Awards for the Association of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

IN Russian Federation preferential categories of the population are provided for, which can be honored workers, participants in hostilities during the times of the USSR and the Russian Federation, and other categories that were distinguished by special merits to the state and have a need for social protection.

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The most common benefit group is veterans, who can become veterans due to success in work, military service or after participating in hostilities, as well as having a long work record. Therefore, it is worth figuring out how to get a veteran of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Russian Federation in 2020.

What you need to know

Despite the fact that there are many categories of veterans in Russian legislation, the title of veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs simply does not exist, since it is rather an intra-departmental title that is approved at the level of awarding a medal.

But on the other hand, in the legislation of the Russian Federation there is the concept of a labor veteran, provided for merit in work in different areas, with incentives both at the state and departmental levels, and also if a person has a certain length of service when calculating without additional holidays and long sick days, which allows him to count on obtaining a title.

The medal “Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” and the title of veteran of labor are inextricably linked, because to get the second one you need to have an award, which is a medal.

But at the same time, absolutely all law enforcement officers can be awarded a medal for various reasons.

When an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received the title of veteran of labor, he can count on the provision of certain benefits provided to him by law.

These include both discounts on utilities, and tax breaks, and even the possibility of free travel, housing, subject to queueing up to certain period time.

Important Concepts

In order to understand who and how can receive the title of veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the broader state title of veteran of labor, it is necessary to understand the basic concepts that are in the law and are used when awarding, and can also be encountered in situations that arise when applying for benefits.

Only knowing these nuances, a person can understand when his rights are violated, and when the process proceeds in the right way:

Term Meaning
veteran of labour A state title fixed at the federal level, which is granted to people who have a certain length of service fixed at the legislative level, and can also confirm the presence of merit and awards in the field where they worked. Veterans of labor are also characterized by a fairly wide list of benefits, which is guaranteed by regional authorities and helps to improve the quality of life of honored workers.
Medal A sign, which is usually made in the form of a round metal plate, containing any text and image, as well as color design and issued as a reward for certain merits, on the occasion of a memorable date, and also in order to testify to a person’s great contribution to a certain field of activity
benefit A measure of state support, which since 2006 has been appointed and regulated by regional authorities. It provides for certain concessions, for example, in the field of taxation, especially property taxation, payments for utilities, the opportunity to receive housing and social benefits, as well as the acquisition of the right to free medical services and wellness procedures.
certificate A document whose task is to confirm the identity of its owner, the rights to certain social services, official privileges and other indulgences, and the certificate may also impose obligations. The certificates include a passport, military ID, driver's license, student card and other documents, and it must contain information about the organization that issued it, the name of the recipient and his photo, as well as the rights and obligations of the owner

Who gets the medal

The medal “Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”, which is a departmental award, can be issued to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs upon reaching a certain length of service, or for other reasons.

The latter may include any reasons, such as professional holidays Ministry of Internal Affairs, anniversary of the recipient, awarding for special services to the structure and other positive points that should be noted in the manner prescribed by law.

Often, a medal is awarded to particularly distinguished employees who have shown heroism, or to retired police officers.

Such an award can be presented in municipal administrations, reception deputies and political parties, but it is not uncommon for the medalist to be awarded by the head of the medalist in a solemn atmosphere.

Legal regulation

In this area, you need to know which legal framework to apply to. Since the regulation is federal level, there are several features. You need to rely on Federal Law No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”.

After all, the title of veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia does not exist, but there are several options for obtaining the title of veteran while serving in this department:

Such grounds are taken into account, taking into account the presence not so much of service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but due to other aspects of labor. These are the provisions of modern legislation.

And there are no additional measures to recognize the work of employees in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the 2020 calendar year. There are procedures for awarding a medal to a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But many employees receive them for good service and it does not give privileges to holders of these distinctions.

Basic moments

Making a title in any field involves a series of actions. All these algorithms are standard and a citizen can get full consultations at the place of his work or in the body social protection population. Veterans to register their statuses must prove the existence of grounds for this.

They may be:

This is the main list, which should include the preparation of documents for registration of titles and benefits. The procedure itself is not complicated and you can get an answer about the decision quickly - within 10-15 days.

It all depends on the region of registration and the time of filing - the load depends on the time of year and the influx of other citizens.

Design mechanism

The algorithm for obtaining the title involves the following steps:

  1. Passing a consultation on the existence of grounds for benefits and titles. Based on this explanation, you can get information about what status citizens can get and what papers you need to collect.
  2. The next paragraph includes the procedure for collecting the necessary package of documents and submitting them to the state regulatory body.
  3. After receiving a response about decision, citizens can get their ID and use all the benefits from the state.

Where to turn

The citizen must, first of all, consult with the employees of the department of social protection of the population.

It is this state body that processes all benefits and certificates of this nature. The commission is also determined there, which will decide on the issuance of the title or refusal in this procedure.

List of documents (application)

The first step is to apply for this benefit. It has a standard form - as for all ranks of veterans in this institution. A sample application for obtaining the status of "Veteran of Labor" is possible.

The usual form looks like this:

In this document, it is worth entering your data and the type of the group of veterans being drawn up.

List of benefits for a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

In general, labor veterans, who will also be employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, can receive the following benefits:

  • right to increased pension according to the law;
  • receiving EDV;
  • obtaining housing;
  • compensation for rent and housing and communal services;
  • free medical care and prostheses.

Also in the Russian Federation there are benefits of regional significance, which are established and regulated directly by local authorities.

As an example, such privileges may include free parking, visits to cultural institutions and other opportunities that are not available to people without preferential certificates.

