What are the spring holidays according to the old calendar. Spring celebration of the holiday according to the old calendar. "spring holidays according to the old calendar". What did folk festivals have in common?

For our ancestors, who lived in ancient times in Rus', holidays were an important part of both family and social life. For many centuries, the Russian people honored and sacredly kept their traditions, passed down from father to son in every generation.

The daily life of an ordinary Russian person in those days was not easy and was dedicated to the hard obtaining of daily bread, so the holidays were a special event for him, a kind of sacred day, when the life of the entire community merged with their sacred values, the spirits of their ancestors and their precepts.

Traditional Russian holidays implied a complete ban on any daily activity (mowing, plowing, chopping firewood, sewing, weaving, cleaning, etc.). During the holiday, all people had to dress in festive clothes, rejoice and have fun, conduct only joyful, pleasant conversations, for failure to comply with these rules, a fine or even a punishment in the form of whipping was due.

Each season played its own specific role in the life of a Russian person. The winter period, free from work on the ground, was especially famous for its festivities, noisy fun and games.

Main Russian holidays in Rus':


On January 7 (December 25), the Russian Orthodox people celebrated Christmas. This holiday, dedicated to the birth of God's son Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, ends the Christmas fast, which lasts for 40 days. On its eve, people were preparing to come to him with a clean soul and body: they washed and cleaned their homes, went to the bathhouse, put on clean holiday clothes, helped the poor and needy, and distributed alms. January 6 on Christmas Eve for a big festive table, where the obligatory first dish was the ritual porridge kutya or sochivo, the whole family gathered. Dinner was started after the appearance of the first star, they ate silently and solemnly. After Christmas came the so-called holy days, which lasted until Epiphany, during which it was customary to go from house to house and glorify Jesus Christ with prayers and hymns.

Christmas time (Christmas week)

The holidays of the ancient Slavs, and then passed into the church celebration, the days of Christmas, begin from the first star on Christmas Eve and before the feast of Epiphany, the blessing of water ("from the star to the water"). The first week of Christmastide was called the Christmastide week, it is associated with Slavic mythology, associated with the turn of winter to summer, the sun becomes more, the darkness less. During this week, in the evenings called holy evenings, holiness was often violated by mythological rites of divination, which was not welcomed by the church, and during the day, dressed up in clothes with flags and musical instruments, magicians walked the streets, entered houses and amused the people.

January 19 was celebrated Orthodox Baptism, dedicated to the sacrament of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, on this day the Great Blessing of Water was performed in all churches and temples, all water in reservoirs and wells was considered holy and had unique healing properties. Our ancestors believed that holy water could not deteriorate and kept it in a red corner under the icons, and believed that this was the best cure for all ailments, both bodily and spiritual. On rivers, lakes and other bodies of water, a special hole was made in the ice in the form of a cross called the Jordan, bathing in which was considered a charitable and healing activity, relieving ailments and all sorts of misfortunes for a whole year.

At the very end of winter, when, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, Spring-Red with the help of heat and light drove away cold and cold, the Maslenitsa holiday came, known for its exuberant fun, which lasted for a whole week on the eve of Lent. At this time, it was customary to bake pancakes, which were considered a symbol of the sun, to visit each other, have fun and dress up, sled down the hills, and in the final Forgiveness Sunday to burn and bury the effigy-symbol of the conquered winter.


On this feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, although in Orthodoxy it does not have a prefeast, since Holy Week begins next, believers bring willow branches to the church (in the Slavic they replaced palm branches), which in the morning after the all-night vigil are sprinkled with holy water. Then the Orthodox decorate icons in their houses with consecrated willows.

Holy Easter was considered the biggest holiday of the entire Christian people in Rus', on this day the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his transition from death on Earth to life in heaven were revered. People cleaned and decorated their houses, dressed in festive clothes, attended Easter services in churches and temples, went to visit each other, treating each other with Easter painted eggs and Easter cakes, after Lent. Meeting people said “Christ is Risen!”, In response, you need to say “Truly Risen!” and kiss three times.

The first Sunday after Easter was called Krasnaya Gorka or Fomin's Day (on behalf of the Apostle Thomas, who did not believe in the resurrection of Christ), it was a symbol of the arrival of spring and the long-awaited warmth. On this holiday, festivities began at night and lasted all day, young people danced round dances, rode on a swing, young guys met and got acquainted with girls. Holiday tables were laid with plentiful treats: fried eggs, loaves in the form of the sun.


One of the most significant holidays of the summer was Ivan Kupala or Ivan's Day, named after John the Baptist and celebrated on the day from July 6 to 7, on the summer solstice. This holiday has an ethnic origin and deep pagan roots. On this day, they burn large bonfires, jump over them, symbolizing the cleansing of the body and spirit from sinful thoughts and deeds, lead round dances, weave beautiful wreaths from flowers and meadow grasses, let them go with the flow and tell fortunes about their betrothed.

One of the folk festival revered since ancient times, to which many beliefs, signs and prohibitions are timed. On the eve of the holiday on Thursday and Friday they baked ceremonial cookies and stopped field work. And on Ilyin's day it was strictly forbidden to carry out any household work, it was believed that this would not bring results. A "brotherhood" was held, all the inhabitants of the nearest villages were invited to a common meal, and after the treats ended with folk festivals with songs and dances. And most importantly, Ilyin's day is considered the border of summer and autumn, when the water becomes cold, the evenings are cool, and the first signs of autumn gilding appear on the trees.

In the middle of the last summer month, namely on August 14 (1), Orthodox Christians celebrated the feast of the Honey Savior (saved from the word savior), which honored the death of the seven martyrs of the Maccabees, who were martyred for their Christian faith from the ancient Syrian king Antiochus. Houses were sprinkled with poppy seeds, protecting them from evil spirits, the first combs of honey collected on this day, when the bees stopped collecting nectar, were taken to the temple for consecration. This day symbolized farewell to summer, after which the days became shorter, the nights were longer, and the weather was cooler.

On August 19 (6), the Apple Savior or the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord came, among our ancestors it was one of the very first harvest holidays, symbolizing the beginning of autumn and the withering of nature. Only with its onset, the ancient Slavs could eat apples from the new harvest, which were necessarily consecrated in the church. Holiday tables were laid, grapes and pears began to be eaten.

The last, Third Savior (Bread or Nut) was celebrated on August 29 (16), on this day the harvest season ended and the housewives could bake bread from the new grain harvest. Holiday loaves were consecrated in churches, and nuts were also brought there, which were just ripe at that time. Finishing the harvest, the farmers always knitted the last "birthday sheaf".


One of the most revered holidays of autumn, which came to the ancient Slavs from Byzantium, was Intercession Day, celebrated on October 14 (1). The holiday is dedicated to an event that took place in the 10th century in Constantinople, when the city was besieged by the Saracens, and the townspeople brought prayers for help to the Holy Mother of God in temples and churches. The Blessed Virgin Mary heard their requests and, having removed the veil from her head, sheltered them from their enemies and saved the city. At this time, harvesting work was completely over, preparations for winter began, round dances and festivities ended, gatherings with needlework, chants and conversations began. On this day, tables were laid with treats, gifts were brought to the poor and orphans, a visit to a church service was obligatory, and the time for wedding celebrations began. Marriage on the Intercession was considered especially happy, rich and durable.

Workbook " The world"for the second grade, part two, UMK "Perspective", the authors of the notebook are Pleshakov, Novitskaya. If the first part was completely devoted to autumn, it is logical that the second should cover winter, spring and summer. Yes, there are a lot of pages about winter and spring, but themes are exactly the same as part 1 workbook.

It's a little unclear why 3 times for academic year to teach the constellations of the starry sky or the same birds, but the authors of the textbook ordered that. There are only a couple of pages about summer, although, you see, this time of the year is almost one of the most wonderful and remarkable.

Our solution contains all the answers to the tasks for the second part of the workbook on the world around us for grade 2 in Perspective. All answers are checked by the primary school teacher. For many tasks you can find an extended answer, report or presentation on the pages of our website.

Answers to the 2nd part of the workbook for grade 2

Click on the page numbers to see the answers to the questions.


Page 3-5. winter months

Exercise 1. In the first column, read aloud the names of the winter months and the ancient Roman calendar. Compare their sound with the sound of modern Russian names of the winter months. Write down the Russian names in the second column. Orally make a conclusion about their origin.

1st column: december, januarius, februarius.

2nd column: December, January, February. The names sound similar to Roman ones.

3rd column: jelly, cut, snow.

2. Write down the names of the winter months in the language of the peoples of your region, which are associated with

2) with phenomena of living nature;
3) with hard people.

You can choose options on the page Names of the winter months associated with the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, with the labor of people >>

Task 3. Great Russia. Therefore, winter comes to its different parts at different times. And her dominion lasts different dates. Write down the dates when winter comes to your area and when it leaves.

Winter in the Urals and Siberia is the longest time of the year. It usually begins at the end of October, when permanent snow cover and negative air temperatures are established. Winter ends in these parts on the 20th of March. The snow cover lies for about 5 months and reaches an average thickness of 30-40 cm.

Winter in the European part of Russia roughly coincides with the calendar: from early December to late February.

Winter in the Krasnodar Territory is short, in November the temperature can still be above zero. Winter begins in mid-December, and by the beginning of February, it is already giving way to spring natural phenomena.

Task 4. Consider a photo. Compose a poem for her, a saying, a riddle (optional) about the beautiful winter. Write it down.

White cotton wool warmed the whole forest. (Snow).

Blanket white
Not made by hand.
Not woven and not cut,
It fell from heaven to earth. (Snow).

Namelo, navyuzhilo.
All trees are in lace!
Snow on the pines, on the bushes,
They ate in white coats.
And tangled in the branches
Stormy blizzards.

Task 5. Place photographs or drawings of your native city (village) taken in winter. Come up with and write captions for them.

City garden in winter

Lenin Square in winter

Basil's Cathedral in winter

Cathedral of Christ the Savior in winter

Page 6-7. Winter is the time of science and fairy tales

Task 2. Write down folk signs for the harvest in your region.

Answer: If on Candlemas (February 15) it snows on the road, expect a good harvest.
With a lot of snow, there will be plenty of bread, but with little snow, there will be little bread.
A clear New Year's day - to a rich harvest of bread, to him on New Year severe frost and snowfall.
If the ice on the river is even, then there will be little bread, and if the ice becomes heaps, there will be a lot of bread.

You can choose more signs from the page People's signs for the harvest \u003e\u003e

Task 3. Remember the fairy tale of the peoples of your land about animals. Draw a picture for her.

Recall the fairy tale "Wintering of animals". Drawing:

Task 4. Choose and write down a proverb that expresses the meaning of the fairy tale to which your drawing is drawn.

Proverb: Prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter.

Page 8-9. Winter in nature

Exercise 1. Mark the picture that shows the position of the sun in winter. Explain your choice.

Answer: the most extreme picture on the right, because the sun is lowest on it and signs of winter are visible: snow, trees without leaves.

