An easy diet for quick weight loss on the stomach and sides. Diet for losing weight on the stomach and sides Diets for losing weight on the stomach and sides in a week

Abdomen and sides area is one of the most problematic for both women and men. In women, this area begins to gain weight during puberty during hormonal changes in the body. The girl’s body is preparing for possible motherhood and a small layer of fat in the abdominal area is intended to create more favorable conditions for bearing a fetus.

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Men also develop a belly as they age, which is often popularly called "beer belly". This often occurs due to excessive consumption of this low-alcohol drink, but can also occur for other reasons. A men's diet for losing weight in the abdomen and sides allows you to reduce waist size and get rid of the “beer” belly.

In any case, both female and male representatives dream of have a flat, toned tummy. To reduce fat in the sides and abdomen, you need to follow a special diet, with the help of which your waist inches will begin to gradually decrease.

Diet for losing weight on the stomach and sides at home

This diet is an option healthy nutrition systems and a healthy lifestyle. All foods that are harmful to health are excluded from the diet, leaving only the most beneficial ones. This diet can be followed by anyone who wants to lose weight, without much fear, since such a diet will not cause harm to health. This nutritional principle allows improve metabolic processes in the body, start the process of losing weight. The difficulty of the diet is that if you stick to it, you will have to completely change eating habits, exclude some foods or entire groups of familiar foods from your diet, and also find a replacement for them in the form of other healthier foods allowed by the diet. During the diet, you must adhere to the following principles:

  1. Eat small meals in small portions. Frequent overeating contributes to overstretching of the stomach walls, as well as sagging of the abdomen.
  2. Create a menu so that you have 3 main meals, and a few snacks in between. Be sure to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner no later than a few hours before bedtime. Don't skip meals, as skipping meals encourages overeating.
  3. Snacks: fruits, vegetables, juices without sugar. Include salads in your main meals.
  4. Drink enough water. On average, the amount of water per day should be 2 l. On hot days - a little more, but avoid swelling.
  5. Supplement your diet with an active lifestyle and regular training. This will help you quickly get rid of those hated pounds in the abdominal area. See effective ones here.

A person losing weight should receive no more than 1700 kcal per day

During the diet it is necessary to completely eliminate fats and reduce protein intake. This diet is based on the consumption of plant foods.

Three stages of a diet for losing weight on the stomach and sides

Conventionally, the diet can be divided into three main stages:


Stage 1 is considered preparatory. It lasts about a week and involves a gradual rejection of prohibited foods. During this period, you should try to reduce portions and replace your usual dishes with healthy ones. vegetables and fruits.


Stage 2 – main period of weight loss. During this period, you must strictly follow all prescribed recommendations without deviating from the given direction. The duration of the stage is approximately 3 weeks. The higher the weight of the person losing weight, and the greater the number of kilograms that need to be lost, the longer this period should last. It is advisable to lose weight gradually so that the skin does not become flabby and sagging.


Stage 3 – lasts about six months. This is a consolidation stage, during which the weight of the person losing weight stabilizes. During this period, a person should eat a balanced diet, following the rules of a healthy diet.

Diet for the belly. What you can and cannot eat. Table

Thanks to the table, you can find out which foods are prohibited during the diet, and which you can eat without worrying about an increase in your waist.

What not to do What is possible
Sugar, sweets, desserts, chocolate, jam, peanuts, candied fruits, dried figs Dried fruits: nuts, seeds, raw, you can eat 1 small handful 2 times a week
Baked goods, muffins, pasta Porridges such as rice, oatmeal, buckwheat
Fried, salted, smoked Lean meat: beef, rabbit; poultry meat
Fatty fish Low-fat fish
High fat cheese Hard low-fat cheese 80 g twice a week
Any canned food Salads with greens: parsley, dill, arugula, cilantro, basil
Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, sauces Restricted dairy products. Low-fat kefir can be drunk 1 glass 3 times a week, and cottage cheese is allowed 1 time a week
Some fruits: grapes, figs, banana Fruits: apples, apricots, peaches, plums, cherries, cherry plums, pears
: potatoes, cauliflower, beets Vegetables: radishes, tomatoes, asparagus, carrots, green peas, bell peppers, cucumbers, cabbage. All these vegetables can be consumed raw, boiled, stewed.
Packaged juices, carbonated drinks, coffee, alcoholic drinks Black and green tea, hibiscus without sugar, dried fruit compote, rosehip decoction, juices without sugar
Fast food Berries: currants, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc.

Weekly diet for losing belly fat. Weekly menu for women and men

This diet can be followed by both women and men. The only difference may be the size of the portions, since an adult man needs to consume more calories than a woman. And yet, the volume of the main meal for women should not exceed 250 g, and for men - 300 g. Try to focus on these numbers during meals.


The first day:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with berries in water, black tea;
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, baked chicken, salad, dried fruit compote;
  • Afternoon snack: 4-5 plums;
  • Dinner: baked fish, vegetable salad, green tea.