If a veteran has the right to receive the same form of social support for several reasons at once, then it is provided for one of them at the discretion of the veteran, unless otherwise provided by law.

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, General of the Army Rashid Nurgaliyev, declared April 17 the Day of Veterans of the Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops. This is a sign of recognition of the merits of veterans and pensioners, their active participation in the protection of law and order, training and education of personnel of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops, contribution to the legal and social protection of veterans. The choice of this date was not accidental, it was on this day - April 17, 1991 that a public organization of veterans of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was created.

Veteran movement is of great importance in the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Creating a holiday for them deservedly. Veterans should not be deprived of care and attention. On the example of their courage and steadfastness, the young generation of defenders of the Fatherland, law and order is brought up. They are always leading by example. The application of their experience in the moral and patriotic education of young people is among the main priorities of the state, aimed at improving society and strengthening its spiritual foundations, overcoming legal nihilism, creating an atmosphere of intolerance to violations of the legal rights and freedoms of citizens. The Institute of Veterans Organizations with its huge accumulated potential of positive traditions and values, professional experience is of great importance.

On the eve of the holiday, at the initiative of the Council of Veterans of the Moscow Internal Affairs Bodies, a seminar “On the experience of interaction between Moscow police departments and veteran organizations” was held at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow. The seminar was attended by the heads of departments of the head office and their veteran organizations. The event was hosted by the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Moscow Internal Affairs Bodies, Major-General of the Internal Service Viktor Antonov. In his speech, he emphasized that the seminar was motivated by the requirements of the implementation of the decision of the VI reporting and election conference, a significant renewal of the leaders of veteran organizations, and the tasks defined by the Charter, by order of the Minister No. 875 of November 3, 2006. The holding of the seminar was also caused by the decline of culture and morality in the country. From this follows the need for increased attention of veteran organizations to the younger generation, to the youth, as well as the solution of important tasks of veteran work. Viktor Vasilyevich said in particular:

- In connection with the reform in the police department, the number of pensioners has increased, and the number of veterans' organizations has also increased, which currently unites 52 organizations and has 53,240 people in its ranks. The activities of this association are based on the principles of democracy, collegiality, openness, consideration of public opinion, compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as personal responsibility for the assigned work. Veterans are actively involved in practical activities, both on a voluntary basis and on a contract basis. The improvement of the work of veterans' organizations was beneficially influenced by the execution of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "On the interaction of veterans' organizations with bodies and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on the provision of assistance to veterans' organizations in their work by the heads of departments." Great assistance to the veteran organization is provided by the leadership of the Main Directorate. The head of the central office took a direct part in the preparation and holding of the VI reporting and election conference. He sent written instructions to the districts, departments and divisions to the leaders about the need to provide assistance to veterans. The head of the central office gets acquainted and approves the work plans of the Council of Veterans, is interested in the results of their implementation. Such an attitude of the leadership of the Main Directorate towards veterans obliges the heads of subdivisions to treat veteran organizations in the field in the same way, to assist them in their work. The transition of the police to the police entailed an increase in responsibility, an improvement in the quality of work of police officers, both privates and managers. Veteran organizations should build their work in accordance with the requirements of the time, assist leaders in maintaining public order, preventing juvenile delinquency, and shaping the moral qualities of young employees. As you know, the human factor plays a decisive role in the work. We must educate a patriot, an employee who is responsible for solving official tasks. Today it is desirable to use the patriotic upsurge caused by the preparation and holding of the celebrations of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow, events dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812. It is necessary to counteract the falsification of national history, to form in young people a sense of love and respect for their homeland.

In conclusion, Viktor Vasilyevich said that it is necessary to constantly keep the problems of veterans under control. There is an acute issue of social protection of war and labor invalids, single pensioners, more than a third of whom are in need of material and humanitarian assistance.

- In recent years, the role of veteran organizations in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has been increasing. Veterans of war, military operations, military service, labor provide invaluable assistance in the education of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies. High assessment of the veterans' movement was given by the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliyev: "Our veterans' movement is highly organized, purposeful, hard-working and has impeccable authority."

In the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, there is a public organization of veterans of the internal affairs bodies of Moscow. The Council of Veterans is headed by Viktor Vasilyevich Antonov. He is a man of honor and duty, an unsurpassed leader who rallied a large team of veterans. He successfully organizes the work of the Council of Veterans, implements the urgent tasks not only of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, but of society as a whole. A team of like-minded people who have served law and order all their lives form a solid basis for the veteran movement in the internal affairs bodies of the city of Moscow. These are: Pavel Illarionovich Kazakov, Valentin Ivanovich Kozin, Ivan Mikheevich Potashov, Nikolai Ivanovich Sokolov, Nikolai Ivanovich Trifonov, Ivan Gerasimovich Khvostik, Nikolai Ivanovich Butylin, Alexander Fedorovich Nesterov and many other veterans. Over the years of long service, they raised a generation of professionals who are now working in the Moscow police, and today they are actively involved in the training and education of personnel.

Speaking about the joint work of existing employees with veterans, we often use the word "interaction", which is interpreted by the Great Soviet Encyclopedia as "the impact of various objects on each other, their mutual conditionality and change in state ...". With regard to joint educational work, this is the exchange of experience, information, emotions and, as a result, - personal development, education, training, improvement of professionalism, fruitful work in the cause of serving Russia.

Exist different forms interaction of veterans with current police officers, the most appropriate of them is suggested by practice. In the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow during the organization educational work with personnel, the following are actively used:

Joint work planning. Preparation, discussion and approval of plans allows you to focus on the most important aspects of the work.