Task 2. Make a list of winter phenomena in inanimate nature using the text of the textbook.

The sun rises low in the sky. Short day. Freezing. Snowfall, blizzard. Ice on ponds. Thaw and ice. Frost on the trees.

Task 3. Write down the dates:

Task 4. Watch the weather in winter. Observe for one week each month (around the middle of the month). Record the results in tables using symbols.

If you could not observe the weather, then the weather archive site of the gismeteo website (gismeteo.ru) will help you, it has a weather diary for schoolchildren. We write out the weather for the necessary days and redraw the same symbols.

Page 10-11. starry sky in winter

Exercise 1. Find the polar star in the picture and sign it. Explain (orally) how you managed to find this star among others.

The North Star - the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor (small bucket), is located at the end of the bucket.

Task 2. Think of a fairy tale about the constellation Ursa Minor and the North Star. Write it down on a separate sheet and arrange it beautifully.

Far away from the earth lived the North Star, which wanted to learn a lot about the Earth. And thinking, she could not resist in the sky and fell into the forest, and not just into the forest, but right on the tail of a bear cub - a little bear that walked through the forest. The bear was surprised and asked:
- Who are you?
- I am the North Star! I fell from the sky - answered the guest.
- Why did you come here?
The star answered without hesitation:
- To see what the land is.
Then the little bear enthusiastically offered to show her everything, and they went for a walk in the forest. They admired wonderful beautiful plants and no less beautiful animals. The little star liked everything and she invited the bear to visit her in heaven. They instantly found themselves in heaven, and the guest liked it there so much that she decided to stay in heaven. Now they are inseparable friends and are called Ursa Minor and Polar Star.

Task 3. Write the names of the sides of the horizon.

If you stand facing the North Star, then in front will be north, behind - south, on the left - west, on the right - east.

Task 4. Using the textbook illustration, connect the stars in the figure (p. 11) so that you get a fragment of the constellation Orion. Find the star Sirius in the picture and sign it. Explain (verbally) what helped you find this star.

If you draw a straight line from right to left along Orion's belt, then the first bright star on this straight line will be Sirius.

Task 5. Write down the names of the constellations and stars that you managed to see in the winter sky.

Constellations: Orion, Canis Major and Minor, Taurus, Gemini, Unicorn, Cancer.

Stars: Polaris, Sirius, Capella, Betelgeuse.

Page 12-13. Winter in the plant world

Exercise 1.

Answer from left to right: linden, ash, maple, mountain ash, elm.

Task 2.

Answer from left to right: spruce, larch, pine.

Task 3. Guess which plant is shown in the photo.

Answer: juniper.

Task 4. During the walk, try to identify several trees and shrubs in winter dress (by silhouettes, fruits, cones and other signs). Write down the names of the plants and draw the signs by which you identified these plants.

Drawing examples:

Rowan can be identified by the fruits collected in bunches.

Rose hips are identified by red elongated fruits.

We define a birch by a white trunk.

Ash is determined by elongated seeds collected in panicles.

Page 14-15. Winter holidays

Exercise 1. Congratulate your classmate with a Christmas carol.

Carol, carol!
There was a carol coming out of Nova-Gorod.
As the carol of Mashenka's yard was looking for.
I found carols Mashin yard.
The car yard is not small, not large, ....
Happiness, joy to you, Masha!

Task 3.

Answer: paint over the circle of the angel, swan and lemon. You can mark the bump at your discretion.

Page 16-17. Plants in the medicine cabinet

Task 2. Practical work"Medicinal plants".

Name of plants - What parts are used

wild rose - fruits
St. John's wort - flowers, leaves, stem
cyclamen - tubers
chamomile - flowers
juniper - fruits
calendula - flowers

Task 2. Solve the crossword using textbook.

1. Valerian

3. Calendula
4. Linden
5. Plantain
6. Yarrow

Task 3. Write down the names of medicinal plants in your first-aid kit.

Answer: wild rose, St. John's wort, mint, chamomile, yarrow, sage, calendula.

Page 18-19. Winter life of birds and animals

1. Know the birds by their beaks. Connect the pictures and titles with lines.

Task 2. Recognize animals by descriptions. Write the names.

Task 3. What has changed in the behavior of the birds you observed in the fall?

Birds increasingly began to fly to human habitation. Titmouse can even fly into the balcony if you open the window. They are looking for food.

What other birds have you seen?

Tits, bullfinches.

Watch the birds at the feeder.
Write a story based on your observations. Illustrate it with a drawing.

We made a feeder out of boards. Dad hung it on a tree in the park. Mom poured seeds and grains into it. But the birds did not fly for a long time. Finally, one day we discovered that the food was gone! This meant that the birds found our gift! We began to come more often and bring fresh food.

Page 20-21. Invisible threads in the winter forest

Exercise 1. How are spruce and forest animals related?

Crossbill, woodpecker, squirrel, mouse, hare feed on spruce seeds and spread them. In the spring, the seeds that these animals have dropped will sprout, new spruce trees will grow from them.

Task 2. Read the story "How animals help each other" in the textbook. Connect the drawings with arrows to show connections in the winter forest.

Page 22-23. In February, winter meets spring for the first time.

1. Make a short oral story about February, using the words "border", "border", "border" in it.

February story.

February is the last month of winter, between winter and spring. Between February and March, there is a border or boundary between cold and heat. They say that winter meets spring in February. This means that it is getting warmer and the first signs of spring are being felt. The snow has not yet melted, but the sun warms, thawed patches are formed.

Draw a picture for your story.

Task 2. Guess a riddle.

Hanging outside the window is a bag of ice.
He cries merrily and smells of spring.

Answer: ICUCLE.

Task 3. find out home recipe making pancakes, write it down and tell your classmates about it.

2 eggs, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 liter of milk, half a teaspoon of salt, as much flour as the dough takes (it should turn out liquid), vegetable oil.

Mix eggs with sugar, add flour, salt, milk. Mix well so that there are no lumps. You can add 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough.

Fry in a hot pan greased with vegetable oil.

Task 4. Pick and paste a photo winter holiday according to the ancient calendar of the peoples of your region.

Meeting means meeting. This holiday came to us from the Bible pages. One elder named Simeon was promised by God that he would not die until he saw the promised Messiah (Christ). And then one day, when he was in the temple, Mary and Joseph brought the Baby Jesus to fulfill the law. Simeon took the Infant Jesus in his arms and, glorifying God, said: “Now you release Your servant, Master, according to Your word, in peace, for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to enlighten the Gentiles and the glory of the people Your Israel.". In honor of this event, the Feast of the Presentation is celebrated.
It is believed that on the Sretenie, winter meets spring.

Page 24-25. winter labor

Exercise 1. Tell (orally) about the old women's work in the winter.

In winter, women were engaged in needlework, spinning yarn, weaving, sewing and embroidering. They also took care of the pets.

Task 2. Fill in the gaps in the text yourself or with the help of a textbook.

People create good conditions for storing grain in granaries - elevators.
Pets are kept indoors during the winter. It should be warm, dry, light.
Four-legged friends in winter need to add vitamins to their food.
After the thaw, roads and sidewalks are sprinkled with sand in icy conditions.
Indoor plants are rarely watered in winter.

Task 3.

Answer from left to right: onion, violet, Decembrist, lemon.

Page 26-27. Be healthy

Exercise 1.

Task 2. Think and write down what qualities are developed by the games you like to play in the winter.

Winter games on the snow harden my health, develop endurance, agility and strength. And when building figures from snow - fantasy.

Task 3. Winter game of the peoples of your region.

Prize on a pole

Many peoples, including Russians, had such winter fun. Installed in the middle of the square big pole. He was doused with water. In the cold, the water turned into ice, and the column became very slippery. A valuable prize, for example, red boots, was hung on the top of the pillar. This is where the game started! Any guy or man could try to climb to the very top and take off his boots. But only the strongest and most dexterous managed to climb the slippery pillar.

The qualities that this game develops: dexterity, strength, ingenuity, courage.

Page 28-29. Nature conservation in winter

1. Draw a feeder in which you feed the birds. You can paste a photo.

2. Write what other feathered guests were in your "dining room".

Answer: Doves, magpie, crow.

3. Write what kind of food you feed the birds.

Answer: millet, seeds, crackers.

4. Using the textbook, color the animals from the Red Book of Russia and sign their names.

Amur tiger, owl.

5. Write a story about any animal listed in the Red Book of Russia (preferably living in your area). You can add a picture to the story.

Weasel is the smallest predator living in our region. Weasel destroys a huge number of mice. She lives in fields and forests, as well as along the banks of rivers and lakes. This animal is valued for its fur. In summer, the weasel has a brown fur coat with a white breast, and in winter it is completely white.

Page 30-31. Winter walk

Exercise 1. Consider the photographs. Think in which regions of Russia people need such warm clothes in winter.

Answer: in the northern regions of Russia.

Task 2.

Spring and summer

Page 32-33. spring months

1. In the first column, read aloud the names of the spring months in the ancient Roman calendar. Compare their sound with the sound of modern Russian names of the spring months. Write down the Russian names in the second column...

Find out from the elders and write down in the third column the names of the spring months in the languages ​​of the people of your region.

1st column: martius, aprilis, mayus
2nd column: March, April, May
3rd column (in Ukrainian): zimobor, snegogon, grass.

2. Write down the names of the spring months in the language of the peoples of your region, which are related:

a) with the phenomena of inanimate nature -
b) with the phenomena of wildlife -
c) with the labor of people -

3. Place a photo or drawing of your native city (village) taken in the spring. Think and write a signature.

4. Return to p.6 and complete the check folk signs for the harvest on the days of St. Nicholas. To do this, track how much grass will grow by May 22. Write down your winter and spring observations:

The people's prediction came true.

pp. 34-35. Spring in inanimate nature

1. Mark the picture that shows the position of the sun in spring. Explain your choice.

Answer: the drawing is on the right, because the sun is higher on it, signs of spring are visible in nature: ice drift on the river, the arrival of birds.

Make a list of spring phenomena in inanimate nature using the text of the textbook.

Answer: warming, snowmelt, ice drift, full flow of rivers, high water, first thunderstorm

3. Write down the date.

4. Watch the weather in spring...

Up-to-date data for your city can be found on the gismeteo ru website, in the weather diary for schoolchildren.

Page. 36-37. Spring - morning of the year

1. Write down the dates of the arrival of spring according to the old calendars of your region.

2. In the tear-off calendar, see how much the day has increased. Write down the length of the day:


Page 38-39. starry sky in spring

2. ... Write down the names of the constellations and stars that you managed to see in the spring sky. Draw one of the constellations on p. 39.

Constellations: Cassiopeia, Leo, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor.

Stars: Regulus, Polaris, Sirius.

The constellation we managed to see in the spring sky: Libra

3. Write a story about one of the constellations in the spring sky.

constellation lion

The lion is the main figure of the night spring sky. The arrangement of bright stars resembles a recumbent lion, whose head and chest represent the well-known asterism "Sickle", similar to a mirrored question mark. The Leo constellation is very rich in various interesting objects that are very easy to see with a small telescope and even with the naked eye. It can be observed from February to March in the southern part of the night sky. The brightest stars in the constellation Leo: Regulus, Denebola, Algeiba.

