Read the story of how demons got married. The Demon and I: A Strange Love Story. The world with closed eyes, or the Tale of how... Vadim Sadova

It's hard to get up early in the morning after a sleepless night. That's exactly what Lucy Heartfilia thought as she got ready for classes at the university.
She only closed her eyes for a second, combing her hair in front of the mirror, and was almost asleep.
- Lou! - the nineteen-year-old girl heard her mother’s voice.
And this voice pulled her out of the embrace of sleep.
- I'm leaving for the weekend! - a golden-haired woman of about forty-five looked into the room. - So keep an eye on Michelle.
- Okay, mom. - answered Lucy, not very happy with this news
But there was no point in arguing.
Michelle - younger sister Lucy, although their fathers were different. She never saw her own father, but her mother did not want to talk about him. And Lucy didn't really want to hear about him. Michelle's father became a real father to her.
Her little sister was almost eighteen, and she still needed someone to keep an eye on her. And most often her older sister had to look after her.
When Lou appeared in the kitchen, Michelle was already finishing her tea.
- Good morning! - Lucy said sleepily and began to make coffee for herself.
- Kind! - Michelle smiled.
She was in a great mood, despite the fact that she had to go to school, and she hated school more than anything in the world. And all because my mother left. So what if Lucy is here. She won't be able to stop her from having a little party.
After finishing breakfast, Michelle went to school. Lou, too, drank coffee and went to class, dreaming that when she returned from university, she would go to bed, because she only went to bed in the morning.
At the university, her friends were already waiting for her - blue-haired Juvia Lockser and scarlet-haired Elsa Scarlet.
- Hello, Lou! - the girls said in one voice.
Lucy just nodded in response and sat down at her desk.
- Didn’t get enough sleep again? - Elsa guessed, looking at her tired friend.
- Natsu again? - asked Ju.
- Yeah! - Lucy answered, laying her head on the table and closing her eyes.
- Even I don’t allow myself to do this with my boyfriend! - Ju said quietly.
Lucy heard her anyway and sighed heavily.
“How did I manage to get myself into such a mess?” - thought Heartfilia.
For three months now, her friends have been thinking that she has a boyfriend named Natsu, and they believe that it is because of him that their friend does not sleep at night. Oh, if only they knew the true reason for her insomnia!
Natsu is actually a fictional character in the otome game. It’s just that once, when they asked her why she didn’t get enough sleep, she blurted out without thinking that it was because of Natsu. So everyone decided that this was her boyfriend, but she couldn’t confess. The truth is that she has never even been kissed. What kind of guy could this be?
In the end, everything remained that way. She couldn't admit that she was a great otome gamer. The game with the character Natsu is already a thing of the past, but his name still remains. like her boyfriend's name.
After class, Lucy went straight home. She didn’t even bother to undress and went to bed like that.
But her younger sister did not come home from school alone. Four other classmates came with her: Yukino, Ultear, Hisui and Kinana.
- Just don't make any noise! Michelle warned them. - My sister is sleeping at this time. I don't want her to ruin the whole evening.
But they failed to behave quietly. If you talk, it’s so loud, if you laugh, it’s loud enough for the whole house.
Lucy hadn't slept even two hours. She opened her eyes with difficulty and stood up.
For about five minutes she sat on the bed and looked at the floor, trying to finally wake up. And then it dawned on her - Michelle had thrown a sleepover again without telling her.
Lucy stood up and headed to her sister's room, but ran into her in the hallway.
- Did you wake up yet? - Michelle was surprised.
- I guess I didn't let you have parties! - Lou said dissatisfied.
- Sorry for not warning you, Mommy! - Michelle said sarcastically and walked past.
"Insolent girl!" - Lucy thought, but did not interfere.
Let them have a little fun, and it’s not too late.
The girl went to her room and began to homework By French, trying not to pay attention to the loud exclamations behind the wall.
Very soon she got hungry and decided to cook something for herself. She didn’t want to spend a long time cooking, so she decided to quickly prepare a regular salad of tomatoes, ham and corn.
But before she could begin, Michelle appeared in the kitchen. She silently took the candles from the nightstand and left just as silently.
“Well, why did she need so many candles?” - Lou was perplexed, but continued cooking.
Michelle's room was no longer so lively. One of her friends - Ultear - suggested new game- summon a demon. No one, of course, believed that anyone would come to this call, but everyone became interested.