Participation of employees of the apparatus for work with personnel in meetings of the Councils of Veterans. This contributes to their familiarization with the areas of work of veterans, assistance in solving social and personal problems of veterans. It is also practiced to hear the heads of departments of moral and
psychological support about the work done, which is important from the point of view of monitoring their performance.

Training of young employees in schools of professional skills.

Participation of veterans in the work of boards, operational meetings. This helps build the work of veterans in accordance with modern requirements and tasks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Participation of veterans in the work of commissions on service discipline and professional ethics. The rich life and professional experience of veterans helps to take right decisions in relation to employees who have committed violations of official discipline, determine ways to correct the deformation of the personality of individual employees.

The work of veterans in the composition of public councils.

Participation of veterans in the unified days of state-legal information. This is upbringing by personal example, reliable historical information about the events of past years, direct contact of veterans with an extensive audience of employees of the services of the headquarters apparatus.

Preparation by veterans of a series of lectures on military and historical topics for subsequent use in the classroom in the system of service and moral and psychological training.

Joint holding of charity events for veterans dedicated to memorable and festive dates.

Joint preparation and holding of conferences, “ round tables”, seminars on topical issues of education of personnel.

The participation of veterans in mentoring is the transfer of professional and life experience to young employees.

Performances by veterans in front of employees.

Participation of veterans in solemn rituals: taking the oath, giving epaulettes, weapons.

Direct personal communication.

Joint holding of reviews-competitions of rooms of educational work, rooms of history, museums, drill reviews.

The work of veterans at public points of order.

Joint participation in the prevention and detection of crimes.

Joint development of regulatory and methodological documents.

Deputy Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs, Militia Colonel Nikolai Sokolov spoke about the protection and development of the spiritual and moral values ​​of the people and the tasks of veteran organizations in the patriotic education of young employees. An important role in this is played by 30 lecture groups, bringing together more than 300 of the most experienced veterans. Over the past 5 years, 18 museums have been created in the divisions, which document the rich experience of law enforcement agencies, where you can meet young employees and educate them in the spirit of continuity of generations.

Nikolai Ivanovich emphasized that the information and generalizing body of all ideological and educational work and patriotic activities was and continues to be the newspaper "Petrovka, 38", one of the tasks of which is to convey to the younger generation the truth about the Great Patriotic War, because it is in the Great Victory that the immeasurable spiritual and moral wealth of the people is contained. Together with the editors of the newspaper, the Council of Veterans publishes books about the participants in the war. Readers' conferences were held for some publications ("Echo of War", "Two Fronts").

In conclusion, Nikolai Ivanovich noted that culture and art are of great importance in the matter of patriotic education of employees. On the initiative of the veterans, a monument to Law Enforcement Soldiers Who Died in the Line of Duty was erected on Trubnaya Square, a monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky was restored on the territory of the headquarters, and a memorial to the fallen employees was created in the lobby of the building on Petrovka, 38. From year to year, joint work with the Cultural Center of the Main Directorate is being improved. Meetings of veterans with the leadership of the head office have become traditional, concert programs, upon completion of which veterans are awarded material assistance from various charitable organizations.

In his speech, the deputy chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs, police colonel Pavel Kazakov, spoke about the history of the creation of the veterans' organization, named by name those veterans who stood at the origins. He noted the importance of social work with those who especially need help. In addition, Pavel Illarionovich emphasized that veteran organizations provide an opportunity for colleagues to meet at various events, communicate with each other, remember to work together. He also drew the attention of those present to the fact that the Council of Veterans takes planning events very seriously. The plan drawn up is strictly implemented, and responsible persons report on the work done. Concluding his speech, Pavel Kazakov assured that in close contact with the leadership of the head office, the veteran organization would improve the quality of joint work, attract more veterans to educate young employees.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-Western Administrative District, militia colonel Alexander Nesterov spoke

To date, the veteran organization of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has more than

half a million people. It consists of 4,300 primary veteran organizations.

In all seven federal districts, the Russian Council of Veterans created new structures - these are coordinating councils, which included chairmen of regional councils of veterans, deputy ministers of internal affairs of the constituent entities of the Federation, heads of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Internal Affairs Directorate, Internal Affairs Directorate, internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Colonel General of the Internal Service Ivan Shilov, Assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, Chairman of the Russian Council of Veterans of Internal Affairs and VV

Change outdated order

The purpose of creating coordinating councils is organizational work in federal districts, assistance to regional, primary organizations in solving pressing problems, generalization and dissemination of best practices, interaction with veteran organizations of neighboring republics, territories, regions.

For example, in the Southern Federal District (the chairman of the Constitutional Court is retired police colonel Vladimir Galyapin), Council meetings are held alternately in the territories and regions, and in the republics of the Southern Federal District. Members of the Coordinating Council get acquainted with the work of primary organizations, which brings a competitive spirit into the activities of organizations of various levels and, first of all, primary organizations, and helps to increase their activity.

A new form of work has been introduced in this district: the Rostov region is divided into six veteran operational zones, each with 10-12 primary veteran organizations of city and regional departments of internal affairs, to which curators are assigned. For example, in the Taganrog zone, this is the deputy chairman of the regional Council, retired police colonel Nikolaenko, who previously worked as head of the public order service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate; For the Volga-Don zone, a member of the regional Council, retired police colonel Ivantsov, who worked as deputy head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for personnel, was assigned.

The coordinating councils of the Far Eastern and Siberian federal districts are working successfully, which, for example, cannot yet be said about the activities of the coordinating councils of the Northwestern and Volga districts.