Second day:

  • Breakfast: 1 low-fat yogurt, vegetable salad, tea without sugar;
  • Dinner: boiled rice, boiled beef, tea;
  • Afternoon snack: 3-4 apricots;
  • Dinner: buckwheat, steamed chicken, rosehip decoction.


Day three:

  • Breakfast: rice porridge with berries, tea;
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, steamed meatballs, apple compote;
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable salad;
  • Dinner: baked eggplants, vegetable salad, a glass of kefir.

Day four:

  • Breakfast: applesauce without sugar, cottage cheese, herbal tea;
  • Dinner: boiled turkey, pea puree, natural peach juice;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of tomato juice, toast;
  • Dinner: buckwheat, vegetable salad, fruit juice.

Day five:

  • Breakfast: omelette, tea with milk;
  • Dinner: baked vegetables, boiled fish, tomato juice;
  • Afternoon snack: salad of apples and grated carrots;
  • Dinner: boiled poultry, salad, kefir.

Day six:

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, green tea without sugar;
  • Dinner: soup with vegetables and buckwheat, steamed cutlets, rosehip broth;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit juice, dried bran bread;
  • Dinner: rice, vegetables baked with cheese.

Day seven:

  • Breakfast: 2 soft-boiled eggs, tea;
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, baked chicken, vegetables, berry juice;
  • Afternoon snack: 2 apples;
  • Dinner: boiled rice, boiled turkey, a glass of herbal tea.

A simple diet for losing belly fat for women over 50

Often after 50 years belly begins to grow even more actively than before. And it would seem that you are sticking to a diet and doing all possible sports exercises, but fat deposits in the waist area continue to accumulate. There are several reasons for this. With age hormonal levels change in the female body, women also often suffer from hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, consequences of stroke. For some representatives of the fair sex, the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area is associated with eating too fatty foods. Therefore, proper and moderate nutrition is the key to a beautiful figure at any age. Despite the diseases that arise with age, as well as age-related changes in the body, excellent results can be achieved with an integrated approach to solving the problem.

  • If you have any diseases, ask your doctor what physical activity is suitable for you, and what sports will not worsen your condition.
  • After this, carefully rework your nutrition schedule. Design the menu in such a way that the calorie content of dishes does not exceed 1300-1500 kcal per day.
  • Arrange from time to time fasting days, during which you will only eat buckwheat or rice or apples. You can arrange other fasting days that suit you.
  • Various types of wraps, which can be performed at home or in a specialist’s office, are very effective.

Book "Flat stomach in 3 minutes a day"

Book "Flat stomach in 3 minutes a day" is intended for those who do not lose interest in their appearance and are unsuccessfully struggling with their most “problematic” part of the body – the stomach and sides. A specially designed comprehensive program, authored by a recognized expert in this matter, Kurt Brungardt, will help you get rid of the hated folds at the waist and the irritating belly.

Without the use of bulky and expensive exercise equipment, long workouts and exhausting diets, in just 3 minutes a day you will be able to achieve a slim figure, using the most ideal tool for training the abdominal muscles - your own body. Download the book "Flat Belly in 3 Minutes a Day" for free in doc format you can visit our website.

Diet and exercise to lose belly fat

In order for excess weight in the abdominal area to go away faster, you should perform a series of exercises in parallel with the diet. physical exercise. Don't do yourself any favors. Spend 30-40 minutes daily on sports. Distribute the main loads to the waist, abdomen, and sides. Engage back muscles, since the sides are often visible from the back. We bring to your attention a set of effective workouts for losing belly fat.

  • An effective exercise for strengthening the lower abs is leg pull-ups. Lie on the floor, lift one leg, pulling your knee toward your chest, then the other. Without lowering, do the exercise 24 times.

Gif animation ~10 MB. To watch, press the Play button and wait a bit

  • Continue the exercise. Place your hands behind your head and reach your elbows towards your knee on the opposite side.

Gif animation ~1 MB. To watch, press the Play button and wait a bit

  • Sit on the mat, raise your legs with your knees bent, and rest your hands on your back. Tilt your body slightly back and pull your legs towards your chest.

Gif animation ~12 MB. To watch, press the Play button and wait a bit

  • Lie on your back, raise your legs straight at an angle of 35 degrees, place your hands under your buttocks. Draw circles in the air with straight legs. Three times in one direction, then in the other. This exercise helps reduce fat in the abdomen and sides.

