Stomach hurts after the New Year holidays. Recovering from the holidays. Video “How to deal with heaviness in the stomach and nausea”

Heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, bloating... After New Year's feasts, the body may need your help... We traditionally celebrate New Year's holidays at a lushly set table. Olivier, herring under a fur coat, fried meat, champagne, cakes... Everything would be fine if sad consequences did not begin to appear: the sides are rounded, there is heaviness in the stomach, tingling in the lower back... What health problems can make themselves felt after a festive feast and how to deal with them? What kind of stomach problems can there be after holidays and feasts?

Heaviness in the stomach is primarily a sign that you have overeaten. Start post-holiday therapy with a fasting day. This is necessary in order to give the digestive system a little “catch its breath”. On this day, try to either not eat at all, or eat something very light like a vegetable salad. Eliminate alcohol, as well as smoked foods, marinades, fatty, fried foods - in a word, everything you ate to your heart's content at the holiday table. Non-alcoholic drinks - as much as your heart desires!

From drinks, it is better to choose those that remove salts and have a diuretic effect - for example, lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks, various herbal teas without sugar. But enzyme preparations will help get rid of the feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach. As a traditional medicine, you can use an infusion of calamus rhizome: it facilitates the digestion of food. 1 tbsp. Brew a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Then strain the resulting infusion and take half a glass warm before and after meals.

Heartburn. Spicy and fried foods during feasts, as well as alcohol, stimulate excessive secretion of acid, which is part of the gastric juice, irritating the stomach walls. This is what causes discomfort. And if motility is also impaired, so-called reflux may occur: the release of acidic contents from the stomach back into the lower parts of the esophagus (heartburn). Antacids will help relieve heartburn. They reduce the acidity of gastric juice and have an enveloping effect. Attention: antacids should not be taken for a long time without a doctor’s recommendation! Make it a habit to drink still mineral water - it regulates digestion. Another effective remedy is freshly squeezed potato juice. Take it 30 minutes before meals.

Flatulence. Enzyme preparations and absorbents (such as, for example, activated carbon) help to cope with this unpleasant problem. One of the most common causes of flatulence is intestinal dysbiosis, which develops due to a violation of the ratio of normal and pathological intestinal flora. To maintain an optimal balance of microorganisms in the intestines, include kefir (preferably low-fat) or yogurt in your diet daily. Proven folk remedies for treating flatulence are decoctions of anise, fennel, mint, caraway and dill. Keep in mind that there are a number of foods that provoke gas formation in the intestines: apples, pears, grapes, apricots, plums, legumes, milk, black bread, cabbage (especially sauerkraut) and many others. Therefore, they must be used carefully.

Constipation. Such an unpleasant state could be provoked by pre-holiday experiences and an abundance of heavy food. All these factors inhibit intestinal motility. To solve this problem and avoid it in the future, be sure to include in your diet foods rich in fiber, which is found in fresh vegetables and fruits. Especially lean on pumpkin, prunes, beets, celery, apples, tangerines, peaches, pears, dried apricots, figs, grapes, apricots, mangoes, olives. In addition to vegetables and fruits, fiber is also found in wholemeal bread, cereals, bran and legumes. Make it a rule to drink a glass of clean water at room temperature in the morning on an empty stomach (you can add a teaspoon of honey and a little freshly squeezed lemon juice to it) - this well stimulates the digestive system, giving it a charge for the whole day. Simple rules will help improve intestinal motility: try to move more: a basic 10-minute morning exercise or an afternoon walk in the park will serve you well. But you shouldn’t get carried away with laxatives, as they can be addictive, so doctors strongly do not recommend taking them for a long time.

