Games for tactile contact (tactile). Sensory games for children Interesting sensory games

A child’s sensory development is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc.
The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood difficult to overestimate. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the functioning of the senses and accumulating ideas about the world around us.

The child's readiness for schooling depends largely on his sensory development. Research conducted by child psychologists has shown that a significant part of the difficulties that children encounter during primary education (especially in 1st grade) are associated with insufficient accuracy and flexibility of perception.

There are five sensory systems through which a person experiences the world: vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste.

In the development of sensory abilities, an important role is played by the development of sensory standards - generally accepted examples of the properties of objects. For example, the 7 colors of the rainbow and their shades, geometric figures, metric system of measures, etc.

There are various games and exercises to develop sensory abilities. In this article we will sequentially look at games for the development of each of the five sensory systems.

Games for developing the sense of touch (tactile perception)

Touch includes tactile (superficial) sensitivity (sensation of touch, pressure, pain, heat, cold, etc.).

To develop your child's tactile perception, play with a variety of natural materials and objects that differ in surface structure. Give your baby different toys: plastic, rubber, wooden, soft, fluffy.

When bathing, you can use washcloths and sponges of different hardness. Lubricate the child's body with cream, do different kinds massage. Let your baby play with a brush, pompom from knitted hat, a ribbed ball from a pet store. Colored dish scourers are also of great interest! You can make an interesting tactile album yourself from scraps of fabric of different textures: burlap, wool, silk, fur. You can also add a sheet of polyethylene there, wrapping paper from flowers, mosquito nets, velvet, corrugated and sandpaper and much more.

Games with foils are interesting for children. You can first crumple it, making a ball out of it, then smooth it out again.

Play with pine cones, prickly chestnuts, ribbed walnuts and smooth acorns. It is also useful to play with various cereals: put your hands in the box and look for a hidden small toy. We can advise you to play with pebbles, dry and wet sand, clay, potions, plasticine, dough made from flour and salt.

Draw the child's attention to cold snow or juice from the refrigerator and hot tea, hot radiators, fire on the stove. When bathing, draw your baby's attention to the temperature of the water in the tap and bath; You can pour warm water into one basin, cool water into another and alternately lower the arms or legs.

Since the overall sensitivity of the skin is reduced, it is useful for the child to receive interesting sensations throughout the body. It is good to wrap it entirely in a woolen blanket; you can wrap the baby terry towel, put a fur coat directly over your panties and T-shirt, tie a knitted scarf around your back and stomach.

The sensations of gouache paint on the arms, stomach, and back will be very interesting for the child. It’s especially great if there is a mirror in the bathroom, so you can look at yourself from all sides.

The sensitivity of not only small hands, but also legs should be developed. Allow children to run barefoot on grass, sand, wet clay, river or sea pebbles as often as possible in the summer. At home you can walk on peas, beans, and roll rubber ribbed balls with your feet.

Self-massage and mutual massage of the arms, legs, and back are useful. massage brushes, terry mittens, wheel massager, foot massage roller, etc.

Additional educational games:

"Catch the Pussy"

The teacher touches soft toy(pussy) different parts the child's body, and the child with eyes closed determines where the pussy is. By analogy, you can use other objects to touch: a wet fish, a prickly hedgehog, etc.

"Wonderful bag"

Objects of different shapes, sizes, textures (toys, geometric shapes and bodies, plastic letters and numbers, etc.) are placed in an opaque bag. The child is asked to find the desired item by touch, without looking into the bag.

“Handkerchief for a doll” (identifying objects by the texture of the material, in this case determining the type of fabric)

Children are offered three dolls in different scarves (silk, wool, knitted). Children take turns examining and feeling all the handkerchiefs. Then the handkerchiefs are removed and placed in a bag. Children find the right handkerchief for each doll by touch in the bag.

"Guess by touch what this object is made of"

The child is asked to determine by touch what various objects are made of: a glass glass, a wooden block, an iron spatula, a plastic bottle, a fluffy toy, leather gloves, a rubber ball, a clay vase, etc.

By analogy, you can use objects and materials of different textures and determine what they are: viscous, sticky, rough, velvety, smooth, fluffy, etc.

"Find out the figure"

Geometric shapes identical to those in the bag are laid out on the table. The teacher shows any figure and asks the child to take the same one out of the bag.

"Recognize an object by its outline"

The child is blindfolded and given a figure cut out of cardboard (it can be a bunny, a Christmas tree, a pyramid, a house, a fish, a bird). They ask what this item is. They remove the figure, untie their eyes and ask them to draw it from memory, compare the drawing with the outline, and trace the figure.

"Guess what the object is"

Various voluminous toys or small objects (rattle, ball, cube, comb, toothbrush, etc.) are laid out on the table, which are covered on top with a thin but dense and opaque napkin. The child is asked to use a napkin to identify objects by touch and name them.

"Find a Pair"

Material: plates covered with velvet, sandpaper, foil, corduroy, flannel.
The child is asked, blindfolded, to find pairs of identical plates by touch.

