Formation of the child's personality in various activities. The impact of activities on the development of the child. Personal neoplasms of preschool age

In this article:

The child grows - his abilities, attitude towards himself and others change. He gradually becomes part of society. Activity plays an important role in the development of his psyche and personality. It can be divided into subject-manipulative and social. On the one hand, to be a part of society, it is necessary to know and use social mechanisms. On the other hand, we are surrounded by the world of things, and learning to use them is a must.

Normal development of the personality implies a transition from one type of activity to another.. This is a rather rigid stepwise process: the transition between types is carried out only when the goal of the previous stage is achieved. One of the most important types is play activity. It is relevant from early childhood and persists almost until the end of puberty.. This is not only entertainment for the child, but also an opportunity to learn how to use objects for their intended purpose, to simulate life situations.

What is an activity?

Before talking about the role played by different types of human activity in the development of his personality, it is necessary to clarify what activity is. This includes two large blocks of concepts:

  • material world;
  • social sphere.

To use all household items and tools, knowledge, experience and training are necessary. Once upon a time, for the first time, we all held a fork ourselves, washed ourselves, tried to brush our teeth. Now for us these are simple, familiar actions, but it was not always so. A child always has an example before his eyes - adults. From parents and educators, teachers, we learn how
use certain items correctly to get the desired result.

Activities in the social sphere are communication, contacts, assimilation of the moral norms of society. The role of activity in this area is no less. In the same way, we learn to communicate, get to know each other, resolve conflict situations, how to brush our teeth or handle a fork. Once everything happens for the first time, and in order to achieve results, training is necessary.

Any activity is aimed at achieving a specific goal. The goal is set by the child. The most important thing here is that in any chosen the child wanted to succeed. Aimless activity will not bring any results. In the development of the individual, the moment of achieving the goal is of great importance.

When one of the activities can be mastered, a transition is made to another. The change of such processes contributes to timely mental development. For a child, this is normal satisfaction from the result achieved. This process is associated with growing up. Each time, his knowledge base about the world, objects, connections between people increases.

Necessity and need for activity

The role of activity is very great for the proper development of the baby. Independent activity will always be a positive factor for the personal, physical and mental development. And what older child the more diverse the activities should be. These include:

  • gaming activity;
  • aimed at learning;
  • subject (this also includes sports);
  • communication, etc.

Parents need to understand that their baby is growing. This means that his interests and needs will change. Need in
activities must be present, otherwise there can be no question of proper development. The child is interested in playing with toys and other children. He begins to explore the world, to study it in various accessible ways. Then more meaningful activities will begin - study.

It is important to remember that a healthy need for activity (any kind of activity) should be controlled by parents, but not completely limited. All children need to play: at 3 years old, 5 years old, 10 or even 15 years old. The desire to learn is also completely normal at any age, from the first months of life. Already by the age of 2-3, the independence of the child begins to actively manifest itself, and his actions become more meaningful. So that he develops normally, becomes a personality, needed subject activity .

Leading activity

The leading species is usually called the one that, at a given age, at a given stage of development, forms more complex psychological neoplasms. Simply put, each age period corresponds to certain types of activities. They help the child get better understand the world , relationships, yourself. Step by step, with the experience gained, the personality is rebuilt, changing. The older the child, the more difficult the activity.

Here the main feature is that the types of activities do not just change, but accumulate over time.
the snowball principle. The farther, the more activities can be combined into a leading direction. IN different ages the direction of the leading activity will change in the child.
In the development of the psyche of children, the change in the leading types of activity is rather strictly regulated. Their formation depends on age, social status, opportunities. The transition from one type to another occurs in a well-defined order, as each type prepares the personality for the transition to the next level. Only this guarantees the child's personality a normal, harmonious development, and there can be no exceptions.