Gif animation ~15 MB. To watch, press the Play button and wait a bit

There are several types of female figures, which are characterized by the accumulation of fat in certain places. The “apple” has the most problematic area - the stomach, waist and sides, although excess weight in these areas appears to a greater or lesser extent in all people due to poor nutrition and physical inactivity. In addition to its unaesthetic appearance, it is dangerous for health - internal fat envelops the organs, interfering with their full functioning. This problem can be corrected with nutrition, exercise and cosmetic procedures.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

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    Causes of excess weight in the abdomen and sides

    Fat in the abdomen and sides is also called abdominal fat. It appears in women for the following reasons:

    1. 1. Genetic predisposition, reinforced by an unhealthy lifestyle and eating unhealthy foods.
    2. 2. Disorders of the endocrine system, most often diabetes.
    3. 3. Regular overeating, stretching the stomach and overloading it.
    4. 4. Excessive consumption of trans fats contained in confectionery products, fast food, and unhealthy snacks.
    5. 5. Hormonal changes, especially during menopause - on average after 50 years.
    6. 6. Stressful situations - lack of sleep, overwork, worries, shocks, provoking abundant releases of the hormone cortisol into the blood, which helps the body cope with stress, but slows down the metabolism frequently.
    7. 7. Abdominal muscle training without proper nutrition, which helps increase local volumes.

    Fat from the abdomen and sides is the last to go, so even for those who successfully lose weight, it remains for a long time. When planning to get rid of fat deposits in this area, you need to take into account your health status, choose the right diet and exercise.


    The basis of a diet for losing weight in the abdomen and sides for women is a well-designed diet. It accounts for 80% of success. This is why many people who play sports, but systematically allow themselves to consume unhealthy foods and alcohol, look plump and have fat deposits in problem areas.

    In addition to eliminating unhealthy high-calorie foods, you need to pay attention to when, how much and how to eat.

    Only by following the general rules can you achieve good results and lose weight to an average of minus 8 kg per month:

    1. 1. Meals should be fractional. Frequent meals in small portions at the same time will improve the functioning of the body and speed up metabolism.
    2. 2. You need to drink plenty of plain, clean water before and after meals. Beginners who are not used to this should use it hourly at first, using reminders. In addition to water, you can drink green or herbal tea, low-fat kefir and yogurt, and cocktails that stimulate fat burning and cleanse the body.
    3. 3. The basis of the diet should be lean meat, all types of fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, oatmeal and buckwheat. Sweets - only healthy ones: dried fruits, dark chocolate in small quantities, natural marshmallows, marmalade.
    4. 4. You can use the following heat treatment methods - boiling, steaming, grilling, baking. Vegetables and fruits should be eaten raw as much as possible.
    5. 5. To avoid breakdowns, you must initially set the right mood and plan weight loss for a calm period of time - without stress and excessive loads. Interesting events that bring positive emotions, new interests and hobbies help you take your mind off food.
    6. 6. In case of a breakdown, it is necessary to continue proper dietary nutrition from the next meal.
    7. 7. It is necessary to completely eliminate all sugar-containing products, sausages and flour products, and alcohol. If you manage to give up salt, then weight loss will be faster due to the release of excess fluids that it retains from the body.

    Most nutritional systems aimed at losing weight include eating exclusively protein foods in the afternoon. But according to the diet of the famous doctor and TV presenter Elena Malysheva, evening hunger pangs can be suppressed with unsweetened fruits without harming your figure, mainly citrus fruits and green apples. But you need to remember that her technique is based on a low daily caloric intake - no more than 1300 calories.

    Menu for the week, month

    The clear advantages of an effective diet for the abdomen and sides for women are:

    1. 1. It does not require special knowledge and skills and is easy to implement at home.
    2. 2. It is cheap - all permitted healthy products are available: they are available in all grocery stores and their price is no higher than the cost of harmful ones.
    3. 3. It is light due to simple heat treatment methods and tasty due to the ability to combine them. The recipes for most dishes are so simple that such a nutritional system is often called a “diet for the lazy.”
    4. 4. It can be combined with physical activity, since the diet is not strict and the likelihood of loss of strength and general weakness due to hunger is minimized.

    An approximate menu for a week by day is presented in the table:

    Day Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner
    1 Handful of prunesBoiled beef, salad of Chinese cabbage, fresh cucumber and herbsA glass of low-fat kefirSalad of boiled squid, cucumber and quail eggs
    2 Rice porridge with pumpkin or dried apricots, but without milkGreen appleLentils, steamed turkey cutlets100 g cottage cheese 5% fat with 10 g dried cranberriesBoiled hake, cabbage, tomato and radish salad
    3 Cottage cheese casserole with raisinsAny fruit in seasonVegetable puree soup, boiled beefSandwich made from whole grain bread and low-fat cheeseFish baked with vegetables
    4 Omelet with onions and bell peppersCottage cheese casserolePizza without dough made from chicken meat, tomatoes, cottage cheese and herbsKefir or yogurtVegetable stew with poultry
    5 Diet "Napoleon"Handful of dried fruitsVegetable soup with meatballsCottage cheese with fresh berriesRabbit on a vegetable bed
    6 Oatmeal with dried fruits and honeyGrapefruitChicken meat baked with tomatoes and egg, salad of boiled beets and prunes with olive oil2 boiled eggsSeafood cocktail with vegetable salad
    7 Cocktail of kefir, oatmeal and banana with cinnamonOrangeBaked beef meat, Fitness saladCucumber and herb saladZucchini and minced chicken casserole
    1. 1. Kefir - during the day you are allowed to drink up to 1.5 liters of a drink with minimal fat content.
    2. 2. Fruit - you can eat unsweetened fruits in any quantity.
    3. 3. Vegetable - on any raw vegetables and salads. Zucchini, bell peppers and beets can be eaten baked or boiled.
    4. 4. Cereal - based on porridges made from brown rice or buckwheat.
    5. 5. Drinking - juices diluted with water, green tea - pure or with milk.

