Brief rules of behavior in public transport. Rules of behavior in public transport. Passenger culture. Rules of behavior in public transport while driving


Public transport includes buses, trolleybuses, trams and metro. Accidents on buses, trolleybuses and trams most often occur as a result of collisions, sudden braking, falls from a height and flooding of the passenger compartment. There is also a risk of electric shock on trolleybuses and trams.
Rules safe behavior passengers when using these types of transport:
>you should wait for route vehicles only at stops;
^ you can board a vehicle only after it has come to a complete stop;
>it is prohibited to stand on protruding parts and steps of vehicles, lean against doors, or distract the driver by talking while driving;
^ you can’t sleep while driving; if possible, you need to monitor the situation on the road;
^ if during movement there is a danger of collision: with another object, you should take a stable position and grab the handrails (belts) with your hands; the seated passenger must rest his feet on the floor, his hands on the front seat and tilt his head forward;
> in case of a trolleybus or tram accident, you should only leave them by jumping to avoid electric shock.
>you can leave the vehicle only after it has come to a complete stop
Emergencies in the metro occur due to collisions and derailments of trains, as well as as a result of explosions, fires, destruction of escalator structures, falling things and passengers on the tracks.
The most dangerous areas in the metro are turnstiles, escalators, platforms and carriages.
Rules for safe behavior in the metro:
>you can’t try to get into the metro for free (the impact of the turnstile doors is quite strong);
>you cannot run along the escalator, place things on its steps, sit on them, or stand with your back in the direction of travel;
>you can’t linger when exiting the escalator;
> you must not come close to the edge of the platform or the train car until it comes to a complete stop;
>you cannot try to independently retrieve something that has fallen on the way; you must blatantly contact the station duty officer;
>in the event of unexpected acceleration or destruction of the escalator belt, you must move to the adjacent escalator by rolling over the fence.
In conditions of intensification of terrorist activity, when ownerless items are discovered (bags, boxes, packages, parcels, cases, etc.), it is necessary to immediately inform transport officials (drivers, train drivers, station attendants) or police officers about this and act accordingly. their instructions.

When we travel by bus, we naturally think about our safety. Therefore, we carefully study which buses run on a given route, look at the ratings of carriers, monitor weather conditions on the day of the trip, and so on.

But we often forget that our safety also depends on ourselves, on how accurately we follow the rules of behavior on the road.

And in order to carry them out exactly, you need to understand what is prohibited for passengers on intercity buses.

What not to do on an intercity bus

  • It is strictly forbidden to distract the driver. All conversations, questions, complaints - only during a stop. Remember: a second turn of the driver’s head in your direction can cost the life of both you and all other passengers
  • Arrive at boarding intoxicated and drink alcoholic beverages during the trip. The driver has the right to refuse to transport a drunk passenger and/or drop him off at any intermediate station
  • Smoking inside the bus. Smokers can satisfy their need for nicotine at sanitary stops, which the intercity bus makes on schedule
  • Walk around the bus while it is moving. The only exception is the moment when you urgently need to approach the driver to report emergency that you have discovered and the elimination of which requires immediate action
  • Block the aisle on the bus with things, thereby interfering with the movement of passengers and staff
  • Littering inside the bus. All waste must be placed in plastic bag, which can be thrown into a trash can at the bus stop
  • Be late for the bus departure when stopping at intermediate stations. After the bus stops, the driver announces the parking time, which you must not violate. Otherwise, the bus may move on without you.
  • Disturb bus passengers: pester them with conversations, turn on your own gadgets loudly (listening to music, audiobooks, watching movies, etc.), occupy part of the next seat, etc.
  • Damage bus property and equipment

Strict compliance with these rules by all bus passengers guarantees a safe and comfortable trip on intercity buses.

Rules of behavior in public transport. Rules for using public transport

Public transport includes buses, trolleybuses, trams and metro. Accidents when traveling on buses, trolleybuses and trams most often arise as a result of collisions, sudden braking, falls from a height, flooding of the passenger compartment and fires. In trolleybuses and trams, in addition, there is a danger of electric shock.

The basic rules for safe behavior of passengers when using these types of transport are as follows:

You should wait for route vehicles only at stops indicated by signs;

You can get on the transport only after it has come to a complete stop;

It is not allowed to stand on protruding parts and steps of vehicles, lean against doors, or distract the driver by talking while driving;

You can disembark from a vehicle only after it has come to a complete stop;

When driving, you should not sleep; if possible, you should monitor the situation on the road;

If while driving there is a danger of a vehicle colliding with another object, you must take a stable position and firmly grasp the handrails (belts) with your hands; the seated passenger should rest his feet on the floor, his hands on the front seat (panel) and tilt his head forward;

In the event of a trolleybus or tram accident, you should only jump to avoid electric shock.

Emergencies in the metro arise due to collisions and derailments of trains, explosions, fires, destruction of escalator structures, falling things and passengers on the tracks.

The most dangerous areas in the metro are turnstiles, escalators, platforms and carriages.

Safe behavior in the subway consists of following the following rules:

Do not try to get into the metro for free (the impact of the turnstile doors is quite strong);

Do not run along the escalator, do not place things on its steps, do not sit on them, do not stand with your back in the direction of movement;

Don't linger when exiting the escalator;

Do not approach the edge of the platform or the train carriage until it has come to a complete stop;

Do not try to get something that has fallen on the way, contact the station duty officer;

In the event of unexpected acceleration or destruction of the escalator belt, you should move to the adjacent escalator by rolling over the fence.