Speaking about the activities of veterans' organizations, one should say with great gratitude about the extremely attentive attitude towards the veterans' movement on the part of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and personally the Minister of the Army General Rashid Nurgaliyev. On his initiative, working trips to the regions (and this is also a new form of work) are carried out jointly with me. Regular meetings with veterans take place not only in Moscow, but also at every trip to the republics, territories, regions, cities and districts. This allows solving many veterans' problems on the spot. Only last year there were twelve such joint trips. This is how verticals of trust are created in the subjects of Russia.

It should be noted that the Russian Council of Veterans organizes its work in the closest contact with all departments, structural subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and, first of all, with the Department staffing. It has become an indispensable rule to coordinate the work plans of the Russian Council of Veterans of the Internal Affairs and Military Forces with the leadership of the department, as well as close interaction with the State Committee for Airborne Forces and personally with General of the Army Nikolai Rogozhkin, with the FED, logistics departments, organizational and inspection, legal, economic and transport units, etc. All it contributes active engagement veteran movement with internal affairs bodies and a unit of internal troops.

In November last year, the Minister signed Order No. 875 “On further improvement of the interaction of bodies and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with veteran organizations of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of Russia.” The order defines guidelines, ways and methods for improving the life of the veteran movement in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The significance of this order cannot be overestimated. Veterans have been waiting for him for 15 years. It's kind of a breakthrough in veteran work. The order should form the basis for the activities of veteran organizations for many years to come.

The procedure for introducing the heads of regional veteran organizations to the collegiums of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate, their participation in the military councils of internal troops is being completed, which immeasurably increases the authority of veteran organizations.

Recently, agreements between regional bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and veteran organizations have become widespread. The solution of many pressing problems is envisaged, for example, by an agreement between the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Novosibirsk Region and a veteran organization headed by retired police colonel Viktor Ivanchikov. The same can be said about the joint work of veterans and the leadership of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Chelyabinsk Region.

The Council of Veterans of the Chuvash Republic is also characterized by skillful organizational work and good interaction with the services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic. The chairman of the Council of Veterans, retired police major-general Mikhail Kiselev, even suggested that the veterans' organization, in essence, became part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic. This is a great merit of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Chuvashia, Major General of Militia Vadim Antonov.

Another good example for all veteran organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: with the consent of the head of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant General of Militia Vladimir Kikot, his deputy Major General Vladimir Kubyshko was elected a member of the Russian Council of Veterans of Internal Affairs and Military Troops, he actively helps to solve the most difficult issues of veteran work.

Readers of Professional should not have the impression that all issues are resolved easily and simply with us. One of the problems is the renewal of veterans' organizations due to the influx of younger retired veterans.

Although Order No. 875 provides for a mandatory joint interview with the dismissed head of the personnel apparatus and the veteran organization, as well as joint work on the implementation of social programs developed by veterans in terms of creating jobs for the employment of veterans, however, these measures do not always and everywhere bring desired result. But there are also positive examples. In the Volga-Vyatka Department of Internal Affairs (the chairman of the Council is a participant in the Great Patriotic War, the storming of Berlin, retired colonel Antonina Moiseeva), out of 50 dismissed 40 joined a veteran organization.

Another example: in the interests of earlier involvement of employees in the work of veteran organizations, a new form of work has appeared in the Council of Veterans of the Department for Ensuring Law and Order in Transport (the chairman of the Council is a retired police lieutenant general Anatoly Romakhov). A section of working veterans has been created there. I believe that this is a completely acceptable, legitimate form of attracting service veterans to veteran organizations - those who have served for 20 years or more.

But the most serious problem hindering the more active participation of veterans in the practical activities of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops on a contract basis is their low wages. The salary for a civilian position - within 3 thousand rubles - you yourself understand, does not need comments. Order No. 875 also refers to the need to revise the outdated order of 1996, which determined the procedure for attracting retired veterans to work under the contract. I hope that the organizational and inspection, financial and economic departments, the departments of logistics and personnel support will carefully consider correcting the outdated order in order to financially stimulate the work of veterans, which is very important and necessary for the country.

The maniac was caught "on live bait"

One of the most effective commissions of the Rossovet is the commission for organizing the participation of veterans in the official activities of the internal affairs bodies and explosives on a contract basis and on a voluntary basis, headed by the deputy chairman of the Russian council, retired police major general Eduard Kalachev. At the initiative of the commission, the experience of 27 regional and primary veteran organizations of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops was summarized. Members of the commission traveled to the Tyumen, Orenburg, Tula, Samara regions, Krasnodar and Primorsky regions to study their work experience. The members of the Russian Council of Veterans, retired generals Vladimir Maksimov, Vyacheslav Ryabov, Magomed Abdurazakov, Grigory Dolbilov and our other comrades, worked most actively in the commission.

The measures taken by joint efforts contributed to the fact that the number of veterans participating in the practical activities of the Department of Internal Affairs increased last year by 17.2%, and over the past four years - by 1.5 times and amounts to more than 57 thousand people. The best indicators were achieved in Omsk, Rostov, Pskov, Saratov, Kemerovo and Chelyabinsk regions, Krasnodar, Primorsky, Khabarovsk, Perm region, in St. Petersburg.

Significantly increased the number of veterans working on a contract basis. In 2006 alone, this increase was 22.3%, and in just the last 5 years the number of contractors has increased 1.4 times and today is more than 9,000 people. Behind these figures - more than 13 thousand solved crimes. There has never been such a result in all 15 years of the existence of the Rossovet.

In this position, the veterans of the Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk, Rostov regions, the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, the city of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region are doing better.