    Recipes for delicious and simple dishes

    Original recipes for dietary dishes will help diversify the menu.

    Oatmeal pancakes with orange puree

    Required Products:

    • 100 g oatmeal;
    • 100 ml low-fat milk;
    • 1 chicken egg;
    • natural sweetener;
    • a pinch of cinnamon;
    • zest of 1 lemon;
    • optional - a pinch of dried ginger root.


    1. 1. Heat the milk and pour it over the oatmeal.
    2. 2. After 15 minutes, beat the swollen flakes in a blender.
    3. 3. Add the egg and other ingredients, mix thoroughly.
    4. 4. Bake pancakes in a non-stick frying pan or in the oven for 3-5 minutes on both sides.
    5. 5. Peel the orange and puree it using a blender.
    6. 6. Place orange puree on warm pancakes, sprinkle with cinnamon and garnish with orange slices.

    Diet "Napoleon"

    Required Products:

    • Armenian lavash;
    • sour cream 15%;
    • cottage cheese 0-2%;
    • sweetener.


    1. 1. Beat cottage cheese with sour cream and sweetener in a blender until it reaches a homogeneous paste-like consistency.
    2. 2. Cut the pita bread into squares 10 by 10 cm.
    3. 3. Grease each piece of lavash with cream and lay out in layers.
    4. 4. Place in the refrigerator overnight, sprinkle with chopped pita bread and walnuts in the morning.

    Pizza without dough

    Required Products:

    • 500 g chicken meat without fat, bones and skin;
    • 1 medium onion;
    • 3 tomatoes;
    • 200 g cottage cheese;
    • any greens.


    1. 1. Make minced chicken and onions by passing them through a meat grinder several times.
    2. 2. Using a blender, beat 2 tomatoes to a liquid puree, mix with finely chopped herbs.
    3. 3. Form a cake from the minced meat and place on a baking sheet.
    4. 4. Pour tomato juice and herbs over the cake.
    5. 5. Place cottage cheese on the pizza, sprinkle with diced tomatoes and chicken fillet.
    6. 6. Bake at 180 degrees for 10-12 minutes.
    7. 7. Before serving, you can decorate with basil or any other fresh herbs.

    Salad "Fitness"

    Required Products:

    • raw carrots;
    • celery;
    • pumpkin seeds;
    • low-fat cheese;
    • olive oil.


    1. 1. Peel the vegetables and grate them on a coarse grater.
    2. 2. Finely chop or grate the cheese.
    3. 3. Mix all ingredients, season with olive oil.
    4. 4. The salad can be decorated with any greens.

    Quitting the diet

    You need to exit the diet gradually and intelligently, this will ensure the durability of the results obtained.

    Basic Rules:

    1. 1. Introduce cereals first, eat them in the first half of the day.
    2. 2. Continue to follow the drinking regime. It is recommended not to stop drinking fat-burning drinks (green tea, kefir with cinnamon or beets, ginger teas, Sassi water).
    3. 3. Always keep portions small and meals frequent.
    4. 4. Add sugar, salt and alcohol last and in the smallest quantities. If possible, refuse.

    As a result, a woman should go on a healthy diet with rare consumption of prohibited foods. If this is successful, then the likelihood of fat deposits returning to problem areas is minimal.

    Physical exercise

    A good addition to a diet for losing weight in the abdomen and sides would be the following exercises:

    Exercise Execution Description Image
    VacuumThe exercise should be performed exclusively on an empty stomach in a standing or lying position. Its essence lies in the correct holding of breath in a certain position. You need to take a deep breath and exhale noisily through your mouth, then take a long and deep breath through your nose and, while holding your breath, pull in your stomach so that it is under your ribs. Remain in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
    RunYou can run at an average pace for as long as possible or alternate between a short-term fastest pace and a long average pace. Load pattern - after every 5 minutes of fast pace followed by 1 minute of maximum speed
    Jumping ropeYou should try to keep this training session for at least 10 minutes. Even if the rhythm gets lost or the rope gets tangled, you must continue. Jumps can be anything - high, medium height, running
    "Jumping Jack"Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart. During the jump, you need to cross them and land in the starting position. At the highest point, you should clap above your head. At one time you need to do 4-5 approaches for at least 1 minute
    "Burpee"The exercise, consisting of 4 positions, must be performed at a fast pace. 3 sets of 10 times will help you lose weight not only in the waist area, but throughout the body
    PlankThe exercise should be done in a position on your palms/elbows and toes, face down, your back straight, your torso as tense as possible. You need to hold the bar for at least a minute 3-4 times a week, preferably after cardio training.