If any emergency occurs on city public transport or in the metro, you should follow the instructions of the driver, conductor and train driver in an organized and precise manner.

In the context of intensifying terrorist activity when ownerless items are discovered

(bags, boxes, packages, packages, etc.) should immediately report this to transport officials (vehicle drivers, train drivers, station attendants) or police officers and act in accordance with their instructions.

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Culture of behavior in transport

Peculiar rules of etiquette also exist for urban transport:

  • While waiting for your bus, please respect the order of the queue.
  • If you are traveling with a friend or acquaintance, or talking on the phone, try to do this as quietly and unobtrusively as possible.
  • Do not eat anything in transport.
  • Help transfer money for travel on minibuses and buses. And pay for it yourself, of course.
  • Remember that you are not the only passenger in transport, behave carefully, do not push, do not step on anyone’s feet.
  • Don’t push right through to the exit; ask if anyone is getting off at your stop. If they ask you about this, answer and let the person pass so that he can pass by.
  • Do not take seats in public transport intended for the disabled, the elderly and passengers with children; give up regular seats to them.

Eating takes up a large and important part of our lives, so another rule, without which a high culture of human behavior is impossible, is the rules of behavior at the table.

School behavior culture Let's talk separately about the rules of behavior for children. school age. Culture of behavior and relationships in this case implies that students must treat teachers and all school employees with respect. Under all circumstances, the “teacher-student” relationship must be maintained, even when communicating with junior teaching staff. Children do not interfere in the personal lives of teachers and other students.

When meeting a teacher, students say hello first. We must not forget about the culture of speech: it should not contain jargon, obscene language, rude and offensive expressions; Raising your tone at the teacher is also not worth it.

Students should not create disturbances on school grounds, run, shout, get involved in arguments and fights with other students, or use physical force.

Damage to school property and high standards of behavior are also incompatible, so the child must understand that drawing on school furniture, spitting, and sticking chewing gum is bad. Accordingly, children must maintain order, maintain cleanliness and not litter at school.

Students should come to class neatly dressed, not late, and best of all, about twenty minutes before the start of the first scheduled lesson, especially in winter, in order to have time to change into replacement shoes and get ready for classes.

Children must be seated at the start of the lesson. When the teacher enters the classroom, the children stand up to greet him and wait for him to answer them by signaling them to sit down.

The culture of behavior in the classroom requires attention and silence on the part of students. Children should understand that school time is intended, in fact, for learning, and they can always relax and chat during recess. A child can answer the teacher’s questions or ask him a question by raising his hand and waiting for the teacher’s reaction.

Students are not allowed to leave school grounds during school hours without the knowledge of teachers. During class, if a student needs to leave, he raises his hand and asks the teacher for permission.

When teaching etiquette to students, however, do not forget to think about yourself, that is, whether you have done a good job of developing your own culture of behavior at work and whether you are familiar enough with business etiquette.

And with the help of this video you can work on another part of the culture of behavior - traffic! Note for beginners and experienced motorists.

2. The formation of a culture of interethnic communication is a complex, multifaceted, long-term process of establishing in the way of thinking, feelings and behavior of people such humane norms as benevolence, friendliness, tolerance, mutual understanding, reciprocity in relations between people different nationalities. However, without this, the existence of modern multiethnic communities is impossible.

The culture of interethnic communication is a system of moral ideas and concepts characteristic of an individual, forms and methods of behavior, specific activities that are carried out for the purpose of interaction, deepening mutual understanding and mutual influence of cultures between people of different nationalities. Interethnic communication is a complex, structured concept. Its maturity can be assessed by the presence of the following components: national identity; orientation towards universal human values; interest in the history, literature, culture, science of other peoples; attitude towards representatives of another people and their culture, manifested in the content of the culture of interethnic communication of an individual, includes the following. A person should know:

  • history and culture of your ethnic group;
  • the national culture of the ethnic groups with which the process of communication is carried out;
  • norms and rules of behavior when interacting between people of different nationalities;
  • norms, principles and requirements of general humanistic ethics;
  • knowledge of national and interethnic relations in the country and region;
  • knowledge about human rights and peoples, about interethnic and interreligious conflicts and the causes of their occurrence.

A person must cultivate in himself:

  • respect for all peoples;
  • the ability to empathize with any events with any people, regardless of their nationality;
  • ability to reflect;
  • the ability to resist national limitations and national mistrust;
  • tact;
  • tolerance for dissent.

A person must have:

  • value judgments about problems occurring in the world, country, region and about the actions of individuals related to the national sphere;
  • positive beliefs in the issue of interethnic relations; A man must
  • be ready and able to communicate with representatives of other nationalities, taking into account national specifics contact participants;
  • carry out joint successful activities;
  • be able to overcome interethnic conflict situations;
  • be friendly, maintain friendly relations with people of other nationalities, provide mutual assistance between people of different nationalities;
  • promote the expansion of relations between your nation and the peoples of the country.

The logic of the development of universal human culture does not coincide with the logic of the development of international culture. If we can assume that what is universal is extra- and supra-class, then the international should not be extra- or supranational, since such an understanding easily turns into anti-national. The concept “international” is more accurate, but since we are talking about culture, the concept “non-national” would be even more accurate.