Regulus - is the most important object of the constellation Leo. The star is near the center of the constellation and is often associated with the heart. This is a very bright star, the brightness of which is 160 times higher than that of our Sun. This star is located 85 light-years away, which explains its high apparent brightness.

Denebola is the second brightest object that belongs to Leo. This is the extreme star, which is often referred to as the tail.

Algeiba is a double star, one of the most beautiful in the sky. Denotes a majestic mane. If you look closely, the slightly orange star has a noticeable golden companion. The orbital period of this binary system is approximately 510 years.

4. Think of a fairy tale about the constellations of the spring sky. Write it down on a separate sheet and arrange it beautifully.

Once upon a time in Africa there lived a mighty king of animals - a lion. Everyone was afraid of him and fled in fear when he let out his formidable lion's roar. But then one night the lion raised his head up and saw many constellations - there were both a hare and bears. He growled loudly at them, but not a single star moved. He growled even louder, but no one in the starry sky ran away from him. Then the lion wanted to teach the stars a lesson. He clung to the ground and jumped so high that he went straight to the sky, but, looking from a height at the Earth, he was so frightened that he froze and forgot why he climbed here. So the mighty lion turned into the constellation Leo.

Page 40-43. Spring awakening of plants

From left to right: anemone, liverwort, coltsfoot, lungwort, chistyak, corydalis, goose onion.

2. Color the flowers. Name them.

From left to right: Corydalis, lungwort, goose onion

3. ... Connect the drawings and names with lines. Do it yourself or with the help of a tutorial.
Underline the names of trees with a green pencil, bushes with red.

4. Watch and write down when they bloomed this year:

Mother-and-stepmother - the end of March
Dandelion - in May
Lily of the valley - in early May
Bird cherry - in early May
Cherry - end of May
Apple tree - end of May, beginning of June
Poplar - June
Birch - in April
Alder - in May

5. Observe and write down when the leaves of hazel, apple, birch, oak began to bloom.

Hazel: beginning of April - May.
Apple tree: late April - mid-May.
Birch: late April - mid-May.
Oak: mid-April - end of May.

7. Write a story about one of the flowering plants. Use for this book "Green Pages" or other literature (of your choice).

bird cherry

This plant is popularly affectionately called the beautiful bride. This is due to the fact that in spring the bird cherry puts on a festive white robe and turns into a real miracle.

Bird cherry is a shrub from the Rosaceae family. Its trunk is completely covered with dark gray bark, on which there are rusty-brown spots. The leaves of bird cherry are obovate. The flowers are small, but very fragrant. They are white and collected in a very beautiful brush.

The bird cherry is the orderly of the forest. Flowers and leaves have a special aroma, and therefore have a phytoncidal property. This is what made the tree special, as it gave it the ability to kill insects and germs. The tree is merciless even for mosquitoes and ticks.

Many poems and songs have been written about bird cherry.

Page 44-45. Wonderful flowers in spring

1. Cut out photos from the application and paste each one into its own window.

2. Color the flowers. Name them (verbal)

Left to right: tulips, pansies, daffodils

3. Identify a few spring flower garden plants. Draw 2-3 plants or stick a photo.


Lily of the valley

4. Write a story about one of the plants in the spring flower garden, about beliefs and legends associated with it.

It is not for nothing that primroses are called primroses - in spring they bloom before anyone else.

In the Scandinavian sagas, primroses were called the keys of the spring goddess Freya. As soon as the snow melts, a young beautiful goddess comes to the earth to decorate it with flowers and herbs. And where her multi-colored necklace touches - the rainbow of the earth, there the primrose will grow.

Primroses are perennials and bloom only once a year - in spring.

Page 46-47. Spring in the world of insects

1. Do you know the names of butterflies? Cut out the drawings from the Appendix and paste them into the boxes. Check yourself according to the drawing of the textbook.

3. Find information in the textbook about what insects eat. Write it down. Make a conclusion whether these insects bring harm to humans

Urticaria caterpillar - nettle leaves.
Mourning caterpillar - birch, aspen leaves.
Dragonfly - mosquito larvae.
Dragonfly larva - mosquito larvae.
Ants are insects.

These insects do not harm humans.

4. Using the information from the textbook, write in the diagrams the names of animals that feed on mosquitoes and their larvae.

Page 48-49. Spring in the world of birds and animals

1. Using the text of the textbook, number the drawings in the order in which these birds return from warm lands.

2. Observe and write down when for the first time this year you managed to see a rook - the beginning of March, a starling - the end of March, a chaffinch - the end of March, a swallow - the end of May.

3. In the text of the textbook, find information about what different animals eat. Write it down.

Hedgehog - insects, toads.

Bear - berries, insects, plant roots, fish, large animals (moose, deer)

Bat - insects.

Fill in the circle next to the text " the bats"- they wake up later than everyone else, because they eat only flying insects, and they start flying late.

4. Birdwatching.

The swallows built their nest not far from our house. It was under the roof of the store. Every spring, the swallows return to their nest and hatch their chicks. At the end of summer, they leave their home and fly to warmer climes.

I have often seen swallows feeding their chicks. When mom or dad flew up to the nest, the chicks stuck out their open beaks and began to squeak, demand food. I really enjoy bird watching.

Page 50-51. Invisible threads in the spring forest

1. Who is willow friends with?

3. Give an example of invisible threads in the spring forest and draw it in the form of a diagram.

4. In additional literature, find information about the life of a cuckoo. In what bird's nest does she lay her eggs? Write a short story about a cuckoo.

The cuckoo is a migratory bird. She lays her eggs in the nests of other birds, such as: wagtail, redstart, robin, chaffinch, finch. Cuckoos eat hairy caterpillars that other birds do not eat. In cuckoos, the male calls, not the female.

Page 52-53. spring labor

1. Guess riddles about men's spring labor and its ancient tools. Write down the clues.

From edge to edge I cut a black loaf ... The matting in the windows covered the entire field.

2. Guess riddles about women's spring labor. Write down the clues. Check yourself on the Application.

Thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, melts from one side, freezes from the other (weave a cloth).

A small bird will dive with its nose, wag its tail, lead the path (embroidery)

3. Riddle.

They tore in shreds, knitted across the field,
They beat me, they beat me
Twisted, weaved,
Turnkey locked, put on the table.

Answer: linen.

4. Pick up and paste a photo of spring work in your family.

Page 54-55. Vintage spring holidays

1. Guess the riddle. Write down the answer. Check yourself on the Application.

Lies a bridge
For seven miles
At the end of the bridge
Golden Mile.


2. Read the text of the song that congratulated the newlyweds. Instead of omissions, write down the wishes.

Is the owner still at home
Is the master in the house?
Congratulations on the young man
With Alexeyushka!
With a young weasel,
With Tatyanushka!
How many stumps in the forest -
We wish you so many sons!
How many bumps in the meadow -
We want so many daughters!

3. Read the text of the Russian song about the birch. Underline in the text of the song all the affectionate words. Write down words with color meanings.

Affectionate words (they must be emphasized): birch tree, breeze, rain.

Words with color meanings: green, green, white, blond.

4. Pick up and paste a photo of the spring holiday according to the old calendar of the peoples of your region.

Happy Easter - Christ is Risen!

Page 56-57. Be healthy!

1. Draw what games you like to play in the spring. Instead of drawings, you can put photos here.

2. Think about and write down what qualities the games you like to play in the spring develop.

Answer: Creativity, friendliness, patience.

3. Ask the elders in the family to tell about the rules of one of the games of the peoples of your region.

Gorodki is a Russian folk sports game. In this game, it is necessary to “knock out” by throwing bits of “city” from certain distances - figures composed in various ways from five wooden cylinders (chocks), called “towns” or “ruffles”.

For the game of towns, 15 pieces are used. The winner is the player or team that spends the least number of bits to knock out the figures. The pieces start to knock out from the knight (far line). If at least one town is knocked out, the remaining ones are knocked out from the semi-con (near lane); the “closed letter” figure is knocked out only from the horse, and first - the town in the center, denoting the “mark”. In each game, 6, 10 or 15 pieces can be played. All figures, except for the 15th, are built on the front line of the city.

The town is considered to be knocked out when it has completely entered the back or side lines of the city. If the town flies forward to the foul line or beyond it in the direction of the semi-con, then it is placed in the suburbs, against the city center: 20 cm from the foul line, if at least one town is knocked out of the figure or 40 cm, if not knocked out of the figure not a single town. A town that has gone beyond the line and again rolled into a city or suburb is considered to be knocked out.

Think and write down what qualities this folk game develops.

Answer: Dexterity, strength, eye, ability to concentrate.

Page 58-59. nature conservation in spring

2. Using the textbook, color these representatives of the Red Book of Russia. Sign their names.

3. Write a story about some fungus, plant or animal listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Mushroom ram (curly vulture)

Mushroom - ram - a rare and very interesting species. It usually chooses forests with broad-leaved trees for its habitat. He likes to settle on maples and oaks, less often choosing chestnuts and beech for his master. These mushrooms are harvested only in August and September, and the weight of one mushroom can sometimes reach ten kilograms.

Page 60-61. spring walk

Photos from the walk:

The Rooks Have Arrived

willow blossoms


Page 62-65. Summer red

1. Names of summer months.

1st column: Junius, Julius, Augustus
2nd column: June, July, August
3rd column (in Ukrainian): worm, lime, sickle

2. Write down the names of the summer months in the language of the peoples of your region, which are associated with

1) with phenomena of inanimate nature;
2) with phenomena of living nature;
3) with hard people.

You can choose from the page: The names of the months associated with the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, with the labor of people

3. In different parts of our great Motherland, summer has its own time. Write down the dates when summer comes to your area and when it leaves.

Hint: here you do not need to look for the dates of the holidays in the old calendars, because the question does not require that. Just write when it gets warm in your area. For example, in the Krasnodar Territory, summer often comes in mid-May and ends in early October. In the Urals and Siberia, summer comes in June and leaves in August.

4. Place a photo or drawing of your hometown (village) taken in the summer. Think and write a signature.

park in summer

5. Using a tear-off calendar, find out how long the daylight hours last on the days of the summer solstice, the summer solstice and Peter's day. Write down your observations.

Note: Longitude of the day is recorded for Moscow.

6. Mark the picture that shows the position of the sun in summer.

Answer: on the far right. The sun on it is located above all, the trees are dressed in foliage.

7. Write down the dates:

8. Watch the weather in summer. Make observations and record the results in a table.

* If you could not watch the weather, then the Gismeteo website will help you - a weather diary for schoolchildren, where you need to select a city and date and see weather data.

Page 66-67. Summer holidays and work

Bent in an arc, Summer in the meadow, Winter on the hook - spit

Toothy, not biting - RAKE.