I will give just one example practical work veterans. Not so long ago, residents of Moscow were shocked by disturbing reports of serial murders in the Bitsevsky forest park in the south-west of the capital. Experienced employees of the MUR, as well as veterans of the criminal investigation department were involved in the headquarters for solving crimes: the former head of the MUR, retired police major general Anatoly Yegorov, the former heads of the leading departments of the MUR, retired police colonels Vladimir Savchuk, Alexei Sukharev and former operative Alexei Morozov.

In the process of working to solve the crime, the idea arose to detain the maniac "on live bait." These "live bait" were named veterans. They were well aware that they were risking their lives, but they acted with enthusiasm, showing selflessness and courage. Maniac was arrested.

I would like to say a few words about the really impressive data on Dagestan, where 22 crimes were solved with the participation of veterans in 2001, 48 in 2002, 58 in 2003, 106 in 2004, 127 in 2005, and in 2006 - 160 crimes.

Given the vast experience of veterans, their participation in practical activities in the field of intellectual and professional contribution to the normative and legislative framework contributing to the fight against crime and law enforcement.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Ilya Storozhenko and veterans of the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - professors of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Nikolai Mikhailov, Valery Tishchenko, Petr Skorchenko, Alexander Zimin, Vladimir Volchenkov pay constant attention to this problem.

"Master class" from VITALY Shamraev

Mentorship is one of the most honorable and effective forms of veteran work. And indeed, when you have a huge service, professional, life experience behind you, the need to pass it on to young people is a natural process. Kind support, sincere participation, a modern hint or a deterrent from a wrong step - oh, how young people, employees of the internal affairs bodies and military personnel of the internal troops need it.

Statistics show a positive trend in this matter. In recent years, the number of veteran mentors has increased from 12.5 thousand to 21.2 thousand people.

This work is carried out most successfully in the Southern, Volga and Ural federal districts. Particularly noteworthy are the veteran organizations of the Kaliningrad, Kursk, Penza, Kirov regions, the Krasnodar Territory and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, where the proportion of mentors is several times higher than the average for Russia (4.2%).

Unfortunately, in a number of places there is an underestimation of this enormous significance of the work. In the Voronezh, Orel, Yaroslavl, Leningrad, Sakhalin regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory, republics North Ossetia Alania, Komi, Karelia, Karachay-Cherkessia, the indicators for the share of participation of veterans in mentoring are less than 2%, in the Ivanovo and Samara regions - less than 1%.

Let me give you an example of mentoring. Veteran, retired police lieutenant colonel Vitaly Shamraev has been serving on a contract basis for more than 13 years in his native Prikubansky Department of Internal Affairs in Krasnodar, on his account dozens of solved crimes, including serious ones. Despite the meager pay (3 thousand rubles), he continues to teach young people. Recently, the experience of his work was reviewed at the Presidium of the Rossovet and recommended for implementation in veteran organizations of the MIA system. I believe that if Shamraev’s “master class” were created, then many young employees, having completed such a course, would consider it an honor to have a diploma of training from Vitaly Shamraev ...

Ministry of Internal Affairs and the program of patriotic education of citizens

With the release of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the approval of the State Program for the Patriotic Education of Citizens, work with youth has acquired a clearer content. We have enough resources to carry it out. The Minister of the Interior approved a plan that includes a set of measures aimed at further improving educational work, where an important place is given to veterans.

It is very valuable that in recent years such highly effective and effective forms as scientific-historical conferences on the most important and topical problems have been revived in this matter. Among them, it is worth highlighting the military-historical conference on the lessons of the Great Patriotic War, in which prominent military leaders of our country, veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and students of police universities took part. Similar conferences were held in many regions of Russia.

For example, the cadets of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia were deeply impressed by the conference dedicated to the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow. The materials of the conferences, designed in the form of books and brochures, serve as a good help for veterans and officers, commanders and chiefs in the military-patriotic education of employees, military personnel and civilian youth.

Widespread theme nights, lessons of courage, meetings with veterans and combatants. There was a special upsurge in this work during the days when the whole country was celebrating the 65th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow.

It should be noted that in recent years the patronage work of veteran organizations over schools and other educational institutions has intensified. A special role was played by the museums of the internal affairs bodies, the number of which, together with the branches, has grown to 375. All of them have rich historical material. For example, only the Central Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Museum of Internal Troops are annually visited by 45-50 thousand people, of which over 55% are schoolchildren and students.

Museums in Krasnoyarsk, Tyumen, Rostov-on-Don, Arkhangelsk, Khabarovsk, Omsk, Ryazan, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod Academy and in many other regions are very popular.

Particularly valuable is the participation of war veterans in promoting the heroic traditions of our people and army. I express my deep gratitude to our glorious front-line soldiers who, despite their advanced age, remain at the forefront in propaganda work. Heroes are among them. Soviet Union Alexander Balyasnikov, Pyotr Braiko, Mikhail Borisov, as well as other participants in the Great Patriotic War: Viktor Svistunov, Nikolai Kozin, Ivan Zyukin, Stepan Kampaneets, Alexei Zozulin, Alexei Pozdeev and many others. Lively, vivid stories of the direct participants in the battles are a rare opportunity for soldiers and civilian youth to touch the history of these events, to learn the true truth about the manifestation of mass heroism, the role of our country in the victory over fascism. This is very important, because until now, from the TV screens and the pages of printed publications, flows of lies and slander on the historical past of our Fatherland continue to pour out.

The practice of writing and publishing works of our veterans on patriotic themes deserves all the attention and support. Only last year there were about 13 thousand of them, including those about the activities of veteran organizations. The largest number such publications were in the Krasnodar, Primorsky Territories, Kaluga, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Tambov, Leningrad, Moscow regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan and in the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Generally speaking, last year veterans published and prepared for printing 4,643 newspapers, books, scripts, short stories, essays, radio and television programs in the country.

