Try writing a note to a sick friend. A winter letter to a sick friend. Wishes for a loved one to get well

Lie down, stay down, don't get up. Well, that’s enough already - I waved my hand once, I understood everything, no more. Put your hand down. Hide it under the blanket. And I'll tuck it here, otherwise the edge will hang down.

Yes, cough. Cough for your health. Cough, don't be shy. What are you really? I like to cough myself. Do not believe? True true. I got up in the morning, coughed, and the day began.

This happens. It happens, as we now know, always. That is, not always, but it comes back. Begins in the fall and continues throughout the winter. It turns out that this will always happen now - until the end of my life. First, everything on earth suddenly begins to cry and suffer incomprehensible sorrows, then dust storms and endless rains come. And then the cold comes. All the people have gray faces, no one knows how to smile, people are cold, wrapped in blankets, coughing. It becomes very quiet, and the tearing cough is even more audible. The person becomes uneasy, he feels bad. Very lonely.

The great silence has come to take its share. People are scared and don't look there. They try to speak more quietly and are afraid to raise their eyes from the floor. And this winter, yes, and this winter someone will leave. They always leave, but in winter it is especially noticeable. Because it's very quiet all around.

But not us, not us, not us yet, not our time, not our turn! I’m still living, though, I can even cough... Some people wave their hands, crossing themselves, some sing mournfully, some talk to God, thinking that God hears them and through conversation one can establish warm, friendly relations with that person. , in whose power we are, to persuade, to beg, to delay.

And in the far north, so far that it’s hard for us to even imagine, where there is now impenetrable darkness and such terrible frost that if you spit, your saliva rings like ice when it falls on the ice. And strong winds blow. Endless evil winds. So, there, in the far north, buried deep in the snow, a polar bear sleeps. Imagine, they give birth in their sleep. And at first the cubs are so tiny - like kittens, so the mother bear doesn’t have to wake up for such a thing. They will come out on their own, find the nipple and suck on it. They will drink delicious warm milk and fall asleep with their mother. The cubs will often wake up and drink milk. By spring, they will already be the way we are used to seeing them - funny white fluffy cubs, never leaving their mother’s side...

And we did it too small miracle. We have done new life. It wasn’t - but now it is! Isn't this a miracle?

One day I thought about it. I have a mom and dad. They have their own mothers and fathers. And they also had parents. Without going too deep, let’s introduce them all together. Adults, men and women, gathered in one large area. It will be a large crowd - ten thousand people, no less. Here they all stand and look at me. They lived in worse conditions, they had no electricity, heating, or cars. They felt bad too, they were freezing in winter and suffering from heat in summer. They dug the ground and harvested crops. Or they grazed sheep, or maybe cows. It was difficult for them, much more difficult than for us now. But everyone - every single person on this square - fulfilled their destiny - they gave life, raised and helped their children live. Some were even whipped, some followed the cart in the rain, moving to new places. But all of them, every single one, completed their task. They made their life honestly and well, giving it to me and becoming a part of me.

And now you too. You do your job. You live. Look at your children - they are there, which means you are doing everything right.

And then the blues set in. Beautiful word, so heavy, de-press-sia. Crushing. You cough, honey, cough, don’t forget. Otherwise I listened too much and couldn’t hear you at all.

Just imagine that I live many, many sands, seas and rivers, many forests from you. And if you fly on a magic plane at night, there will be many, many flashing lights below. It's night here too. And also very quiet. There is snow, frost and gray skies. Forest. There are only motionless pines covered with snow all around. The silence is absolute. A small sleeping village with black windows. One of them glows. This is me sitting and talking to you. Such a familiar, unnoticed miracle. Be able to talk over a hundred thousand kilometers. Isn’t it a miracle to be able to talk as closely as we do now? Did you think about that? That's it...

We have a long way to go. Not very soon. You will definitely see and care for your grandchildren. You don't believe it, right? Well, you don’t feel it, you don’t imagine it, is this more correct? And I know.

Your daughter will grow up beautiful and smart. She will be very a good man, because... Because that’s the only way it will be. And the son will become quite an adult. And very smart. By then you will have already traveled around the world, seen and learned a lot of new things. You will become calmer, wiser, and you will understand many simple things about this world. Your daughter will meet a wonderful guy. Everything will be fine with them, they will be, like you now, hot-tempered, restless, knowing and understanding everything about this life, they will quarrel over trifles, but immediately make up. Then there will be a wedding. And in the spring, when everything around is full of bright sunlight, when everything is so good and calm, you will take this weightless lump in your arms - your granddaughter. Or a grandson.

