Occupation in the environment in the middle group. Synopsis of an open lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group of kindergarten. Distribution of material for the academic year

Purpose: To form ideas about insects.



Formation of ideas about the appearance and lifestyle of insects.

Refinement and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic.

Improve the grammatical structure of speech (coordination of nouns with adjectives in gender and number, learn to complete words with the appropriate endings in phrases), to learn to find sentences - fables.

Strengthen the ability to answer questions on the content of the work.


Development of coherent speech, auditory attention, fine and general motor skills, education of the correct air stream.


Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Education of respect for nature.


Demonstration material: a module with butterflies, subject pictures on the topic, small toys representing insects.

Handout: pieces of plasticine, coloring sheet, colored pencils.

Preliminary work: Examining insects in the territory kindergarten, acquaintance with literary works: G. H. Andersen "Thumbelina" , A. Bianchi "How the ant hurried home" , "Spider - Pilot" , G. Glushnev "Grasshopper and Grasshoppers" , S. Mikhalkov "Academy of Sciences" , G. Skrebitsky "Lucky Bug" , V. Zotov from the book "Forest Mosaic" ("Ladybug" , "Grasshopper" , "Chafer" ) , K. Ushinsky "Bees on exploration" , K. Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha" ;

listening to an audio recording by N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Flight of the Bumblebee" , A. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" ; watching cartoons "Luntik" , "Maya the bee" , "Winnie the Pooh" , "Under the Mushroom" .

Productive artistic activity (drawing, application, modeling using natural material insects) in evening time.

Move directly educational activities.

1. Organizing time. Creating an emotionally positive background

The teacher invites the children
Stand up, stand up children in a circle
You are my friend and I am your friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And we smile at each other.

The teacher offers to stand in a circle around the rotating module, on which paper butterflies are fixed.

Teacher: Spring is in full swing. Cherry blossoms. The insects woke up. Today we will talk about insects, find out what you know about their appearance and lifestyle. Look what beautiful butterflies flew to us. Blow on them to make them spin in the air. How will you blow?

Children. You need to take in air through your nose and blow on a butterfly, without puffing out your cheeks, stretching your lips with a tube.

Educator: Right. Do the exercise.

2. Guessing riddles and looking at subject pictures with images of insects.

All the inhabitants of this clearing were bewitched by an evil sorceress and they are now in danger. To save them, you need to solve riddles.

On the chamomile at the gate
The plane landed.
golden eyes,
Who is this? (Dragonfly.)

Here's a little baby
On the shoulders - a straw.
You can't see him with glasses
And he is stronger than an elephant. (Ant.)

winged fashionista,
striped dress,
Growth, though crumbs,
Bite - it will be bad. (Wasp).

Who waves their hands at them -
The nose and forehead are smeared with green.
And who does not stick to them -
Eat with honey and drink with honey. (Bees.)

I grow like a worm
I eat leaves
Then I fall asleep
I wrap myself.

I don't eat, I don't look
I lie still.
I come alive in the spring
I leave my house

I flutter in the meadow. (Butterfly)
I am a spotted insect
If I get my hands on
I pretend to be sick hard,

I will faint. (Ladybug)
Jumped in the grass all day
I lost my violin somewhere.
And now sad by the river

Our green... (grasshopper)
I caught him on a flower
Clamped as it should in the hand.
He buzzes: "I'll ask without hands,
I - well - well - not well - iron, I - well - well - ...


The teacher places object pictures depicting insects on a magnetic board.

A striped bee flew to us yesterday, (1)
And behind her a bumblebee-bumblebee and a cheerful moth, (2, 3)
Two beetles and a dragonfly as eye lanterns. (4, 5)
Ants came and brought a blade of grass, (6)

And the spider looked at everyone, weaved nets and sang songs. (7)
How many insects are mentioned in the poem?

Children: About a bee, a bumblebee, a moth, beetles, a dragonfly, ants, a spider. 7 insects.

Educator: They also talk about a spider. But you must remember that the spider is not an insect, although it looks like insects. Many insects are considered beneficial. Bees and bumblebees pollinate the flowers of fruit trees, so there are many apples and pears in our gardens. Ants destroy harmful insects. But most of the butterflies are harmful because they lay eggs, from which caterpillars hatch. These caterpillars eat the leaves of plants and harm them. But you must remember that insects should not be destroyed. No need to catch butterflies and dragonflies, beetles and ants. Insects are small and defenseless. (The teacher shows an image of two insects, a butterfly and an ant). Pay attention to these two pictures. Who is pictured here? What is special about you? Let's try to make a comparative story. First, you will tell what insects are called. Compare how they look, list the body parts of the insect, what benefits or harms they bring.