"What is inside?"

The child is offered air balloons containing various fillers inside: water, sand, flour with water, peas, beans, various cereals: semolina, rice, buckwheat, etc. You can use a funnel to fill the balls. Balls with each filler must be paired. The child must find pairs with the same fillings by touch.

Additionally, you can place a small amount of each filler in plates. In this case, it will be necessary to correlate each pair with the corresponding filler, i.e. determine what is inside the balls.

"Guess the number" (letter)

On the baby's back reverse side Use a pencil (or finger) to write a number (letter). The child must determine what this symbol is.
Very useful also for preschoolers and students primary school(especially first grade) games with letters made of rough (velvet, sandpaper, etc.) paper: “Identify by touch”, “Find the right letter”, “Show the letter”. The child repeatedly runs his hand over the letter, feels it and names it. At the same time, not only the shape is remembered, but also the way of writing this letter, which is associated with its name. Children who wish to immediately write this letter should be given this opportunity.
Games of this type are recommended to be carried out with gradual complication: from teaching palpating actions under the guidance of an adult to the student independently completing the task, with his eyes closed. By analogy, it is possible to use different numbers.

"What is this?"

The child closes his eyes. He is asked to touch the object with five fingers, but not to move them. Based on the texture, you need to determine the material (you can use cotton wool, fur, fabric, paper, leather, wood, plastic, metal).

"Collect a matryoshka doll"

Two players approach the table. They close their eyes. In front of them are two disassembled nesting dolls. On command, both begin to collect their own nesting dolls - who is faster.


Children (2-5 people) sit at the table. They are blindfolded. In front of each is a pile of seeds (peas, sunflower seeds, etc.). In a limited time, you should sort the seeds into piles.

"Guess What's Inside"

Two people are playing. Each playing child has in his hands an opaque bag filled with small objects: checkers, pen caps, buttons, erasers, coins, nuts, etc. The teacher names the object, the players must quickly find it by touch and take it out with one hand, and hold the bag with the other. Who will do it faster?

Zahod For a full perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, sensory (sensory) development is of great importance. It is on this basis that memory, thinking and imagination, even readiness for school, will then develop.

You can say as much as you like - “sour”, “bitter”, “hot”, but until the child tries it himself, he will not know what it really is. And on the one hand, this is normal: such sensory experience must be passed through oneself, only then does it matter for the development of the individual.

On the other hand, such entertainment can be unsafe both for the child himself and for surrounding objects: give the baby free rein, he will “test” all the dishes for strength, and all the puddles for depth.

Therefore, channel your child’s energy and thirst for knowledge into a peaceful direction - play sensory games!

1. Arrange/sort by color/shape/size.

Arrange figures cut out of colored paper or cardboard by color, sort them by shape (circle, triangle, oval) or size - large to large, small to small.

Ask your child to show the same small blue square or large yellow circle as you have in your hands.

2. Find the same/find similar.

While walking or indoors, look for objects in the colors you have chosen: houses, cars, leaves, pieces of clothing, pieces of furniture. You can search for everything small or large. At the same time, the child will better understand the concept of relativity - the bus is big compared to you, but small compared to the house.

Also look for objects that are shaped like geometric shapes - a house like a rectangle, a puddle like an oval, a sandbox like a square, etc.

3. Colorful fantasies.

Pour plain water into several glasses and show your child how it turns different colors if you dip a brush with paint of any color into it. Try mixing different colors to get new and new shades.

4. Big/small.

Let your child try on your clothes - they will be too big for him, because he is still small, and yours is too small for him, because you are already big.

Try to hide toys of different sizes in your fist - small ones will easily fit, but large ones will not.

5. What does it sound like?

For each game you can take 2-5 items, increasing their number depending on the age of the child.

Rattle, knock, ring the selected objects in front of the baby. And then, having already turned away, let him determine only by ear what sounded - a bell, a spoon on the table, or the rustling of a bag?

6. Listen to how it sounds!

Use every opportunity to draw your baby’s attention to this or that sound of an object - leaves rustling, rain drumming on the glass, an elevator moving, a dog barking, a drill working, etc.

A more complicated option is to try to give each sound an emotional connotation: for example, a drill sounds dissatisfied, an elevator rides tired, thunder rumbles angrily, a tambourine sounds cheerful, and water flows with laughter.

7. Musical games.

The child’s task is to walk quickly or slowly, depending on how fast you clap your hands or hit the tambourine.

It is not an easy task for very young children to stop when the music stops, especially if before that it sounded fast and energetic.

8. Mmm... it smells so good!

Draw your baby's attention to the most different smells- what a vanilla pie smells like coming out of the oven or fresh bread in the store. What kind of smells are there in the meat and sausage department, how pleasant is the smell of fresh linen, book pages and a blooming flower on the window.

9. What does it feel like?

To develop tactile sensitivity, invite your baby to touch a variety of objects, paying attention to how they feel: smooth, rough, fluffy, hard, prickly, soft, cold, hard, warm, etc.