The national character of the culture of each people has deep roots, which, in essence, act as the roots of its self-awareness. Even the self-names of many tribes and peoples mean “people” or “real people” in translation. That is, each people considers its culture not just native, but primarily human. And this is just as humanly natural as it is natural for each of the people in the depths of their souls to consider themselves, first of all, to be human.

this internationalization of culture there is the development of universal human content in each national culture while preserving the traditional forms and ways of expressing this content for each nation. Internationalism in culture is the recognition of every nation’s right to be itself and tolerance of its national identity. The internationalization of culture is due to the fact that the deepest foundations of the culture of any nation always contain elements that are similar to all national cultures. They are called cultural universals. These are norms, values, rules, traditions, properties that are inherent in all cultures, regardless of geographical location, historical time and social structure of society.

The existence of cultural universals is due to the fact that any cultures are different embodiments of “humanity,” that is, what constitutes human nature. After all, culture is what makes a person a person, and a group of people a human community. No culture would be a culture if it did not contain norms that define truly human ways of behavior. Universal human values ​​and ideals enshrined in cultural universals ensure the survival and improvement of humanity.

The emerging cultural unity of humanity, associated with the process of globalization, fundamentally changes the mechanisms that still determine the fate of individual cultures. World history is entering a multidimensional dialogue of cultures. The degree to which a particular national culture has assimilated world achievements can be considered as criteria for its development. In this sense, we should talk not only about the diversity of cultures, but also about the difference between more and less developed cultures. However, the more backward cultures are drawn into the world cultural process, the sooner their level of development rises. Alignment of cultural development levels is one of the characteristic features of the modern era.

3. The center of the modern educational system is the person who is brought up and develops in a multicultural space. The sharp rise in national self-knowledge, the desire for ethnic and ethnocultural self-identification determine the enormous interest of peoples not only in their national culture, but also in the culture of the peoples of their immediate and distant surroundings.

Education should help ensure that, on the one hand, the student understands his roots and thereby can determine the place he occupies in the world, and on the other, instill in him respect for other cultures.

The formation of a culture of interethnic communication is a long and multifaceted process that is associated with the formation of a culture of interpersonal relations. At the everyday level, children constantly absorb and master the traditions and customs of their neighbors, at school they study the history of other peoples, and comprehend the commonality of our socio-historical development. Both children and adults accumulate experience in interethnic communication in joint activities and in everyday contacts. This helps to overcome national self-aggrandizement, a sense of national exclusivity. The task of teachers is to form among schoolchildren respect for the honor and dignity of every nation and every person, to convince them that no nation is better or worse than another. The main thing is in the person himself: what he is, and not what nationality he belongs to. The virtues of people are their personal, not national traits; a person’s shortcomings belong to to this person, not the people.

In today's conditions, the importance of creating a culture of interethnic communication among the younger generation is increasing.

The culture of interethnic communication depends on the general level of students, on their ability to perceive and observe universal human norms and morals. It is obvious that the culture of interethnic communication is based on the principles of humanism, trust, equality and cooperation.

The culture of interethnic communication is a multifunctional phenomenon that has an integrative characteristic. It has the following structural components:

· cognitive - knowledge and understanding of the norms, principles and requirements of general humanistic ethics - such as duty, responsibility, honor, goodness, justice, conscience, etc.; problems of theory and practice of interethnic relations;

· motivational - the desire to master the history and culture of one’s nation, as well as other peoples; interest in communicating with other people, representatives of other nationalities;

· emotional-communicative - the ability to identify, empathy, reflection, empathy, complicity, adequate self-esteem; self-criticism, tolerance;

· behavioral-activity - mastery of one’s emotions, the ability to objectively assess the situation, intransigence to violations of human rights of any nationality and faith. The relevance of the problem of tolerance is due to the fact that today the values ​​and principles necessary for common survival and free development (ethics and the strategy of non-violence, the idea of ​​tolerance towards foreign and foreign positions, values, cultures, the idea of ​​dialogue and mutual understanding, the search for mutually acceptable compromises, etc.).

Tolerance is peacefulness, tolerance of ethnic, religious, political, confessional, interpersonal differences, recognition of the possibility of equal existence of the “other”.

Thus, the problem of tolerance can be classified as an educational problem.

The problem of communication culture is one of the most acute in the educational process, and in society as a whole. Understanding perfectly well that we are all different and that we must perceive another person as he is, we do not always behave correctly and adequately. It is important to be tolerant of each other, which is very difficult.

Etiquette in public transport: 15 rules

“Pedagogy of cooperation” and “tolerance” are concepts without which any transformations in modern education are impossible.

Tolerance is a new basis for pedagogical communication between a teacher and a student, the essence of which is reduced to such teaching principles that create optimal conditions for the formation of a culture of dignity and personal self-expression in students, and eliminate the factor of fear of the wrong answer. Tolerance in the new millennium is a way of survival for humanity, a condition for harmonious relations in society.

It is important to cultivate in students such qualities as political awareness, conscious participation in the political life of society, the ability to compromise in disagreements and disputes, fairness in relations with people, and the ability to stand up for any person, regardless of his nationality. These qualities are formed in the process of activity and communication aimed at creation, caring for people, causing the need for mutual exchange of thoughts and ideas, promoting the manifestation of attention and sympathy for people.

At all stages of working with a team where different nationalities are represented, regardless of the age of the students, the teacher needs to think through practical measures to make it easier for students to overcome national isolation and selfishness, focus on improving the culture of communication of the entire team, and use its capabilities to counteract harmful nationalist influences .