    Circuit training that includes all of the listed exercises will be effective. It can be carried out both at home and in the fresh air. A duration of 30-40 minutes is quite enough; for beginners, the recommended lesson time is 10 minutes.

    Cosmetic procedures

    The most effective cosmetic procedures for reducing fat on the abdomen and sides, which can be performed at home, are:

    1. 1. Wraps using cling film. The composition of the mask is determined by your skin type and individual characteristics.
    2. 2. Massage and self-massage using moisturizers. It is optimal to take it after training.
    3. 3. Scrubbing in the shower - using special cosmetics, as well as regular salt or coffee grounds.

    Each of these procedures should be carried out 1-2 times a week. They are aimed at locally accelerating blood flow and metabolism and making the skin firmer and smoother.

    Whatever type of physical activity and cosmetic procedures a woman chooses, she will be able to lose weight only if she follows a diet.

    It is recommended to plan your menu in advance and buy products only from the list of permitted ones, as well as warn all your loved ones about the upcoming lifestyle change and ask for their support. If you follow all the recommendations in 30 days, you can lose up to 10 kg and reduce your waist size by 5-8 cm.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

The only reason to abandon the diet is intolerance to the foods listed on the menu. If you have allergies, replace the listed dishes with suitable ones. The duration of the diet is any.

Diet principles

  • The day begins with a full breakfast. It cannot be replaced with coffee or tea.
  • Meals are small in volume, but frequent - up to 6 times.
  • Dinner is low-calorie, without fatty foods, 3 hours before going to bed.
  • Drink about 2 liters of water throughout the day.
  • Eliminate fast carbohydrates: sweets, pastries, bread, carbonated drinks.
  • Do not cook food by frying, do not add salt, do not drink alcohol.
  • Vegetables and fruits, raw or boiled, are welcome at every meal.
  • Supplement your diet with aerobic exercise: running, swimming, cycling.

Authorized Products

The menu is made up of products devoid of dangerous carcinogenic fats:

  • Kefir with a fat content of 1–1.5%, natural yogurt, unsalted cheese and cottage cheese.
  • Boiled eggs, lean fish, chicken breast, lean beef and pork.
  • Cereals and beans. Buckwheat, oats (preferably ground, not flakes), rice, peas, beans.
  • Vegetables without heat treatment, fruits, berries, vitamin salads.
  • Honey in the amount of up to 1 tbsp. spoon, nuts without salt, dried fruits.

Prohibited Products

You will have to abandon the presented products completely or reduce them in the diet to a minimum amount:

  • Salty, lightly salted foods and salt itself. The supplement causes fluid to accumulate in cells, which makes it difficult to reduce weight and volume.
  • Pastries, pasta, bread. Simple carbohydrates contained in foods are deposited on the stomach and thighs as fat.
  • Sugar and dishes containing it: candies, sweets, white and milk chocolate, jam, fruit and berry syrups.
  • Dishes prepared by smoking, frying, baking. If the last method is still acceptable, then the others complicate the digestion process and contain fats in their pure form.
  • Semi-finished products, fast food, chips, crackers, sweet carbonated water, ready-made sauces.
  • Alcoholic drinks, tobacco.

Meal schedule by hour

  • Breakfast – 7.00
  • Second breakfast – 10.00
  • Lunch – 13.00
  • Afternoon snack – 16.00
  • Dinner – 19.00

Menu for the week

After Elena Malysheva’s program about excess weight and the most powerful natural fat burner, some girls, deciding to speed up weight loss, violated the instructions and reached an anorexic state. However, the majority of women who followed the rules were able to lose 10 to 20 kg after 4 weeks.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Mon Oatmeal with water, sour apple with green tea without sugar Grapefruit or yogurt without preservatives or additives Steamed pollock with boiled rice, lettuce A handful of dried apricots, prunes, raisins with green tea Vegetable salad with boiled beans
W Boiled chicken egg (or just white), a couple of diet breads Green apple White chicken meat, buckwheat on water, fresh sweet pepper Natural yogurt, low fat, 200 ml Beef without fat, boiled, cucumbers or tomatoes
Wed A glass of low-fat kefir, a medium-sized orange small banana Soup with chicken and vegetables (it is better to drain the broth) Sour apple Boiled rice in the volume of one glass, the same amount of kefir
Thu Unsalted cottage cheese with low fat content, green pear Half a grapefruit Baked cod or whiting with fresh vegetables Dried apricots or prunes with green tea Boiled potatoes in skins with vegetable salad
Fri A pair of boiled quail eggs with 200 ml of yogurt Muesli or diet bar Mushroom soup, slice of unsalted cheese Low-fat kefir Boiled chicken breast meat, fruit salad
Sat Buckwheat steamed in water (to be poured in the evening of the previous day) Unsweetened apple Beef without fat with rice, total weight – 250 g Nuts without salt or dried apricots Boiled rice with lemon slices
Sun Boiled pearl barley with medium-sized banana Grapefruit Low-fat steamed turkey with vegetable salad Unsalted, low-fat cottage cheese, no additives 200 ml low-fat kefir and sour apple