And at that moment you will understand clearly and completely. That everything was not in vain. And this cough, and these sleepless nights and everything, everything, everything. It was not in vain.

You can now feel your breath. Because of the cough. And when you are healthy and there is no cough, you don’t even notice every breath. Air is all around, it is given to everyone and for free. Why notice if you breathe on your own?

Life was also given to you for free. You gave life to your children for free. Amazing things are happening around us, and we are worried about coughing. Cough, honey, cough for good health. If you cough, it means you and I are still here. And we still have a lot to do, more important than your annoying bronchitis. But they will wait, and for now you cough, since it’s winter, and cold, and depression...


It hurts a wonderful letter!
Sometimes I really want to receive such good letters when people agree with you, even if you are wrong. And you realize that you are wrong, and it becomes easier for you to admit it. And it’s nice to hear about the pain that everything will pass. And you know that nothing will go away, but you feel better. And you hear that it’s not time yet. But no one knows when it’s time. But it still becomes easier and calmer. Especially because he didn’t live in vain. Even if you haven’t done anything special, but just lie there and hear the quiet voice of a friend.
Thank you for your kindness and wonderful letter!

Hello, Sergey. :)
Yesterday I taught museum lessons to fifth graders. And she asked: “Why are words needed?” I really liked one answer. “Words are needed to tell loved ones how much we love them.” It turns out that children understand this. And then, growing up, for some reason they forget.
Saying something good is always more difficult than expressing displeasure, scolding, saying nasty things, or injecting. But saying something good is more important and necessary than anything else. It is so?

Hello, I know that the person who is reading this now wants more than anything else to overcome his illness.

I believe that you will be able to defeat this disease, and then, remembering this, you will be proud of yourself, because this is already a completed stage of your life that you were able to overcome...

These are not just words, not empty talk, in fact, I sincerely hope that after a while, thanks to your faith and the support of your loved ones, you will be able to overcome the disease.

The main thing is to believe, hope and think about good things, because all our thoughts are material and become life.

Believe in yourself, in your recovery, and remember that everyone has someone or something to live for.

I wish you strong willpower, a desire to fight this disease, and, of course, health!

Group 1-B student

Kurtosmanova Elnara

Hello, my name is Marina, I want to support you in this letter. I know how hard it is for you now. I was once in the same situation, on the threshold of life and death.

I brought myself to this state. At the age of 15 I lost my father, and I don’t really remember him either. He drank a lot and often left us. My childhood dream of becoming a pianist did not come true. I began to replace the lack of love with bad company, alcohol, bad deeds, etc. And this dragged on for 10 years...

For the last year I have been constantly in intensive care. Three times and all 3 times they brought me to a coma. I weighed 43 kg when normal weight 65 kg. I didn’t want to live, my children and apartment were taken from me, my parents refused and pointed fingers at everything, hated me and spat on me. I lived with one thought: “die quickly.” Addictions were killing me. Nobody could help me. The doctors' diagnosis sounded like a verdict: “he will not survive, he will die today or tomorrow.”

Love saved me - the love of a mother and the prayer of caring people. Time has passed...

I finally found the love that I had been looking for for so long - in the Lord. I realized how I offended people: my mother, my children, who love me so much. I was blind and regained my sight.

May you have such love too. And the Lord will fill you with it, so that it will overcome all illness, fatigue, hopelessness, and give strength and patience to get up and walk!

Love endures for a long time, is merciful, love does not envy, does not boast, is not proud, does not act outrageously, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth, covers everything, believes everything, endures everything...

Corinthians 13

May the Lord bless you

Taranenko Marina

Dear friend!

When you have faith, you will never lose hope.

Never forget that you have close people who love you very much and care about you. Do not despair, and under no circumstances, never lose hope, because everyone should have it.

Just know that somewhere, not far from you, there are people who are really waiting and believe in your recovery.

My aunt had cancer, but after a while everything passed, she managed to overcome this disease because she remained strong and believed in herself.

Believing in yourself is the only faith that helps you live!

Sincerely, EGC student

Hello my dear friend!

It is with great joy that I write to you to find a new and kind friend.

I am writing to get to know you and to clear your thoughts a little from the cloudy and gloomy days of winter.