1st R. This is a butterfly and an ant. The butterfly is very beautiful, yellow, and the ant is small brown.

2nd R. A butterfly has six legs and antennae; an ant also has six legs and antennae.

3rd R. Butterfly lays eggs, caterpillars hatch from them, which harm plants. And ants destroy harmful insects, they are beneficial.

Educator: Well done! You made up a good story and compared two insects.

I offer you a warm-up for fingers. (children are divided into 3 groups)

(Children choose a coloring sheet with an insect and any task from the 3 proposed 1. color. 2. roll balls for a ladybug from plasticine and attach, 3. roll up flagella-paws for a spider and put them on a template.)


In the morning the butterfly woke up
Stretched, smiled
Once - she washed herself with dew,
Two - gracefully circled.

Three - bent down and sat down,
At four, she flew away.

3. Game "Find an insect"

Educator: Here we are again in the clearing.

How can we determine that there is a living world around us?, (audio recording of forest noise plays) you can hear the birds singing, the rustling of the leaves of the trees.

Children: you can hear and see birds.

Educator: How can you detect insects?

Children: In the forest, you need to carefully look under your feet and walk carefully.

Educator: I suggest that you be researchers and find insects in the clearing .. Call whoever finds who immediately. (small insect toys are laid out on the rug)

The little villagers are grateful to you for saving them and want to play hide and seek with you. They love to hide. Here are our insects, you close your eyes, and I remove one of them. And you have to tell me who I hid?

Educator: After all, each insect has its own unusual color. Why grasshopper Green colour? (answer)

Educator: Do beetles have brown or black backs? (answer)

Teacher: Who are they hiding from? (answer)

Educator: Guys, look at the ladybug. She is so bright! It is clearly visible in the grass and on the bark of a tree. Any bird will notice it. Where can she hide? It turns out that the ladybug does not have to hide, because she has a secret: she herself knows how to defend herself from enemies. In a moment of danger, she secretes milk, which smells very bad, so no one eats a ladybug. And since she, like a real cow, gives milk, then she was named "ladybug" . It is bright red for everyone to see: it is dangerous to eat it!

Guys, why not touch, offend ladybugs and other insects? (answer)

Educator:. Yes, insects are alive. They cannot be offended. But you can admire them and watch how they fly, run, jump, play, listen to how they buzz. Guys, who will tell me what kind of inhabitants of this small clearing live here? (list)

Educator: And how can they be called in one word? (insects) But you know that if insects disappear from our planet, then plants, animals, birds will disappear. They cannot exist without each other. Insects are part of nature. Therefore, you can not kill insects, but only protect, love and protect them.

4. Presentation: "Insects"

5. The game "Call it affectionately." (Negotiating a word with the appropriate endings in phrases, reinforcing the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives in gender and number). L. I will pronounce phrases, and you will finish them. Only one condition, we call insects affectionately.

Yellow butterflies:, black ant:, red ladybug:, green grasshoppers:, blue beetle:, white butterfly ... Well done!

6. Didactic game "Correct the mistake" (Development of auditory attention, learning to find sentences-fables.)

Educator: Shows a picture with an insect.

Educator: Grandma flies near the flower?

Reb. No. It's a butterfly

Educator:. The saw flies and buzzes.

Reb. This is a bee.

Educator: The bow is creeping along the branch.

Reb. This is a beetle.

Educator: Mura sat on the cheese.

Reb. No. It's a fly that landed on cheese.

7. The result of the activity. (assessment of children's work).

Educator: Offers to remember who they talked about in class, what games and exercises they liked.

Teacher: You did a very good job. Well done! Clap yourself.

Abstract of the lesson on the world around

V middle group

Subject: "Pets"


    to form the concept of pets;

    develop a mental operation - generalization;

    Raise an interest in observing the life of pets.

Lesson progress:

Psychological setting for the lesson.

Let's enjoy the sun and the birds, (children raise their hands up)

And also rejoice at smiling faces (Smile at each other)

And to everyone who lives on this planet (shrugs)

« Good morning!" let's say we are together (join hands)

Our eyes are watching.

Our ears are listening carefully.

Our feet do not interfere with us.

Our hands help us.