Of great value for students is ethnographic knowledge about the origin of the peoples with whose representatives they study together, about the originality national etiquette, rituals, life, clothing, originality of art, artistic crafts, holidays. It is important that the teacher not only demonstrates competence in these matters, but also uses the accumulated knowledge in educational and extracurricular activities (during conversations, visits by students to local history and literary museums, national cultural centers, theaters, exhibitions, folklore concerts, screenings of films from national studios and etc.).

It is advisable to involve educational work veterans, communication with whom can be called a real school of patriotism and internationalism. These can be not only participants in the Great Patriotic War, but also very young people with experience in Afghanistan, Chechnya and other “hot spots”. Being closer to the real destinies of people will make it possible to discuss interethnic problems more flexibly and comprehensively. Of primary importance here is the education of tolerance and religious tolerance.

Tolerance means respect, acceptance and proper understanding of the diversity of forms of self-expression and ways of showing human individuality. This quality is a component of the humanistic orientation of the individual and is determined by his value attitude towards others. It represents an attitude toward a certain type of relationship, which manifests itself in a person’s personal actions.

As part of the pedagogical influence on interethnic communication, it is necessary to talk about the education of interethnic tolerance, because it manifests itself in relations between representatives of different nationalities and presupposes the ability to see and build interethnic relations taking into account the interests and rights of the interacting parties.

National tolerance is interpreted as a specific feature of national character, the spirit of peoples, an integral element of the mentality structure, oriented toward tolerance, the absence or weakening of a reaction to any factor in interethnic relations. Thus, interethnic tolerance is a personality trait that manifests itself in tolerance towards representatives of another nationality (ethnic group), taking into account its mentality, culture, and uniqueness of self-expression.

The methodology for developing a culture of interethnic communication is based on the teacher’s knowledge of the characteristics of children and the relationships between them. When organizing work to foster a culture of interethnic communication, teachers need to know and take into account: a) the individual characteristics of each child, the characteristics of upbringing in the family, family culture; b) National composition team of students; c) problems in relationships between children, their causes; d) cultural features of the environment, ethnopedagogical and ethnopsychological features of culture, under the influence of which interethnic relations develop among students and in families. Having studied and analyzed the situation, teachers are searching for effective forms of instilling a culture of interethnic communication among schoolchildren and determining the specific content of this work.

The teacher should proceed from the fact that the culture of interethnic relations is a universal human value and is based on universal morality. It is based on the formation of humane relations between people, regardless of their nationality, and the cultivation of respect for culture and art. different nations, to a foreign language. This work can be carried out during school and extracurricular hours, through the entire system of relationships in the class team, any educational institution. But patriotism and internationalism cannot be cultivated in words, through appeals and slogans. It is important to create organizations whose main goal is the harmonization of universal and national values. These organizations independently develop programs for the revival of the native language, the study of the history and culture of the people.

An effective means of education can be an ethnographic museum, created as a result of the joint search work of teachers, students and parents with the goal of cultivating the memory of our past, moral values, forming ideas about the way of life, culture, way of life of our people, and instilling respect for antiquities. Students not only collect and study ethnographic material, get acquainted with the history, culture and art of the people, but also make copies of household items themselves, sew and demonstrate models national clothes, organize folk festivals and holidays, involving parents in them.

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Extract from the charter road transport and urban ground electric transport (as amended on November 8, 2007 No. 259-FZ), rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road and urban ground electric transport (as amended on February 14, 2009 No. 112), the order of the Ministry of Automobile Transport of the RSFSR “On approval of the rules for organizing passenger transport transportation by road" (as amended on December 31, 1981 No. 200).

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Rules establish the procedure for organizing various types transportation of passengers and baggage, including requirements for carriers and owners of transport infrastructure, conditions for such transportation, as well as conditions for the provision of vehicles for such transportation.

2. Regular transportation of passengers and luggage

2.1. Stopping of vehicles for boarding (disembarking) passengers is carried out at all stopping points on the route of regular transportation, with the exception of stopping points at which boarding (disembarking) passengers is carried out at their request.

2.2. The driver or conductor is obliged to correctly and clearly announce to passengers the names of each stopping point and the next one, transfer points, and when changing the route, announce this at each stop, as well as warn passengers in the vehicle in advance about the stopping points at which Boarding (disembarking) of passengers is carried out at their request.

2.3. In case of termination of a trip in the provided vehicle due to its malfunction, accident or other reasons, passengers have the right to use the purchased ticket to travel in another vehicle specified by the carrier. The transfer of passengers to another vehicle is organized by the conductor or driver of the vehicle for which the tickets were purchased.

2.4. Allowances for the carriage of hand luggage and baggage, including free baggage, are established by the carrier taking into account the requirements provided for in Article 22 of the Federal Law “Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport”.

2.5. You are allowed to carry items as part of your hand luggage, regardless of the type of packaging. Ensuring the integrity and safety of hand luggage is the responsibility of the passenger. Placing hand luggage in places intended for sitting, in the aisle between seats, near the entrance or exit of a vehicle, including an emergency one, is prohibited.

2.6. The availability of tickets, baggage receipts and hand luggage receipts for passengers is controlled by officials authorized by carriers, as well as other persons entrusted with such control in accordance with federal laws or laws of subjects Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the controller).

2.7. A person who is stowaway is:

a) found during inspection in a vehicle without a ticket;

b) presenting a ticket without a cancellation mark, if cancellation of the ticket is mandatory;

c) who presented a counterfeit ticket;

d) who presented a ticket that has expired or which contains a surname and number of an identity document that do not correspond to the surname and number indicated in the identity document presented by this person;

e) who presented a previously used ticket;

f) presenting a ticket intended for a person who has been granted an advantage in paying for travel, and not having with him a document confirming the right to provide the specified advantage.