Emotional communication

From the first days of life to a year, communication can be called the leading direction. Its role is enormous the instinct of self-preservation- rather learn to communicate with those who are nearby. During this period, it is important for the baby to learn to establish social contacts, to receive emotional feedback. At this time, he begins to recognize people, to distinguish parents from strangers, acquaintances. Mom causes him the most emotions: he looks for her with his eyes, cries when she leaves for a long time. Gradually, the child gets used to the rest of the relatives and people who often appear in sight.

subject activity

The object-manipulative direction of activity is inherent in kids from 1 to 3 years old. This is the first substantive activity aimed at formation public behavior. Now the most important thing is to learn how to communicate, interact. The kid learns not only to communicate, but also to handle a variety of objects. The main feature of this period is repetition after adults.

During this period, as much as possible stimulate the child's need to learn to do something himself. Some children do not even need stimulation, they are very independent on their own. Others need to be encouraged.
Manipulative activity is, simply put, the desire to understand how this or that object or mechanism (not only tangible, but also social) functions. The kid sees how the mother turns on the TV using the remote control. He takes it in
hands, tries to raise, lower, presses the buttons. Or he learns to use pencils to draw: he tries to understand by experience how to hold, which side to drive on paper, etc.

If you limit the child, do not let him study, use objects on his own, then he will quickly lose interest in learning and everything new. Here the role of parents is great, who should not limit the manifestations of independence in babies 2-3 years old. Thus, they only interfere with the normal development process, slowing it down.

A game

One of the most important types is a play activity. It persists not only in children, but also in adults. Its influence on the development of the personality of the child is undeniable. The game is entertainment, recreation, but also an important part of learning. While playing, kids simulate real life situations. During the game, children use imagination, logic, fantasy, create and solve problems.
The role of the game is huge, because it is a safe “testing ground” where the baby can get to know himself and others better.

The importance of this activity cannot be underestimated. Sometimes mothers of first-graders defiantly take away toys, saying “now you are an adult, you need to study, not play.” For a child, this is a traumatic statement. Through the game, the child will learn to communicate, understand the world, model situations and behavior for a long time. Gradually, this activity will become less and less important, but parents should not prohibit games..


From 6 to 11 years old, the main place in the life of a child is education.. Now it is important to master the theoretical forms of thinking - in other words, children are taught to learn. Here the teacher plays an important role, who needs to understand how to interest and captivate the kids. Now it is worth considering the peculiarities of the mental development of the child: he is interested in everything bright, interesting, unusual. study in primary school gives the child a lot:

  • the norms of social behavior are assimilated;
  • first plans for the future;
  • reveals the social component of the personality;
  • volitional development (children learn to separate “I want” and “need”);
  • joy in achieving a goal;
  • self-criticism (I want to do better than others, there is an opportunity to independently assess the significance and quality of work);
  • a responsible attitude to objective activity is formed.

Leading activities of teenagers

Adolescents aged 10-15 now have two leading activities: communication and study. In the development of personality, the social environment is of particular importance: where does one study, what, who teaches, as well as with whom and how the child communicates. This is the time to reveal your abilities. Here, the children themselves begin to understand who they are, what they want, how to achieve what they want. Now it is very important for them to feel that they are not alone. This requires communication.

Many parents
teenagers are scolded for their constant desire to talk on the phone, go for walks, visit each other. However, there is nothing surprising or negative here. It is important for a teenager to know that he is not alone, but part of a group, and the group accepts and supports him..

For young people from 15 to 18 years old, the vector of activity is again shifted to study, but the subject-labor direction is also added. It is important to understand here that now a person will need all his previous experience. It is too late for parents to blame an 18-year-old boy or girl for lack of independence or unwillingness to learn, because the most important things in personality development were early years. And at the age of 17-18, there are usually desires, plans, dreams and, most importantly, an understanding of how to achieve what you want. This is the result of the normal mental development of the individual.

Adults and peers influence the child in the process of activities in which she has different relationships, tests her abilities and skills, evaluates herself, develops as a person, acquires interaction skills

Play is essential for the development of a child's personality. Playing the role of adults, reproducing their nude activities and relationships, children get acquainted with the rules and motives of behavior available to them, which guide adults in work and social activities, communication with each other. For example, playing the role of a doctor, the child tries to reproduce his caring and attentiveness to the sick person.