Touch everything you can: fabric, clothes, furniture and toys, tree bark and leaves on the street, stroke your or someone else’s pet or parrot, try to pick up water, hide your palms in flour or cereal, roll out a spool of thread and a ball of wool, tear a piece of paper and touch the cactus.

10. Wonderful bag.

A very famous game, common in preschool institutions- the child must find and pull the object out of the bag by touch.

You can put anything into this bag - three-dimensional geometric shapes, various pieces of fabric and thread, a toy, and even fruits and vegetables.

11. Who is this?

The child must guess by touch which family member’s hand he is now touching. Be sure to switch roles with your baby.

12. Oh, how delicious!

While eating, pay your child's attention to the flavors of the dish. Offer to try new things - lemon, pepper, garlic, mango, avocado, of course, in small quantities. Invite your child to close his eyes and guess what he is eating - lemon, apple, bread or cookies.

13. What has changed?

Place several toys in a row in front of the baby, remembering their location, he will turn away, and when he turns back, he will guess which toys have changed their place.

The first task that faces you in the new detachment is to remove the psychological and physiological barriers that children have. These barriers are best removed through direct physical contact, which occurs during play. Games and tactile contact exercises serve precisely these purposes.

Tactile contact games are played before acquaintance games!

    Ram We divide into teams of 6-8 people. On each team, one person is a battering ram, everyone else carries it. It is played in the same way as touch, only you need to touch with a person and with exactly the part of the body that the presenter indicates. those. Now it says "Touch your ear to the wall." The ram should not be pulled by parts of its body; it turns into a log. It is important to inform you that the ram is very fragile and all actions cannot be performed quickly. You need to move smoothly and carefully - the main thing is to maintain the integrity of the ram.

    Zoo (fawns, elephants, ducklings)

Comment: One of the tactile contact games. It’s good to spend in the second or third block of the game library, not right away

Age: any

Children stand in a circle. The counselor says that now you are all animals from the zoo. And you are tired of sitting in stuffy cages, you want to be free. Now I will go around the circle and tell everyone who is which animal. The counselor walks in a circle and takes turns whispering quietly, so that others can hear, to each child the appearance of one of the animals - a fawn, a calf or a duckling (can be replaced with any others). It is very important that all the animals take turns. After this, the counselor tells the children in the circle to “intertwined their elbows with the neighbors on the left and right” (take each other’s arm). The counselor stands in the center. And now, when he names one of the animals, the child who is this animal must break out of the chain as quickly as possible and run to the center of the circle and hug the counselor. That is, for example, on the command “Ducklings,” all the ducklings break out and run to the counselor. The task of the other animals is to hold them back and not let them escape. At the end of the game, you can name pairs of animals, for example, “fawns and ducklings!” Well, at the very end - all the animals, so that everyone hugs the counselor.

    Say hello with your noses

Age: any

In 1 minute or 30 seconds (the counselor decides for himself), each child should say hello to as many people as possible. big amount Human. Everyone needs to say hello at the same time. You can greet with your hands, noses, knees, butts, etc. Everyone must count the number of people they managed to say hello to, then the winner is determined.

Addition: you can say hello, for example, as long as the music is playing.

    Car wash

Comment: carried out at any time

Age: any

The game is played on a soft wooden surface or on grass. First, the squad forms in two ranks facing each other, then the children kneel down, forming a kind of “washers” corridor. Next, participants are told to imagine their hands as brushes that need to be used to wash the “car.” The child on the far right is the first to “enter” the corridor on all fours (you can squat), and walks it to the end, followed by all the participants on the right, one by one, keeping a safe distance. The task of the “washers” is to intensively rub the “car” with “brushes”. After passing the entire corridor, the first “cars” become “washers”. And so on until all participants have passed.


Comment: It is carried out after the initial acquaintance, approximately in the middle of the first block of the game library.

Age: any

The group stands in two circles - outer and inner, face to face, preferably a boy and a girl. The resulting pairs pronounce the following words with the appropriate movements: “I am a blackbird, you are a blackbird (points to himself, then to his partner). I have a nose, you have a nose (touch your nose, then touch your partner’s nose). My cheeks are red, your cheeks are red (touch your cheeks, then touch your partner’s cheeks). My lips are scarlet, your lips are scarlet (touch your lips, then touch your partner’s lips). You and I are two friends, we love each other!” (hug) Then the inner circle moves to the right one step, changing partners. The game is repeated until the entire circle has been completed.


Comment: The game is well suited as the very first one. It is very important to energize the children, make them run, and cheer them up.

Age: any

The leader explains the rules: “Now I will say what you as a whole group should touch as quickly as possible. And you need to do this as soon as possible!” For example, touch the “bench”, “chair”, “swing”, “Sasha”. The last command is “touch counselor Stas” - so that everyone runs up and hugs. Mimimi. All children must run and touch!!

