Dedication to a woman by March 8. Poems of famous poets about women. Wish from the heart

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the anxieties of noisy bustle,
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. Storms gust rebellious
Scattered old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement
My days passed quietly
Without a god, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

The soul has awakened:
And here you are again
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And the heart beats in rapture
And for him they rose again
And deity, and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

There will always be a woman's hand
so that she, cool and light,
pity and a little love,
like a brother, reassured you.

There will always be a woman's shoulder
so that you breathe hotly into it,
bowed to him with a dissolute head,
trusting him with his rebellious dream.

There will always be female eyes
so that they, all your pain wilderness,
and if not all, then part of it,
saw your suffering.

But there is such a woman's hand,
which is especially sweet
when she tormented her forehead
concerns both eternity and destiny.

But there is such a woman's shoulder,
which is unknown for what
not for the night, but forever given to you,
and you figured it out a long time ago.

But there are such female eyes,
who always look sad,
and this is until your last days
eyes of love and your conscience.

And you live in spite of yourself
and only that hand is not enough for you,
that shoulder and those sad eyes...
You betrayed them so many times in your life!

And here it is - retribution - comes.
"Traitor!" - the rain beats you backhand.
"Traitor!" - Branches whip in the face.
"Traitor!" - the echo is heard in the forest.

You rush about, you suffer, you are sad.
You won't forgive yourself for this.
And only that transparent hand
forgive, although the offense is heavy,

and only that tired shoulder
forgive now, and forgive again,
and only those sad eyes
Forgive everything that cannot be forgiven...

I loved you: love still, perhaps
In my soul it has not completely died out;
But don't let it bother you anymore;
I don't want to sadden you with anything.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Either timidity or jealousy languish;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God forbid you loved to be different.

To the glow of the moon, beauties of the night,
I will add the warmth given by a candle,
The sparkle of sugar, the posture of cypress,
The murmur of a stream... And your appearance will come out.

She walks in all her glory -
Bright as the night of her country.
All the depths of heaven and all the stars
In her eyes are enclosed,

Like the sun in the morning dew
But only gloom softened.
Add a ray or take away a shadow -
And it won't be the same

Hair agate strand,
Wrong eyes, wrong mouth
And the forehead, where thoughts seal
So flawless, so pure.

And this look, and the color is lying,
And light laughter, like a splash of the sea,
Everything in it speaks of the world.
She keeps peace in her soul

And if happiness gives
With the most generous hand!


I love you - even though I'm mad,
Though it's labor and shame in vain,
And in this unfortunate stupidity
At your feet I confess!
I don’t fit and I’m not old enough ...
It's time, it's time for me to be smarter!
But I know by all the signs
The sickness of love in my soul:
I'm bored without you - I yawn;
With you I feel sad - I endure;
And, no urine, I want to say
My angel, how I love you!
When I hear from the living room
Your light step, or dress noise,
Or the voice of a virgin, innocent,
I suddenly lose all my mind.
You smile - I am a joy;
You turn away - I longing;
For a day of torment - a reward
Your pale hand to me.
When diligently behind the hoop
You sit, leaning casually,
Eyes and curls down, -
I am in tenderness, silently, gently
I love you like a child!
Should I tell you my misfortune,
My jealous sadness
When to walk, sometimes, in bad weather,
Are you going far?
And your tears alone
And speeches in the corner together,
And travel to Opochka,
And the piano in the evening? ..
Alina! take pity on me.
I dare not ask for love.
Maybe for my sins
My angel, I'm not worthy of love!
But pretend! This look
Everything can express so wonderfully!
Oh, it's not hard to deceive me!
I'm glad to be deceived!

You are spoiled by nature;
She was passionate about you
And our eternal praise
You seem like a boring ode.
You yourself know for a long time
That it's no wonder to love you,
That with a gentle look you are Armida,
What easy becoming you are a sylph,
What are your scarlet lips,
Like a harmonious rose...
And our rhymes, our prose
Before you is noise and vanity.
But beauty is a memory
Our heart touches secretly -
And careless lines
I humbly add to your album.
Maybe a memory involuntarily
The one who sang you will come to you
In those days, like the Presnensky field
Still no fence.

In the hours before sunset
Among the ancient trees
I love fake colors
Your eyes and your words.

Farewell, the night shadow is coming
The night is short, like a spring dream,
But I know tomorrow is a new day
And a new law for you.

Not nonsense, not a forest ghost,
But the old man did not know the fairies
With such unfaithful eyes,
With such a changeable soul!

Someone whispers and laughs
Through the azure mist.
Only I will be sad in silence
Again laughter from lovely countries!

Again a whisper - and in whispers
Someone's caress, as in a dream,
In someone's feminine breath,
It can be seen, forever joy to me!

Whisper, laugh, baby
Sweet image, gentle dream;
You are unearthly, apparently, by force
Endowed and covered.