Guys, this morning the postman brought us a letter. Let's find out who wrote it to us.

This is a letter from the grandparents from the village. This is what they write: “Hello, dear girls and boys. We had a misfortune - all the animals fled from our yard. Please help me find them." We'll help you find it. And to find, you need to solve riddles.

I serve the master

The master's house to the watchman,

I growl and bark loudly

And I drive out strangers.


- The very first animal that man made his friend was the dog. This happened during the joint hunting of ancient people and wild dogs. Dogs helped the man to find and drive the animals into deep pits, and the man shared with them part of the prey.

Guys, the dog has its own house, what is it called? (Booth).

Right. What are the benefits of a dog?

Children: The dog guards the house.

There are dogs of different breeds: hunting, rescue, guide dogs, shepherds, sled dogs, watchdogs.

For thousands of years, the dog lives with people. She guards cattle, warehouses, houses, helps hunters track down the beast, guards the border, leads the blind through the streets, saves people in the mountains and on the water.

Cargo carries, hay chews,

waving its tail,

mane shakes.

I-go-go, I-go-go,

I will go far.


Where does the horse live?

Children: In the stable.

Right. What do you think is the benefit of the horse?

Children: Helps people in the household - carries a cart, people.

In the old days, peasants harnessed the horse to the plow and plowed the field. Horses carried both hay from the meadows and firewood from the forest. And now horses are indispensable in the village.

She says "moo-moo!"

At night he sleeps in his barn,

Goes to pasture during the day.

Gives milk to all of us. (Cow)

Where does the cow live?

Children: In the barn.

What benefits does a cow bring to people?

Children: Gives milk, and sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir are already being made from milk.

Guys, what do cows eat? (grass)

Cows have an excellent sense of smell: by smell, they perfectly distinguish between edible herbs and inedible ones.

Cows are herbivores. In summer they graze in the meadow.

What do they eat in winter? (hay)

From milk, people have learned to cook many healthy, tasty, nutritious foods. Which? (sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese and others.

And sour cream, and kefir,

Cream, ryazhenka and cheese,

Cottage cheese, butter, curdled milk,

Milk for delicious porridge

Our Burenka gives us!

Horns, beard,

The wool is long.

Who else gives us milk? (goat)

Where does the goat live?

Children: In the sheepfold.

What are the benefits of goats for humans?

Very healthy and tasty goat milk. Cheese, cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream are prepared from it.

Goats of the Angora, Orenburg breeds are valued by people for their wonderful wool and warm fluff. Knitted from goat hair beautiful scarves, sweaters, hats, scarves and mittens.

That's right guys. Warm socks, scarves, gloves are knitted from goat wool and it gives very tasty milk.

I am small, white,

timid, timid,

I give wool to my mistress

For scarves and sweatshirts. (sheep)

In ancient times, sheep's wool was valued more than gold, it was called the golden fleece.

I have a piglet

Instead of a ponytail, a hook

I like to lie in a puddle

And grunt: “Oink! Oink!”


Children - Pig.

Right. Pigs give us meat, delicious sausages, sausages, sausages.

Where does the pig live?

Children - The pig lives in a pigsty.

What does a pig eat? (grain, vegetables)

Pigs are unpretentious in food. They are omnivores.

In winter and summer, pigs are kept in a barn, fed with grain and vegetables. Pigs' favorite treat is acorns.

Though velvet paws,

But they call me "scratch"

I'm good at catching mice

I drink milk from a saucer.


A cat is a flexible, graceful and very clean animal. She loves her owners, her home, she likes to soak up the warmth and comfort, take a nap in the sun or in an easy chair.

Guys, do you want to turn into cats yourself? Then… turn around one, two, three around you and turn into cats. Listen and look at me.

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Here the window is open. (hands to the side)

The cat came out on the ledge. (imitation of the soft, graceful gait of a cat)

The cat looked up, (throw back your head, look up)

The cat looked down. (lower head, look down)

Here I turned to the left, (turn your head to the left)

She looked at the flies. (turn your head to the right, look at the fly)

Stretched, smiled (corresponding movements and facial expressions)

And sat down on the ledge. (sit down)

What obedient kitties! But it's time to turn into guys: one, two, three, turn around yourself and turn back into guys.

Well done guys, all the animals were returned back to the yard. Grandma and grandpa are happy with your work. Let's remember which animals we helped to return?

(Pig, goat, sheep, cow, horse, dog, cat)

And how can all these animals be called in one word? (Homemade.)