Ultear showed what symbols needed to be drawn and everyone started doing it. And Michelle brought candles.
- Not enough candles. - Ultear said.
- That's all there was! - Michelle handed eleven candles to her friend.
- Okay, that'll do. - Ultear sighed and took the candles.
She placed the candles around the devilish symbols drawn on the Whatman paper lying on the table and lit them all one by one.
Then the five girls stood around the table and held hands.
Ultear started saying something in Latin. No one except her understood what these words meant. It seemed like only Ultear was taking the ongoing ritual seriously, because the others were having a hard time not laughing. Ultear's words finally made sense.
- Appear, demon from the Underworld! - Ultear conjured. - Appear and fulfill the desire of your master!
Ultear repeated these words several times. But then she was interrupted by Hisui's laughter. The others couldn't help themselves either and laughed.
Ultear glared at them. After all, they interrupted the ritual.
“Because of you, we’ll have to start all over again!” - she snorted.
- Drop it, Ur! - Kinana grinned. - We had a lot of fun, but it's time to end these devilish jokes!
- Otherwise we will really call... the police with the hands of our neighbors! - Michelle joked,
- This is a real ritual! - Ultear muttered.
- Okay, let's finish the ritual and see that no demon will appear! - I agreed with my offended friend Michelle. - And quickly. Otherwise my hellish sister will appear!
Ultear sighed heavily, but still began the ritual again. The girls held hands again, and Ultear repeated all the words in Latin by heart.
"Just don't laugh again!" - thought each of the girls.
They didn't want to anger Ultear again.
But as soon as Ultear repeated the last phrase for the third time, she took out a sharp knife, intending to spill her blood from her palm and thus become the master of the summoned demon.
But she just didn’t have time to do it. As soon as she raised the knife to her palm, lightning flashed on the street, appearing from nowhere, and in the entire house, and in general the lights went out in the entire area.
Lucy was cutting tomatoes at that moment. The light went out so suddenly that she accidentally hit her index finger with a knife and blood slowly began to flow out of it.
The light went out only for a second. But Lucy, like the rest of the girls except Ultear, was scared.
When the light turned on, the girls looked at each other in fear and looked at the smiling Ultear.
- Happened! - she exclaimed. - I told you so.
And then an angry Lou burst into the room. She was sure that her younger sister Michelle was to blame for what had happened; it was not for nothing that she stole all the candles.
Lucy walked up to the table and pointed her finger at her sister and shouted:
- What have you done here? Have you decided to burn down the whole house?
A drop of blood, unnoticed by everyone, fell onto one of the drawings on the table. But no one noticed this, not even Ultear, and yet she carefully monitored the ritual and its participants.
- We have nothing to do with it! - Michelle was indignant. - It's just a short circuit. And don't bother us.
- The party is over! All sleep! - Lou said in an orderly tone. - It's late, so I'll let your girlfriends stay. But don't try to make any noise!
Lou left, slamming the door. Michelle was now very angry with her sister, but she still obeyed and everyone quieted down.
As she left her sister's room, Lucy remembered her cut. she found a bandage in the first aid kit and bandaged her finger. I didn't want to eat anymore. So she put everything back in the refrigerator and went back to her room. She had a Latin assignment waiting for her. But this only began to lull her to sleep. The girl put her head on the book and closed her eyes.
Suddenly she felt someone pick her up, carry her to the bed, lay her down and cover her with a blanket.
Lou opened her eyes, but everything was so blurry. However, she still saw a guy with an unusual hair color. But the next moment she closed her eyes again and fell asleep.
So she slept until the morning, although usually at night it was difficult for her to sleep.
But she finally woke up, well-rested.
Lou looked around the room and remembered that she was going to study Latin. And she couldn’t even remember how she went to bed.
My stomach began to growl. It’s not surprising, because the last time she ate with her friends was in a cafe. And she didn’t even finish her salad, so she decided that she could finish it now and have a snack.
But in the kitchen she saw a stranger with pink hair. He was sitting at the table and eating salad. The one she was going to finish now.
- Who are you? - Lou was surprised.
The stranger turned to her and smiled.
- My name is End! - he said. - I am a demon! Your demon!