In this series, the book of a member of the Russian Council, Professor of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Stanislav Pylev, "Conversations about Patriotism" deserves high praise.

On present stage development of our country, it is very important to fully support and strengthen the authority of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops, noticing and promoting manifestations of heroism, courage, humanism and generosity, making these examples public.

Established in 2004 by the Russian Council of Veterans with the active support of the Human Resources Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and approved by the Minister of Internal Affairs, the action “Honor and Valor”, which serves a noble cause, acquires special significance. civic education youth, raising the social status and authority of police officers and military personnel of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

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One of the most important issues in the work of the Rossovet was and remains the issue of social protection of veterans. Councils of veterans, regional and primary organizations pay special attention to the care of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the disabled, the sick, the elderly, as well as the widows of deceased veterans.

Last year alone, a total of almost 230,000 veterans received financial encouragement and charitable assistance in the amount of 265 million rubles.

The Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Foundation and its local branches should play a significant role in this charitable work. However, the Fund has not yet become a new, truly material basis for the Russian Council. Both in the center and in most regions, its leading role is not felt.

We see how the level of social protection for veterans has been declining for a number of years. This was most evident in the adoption federal law No. 122. The law, which was adopted with provisions that significantly infringe on the rights of not only veterans, but also employees who are now in the service.

The Russian Council of Veterans and its commissions - on social, legal protection and health care - take measures to change the situation for the better.

Together with the leaders of veteran organizations of other law enforcement agencies, we prepared and sent appeals to the country's leadership with proposals to revise the provisions of the adopted law. Along with other similar appeals, all this served as the basis for introducing some amendments to the adopted law.

However, in general, this did not bring satisfaction to the veterans. salary level, pension provision in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs continues to be the lowest, compared with veterans from other law enforcement agencies (prosecutors, courts, FSB), lagging behind them by 3-5 times, which has never happened before, which leads to an outflow of experienced workers from the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Veterans are surprised that the questions raised a few years ago about the payment of due allowances for 1995-1998 are not resolved in the structures of the ministry, and tens of thousands of veterans are forced to go to courts, where they find support, and throughout the country millions of sums are paid according to writ of execution . Veterans are ashamed to sue their ministry, to which many years of service have been given, but they see no other way out.

Despite the fact that we have developed good a good relationship with all departments and services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we nevertheless insist that legislative drafts, changes and proposals considered and published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a whole (and even more so where issues concern veterans) are discussed with the participation of the Russian Council of Veterans. We have experienced specialists in the Council, doctors of sciences, professionals in their field.

Alas, the issue of material support for veterans' organizations still remains at the center of our attention. The shortage is felt all the time. 80% of all financial assistance"mined" or earned by the veterans themselves. The Russian Council does not have any permanent budget allocations, and therefore is forced to look for opportunities to organize its own structures in order to create jobs for veterans, provide services to the population, and strengthen the financial basis of regional councils and primary organizations.

We have many examples of positive work on non-budgetary support for veteran organizations. These are the Kaluga, Irkutsk, Rostov, Saratov regions, the republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan. It is necessary, relying on this experience, to develop our own production, structures for the provision of services to the population.

Speaking at the All-Russian meeting (October 3-4) of the heads of personnel apparatuses for work with personnel, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, General of the Army Rashid Nurgaliyev, highly appreciated the contribution of veterans to the preservation and enhancement of the traditions of the internal affairs bodies, to the restoration of public confidence in the police, to patriotic education youth.

In the Russian Federation, the state provides benefits and support programs for a certain circle of people. The status of "veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" allows citizens to receive this assistance.

Who is a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The assignment of the status is possible only to citizens who have been serving for a long time in the relevant areas, as well as those who have received awards for professional achievements.

These include the following insignia:

  • "Honorary Officer";

    Badge "Honorary Officer" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

  • "For impeccable service";

    Medal "For Impeccable Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs" of the Russian Federation

  • "For differences in service" (1st and 2nd degree);

    Badge "For Distinction in the Service of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" I degree

  • "For labor valor".

    Medal "For Labor Valor"

The status is assigned to those citizens who carried out labor activity With adolescence during the Second World War for 40 years (men) and 35 years (women).

The presence of medals and orders is not a guarantee of receiving benefits. A citizen has the right to apply for the title of veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs if he has documentary evidence seniority:

  • at least 25 years for the male population;
  • at least 20 years for women;

The length of service required for the appointment of pension payments is taken into account.

Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: how to get the title "Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" according to the new requirements

Important! When receiving benefits, it is necessary to take into account the regulatory legal acts of the region in which the labor veteran lives. Download for viewing and printing:


In the Russian Federation, the indicative form of law, therefore, in the absence of an official request from a citizen to provide a service, it will not be provided to him. Therefore, in order to receive state assistance, it is important to properly complete the documents.

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Veteran's ID

The issues of consideration and assignment of status are dealt with in the bodies of the Department of Social Protection of the Population (USZN) at their place of residence.

Before obtaining a certificate of a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents:

After collecting all the information, the USZN makes a decision: in case of a positive answer, the citizen receives a certificate of a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the status is denied, the person at the place of residence receives a written response indicating the reasons. The decision can be challenged in court.

Badge (medal) veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Prior to the entry into force of Federal Law No., obtaining the status of "Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" was possible only for those citizens who had already been awarded orders or medals. Persons whose insurance experience was at least 7 years, or were awarded departmental signs, also fell into this category.

