Riddles quiz questions for the new year. New Year's quizzes and competitions. Quizzes for children of different ages

Riddles - far from it children's genre. In ancient times, they played an important role in human life. A logic riddle is a kind of test of rationality. If you guess right, you will go from fools to princes, you will receive a princess and half a kingdom, as usual, in addition! And today, at a matinee for a child and at a holiday for a parent, at any celebration, New Year's riddles will come to the fore.

We have something for every taste: serious and humorous, simple and complex, for children and adults, with and without answers. All of them are about the New Year 2020 and its symbol - the rat. Entertaining and instructive, with and without rhyme, a little sad and funny. Have fun with our creative riddles!

It's time to prepare a festive dinner. What is the first thing every housewife throws into the pan?

What kind of fashionista comes to every home and sits as a guest at the table?
She is dressed in a warm fur coat, a special dark red color.
(Herring under a fur coat)

How many boiled eggs can you eat on an empty stomach on January 1st?
(One egg, because the rest will not be eaten on an empty stomach)

The rat, the symbol of the coming year, is a patient, intelligent, thrifty creature. But the question is this: can she call herself an animal?
(No, because rats can't talk)

About the symbol of 2020 - the rat

We honor the Rat in the New Year. Nobody remembers the old New Year anymore. The symbol of 2020 is also economic mother of many children, a nimble, sleek rat in a white dress, and a slender, charming rat in a golden outfit, and a thrifty Little Mouse. Riddles about different little rats and mice are waiting to meet you!

It's funny and sad to the point of tears!

A keen sense of smell and sensitive hearing,
Little legs,
She has a corded ponytail
And he's afraid of cats!
(Rat, mouse)

I arrange myself cleverly:
I have a pantry with me.
Where's the storage room? Behind the cheek!
I'm so cunning!

She has been feeling for a long time
That the ship will go to the bottom.
She has no time for rye, no time for rice -
escapes from the ship

What do you call an endless, self-defeating, pointless pursuit, or a routine lifestyle that leaves no time for rest or entertainment?
(Rat race)

The female sex doesn't like her,
Always greeted with loud screams.
And hiding from her on the table,
When she comes close.
(Rat, mouse)

Funny with a trick (for adults)

When adults are alone at home, despite their age, they also like to play pranks. They arrange a banquet for themselves, come up with and solve riddles for the New Year. All sorts of tricky questions and puzzles are especially popular. They are suitable for both corporate and casual occasions. fun company. Jokes for good health! All our jokes are given out for free!

Who got drunk on New Year's Day?
Who grunted and got into the shower dressed?
You guessed right, not a pig,
And he looks like a pig (husband)!

Question:“What is the most wonderful gift a woman dreams of receiving for the New Year? There's a hint! The length of the gift is 15cm, and its width is 7cm.” Guess your beloved's wish!

Answer: hundred dollar bill.

Question: Why does our beloved Grandfather Frost have a red nose?

Answer: Why does grandpa have a very red nose?
Maybe he got very cold on the road?
It's because the fabulous old man
I’m used to taking a steam bath in a hot Russian bath.

Question: “Who is dressed the warmest in this room?”

Who is not afraid to freeze
At minus thirty to the bones?
Maybe a fox fur coat
Someone hid one of the guests?

Look at each other
And answer me now:
Where is this fur coat?
What is invisible to the eye?

(herring under a fur coat on the table)

Question:“Have you ever wondered why a snowman, like a real man, has a bucket on his head and not a hat?”

The answers might be: one can assume that such a headdress is very practical - it does not get wet, does not fly off in the wind, and suits a snowman. Or maybe like this family tradition, and the bucket is passed down from generation to generation. Of course, anything is possible!

But in reality it was like this...
One New Year's Eve, the wife asked her husband to take out the trash. Reluctantly, he looked up from the TV, which was showing an old funny comedy, got dressed and went out into the yard... Two weeks passed. On the night of the old New Year the doorbell rang. The wife opened it - an unshaven, lost husband stood on the threshold. He handed his wife an empty bucket. She appreciated the joke, took the bucket and with great pleasure put it on her beloved husband’s head... Like this unusual story for the whole family.