Summer was slowly fading. Over the small resort town of Snorist, gloomy clouds were gathering, declaring that autumn was ready to take over. Very soon there will be prolonged rains, which will smoothly turn into snowfalls. Well, I hated the abrupt arrival of autumn and winter in my hometown.

I, Vitta Vilchot, who had recently graduated from the third year of the White Lily Academy, was sitting in my room, resting after a hard day at work in a small restaurant adjacent to the house. The day turned out to be just right. Even though I returned to native home just two days ago, my mother loaded me with work. Today I had to run around the city and negotiate first with the carpenter, then with the plumber. Mom started renovations because our old house needed reconstruction. It’s good that it’s almost time to leave for school.

The summer holidays turned out to be just right. After school I returned home not alone, but with two demons and my father. I was scared. I was sure that my mother would not listen to anyone and would kick the two demons out of the house. At first it was like that. Mom threw a huge tantrum, dad pretended to be a stool. But the insidious demon Ilhar managed to fool my mother’s head. He, a magnificent and dangerous potion master, capable of making a potion that would destroy a small country with the help of a fresh bull's heart and preserved mouse spleens, also turned out to be an excellent cook and proved this to his mother in two days. Since the visitors liked his desserts, my mother allowed him to stay with us and hired him to work in the restaurant. He did his job wonderfully, carefully, and managed to make friends with all the kitchen workers (as I suspect, not without the help of his demonic talents). Mom quickly forgot that at first she didn’t want to let him into the house, and began to treat him like an old family friend. Thus, Ilhar became our neighbor. A family of demons have taken up residence in the spare room of my house.

Ilhar's son Crispo turned out to be a master of destruction. Largely thanks to his help, we had to put out fires twice, repair the roof, replace the glass in the windows and convince visitors that our establishment was absolutely safe. Farmolan saved us, he managed to ingratiate himself with the little demon and began to often take Crispo to fly under the clouds. Of course, at the moments when the pegasus did not take the demon, he began to get bored, stick his nose where it shouldn’t and, naturally, get it in that very nose. Having received from his kind father a portion of dragon fire mixed with diamond threshers, he finally understood what he shouldn’t have done and almost became obedient. To my surprise, the little demon learned very quickly and was able to sit quietly for an hour and just watch the ants build an anthill.

Soon Crispo met Meverek's nephews Melek. It became a black day on the calendar. Melek quickly realized what was what, taught Crispo how to play pranks unnoticed, and together they caused a lot of trouble to the residents of our small town. Twice they even came to complain. However, Meverek threw rotten eggs at them and declared that his grandson and Crispo were angels in the flesh.

Basically, we lived big friendly family. My dad and I often developed interesting formulas, we also went swimming, practiced protective and camouflage magic, played cards and chess. Raskor even came to visit us once over the weekend. She, Meverek and dad disappeared somewhere for three days, and then a message came from almost another continent telling us not to worry, and that friends were celebrating their meeting too vigorously after a long separation. When they returned, they received hats from their mother and from Sibyl.

By the way, my mother and I also spent a lot of time together. However, due to the fact that she always had a lot of things to do at the restaurant, we rarely had the opportunity to talk in a normal environment.

Mom became friends with the demon, as I said. Ilhar is just like us - helpful, polite, fast, neat, hardworking. And my mother constantly set him as an example for me. And I tried not to remind her once again that Ilhar is the most natural demon with the most natural demonic habits.

By the way, about demonic habits. One day, while playing cards with my dad, I heard a heart-rending scream from the kitchen. After exchanging glances, dad and I rushed downstairs. Having rushed into the kitchen, we froze on the threshold.