    Dragon is looking for a mate

A legend is being told about the inhabitants of the settlement and the dragon that suddenly appeared in it. At the beginning of the game we select a dragon. The task of the participants is not to be eaten, for this they must quickly find a mate and hug her, you can stand like this for no more than 3 seconds (the time is loudly counted by the counselor, or the participants themselves, depending on the age of the children) then we look for and hug another person , at this time the dragon, moving among the participants, looks for “loners” who drop out of the game.

    Dress up as a hipster

All the guys are hipsters. Girls are clothes, and if with guys everything is simple (it’s hipster even in Africa...), then clothes can be different. The presenter loudly calls (so the guys can hear) each girl her two roles (for example: a backpack and a bow tie; or a tie and a sneaker; a bag and a cap).

Now that the roles have been assigned, you can begin: the presenter broadcasts the trends of this season (for example: a combination of multi-colored sneakers is popular this season). Having learned what is currently trending, hipsters look for the things they need (things, in turn, also do not want to gather dust on the shelves - they strive to find the owner) and put them on (a sneaker wraps around the leg, a backpack on the back, a cap sits on the neck, a tie hangs in front).

When the leader sees that more clothes hipsters can't handle it, it announces the end of the season. And the next season begins. At the end of the game, the host can (if the game has started) invite each hipster to walk down an impromptu catwalk in their best outfit.

Note: remember about safety precautions, come up with clothes and how to wear them in accordance with the level of the audience.

    Heat exchange

People stand in a column one after another (boy-girl-boy-girl) and starting from the last person in the column they begin to do something pleasant, so to speak, to give warmth to the person in front of them. For example, stroke the head, run a finger barely touching the hand, bite the ear, etc. (choose the types of “heat” transfer in accordance with the type of participants). After the “warmth” reaches the first person in the column in a relay race, he makes a sound of pleasure and goes to the end of the column, choosing his own new way of giving “warmth”.


    Happy child 26.04.2016

    Dear readers, many will probably agree with me that the sensory sphere is very important in our lives. Both for adults and for our children. And one must take care of its development from childhood. Today on the blog I propose to talk about sensory (feeling) parenting and suggest sensory games for the development of our children. There will be very, very many ideas. And perhaps you can offer your children and grandchildren such wonderful games, have fun and interesting time with them, and find new ideas for activities with them.

    Today I have a guest on the blog. Mother of many children Anna Ignatenia is a wonderful, warm person, journalist, and storyteller. She will tell us how in her family they have fun playing such games. Anya and I met on the Internet. Anya also took part as an author in our electronic magazine Scents of Happiness. Her article “My Happiness with Many Children” really touched me. I give the floor to Anya.

    Sensory development of children

    Good afternoon to all readers of Irina’s blog. Probably many will agree with me that what could be more beautiful than touch? When you feel touch, you feel lightness or heaviness, roughness and softness, plasticity, hardness, flow…. These are incredible sensations - the information that the body provides us.

    Of course, and beautiful pictures, and pleasant sounds and delicate aromas are of great importance, but it is tactile sensations that are the strongest and most significant, because it is not for nothing that human skin is the largest organ. It is with tactile cognition that a little person’s acquaintance with the world begins. And he can be called a leader throughout the entire period of preschool childhood.

    Sensory games for children. Unexpected discoveries

    A lot has been written on the topic of children’s sensory development, and in particular tactile and fine motor development. Today we surround children with a huge number of toys and materials, the main purpose of which is precisely the development of this area, but, as often happens, we limit children in the most accessible and incredibly interesting and useful - dirty games. No, of course, children dig in sandboxes, sometimes even pick porridge with their hands, splash in the bathtub and occasionally sort through cereals, draw on flour, but all these games are short-term, limited in nature.

    Myths about dirty games

    We may be afraid of dirty children's games because we are surrounded by myths. I myself used to think exactly this way, so I calmly share my experiences and unexpected discoveries.

    The kids will soak the whole house

    It is necessary if they are left completely uncontrolled for a couple of hours. But we never allow ourselves this, even if we go away for a short time, we soon return again. In order for the game not to go beyond the boundaries, they simply need to be expanded - a large table, a space on the floor covered with a huge oilcloth.

    You'll have to clean up a lot and for a long time

    Yes, if the children are left alone for a long time and the materials are left freely available. I was amazed at how quickly the children and I could do the cleaning – 3-5 minutes. Moreover, the boys participate in this process with pleasure. Oilcloth makes cleaning much easier - roll it up, pour everything out and rinse. And what gets on the floor can be easily swept away and washed off. An important condition is that there are no carpets or objects nearby that are difficult to wash and clean.

    Clothes will become unusable

    Not always. Most of the dirt can be washed off very easily, but to avoid problems, you just need to have special clothes for such games. I sincerely believe that happiness does not lie in beautiful branded clothes, but for a child in particular. If the child is dressed in such a way that the mother does not worry about things, then he develops more freely and more actively.