Just think, summer is coming, the fresh aroma of flowers and air, the smiles of the dear people around us. Incredibly invigorating!

And now to the most important thing, my name is Sevara and now from today I am yours new friend and comrade.

You just have to tell me everything about yourself, I want to know everything, right down to your favorite dish =). Describe your appearance, how you feel, what you dream about and what is most valuable?

I am sure that you have incredible beauty, deep, bewitching eyes. I like sincere people, so trust me, I will always be there.

I wonder if you like reading books? I really like novels, only in books you can see our world from a completely different side. Only by dreaming do we create an ideal world for ourselves, you know, but I believe in the impossible, I still hope that life can become a fairy tale and I will be at least part of this fairy-tale world.

It’s probably funny to you, but I’ll tell you a little secret: our deepest desires tend to come true. Therefore, you must always believe in the best.

I am sure that you smile beautifully, because the most sincere and pure smile is always the most beautiful, please: smile more often!!! Don’t forget to bring joy to those around you, because if we stop bringing happiness to our world, then our world will become gray and the rain will not leave us. And sunny people like you and me will lose their ray of happiness.

So we got to know each other better. By the way, I am only 17 years old and I am studying in medical college and in the near future I hope to become a nurse and help people. Please believe in me, so I will always pray for you! May everything be fine with you and me. I wish you and I immense happiness and good luck!

Be sure to answer me...

Don't lose yourself, you are a miracle!

Your Sevara...

Nursing department, 13C-group

Hello, I know your problem. My name is Anastasia, however, I don’t know your name yet, but I hope that you and I will correct this.

Yes, you have difficulties today, but together we will overcome them. How are you feeling? I have great faith that you will get better. Smile more often, be a positive person, throw away all the sad moments and memories. I really want you to believe in yourself, in your recovery. I really want to hear your voice, talk with you about pleasant moments, bright moments.

Give yourself hope and you will be healthy. I will pray for you!

P.S. Believe and everything will come true =)

Group 1-A student

Crimean Agro-Industrial College

Bugara Anastasia

Hello! My name is Ilona, ​​I'm only 15 years old. I don’t know anything about you yet, only that you are faced with a difficult situation. Anyone could be in your place. In my 15 years of life, I have also experienced this myself. Not long ago I had serious problems with my lungs, but I was able to get through... I was able to support my mother, I promised her that everything would get better and, despite the doctors’ forecasts, I recovered. The faith that accompanied me and will accompany you, my and your faith, the faith of your loved ones and friends, the faith of all caring people, helped me in this.

You know, those who fight will achieve success. Program yourself only for the best, only for the positive. Believe yourself that you are on the mend. Throw aside all negativity! Live and enjoy every minute of your life. Open your eyes wider, read good books, chat with friends, listen to beautiful music, love! Smile, don't give misfortune pleasure. You will not notice how the disease leaves you. I know that you are strong and courageous! Our main task is to be happy.

I really hope that you will listen to me. I will pray for your recovery. Please, believe in miracles!

Your new friend, student of group 1-B of the Crimean Agro-Industrial College, Gokova Ilona.

P.S. I always look forward to your response.

Hello, dear comrade!

My name is Marina, I am a student. I am very glad to write you this letter.

Nowadays, there are many diseases that we have already heard about, and which are very difficult to fight. I believe that illness is not a reason to give up, illness is just another “black streak” in our life, and it will certainly be followed by a “white” one - recovery.

I believe that any disease is curable, everyone just needs different period. The main thing is to believe in yourself, to believe that you will overcome all the obstacles in your path.

Every day people struggle with various problems, so you, dear friend, overcome all obstacles on your path to recovery.

We will be glad to see a smile on your face, because you will achieve what you so desired.

Good luck to you!

P.S. Popova Marina, 17 years old

Student of the Crimean Agro-Industrial College.

Hello, dear friends! Today, I would like to wish you all great willpower so that you can cope with your illness! No one is immune from it, and each of us could be in your place...

Hold on! Believe in a miracle, and it will definitely not pass you by. Don't be discouraged and hope only for the best! I really want everyone who has any health problems to get better. We are with you! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Katya, I am 15 years old and I suffered from allergies. We had to move from the city to the village because I was just walking around and out of breath. But I never lost heart, hoped for a miracle and never even allowed a bad thought. And a miracle happened! I was cured in just 1.5 years. And the fact that we moved to the village is even good. After all, my health, like the health of my family, has improved significantly, and now we have become less sick in general, even with a common cold, so everything that is being done is for the better. And I wish you recovery and no more pain! Let a small miracle happen to you too! I wish you happiness and prosperity and may luck be on your side. And once again I repeat - believe in a miracle, and it will definitely come to you!