The game captures children, makes them feel the feelings of other characters: sympathize with the sick, sympathize with children, respect elders, etc. Interest in the game, the desire to play a certain role encourages children to perform unsightly actions. It is a way to enter real life adults. Any adult intervention in the child's play deprives him of his creative power, so adults should help the child create conditions for grgri.

The actions and relationships that children play in accordance with roles help them better understand the motives of behavior, the actions and feelings of adults, but do not yet ensure their assimilation. In the process of relationships, they open up about the game, when discussing its content, distribution of roles, game material, etc. children learn to take into account the interests of a comrade, to sympathize with him, to sacrifice their own interests, to work for the sake of a common cause. Often there are conflicts between them regarding the organization and conduct of the game, caused by the inability to coordinate their plans and actions. In such cases, the educator should help them.

The complexity of the game, the number of its participants and the consistency between their actions form the requirements for the behavior of children, their relationships. Therefore, with the complication of the game, their importance in the development of the personality of the younger also increases.

In most games, the roles of children are unequal, among them there are main ones (teacher, doctor, seller) and secondary ones (nanny, child, nurse, buyer). The main roles are attractive to the child, therefore, when playing with puppets, she always plays the main role in each group. There are children who invent and organize games, distribute roles, and tell others what to do. They, as a rule, play the main roles, but they can give way to them in favor of other children. The specificity of the relationship between all the children in the game also depends on them. Recognition by their peers does not raise any doubts about their words, actions and does not create conflict situations. Sometimes there may be manifestations of disagreement, a struggle for leadership, a showdown with the help of force of power.

The strength and content of the positive influence of the game on the development of the personality of children depends on the educator, who, if necessary, must prompt the children about its content, trace the distribution of roles, and the coordination of actions. At the same time, it is important that children gradually move on to games that require close interaction of participants, the ability to take into account each other's opinions. special attention the educator is required by the leaders of children's games, the use of additional methods of regulating their behavior in relation to other children.

In productive activities, in the performance of labor and educational tasks, the child's orientation is formed to obtain a result approved by adults and peers. This result can also be a drawing, a structure, a cleaned room, a dug-up bed, or solutions to an arithmetic problem.

The need to achieve a result teaches the child to plan his actions, to manage them, develops her will, the ability to control her behavior based on the result of the activity, the child compares her skills and efforts of those who can and the efforts of their peers. At first, such a comparison is used by adults, later, mastering the skills of self-esteem, awareness of one's own qualities and achievements, it is performed by an infant.

New motives of behavior are formed in preschoolers: the fulfillment, for example, of educational tasks contributes to the development of cognitive motives (curiosity, the desire to learn new things, interests in various fields of activity, etc.), create conditions for the development of their general and special abilities.

Orientation to the result of activity develops the industriousness of the child, without which it is impossible to achieve success. The desire for recognition encourages her to new achievements, forms an internal mood for a certain type of activity.

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6.2. Volitional qualities of a person in musical activity To implement volitional behavior, a person must possess the so-called volitional qualities. Among these, psychologists call: initiative, determination, independence, perseverance, endurance,

Exercise 1. Get acquainted with the features of the organization of all types of children's activities. Analyze the quality of their organization along the following lines:

Ø quality of equipment with pedagogical means;

Ø sufficiency of equipment, toys, etc.;

Ø compliance with modern requirements (development of personal structures, personality-oriented approach to children, support and development of the subject position of each child, introduction to the world of culture, etc.).

Points for task number 1. .

Methodist in Pedagogy

number of points signature

Task 2. Fill the table:

Make a conclusion about the quality of the organization of children's activities _______________________


Points for task number 2. Maximum points - 5.

Methodist in Pedagogy ______________________________________

number of points signature

Task 3. The study of the organization of the motor regime in different age groups.

Ø Get to know motor modes in different age groups. Follow the changes from group to group (analyze the program according to which the basic preschool institution works).

Ø Analyze the conditions created in different age groups, the gym, in the area for motor activity children.

Ø Make sketches of the most appropriate organization of the motor environment.

Ø Watch physical culture activities organized in different age groups (morning exercises, physical education classes, outdoor games and individual classes for the development of movements on a walk, corrective gymnastics after sleep, physical culture leisure). Draw a conclusion about their effectiveness.