    Children will never learn to behave carefully

    Thinking this way, I took the risk anyway and got an unexpected result. In fact, children who are not limited in dirty games always know that there is a time for cleanliness and neatness, and there is a time for dirt and disorder. At the same time, they are actively involved in cleaning up after such games.

    Games like this take a lot of time

    I was surprised myself, but this turned out not to be the case. Preparation, as a rule, does not take long; moreover, it can be part of the game process. Cleaning takes a few minutes. And the game itself, of course, can drag on because it is interesting and useful for children, but isn’t that what we want? Well, it’s not at all impossible that the children will play nearby while the mother is busy with her own business.

    Sensory games for preschool children. What is the benefit for our children?

    But myths are tenacious, until you get involved yourself, you need a serious incentive. For me, this was the benefit of playing dirty. It all started when I picked up clay myself. The material amazed me so much and brought real pleasure. I crumpled, sculpted, smoothed, smeared and enjoyed.

    It was then that I realized how important it is to give these sensations to children. After all, if this affects an adult, then what can we say about children, for whom tactile sensations come first. But there is something to think about:

    1. “Dirty” games have an incredible impact on the emotional sphere, on the development of internal sensations, obtaining pleasure, calmness, and enjoyment. Such games and activities relieve psychological stress and help you relax.
    2. While playing with “dirty” materials, sensory sensations develop when the child learns to feel the world through tactile contact, distinguish features. He receives a unique development experience.
    3. One cannot help but recall the development fine motor skills, which goes hand in hand with tactile development, when the baby learns to use his fingers and hands.
    4. During such classes, active knowledge of the world, the properties of materials, and their features occurs. The child learns to think and draw conclusions, compare and differentiate.
    5. Of course, imagination and creative thinking are actively developing, because during the game very interesting and unexpected objects are often born. The child comes up with stories and fantasizes.
    6. There is an active development of speech, which smoothly follows from sensory-motor development. In addition, the baby becomes more and more familiar with new concepts that accompany such games.
    7. The child becomes more careful, he learns to clean up after himself, make sure not to go beyond acceptable limits, and feel when and how he can play.
    8. And finally, the child feels free, he creates, fantasizes, plays around, without the risk of being punished for pranks, he tries, studies, discovers, and he is not limited by patterns and prohibitions.

    There can be a great variety of materials for “dirty games”; in fact, everything that we would not want to scatter, spill, smear, and then sweep and wipe away is suitable for this most magical entertainment.

    Magical fun for our children. What sensory games do we play?


    Nowadays there is a huge variety of kinetic, lunar and other sands on sale, they are also excellent material for games, but today I want to remember the most common one, because it is available to everyone. Finding sand on the street is not a problem at all and it is very convenient to play with it there; however, children and parents enjoy using it. Although games are often limited to Easter cakes. But you can bury yourself in the sand, at least partially, you can act out a fairy tale in it, make ditches, watching how water flows away, cook soups and bake pies from wet sand, build castles and tunnels, create worlds, sculpt figures.

    You can organize a treasure hunt and archaeological excavations. Summer, warm spring and autumn are wonderful for all these games. But in the cold season it is worth bringing the sandbox home. Ideally, if the sand is fine - river or sea, it is much more interesting for home games, but regular sand with small pebbles will do, because the main thing is that you can take advantage of the properties of the material.

    At home, you can build worlds on oilcloth or in a container, look for treasure in the sand, and sculpt from it. You can also draw with sand, for this it is not at all necessary to have a light table, you can simply draw on the same oilcloth, or you can draw on cardboard with PVA glue and sprinkle with sand.


    Children can be encouraged to draw on flour, look for pictures under a layer of flour, brushing it off with a brush, or they can go further and simply make a real fireworks display, raising clouds of flour dust into the air, and paint their face, arms, and legs with flour. From these games you can smoothly move on to preparing dough.


    It could be like salty dough for modeling, and dough for baking. Children get involved in making cookies with great pleasure. You can roll out the dough, tear it, roll koloboks, cut with molds, make sausages and rolls, make dumplings and dumplings, cut noodles and create pizza.

    If we sculpt from salt dough, then this material is perfect not only for creating figures. For example, you can make prints with various objects, use dough as a material for fastening various parts. For example, the boys and I played construction games when the dough acted as cement.

    It is interesting to wrap various figures in dough, and then release them, to determine by touch what is hidden in this or that lump of dough. Creating dishes in a children's kitchen is a different story, because the dough will perfectly serve as cutlets, pasta, ice cream, and cake.


    It is initially similar in its properties to flour, but even in dry form it has a different tactile sensation. However, you can also draw on it, delve into it, look for pictures and objects. But dry starch is much better than leaving marks on flour; it’s very interesting to roll cars in it. And then you can clean them with a brush or an old toothbrush. And if you add just a little water to the starch, it will acquire some density, which will bring its properties closer to lunar sand. You can try to sculpt with it, make Easter cakes with sand molds, even build something.