A person who is a ticketless person pays for travel from the point of embarkation to the point of destination in the manner established by the carrier.

2.9. A ticket intended for a person who has been granted an advantage in paying for travel will be confiscated if a document confirming the right to the specified advantage is not provided. The confiscation of a ticket is documented by an act, the first copy of which is given to the person who presented the specified ticket.

2.10. If baggage or hand luggage is found in a vehicle, the transportation or transportation of which is subject to payment, the owner of this baggage or this hand luggage is obliged to pay for their transportation from the point of embarkation to the destination in the manner established by the carrier.

2.11. Payment of the cost of travel, transportation of baggage and carriage of hand luggage provided for in paragraphs 2.8 and 2.10 of these Rules does not exempt from payment of fines for travel without a ticket, transportation of baggage without payment and transportation of hand luggage in excess of the established free baggage allowance established by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses and laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2.12. The passenger is obliged

2.12.1. Board and exit the bus (trolleybus) only at designated stopping points on the route after the rolling stock has come to a complete stop.

2.12.2. Pay for travel and carry-on luggage (luggage) without waiting for the driver or conductor to request it, and obtain the appropriate tickets from the conductor (driver).

2.12.3. The passenger is obliged to keep the ticket and receipt for hand luggage during the entire trip and present them at the first request of the persons exercising control.

What are the rules of conduct on public transport?

Single travel tickets and control tickets are only valid for one trip in one direction. Upon arrival at the final stop of the route, the passenger must vacate the bus.

2.13. The passenger has the right

2.13.1. Carry with you free of charge hand luggage in the amount of no more than one piece, the length, width and height of which in total do not exceed one hundred and twenty centimeters, one pair of skis in a case, a children's sled, a baby stroller.

2.13.2. It is allowed to carry animals and birds as part of hand luggage in cages with a solid bottom (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.), if the dimensions of these cages (baskets, boxes, containers, etc.) meet the requirements provided for in paragraph 2.13.1. of these Rules.

2.14. The passenger is prohibited

2.14.1. Prevent the doors from closing or open them until the bus comes to a complete stop. Smoking in the bus cabin, opening windows without the permission of the driver (conductor), leaning out of windows, being drunk in the cabin, placing children and luggage on seats, actuating brake signals and door opening mechanisms, except for the need to prevent accidents, distract the driver and talk to him while driving.

2.14.2. Foul-smelling and dangerous (flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and other) substances, bladed weapons and firearms without covers and packaging, as well as things (objects) that contaminate vehicles or passengers’ clothing are not allowed to be carried as baggage or as part of hand luggage.

2.15. The carrier has the right

2.15.1. Establish standards for the carriage of baggage, carry-on luggage, including free, bigger size or in more than is provided for in clause 2.13.1.

2.15.2. Refuse a passenger to accept baggage for transportation or carry-on luggage if the properties or packaging of the items included in the baggage or hand luggage do not meet the requirements established by the rules for the carriage of passengers.

2.15.3. Refuse a passenger to carry hand luggage if its placement in the vehicle will prevent passengers from entering the vehicle or exiting the vehicle.

3. Ticket sales

3.1 Travel of passengers on regular service routes is carried out using tickets.

3.2 Tickets for travel in urban and suburban traffic are sold:

a) in vehicles (conductors or drivers);

b) at specialized points and other places where tickets are sold outside of vehicles.

3.3 The sale of a ticket may be refused if the capacity provided for by the design of the vehicle is exceeded, or if transportation is carried out only with the provision of a seat if there are no free seats. Monitoring compliance with capacity standards and the availability of free seats is carried out by the conductor, and in the absence of a conductor - by the driver.

3.4 Selling a ticket without providing the passenger with a seat is permitted if the possibility of the passenger traveling without providing a seat is provided for by the design of the vehicle.

Lost and found things

4.1 Persons who find forgotten items in a vehicle or on the territory of a bus station are required to report this to the conductor (driver).

Every city resident should know and always adhere to the rules of etiquette when traveling on public transport.

Upon entering the transport

According to the rules of etiquette, upon landing on public transport, the elderly, children and women should be allowed in first.

If you are a man and would like to help any of the passengers enter the transport, you must first ask permission.

When entering a vehicle, you should definitely remove your backpacks and bags so as not to disturb or hurt other passengers.

In transport

Unspoken rules of etiquette suggest that seats on public transport are reserved for children, the disabled and the elderly. If people of these categories are sitting in seats, and there are still empty seats on the transport, women can take them.

Also, according to the rules of etiquette, if a man wants to take an empty seat in transport, he must first ask someone nearby standing people, would they like to sit down? If the question is followed by a “no” answer, the man can calmly take his seat. This also applies to young people. You should ask quietly, and you should not ask all passengers without exception.

According to the rules of etiquette, even a woman must give in place for a man. But this is only if the man is elderly and the woman is young. This is also possible if the man is disabled or does not feel well.

When you give up your seat in public transport, do not forget to say the phrase: “Please take a seat!” Simply standing up and making room for a person is considered uncivil. Also, the person to whom the seat was given must definitely thank the person for the courtesy.

Young girls and boys should not sit in transport if there are elderly people, disabled people, children or pregnant women in it.

If you are on a transport with your companion and someone gives her a seat, you are obliged to thank this person.