    • Vegetable soup with chicken. Chop celery, onions, tomatoes, carrots, Brussels sprouts. Cook the chicken separately for 10 minutes. until ready, drain the broth, add boiled water, add vegetables. Add bay leaf, sweet peas, pepper. Cook for remaining 10 minutes.
    • Low-fat baked fish. Cut the pollock fillet (cod, blue whiting) into 3-4 pieces, chop the onion. Place the ingredients on foil, season with parsley and lemon juice. Wrap in foil and bake at +200 °C.
  • Low-fat mushroom soup. Chop the potatoes into cubes and boil for 5–8 minutes. Slice the champignons and fry for 5 minutes. in a frying pan, add chopped onions and carrots, leave on fire until half cooked. From the frying pan, add mushrooms and vegetables to the potatoes, add basil, cook for another 10 minutes.
  • A fresh vegetable salad. Chop fresh: cabbage, peppers, onions, garlic, herbs. Cut cucumbers and tomatoes into slices. Stir, add ground pepper, season with a spoon of oil.
  • Boiled vegetable salad. Boil unpeeled potatoes and beets together, cool, remove the skins, cut into slices. Boil carrots, zucchini, broccoli, cut into pieces after cooking. Place the ingredients together in a salad bowl, add lemon juice and oil.

Physical activity for the abdomen and sides

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Physical activity in addition to diet can help you achieve weight loss and improve your body shape. People who have achieved impressive results in body shaping recommend performing the following exercises:

  1. Alternate leg raises while lying down.
  2. Twisting cases on the floor.
  3. Pelvic lift while lying on your side.
  4. Body twists while sitting on the floor.
  5. Lifting the torso towards straightened legs.
  6. Lifting legs alternately with support on straight arms.
  7. Bench folds for abs.

The secret to successful weight loss is an integrated approach. Therefore, to burn belly fat, exercise alone is not enough. An excellent addition to training is body wraps, massage and, of course, a special diet. We have already talked about how to prepare the mixture for. The topic of today's conversation is the most effective diets for losing weight in the abdomen and sides. What to eat to get rid of extra centimeters as quickly as possible?

Let's figure it out.

If you don’t need to go to the sea in a week, and you have the time, energy and desire to lose weight for sure, we recommend that you use this method. It is based on the principles of proper nutrition. The rules are simple: eat permitted foods, forget about prohibited ones, and drink one and a half to two liters every day. Now let's talk about each point in more detail.

What is prohibited

What foods should you exclude to make it much easier to remove your belly and sides? The list is quite impressive:

  • bread, buns, buns, cheesecakes, cookies, pasta and the like;
  • all sweets: sweets, pastries, ice cream, cakes;
  • alcoholic drinks of all types;
  • potatoes and white rice;
  • everything salted, pickled, smoked;
  • margarine and butter;
  • cola, pepsi and other sweet carbonated drinks;
  • store-bought juices.

If you can't give up everything at once, do it gradually. But remember: patience and work will grind everything down! Over time, you will become so accustomed to proper nutrition that you will not want to return to your previous lifestyle.

What is possible

The list of permitted products is also quite large. And you can also find a lot of tasty things in it. So, what should a woman’s diet be like to lose weight on her stomach and sides:

  • Dairy products, preferably low-fat: kefir, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk. They are needed in order to stabilize the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Instead of sweets - apples or dried apricots. Not only tasty, but also very healthy: the products contain a lot of fiber, due to which food is digested faster. Eat two apples a day - at approximately 11 am and 4 pm. It is advisable to choose green varieties. Eat dried apricots after lunch as a dessert - 5-6 pieces a day are enough.
  • Protein food, necessary for burning subcutaneous fat. Eggs, chicken, boiled lean meat and fish - all these products must be present in your diet.

Approximate diet

So what should a diet include, for sure? You can adjust your diet yourself using the tips above. Or you can use the ready-made menu:

Immediately after waking up- a glass of clean water on an empty stomach. Water must be drunk throughout the day. The main thing is that there is a time interval between taking water and food. That is, figuratively speaking, you should under no circumstances wash down your meal.

In thirty minutes - breakfast: scrambled eggs from one or two eggs, a little lean chicken or turkey, two pieces of low-fat cheese and a little natural yogurt (without any additives). The second breakfast option is steamed beans or buckwheat, but not more than two hundred grams. In the morning you can drink coffee or tea, but without milk or sugar.