A condition was introduced into the law, according to which, a citizen must have not only a medal, but also an experience of at least 15 years. It is taken into account when assigning the status and activities in the field of economics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The medal is universal, issued to persons serving in the police. On the sign of the veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there is a distinctive inscription "Veteran". The award is presented during holidays or celebrations, the responsibility for its transfer rests with the public veteran association. In addition to the sign, the pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be given a blank form with a certificate, which is subsequently filled in by the management and the employee himself.

Medal "Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs"

On the front side of the brass medal there is an image of the emblem of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: a two-headed eagle, above each head of which there is a small crown, united by one large crown. In the claws of the bird is a scepter and orb. In area chest depicts a shield with George the Victorious and a dead serpent.

Under the image is the inscription: "Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs". On reverse side sign drawing of a five-pointed star and spelled out three words: “Order! Honor! Duty!". As a fastening pin. On the block there is a striped ribbon of three colors: golden, red and blue.

Design mechanism

Before confirming the status of "Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" to a pensioner, you need to make sure that it is possible to assign it. To do this, it is recommended to seek advice from the public protection authorities. The institution will notify you of the required package of documents and explain the course of the procedure.

According to the amendments to the Federal Law No., the right to determine who is a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and to assign this status to him is reserved by the Government of Russia. in certain situations, this responsibility is assigned to state institutions at the federal level.

Important! Information about the need to assign the status of "Veteran" to a pensioner is transmitted by the management of the organization to the Government of the Russian Federation.

List of documents

The application is filled out by the citizen by hand. In the upper right corner, the data of the organization to whom the document is intended and their full name, address of residence are indicated.

In the "Application" field, in addition to personal data, the series and number of the passport, it is necessary to indicate the reasons according to which it is possible to assign a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (list awards and thanks).

How to get Veteran status

It is mandatory to indicate the date and sign. In the application form, under the main information, a column is separated for making a decision. In the organization, after considering the application, the answer is indicated, certified by the seal and signature of the head of the USZN.

Important! The package of documents must be specified in the social protection authorities.

Can they refuse

A negative decision in obtaining the status is made in relation to citizens who have insufficient work experience and no awards, or certificates of honorary titles.

It is impossible to obtain an certifying document for citizens who have provided an incomplete or false package of documents, or do not have a permanent place of residence.

Often a pensioner who has received a refusal believes that he cannot be considered a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The resulting decision must be studied, if its illegality is confirmed, apply with a statement of claim to the judicial authorities.

Other common mistakes include an incorrectly completed application, the provision of an incomplete package of documents.

What benefits do veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have?

The volume of benefits and state support programs are considered not only in the legislation of the Russian Federation, but also in regional regulatory legal acts.

Common measures of social support

A citizen who has confirmed his status retains the rights to the following benefits:

  • exemption from tax payments in relation to one of the real estate objects (garage, house or apartment). At the regional level, depending on the budget, it is possible to extend the benefit to all types of real estate;
  • free service in hospitals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • improvement of living conditions (on preferential terms, or partial compensation of the cost of real estate at the expense of the federal budget);
  • sanatorium treatment (75% discount on vouchers to sanatoriums belonging to the institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for veterans, and a 50% discount for members of his family);
  • free dental prosthetics, prescription medicines (the benefit applies to people with disabilities);
  • establishing an annual leave of 30 calendar days for employed labor veterans (support at the federal level);
  • 50% discount on train tickets and exemption from public transport fares.
Full free medical care at the regional and state levels is received by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose health deterioration is associated with the performance of official duties.

Lump sum payments

Anyone who is considered a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has the right to use not only benefits, but also receive state support in the form of a lump sum payment on the basis of Federal Law No. upon dismissal from service.

The amount of the amount depends on the length of service and salary, rank. When performing duties for more than 20 years, a citizen receives an amount equivalent to 7-monthly salaries. If the work experience is less than 20 years, the labor veteran is entitled to payments equal to 2 full salaries.

Privileges for family members are partially preserved in case of loss of a breadwinner. Benefits are assigned to the heirs of the 1st and 2nd stage:

  • funeral at the expense of the state;
  • registration of pension payments to dependents, receipt of insurance compensation;
  • partial compensation for housing and communal services;
  • receiving the unpaid part of the funded pension;
  • discounts for treatment in boarding houses of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Obtaining privileges by family members is possible after completing the necessary documentation in the department of social payments and Pension Fund RF.

What is the difference between the status of "Veteran of Labor", "Veteran of Military Service" and "Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs"

The title "Veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs" as a status does not exist. It should be correlated with the "Veteran of Labour", and the main difference is the category of citizens who receive benefits: employees of the Ministry of the Interior.

The status of "Veteran of military service" is assigned to military personnel with at least 20 years of experience and having distinctive signs and medals, as well as those who have received disability as a result of illness, shell shock during the period of service.

Important! The status of "Veteran of military operations" is assigned to a serviceman after being transferred to the reserve.

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Watch a video about commemorative signs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

June 7, 2019, 12:42 Oct 20, 2019 14:20

The Day of Veterans of the Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a holiday for all those who served their country with honor, protecting citizens in the legal field, participating in counter-terrorist operations, acting as guardians of law and order.

In the photo: congratulations to veterans of the internal affairs bodies in St. Petersburg:

In the photo: meeting with veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Novoshakhtinsk:

This holiday is celebrated on April 17th. He appeared in the calendar on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 580. The date was not chosen by chance and is timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Public Organization of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Military Forces, formed on April 17, 1991.