Being on public transport is considered uncivilized consider other passengers.

Also on public transport everyone pays for themselves. The young man is not obliged to pay the fare for his companion.

When traveling by public transport, always have your travel document ready if you have one. There is no need to delay the controller and create unnecessary confusion.

Only clean backpacks and bags are allowed to be placed on the seats and only when there are no people willing to take the empty seat.

When you are traveling in transport with a friend or acquaintance, you should not talk to the entire cabin. Do this in a low tone so as not to distract other passengers.

You are also not allowed to talk about personal topics on public transport.

When you travel by public transport with children, make sure that they behave civilly, do not make noise or push. Explain to your children in advance how to behave on public transport.

Even in the most crowded subway car, you should always adhere to the rules of etiquette. Do not lean or hold on to other passengers, or step on their feet.

When exiting the vehicle

Rules of conduct in public transport They say that when exiting a vehicle, a man or a younger person should get out first. Thus, a young man will be able to help women and elderly people who need the necessary help: give a hand to a woman, carry a bag or help with a child.

According to the rules of etiquette, always get ready to go out in advance from the transport, so as not to be pushed in a hurry to the exit. Before you pass a person, you should ask him again if he is going to get off at the nearest stop; if not, ask him to let you through closer to the door.

The behavior of children in transport is often discussed. Some children climb up onto the seat with their feet, disturb other passengers, stain their clothes, and scream. This naturally annoys other passengers. Of course, you need to be a little more tolerant of children, but this does not mean that children should not follow the rules of etiquette.

Not only adults, but also children should know and observe how to behave in transport. This needs to be explained to the child, told. Before the age of 7, everything that parents do is the only right thing. It is mom and dad who create negative or positive habits and form rules. Let's try to figure out how a well-mannered person should behave.

First you need to get on the bus correctly.

How to sit correctly on public transport.

It is necessary to draw children's attention to the standing old men. A boy or girl of 5–6 years old can easily seat a grandmother with sore legs or a pregnant woman. You can explain to the child that the aunt has a little baby in her tummy and it’s hard for her to stand.

You cannot eat ice cream or cake on transport.

It is necessary to explain to children that transport is not a canteen. Firstly, it is not hygienic. There are a lot of bacteria around, many hands touch the handrails and there is a high probability of intestinal diseases. Secondly, you can dirty innocent people. You can also make up a fairy tale on the fly about a baby elephant (or a bear cub, it doesn’t matter) who was eating ice cream in a trolleybus; it began to melt and drip directly onto the passengers standing nearby. Another point is that the driver can brake if necessary, and all contents have high risk fall onto a nearby sitting or standing neighbor. It would also be useful to remind you that you should not throw candy wrappers. We must try to convey to the child that it is clean where there is no litter! These are the rules!

While on public transport, you cannot talk loudly, shout, or attract attention to yourself.

This is where the main problem lies, since, due to his nervous and mental abilities, it is difficult for a baby to calmly sit not only for a long distance, but also for 2–3 stops. Here, of course, the mother needs to take care of the child’s leisure time, how to occupy him for a short and not only a short time.

You can work as a tour guide, that is, tell your child about the sights that remain outside the window. Pay attention to the seasons, about what nature looks like at this time. There are many different options quiet games: (in words, riddles, writing fairy tales, finger games). The main task of the mother is to distract the child, help him and the other passengers get there calmly, so that no one disturbs anyone, and at the same time, in the meantime, you can develop a little. You can come up with new rules of behavior during the game, thereby making it possible to remember the old ones.

If while driving a conflict situation arises due to the child’s violent behavior, then it is a good idea to apologize, and at home be sure to discuss this issue with the child. But under no circumstances should you make him look bad. You cannot evaluate children, you can only evaluate their actions and behavior. You just need to discuss his actions, explain what was done wrong and make it clear that people are all different.

Rules for exiting public transport.

Well, we finally got there, it seemed like we could breathe easy. But it was not there. Etiquette says that a man should shake hands with a woman from a vehicle. Of course, a three-year-old toddler cannot do this due to his small age, but an older child, 6–7 years old, can easily do this. How nice it is when a boy shakes his mother's hand on the way out. He automatically feels like an adult, independent. He enjoys taking care of anyone. We need to seize the moment! Because it will be more difficult for older people. And the mother will be very pleased that her son is growing up so gallant and caring.

In conclusion, we can say that our children come to us as a blank slate, and what happens to them next is up to the parents. By teaching how to follow basic rules of behavior in transport, parents thereby provide themselves with a rear. After all, as we know, what goes around comes around. And of course, it is impossible to teach a child one thing in words and another in deeds. Therefore, it would be a good idea for adults to familiarize themselves with these rules.

Date of publication: 10/10/2012

A person must follow the rules of etiquette. This is how we differ from animals. Public transport is a place where many people forget about the rules of behavior and decency. Let's correct this serious flaw.

Rule 1. When entering transport, you must let elderly people, children, disabled people, and women pass in front of you. Moreover, before you enter yourself, you need to let other passengers exit.

Rule 2. Sometimes when entering or exiting a vehicle you need to help someone. For example, if you see a woman in a stroller, then help her. There is no need to do this abruptly and silently. If you want to help someone or give a hand, then calmly offer your help.

Rule 3. Give up your seat to the elderly, disabled, children and women. There is no need to get up suddenly. Let the person know that you are giving him space. You must say, “Please have a seat.” Some people react sharply to the word “Sit down,” citing the fact that they are “sitting” in prison, and they should say “sit down.” Of course, you can say what you consider necessary. In response, you should be given words of gratitude.