She came in, completely gray-haired,
Wearily sat down by the fire,
And suddenly she said, "I don't know
Why are you torturing me.

After all, I'm young, beautiful,
And I want to live, I want to love.
And you humble me with force
And beat you to death.

Would you like to be silent? And I'm silent
Will you tell me to live, chasing love?
I can't take it anymore, I'm tired.
Why are you torturing me?

Because you love, you love, you love
Heart piercing with love,
You can not judge, love is not judged.
It is forbidden? Leave your "no"s.

Let go of your inhibitions,
Now, at least in jest, sin:
Don't torture yourself with insomnia
Go crazy, write poetry.

Or confess your love, or something,
And if the feeling is not honored,
You set me free
Don't kill, let go."

And the woman, almost sobbing,
Dropping gray strands, she repeated:
"I don't know why you're torturing me?"
He was speechless.

Into the habitual darkness
Suddenly this storm broke in.
Surprised, and no time to think:
“Sorry, I don't know you.

I did not put fetters on you"
And suddenly he asked, barely breathing:
"What is your name? Tell me who are you?
She replied: "Your Soul."

Anthem to the Woman

Every day, as with a fight, obtained.
Who among us has not sobbed in the palm of his hand?
And who was not chased by the tracker
Is it in prison, at home, feuilleton?
But neither rapacity, nor envy, nor revenge
They failed to weave a loop for me,
Because there is in the world
A man's hand is a lever,
Millstones, not teeth in men,
Rocker in his shoulders
Wonder thoughts in his wrinkles.
And a woman's shoulders are a woman,
And a woman's elbow is a woman,
And a woman's speech is a woman,
And a woman has laughter - a woman ...
And, yearning for the Venus Bush,
About the captivating witches of Rops,
Then I guessed by the stars in my soul,
I was scratching like a demon under the door.
On a broom or in the foam of the seas,
All the wonders in the world are mile
You are the refuge of my torment,

I dressed many women in brocade, pearls,
But I could not find the ideal among them.
I asked the sage: - What is perfection?
- The one next to you! - He told me.

So this wonderful holiday has come - International Women's Day ... or, more simply, March 8! Women deserve to be admired, loved, dedicated to victories, paintings, poems... All in the name of a woman. I hope these verses will help express the feelings of your women.

cute creatures

Our lovely creatures!
Which syllable is better to choose,
So that your feelings and desires
Bring down the whole stream on you!
There is no more beautiful in the world
Those feminine beautiful features
What lies in the endless
Deep of your hearts!
Love, tenderness and affection,
grace of beauty -
Here are the symbols of female power,
Where we are all slaves before you!
So let it be for many years
This power will be fixed!
Believe me, here we are
We won't take it from you!

Hearty congratulations

We would like to congratulate you
WITH happy holiday spring.
And the sun is light, and your eyes are clear
We need the same.
May good luck accompany you
In work, in life and in love.
Live, dear, do not hide
Proud smiles!


To all women on March 8!
We are ready to thank you all our lives
For every meal prepared
For a kind word spoken
For that earthly miracle of miracles -
Tanyush, Katyusha, Andryushek, Larok, Sevok,
For all the crown princes and princesses,
Bow to you low, our queens!

woman nearby

You are with us at work,
Although household chores
Sometimes they still lie on you
We, the entire male half,
Forgive us today
Because often we, men,
We make noise and argue for no reason,
Really annoying you.
Let's decide forever
Today, tomorrow and beyond,
Men take care of women
To save the men.

Wish from the heart

We sincerely wish you that the sun played,
So that the birds sing to you about love serenades,
And that little praise, no need to be offended.
We wish you success in both love and service,
So that in families you keep respect and friendship.
Beauty and health to you for many years.
May joy come to you, adversity will pass!

Coming March 8

With a fragrant sprig of mimosa
March 8 will come to us,
Severe frosts will rush away,
Spring will bring warmth to us.
We wish you the happiness of the river
And oceans kind words!
May female beauty forever
Will give birth to love in the male soul!

With the holiday of spring and beauty

With the holiday of spring and beauty,
I congratulate you today.
And at the same time I wish you
To make your dreams come true.

I give you these lines
I wish you happiness and love
Today is your day. live
Him, forgetting about everything in the world.

May your life be one luck
Let joy be your ordinary light
Success accompanies everywhere -
And never otherwise.

The best gift for a woman

What to wish by March 8?
Good luck, beauty, talent?
A little more charm?
The magical powers of charm?
All this you have with a vengeance!
And so my saying is:
beautiful female half
We will give each - a man!

Just a postcard

Congratulations on March 8,
I'm sorry I don't give flowers
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart
AND a simple postcard send.
Everything is simple and very beautiful in it,
The warmth of my thoughts and words,
I want you to live happily
Protect your honor and love ...