(Voznyuk Ekaterina Sergeevna)

1st group


My name is Natasha. I am studying in college, I am 16 years old and I was very happy when I found out that I had the opportunity to write to you and support you.

I don’t know how difficult it is for you now and what you are experiencing now, but I know that there is One who knows better than me and better than all of you what is happening to you now.

You know, I really ask you: NEVER LOSE HOPE! I know that some people say that this disease is incurable, especially in the last stages, but I know that this is not true. Jesus Christ, who died for you, for me on the cross - he took all our sins, all infirmities, and all illnesses onto the cross. By his sacrifice he cleansed us from all diseases and from all sins. We just need to let Jesus into our hearts, stop fighting with ourselves.

I want to wish you that in your life, always and no matter what, there will be joy, there will be freedom (true freedom that only Jesus Christ can give, freedom not only from sins, from addictions, but also from diseases, the main thing is to believe and trust God!), and may there always be LIFE in your life!!!

I will pray for you, and I believe and hope that Jesus Christ will come into your heart when you let Him in, and I hope that this will happen very soon.

Your friend Natasha =)

Hello, my name is Elizaveta!

Last year, a person dear to me passed away - the writer Yu. Voznesenskaya. Her life ended in a ward for cancer patients. Her whole life was dedicated to fighting. I would like to quote her wonderful words: “... Everyone is leaving... every single person on earth. Both good and bad, all kinds. There are no immortal people. Only our souls are immortal..."

All our illnesses are tests that are given from above to test us and prepare us for Eternal Life. If we despair and lose Faith, what then will be the meaning of life? We are able to endure all the trials that befall us. We will never receive more than our strength. Although sometimes it can be very difficult, so difficult that we want to curl up and forget about everything, so that all our problems, worries and pains will recede. It is important not to forget that there are people who are even worse off than us. But they do not despair, they fight!

There was such a very strong man, fighting cancer, he said about himself:

“We cancer patients are filled with two feelings - resentment towards the whole world (why did this happen to me) and self-pity. All these sentiments are very harmful to the cause of recovery. They need to be uprooted from oneself and replaced with an attitude that I would call “fury of attack.” I have no fear of cancer, I have such a feeling of “wild rage” towards it. I always knew that cancer would be defeated, it simply does not stand a chance against me. And if I starve until the last moment, then of the two of us he will die first. With such an internal attitude, a person becomes immune to cancer...”

I wish you never to give up or despair.

Elizabeth. 01/22/2016

Letter eleven.

Hello! I would like to introduce myself to you, my name is Olya. I don’t know your name yet, but I would like to know in a reply letter. I know about your problem, but I believe with all my heart in your recovery. I would like to wish you more patience and strength: you need them now. Let faith not leave you, it gives you the very strength and patience to fight. Enjoy every day, every moment, because everything in life is beautiful, including life. Free yourself from bad thoughts, they are of no use to you. Often we did not even suspect that the most important obstacles are hidden within us, in our subconscious. In life, both bad and good happen. But remember, everything in this life is in balance; after a black stripe, a white stripe will definitely follow. Everything takes time. We all believe and support you.

The main thing is that you believe in yourself, in your strength, and everything will definitely work out!

Sincerely, 1st year student

Crimean Agro-Industrial College

Topic: “How to help a sick friend?”

1. Teach children to understand another person.

2. Develop the ability to empathize and come to the rescue.

3. Correction of spoken language.

Progress of the lesson:

    When might we need a friend's help? How can we help our friends?

Children's answers.

You see how many different situations happen in life when our friends need help.

The teacher shows the children a picture of a girl and tells (problem situation): “Lena hasn’t been going to school for a whole week. She has - . She is being treated by a doctor, and her mother is looking after her tenderly and carefully. But Lena is bored and upset, because she wants to go to school with her friends, but she can’t.”

How can her friends help a sick girl?

— What letter would you write to a sick friend?

— Why is it important to take care of a sick comrade?

—What words of consolation do you know?