Why does this happen? Another funny poem:

If at night your doors
The animals opened it without a key,
They began to eat salad with peas,
Brazenly demand potatoes
Slurp loudly and laugh,
Don't be reflected in mirrors,
And tap your hoof,
And you see a little double, Look at the calendar:
It's not winter yet!
Don't delay, come on
Call an ambulance!

New Year's riddles for children

Children believe in miracles! Not only children 3-4 years old and preschoolers, but also completely grown-up senior schoolchildren. They believe in a fairytale grandfather who will certainly come and give a miracle. Just like that, he will simply open the bag and give away the most valuable thing he has free of charge (that is, for nothing)! Let children's naive faith in miracles remain longer! The New Year lives in our mysteries. Each of them is not only fun entertainment with friends, but also a good lesson.

In verse:

The dear ribbon lay spread out on the Christmas tree.
The lights flash in different colors.
They are connected by a miracle - wiring.
The light bulbs are powered by the electric current itself.

Around the Christmas tree on New Year's Day
There is a round dance at school.
What is it, where are your friends?
I don't see anyone.

It melts quickly on your warm palm
Lacy little piece of ice.
It's a pity that there are no repetitions.
Each one is unique (snowflake.)

She is a beautiful queen.
Green and young
And on the top of my head it sparkles
Star of Bethlehem.
(Christmas tree)

Mice one after another
Behind the mice is a cat.
This is not hunting, this is
(round dance!)

Some from a fairy tale, some from a miracle
Came to us out of nowhere?
With a beard so fluffy
And with a childishly pure soul?
Who brought gifts?
Let's shout loudly:
(Father Frost!)

And when the guests arrive
And they will pour champagne,
Pull her by the ponytail -
There will be fireworks!

About what winter holiday They say?

This holiday is friends with the Christmas tree,
Hanging the lights in a row,
He has a green needle
He embroiders her outfit.

Children are not given into your hands,
Repeat their rhyme.
Dads laugh festively
They make fallen snow.

Moms in the kitchen finish cutting
A bowl full of Olivier.
Answer me, who knows
What kind of holiday is it outside?

(New Year)

Look, whose footprints are in the snow?
The enemy will never understand them.
Confused, confused paths.
Even a wolf won't find him quickly.

But these are the tracks of a predator.
Run away to avoid trouble!
It's better not to joke with this beast
A hare can be swallowed right away.

Someone was covering their tracks with their tail.
To prevent a hunter from entering the house
Predators of unprecedented beauty
Khitroya Patrikeevna

Who is sleeping in the den and doesn’t hear us?
That's right guys, this is

Game "Cool". Finish the poem

Good luck and success await you,
If you eat from the Christmas tree (nut.)

You will travel around the world,
If you take (candy) from the Christmas tree.

You will become incredibly smart.
If you can find (lemon.)

You will be able to study “excellently”
If you eat a jar (of mustard.)

Suddenly you will find sausage on the Christmas tree,
Don’t share with anyone, but eat (yourself!)

I hope your sense of humor is okay?
Did you like cool riddles?

You can guess it very quickly.
This famous artist.
The news will show a film,
Even the President's address.
In the meantime, the chimes are striking,
He will show (holiday fireworks!)

The good old New Year is coming soon!
Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will come.
Guess what's in the wonderful bag
Will grandpa bring it this time?
And don’t just wrinkle your nose!
This is a rhetorical question!

Man has always been attracted to everything interesting and mysterious. The riddles contain drops of folk wisdom, the salt of the earth. For many years she improved, honed rhymes, deepened the idea, polished like a diamond. How many riddles are there? How many Christmas decorations or how many stars are there in the sky? There is a solution, but it is not given clearly. It's like printing the same picture and expecting a different result.

Try composing yourself! At first short riddles. Look for answers in poetry or prose. Try writing simple children's or cool adult ones for a quiz. This is a great exercise for the mind.

For many people, New Year is the most long-awaited and favorite holiday. To celebrate and celebrate it well, you need to think through all the details of the celebration in advance - the venue, snacks, entertainment and competitions. Those who want to have a fun and unforgettable experience New Year's Eve a quiz with answers will help, which will become the main issue for the New Year 2019 and a source of good mood.

Quiz for New Year 2019

When planning a scenario New Year's holiday it is necessary to take into account the category of the audience, that is, guests and invitees, so that each participant feels comfortable and fun.