Snack: a hard green apple and a little yogurt or kefir.

Dinner: a mug of meat broth with a small piece of meat itself. After the hot dish - a salad made from fresh vegetables, such as cucumber, tomato and bell pepper. You can season it with olive oil, but under no circumstances mayonnaise. For dessert - unsweetened tea and dried apricots. What else can you eat for lunch when losing weight? .

Second snack: the same green apple. If desired, you can replace it with bell pepper.

Dinner: lean fish or meat, boiled without salt and other spices. If desired, you can replace it with a light seafood salad. As a side dish - sauerkraut. After the meal - unsweetened tea, preferably green.

For the night- a glass of low-fat kefir or a piece of boiled meat.

By following this diet, you will lose several kilograms in a month. It is important that all the burned weight is fat, and not water, as is the case with “fast” diets. Plus, you will be sure that the weight will not return.

Option two: if you need to act quickly

This method is less useful, but more effective. We warn you right away: you can’t eat like this all the time; “quick” diets will not harm you only if you resort to them occasionally.

So, we offer you several diet options for quickly losing weight on your stomach and sides, and you choose the one that suits you. Many people recommend trying the diet.

Weekly diet for losing weight on the stomach and sides

Another effective way to lose weight in a week is to stick to a mono-diet. There are several popular types of such diets:

  • Cucumbers + kefir. You can drink a liter of low-fat kefir per day and eat up to a kilogram of cucumbers.
  • Apples + cottage cheese. Fruit - a maximum of four pieces, low-fat cottage cheese - no more than a kilogram.
  • Chicken breast + vegetables. Per day - no more than a kilogram of meat, to which you can add fresh vegetables and leafy salads.

You can eat this way for no more than 5-7 days. A meager mono-diet diet provokes a lack of vitamins, which negatively affects health.

Two more simple diets for losing weight in the stomach and sides

And finally, we will tell you about two more mono-diets - more filling, healthy and rich in vitamins - oatmeal and egg.

So, oatmeal diet for losing weight in the abdomen and sides for women - menu for the week:

  • In the morning, at lunch and in the evening - 200-250 grams of oatmeal cooked in water.
  • As a snack between meals - any fruit except bananas and grapes.
  • Additionally, you need to drink up to two liters of clean water, green or herbal tea every day. Any drinks - strictly half an hour before or an hour after a meal.

You need to get out of this diet gradually. During the second week, gradually introduce fermented milk products, lean chicken, cereals and vegetables into your diet. Such a slow and careful exit from the diet will help to consolidate the results for a long time.

Another effective diet to remove belly and sides in a week is egg. Its essence is extremely simple: for 7 days, eat only eggs, fruits, vegetables and water (2 liters per day). Oil and salt are excluded, as are potatoes, grapes, bananas, figs and dates. All other vegetables and fruits - without restrictions. It is recommended to lean on oranges and grapefruits - natural fat burners. If you believe the reviews, in seven days of such a diet you can lose as much as 5 kilograms.

Here are all the recipes we know for losing weight on the stomach and sides at home. Put it into practice and share the results! (and don’t forget about 🙂)


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

In the modern world, full of stereotypes imposed by television, advertising and other media, millions of women strive to achieve an ideal figure at any cost. In order to look like the girls from the cover, lovely young ladies resort to a variety of ways to lose excess weight. However, often unnecessary centimeters go away completely from the places where they were wanted, changing the female figure far from for the better. Instead of the unfortunate extra centimeters on the waist, sides and hips, the first to lose weight is the main female privilege - the breasts, which you always want to enlarge. But how to remove the belly and sides without damaging the chest and other parts of the body? It turns out that there is a special diet that allows you to get a flat stomach and achieve the desired results.

War on excess deposits

The area of ​​the hips, abdomen and sides in women these days is usually called problem areas. It is in these parts of the female body that there is an accumulation of excess fat, which is so difficult to get rid of. And the reason for this is simple physiology. Nature made sure that a woman’s body could cope with the reproductive function at any time - to bear, give birth and feed a baby, and therefore awarded the fair half of humanity with bodies that accumulate fat “reserves”. And although, as they say, you can’t argue with nature, every girl wants to remove it, and thereby open up wide possibilities for her wardrobe. A diet for a flat stomach in this case is not the only effective way. To achieve truly visible results in the fight against extra centimeters on the waist, an integrated approach should be used, aimed at both reducing fat and increasing skin tone and muscle elasticity. Thus, in order to remove the belly and sides, you need not only to go on a diet, but also to start exercising, doing and moisturizing your skin.

