginners should choose the smallest one - a soft brush will suit them. Over time, it can be replaced with a medium or strong degree rigidity.
  • Handle shape and length. It should fit comfortably in your hand. To treat problem areas, you especially need comfort, so take a closer look at those models that are attached to the wrist or hand. This anti-cellulite massage brush will be extremely convenient, and it is also easy to control the pressure.