What is known about the symbol of the year

According to the Chinese calendar, the Dog will be replaced by Yellow next year Earth Pig(Boar). Therefore, you should not forget this important fact and when compiling a quiz for the New Year 2019, you should use a variety of facts and interesting information about pigs.

You need to take care in advance about choosing and purchasing prizes in the form of this year’s symbol. This way, each of the winners will have a souvenir as a reminder of a good time.

Below is an example of a quiz with questions and answers about this animal, but if desired, they can be expanded and supplemented, because both children and adults can participate:

  1. Make a nuisance - plant what? (Pig).
  2. Who isn't a pig's comrade? (Goose).
  3. A female name used to call a pig in folk tales in Russia (Khavronya).
  4. What will a pig find everywhere? (Dirt).
  5. The name of infectious inflammation of the parotid glands in children (Mumps).
  6. Name of wild pig (Boar).
  7. A disparaging name for a fat and clumsy person (Hog).
  8. Pig's child (Piglet).
  9. Fable by I.A. Krylov (“Pig under the oak tree”).
  10. The name of a rare and expensive gourmet mushroom, the search for which involves an animal (Truffle).
  11. The name of the piglet, Winnie the Pooh's friend, from the famous animated film (Piglet).
  12. The name of the pig from the TV show " Good night, kids" (Piggy).
  13. Which of the piglets from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” was the smartest and built a house out of stone? (Naf-Naf).
  14. What kind of meat is used to prepare boiled pork? (Pork).
  15. Which famous Russian poet wrote the following lines:

Remember this every son, every child know this.

A son will grow up to be a pig, if the son is a pig.(Vladimir Mayakovsky).

For corporate events

If this is a celebration among work colleagues, then a New Year's quiz will allow you to have a fun and active celebration of 2019, unite the team and raise team spirit. Questions for the competition can be from a wide variety of fields of science, natural history and other areas, and also relate directly to the history of the creation and operation of the enterprise. To make the competition fun and noisy, you can write questions in advance on small pieces of paper and mix them all in a hat or cap. All participants take turns taking out their forfeit and reading the task out loud.

To maintain your corporate image, you can prepare small souvenirs with the symbols or emblem of the organization as gifts.

The main requirement for the format of tasks is a comic form, variety and New Year's theme:

  1. The main alcoholic attribute of the New Year's table. (Champagne).
  2. Beautiful wishes during the feast. (Toast).
  3. What is prohibited to do during the working day? (Sleep).
  4. What's hard to get up on the morning of January 1st? (Eyelids).
  5. The song performed by actor Andrei Myagkov in the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!” (“If you don’t have an aunt”).
  6. The name of a concert that is broadcast annually on television. (“Blue Light”).
  7. What comes after the New Year? (Hangover on the morning of January 1).
  8. Colleague snow woman. (Snowman).
  9. How did the Snow Maiden melt? (Jump over the fire).
  10. What color is the Winter Olympics or fever? (White).

In the family

Celebrating the New Year with the whole family is a great opportunity to become closer friend to a friend, to show attention and care for your loved ones, to spend unforgettable moments together. Questions for the quiz must be selected taking into account all age categories of family members, so that even the youngest can give answers with pleasure:

  1. The name of a city in Russia, which is considered the geographical residence of Father Frost. (Veliky Ustyug).
  2. Where does New Year's grandfather with the name Baba Zhara live? (Cambodia).
  3. The most common salad on the New Year's menu in Russia. ("Olivie").
  4. In which country is there a custom of throwing old things and furniture out of the house on New Year's Eve? (Italy).
  5. Areas where the New Year is celebrated first in the territory Russian Federation. (Kamchatka, Magadan).
  6. The city to whose residents the holiday comes last. (Kaliningrad).
  7. Which artist painted the painting “The Snow Maiden”? (Vasnetsov V.M.).
  8. The most popular New Year's movie in the territory former USSR. ("Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!").
  9. A popular holiday children's song. ("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree").
  10. The name for small rolled rolls of colored paper. (Serpentine).