Role-playing gymnastics: using facial expressions and gestures to show:

Like a girl with a sore throat, she’s in a lot of pain;

How sad the girl is;

How her mother tenderly and carefully looks after her;

How the girl rejoices that she has recovered.

— How did you feel when you showed the sick girl?

— How did you feel when you showed a mother caring for her sick daughter?

— How did you feel when you showed the joyful, happy girl?

The teacher comes to the children’s aid and suggests how to help a sick friend: “If you can’t visit a friend, then you can write a letter to him. Your friend will be very pleased."

Exercise “Writing a letter to a friend”

Letter writing plan:

Say hello to your friend………hello………….. Talk about the problem…………..we found out that you have a sore throat…………. “Questionnaire”…………….how is your health………….. Wishes…………..get well soon……… We say hello……..our whole group…………. Farewell……………

The teacher, together with the children, composes a letter to a sick child. In the process of performing this exercise, any manifestation of attention and care for a friend is encouraged. At the end of the exercise, the teacher can ask the question: “If you were in the place of a sick comrade and received such a letter in the mail, how would you feel?”

Reading the poem by E. Uspensky “I am writing you a letter.”

And the sheet in the envelope is clean,

There are no letters or lines on it,

A leaf smells like autumn -

A fallen leaf from a tree.

Just your address and name.

I'll write on the envelope,

I'll find the blue box

I'll put down my piece of paper.

You will receive my letter.

And suddenly you will be happy:

Life in the world is much better,

If a friend remembers a friend.

Write me an answer right away!

And the ink is running out -

Just put a feather in

What did the tit drop?

If in this moment There is a sick child in the group, then the teacher suggests sending this letter to him by mail.

    You need to help your friend and not expect to be praised for it. Treat people in every way as you would like to be treated. To understand another person, you need to step into his shoes.

Game "Magic Chair" ()

All children stand in a circle. A chair is placed inside the circle, at the edge. Children walk in a circle and sing:

Who is the most beautiful today? Who is the happiest person today? Show up quickly! Sit on the magic chair!

After the song ends, the one who is closest to the chair sits on it. Each child in the circle, in turn, starting from the place where the chair stands, must say something good and kind about the person sitting on the chair.

At the end of the lesson, invite the children to perform a song - the dance “The Good Bug” (from the movie “Cinderella”, lyrics by E. Schwartz, music by A. Spadavecchi).

Stand in a circle, stand in a circle!

Once upon a time there lived a good beetle, a good old friend.

He never grumbled, screamed, or squeaked,

He crackled his wings loudly and strictly forbade quarrels.

Stand up children, stand in a circle,

Stand in a circle, stand in a circle!

You are my friend, and I am your friend, an old faithful friend!

We fell in love with a beetle - a good old man -

He has a very light soul, a merry fellow.

Letter writing plan:

Say hello to a friend……….hello... A story about a problem…………..we found out that you have a sore throat… “Questionnaire”……how is your health… Wishes….get well soon… We say hello……. .our whole group.. Farewell……………

Dear friend, don’t worry,
Get well soon!
Take yourself into a fist,
And you conquer the disease!

Gather your strength,
And fight the disease.
You will definitely win
Everything will be fine with you!

Suddenly there was no joy -
Mine got sick best friend!
Don't give in to the disease
Resist illnesses.

Get better, and with you
Everything in the world will become colored -
The sun is brighter, the sky is clearer.
Get well soon, buddy!

Hello buddy, how are you?
Are you sick again? Well, no problem!
Gather all your strength into a fist,
And treat yourself correctly!

And don’t you dare lose heart,
Better yet, drink a lot of tea!
Leave everything aside
And get treatment, please!

And soon you will be there again
Jump and jump with happiness.
Laugh hard from the heart,
You will forget your illnesses!

It's a pity that you, my friend, are sick.
I want to support you.
You will be able to overcome your illness,
You set yourself up to be positive.

Don't be sad, cheer up and don't give up.
Everything will pass, my friend! Have fun!
And don’t succumb to illness,
Prove that you are stronger than her!

My friend is lying sick now,
I'm bogged down with problems in my head.
Nothing makes him happy
But he’s just sad, I feel sorry for him.

Don't be sad, dear friend,
After all, everything will change around,
And you will be healthy again,
Always ready to help you!

Get well soon, my friend.
Get better, buddy, you tell me.
I'll be very happy then
And cheerful throughout the whole earth!