Ø When discussing each of the organized physical education events you reviewed, please note:

How are hygienic conditions observed when working on physical education;

What equipment is used and how pedagogically justified;

What is the structure various forms work on physical development;

Make a conclusion about the features of the methodology for conducting physical education activities in each age group;

How is the differentiation and individualization of training ensured;

Is the biological need of children to move fully taken into account;

How the educator creates the optimal psychological climate for each child;

What is the manifestation of creativity, the individuality of the educator.

Ø Make notes of physical education activities and prepare for their implementation on the following days of practice.

Approximate schedule for task 3:

Exit No. date The content of the work Analysis and evaluation of activities
1. Analysis of the motor mode, conditions. Watching morning exercises.
2. Self-conducted morning exercises by the student. Viewing a physical education class.
3. Independent conduct of morning exercises by another student. View work on physical education for a walk.
4. Self-conducted morning gymnastics and physical education classes by students in subgroups.
5. Viewing sports leisure (2 half a day) and corrective gymnastics after sleep.
6. Independent physical culture leisure (2 half a day) and corrective gymnastics after sleep.

¨ Monitoring the organization and conduct of two classes with a subgroup of children (analysis of classes with notes attached);

¨ Overseeing the organization and leadership role-playing game preschoolers (analysis);

¨ Organizing and conducting walks with children (possibly in pairs);

¨ Participation in the organization and holding of an evening of entertainment for children (it is possible to conduct in pairs).

Make a general conclusion about the quality of personality development of preschoolers in different activities: ________________________________________________________________


MBOU NSKSHI Noginsk, Moscow region,

Candlemaker Alla Eduardovna.

Activity and personality development of a preschooler

The theory of activity of preschoolers is of great importance fordevelopment of domestic psychology. It was created during the Soviet periodwas the central psychological theory and developed over more than60 years. The development and development of this theory is associated with the names of such well-knowndomestic psychologists, such as L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinstein, A. N. Leontiev, A. R. Luria, A. V. Zaporozhets, P. Ya.Is there such a significant position in Russian psychology? First, everyone knowsabout the decisive role of labor and activity in the origin of consciousness and the development of the human psyche. This point of view so far isfundamental in the methodology of research of domestic psychologists.Secondly, the psychological theory of activity, based on this point of viewresearch, reveals the role of activity in the manifestation of mental phenomena of a personcentury, including consciousness. The fact is that to judge a person, about his featurespersonality, we, basically, can only by the results of his activities.

The main concepts of this theory are activity, consciousness and personality. Let us consider what meaning is put into these concepts, what is their structure.

Human activity has a complex hierarchical structure. It consistsfrom several non-equilibrium levels. The top level is the level of specialactivities, followed by the activity level, followed by the operations level,and the lowest - the level of psychophysiological functions.

Central to this hierarchical structure isaction, towhich is the basic unit of activity analysis. Action is a processaimed at the realization of the goal, which, in turn, can be determinedLena as an image of the desired result.

The action itself cannot be considered as that element of the initialthe level from which the activity is formed. Action is a complex element,which often itself consists of many smaller ones. This situation explainsthat every action is conditioned by a goal.

Now you need to pay attention to the fact that each action can be performed in different ways, that is, using different methods. Execution methodaction is called an operation. In turn, the way to perform an action fordepends on conditions. Under different conditions to achieve the same goaldifferent operations can be used. At the same time, under the conditionsboth external circumstances and the possibilities of the actingsubject. Therefore, the goal given in certain conditions, in the theory of activitycalled a task. Depending on the task, the operation may consist of differentfigurative actions, which can be subdivided into even smaller (private)actions. Thus, operations are larger units of activity than actions.

The main property of operations is that they are little or completelyare not recognized. This operation differs from the actions that involve andconscious purpose and conscious control over the course of action. EssentiallyAs a matter of fact, the level of operations is the level of automatic actions andskills. Underskills are understood as the automated components of a conscious agentthe features generated in the process of its implementation.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that it is difficult to distinguish a clear line between operations and actions.Therefore, one of the most informative signs,reducing actions and operations is the ratio between the degree of specialknowledge of the activity.