For children

Children always look forward to the New Year with great impatience, because at this time incredible emotions await them, a lot interesting gifts and impressions. To prepare tasks for a children's quiz, you need to carefully select questions to give all participants the opportunity to express themselves in an intellectual battle:

  1. The main attribute of the holiday. (Christmas tree).
  2. Funny name for Santa Claus in Finland. (Youlupukki).
  3. Where does the New Year's Eve take place next to the palm trees? (Cuba).
  4. The name of the queen of snow and cold. (The Snow Queen).
  5. Spruce deposit. (Forest).
  6. Dancing around the festive tree. (Round dance).
  7. The predecessor of modern Santa Claus. (St Nicholas).
  8. An analogue of the domestic Santa Claus in the USA. (Santa Claus).
  9. Name the winter months one by one. (December January February).
  10. Where does Santa Claus keep gifts for children? (In the bag).

It is imperative to think through rewards for all children; encouragement can be in the form of candies, sweets, toys.

It's no secret that each country celebrates the New Year according to its own special rules. Why not test your guests' knowledge of world traditions and have some fun at the same time? To run this competition you will need:

  • geographical map of the world or globe;
  • pin flags with numbers;
  • kegs with numbers, you can use kegs from the game “Loto”;
  • a cap.

On a map or globe, mark with flags the countries with which you will be connected. New Year's questions. Write numbers on the flags that correspond to the numbers on the barrels. Each player takes turns taking a barrel with a country number from a hat and answering a question related to the selected state.

Advice. If you don’t have barrels on hand, you can use simple pieces of paper.

Examples of questions:

  1. Do residents go to 2 different churches on New Year's Eve: to one to pray, and to the other? (in Buddhist they pray, in Shinto they drink sake).
  2. Residents of which major Russian cities sit down to New Year's table first and last? (Vladivostok and Kaliningrad).
  3. Which country gave the world the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve? (Germany).
  4. What can’t you put on the table in Hungary, so as not to let happiness out of your home? (poultry dishes: chicken, morning, goose).
  5. We have Santa Claus, who in the country called Cambodia? (Baba Heat).

I believe - I don't believe

In this quiz, not only the knowledge of the players is important, but also the acting talent of the host. After all, he will have to convince the participants that fiction is reality and vice versa.

For the competition you need to prepare a number of statements. Some of them will be true. The rest are absolute fiction. But it must be very difficult to distinguish them.

Examples of tasks for the quiz “Believe it or not”:

  1. In Denmark, on New Year's Eve, is it customary to jump into rivers and impersonate the Little Mermaid from Andersen's fairy tale? (No).
  2. Do you believe that if you break a lot of pottery on the Swedish doorstep, they will open the door and feed you goodies? (Yes).
  3. Do you believe that Sudanese people most want to meet a crocodile on New Year's Eve? (Yes).
  4. Do the Spaniards come to Italy on New Year's Eve and collect furniture that the Italians threw away? (No).
  5. Do you believe that in Ireland, hosts put glasses of live fish on the New Year's table? (Yes).

Literary quiz

New Year's and Christmas - magical holidays, which leave no one indifferent. Including writers. This competition is dedicated to literature and writers. The quiz will especially appeal to a group of philologists and lovers of reading.

To make the quiz more interesting, each question should be accompanied by illustrations. Depending on the question, you can take a portrait of the writer, a book, or something related to them. Examples of questions:

  1. Why did little Sasha Pushkin, who became famous poet, parents never put up a Christmas tree either on New Year or Christmas? (At that time there was no such tradition in Russia).
  2. The famous fairy tale by Vladimir Odoevsky is called: a) Kholod Sergeevich; b) Metel Petrovna; c) Moroz Ivanovich or d) Kolotun Nikolaevich? (Moroz Ivanovich).
  3. The famous storyteller Gianni Rodari came up with: a) The World of Santa Clauses; b) Country of the Snow Maidens; c) Planet Christmas trees; d) City Christmas balls? (Planet of Christmas Trees).

Advice. For the one who dials greatest number correct answers or will simply be the most active, you can prepare best gift- a book.


This is a simple quiz for which you just need to prepare a paper daisy with funny questions written on the back of it. The player pulls the petal and answers the question. Examples of questions:

  1. A man's weapon against Christmas trees? (Axe)
  2. Christmas tree singer? (Blizzard)
  3. Blizzard vertically challenged? (Snow drift)
  4. Winter sculpture with carrots? (Snowman)
  5. Outfit for fish festive table? (Fur coat)

But the fun begins if the player does not give the correct answer. Then the presenter has the right to give the participant a task: crow under the table, drink a glass of champagne in one gulp, sing a song, etc.