In the middle of the kitchen, with a confused face, stood a two-meter red-eyed demon with leathery wings (which, by the way, I had never noticed on Ilhar before). He would have looked very intimidating if not for the pink apron with daisies and the white cap on his head. In his paws the demon held a baking sheet on which the cookies were deliciously browned.

Will you? - Ilhar smiled awkwardly, handing us a baking sheet.

We found my mother fainting on the floor near his feet. After putting her in order, we explained the situation to her. Ilhar simply had a crisis of magic; his second shell still sometimes broke through, although less and less often. Soon, as the demon himself said, he will not take on another form, since it will be completely erased from his soul.

Everyone tried to safely forget about this incident. However, something soon happened that made me remember him.

It happened on a sunny warm day. Me and dad ran away from home to go fishing. Rocking in a neat boat on the waves, we slept, unable to untangle the tangled threads of magic on the fishing rods. Suddenly I felt the little crown on my neck warm up. The next moment, pain pierced my back.

Oh no no no! - I screamed, jumping to my feet.

My T-shirt tore sharply at the back. The father, who jumped to his feet, did not remember, half asleep, that he was in the boat and fell overboard. Because of him, the boat swayed, I couldn’t keep my balance and fell after him. Due to the fact that my back hurt so much, I was not immediately able to surface. Finally, she clung to the side of the boat.

Monster!! Get the power of my blow! - Dad exclaimed, hitting me on the head with a fishing rod.

Are you crazy? - I asked angrily, falling over the side.

Oh, it’s you... Why scare daddy like that?! Remove your wings.

Wings? - I was surprised. Putting my hands behind my back, I felt along my back. Oh no. Hands ran into two obstacles. - Tell me they are covered with white feathers.

Nope, leathery and spiky. True, they are very small, you can’t fly very far with them... Although, wait a minute... Didn’t you conjure them yourself?

I explained the situation to my dad. He immediately directed the boat to the shore, then dragged me to Ilhar, having previously disguised my wings.

“Teach her to control the demonic entity,” he said to the demon, who was decorating the cake with strawberries with a concentrated look.

“Oh, it has finally manifested itself,” Ilhar drawled, casting a quick glance at me. - I kept waiting for the additional energy to start pushing the body towards transformation... Well, now I’ll finish the cake and help you.

It turned out that with the awakening of the demonic essence, even more energy was seething inside me than usual. It was necessary to pacify this energy, and Ilhar showed me several ways to control it. This turned out to be incredibly difficult. No matter how I tried to push my second essence far away, it still broke through. Most often in the form of horns, a tail with a sharp spike at the end, and stubby wings to boot. Then, when we were eating kebabs, I suddenly sprouted huge fangs. In general, I didn't like it all. In addition to external transformations, my magic also changed. Even the simplest magic could turn into a disaster. So, while swimming in a lake with a waterfall, I, angry at the tricks of Crispo and Melek, froze them along with the lake, the waterfall and everyone swimming in it.

Ilhar, scratching his head and muttering “get to work!”, promised to freeze my demonic essence. Very soon I had to go with my father to his laboratory for summer internship. Therefore, I demanded everything possible and impossible from the demon, so that the magic that was unnecessary for now would be pacified. Ilhar cast a spell and said that I could live in peace for some time.

The story of how demons got married


This is not the first evening that I have been wandering the streets of a foreign city in search of the one and only one that I have never met, even in a dream.

At the beginning, the first five years, it was interesting: there was excitement and enthusiasm, especially when you saw a happy, ideally harmonious couple in front of your eyes. Then flying to Earth became a fun hobby that grew into a habit.

Sometimes I forget what I'm doing here. Why do I walk along these streets, look into courtyards, wander through shops, bus stops and airports? Sometimes I get so carried away by something new: a beautiful monument, a museum and a park, like now, and I just enjoy my vacation, trying not to pay attention to the worm of loneliness deep inside.

Kicking the fallen wet leaves under my feet, I thought what is the probability of meeting a true couple, given that there are only two known cases on Iril: my father and mother and Alesya and Emilie?