    Non-Newtonian fluid

    By adding more and more water to the starch, we obtain a non-Newtonian liquid that hardens under sudden and strong impact and flows off when relaxed. It is very interesting to splash in such a liquid with your hands, and if possible, with your feet.

    For example, we diluted several kilograms of starch in a children's pool at the dacha and enjoyed the sensations. If you pour a small amount of liquid onto the surface, you can try to draw on it, observing how the drawn lines blur.

    Scale drawing

    Nowadays, drawing with palms and fingers is very popular; this is indeed a very useful activity in terms of dirty games, but often we limit children to the framework of one album sheet. Children love scale, and it’s not for nothing that they tend to draw on wallpaper.

    You can minimize the consequences of children's activity by providing them with a large area for drawing, for example, a piece of old wallpaper, a sheet of whatman paper, a large piece of wrapping paper, or simply ordinary sheets glued together.

    We love to turn around on the floor and create - with our palms, hands, objects. You can leave traces of typewriters with paint or stamp with sponges, spray with a toothbrush, or even take paint brushes and rollers.

    Another passion among children is to paint their own bodies. It’s good to use special face painting, but if you don’t have it, then watercolor, finger or gouache paints will also work. Let the children draw for fun on themselves and each other, and then immediately go to the bathroom.

    I remember how my kids played tiger cubs and painted their faces permanent marker. It turned out to be quite difficult to wash it all off, since then only our mothers have access to such drawing tools, but for children I am happy to offer markers for white boards or felt-tip pens for water based, - and let them paint themselves as much as they want.

    However, I do not forbid testing these drawing tools on the floor, we have linoleum, and on mirrors, on windows. Everything is washed off in a few movements, but it’s a lot of fun for children. You can paint on the window with washable paints; it is especially interesting to create themed windows, for example, a winter or spring window. And in the mirror you can trace your reflection with the same markers. It is good to draw on linoleum with chalk. Just like an independent creative process or a way to delineate boundaries in other games.


    If we look into the kitchen again, we will find salt there; you can not only add it to the dough, but also conduct a series of experiments: dissolve it, make crystals, change the density of water. You can also draw with salt, like sand on some dark background - oilcloth or a large sheet of cardboard. The results are very contrasting pictures that change under the influence of small fingers. However, you can again draw a picture of PVA and cover it with salt. To make such a design bright, we drip liquid paint onto the salt, and it becomes colored.

    You can even build with salt if you gently stir in a little water to make it moist. This is where sand molds come in handy. All built turrets can be left to dry, and then paint can also be dripped onto them.


    Does your child like to spread porridge? It’s not surprising, because he gets new tactile sensations. I somehow allowed the children to fully enjoy this activity, I even specially painted boiled semolina porridge, and then spread old wallpaper on the floor. The kids tinkered with this colored mass and were happy, but they no longer got into the mess with their hands.


    Unusual new sensations arise when playing with jelly; you can make it simply from gelatin and water, adding food coloring. By the way, it’s better not to overdo it; even the rich dye is difficult to wash off from your hands. So, unless the idea requires otherwise, it is better to slightly tint the jelly or leave it completely colorless. In general, if we talk about dyes, then the most difficult paint to wash off is Blue colour, so it is especially not recommended to abuse it. You can cut the jelly, tear it, bury objects in it and then extract them.


    Just great dirty stuff. Playing with it evokes simply unique sensations - soft, pliable, smooth. Of course, among the first games with clay, modeling comes to mind. The activity is fun and psychotherapeutic. But you can not only sculpt, but also draw on clay; if you smear it with a thin layer, you can scratch out pictures and patterns.

    Interesting games will be created with cosmetic clay, it is liquid enough to draw with. This can be done either on paper or oilcloth, or on tiles right in the bathroom. It's also a lot of fun to cover yourself with clay.

    With the onset of spring and summer, it is very convenient to move dirty games outside. The biggest plus is the absence of almost any cleaning, you only need to wash and dry the children after that. And within the framework of the street, you can easily increase the dirty scale. We've already dealt with sand, but what else can we find on the street?


    Puddles are magnetic poles that attract children so strongly that parents have only two options - prohibit and scold, or relax and allow. If it’s still cold outside, then you should limit yourself to measuring the depth of puddles and launching boats. But if it’s summer, then you can splash around to the fullest, build rapids, dig streams, cook soups, pour and paint with water from a puddle.


    And with the help of these very water sources, excellent mud is created, which can be used for real pig entertainment. Draw with mud, make cakes and get dirty up to your ears. An important condition is warmth and clothing that you don’t mind.

    Outdoor paints

    You can paint the tiles on the path, write words or create pictures. You can prepare the paint from flour, water and food coloring, mixing the ingredients until the consistency of thick sour cream. Of course, the scale of painting also requires large tools - paint brushes and rollers. However, if you arm yourself with them, you can draw with just water, a kind of water mat to scale.