What do all these animals have in common? (all are covered with hair, all have 4 legs or paws, all have a muzzle, tail)

The game "Whose baby?"

Let's play interesting game"Whose baby?" Stand in a circle, I will alternately throw the ball to you and name the adult animals, and you will throw it back to me and call their cubs.

(Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is a teacher who alternately throws the ball to the children, naming adult animals. Children call the baby animals.)

The cow has a calf

The dog has a puppy

The cat has a kitten

The horse has a foal

The goat has a kid,

The pig has a piglet.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Goat - pig - wolf - cow.
Rabbit - hare - horse - goat.

Guys, what do you think, is it necessary to take care of pets?

"Feed the Animals"

Perhaps our animals are already hungry. We have to feed them.

On the board are subject pictures with food for animals.

Children choose an animal treat for their family.

I'll give the cows hay. I will feed the pigs vegetables


Gaginsky kindergarten №1

Abstract of the lesson on the world around

in the middle group

on the topic
"Introduction to the world of professions"

educator of the Gaginsky Kindergarten No. 1

Shigina G.P.

With. Gagino - 2016

Program content : introduce children to various types professions

Target: expand cognitive interest in professions; respect and value each of the professions; to form respect for the work of adults of different professions.

Materials used: pictures with images of professions, riddles with a presentation, poems.

Lesson progress

Org. moment

Guys, today we will talk about the world of professions and find out what professions are.

A profession is a work to which a person devotes his whole life. It should bring joy to both the person and the people around.

Guys, do you know who your moms and dads work for? (children's answers)

Children, what other professions do you know? (children's answers)

Look at the board (pictures with images of a driver, driver, cook, doctor, teacher, educator, builder, salesman, firefighter, pilot, hairdresser, policeman are posted on the board), consider the professions that you see here.

What professions are there? And what does each of them do?

Riddle Guessing (ICT)

Now, let's solve the riddles:

1. "Alarm number" 01 "",

You won't be left alone.

The sirens are blaring

Start for fire shift:

They need to hurry

Extinguish a dangerous fire (firefighters).

2. He is in our kitchen in the morning

Cooks soup, compote and porridge (cook).

3. If your ear hurts,

If your throat is dry.

Don't worry and don't cry

After all, ... (doctor) will help you.

4. The master does the hair

Hairdryer, brush and comb,

Magnificent curls will curl,

Whip the bangs with a brush,

Everything in his hands is on fire

He will change appearance(hairdresser).

5. He has mountains of goods -

Cucumbers and tomatoes.

Zucchini, cabbage, honey

He sells everything to people (seller).

6. Rakes snow with a shovel,

Sweeps the yard with a broom.

Did you guys guess

Who keeps cleanliness (janitor).

7. We work as a team,

We are carrying sand, concrete.

We need to work together

To build new house(builders).

Well done boys.


Children, stand in a circle. Your task: if I speak correctly - clap your hands, if not correctly - stomp.

The doctor treats children.

The janitor is sweeping the yard.

The chef is taking pictures.

The hairdresser is cooking.

The laundress washes.

The driver draws.

A teacher teaches children.

The artist is watering the flowers.

And now, everyone sit down, we will play with you.

The game "Who needs what for work"

I show you a picture in which a person of a certain profession is drawn, and you find objects related to this profession from everything that lies on the table.

The game "Who will collect the picture faster"

(children are invited to collect pictures with professions for speed)

Summary of the lesson

So, guys, today you are all great. We learned a lot about different professions of people. All professions are needed, all professions are important.

And who would you like to become? (children's answers)

And in conclusion, I would like to read a poem by Gianni Rodari "What do crafts smell like"

Every business
Special smell:
The bakery smells
Test and muffin.

Past the carpentry
You go to the workshop -
Smells like shavings
And a fresh board.

The house painter smells
Turpentine and paint.
Smells like a glazier
Window putty.

Driver's jacket
Smells like gasoline.
Worker's blouse -
Machine oil.

Smells like a confectioner
Doctor in a coat
Pleasant medicine.

loose earth,
Field and meadow
Smells like a peasant
Following the plow.

Fish and sea
Smells like a fisherman.
Only idleness
Doesn't smell at all.

No matter how much you choke
rich slacker,
Very unimportant
It smells guys!

Thank you for your activity!