No matter what various advertising slogans say, you won’t be able to get rid of fat deposits on the waist without a special diet for losing weight in the abdomen and sides. This weight loss program is designed to have a local effect, remove fat from the problem area and at the same time correct the rest of the body. The fundamental factor of the diet is the complete cessation of smoking and any alcohol. It has been proven that smoking and alcohol significantly disrupt metabolism, and beer generally oversaturates the body with female hormones, which cause fat deposition in the waist and abdomen. It is not at all surprising that consuming these products does not allow you to achieve slimness while losing weight.

A diet for the abdomen and sides involves eating food according to the principle: little and often. Food is consumed every 2-3 hours, after the feeling of hunger occurs. Portions should be small, and you should leave the table slightly hungry, given the fact that satiety comes 15 minutes after eating. Meals should last at least 20 minutes and take place in a good mood. With this diet, the stomach will gradually narrow, each time requesting less and less food.

Permitted and prohibited products

A quick belly fat diet should include foods such as:

  • berries, fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • eggs;
  • legumes;
  • nuts and sunflower seeds;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • olive and sunflower oil;
  • fish and seafood;
  • lean meats (chicken or turkey).

In order for the diet to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to almost completely exclude from the diet foods that contain cholesterol or negatively affect the metabolic process in the body. This includes the following products:

  • smoked products and dishes that not only contain a huge amount of calories, but also negatively affect human health, especially when consumed in large quantities;
  • various semi-finished products, canned food and fast food products should be completely excluded from the diet, as they contain absolutely no useful elements;
  • reducing the consumption of flour products and sweets, which most quickly contribute to the deposition of calories in the fat layer;
  • you need to try to reduce the level of fried foods, as well as various fast food dishes that contain many harmful chemical additives that contribute to the development of obesity.

You should also forget about margarine, whole milk, cereals and instant soups.

A diet that allows you to quickly lose belly fat involves drinking plenty of purified plain or mineral water (at least 8 glasses a day), herbal or green tea.

Diet for the belly: sample menu for 1 day

Breakfast: 1 soft-boiled egg, one crispbread, or 150 grams of diet yogurt and 1 orange.

Lunch: vegetable soup, 250 grams of fish or meat without skin, vegetable salad.

Dinner: 75 grams of steamed beans, grilled steak, 1 orange.

Lunch and dinner can be swapped.

  • Water on an empty stomach. Every day, in the morning, 30 minutes before meals, you need to drink a glass of warm water with lemon squeezed into it, which activates the intestines and ensures.
  • Skin moisturizing. After taking a shower, you need to apply regular or to the skin of problem areas of the body, tightening the skin and making it more elastic.
  • Wraps for problem areas. To make the abdomen firm, you need to do regular wraps. A coffee wrap or seaweed mask perfectly moisturizes the skin, making it firmer and more elastic.
  • Movement and movement again! To achieve the desired result, you need to select an effective aerobic complex, and then include it in your daily gymnastics.

Exercises for losing belly fat: how to get a flat stomach

As mentioned earlier, a flat stomach is not achieved through diet alone. In addition to dietary nutrition, there is also a set of special exercises that allow you to get rid of the ill-fated “life preserver” around your waist without much time and effort.

Exercise: “Torso bends”

Starting position: standing, hands on your belt, legs spread shoulder-width apart. The body is tilted slowly 15-20 times to the left and right.

Exercise: “Torso twists”

Starting position: standing, arms are at chest level and elbows bent, legs spread shoulder-width apart. Turning the body to the right and left is performed while exhaling, duration is 5 minutes.

Exercise: “Scissors”

Starting position: lying on the floor, arms along the body, legs 15 centimeters off the floor. In several approaches, we imitate the movement of scissors with our feet until fatigue sets in.

Exercise: “Elbow-knee”

Starting position: lying on the floor, legs tucked, hands under the head. With our left elbow we slowly reach towards our right knee, freeze for a few seconds and lie down on the floor again. We repeat the same with the opposite elbow and knee. The duration of the exercise is 5 minutes.

Exercise: “Bicycle”

Starting position: lying on the floor, legs slightly bent at the knees and raised, arms along the body. We imitate riding a bicycle with quick movements.

Exercise: “Freezing”

Starting position: lying on the floor or on the bed, with a pillow under your head, arms along your body, legs extended down. In this position, you need to pull in your stomach as much as possible, using your abdominal muscles, hold for a while and completely relax.

Slimming belts

Special weight loss belts will help enhance the effect of training and focus fat burning specifically on the waist and abdomen. The principle of operation of such a belt is the same as that of special sports trousers and leggings for weight loss. It creates a heat-insulating layer in the problem area. During training, the skin under the belt sweats intensely, and fat is burned in exactly the right place.

An example of such a belt is one that can be bought on iherb. It is made from safe, latex-free, non-slip neoprene. The shape of the belt allows you to move comfortably. It is ideal to use a belt in combination with a weight loss belt, which increases blood circulation and enhances sweating in the problem area. In addition, the gel relieves muscle fatigue.

They will help supplement the effective complex, which will provide the necessary energy for training and help fat burning.

Diet video for belly fat