3. Cut out the drawings of the gifts of summer from the application. Stick them in the windows from left to right as the holidays of the three Spas go one after another in August.


Holiday dates:

4. Draw a symbol for the expression "all year round."

Page 68. Summer walk

Post any of your summer photos.

If something is not clear, ask in the comments.

Folk art is firmly connected with history and household traditions. Songs, dances of epics, fairy tales are inseparable from Everyday life people, because they embodied dreams of beauty, of a better life, of good and evil, of the harmony of the world. All these human aspirations have found their expression in traditional folk holidays, of which there are a great many.



Spring calendar holidays.

The first, back in ancient times, were holidays associated with the agricultural calendar of the ancestors of the Eastern Slavs. Starting in December, when the sun "turns to summer", foreshadowing the imminent awakening of the nurse of mother earth from winter sleep, and ending in autumn, with the completion of the harvest, the holidays constituted a complete calendar cycle. Hence their name adopted in science - calendar or folk calendar holidays. Unlike the holidays that appeared in later times, they were predominantly magical in nature. Their goal is to ensure the health of people and harmony in the family, a good harvest of field and garden crops, a rich offspring of domestic animals.

All holidays, customs and rituals arose in the historical past on a real basis, as a result of labor activity, and were subsequently shrouded in religious and magical superstitions. Because of this, calendar holidays occupy the main place among the beliefs of any people. Basically, labor holidays, timed to coincide with the most important economic work: the beginning of plowing and sowing, harvesting, cattle pasture, etc., played a prominent role in the life of believers. The religious shell gave the holidays bizarre forms and changed beyond recognition their real content, determined by the conditions of the economic life of the people.

The annual cycle of holidays, customs and rituals had one common goal - to promote timely preparation, successful sowing, growth, harvesting and preservation of the crop, livestock fertility, but the rites of each season differed in their functions and specifics.

The main purpose of the winter calendar holidays was the successful preparation for the financial year. Therefore, the magical rites of this period were of a preparatory nature and were aimed at ensuring the well-being of the family and household for the whole year. In winter, great importance was attached to fortune-telling and signs, by which they sought to determine the prospects for the coming year. Holidays and rituals of the winter cycle also had their purpose to give people the opportunity to relax and have fun in this period of the year free from agricultural labor.

Spring customs and rituals were associated with direct field work. The magical techniques that accompanied them were supposed to contribute to a better growth of the crop and the preservation of livestock.

Summer and autumn rituals were aimed at preserving the crops, ensuring their maturation and successful harvesting. It was the busiest time of the year. In signs, much attention was paid to predicting the weather, on which the result of the agricultural year depended. The meaning of the magical rites of this cycle was to protect the harvest from the destructive effects of drought, hail, and wind. Thus ended the annual cycle of holidays of the calendar.


The arrival of spring in the popular mind was associated with the awakening of nature after a winter sleep and, in general, with the revival of life. On March 22, on the day of the vernal equinox and the beginning of astronomical spring, Magpies were celebrated in Rus'. Why exactly is March 22 considered “bird day”? Once upon a time, Christian holidays hardly supplanted pagan ones in the minds of the people, and therefore were often forced to chronologically “adjust” to them, in the hope of completely replacing and replacing them over time. The Orthodox Church on March 22 (March 9 according to the old Julian calendar) celebrates the day of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. These are the "Magpies" of the folk calendar. In 313, the Romans tried to get forty Christian soldiers to renounce their faith. But, no matter how they were tortured, no one renounced. Forty dead Christians have turned, according to popular belief, into larks. Now on this day in Rus', the dead soldiers and all deceased relatives are commemorated.
There was a belief that it was on this day that forty birds, forty pichugs return to their homeland and the magpie begins to build a nest. By this day, housewives baked spring birdies - larks from the dough. Throwing them up, the children sang incantations - short inviting songs, called ("gooked") spring!

flight larks,
Fly to us
bring us
red spring,
I'm flying warm!
We are tired of winter
We ate all the bread!

The arrival of spring, the arrival of birds, the appearance of the first greenery and flowers have always caused joy and creative enthusiasm among the people. After the winter trials, there was hope for a good spring and summer, for a rich harvest. And so the people have always celebrated the arrival of spring with bright, beautiful rituals and holidays. Spring has been eagerly awaited. When she was late, the girls climbed the hillocks and sang stoneflies:

Bless, mother

call spring,

call spring,

See off the winter!

Finally, she came, long-awaited. She was greeted with songs and round dances.


On April 7, the people celebrated the Christian holiday of the Annunciation. It was the last spring holiday before the end of Lent and the great Christian holiday Easter.

This holiday got its name in memory of the good news that the Archangel Gabriel brought to the Virgin Mary. He announced to her that a son was to be born to her, who would be named Jesus.

This day has long been considered by the people as the beginning of spring, when the earth finally awakens from its winter sleep. Before the Annunciation it was impossible to disturb (dig) the ground. IN folk calendar XIX-XX centuries The Annunciation was one of the most revered holidays. It was often compared with Easter, the most important holiday for the Orthodox: “What is the Annunciation, such is the Bright Sunday of Christ”, and sometimes they even put it above Easter: “The Annunciation is the most big celebration with God, even sinners are not tormented in hell.” Recognizing the importance of the holiday, the people, however, did not celebrate it with joy, especially since the Annunciation most often falls on the period of Great Lent. The behavior of a person during this day should have brought him closer to God. This was facilitated by attending church, strict observance of prohibitions, rest from everyday affairs, concentrated thoughts about the divine, abstraction from pressing economic problems. Only measured conversations about sowing, plowing, and harvesting were allowed. Violation of these regulations was considered a sin and threatened with misfortune.

The Annunciation, which according to the old calendar fell on the day of the vernal equinox, was considered the day of the arrival of spring. "On the Annunciation, spring overcame winter"! According to popular beliefs, at this time nature awakens from its winter sleep and God blesses the earth for sowing. Therefore, the custom was widespread on the eve of the Annunciation or on the very day to illuminate the seeds with which the sowing began.

In many places, spring was not only met at the Annunciation, but also invited, “clicked”, “hooted”, called it a treat - bread and pies, which were left overnight on an elevated place. On this day, the girls kindled fires outside the village outskirts in order to "warm the earth", wake it up, they always led round dances with the singing of stoneflies. On this day, people met storks. By their arrival, special loaves were baked with the image of a stork's leg. Children tossed them with a request for a harvest. If storks made a nest on the roof of the house, it was a good sign for its owners. According to signs, the birth of a child should be expected where the stork is circling or at the one in whose field the stork often flies. So the Day of the miraculous conception of the Virgin Mary was intertwined with the belief in child-bearing omens associated with storks.


Celebrate a week before Easter Palm Sunday. This day has always been celebrated in the Christian calendar as a bright holiday.

According to the Gospel, Jesus Christ was heading with his disciples from Bethany to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter there. On the way to the city, he saw a young donkey tied to a tree and asked the students to bring him to him. The disciples laid their clothes on the back of the donkey, on which Christ sat. When he entered the city, the people enthusiastically greeted the Savior with palm branches. On the road along which Jesus was traveling, people threw palm branches and spread their clothes.

In memory of this event, it is customary in all Christian churches to consecrate decorated tree branches on this day. Among the Russians, the place of the palm branch was taken by willow, this is one of the first beautifully flowering trees in spring, which gave the name to the holiday and the week before it: “Palm Sunday”, “Palm (or Motley) Week”, “Verbnitsa”, “Verbich”.

In the popular mind, willow personified health, vitality, fertility and offering. There is a legend that willow was once a woman who had many beautiful, strong, healthy children. But, like any woman, she loved to boast of her offspring, and one day she inadvertently said that her fertility was higher than that of Mother Earth. The angry Mother Earth turned it into a willow with a huge number of children - fluffy buds that bloom in early spring, when other trees are still in hibernation.

Willow was considered a healing agent for various diseases. Willow consecrated in the temple, according to believers and priests, is considered sacred and has magic power. People swallowed willow buds to protect themselves from illness, to drive away any ailment. The willow, consecrated in the church, was protected until the first cattle pasture, and the hostess drove the cattle without fail with willow twigs. It was believed that this would add vitality to them. Some spells were built as if it were not people who beat each other with willow branches, but the willow itself transfers its strength and health to them: “I don’t beat, the willow beats.” On the morning of the holiday, parents lightly whipped their children with willow, while saying verbal sayings and sayings:

Faith is holy! Faith is holy!

Willow - whip - beats to tears,

Willow is white - beats for the cause!

Willow is red - beats in vain!

It's not me who beats, the willow beats, in a week the day is great.

Be healthy like water, be rich like earth!

Willow came from across the sea,

Willow brought health!

Willow - whip, beat to tears!

They also believed that willow had protective properties: it protected from evil spirits, protected the house from lightning, stopped a fire, pacified a storm, protected crops from death, and helped a person in his hour of death, driving away the devil from him. That is why the consecrated willow was kept for a whole year in the shrine, and, having brought fresh from the church, the old one was lowered along the river or stuck into the ground on the field.


Easter, Light Christ's Resurrection, is the most solemn, most joyful Christian holiday of renewal, salvation of the world and man. This holiday of triumph over death, the triumph of good and light over evil and darkness! The word "Passover" comes from the Hebrew "Pesach" and in translation means "passage", "passage". This holiday was established by the ancient Jews in memory of the exodus of the Jews from Egyptian captivity as a symbol of mercy. Easter is also associated with the feast of unleavened bread (mazzot), because the Jews who fled from Egypt did not have time to leaven the dough they took with them.

And with the advent of Christianity, the Easter holiday acquired another meaning - the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God, from the dead. The death and resurrection of Christ coincided with the feast of Easter.

Jesus allowed himself to be crucified in order to atone for human sins, and three days later he rose from the dead. Early Sunday morning, several women (Mary, Salome, Joanna...) went to the tomb to bring incense intended for the body of Jesus. Approaching, they saw that the large stone blocking the entrance to the tomb had been rolled away, the tomb was empty, and the Angel of the Lord was sitting on the stone. His appearance was like lightning, and His clothes were as white as snow. Frightened by the Angel, the women were in awe. The angel said: “Do not be afraid, for I know what you are looking for: Jesus crucified. He is not here. He is risen, as he said. With fear and joy, the women hurried to tell the Apostles about what they saw. “And lo, Jesus met them and said, Rejoice! And they, coming forward, took hold of His feet and worshiped Him. Then Jesus said to them: Do not be afraid; go tell my brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.” And as once, His disciples saw the Risen One. On the bright feast of Pascha, the Church calls on believers to “purify their senses and see Christ shining with the impregnable light of the Resurrection, and, singing the song of victory, hear clearly from Him: “Rejoice!”.

This happened on the seventh day of the week, which has since been called Sunday. Therefore, every Sunday (day off) people do not work in memory of the resurrection of Christ.

Easter is always celebrated on different days of the calendar, but always on Sunday. There is a rule by which church ministers calculate the date of the holiday. The calculation formula is as follows: Easter is always celebrated on the first Sunday that follows the full moon, either on or after the vernal equinox.