Zanda Naranova
Abstract of the lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group "Kindergarten Magicians"

Tasks: - expand and clarify children's ideas about employees kindergarten; labor processes performed by each of them;

Raise respect for the work of adults;

Develop logical thinking, promote the development of imagination; - to reveal the emotional response of children to the importance of any profession.

Materials and equipment: pictures of a janitor, a cook, a nanny, a laundress, a musician and other professions in kindergarten, subject pictures depicting items needed by people of these professions, a ball.

preliminary work: tours of the premises kindergarten, show workers jobs kindergarten; reading poems about kindergarten; viewing pictures; observation of the work of adults.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Reading a poem.

There is a garden somewhere in the world,

I am glad to go to this garden.

Here in summer and winter

All my friends are with me.

It's not cherries that grow here -

Anya and Mishenka,

And no branches make noise -

Ira, Dasha, Lenochka.

Our favorite gardener

Calls everyone by name.

Questions for children:

What garden is the poem talking about? (Pro kindergarten where children go).

What is kindergarten? What is it for? (children come here, play here, study, dance, sing)

What is the name of our kindergarten? A the group you belong to? (children's answers).

Do you know that in our children's kind people work in the garden wizards, they do everything so that the children in kindergarten was fun, cozy so that parents do not worry about them.

2. Conversation about employees kindergarten.

caregiver: Here in our the group has a little sorceress Marina Anatolyevna my assistant. What is her job? (removes in group, dusts, washes dishes, brings us food).

And who greets you every morning in kindergarten? (Educators). Who are they and what do they do? (Children talk about teachers).

Right. The teacher must know and be able to do a lot, so that every day is interesting for you, so that you learn something new, so that you always have good mood so that you grow up cheerful, smart, kind children.

But that's not all wizards of our kindergarten. I will tell you riddles about them, and you guess.

1. Walk in a white cap

With a ladle in hand

He cooks for dinner

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette (Cook)

2. She looks throats

Makes vaccinations

The temperature is measured

Gives us vitamins

To be strong and healthy

Let's go to school soon (nurse)

3. Who plays and sings

Fun to dance calls

She plays the accordion

Teaching music to children

(music director)

4. He will wake up at dawn,

The snow will clear in the yard,

All paths will be swept

And the sand will cover the ice (street cleaner)

5. Everything erases, look

Soap foams in the tub

And then sew for us

Curtains are simply top notch. (laundress)

(Children name the professions of workers, call them by their names and say what their work is)

caregiver: Well done guys, everyone wizards of our kindergarten you named. And now let's rest a little.

3. Physical Minute.

caregiver: And now we'll play a little.

4. An exercise is being conducted to develop logic.

Children look at the pictures on the flannelograph and determine what professions people need these items.

The last pictures on the flannelgraph are a hammer, a saw and a nail.

caregiver: Guys, who needs these items? Who in our garden uses these items (children's answers)

(There is a knock on the door and a worker in overalls enters, holding tools in his hands)

With the help of a teacher, he tells the children about his profession.

caregiver: Guys, how much magicians lives in our kindergarten. Thank you very much for this! Think, whose work is more important? (children's reasoning). All employees are needed. Their work is important. We must respect their work and help them. After all children's the garden is our second home, here we spend the whole day from morning to evening. May you be well, cheerful and happy here!

Related publications:

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group Topic: "Magic electricity" Program content: Educational tasks: - to generalize children's knowledge about electricity, - to expand their ideas about where they "live".

Synopsis of the GCD on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group Topic: “To the forest, to the rescue!” Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​​​the connections and interdependence of man, animals and the plant world. Learning objectives: Consolidate knowledge.

Synopsis of GCD on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group. The theme is "Acquaintance with the traditions of the native land." Synopsis of direct educational activities to get acquainted with the outside world in the middle group. Topic: “Acquaintance with traditions.

Summary of the GCD on familiarization with the outside world "The Magic World of Wood" in the middle group of kindergarten 1. Introduction. Tasks: 1. Expanding the horizons of children about the properties of a tree, forming ideas about working people who create beautiful ones.

Abstract open lesson in the middle group "Journey to the country of Health" Goals and objectives: 1. Consolidate children's knowledge about the impact on health.

Purpose: Educational: to consolidate the version of the name of the Black Sea; fix the name of the fish of the Black Sea; learn to distinguish mollusks in appearance.

Ulyana Tarasova
Abstract of the lesson in the middle group around the world "Pets"

Topic: "Pets"


Introduce children to such concepts as "pets" and their "cubs".