Rule 4. Express your gratitude. If the driver “held back” the vehicle, seeing you running to the stop, then be sure to say “thank you” to the driver. There is no need for any personal transitions, such as “thank you, bro.” If they helped you get out/enter the transport, then also say “Thank you.” There is no need to say too much. There is no need to rant and say tirades of gratitude, a simple “Thank you” is enough.

Rule 5. In general, healthy men should stand on the bus, while women, disabled people and the elderly should sit. But sometimes it happens that some people do not give up their place, violating the rules of etiquette. If you see a healthy teenager who does not give up his seat elderly woman, then ask him to give her his seat. There is no need to threaten or raise your voice. It is enough to politely say, “Young man, please give way to an elderly woman.” As a rule, even the real hooligans give up their seat because the entire bus/transport/etc will be looking at them when you ask to give up your seat.

Rule 6. Never express negative emotions. If someone strongly violates the rules of etiquette (does not want to pay the conductor, does not give up his seat), then there is no need to shout at him. Needless to say, using force in public transport is not only immoral, but also punishable (an administrative fine for petty hooliganism).

Rule 7. Do not eat or drink anything on public transport. First, you might choke yourself. Secondly, you can get others dirty. By the way, in addition to this, it is strictly forbidden to apply makeup on public transport (it’s strange that anyone would even think of this).

Rule 8. Resolve conflicts. Very often people on public transport start swearing. This usually happens in three cases. If the driver doesn’t drive very carefully, then everyone starts grumbling, “You’re not carrying firewood!” Sometimes they argue with the conductors. But most often, conflicts occur due to the fault of older people and too “bold” young people. Then the elderly begin to remember happy Soviet years, and the young are trying to show their ambition. Your task is to calmly tell such people to calm down.

Rule 9. If you have a large bag or luggage with you, remove it or make sure it is out of the way of others. If you have a backpack on your back, then either turn your back to the window or wall, or take it off your back, otherwise you will touch and disturb people. In addition, during rush hours, thieves can easily take your documents/money/etc. from the backpack on your back.

Rule 10. No matter how big you are, you need to not oppress others. Do not spread your legs wide, do not stand directly at the door, etc. If you are sitting, you do not need to put your knees out wide. Moreover, you don’t need to sit in one place and put your bag on another. If possible, don't take up two seats at once - take the bag and put it on your lap. If your luggage is very large, then place it on the floor.

Rule 11. If you don't get off at the next stop, let other people pass. If you go out yourself, then try to walk closer to the doors in advance, so that later you don’t run to the doors, pushing people around. If people are blocking your progress towards the door, tell them in a calm voice to let you through. Or you can ask if they get off at the next stop.

Rule 12. Don't talk loudly to your friends or on the phone. If you see someone you know, you don’t need to shout “Hello!” to the entire transport. Try to speak in a way that does not disturb others. Those. If you shout loudly, you will cause discomfort to others, and if you speak too quietly, your interlocutor will not hear you. In addition, other passengers may hear your conversation. Therefore, there is no need to talk about your personal life on public transport.

Rule 13. During peak hours there is little space in transport. If you are in a very big hurry to get somewhere, you can “push through.” Otherwise, it is better to wait for the next transport. If you are standing right next to the door and you do not have the opportunity to go deeper, then get out of the vehicle at each stop to allow others to exit normally. Then you can come back again with others.

Rule 14. If you read books or newspapers, then do not disturb others. In general, reading in public transport is harmful to the eyes.
By the way, now many people have e-readers and smartphones, which makes reading in transport much easier. This is much more convenient than holding a large newspaper or a massive book in your hands.

Rule 15. No tricks needed. Some people sit on the seats, but in order not to give up their seats to anyone, they pretend to be dead asleep. If you need to sit down (your legs, back, etc. hurt a lot), then you can calmly tell others about it. No normal person would drive a sick person away from the place.

Rule 16. On the subway you must follow all the above rules with a small addition. If you use an escalator, you need to stand with right side. Also, you don’t need to get close to the platform (it’s not safe).

Rule 17. If you want to listen to music, wear headphones. No need to turn up the music on your phone. Firstly, people may not share your musical preferences. Secondly, the sound from the straining speaker, coupled with the sound of the vehicle engine noise, gives an amazing effect (in the sense of very unpleasant).

Rule 18. Be prepared that most people do not follow etiquette. At the same time, there is no need to teach others etiquette. If etiquette is violated rudely, then it is enough to calmly tell the offender about it. The main thing is that you observe etiquette yourself.

If everyone who reads this article and begins to follow these simple rules, then traveling on public transport will become truly cultural and enjoyable.

Be polite!
Thank you for your attention!

P.S. French public service announcement on the topic of cultural behavior in public transport. Without knowing French, it is not difficult to guess its meaning. Unfortunately, in Russia the situation with the culture of behavior in transport is worse than in France. And it is not the government, not the mentality, that is to blame for this, but we ourselves - each of us.

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We women are accustomed to the fact that most men sit shamelessly on public transport. And if suddenly they give us a seat, then our reaction is predictable: “Do I look that bad?!” or “I look like I’m pregnant!” The thought that the young man is simply well-bred does not occur to him. It's a pity. Larisa Krashkina, head of the project “Center for Image Culture DEIMS” and the program “School of Etiquette for Adults,” introduces the site’s readers to the rules of etiquette in public transport.