Without you I'm already lost in spirit,
It’s somehow hard for me without you.
After all, I quickly got used to being with you
We have been “do not spill water” for a long time.

Get well soon, my friend,
And drive away your illness.
Call me when you're healthy
And May will bloom in my soul again!

Friend, you are strong, strong-willed,
You will get out of the situation either way,
I wish you good health
And a good angel at the head of the bed.

I know you will overcome your illnesses,
And you will be able to overcome everything,
Get well and go towards your dreams,
I wish you love and good luck!

Don't despair, friend,
Why did you suddenly get sick like this?
Sometimes this happens to everyone,
The disease attacks suddenly.

Take some rest these days,
Everyone needs a weekend.
Take care of your strength,
And drive away heavy thoughts.

And then you yourself won’t notice,
How quickly time flies by.
Get well soon
After all, a wonderful life beckons!

You are overcome by illness
But all this is temporary, friend.
Take heart, observe the regime,
Follow the doctors' recommendations.

I'm sure you'll get better
You will make your dreams come true,
You will appreciate life even more
To love and strive, to bring goodness!

Friend, know that illnesses pass,
They are replaced by strength and joy,
I want you to get better, to strive,
And I achieved the goals I wanted in life!

I want to wish you great love,
Let luck help you along the way,
Let happiness be your warm wing
Covers your heart, soul and home!

I came to see you at the hospital,
To support you a little.
Don't be bored, don't be discouraged.
We all get sick, you know that.
So that time moves faster,
You know how to play sea battle.
And you can read a book
Or look through magazines.
The disease will go away on its own
Your smile will bloom.

Friend, get well soon, because you don’t need to be sick for a long time. Take maximum chances to improve your health, eliminate the disease that you need to forget about. Darling, I am sad, knowing that you are suffering, that you feel bad. I can’t stand such pain, because I really want to know that your illness has already become a thing of the past. I am ready to take care of my friend and provide support so that the treatment is sure to be effective. Let all the affairs and everyday life be on me, and you concentrate on treatment, because carrying out therapeutic measures requires a lot of effort. There is no need to worry about what needs to be done, because such a psychological state is not conducive to recovery. I wish you activity and energy, because on the basis of this you can guarantee successful progress in the direction of life you are interested in. Let recovery come as quickly as possible!

I want to wish you recovery and strength. I believe that very soon the days will again bring amazing joy and will be able to inspire heroic deeds, accomplishing your plans, and achieving your goals. Let every day be positive in some aspects. The most important thing now is a successful recovery. In fact, everything depends only on you, dear friend. I will try to provide support in order to relieve you from existing affairs and everyday issues, because I understand how important ease is for recovery. I wish you active progress towards your goals, enjoyment of life, and bright emotions. I’m giving you only a few days for your recovery, because I can’t wait any longer for the situation to improve. Therefore, listen to me and start putting yourself in a healthy, energetic, active state.

Dear friend, please get well soon. Look how beautiful it is today. Is it possible to let your health take its course, just lie in bed and suffer from illness? This cannot be allowed, so make every effort to recover and return to your life. Dear little man, I will definitely share my joy with you and, of course, my sadness too. Your illness reflects mental pain in me, because I want to know that your health is ideal, and your immunity pleases with its strength. Dear friend, I really value you and our friendship, so I want to wish you get well soon. For now, I will take care of you, because such gestures of attention contribute to a quick resolution of the situation. Be active and healthy, I beg you, dear, wonderful little man!

Illness cannot be a barrier to feelings. I always mentally support you. If necessary, I will definitely be there. My dear, I can maintain the peace and inner harmony of my faithful friend. You know, thank you for allowing me to believe that friendship actually exists. I would like to wish you an active recovery and, of course, I can contribute to this by showing attention and care to you. Without a doubt, everything in your world will definitely work out as it should, but for this you need to recover. I want to see my dear person glowing with sincere hopes and immeasurable happiness. I wish you recovery, which will certainly become the basis for successful progress towards your goals. Let everything in your life be just on the runway, but in the meantime, count on my help in order to improve your health.