They prepared for Easter, starting with Great or Maundy Thursday. On this day, the whole house was cleaned to sparkling cleanliness, eggs were painted and painted, Easter was cooked, cakes and small flour products in the form of lambs, cockerels, doves were baked; honey gingerbread, baked pig, lamb or ham, fried veal, sewed new outfits. Flowers decorated dishes, as well as the table, icons and the house. According to ancient tradition, colored eggs were placed on a dish among specially germinated oats and wheat.

The last week before Easter is called Holy Week. Events are commemorated during Holy Week last week the earthly life of Jesus Christ from the moment he entered Jerusalem until the day when he was crucified on the cross and resurrected on the third day. Food restrictions become much stricter on Holy Week, and on Good Friday - the day of the crucifixion of Christ - believers do not eat at all, up to the removal of the shroud, which symbolizes the moment of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus.

On the night from Saturday to Sunday, an Easter service takes place, which is the logical conclusion of the service of all the previous days of Holy Week. Exactly at half past eleven, the festive service begins - the midnight office, followed by matins and the procession around the church, the liturgy. After the end of the service, the parishioners congratulated each other on the bright holiday, kissed three times and said the words: “Christ is Risen!” - "Truly Risen!", Exchanged eggs, painted red. Red is the color of the blood of Christ shed on the cross, which atoned for the sins of the world. In the villages on Easter night, as soon as the bells ring out announcing the resurrection, everything was immediately lit up with lights. The building of the church and the bell tower were covered with the lights of lanterns hung out the day before, bonfires flared up near the church; outside the outskirts of the village, at the crossroads, on the hills and high banks of the rivers, tar barrels were set on fire, which were sometimes raised on poles. The coals left from the fires were collected in the morning and laid under the roof bolts to protect the house from lightning and fire. The candle, with which they walked around the church in procession, was also preserved, attributing magical properties to it. One of the most important moments of the holiday was the morning Easter meal. After a long and harsh fast, even adult peasants, and especially village children, were looking forward to "breaking the fast."
For the Easter meal, rich cakes were baked, cottage cheese Easter was prepared. There were many different types Easter: and creamy from cream, and red from baked milk, and Easter on yolks, and pink Easter with raspberry jam, Easter with flour. Cheese Easter was prepared from cottage cheese. And, of course, the eggs were dyed. Usually the eggs were dyed on Thursday and taken to church on Saturday to be blessed. The custom of painting eggs came after Mary went to preach the teachings of Christ. She came to Rome, to the imperial palace. In those distant times, everyone who came to the emperor always brought some kind of gift: the rich - jewelry, and the poor - what they could. Mary had nothing with her except her faith in Christ. She handed the emperor a simple chicken egg and immediately loudly pronounced the main news: “Christ is risen!”. The emperor was surprised and said: “How can you believe that someone can rise from the dead? It’s hard to believe that, as well as the fact that this white egg can turn red! While he was saying these words, the egg began to change its color: it turned pink, darkened, and finally turned bright red. This is how the first Easter egg was given.

Feasts continued throughout the Easter week. Festive tables were bursting with a variety of dishes. In addition to Easter, Easter cakes and eggs, baked and stuffed with nuts piglets, hams, various sausages, and cheeses were served at the table. General fun, jubilation, joyful mood prevailed. Bells rang in all churches. The holiday lasted all Bright Week, the table remained laid; invited to the table, treated, especially the poor, welcomed the sick, the poor. Children's, sometimes youth, rounds of houses on the first day of Easter were also widespread almost everywhere. In the morning, after Paschal matins, the village children gathered 10-20 people each and went to “Christen,” “Christ,” or “Christ.” Entering the house, they congratulated the hosts three times: “Christ is risen!”, They answered: “In truth, He is risen!” and presented them with colored eggs, pies, sweets, and gave them a piece of Easter cake. It was considered shameful not to give gifts to the children, the owners specially prepared for their arrival, saving treats.

Easter is one of the most important dates for the commemoration of the dead. On the one hand, this is connected with the church's idea of ​​the death and resurrection of Christ, the redemption of original sin and the sending of ancestors - the ancient righteous and prophets to paradise. On the other hand, it correlates with the pagan agricultural ideas of the Slavs, according to which any cycle of rituals aimed at predetermining prosperity and harvest is associated with the commemoration of ancestors as givers of blessings. The Church forbade visiting the cemetery on the first day of Easter, designating for this purpose the Tuesday following the Paschal St. Thomas week - Radunitsa. In many places, this custom was strictly observed, but in some places, especially in the western and southern Russian provinces on the eve of Easter, at night, the housewives put a plate covered with a napkin on the table or on the goddess with a treat - breaking the fast "for parents", in which there were eggs and pieces Easter cake. At the same time, the hostess invited the dead: "Come parents." It was believed that in response to an invitation, "parents" come that night to break their fast. In the morning, treats were distributed to children who came to congratulate them on the holiday.

Easter festivities were the first outdoor festivities of the year after winter. One of the most popular entertainments was swings, both in towns and villages. Children enjoyed playing clatter - the beating of eggs. the one who managed to break the opponent's egg took it for himself. Boyish games (to beat a lupak, pop, devil, harlay, beat an awl, cook porridge, leapfrog, etc.) were competitions in dexterity, speed and strength. In girls' games (noise, zhelman, kostrubonka, poppy, crooked dance, willow plank, etc.), the artistic abilities of the participants were tested - the ability to dance, sing, transform into a certain image. No wonder Easter games were considered real fairs of brides. On the whole, the Bright Week passed decently enough!


In Rus', traditionally on the first Sunday after Easter, festivities were held on Krasnaya Gorka. They were associated not so much with the celebration of Fomin Sunday, celebrated on this day by Orthodox Christians, as with the old pagan tradition of welcoming spring. For the Orthodox, Bright Week ends on this day, so it is sometimes called Antipascha, not in the sense of opposition, but in the sense of "instead of Easter." The last liturgy is served in the church according to the Paschal rite, after which the "Royal Doors" are closed. On this day, they remember the appearance of Jesus Christ to the Apostle Thomas, which occurred on the eighth day after the Resurrection (Easter). Prior to this, the apostle did not believe that Christ had risen (hence the saying "Unbelieving Thomas"). Only when he saw Jesus and felt his wounds did he believe in the resurrection of the Savior. This event was also reflected in the national holiday, but in a peculiar form - in the form of various riddles and jokes “believe it or not.” The main content of the holiday was the glorification and calling of spring, as well as youth festivities that opened the period of weddings - from that day on, weddings began in the church that were not held during Great Lent and the Easter holidays.

The origin of the name of the holiday has not been fully clarified, there are many options, most of which coincide with the explanation of the word “red” - beautiful. But this word is also applied to the place itself (a beautiful hillock on which the first grass begins to break through), and to the beautiful spring, which freed the earth from snow, and to the beautiful girl, who served as a symbol of spring and opened the spring holiday with pagan rites. The word “hill” is associated with elevated places that dried out after the snow melted and floods, on which during this period mass festivities are only possible, as an option - on which spring rituals were held and bonfires were lit in honor of one of the pagan gods.

Spring among the Slavic peoples has traditionally been associated with the feminine, giving life. Therefore, the main role in the spring rituals held in Rus' on this day was given to women and girls. In different regions, there were many options for glorifying and calling spring. They were always conducted either by a girl who was specially decorated, including symbols of the future harvest, or by a group of girls. Usually, a ritual spring song was sung or special spells were uttered, calling for spring to quickly prepare the land for sowing and bestow generous shoots on the fields. Often these rituals were performed only in the presence of women, culminating in a joint meal, the main, and sometimes the only dish of which was scrambled eggs. Sometimes ritual actions began even after dark. Women and girls went around the village, fanning it with new canvases or towels, which symbolized the expulsion of evil spirits. After that, they gathered on a hillock to meet the sunrise, covering a festive meal on canvases. If the sky was covered with clouds, a fire was kindled, to which they turned with requests for good weather, as a kind of “substitute” for the sun.

Upon completion of the ritual actions, everyone went to the church for the service, then to the cemetery, where they commemorated the deceased relatives and asked for their help in everyday peasant affairs. Only after this did “bride reviews” begin, youth festivities, weddings and wedding celebrations, visits to relatives and neighbors, festive feasts, which always had colored eggs.

The main entertainments of the youth were round dances, games, swings and carousels, jumping over the fire, walking around the yards with the glorification of the newlyweds or betrothed. himself to potential suitors and their parents, concerned about the choice of a future daughter-in-law. Only after several passes through the village, and sometimes through several nearby villages, did the girls go to the place where the festivities would take place. It was equipped in advance by guys: a platform for round dance and dancing was leveled, benches were made next to it, both for the participants in the festivities and for spectators, swings and the simplest “attractions” were equipped nearby. The “dance” part of the holiday was opened with girl round dances. There were several variants of them, but their main content was the theme of the revival of the earth after winter and spring sowing, this can be seen even from the names - “Let's sow flax”, “And we sowed millet”, etc. During this period, the girls were supposed to look chaste and impregnable. But this is not for long: closer to summer, elements of flirting and seduction will appear in round dances. In the meantime, only girls are dancing, the guys are looking at them and giving compliments. In games, one could also afford small liberties, especially when swinging on a swing. Swings, carousels, giant steps, runners, throws were installed during the Easter week. In large villages and cities, these were large colorful structures, while in the villages they were limited to simpler ones. A swing could be an ordinary board suspended on ropes between poles or trees, and a swing could be a long board laid on a high block of wood (similar ones can be seen in circuses). For giant steps, a pole with one or two long ropes was used. The girls swung on the swing only at the invitation of the guys. Having received an invitation, the girl tied the hem of her dress at her knees with a special belt, with the help of a guy she sat or stood on the swing board. On Krasnaya Gorka on a swing, the guys fulfilled all the requests of the girls: swing harder or stop. Later, for stopping the swing, they usually demanded a kiss.

By the way, for the village youth, walking on Krasnaya Gorka was considered almost mandatory. Those who do not participate in it were predicted to fail in family life, and even benevolence. But to look after yourself on this day, the betrothed or the bride, is a great success, promising happiness in a life together.

On Krasnaya Gorka in the villages, young people traditionally walked around the yards with the glorification (calling) of the newlyweds who got married last autumn and winter. For such newlyweds, it was in the spring that a real joint economic life began - sowing, subsequent care of the crop and harvesting, breeding poultry, livestock offspring, etc. It was with this that they were to be congratulated, wishing them a good harvest, a large offspring, and replenishment in their own family.Bypassing the courtyards of the newlyweds could be "theatrical", reminiscent of caroling, or simply by groups of young people in festive clothes. The newlyweds prepared treats in advance and waited for the praisers at the window. After listening to congratulations and wishes, which were often accompanied by special songs (bindweeds), they distributed treats. For guys, as a rule, wine, mash or vodka were exhibited, and for girls - pastries, gingerbread, sweets and eggs. Often there could be several groups of glorifiers, including children, adult women and men. In this case, the detour was started by the children, then the youth walked, and only after it did the adults, who could not limit themselves to the presented treat, but ask for a feast.