Diarrhea. Often this disease is a natural defense reaction of the body - thus, it gets rid of toxic substances and pathogenic bacteria ingested with food, which can cause acute or chronic inflammation of the intestines. To avoid such problems, drink as much fluid as possible. Warm tea, rosehip infusion, calendula or chamomile infusion are especially good. If unpleasant symptoms persist for more than 1-2 days, you are bothered by persistent abdominal pain or your temperature suddenly rises, you should not wait for the weather by the sea or hope that it will “go away on its own” - you should definitely consult a doctor. Be healthy and take care of yourself! After all, there is no greater value in life than health, right?

Holidays, especially New Year's, are one of the most wonderful days of the year. But it's hard not to gain extra pounds.

Therefore, I offer you 2 ways to lose the weight you gained over the holidays. The first one is designed, on average, for a week, it is more correct and gentle. The second is more rigid, for those cases when it is necessary to regain harmony in 2-3 days.

If you have gained only 1-2 kg, then simply select any of the recipes.

It can help not only lose weight, but also cleanse the body, or rice. Two such days - a vegetable fasting day, and one day of mono-diet - will be enough for the weight to be restored.

You can carry out mono-diets for more than 1 day only if you do not have health problems. The entire digestive system was already functioning these days, experiencing increased stress. Therefore, for example, a buckwheat mono-diet can lead to exacerbation of liver or pancreas diseases.

And if there are disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, if you spend 2 days adhering to a kefir or vegetable diet, you can provoke stool disturbances and painful bloating, even colic and cramps.

If you experience these symptoms, immediately eliminate cabbage or, best of all, all raw vegetables from your diet. In this case, boiled oatmeal, boiled in water, with the addition of a tablespoon of bran and a teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil will help more.

Fresh kefir acts as a laxative, and three-day-old kefir acts as a fixative. But with gastritis and high acidity, such a diet is prohibited. Tips and recipes and or No. 2 will help you choose the most suitable one.

To some, these tips and warnings may seem unnecessary. But I have a friend who is a gastroenterologist. And I know very well the statistics of the sharp increase in the number of patients admitted to her department after the holidays. Therefore, first of all, I advise you to lose weight gradually, without additional stress on the body or harm to your health.

We lose weight after the holidays in a week.

For some, a week may seem like a very long time to return to your previous weight, but the process will take place gradually, without additional stress on the body.

During the holidays, your stomach became “accustomed” to eating large amounts of food, your liver became accustomed to the increased production of enzymes necessary for the breakdown of proteins and fats, and your kidneys and intestines had to cope with the increased need to cleanse the body of waste and toxic substances.

Therefore, it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of food consumed and its calorie content, to help the body eliminate all excess. If this is done abruptly, then the breakdown of adipose tissue will not occur, but on the contrary, after such stress, the body will begin to “store” fats, in accordance with the established program for survival in extreme conditions. The more often you listen to it, the more effective the weight loss process will be, with a stable result.

Your program could be like this:

1 day, cleansing - a menu of vegetable salad, which can be eaten every 2-3 hours, for lunch - chicken soup, salad, tea or juice. For dinner - an omelet, a salad of apples, carrots and pumpkin, which will help cleanse the liver. Or vegetable stew and soft-boiled egg. 2 hours before bedtime - a glass of kefir with bran.

Day 2 – already the main menu. If possible, this will help you lose a little weight, but the main effect is cleansing the body. They will help remove toxins, reduce the density of adipose tissue, improve overall well-being. As well as a session in the pool or gym.

The most effective, in combination with a low-calorie menu, will be exercises on a home exercise machine, or at least performed every morning during this week.

Your main menu for the week.

Breakfasts should be hearty, as usual. By reducing the calorie content of breakfast, you will not lose weight, but you will deprive your body of the energy it needs for the whole day, which it gets from carbohydrates. Prepare oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, boiled in water and milk, with the addition of a cube of butter.

Every other day, your breakfast may consist of cottage cheese mixed with one of the fermented milk products: bio-yogurt, biolife or bifidok, which contain lactic acid bacteria, would be optimal. They will help normalize the intestinal microflora and improve peristalsis, faster natural cleansing of the body.