Adults only

For this quiz you will need:

  • a bottle of alcohol, it is better to take something exotic: rum, tequila, or, as a last resort, liqueur;
  • a bottle of mineral water;
  • 2 small glasses.

There is no need to come up with questions in advance. The participants themselves already have them in stock. The rules of the game are very simple. 2 players chosen by lot sit opposite each other. 2 piles are placed between them: alcohol is poured into one, water into the other. One of the players, by choice, tells the second an incident that happened to him in the past year. But this could also be a fictitious case. If the second player guesses whether it happened or not, he drinks water, and the one who guessed will have to drink alcohol. If the guesser is wrong, then he will have to drink alcohol. The narrator will be saved and drink mineral water.

Attention! This competition can only be held in the company of adults in good health.

The more different quizzes and competitions the hosts prepare, the more fun it will be there will be a holiday. You can also ask each guest to come up with their own competition, then there will definitely be enough entertainment for the whole night.

New Year's game for the whole family: video

Quiz "New Year's Adventures"

Goals: 1.intensify the mental activity of younger children


2.develop the personality of each child through self-realization in gaming situations;

3. create a need for new knowledge.

Equipment: crossword puzzle, cards with anagram words, cut pictures, cards with the word “Snow Maiden”.

Progress of the event

Hello guys! Who wants to take part in the New Year quiz? Now we will divide into three teams of 8 people; to do this, you need to pull out a token from the bag. Those who are not included in the team will be spectators. Each team takes its own table.

Exercise 1. Game “Say the Word.”

We have a game for you

I'll start it now.

I'll start - and you finish,

Answer in unison!

The roof is covered with fur,

White smoke overhead.

Yard in the snow. White at home.

At night...(winter) came to us.

We looked out the window,

I can’t believe my eyes!

Everything around is white and white

And it’s sweeping...(blizzard).

There's a flock of snowflakes outside the window,

He also leads a round dance.

Saying goodbye to the old year,

We are celebrating...(new year).

He has a rosy nose

He himself is bearded,

Who is this?...(Santa Claus).

That's right, guys!

Well, the dress: it’s all needles, it’s only worn... (Christmas trees).

Task 2. Competition “New Year Tree”.

For the competition you will need glue, a sheet of white paper, a spruce cut out of green paper, and Christmas tree decorations.

Whoever glues the Christmas tree and decorations faster and more accurately will win.

Task 3. Crossword puzzle.

You have 5 minutes to solve the crossword puzzle, 1 point for each word guessed.


2. Frost for the Snow Maiden. (grandfather)

5. Russian folk tale about the beautiful Nastenka, whom her father abandoned in the winter forest. (frost)

6. Polar bear from the cartoon. (umka)

9. Who is carrying Santa Claus's sleigh? (horses)

11. A small animal with a fluffy tail, not white at all. (squirrel)

12. Santa Claus's magic stick. (staff)


1.What is behind Santa Claus? (bag)

3. He, beaten, carried an unbeaten fox and caught fish with his tail in an ice hole. (Wolf)

4. There are frosty patterns on it. (window)

7. Hard white “snow”, which is used to write on the blackboard. (chalk)

8. The name Sasha is backwards. (ashas)

9. A pile of letters that Santa Claus receives. (bile)

10. Sometimes Frost is red..., sometimes it’s blue...(nose)

Task 4. “Guess the riddles». Playing with the audience. At this time, commands from the word “Snow Maiden” make up new words. For each word 1 point.

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

Blizzards are walking...

When does this happen? (winter)

No arms, no legs,

And he can draw. (freezing)

Bel, but not sugar,

There are no legs, but he walks. (snow)

White carrot

It grows in winter (icicle)

What a toy

Does it shoot like a cannon? (cracker)

Fishes live warmly in winter:

The roof is thick glass. (ice)

They stood all summer

Winter was expected.

The time has come

We rushed down the mountain. (sleigh)

Two snub-nosed girlfriends

They won't leave each other behind.

Both are running through the snow,

Both songs are sung

Both ribbons in the snow

Leave it on the run. (skis)

Task 5. “Pantomime”.Each team has a card with a riddle.

The answer must be shown through pantomime.

The star spun, the snow was rolled and kneaded,

There’s a little bit in the air, We blinded a little man,

She sat down and melted. Instead of eyes - two coals,

On my palm. And in his hands is a broom!