Now let's move on to the third, lowest level of the structure of activity.sti - psychophysiological functions. Under psychophysiological functionIn the theory of activity, we understand the physiological mechanisms for ensuring mental processes. Since man is a biosocial being,the course of mental processes is inseparable from the processes of the physiological level, providing the possibility of the implementation of mental processes.There are a number of possibilities of the body, without which most mentalfunctions cannot be performed. These possibilities are primarilydoes not attribute the ability to sensation, motor ability, the ability to fixtions of traces of past influences. This also includes a number of congenitalmechanisms fixed in the morphology of the nervous system, as well as those that mature during the first months of life. All these abilities and mechanismsare given to a person at birth, i.e. they are genetically determinedness.

The main function of the mental education of children in the first years of life is the formation of cognitive activity, i.e. an activity in which the child learns to know the world around him. Small child learns the world around him in the game, in work, on walks, classes, in communication with adults and peers.

Psychophysiological functions also provide the necessary prerequisitesfor the implementation of mental functions, and means of activity. For example, when we try to remember something, we use special techniques tofaster and better memorization. However, memorization does not occurwould go if we did not have mnemonic functions, consistingin the ability to remember. The mnemonic function is innate. With moFrom the moment of birth, a child begins to memorize a huge amount of information.Initially, this is the simplest information, then, in the process of development,not only the volume of memorized information is decreasing, but also the qualitativememorization options.

For the full mental development of a child in the first years of life, it is necessary to take care of the development of his perception and thinking. In this regard, the most important tasks of the mental education of children preschool age are:

Sensory education (development);

Development of mental activity (mastery of mental operations, cognitive processes and abilities);

Establishing speech.

The mental education of children of this age is aimed at the formation of cognitive motives, therefore one of its tasks is:

Education of curiosity, cognitive interests.

The result of cognitive activity, regardless of the form of cognition in which it was realized (with the help of thinking or perception), is knowledge.

Influence on the child by adults and peersschistvuetsya mainly in the process of activity. Organizing the activities of children, adults give them advice and instructions about the plots of games, drawings, acquaint children with the relationships and actions of the people depicted, presentspecific requirements for the actions and deeds of the children themselves,evaluate them, help resolve emerging in the course of actiondifficulties and conflicts. Only by participating inactivities, children unite and enter intovarious relationships that form the basis of childsociety and contributing to the development of the personality of its members.

Interest in the game, the desire to “play a role” wellgreat that children perform actions that are in themselves difficult and unattractive for them,

Productive types contribute to the development of the child's personalityactivities, performance of labor and educational tasks.These types of activities areorientationonobtaining a result approved by adults and peers.This result can be a drawing, design, solution of an arithmeticmetic problem, etc.

The need to achieve good result teaches the childto plantheir actions, to control them and, thus, leads to the development of the will, the ability to control one's behavior. In addition, the result of the activity is the basis forcomparison of the success achieved by different children. If the firstInitially, such a comparison is carried out by adults, involvingchildren's group, then later the rebbe himself begins to do itnok, while mastering the skillsself-esteem, awareness of theirown qualities and achievements.

It is especially important that under the influence of activity, I giveschey certain result, children form new motypes of behavior. When performing work tasks, children learnbe guided by thatthe benefit they bring to othersdyam (family, your group and even society as a whole).

Completion of educational tasks contributes to the development of childrencognitivemotives - curiosity, desire to knownew.

Children are inquisitive explorers of the world around them. This feature is inherent in them from birth. I.P. Pavlov called this property the “what is it?” reflex. Under the influence of this reflex, the child gets acquainted with the qualities of objects, establishes new connections between them. Subject "research" activity characteristic of the child early age, develops and consolidates the cognitive attitude to the world around. After children have mastered speech, their cognitive activity rises to a new qualitative level. With the help of speech, the knowledge of children is generalized, the ability for analytical and synthetic activity is formed not only on the basis of direct perception of objects, but also on the basis of ideas.

Curiosity and learning interests are different forms cognitive relationship with the environment.

The cognitive interest of the child is reflected in his games, drawings, stories and other types of creative activity. Therefore, adults should provide conditions for the development of such activities.