The season of weddings was opening on Krasnaya Gorka, but there were not many of them yet. As a rule, at this time, weddings were played in wealthy families, while the rest postponed the creation of families until the fall. After the harvest, there was an opportunity to hold a wedding at a lower cost.

Red Hill was traditionally celebrated cheerfully. Not only young people had fun, adults also had their own entertainment: traditional walks around the village with songs and ditties, practical jokes and jokes on acquaintances, feasts and dances. The sowing time was approaching with its hard peasant labor, so the people were in a hurry to walk up from the heart.


Radunitsa is a spring pagan holiday of the Eastern Slavs, associated with the cult of ancestors. Obviously related to the word "joy". After baptism, they began to celebrate it on St. Thomas Week on the Tuesday after Easter week. Usually on this day, after the evening service or after the Liturgy, a full memorial service is performed, which includes Easter hymns. Believers visit the cemetery to pray for the dead. Radunitsa is one of ancient holidays when wine and food are brought to the graves of great-grandfathers (mainly pancakes as a symbol of the sun), hails (lamentations) and games (games, songs and dances) are arranged. Without exception, all Rus' hurried to Radunitsa to the cemeteries to partake of Christ with their deceased relatives, to treat those who had departed to eternity with a red testicle and other dishes. Three or four eggs were laid on the grave, and sometimes they were buried in it, smashed on the grave cross, they were immediately crumbled or given to the poor brethren for the mention of the soul. It could not do, of course, without the fact that with snacks and drinks, made right there in the cemetery, the living did not commemorate the dead, - the old Slavic trizna, distinguishing feature Russian people. Although the honoring of the memory of the dead, as if still maintaining some kind of mysterious connection with the living, is performed everywhere in Rus' and in all suitable cases that cannot even be listed, nevertheless, Radunitsa, as a commemoration day, stood out most from among the others, distinguished by the joyful mood of the commemorators . It may seem strange how sorrow for those who have departed into eternity was united with joy, but this was explained, firstly, by the deep belief of the Russian people that the time will come when all the dead will rise from the graves, a belief supported at the same time by the fact of the Resurrection of Christ, and secondly, Red hill - a merry spring holiday, the revival of nature, frozen for a long time of the year, tuned a person to a cheerful mood, prompted him to forget this time about the harsh, ruthless death, to think about a life that promises both joy and good. That is why the majority of cheerful and noisy weddings were timed to this time, with their characteristic folk songs, accompanied by the singing of “springs”. And after this spring holiday followed Semik, and Mermaids, and Ivan Kupala, etc.

Spring games and fun.

Calendar folk game "Mother Spring is coming"

Two guys take each other by both hands and raise them up. This is the gate. The rest of the children join hands, as in a round dance. All players pass under the gate and say the following words:

open the gate

Mother Spring is coming!

March passed first

He spent all the children!

And then April

Opened the door for us!

And after him and May, how much you want to walk,

How much you want to walk, just don't yawn!

With the last word, the “gates” lower their hands, “slam” and catch those children who were at that time under the “gates”. Those caught also become "gates". The game continues until all children are caught. Then you can choose a new "gate" and start the game again.

Calendar folk game "Rooks are flying"

Children stand in a circle or randomly position themselves on the site, but always so as to see and hear the adult leader. adult host says:

"The rooks are flying,

They trumpet all over Rus':


We bring spring!

All the children shout in unison: “Fly! They're flying!"

The host continues:

"The cranes are flying

They trumpet all over Rus':


We bring spring!

Children again shout: “Fly! They're flying!" and wave their hands.

Bees, mosquitoes, etc. fly in the same way.

And then the leader says:

The piglets are flying

They trumpet all over Rus':


We bring spring!

Which of the children will make a mistake and shout “They are flying!” or wave his hands - out of the game. The most attentive wins.

Melt water games.

Spring streams like a magnet attracted the boys. And dozens of small boats and boats set sail on their stormy waves. They were made from chips, bark, pieces of wood. In addition, dams were built on the streams. You can’t build a dam in a modern city, but it’s quite possible to find a stream somewhere in the park and launch your brave paper frigate.

Games were also arranged on the banks of streams, without fear of getting their feet wet - after all, a warm and gentle spring had come!

Calendar folk game "Jump over the stream"

Children came to the bank of the stream and stand along the bank at the back of each other's heads. Sing a song:

The fontanel ran

Golden Horn!

The key ran

The snow ran

On the mosses, on the swamps,

On rotten decks!


On the word "U-uh!" children jump across the stream sideways. Or rather, they are trying to jump over, because the neighbors are trying to interfere with each other. Whoever ended up on the other side - well done, and whoever got his feet wet - lost.

This calendar folk game can also be played indoors or on the site by marking the “stream” with chalk, two ribbons, or by placing a piece of cloth.

Calendar folk games for Easter.

The most important Easter games were the egg games. This is also an echo of paganism. Our distant ancestors believed that rolling an egg on the ground can increase fertility and ensure a bountiful harvest. Only one game has survived to this day in an almost unchanged form - breaking eggs. Two opponents hold the egg in their hand and "knock". The one whose egg is broken loses, he gives the egg to the winner.

They also played in the "Bunch". Heaps were made of sand (two for each participant). They chose one driver and gave him one egg at a time. All the players turned away, and the driver buried the eggs in heaps of sand. Half of the piles were “prize”, and half were empty snags. The players then took turns pointing to the pile where they thought the egg was hidden. If they guessed it, they took it for themselves. This game was played mainly by girls and girls.

And the boys preferred to roll eggs from a special slide-chute. Below, under the chute, each of the players laid their egg. Then, one by one, another egg was lowered down the hill. If it was possible to touch one or more eggs, then they could be taken away. If not a single egg was hit, then the testicle of the unlucky player remained under the hill, increasing the "prize fund".

Made for Easter rag dolls- springflies. These were dolls for one day. Then they were burned. It was believed that together with the pupae all misfortunes and diseases would burn.

Swings were an obligatory attribute of Easter. And they all rocked from small to large. The youth were especially zealous! After all, the saying about the Easter swing was:

On Holy Week
They hung up the swings.
First you swing
Then you get married.

The holiday allowed people to take a breather in a series of hard peasant work, distracting them from family problems, and gave psychological relaxation. And spending time together caused the illusion of equality of all people, relieved social tension in society. With the help of ritual actions, people turned to those forces on which, as they believed, their well-being depended.

There are many of them. And this is due to the amazing history of our state, which is many, many centuries old. One of the scientists counts thirteen of them and dates back to the reign of the Varangian Rurik. Officially, the 1153rd anniversary of Russia was celebrated in 2015. And the first mention of Rus' was found in the chronicles, which date back to 862. By the way, "Russia" is not a native Russian name: the Greeks named our ancient state with it. And somehow, by itself, it stuck with us. And what is Ancient Rus'? In addition to the main thing - the power, these are customs, traditions, beliefs and the like, which have developed over the centuries, have taken root with us, even if against the background of modernity they look archaic, out of touch with reality, stuffed to capacity with technologies of a cosmic scale that our ancestors never dreamed of .

Holidays official, state

Of course, in Mother Russia they come first. And there are more than three hundred of them. To paraphrase the great Gogol, we can say: "And which of the Russians does not love good holidays?!". Among the popular and beloved state ones are, International Day, May Day, and so on and so forth in order. Several years ago, they were added. And although it does not have official and state status, the holiday is declared a day off.

And how many do we have professional holidays! Let's start with peaceful professions - the Day of the Dentist, the Day of Russian Science, the Day of the Transport Police, the Day of Cosmonautics, the Day of Geodesy and Cartography Workers. Let's continue - related to military historical and memorable events - Day Navy, Engineering Troops Day, Tanker Day, Day missile troops and artillery, Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943) Day of military glory - the list goes on. And there are, although purely professional, but widely celebrated by the population - the Day of Agricultural Workers, the Day of Trade Workers, the Day of Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services - and this list can be continued. There are 365 days in a year on the planet, in a leap year - a day more, 366. And almost every day we celebrate something, celebrate. So it happened in Russia!

Folk holidays stand apart

And here they are, as races, closely connected with faith (religion), customs and traditions. Let's take Easter for example. In Soviet times, especially communists and Komsomol members, celebrating it was not only not recommended, but strictly forbidden! "Religion is the opium of the people!" This expression, which later became winged, was first uttered by the English socialist Charles Kingsley (1819 - 1875). Then it was actively used by Lenin in the fight against religion. As a result, churches and temples were destroyed, clerics were persecuted for their faith in God. It got to the point that the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was blown up in Moscow. But hard times passed and it was restored, including the money collected by the people. And Easter has now become one of the most beloved national holidays and is celebrated widely, as in the old days - they paint eggs, bake Easter cakes, greet each other: "Christ is risen" and answer: "Truly, he is risen!" Easter treats are illuminated in the church and generously distributed to relatives, friends, orphans, and the poor. That is the custom.

The custom of celebrating the Old New Year also took root in Russia. All over the world this is very surprising. And for the Russians it is another reason will meet at the festive table, once again celebrate the onset of the New Year, with pleasure to watch Eldar Ryazanov's beloved sparkling comedy "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!", and for some "Blue Light" - and you never know entertainment programs shows domestic television in the Old New Year! The origin of the holiday popular with us is explained by the discrepancy of thirteen days between the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The latter is used throughout the world. This is where the "old style" came from. According to it, on January 13, we and many other countries celebrate the Old New Year. As, however, a little later - New Year's Eve Eastern calendar which falls on the night of January 27-28.

Among popular holidays are Trinity, Holy Week, Apple Savior, Maslenitsa, Palm Week, Intercession Day, Clean Monday, Ilyin's Day, Christmas time, Epiphany Christmas Eve, Peter and Fevronia's Day, Epiphany of the Lord and others. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Rus' is a northern country, and from that the calendar of the Slavs was originally not lunar, but solar, and therefore the holidays were solar, according to the solar calendar! People lived in unity with nature. The change of seasons influenced the whole way of life and was the basis of rituals and holidays.