Dear friend, please don’t get sick anymore, because this is not a good, not useful thing in our lives. I am ready to rush to you, to take care of you, to warm you up, to help you in the trouble that has happened. Let the illness pass as quickly as possible. Forget that you have an illness. I will definitely be nearby, take your hand and give you a piece of energy and health. Agree, the closeness of a good friend, a sister in spirit, is the best basis for active recovery. Sun, I believe that soon body aches, pain in the head and throat, and impotence will be a thing of the past. In addition, not even a trace of a bad mood will remain. Please accept my wishes for a speedy recovery, because immediately after you recover, we will definitely go for a long-awaited walk and will be able to enjoy communicating with each other. Please accept my support, even in words.

Friend, I’m hastening to pay you a visit of encouragement. I would like to wish you recovery and the appearance of activity and energy. Let everything always work out 100% for you. To do this, you need to strengthen your immune system and try to successfully cope with your illness. I will definitely provide the necessary support and help you regain lost strength. There is no need to be discouraged that you are sick, because no one is immune from this. Let hot tea and milk, honey and jam, fresh fruit help in restoring your strength. I believe that everything will definitely work out for the best for you after you recover. Dear friend, I know how sad it is to be sick, but believe that fate will definitely put everything in its place, the illness cannot drag on for long. We will definitely make all our wishes come true, and this will only help strengthen friendly relations.

Friend, you are sick. Why did this happen? You know, I am very worried about you, about your state of health. I beg you, make an effort to recover as quickly as possible, because only in this case can I breathe freely and believe that everything in your life will definitely work out. Forget about your soreness, which struck you and forced you to find yourself in bed. Let activity and energy return, charm and bewitch you again. I would like to wish you many pleasant emotions in the very near future and the opportunity to return to the usual rhythm of life. I believe that you will definitely gain a lot of energy to actively move towards your goals, strength and desire to achieve real happiness. Dear, remember that friends should go for walks, and not drink hot tea with honey together and get sick. Get well soon, because I want to go for a walk with you!

You are sick, but I cannot find peace. I'm so worried about you that it's reflected in my physical, psychological state. Please, sunshine, lie down and don’t worry about anything. Friends should help each other in trouble, take care and provide support. I am ready to support you, despite the fact that I myself suffer, seeing you in a dejected state. I’ll definitely come to you in the evening and help you with everyday life. I understand how important it is to buy pills and take them on time, do the cleaning and prepare fresh tea with honey on-line. After this, we will be able to talk and exchange ideas and thoughts regarding plans that must be implemented after your recovery occurs. accept mine sincere words as emotional and moral support. Find ideal health and activity, which will manifest itself in everything.

My best friend is sick. Everything in the world is changing for the worse. You know, I can't know what's mine close person, a brother in spirit, is sick and suffering. Even the sun and the spring breeze cease to please, the mood drops to 0. Of course, I’m trying to joke to support you. I hope that my verbal support is at least a little meaningful and necessary. How much kind words I would like to say it to you. I wish you recovery and active work, which will become possible after the fulfillment of your first wish. I believe that it will only take you a couple of days to get out of bed and plunge into active life. Dear friend, let everything in your life work out only 100%. Remember that I will always be there, because such close and dear people should always be supported. I wish you activity and good health!

Friend, you will definitely get better. The most basic task is to hold on no matter what. Be more active and cheerful, believe that the disease will soon go away, because it will not be able to endure the struggle for long. Rest and sleep more, eat vitamins and drink healthy drinks. Remember that I mentally support you, constantly sending positive rays that you just need to feel. I sincerely hope that even SMS will be useful and will allow you to gain additional strength for a successful recovery in minimum terms. Do I need physical support? Just let me know, and I will definitely rush to you and help you with whatever you need. Believe and know that you will definitely live soon as it was before. We will be able to overcome your illness, which is now knocking you down. As you know, she is not an invited guest, so she cannot stay for long. I wish you recovery.

Dear little man, you are so important and meaningful to me. Unfortunately, you are sick. This should not be done. Try to get well as quickly as possible. There are special things waiting for us that need to be done. In addition, it is always pleasant and fun for friends to hang out with each other, providing valuable support. Friend, please drink more tea and milk with honey, eat healing jam and fresh fruit, because vitamins are very important and necessary now. Remember that you must try to gain strength that will allow you to successfully overcome your existing illness. Use all opportunities to gain activity and energy, because without them you will not be able to boldly walk through life. I wish you energy and recovery, success in returning to your rhythm of life and achieving your goals. An illness cannot ruin all plans and prevent you from enjoying life, but to do this you just need to overcome it, understanding in what direction it is desirable to act. I wish you recovery!