The motives that arise in activity create conditions fordevelopmentgeneral Andspecial abilities in a child. Sentness on the result of activity developsability to work - oneof the basic components of any ability. Employability to a large extent ensures success in activities, which is encouragedreceives public recognition. Satisfaction of a claimrecognition encourages the child to new achievements.

In this wayZom forms an internal setting for a certain type of deactivities. The inclusion of a child in productive activities (drawing, modeling, application, design, play, work) is a condition for the development of abilities.

mental pdevelopment, the development of thinking is an important aspect in the development of the personality of an older preschooler, in particular in its cognitive sphere. One of the important directions in the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers is the creation of conditions that ensure the full mental development of children, associated with the formation of sustainable cognitive interests, skills and abilities of mental activity, qualitiesmind, creative initiative.

Considering the problem of the formation of thinking, one can note the fact that the conditions for the formation of thinking processes are provided in preschool education not yet completeleast, since a still common example in teaching practice is the organization by educators of children's actions according to the model: too often they offer childrenexercises of training type based on imitation. Under these conditions, such qualities of thinking as depth, criticality, flexibility, which areaspects of his autonomy.

In many ways, the formation of arbitrary, controlled thinking is facilitated by instructionseducators that encourage children to think. The ability to plan their actions is also actively formed in older preschoolers in the learning process..

An older preschooler is regularly and without fail placed in a situation where heyou need to reason, compare different judgments, carry out conclusions. Therefore, in the seniorAt preschool age, the third type of thinking begins to develop intensively: verbal-logical, abstract thinking.

Children develop habits logical thinking, as a comparison associated withhighlighting and verbal designation in the subject various properties and signs of generalization,associated with the abstraction of non-essential features of the subject and combining them on the basis ofcommonality of essential features.

Of course, other types of thinking develop further at this age, but the main emphasis falls on the formation of methods of reasoning and inference.

The thinking of children of the same age is quite different, some children are easier to solve problems of a practical nature, when it is required to use the techniques of visual-effectivethinking. Others are more easily given tasks related to the need to imagine and representany states or phenomena, a third of the children reason more easily, build reasoning andinferences, which allows them to more successfully solve mathematical problems, derive generalrules and apply them in specific situations.

The presence of one or another type of thinking in a child can be judged by how he decides the appropriate this species tasks. So, if when solving easy problems for practicaltransformation of objects, or for operating with their images, or for reasoning, the child is badlyunderstands their condition, gets confused and lost when searching for their solutions, then in this case it is considered thatthat he has the first level of developmentin the right way of thinking.

If a child successfully solves easy problems designed to apply one or another type of thinking, but finds it difficult to solve more complex problems, in particular because it is not possible to present the entire solution as a whole, since the ability toplan, then in this case it is considered that he has the second level of development in the correspondingway of thinking.

For the mental development of an older preschooler, three types of thinking must be used.At the same time, with the help of each of them, certain qualities of the mind are better formed in the child. So,solving problems with the help of visual-active thinking allows you to develop skills in childrencontrol their actions, the implementation of targeted, rather than random and chaotic attempts to solve problems.

Such a feature of this type of thinking is a consequence of the fact that it solves problems in which objects can be picked up in order to change their states and properties, and soto place in space.

So, with the help of visual-effective thinking, it is more convenient to develop in children suchthe quality of the mind, as the ability to act purposefully, consciously when solving problemsmanage and control your actions

The peculiarity of visual-figurative thinking lies in the fact that when solving problems with its help, a person does not have the ability to actually change images and ideas. Thisallows you to develop different plans to achieve the goal, mentally coordinate these plans,to find the best one. Because when solving problems with visual-figurative thinking,a person has to operate only with images of objects (i.e., operate with objects only inmental plan), then in this case it is more difficult to manage your actions, control them and be aware than in the case when it is possible to operate with the objects themselves.

Therefore, the main task of the work on the development of visual-figurative thinking cannot beis to use it to form the ability to manage their actions whenproblem solving.