Only through effective cleansing, your weight can decrease by 1-2 kg on the second day.

We all love to treat ourselves to a new menu on holiday: something tasty, unusual, new. These include hot dishes of unusual design, new salads, delicious and tempting desserts that are impossible to resist, as well as wine, champagne and much more.

But, alas, very often well-spent holidays and the memories of them are often upset by the extra pounds that appear, as always, at the wrong time, which leads to heaviness in our stomach and aching pain in the head.

If you feel that you overate a little or overdid it with alcohol, then you don’t need to let it all go, so that later the consequences don’t become dire. Rehabilitation measures will help you.

First, you need to give your stomach a rest after a heavy meal. If there is discomfort, heaviness, or pain in the stomach, this is the first sign that you have overeaten. We all remember that after physical activity our muscles become very sore. If your gastrointestinal tract is not accustomed to working in extreme mode, it reacts very strongly to overeating, which subsequently causes serious disorders, after which very often we complain of heartburn, belching, feel heaviness in the stomach and disruption of intestinal function.

What to do? How can you help yourself with this?

In case of digestive dysfunction, a therapeutic diet for the intestines will be a good panacea. Firstly, a diet for good bowel function must include vegetable soups (without meat broth), chicken and fish broths. It is necessary to increase fluid intake: pure still water, jelly, compote, freshly squeezed juice, weakly brewed or herbal tea. Eating meat is allowed, but only lean and in addition to stewed or fresh vegetables. The day should begin with oatmeal porridge with dried fruits, and end with a glass of kefir.

Secondly, you definitely need to arrange a fasting day. Exclude smoked and pickled foods, fatty, fried and spicy foods, as well as alcohol from your diet. The main food in the diet should be: fruits, vegetables, light salads, dairy products, low-fat light broths.

Thirdly, you need to drink a lot, and the more, the better. This includes non-carbonated mineral water, herbal tea, lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks, and a decoction of dried fruits. A large amount of fluid in the body normalizes the level of electrolytes and quickly removes toxins.

To avoid heartburn, antacids will help you, they reduce the acidity of gastric juice and have an enveloping effect, but they should not be taken for a long time without a doctor’s recommendation. To combat heartburn, it is strictly forbidden to use a baking soda solution. It does not provide any treatment, only brings relief for a while. When baking soda reacts with stomach acid, carbon dioxide is formed, which leads to recurrent heartburn. And most importantly, if you often use soda to combat heartburn, the water-salt balance of the body is disrupted.

The consequences of overeating can be malfunctions of the liver, pancreas, intestines and other organs responsible for digestion.

The ancients knew about the dangers of overeating. Excessive consumption of food has always been associated with diseases that will certainly overtake a person if he does not take action. The holiday of the stomach can turn into a big problem over time. Frequent overeating is a big burden on the digestive and excretory organs. The more a person eats, the faster his body “wears out”, the faster he ages. In this article, you will learn about the most common consequences of overeating.

Impact on the liver and gallbladder

The liver is the laboratory of our body, in which more than 500 biochemical reactions occur. This is the largest digestive gland that regulates the metabolism of fats, sugars and proteins in the body. Every day, the liver produces about 1 liter of bile, which ensures normal digestion.

When overeating, the load on the liver increases, which can lead to disruptions in its functioning. This can be expressed by fatigue, loss of appetite, pain in the abdomen or right hypochondrium, as well as yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. Often, after a heavy feast, such symptoms can occur at night.

Another problem that may arise after a stomach holiday is biliary colic. This condition is characterized by a violation of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder. As a rule, the patient experiences sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, which is often accompanied by nausea and changes in stool. Biliary colic may be caused by stones in , the presence of mucous masses with cholecystitis or a violation of the contractile function of the bile ducts. A large meal (especially in combination with physical activity) can trigger the development of an attack of biliary colic.