Darkness enveloped the park, it became noticeably colder and I was already preparing for a trance jump when I noticed a girl ahead. She moved her short legs so quickly that she did not notice how the edge of her skirt had indecently ridden up. We need to tell her about this, otherwise she will get to the bus stop and there could be an embarrassment. I don’t want the girl to blush in vain.

He quickened his pace and called out to the stranger:

Young woman!

She turned around, crumbling brown hair: large grey eyes widened in fear. I turned around, not understanding what was happening, and when I turned around: the girl was almost running and her tight skirt began to ride up even higher.

Wait, girl! - I shouted, trying to catch up with the stranger and ask what scared her so much, and also to deal with the damned skirt.

Yes, wait a minute! - Well, I won’t shout to the whole park that her skirt has ridden up.

There wasn’t much left before the exit, and I simply moved in space, finding myself in the face of a breathless stranger.

Girl, you have a skirt...

A strong blow between my legs silenced me. I may be a demon, but my balls are not made of iron.

He whined hoarsely, puffing out his cheeks, afraid that his eyes would pop out of their sockets.

For what?.. - I exhale raggedly and then some kind of abomination sprays into my face, from which my eyes begin to burn, and I want to sneeze. Well, regeneration works quickly, and I come to my senses.

I straighten up and look into my eyes, burning with frantic fear. I feel nothing except the desire to teach the impudent man a lesson for his lost dignity. I come to her with good intentions, but she peppers me in the face! The only desire at this moment, really, is to attack her and scare her properly, so that next time she can distinguish maniacs from decent demons.

The girl steps back, trips on a stone and falls. I react instantly and grab her hands, our eyes meet, and I make the craziest decision of my life. “I’ll take it!” - I whisper mentally and activate the jump, moving us to the cruiser. It’s clear that I didn’t think about any consequences at that moment.


The world is rapidly melting, losing its outlines and reality. It's like we're floating through time. The hands of a psychopath burn with fire, real fire: pale yellow, almost invisible, but there is no pain. You can’t even hear your heartbeat, as if your body has frozen, leaving only feverish thoughts of fear.

I fall onto the metal floor, and my body begins to move: I take a greedy breath, as if I had emerged from the water, and I feel burning tears welling up. I'm scared to such an extent that I'm ready to throw myself out the window, behind which... the mother of God! What is this space?!

My heart thundered in my chest, sounding like cannonade in my ears. A massive tremor shook my body, and panic seized my throat with an icy grip.

The madman tore me off the floor with one jerk, sat me in a chair and fastened me with a belt. Yellow flies appeared before my eyes, nausea rose in my throat: I was one step away from fainting and I was even glad about it when they thrust a bottle of water into my hands and sarcastically ordered:

Don't you dare lose consciousness. This would be a personal insult to me.

The psycho sat down in the chair and also buckled up.

“We’re brave just like punching someone in the face,” this crazy guy grumbled. - No, to first inquire, find out... Albert! “Come on,” the psycho growled irritably and rubbed his eyes tiredly.

My heart sank painfully. The tears didn't stop flowing. This is the end! Mommies, what will happen to me?

The psycho frowned at me and exhaled resignedly.

Stop crying, no one is going to kill you.

So let me go,” I whisper chokedly, swallowing tears.

You should have thought earlier. In your opinion, I am a maniac, which means I must take you to my maniac lair. And finally straighten your stupid skirt!

She shuddered and, embarrassed, quickly lowered her skirt. Lord, how embarrassing! From the words I abnormally understood that they were not going to let me go, but about the maniac, I didn’t believe it. He said it too casually and ironically. But then why does he need me?

Something buzzed beneath us, causing me to yelp in fear. A pleasant male voice came from above.

Get ready, please. We leave in thirty seconds.

“Thank you, Albert,” the psycho said unexpectedly politely. “Better close your eyes,” he advised and closed his own.

I shrank all over, but dared to ask.

Where are we going?

Come visit me,” this joker grinned. - I live nearby, in another world. You'll like it.

I closed my eyes in horror and swallowed, praying that they would let me go and return me to Earth. I decided to put off the hysteria because it might not be safe on the ship, especially when the countdown began. At the last moment I thought that I had not warned my sister: Albina would be very worried when she returned from training.


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