    The concepts of “dirt” and “soap” do not go together, but it is in the category of dirty games that I include large-scale foam entertainment. Washing children from a saturated soap solution is no easier than from dirt, but it is worth it. Of course, you can hardly organize such entertainment in the yard, but if you have the territory of a private house at your disposal during the summer, then feel free to dilute tear-free baby shampoo in a bucket of water and lay a large sheet of polyethylene on the ground. By pouring soapy water over it, you will have a nice roller to slide on. It is better for children to crawl and inflatable rings to make it safer.

    If you dilute a lot of liquid for soap bubbles, then you can blow snakes through a sock placed on a cut-off bottle.

    However, smaller games with foam can be organized at home, for example, making cakes from shaving foam, or drawing with it on the walls of the bathroom.

    Don’t be afraid to experiment and have fun with your children, because this is a real opportunity to plunge into childhood, again feel freedom, sincere joy from exploring this world.

    And even cleaning, washing and washing your children will no longer frighten you, because they will seem like a trifle against the background of this real happiness.

    Anna Ignatenia,
    mother of many children,
    author of the blog Happy everyday life

    I thank Anya for the wonderful article. How fun and interesting they spend their time with the children, how much effort they put in, and with what joy everything is. Amazing!

    And for the soul we will listen today Edvin Marton - Love Story

    see also







    Sensory development is the development of a child’s perception through the senses (vision, hearing, touch, smell) and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects (shape, size, color, position in space, smell, taste, etc.).

    Today we will look at games to develop tactile sensations. They are suitable for both children and schoolchildren. In addition, these games can be played by the whole family and involve general game children different ages. Just don’t forget to make the task a little easier for the kids. The games are selected based on minimal time and material costs, and must be played on the go. In the future, decide for yourself what to play with your child.

    You need to select things around the house, toys from different materials and shapes: rubber, wood, metal (spoons, for example), plastic, fabric; slippery, rough, warm, cold, soft and hard.

    We give it to the kids, name it and remember it. Then we play. For schoolchildren, you can immediately complicate the games by closing your eyes.

    Remember the subject

    You need to touch the child’s hand with different objects, naming the properties of the object and the sensations from the touch. You can use a feather, toys with different textures, mittens, washcloths, in general, everything that is in your arsenal. And then we touch again, but only with our eyes closed. The child must remember his feeling and name this object.

    Sensory toys

    Here you need to show a little imagination and make small toys with various fillers. It will be interesting for the child to feel them through the fabric; this will become a kind of massage for the active areas of the hands.

    As fillers you can use beans, buckwheat, peas, pasta with curls, shells, spirals, buttons, coins, and beads.

    I offer several options:

    1. The simplest thing: regular Balloons. Try to choose a tighter one. In addition to the above fillers, the balls can be filled with water, starch, flour, semolina and modeling dough (flour + water + salt).

    By the way, our grandmothers and mothers made balls with starch in Soviet times.

    Rubber gloves can be substitutes for balls.

    2. You can use no longer needed baby socks as bags.
    3. Sunny. It is quite simple to sew: two circles of the same size and rays around the perimeter, which can be made from different ribbons, braid and fabric. At the base of the sun, put a few peas, buttons or beads, you can different sizes. And if you make it without the rays, you get a bun.

    Particularly creative mothers with sewing machine and sewing skills, they can create books and rugs for babies with applications from different fabrics, with buttons and fasteners...

    In general, it all depends on your imagination and available materials.

    Water games

    These games are fun to play in the bathroom.

    How to play:

    1. Pour water into different containers, pour from one to another, determine where the water is warm and where it is cold.
    2. Use toy dishes, arrange a “tea party” or “dinner party”, the child himself will “serve the food” or pour “tea” into cups.
    3. Offer to play with the sponge, squeeze it out, you can give soap to lather the sponge and “wash” the bathtub, wall, faucet. Offer to rub the soft side of the sponge and the hard side and compare the sensations.
    4. Invite your baby to wash himself with a washcloth himself.
    5. Invite the student to determine, for example, how many cups of water will fit in the pan?

    Soap games

    Games with soap bubbles are not only interesting for children, but also help develop hand motor skills and sense of touch. The baby performs movements that are difficult for him, dipping sticks and frames into the solution.

    "Bubble Dancing" Take a piece of woolen fabric and place it on your palm (you can take a scarf). Try to juggle bubbles, throw them and catch them. The bubbles will seem to dance on your hands.

    "King of Soap Bubbles" Moisten the oilcloth spread on the table and your hands with soapy water. Blow a bubble on a “soapy” oilcloth with a tube, and with soapy hands you can easily pierce the bubble and it won’t burst.

    If, after the first bubble is blown, the cocktail tube is dipped into the solution again, you can carefully pierce the bubble and blow out a smaller one inside. This way you can make a lot of nesting doll bubbles.

    "Magic hands" Make a ring with your thumb and forefingers, dip it in the solution and blow out bubbles.

    It's simple. Sleight of hand and no fraud.

    Now you can find bubble frames on sale different forms and sizes: squares, ovals, stars, hearts, clouds. But you can make them yourself from thick wire.