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Inflammation of the pancreas

The breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates occurs with the participation of enzymes produced by the pancreas. Normally, these enzymes are located in the glands themselves in an inactive state. However, when they enter the duodenum, these enzymes are activated and acquire the ability to digest food particles.

If a person consumes a large amount of food rich in fats, carbohydrates and proteins, then the production of pancreatic enzymes increases significantly, while their outflow from the gland slows down. In this case, these enzymes are activated in the gland itself, which leads to the development of an inflammatory process in it. This phenomenon is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting and pain in the left hypochondrium.

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) can occur with excessive consumption of fried, meat, fatty foods, as well as spices, especially if such food is combined with alcoholic beverages. In such cases, it is advisable for some people to use enzyme preparations that will relieve the load on the pancreas. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking these medications.

Non-ulcer dyspepsia

Nonulcer dyspepsia (or functional dyspepsia) is indigestion that often occurs when overeating. With non-ulcer dyspepsia, a person experiences excessive stretching of the stomach walls, which occurs when eating difficult-to-digest food. This condition is accompanied by disturbances in nervous regulation, as a result of which food is retained in the stomach and does not reach the intestines on time. Thus, there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, nausea, vomiting and heartburn. If these symptoms occur frequently, the likelihood of developing , peptic ulcer, esophagitis and other diseases of the digestive system. If the symptoms of non-ulcer dyspepsia arose for the first time, then it will be enough to draw the right conclusions and not overeat in the future. In some cases, if you have an upset stomach, taking activated carbon and other adsorbents is appropriate.

Any holidays involve meetings with friends, a feast and, as a result, a feast of the belly. It’s hard to imagine how you can limit yourself to consuming culinary delights on days like these. However, tasty, but very high-calorie food can later retain a reminder of itself in the form of extra centimeters on the waist, kilograms on the scales, or a feeling of discomfort.

Fasting days will help correct the situation.

"Loose weight"

The concept of "walking", "jumping" or "loose" weight is quite common. It means a couple of kilograms that periodically come and go. The reasons for this are abundant feasts and holidays. And if measures are not taken in time, the increase may become permanent. And then, unfortunately, no express diets can help.

As an “ambulance” in such situations, it is recommended to arrange fasting days. They represent a special short-term diet, limited to a set of certain products or just one ingredient.

After the holidays, arranging such fasting days is useful not only for returning to your previous slender shape, but also as an improvement in health, since excessive consumption of food has never benefited anyone. Such “easy days” help return the metabolic process to normal, remove accumulated waste and toxins and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Two types of fasting days

All fasting days are usually divided into two large groups. The first category is composed depending on nutrients predominant in the diet:
Proteins: meat, fish and cottage cheese days
Fats: creamy, sour cream days
Carbohydrates: vegetable, fruit, cereal days

Also, fasting days may have a different classification: depending on the type of products on the daily menu:


You can arrange fasting days with an individual schedule and frequency. However, nutritionists recommend the optimal interval - 1-2 times a week. In order to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins from time to time and maintain a stable weight, you should “unload” 1-2 times a month.

One of the most optimal fasting days is following a mono-diet. Firstly, it is convenient, since the diet will contain only one product, which should be consumed in small portions 5-6 times during the day. Secondly, this is an effective way to get in shape after the holidays.

There are fasting days. In addition, this mono-diet cannot get boring, because its observance is limited to only one day. Perceiving the process as healing and necessary for the body, you will even be able to enjoy such a weight loss procedure, which cannot be said about most long-term diets.

Despite the significant benefits, fasting days represent little stress for the body, because they disrupt the usual routine. Therefore, if you have certain chronic diseases of the digestive system, it is better not to get carried away with “fasting days”, but before following them, consult your doctor or a practicing nutritionist.

While following a fasting diet, there are no restrictions on the usual rhythm of life. Work, study, sports and any other physical activity are not prohibited. However, if you experience a feeling of weakness or dizziness, it is recommended, just in case, to have a couple of cubes of refined sugar with you, which you need to put under your tongue.