The peculiarity of verbal-logical thinking lies in the fact that this is abstract thinking,during which a person does not act with things and their images, but with concepts about them, formalized in words or signs. In this case, a person acts according to certain rules, being distracted from visual features things and their images.

Therefore, the main goal of the work on the development of verbal-logical thinking in children isisin using it to form in children the ability to reason, to draw conclusions from those judgments that are offered as initial ones, the ability to confine themselves to the content of these judgments and not to attract other considerations related to the external features of those thingsor images that are reflected and indicated in the original judgments.

Formation of independence in thinking, activity in the search for ways to achieveThe set goal involves the solution of non-standard tasks by children. The task of the educator is a differentiated approach to the development of thinking in older preschoolers

The problem of development, correction and improvement of thinking of preschoolers, one ofthe most importantin psychological and pedagogical practice. It is rightly considered that the main way to solve it is the rational organization of the entire educational process..

The source of the full development of the child are two types of activity. Firstly,any child develops as he masters the past experience of mankind through familiarization withcontemporary culture. At the heart of this process is educational activity, which is aimed at mastering the child with the knowledge necessary for life in society.

Secondly, any child in the process of development independently realizes hisopportunities through creativity. Unlike educational, creative activitynot aimed at mastering already known knowledge. It contributes to the manifestation in the child of initiative, self-realization, the embodiment of his own ideas, which are aimed atcreation of a new one.

Teachers unanimously define as their main task the stimulation of figurativethinking and creating an atmosphere of creativity. The development of artistic speech activity of a preschooler is facilitated by a number of techniques: creative retelling, storytelling, games with words,guessing and guessing riddles, selection of epithets for the word, artistic storytellinga picture, a toy, a verbal model, inventing stories, fairy tales, etc.

Folk and author's fairy tales that the kid probably already knows from multiple readingsby heart, are your invaluable helpers. In any of them, a whole lot of all kinds of mathematicalsituations. And they are assimilated as if by themselves. "Teremok" will help to remember not only the quantitative and ordinal score (the first came to the teremokmouse, the second - a frog, etc.), but also the basics of arithmetic. The kid will easily learn how the amount increases if you add one at a time each time. A hare jumped up - and there were three of them. came runningfox - there were four. It’s good if the book has visual illustrations, according to which the babywill be able to count the inhabitants of the tower. And you can play a fairy tale with the help of toys. "Kolobok" and "Turnip"especially good for mastering ordinal counting. Who pulled the turnip first? Who met Kolobok third? And in the "Turnip" you can talk about the size. Who is the biggest? Grandfather. Who is the smallest?Mouse. It makes sense to remember the order. Who is in front of the cat? And who is behind the grandmother? "Three Bears" -This is actually a mathematical super-fairy tale. And bears can be counted, and we can talk about size(large, small, medium, who is larger, who is smaller, who is the largest, who is the smallest), andmatch the bears with the corresponding plate chairs. Reading "Little Red Riding Hood" will givethe opportunity to talk about the concepts of "long" and "short". Especially if you draw a long andshort paths on a piece of paper or lay out of cubes on the floor and see which onelittle fingers will run faster or a toy car will pass.

Another very useful tale for mastering the account - "About a kid who could count to ten."It seems that it was created for this very purpose. Count the heroes of the fairy tale together with the goat, and the kid will easily remember the quantitative score up to 10.

The ability to take the point of view of another, understand and feel it from the inside, developmentparticipation in everything around the world, the development of kindred attention, where “observationthe outside world becomes no longer a search for forms and means for expressing creative ideas, butthe source of the emergence of these ideas themselves," - all these qualities are developed by special artistic tasks. It is easy to see that the content of such taskscontinue to develop object-sensory imagination in children, but especially intensivelydevelop a socially determined imagination with its socio-psychologicalassessments and socio-emotional relations.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that drawing, modeling, designing, modeling, role-playing and other types of games,classes that develop thinking, artistic and creative activities, as well as other types ofchildren's activities can be successfully used in the development of cognitive activitypreschooler. In order for the activity to serve effective tool developmentcreative imagination of children, it must meet the principles of developmental education,suggesting that learning should lead development, focusing on those components that have not yet been fully formed, but should be formed in the course of such training.