(snowflake) (snowman)

Every evening I go

Draw circles on ice.

Not with pencils

And shiny...(skates).

Task 6. Poetry competition.We play with the audience. At this time, teams receive cards with anagrams. You need to formulate the word correctly, 1 point for each word.




Summing up, awarding the winners.

So when a corporate event dedicated to a particular holiday approaches and everyone begins to actively plan the scenario for its holding, remember that the editors of Events’pro Magazine have already taken care of you!

Light, unpretentious questions that force you to wiggle your brains a little, without overstraining them too much, are liked by guests of all ages. Let's use it!

When does a person have no head in the room?
Answer:(When he looks out the window).

Day and night - how do they end?
Answer:(Soft sign).

How can you make sure that four boys each have one boot?
Answer:(Take off your shoes, remove one boot from each person).

Does it happen: a raven is flying and a dog is sitting on its tail?
Answer:(No, the dog sits on its tail).

In which month of the year does the talkative Dashenka talk less?
Answer:(In the shortest time - February).

What kind of horse is there when buying?

That a person has only one thing, a crow already has two, and a bear has none at all?

What do other people use more often than you do, but you own?
Answer:(In your name).

In which year is more food eaten than usual?
Answer:(In a leap year).

Can a penguin say that it is a member of the class of birds?
Answer:(He cannot, because he is not able to speak).

What rocks are not found on the seabed?

What disease do you never get on land?

What is cooked but never eaten?
Answer:(School lessons).

Which hand is easier to stir sweet tea?
Answer:(Better take a teaspoon).

What will increase if it is installed with its feet up?
Answer:(Number 6).

What questions differ funny quizzes for a corporate event?

Which knot doesn't get untied?

What geometric body is suitable for water to boil in?

Most intimidating river?

Shortest month?
Answer:(May – only three letters).

Where to see the end of the world?
Answer:(Where the shadow begins).

An important item in the kitchen for a housewife, without which you can’t bake a pie?
Answer:(Rolling pin).

Where do they drive the very first nail when starting to build a new house?
Answer:(In a hat)

When a person walks across a bridge, what is under his feet?
Answer:(Shoe sole).

What rises easily, but does not throw far?

How many peas are in an empty glass?
Answer:(Not one can enter - each one must be put down).

What can you really see with your eyes closed?

What bird, having lost one letter, turns into the largest river in Europe?

Which comb is not suitable for combing hair?

You are at a holiday venue and are spending fun quizzes for a corporate event. Tell me, what is between the door and the window?
Answer:(Letter “i”).

What can you not build housing without?
Answer:(No corner).

What do they read in a restaurant?

How do two liters of milk fit into a liter jar?
Answer:(Condensed milk is being cooked).

If 5 cats catch 5 mice in 5 minutes, how many minutes will it take for one cat to bring one mouse?

Which months of the year have 28 days?
Answer:(All months).

When they need it, they throw it away; when there is no need, they pick it up. What is this?

The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, but she managed to walk 300 meters. How did this happen?
Answer:(They forgot to tie the rope.)

What branch on the bush does not grow?

What travels around the world all the time without leaving one corner?
Answer:(Postage Stamp).

How to light a match underwater?
Answer:(Fill the glass with water and hold the match below the glass).

How can you throw an egg three meters without breaking it?
Answer:(Throw it four meters, it will fly the first three meters and definitely survive!).

What would the green cliff be like if it ended up in the Red Sea?

A heavy dump truck was driving. The car's headlights are not turned on. There was no moon in the sky. A woman was crossing the road in front of moving traffic. How was the driver able to see her?
Answer:(The day was bright and sunny).

How to pick an apple from a branch without scaring a bird?
Answer:(Wait until it flies away on its own).

Which letter comes first in Russia, and in second in France?

While a quiz was being held for employees invited to the corporate party, two people were sitting on the sidelines playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. How is this possible?
Answer:(They both played with different people).

What is larger than an elephant and at the same time seems weightless?
Answer:(Shadow of an elephant).

What does an apple half look like?
Answer:(For your other half).

How to avoid getting injured when jumping from a ten-meter ladder?
Answer:(Make the jump from the bottom step).

What is it like: you can’t see the fire, but you still have to put it out?
Answer:(Credit debt).