The best period for fasting days for women is the first half of the menstrual cycle.

When choosing your “product of the day” on your own, you should give preference to the ingredient with the lowest calorie content.

An important component of any diet, including fasting days, is drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid.

The day before the start of the “unloading day” and the day after, the following products should be excluded from the menu: alcohol, sweets and flour, as well as smoked and salty foods.

Fasting days after holidays

1. If you have eaten too much fat

Traditional holiday dishes contain large amounts of fat and protein. It is these culinary delights that linger in the stomach the longest, and it takes a lot of time to digest them. In addition, such food requires a high production of digestive enzymes, and it happens that the liver and gall bladder cannot always cope with such a load. This leads to indigestion, feelings of discomfort, heaviness and pain.

What to do: You can help yourself in such a situation by abstaining from food for 12-24 hours, that is, complete fasting, during which you are allowed to drink regular non-carbonated mineral water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice. Also, as an “first aid”, it is recommended to arrange a kefir fasting day, which will help normalize digestion and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

2. If you have eaten too much salty and spicy food

After such meals, excess fluid accumulates in the body, which can cause noticeable swelling of the face in the morning. Therefore, the main task of a monoration is to remove accumulated water from the intercellular space and, thereby, help the functioning of the kidneys.

What to do: In order to restore balance in the body, improving digestion, it requires magnesium salts and fiber. The ideal option is a fasting day of 1.5 kg of boiled broccoli and cauliflower. Additionally, you should drink green tea without sugar and water with cranberry juice in a 1:1 ratio.

An alternative to cabbage is a glass of rice, boiled without adding salt and 1.5-2 liters of still mineral water or 1 liter of dried apricot compote without added sugar.

3. If you have eaten too much sweets

The consequences of excessive consumption of sweets are usually expressed in heartburn, belching and mild nausea. Excess sugar in the blood increases glucose levels, but since it is quickly broken down, the decrease in “sugar reserves” quickly decreases, causing an irresistible desire to enjoy something sweet again. And the feeling of acute hunger that arises along with this will provoke you to eat much more than the usual portion.

What to do: You can stop this process only by including protein and fiber in your diet. It is recommended to have a fasting day with kefir-fruit smoothies.

For 1 liter of kefir, take 500 grams of any berries to taste and, after mixing all the ingredients until smooth, drink in 4 small portions.

Also an effective way would be to follow a diet of slow carbohydrates. This could be eating 1.5 kg of boiled potatoes during the day or the same amount of vegetables in the form of soups or steamed dishes.

4. If you drank too much alcohol

The most common symptoms are headache, dizziness, nausea and sweating. In addition, you feel very thirsty, which means that your brain cells are in dire need of fluid, as alcohol causes them to dehydrate.

What to do: The main components of fasting days in this case are fermented milk products, sauerkraut, citrus fruits, oatmeal with water or boiled poultry. These ingredients help remove toxic substances from the body, as well as soothe an irritated stomach and intestines, normalizing digestion.

5. If you ate something stale

Food intoxication, as a rule, is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms in the form of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills and a slight increase in temperature. If all these signs disappear within 24 hours, then you can do without a visit to the doctor. We need to help the body cope with the problem on its own.

What to do: In such cases, a fasting day consists of drinking a large amount of liquid (2-2.5 liters). Weak green tea without sugar is also allowed. It is advisable to completely give up food for a day, with the only exception being baked apples.


Individual poor tolerance to “hungry days”: severe abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea, fainting, low blood pressure, sleep disturbance and other symptoms.
Underweight and signs of exhaustion.
Diabetes mellitus type 1.
Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Pregnancy and lactation period.
During menstruation.

Types of fasting days

The benefits of fasting days after heavy overeating have been proven without doubt. However, you should know moderation in everything and carry out mono-diets as needed for your health.

For such “unloading” after the holidays, your stomach will definitely thank you!