    Has the carriage arrived? No need to break down doors, let people leave and then just come in. Don't push small children forward so they can run in and sit down. On the one hand, this is ugly, on the other hand, they can simply be demolished by people leaving, especially during rush hour.

    If you want to help an elderly person (child, pregnant woman, visually impaired) board a vehicle, you must first ask whether they need it.

    When entering transport, you must remove backpacks and large bags from your shoulders so as not to cause inconvenience to other citizens. Even big ones ladies bags It’s worth taking them off your shoulder and keeping them at knee level.

4. All seats in the metro, trolleybuses, trams are intended for older people, people with disabilities, expectant mothers and passengers with disabilities. If these people are sitting and there are still empty seats, then women are allowed to take them.

A man can sit on public transport only if other passengers have given their consent. You need to ask quietly: “If you don’t mind, I’ll sit down?”

A woman can give way to a man only when he is elderly, disabled or unwell.

A separate topic is small children. So, according to the rules of etiquette, a healthy child - a boy of four or five years old - can already stand for a couple of stops. It’s good if a mother teaches her son basic respect for elders, and when he sees adults, the child gets up and gives up his seat. And it looks absolutely funny when a teenager sits on his mother or grandmother’s lap. Just look at it from the outside.

    If a man is on public transport with a companion, then he must thank the one who gave up his seat to her.

    It is better to give up your seat after making visual contact. This will help you understand whether a person needs such courtesy. You shouldn’t stand up silently and show a person to your place. You should say the phrase: “Please sit down.”

    It's not nice to look at your neighbor's book or phone number. Look closely at the passengers too.

    If you are traveling with a child, then you need to make sure that he does not cause inconvenience to other passengers. Hold your child's legs when he sits so that he does not stain the clothes of others.

    You should not wear makeup or comb your hair on public transport. An exception can be made only if you urgently need to correct something, for example, your mascara has run.

    Many people do not tolerate strong odors well, so if possible, you should not pour a bottle of perfume on yourself and get on public transport after you have dined on a spicy burrito with garlic - use chewing gum.

    Sitting with your legs spread wide or stretching them across the entire aisle is taking away space from people.

    Eating on public transport is bad form. Unless, of course, it’s an intercity bus, plane or train.

Almost all people use public transport every day, but only a few know the generally accepted etiquette. Therefore, trips do not always leave a pleasant impression. To avoid becoming the culprit of a quarrel, you need to know the rules of behavior on the bus.

How to behave when entering?

According to etiquette, the first to enter the transport should be:

Disabled people;

People of retirement age;


If a man wants to help these categories of citizens board, for example, with luggage or heavy bags, then he must ask permission to do so. When people board the bus with backpacks on their backs, they must be removed so as not to disturb other passengers.

If a man enters the transport with his companion, but they are far from each other, there is no need to try to get to her, interfering with other passengers. This rule applies to anyone who is separated on the bus.

Do I need to give up my seat?

The rules of behavior on the bus state that the seats are intended for people with disabilities, children and pensioners. If there are free seats, women can take them. Men have the right to sit only when standing passengers do not object. You can quietly ask permission or express the question with a gesture. Asking a question loudly is considered bad manners.

A woman should give way to a man if he is not feeling well. You need to invite him to sit down politely, so as not to offend or put him in the wrong. The person who is being shown the courtesy must be thanked for the service.

If a woman is in a vehicle with a man and they give her a seat, then she is not obliged to thank her for the service. This should be done by her companion.

If there are elderly people or pregnant women in the transport, young boys and girls should not sit down. A man must show respect to his companion and invite her to sit down.

Behavior in transport

There are certain rules of behavior on the bus that are generally accepted, so every passenger must follow them.

Rules for children and parents

There are rules for children's behavior on the bus. Parents must ensure that they are quiet and do not disturb other passengers. No noise, pushing, laughing or playing loudly

Each passenger must ensure that he does not push other people, does not step on their feet or lean on them.

Exit etiquette

The first person to get off the bus should be a man or someone younger in age. The exited person is obliged to provide assistance to other passengers, if necessary: ​​to carry out bags, to a pensioner, a child or a woman.

The rules of conduct for passengers on the bus allow a subordinate not to assist a manager or colleague if he is higher in rank. But an exception can be made in the case when the boss is a woman.

It is indecent to leave public transport at the last moment. In order not to disturb others, you need to prepare in advance: go to the door, let people through who are not leaving and pick up your luggage, if you have it. You should not push passengers who are standing near the door. You need to politely ask them if they are leaving and invite them to change places.

How to behave on school transport?

There are often cases when schoolchildren are transported by a special bus. Therefore, there are certain rules for student behavior on the bus.

  • Boarding should only occur in the presence of an accompanying person, who is appointed by order of the school director.
  • You can only get on and off the bus after the vehicle has come to a complete stop and the doors have opened. You cannot get off at places that are not stops.
  • Rules of behavior on a school bus suggest that younger children are boarded and disembarked first.
  • If the bus is equipped with a luggage rack, students must place their backpacks and bags there. When sitting down, you must fasten your seat belts. If they are faulty, you should inform the attendant.
  • Rules of behavior on the bus suggest that the driver should not be distracted by loud conversations or other sounds. You are not allowed to walk around the salon, litter, or use profanity.
  • It is forbidden to open windows yourself and stick foreign objects into them.
  • Students must treat bus property with care and not carry flammable or explosive substances with them.