In Russia today there are about 650 thousand veterans who served in different time in internal troops and internal affairs bodies. These include: pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, participants in the Great Patriotic War, veterans of military operations in Afghanistan, the North Caucasus, and other hot spots.

On this day, I would especially like to commend those who went through the severe trials of the war and, in the difficult time of the post-war devastation, found themselves at the forefront of combating crime, while showing will, courage and concern for people.

The Great Patriotic War required a change in the nature and content of the work of all state bodies in relation to the specifics of wartime. The duties of the police were significantly expanded: the fight against looting, alarmism, desertion, and theft of evacuated cargo on transport; ensuring organized evacuation of the population and industrial enterprises, which was essentially a strategic task.

Police officers, along with border guards and units of the Red Army, participated in battles with the advancing Wehrmacht troops.
In the first days of the war, more than 25% of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies were drafted into the army. Only from the Moscow police went to the front 12 thousand employees. They were replaced by persons not suitable for military service: the disabled, pensioners. A considerable number of women joined the ranks of the then militia - by decision of the Moscow City Committee of the Party, 1,300 women who served in state institutions and organizations were sent to the militia.

The main task of the police during the war years, as before, remained the protection of public order and the fight against crime, because at a time when the army was fighting on the fronts, and millions of people were forging victory in the rear - at factory machines, in agricultural areas, in hospitals, educational institutions, there were many who tried to use wartime and martial law for criminal purposes.

From the beginning of the war, the external police service was transferred to a two-shift mode of operation - 12 hours a day, and vacations were canceled for all employees.

The criminal investigation department was engaged in the disclosure of murders, robberies, robberies, thefts from the apartments of the evacuees. Carried out seizure from criminal elements and deserters. Assisted state security agencies in identifying enemy agents.
Special attention deserves the work of the police to prevent neglect and homelessness of minors. During the war, the network of children's rooms at the police departments was significantly expanded. In 1942-1943, with the help of the public, about 300,000 homeless teenagers were detained by the police, who were placed in a job and given a place to live.

In wartime, the internal affairs bodies performed about two dozen different service and combat tasks. Police officers ensured the security of the rear, participated in the protection of important facilities and institutions, fought against banditry and crime, neutralized enemy saboteurs, organized local air defense, courageously fought against the Nazis at the front, acted as part of extermination battalions and partisan detachments.

The loss of personnel of the internal troops and the troops of the NKVD in the Great Patriotic War amounted (officially) to about 160 thousand people. However, unofficial sources speak of significantly greater losses - up to half a million.

In May 1945, peacetime did not come for all the inhabitants of the USSR. Numerous centers of the radical nationalist underground remained in the western regions of the country. On the territory of Western Ukraine, a powerful and extensive network of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (OUN-UPA) continued to operate (today the activities of the OUN are prohibited by Russian law), popularly known as Bandera. The whole burden of the fight against them fell on the shoulders of the units of the main department of the NKVD troops and the local police. The losses of law enforcement officers and special services in the fight against Bandera thugs are still unknown, since the main volumes of documents on this issue have not been declassified.

In the photo: congratulations from a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - a participant in the Great Patriotic War Alexei Litvinov (Vladivostok):

In the photo: congratulations to the veteran of the internal affairs bodies - former boss Police Department of Pyatigorsk Afanasy Masalykina:

The Soviet state security agencies fought against the OUN with all legal methods. Separate units of the internal troops were periodically involved in providing operations - cordoning, combing the area.

It took almost 10 years to defeat the Ukrainian nationalists of the Soviet government, and in this "war after the war" security officers and policemen demonstrated a very high level of professionalism and effectiveness. However, as the modern course shows, the Bandera rabble was still not completely exterminated. Rampant Bandera can be observed in today's Ukraine, where the radicals have become, in fact, one of the branches of power, or, more precisely, total anarchy.

Special units of law enforcement agencies and state services have always solved the most complex tasks of protecting individuals, society and the state from internal and external threats.

Despite the fact that the role of the police in the Afghan events remained and remains in the background, about 4 thousand employees of the internal affairs bodies were sent on business trips to Afghanistan, of which 28 people died. They were given the tasks of selecting and training employees, organizing the logistics of the bodies, organizing the fight against banditry and criminality in the country.

It so happened that it was the operational police officers, ordinary police detectives in those years that turned out to be more prepared for undercover development of numerous illegal armed groups of rebellious Afghanistan.

Therefore, it became necessary to create a special-purpose detachment of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs "Cobalt", which was formed in the strictest secrecy, and each of its employees had his own legend and operational cover.

For helping the Afghan people in ensuring law and order in the country, more than 2,500 employees of the internal affairs bodies were awarded government awards, and Mikhail Isakov, an employee of the Kobalt special unit, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Many veterans went through the crucible of "hot spots" in the North Caucasus. They protected the civilian population from terrorist acts, violence, robbery, led fighting with militants, foreign emissaries and armed formations of pseudo-Islamic groups.

Veterans of internal affairs bodies try not to lose their energy and activity, continuing to benefit society even after they take a well-deserved rest. They are engaged in promoting the observance of law and order and the rule of law, work and train young employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, transferring their accumulated experience and knowledge, devote time to preventive work among minors, and help orphanages.
Together with members of the public, veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops hold methodological conferences where topical issues and problems are discussed.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, thanks to the help of veterans and veteran organizations, hundreds of crimes are revealed in the country every year, and dangerous criminals are also detained.

Statistics: today every fifth veteran takes part in the practical activities of the internal affairs bodies and units of the internal troops of Russia.

On this holiday, I want to express my deep gratitude to those who best years devoted his life to serving the Fatherland and wish all veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops health, longevity and active participation in the public life of the country.