    Find out the figure

    On the table we lay out geometric shapes, the same as those lying in the bag (Dienesh Blocks (thick, thin), Kuziner sticks, blocks or identical Lego pieces). We show the child any figure or detail and ask the child to feel in the bag and take out the same one.

    For kids, we first introduce the concept of “same”. We show one Lego piece, then the second and say that this is the same. Then we ask you to select from the two offered the same as the one on our table (in your hand).

    Recognize an object by touch

    1. On the table we lay out or arrange:

    Various vegetables: cucumber, tomato, carrot, pepper, onion, eggplant...
    - dishes: large and small spoons, cups, mugs, teapot, plate, saucer
    - clothes: T-shirt, T-shirt, dress, skirt, shorts...
    - toys

    Now let’s close our eyes and let’s try to determine what this object is.

    Later we will complicate the task and select objects of a certain shape (round, square, etc.) and sizes (large, small), you can choose according to the properties of the materials: plastic items, metal, glass, paper, fabric...

    You can play with your children and compete to see who can quickly select items with certain properties.

    This fun game will brighten up your leisure time and help develop your child’s ability to identify objects by touch, their shape and texture.

    2. Remember, there used to be a wonderful game: the driver was blindfolded, spun around, he approached the nearest player and determined by touch who it was. We will modify this game and will play with furniture (table, chair, sofa...). The game is suitable for children aged 5 years and younger.

    We blindfold the schoolchild, spin him around and lead him to one of the objects: “Guess!”

    3. B big box We put balls of different sizes, ask you to close your eyes and catch, for example, a big bunny or a small mouse. The child will learn to determine the size of objects and call it in words.

    Find a match

    It’s not difficult to make the game yourself at home, the main thing is to find more pairs of samples that are different to the touch. You will need various pieces of fabric, sponges, etc.

    You can play in several ways:

    We ask the child (baby - with with open eyes, schoolchild - with closed ones) find a smooth or velvet object (piece of fabric) among those offered;

    We take one object, and then by touch we look for the same one.

    To prevent the game from becoming boring, it can be complicated by adding additional features to the samples, for example, a large round button with holes or a small round button with a convex pattern, etc.

    Here is a list of what can be used for the game (materials that feel different to the touch):

    1. Fabrics (as available):

    - synthetic fabrics
    - felt
    - corduroy (large, small)
    - velvet and velor
    - leather
    - smooth fabric (for example, lining)
    - fleece
    - coarse fabric (for example, furniture upholstery)
    - any “prickly” fabric
    - fabric with sequins
    - silk and satin
    - fur
    - fabric with relief
    - the fabric is fleecy (like a sheep).

    2. Buttons various shapes and sizes.

    3. Velcro on both sides.

    4. Velvet and textured paper.

    5. Cotton wool or cotton pads.

    6. Threads or yarn.

    7. Oilcloth and plastic bag.

    9. Small rhinestones on adhesive tape (sold in stores).

    10. A piece of rubber mat.

    11. Washcloth.

    13. Peach pits, apricot pits...

    The samples can be left as is, or they can be glued to identical pieces thick paper and you will get wonderful cards.

    The above toys are very easy to make yourself without serious financial costs, and any mother can do it.

    Sensory boxes

    Children love to play in the sand, dig, build castles, roads... But which parent decides to build a sandbox at home so that it is accessible to the child? all year round and in any weather? The answer is obvious.

    There is an environmentally friendly sand substitute - kinetic sand, but it is quite expensive. You can make a completely economical alternative - a sensory box.

    The sensory box is a plastic container that is filled with various materials.

    There are now many containers on sale that are suitable for this purpose. Give preference to rectangular boxes. Look carefully at what height of the box will be comfortable for your child, so that fillers and toys do not spill out on the floor and it is convenient for your child to play with it. And, of course, there must be a lid to prevent dust from getting in, and pets do not have the opportunity to dive into it.

    Sensory boxes can be colored (all in one color) or themed. We fill themed boxes with toys related to the chosen theme. For example, seasons, farm, beach and so on. Thus, we will have a small play theater with decorations.

    For very small children we choose large items.

    Selecting materials for your miniature theater can be a separate exciting game.

    Here is an approximate list of what can be poured into our treasury:

    1. Rice or millet, in its original color or colored with food coloring (for sensory boxes, do not use gouache as some colors may stain your hands)
    2. Beans, lentils, buckwheat, peas, semolina
    3. Salt (regular or bath salt. Do not take salt with a strong tart odor so that the child does not develop an allergy)
    4. Pasta (shells, curls, spirals, butterflies, etc.)
    5. Small stones, pebbles, shells
    6. Glass balls(for aquariums)
    7. Cut paper, corrugated cardboard
    8. Cotton balls 9. Buttons
    10. Beads
    11. Coins
    12. Chestnuts
    13. Acorns

    Maybe you can come up with something else.

    You will never get tired of this toy. And if this happens, its content can be easily changed and a new plot can be invented.