The Slavs have long loved winter; in folk art, many proverbs and sayings, riddles and counting rhymes are dedicated to it. Winter in the imagination of our distant ancestors appeared as a big woman, that is, a portly, prominent, strong woman, a real mistress who knows a lot about her business. And her clothes were appropriate: a warm bearish coat, boots with wolf fur and an elegant headdress - a kika.
Winter commanded snow and snowdrifts, snowstorms and blizzards, winds and severe frosts, she was presented as a harsh mistress.
The image of frost is also interesting in the representation of the Russian people. IN folklore Morozko, Frost-Treskun and Studeney are mentioned, possessing a mysterious powerful power. They even said: "Frost and iron breaks, and beats a bird on the fly." But the favorite winter fun - sleigh rides - fell precisely on frosty days, when the bright sun illuminates the fields and forests decorated with silver, and the snow creaking underfoot calls for a fun walk!
Among other things, winter in Rus' was a favorite time for weddings. “From Epiphany to Maslenitsa is the time of weddings,” the proverb says.
The old names of the winter months are filled with folk wisdom: December - “cold”, “snow”, “frown”, “windchill”, “fierce”, “gates of winter”, January - “prosinets”, “student”, “winter”, “ the turning point of winter”, February - “cut”, “snow”, “bokogrey”, “lute”. These ancient names show how closely the people followed the slightest changes in nature and weather. Almost every day in the folk calendar meant something. From snow, ice, wind, hoarfrost, the sun, stars, and the behavior of animals, our ancestors predicted what the harvest would be like, whether spring would come soon, whether hot summer was coming.
Many people try to support the origins of culture, preserve traditions - they create Slavic communities, popularize Slavic culture in books and on Internet sites, try to revive the ancient Slavic holidays, understand their meaning The modern calendar has long moved away from the dates of the solstice and equinox. That is why there is so much confusion about the dates of pagan and Christian holidays. Everything needs to be aligned. Otherwise, there is no point in holidays.
Karachun (Korochun) - Winter Solstice Day
The day of the pagan veneration of Karachun (the second name of Chernobog), celebrated on December 21, falls on the day of the winter solstice - the shortest day of the year and one of the coldest days of winter. It was believed that on this day the formidable Karachun, the deity of death, the underground god commanding frosts, an evil spirit, takes over. The ancient Slavs believed that he commands winter and frost and shortens the daylight hours.
Among the people, the concept of "karachun" in the sense of death, death is still used. They say, for example: “a karachun came to him”, “wait for a karachun”, “ask a karachun”, “grabbed a karachun”. Skoryachilo - squirmed, reduced. Perhaps Karachun was so called because he, as it were, forced the daytime to go in the opposite direction, to back away, giving way to the night.
Kolyada December 25
“Once upon a time, Kolyada was perceived not as a mummer. Kolyada was a deity, and one of the most influential. They called the carol, called. New Year's Eve was dedicated to Kolyada, games were arranged in her honor, which were subsequently performed at Christmas time. The last patriarchal ban on worshiping Kolyada was issued on December 24, 1684. It is believed that Kolyada was recognized by the Slavs as the deity of fun, which is why he was called upon, cheerful gangs of youth called on New Year's festivities. A. Strizhev "People's Calendar"
Kolyada - the baby sun, in Slavic mythology - the embodiment of the New Year cycle, as well as a holiday character similar to Ovsen. Kolyada was celebrated during winter Christmas time from December 25 (turn of the sun to spring) to January 5-6. The Slavs celebrate Kolyada when the day "for sparrows" has arrived and the winter sun begins to flare up.
On the eve of the New Year, the children were going to carol under the windows of rich peasants, called the owner in songs, repeated the name of Kolyada and asked for money. Sacred games and divination are the remnants of this feast of the ancients. The rituals have been preserved among the people, and have recently become more and more popular. "Carolers" dress up in clothes, depict animals, devils, with music, with sacks in which they collect treats, walk the streets, sing carols. Kolyada is a cheerful, desired deity.
Eating ritual cookies in the form of cows (loaf, bagels), they commemorate Tour. Instead of a sacrificial lamb, they eat cookies in the form of a lamb's head (bagel, pretzel). You should definitely try uzvar and kutya.
Schedrets December 31
The last day of the outgoing year is called "Schedrets". Since ancient times, a big festive feast has been arranged on this day, and generosity songs (generous songs) are heard everywhere.
Among the plentiful festive treats, there is certainly a place for pork dishes. It was believed that this symbolizes a rich harvest and fertility.
Before the feast, as usual, you need to amuse the people with generous gifts. The composition of the mummers is the same as in Kolyada.
Carolers approach a house or a crowd of people and sing: “Generous evening! Good evening!"
Then the carolers begin to “torment the carol”, that is, to beg the owners for gifts, complaining that they “come from afar”, “the goat’s legs hurt” ...
The hosts are resting, laughing it off. Then the mummers start singing generous songs, some of which contain comic threats. It is considered a great shame not to give gifts to carolers. To such greedy hosts, the mummers send a "curse":
“Give them, Svarozha, on the back and in the face. Smash them, Father Perun! An empty bag for them, a holey pot!”
Having collected a bag of goodies, the carolers disperse to celebrate the New Year in the family circle.
The last and most magical 12th night of the great Yule is coming (our New Year's Eve).
Tourists 6 January
Turitsy are dedicated to the tur, one of the most ancient animals revered among the Slavs, possessing magical powers. The tour embodies the union of Veles and Perun for the glory and prosperity of the Slavic clan.
The son of Veles and Makoshi, Tur, like the Greek Pan, patronizes shepherds, guslars and buffoons, valiant prowess, games, dances and fun, as well as groves and forest animals. In the North, Tur appears as a proud deer, and in the taiga forests as a elk.
On this day, they guess for the whole next year, as the holiday closes the winter Christmas time. The 12th day of Christmas time corresponds to the 12th month of the year. Fortune-telling takes place in the evening, with the onset of darkness. Snow is collected to bleach the canvas. The snow collected this evening, thrown into the well, can save water for the whole year.
The Slavs saw in the holiday of the Tour the oldest rite of youthful initiation into men, when, incarnating as a wolf, the young man had to show hunting abilities and military courage and fill up his first tour.
The ancient Slavs took an example from these formidable animals, who did not know fear and did not spare themselves to protect the herd. They tried to teach the younger generation to attack and defend, to show resourcefulness and stamina, endurance, courage, the ability to unite to repulse enemies, protect the weak and find a weak spot in the enemy.
For many years, tours, wild bulls, served people as a symbol of honor and courage. Cups and horns were made from turi horns, which were invitingly trumpeted in military campaigns, and even bows were made from especially large horns.
Turitsy is also a shepherd's holiday, at this time the community invites a shepherd for the next season, agrees with him about work, trusting him with a precious flock for a long time. The shepherd, the servant of the Veles, puts intoxicating drinks on the common table, and the community - food, and celebrate their collusion with a holiday.
From this moment on, the shepherd takes care of the herd, and the tour helps him in this matter, protecting young heifers and cows preparing for calving in February from various misfortunes and diseases.
Babi porridge January 8
On the day of Babi porridge, it is customary to honor midwives. They brought gifts and treats, vodka, pancakes. They came with children so that the grandmothers would bless them. It was especially recommended that expectant mothers and young girls go to grandmothers on this day.
Later, the Orthodox Church began to celebrate the feast of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos on this day.
A midwife is a distant relative in the village. Not a single homeland could do without a midwife. The grandmother helped the woman in labor. And she was, as they used to say, with hands. Knowing the customs of antiquity, the grandmother knew her business. In the throes of a woman in labor, she flooded the bathhouse, pulled out the woman in labor in the sun. Babkanie - wilting - was made good by a kind word, good herbs, good prayers. Smoking a woman in labor, that is, setting fire to a birch torch and setting fire to wormwood with immortelle grass, the grandmother cared about easy homelands.
Not so far back in time, mother used to gather the children in the evening and teach them to praise Christmas, sprinkle it with grain - for a long life, for happiness, for well-being. It was as easy as shelling pears to give out a piece of cake at the festive hour, to pamper the children with cranberries on honey. But mother knew: “Not every house has a loaf baked, and even so that the whole family has plenty.”
And so the children had to earn a treat, to taste the whole world of children equally and satiety and sweets. “Give a cow, a butter head, a liver on the hearth, a golden cow!” And in the children's box from every house they carried out both big women and brides ceremonial cookies, which in their appearance are akin to cattle. And the kids urged: “You, hostess, give it! You, sweetheart, come on! Give it - don't break it! Break off a little - there will be Yermoshka. If you break off the crust, there will be Andryushka. And give the middle - to be a wedding!
And so the childish box was heavy. And the praisers ran in a crowd to someone's heated bathhouse, shared a treat among themselves. It was a joyful time of games, fun. Children got to know each other and were childishly happy, remembering this wonderful winter time.
They also watched the signs: if this day is clear, then there will be a good harvest of millet. Porridge in the oven will brown - to the snow. If titmouse squeak in the morning, frost can be expected by night. But the continuous cry of crows and jackdaws promises snowfalls and blizzards.
January 12 Abduction Day
On that day, they remember how, in the era of Kupala, Veles kidnapped Diva-Dodola, the wife of Perun. During the wedding of Perun and Diva, Veles was rejected by Diva and overthrown from heaven. However, later he, the god of love passion, managed to seduce the goddess of thunder, the daughter of Dyya. From their connection, the spring god Yarilo was born.
Also on the Day of Abductions, they remember how, in the era of Lada, Koschey stole from Dazhbog (the God of summer and happiness) his wife Marena. From the connection between Koshchei and Marena, the Snow Queen was later born, as well as many demonesses.
Dazhbog went in search of his wife. He will look for her all winter, and therefore the frosts will become stronger and stronger, and blizzards will sweep everything around.
On this day of Sunday, the sacred stone Alatyr was revered (or two stones of God and God: the stones of Veles and Yasun - Buri Yagi).
Intra January 18
Intra (Zmiulan, Indrik the Beast, Vyndrik) is the son of Zemun from Dyya (Night Sky), the brother of the "Lizard" and his opponent, the patron saint of snakes. Intra is the god of springs, wells, snakes and clouds. The connection with the water elements indicates its Navi nature (Navi in ​​East Slavic mythology is the spirit of death, as well as a dead man).
At night, the sorcerers spoke the pipes of the houses through which Nav entered the houses. Intra is an inhabitant of the dungeon, and in the legends of the Slavs it is said like this: “As the Sun is in the sky, so is Indra in Navi”
In the Indian Vedas, Intra is a demon, and the serpent king. The latter is indicated by the fact that Inderia is inhabited by snakes, and Indra himself is the husband of the Paraskeva Snake. According to our Vedas, Zmiulan is the winner of the goat-Pan (son of Viy), in fact - his cousin(since Dyy and Viy are brothers).
In the deeds of Intra there is both valor and meanness, and fair victories, and cruelty. Despite the fact that he is the husband of a snake demon, he fights on the same side with Perun. Most of all, he is close to people from the "Military Triglav" (Perun-Intra-Volkh). If Perun is pure “military truth”, Volkh is sorcery, cruelty and dark anger, then Intra is Light and Darkness, the struggle of opposites.
Intra, riding a unicorn, is the patron saint of warriors, a symbol that personifies military prowess and courage.
Prosinets January 21
Prosinets is the name of January, it is celebrated with blessing of water. Praise today the Heavenly Svarga - the Host of all Gods. "Shine" means the resurrection of the Sun.