Develop attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills.

Develop listening and questioning skills

Teaching children to name correctly

Promote the formation of curiosity in children;

Necessary materials: a red magic bag with folded leaves - riddles about animals; pictures depicting domestic animals and their cubs; didactic game"Help find the cub"; animal stickers.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Please sit on the chairs around the table.

The children and teacher sit around the table.

Educator: Tell me please, do you like surprises?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Who doesn't love them, right?

And I guys, like you, love surprises. Then I suggest you close your eyes. When I count to 5, you can open them. Just don't peek.

Educator: One two three four five! Let's open our eyes together!

Children open their eyes and see a magic bag in the teacher's hands.

Educator: What's in my hands guys?

Children: It's a bag!

Educator: Right. But this is not a simple bag, but a magical one.

Guys, you already said you love surprises. Do you want a surprise?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's how! Great! Well, then I can make you happy. If you complete the tasks today, you will be in for a surprise. Willing to work hard?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Amazing. Then get ready to find out what we are all going to talk about today. A magic bag will help us with this, in which cunning leaves with riddles are hidden! My young friends, do you like to solve riddles?

Children: Certainly!

Educator: Fine. Ready to open our magic bag?

Then prepare your ears on top.

The teacher invites each child to pull out folded leaves with riddles. Then the teacher mysteriously opens the folded piece of paper and reads riddles to the children. The children guess them in unison.

Riddle 1.

Helps a person

Gives him milk.

Has horns, but doesn't gore.

He eats grass all day long.

Riddle 2.

Who in the steppe rushes so fast?

Hooves clang loudly,

Jumps cheerfully, playfully.

The tail curls, and the mane curls.

Mystery 3.

Likes to lie in a puddle.

Can grunt and squeal.

Also on the back

She has bristles.

Riddle 4

Instead of dress and shirt

She has curls all around.

Can you cut your curls

And then knit socks.

Mystery 5.

Gives a little milk

There are hooves and there are horns.

If you let into the garden

All cabbage will be gone.

Riddle 6.

Where-where, where-where!

Come on, come on, everybody here!

Come on, under the wing of your mother!

Where did it take you?

(chicken and chickens)

Educator: What good fellows you guys are! You are good at solving riddles.

The teacher shows a picture with pets and their cubs.

Educator: Look at the picture. Who do you see?

Children: Animals.

Educator: Right. Today we will talk about domestic animals and their cubs.

Educator: Let's name these animals in the picture. Where do they live? What do these animals give to man?

Children's answers.

Educator. Well done. You answered all questions correctly. And so, my young friends, these animals, which we named with you, are called "domestic". Man builds housing for them, feeds and cares for them. And animals benefit people: they give people milk, butter, cottage cheese, eggs, fluff and much more.

Physical education "Bull"


Let's turn into bulls.

The goby is swinging

Sighing on the go

Oh the board is over

Now I will fall!

Educator: So, do you guys remember the surprise I promised you?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Amazing. We have already done some good work. And it remains to overcome the last task

Is everyone ready to continue? Everyone wants to know what surprise awaits you?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Fine. So, look at the picture. What do you see?

Children: Animals and their babies.

Educator: Right. Listen to one story. One fine summer day, guys, mothers and cubs were walking. But during the walk, the cubs lagged behind their mother and got lost. And their moms can't find them. Sad story guys?

Children: Yes, sad story.

Educator: Agree with you. But we, my young friends, can change the sad end of the story to a happy one. Let's help the animals find their babies?

Children: Yes!

Children carefully examine the picture and, under the guidance of a teacher, complete the task “Connect the animal and its cub with arrows” and learn to correctly name animals and their cubs.

Children's answers:

Hen - chicken

Cow - calf

Pig - piglet

Horse - foal

Sheep - lamb

Goat - goat

Educator: Well done! You have done well in all tasks.

Educator: Let's repeat it again. Who are we talking about today guys? What are the benefits of these animals to humans?

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, you helped the animals find their cubs, and therefore the animals and their cubs, together with me, want to thank you for your help and for your diligence in completing the tasks!

The teacher gives each child stickers with the image of animals. The children are grateful for the gift.

Educator: Our lesson is over. Let's clap our hands and say "Well done!" to each other.

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Abstract of the lesson on the world around in the senior group "Pets in winter" Theme: Pets in winter. Purpose: To consolidate ideas about pets. Tasks: Educational -To enrich the vocabulary on the topic.