Prosinets falls in the middle of Winter - it is believed that the Cold begins to subside, and the solar heat returns to the lands of the Slavs at the behest of the gods.
On this day, Vedic temples remember how in ancient times Kryshen gave fire to people who died from the cold during the Great Glaciation. Then he spilled the magical Surya from the heavenly Svarga onto the Earth.
Surya, poured out on the earth, on this day makes all the waters healing, so believers bathe in the consecrated waters.
In the annual circle of Perun's festivities, this day also corresponds to the victory of Perun over the Skipper-beast and the bathing of his sisters Zhiva, Marena and Lelya in the milky river.
On this day, the Slavs bathed in cold river water and gave grandiose feasts, in which milk and dairy products must certainly have been present.
Day of Father Frost and Snow Maiden January 30
These days, they usually tell stories about Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. About how the Snow Maiden, at the whim of the goddess of love Lely, fell in love with a man and therefore, with the advent of Spring, she did not fly to the North. But as soon as "a bright ray of the sun cuts through the morning fog and falls on the Snow Maiden", she melts.
On this day, the Slavs revered the enemy of Perun - Frost - the hypostasis of Veles. We can say that Frost is the winter hypostasis of Veles, just like Yar (the son of Veles and Diva) is spring.
Frost was married to the Snow Queen, the daughter of Mary and Koshchei. Frost and the Snow Queen had a beautiful daughter - the Snow Maiden.
The Day of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden was a symbolic end to the period of severe winter cold.
Gromnitsa February 2
Gromnitsa - according to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the only day in winter when a thunderstorm can happen - you can hear thunder and see lightning. Therefore, the Serbs call this holiday "Light".
The day is dedicated to Perun's wife Dodola-Malanitsa (Lightning) - the goddess of lightning and feeding children.
Thunderstorm in the dead of winter reminds us that even in the midst of the most terrible disasters there can be a ray of light - like a bright lightning in the middle of a severe winter. There is always hope. The Slavs honored Malanyitsa because she gives them hope for an early spring.
“Oh Dodola-Dodolyushka, Perunitsa bright! Your husband is on a campaign, Rule is at war;
The diva is in the woods, the roof is in the sky. Come down to the Slavs with zealous Lightning!
We have plenty of bread - Come down to us from heaven! We have plenty of salt - Do not deprive us of a share!
Descend loudly, Descend happily, Descend beautifully - To honest people marvelously!
Dodola is glorious, Given hope!
The weather on Gromniu predicted the weather. What is the weather on this day - such is the whole of February. A clear, sunny day brought early spring.
On the Gromnitsa drops - believe in early spring, if a blizzard clears up - the weather will be blizzard for a long time, until the end of the month.
Velesichi (Kudesy) - Brownie Day February 10
Kudesy - the day of treating the brownie. Brownie - baker, joker, cricket protector. The name of the holiday - kudes (tambourines) - indicates that our ancestors communicated with the brownie or simply had fun, delighting the ear with music:
Grandpa Neighbor!
Eat porridge, but keep our hut!
If the grandfather-neighbor to Kudes is left without gifts, then from a good keeper of the hearth, he will turn into a rather fierce spirit. After dinner, a pot of porridge is left behind the stove, lined with hot coals, so that the porridge does not cool down until midnight, when the brownie comes to have dinner.
On this day, both Veles himself and his army are revered. It tells about the origin of Veles, the heavenly warriors of Veles. Usually Velesichs are revered by the children of Veles, the Svarozhichs, who obeyed Veles, the head of the heavenly armies.
But among them there are those who descended from heaven to Earth and settled among people: these are ancient heroes: Volotomaniacs, asilks, spirits of ancestors, as well as spirits of forests, fields, waters and mountains. Those of them who got into the forest became goblin, some into the water - water, some in the field - field, and some into the house - brownies.
Brownie is a good spirit. Usually he is a zealous host, helping friendly family. Sometimes he is mischievous, naughty, if he doesn’t like something. He frightens those who do not take care of the household and livestock. On this day, the brownie is fed porridge, leaving it on the stump. They feed and say:
Master-father, take our porridge!
And eat pies - take care of our house!
Veles day February 11
Veles (Volos) - the patron of livestock ("cattle God") and shepherds, was revered by the Slavs as a beloved God, on whom the well-being of every family and the entire Slavic clan depends.
Veles day - the middle of winter. All nature is still in an icy sleep. And only the lonely Veles Korovin, playing his magic pipe, walks and wanders around the cities and villages, not letting people get sad. Marena-winter is angry with Veles, letting a severe frost on him, and “cow death” on the cattle, but he can’t overcome him in any way.
On this day, the villagers sprinkle livestock with water, saying:
“Veles, cattle god! Give happiness to smooth heifers On fat bulls
So that they would go from the yard - they would play And they would go from the field - they would gallop"
Young women on this day drink strong honey so that "the cows are affectionate", and then beat their husbands with the bottom (a board for spinning flax) so that "the oxen are obedient". On this day cow's butter is brought in the requirement.
After conception, women perform a plowing ritual to drive away the “cow death”. For this, a hanger is selected, which announces to all houses: “It's time to calm the cow's dashing!” Women wash their hands with water and wipe them with a towel worn by a hanger. Then the hanger orders the male sex "not to leave the hut for the sake of a great misfortune."
Hanger with a cry - "Ay! Ai! - hits the frying pan and leaves the village. Behind her are women with tongs, brooms, sickles and clubs. The hangman, throwing off his shirt, utters with fury an oath on "cow death". The hanger is put on a collar, a plow is brought up and harnessed. Then, with the torches lit three times, the village (temple) is plowed with a “cross-water” furrow. The women follow the hanger on broomsticks wearing nothing but shirts with loose hair.
At the end of the procession, a ritual battle between Veles and Marena took place. To the encouraging cry of the audience: “Veles, knock off the horn from the winter!”, Mummers, dressed by Veles (Turya mask, skin, spear), knocks the “horn off Marena”. Then a feast begins, at which it was forbidden to eat beef, accompanied by merrymaking.
Candlemas February 15
On the Meeting of the winter with the spring met. The Candlemas serves as the border between winter and spring, which is why the very name of the Candlemas holiday in the common people is explained by the meeting of winter with spring: on the Candlemas, winter met spring; in the Presentation of the sun for the summer, winter turned to frost.
In agricultural life, according to the state of the weather on the feast of the Candlemas, the villagers judge the coming spring and summer, especially the weather, the harvest.
Spring was judged as follows:
What is the weather on the Meeting, so will spring.
If a thaw sets in at the Meeting, an early warm spring, if the cold is wrapped up, a cold spring; snow that fell that day - to a long and rainy spring. If on the Meeting of the Sretenye it carries snow across the road, the spring is late and cold. It was on this day that they used to say: b> The sun for the summer - the winter for frost. And also: there will be snow - yeast in the spring.
On behalf of the Feast of the Presentation in our common people, the last winter frosts and the first spring thaws are called Sretensky.
On the Candlemas, they feed (feed) breeding birds: chickens are given oats so that they rush better and the eggs are larger and tastier. From that day on, it was possible to drive the cattle from the barn to the paddock - for warming up and warming up, they also began to prepare the seeds for sowing, clean them, earn extra money, and check for germination. Whitewashed fruit trees.
The peasants usually on this day made a calculation of the stocks of bread, hay, straw and other feed: did they fit in half, and if not, they made adjustments to the feeders, and they themselves tightened their belts. On this day, festivities used to be held in the villages.
On the day of the Meeting, our ancient ancestors worshiped the Sun: the priests of the Sun performed the rites of meeting and greeting the luminary, calling for warmth. And when the Sun was at its zenith, they burned a doll made of straw - the so-called Yerzovka. This doll personified the Spirit of Fire and the god of Love. She was decorated with gifts and offerings - flowers, beautiful ribbons, festive clothes, and people turned to her with requests for well-being and prosperity. It was believed that with its burning, Erzovka destroys the cold, brings a warm summer and a good harvest. In the meantime, the doll was carried on a pole, lovers turned to her for help in love and with requests for happiness in the house.
On the Candlemas they baked pancakes, round, golden - they symbolized the Sun. This called for his return. Peasant women baked bagels and fed livestock with these bagels to protect animals from diseases. On this day bonfires were lit, people had fun with ritual dances.
It is impossible to be bored at the Meeting - the god of Love does not accept sadness, but replies with joy to a joyful meeting.
Pochinki February 16
Following the proverb “Prepare the sleigh in summer and the cart in winter”, the owners immediately after the Candlemas, early in the morning, began to repair agricultural equipment, calling this February day “Repairs”.
When arranging Pochinki, the peasants remembered: the sooner you start farming, the more you will please the spring. It is not proper for a real owner to delay repairs until the real warm days. Opening the sheds, the peasants pondered: what kind of work should we take up in advance?
They worked together, with the whole family, finding a feasible job for both the young and the old: “In Pochinki, Grandfather gets up a little before light - he repairs the summer harness and the centenary plow.” The repaired harness was hung out in a conspicuous place not without pride - they say, we are ready for plowing and sowing. And the housewives did not sit idle at that time: they cooked, washed, sorted out things in the chests.
There is an erroneous opinion, and it is mentioned specifically in Pochinki, that the Brownie disturbs the horses at night and can drive them to death. The brownie is an assistant to a good owner, and not an enemy in any way, otherwise why would the Brownie be transferred from the old house to the new house in a scoop with coal from the old stove. Brownie - a talisman for the house and not an evil spirit!
Troyan Winter February 18
Winter Troyan is an important date for the ancient Slavs. On that day, the invincible Roman soldiers were defeated and expelled from the Slavic lands. Our ancestors considered this day the day of Military Glory, when many Slavic soldiers fell from Roman soldiers in the Danube region, near Troyanov Val (the etymology of the name has not yet been clarified). Most likely, Troyan Val was a defensive embankment, but perhaps a small outpost was erected on this site.
Those warriors fought without laying down their weapons and without showing their backs. This holiday is also known under the names "Stribog's grandchildren", "commemoration of the fallen at Troyanov Val".
Unfortunately, today much has not been clarified from the history of the heroic deed at Troyanov Val, including the exact date (about 101 AD) and other details. This episode in history Ancient Rus' praised in the Tale of Igor's Campaign.
The ancient Slavic warriors thought about their descendants and the Greatness of the Russian Lands - they were not afraid of death, but entered the battle, not even allowing thoughts of betrayal, retreat or surrender to enemies.
So shall we worthy of life our ancestors - since ancient times, it was customary for the Slavs to do something heroic, dangerous, useful for the Motherland or family and commemorate brave warriors at the table on this day.
Madder Day March 1
The last holiday of the evil Navi Gods before the coming of Spring.
Day of Mara Marena - the Great Goddess of Winter, Night and Death. Mara-Marena is a powerful and formidable Deity, the Goddess of Winter and Death, the wife of Koshchei, the sister of Zhiva and Lelya.
In the people, she was called Kikimora one-eyed. A proverb, remembered on this day, has been preserved: “Yarilo lifted winter (Marena!) On a pitchfork.”
On this day, they remember and honor the goddess who will lead the people to the Kalinov Bridge. Marena's possessions, according to ancient Tales, lie beyond the Black Currant River, which separates Yav and Nav, across which the Kalinov Bridge is thrown, guarded by the Three-Headed Serpent.