Women's holiday

Sunbeam bright-bright
Let it tickle everyone.
After all, for that, the eighth of March,
To spread laughter!
Let the day come bright, bright,
Let the birds chirp
A warm stream brings gifts
And blurs the sadness.
And there will be a women's holiday
In the world in everything big
The most spring and wonderful
With the first warmth of the year.

Like spring

There are many holidays in the country,
But Women's Day is given to Spring,
After all, only women are subject to
Create spring holiday- caress.
So be kind, simple,
Always with a smile on your face!
Well, in a word, be you
How spring should be!


Lovely women, kind, faithful!
Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!
Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,
Happiness treasured, the purest!
A lot of you affection, warmth, kindness, -
May your dreams come true!

Women forever

The ray of spring is invisibly seen,
Now the winter is gone...
March. Eighth. And sunny women
Congratulations, embarrassed, we.
The heart in us - in everyone - is torn to pieces -
So many slim, beautiful you...
Love and great happiness to you
On this day, we wish an hour!
We cut the truth-uterus according to the mother.
Maybe part ... Wrong - yet ...
But know that we love you very much -
Mother, wife, daughters - hot!
You forget about years: years are nonsense!
You are beautiful and always be young!

Love to the bottom

Spring comes every year
Carrying warmth, love,
And the woman is the stronghold of the family,
Again excites our blood.

The snow will melt, the sun will warm,
Snowdrops bloom in the forest
And I want love to the bottom
Drink, well, if you're lucky.

And may she always be in the soul
Women will also have men.
After all, we all have one life
And there is no reason for us not to love.


Beloved, beautiful, goddesses!
We will only call you that from now on!
Seeing beauties in such a cluster,
We fall on our knees before you.
We honor you with all our hearts,
Almost like a creator of worship!

March plays

March is playing
Shadows on icicles
The sky opened the umbrella blue,
Happy Women's Day to you -
Affectionate and loud
With good happiness
Joy, spring!!!
May you never find reasons
You offend you loving men!


May the first snowdrop
Will give you tenderness!
The spring sun will give warmth!
And the March wind will give hope
And happiness, and joy, and only good!

your courage
The Earth itself wondered at times.
We are honest only because
that you raised us.

* * *
Oh Women!
I love you without memory
And I can't, I confess, resist
When you knock me down with a smile,
And I am ready to love you and suffer.

* * *
I must confess at this hour
What is in the center of the universe -
You women. We love you,
Like the first moment of goodbye!

* * *
Glory to our girls
Delicate and adorable!
Glory to our women.
Sweet and kind!

* * *
There is no reason to call women the weaker sex -
Among us are talents, warriors, minds,
But if next to us are not men
Could we reach our heights?

* * *
Women are said to be the weaker sex,
But how many strong ones he captured and overcame!
There is an unknown strength in female weakness,
And the eagle needs the caress of the dove!

* * *
Although there is a lot around the insignificant fuss,
But be a woman always and everywhere you are.
Care and Love, Kindness and Compassion -
Here are the eternal features of gentle femininity!

* * *
Native women, girlfriends,
Good spring to you, like freckles,
Let laughter flow from your eyes
Let worries not make you old
Let the work of the load not press,
And the husband often gives flowers,
Let life beautify your children,
And there will be peace throughout the planet!

* * *
Light-woman, bride and wife,
It has a seal of goodness and eternity,
She knows how to love and forgive,
And therefore nature keeps in it
As the secret of secrets, the ovary of eternal life.
And you yourself suddenly become brighter
Her earthly magical hands touching.

* * *
Is it easy for men to talk about women?
Neither brother, nor father, nor husband can reveal
All the power of beauty that lurks in a woman,
Able to inspire, slay and conquer,

* * *
You, a woman - a flower, a source and a star,
Mysterious, tender, beautiful and proud;
You are the flame of the hearth, the warmth of the family and home;
You are the light that never goes out on Earth!

* * *
March 8 - a solemn day,
A day of joy and beauty.
All over the earth he gives to women
Your smiles and flowers.
Love a woman, she
Everything is the reason and the beginning,
Her credit and guilt
In everything that was, will be, became.
There is no good and evil without her,
Fall, fall at her feet!
Wherever the road leads
"Cherche la femme!", "Sheresh la femme!"

* * *
We wish you a lot of happiness
A piece of blue sky
And in it - the desired star:
Your love, your dream!

* * *
Lovely women, kind, faithful!
Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!
Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,
Happiness treasured, the purest!
A lot of affection, warmth, kindness to you,
May your dreams come true!

* * *
From the sun's splashes the snow sparkled,
And the wind sings recklessly.
In March, nature is not at all strict -
In honor of the holiday of our grandmothers.
From the southern edges along the expanse of fields
Spring is approaching us.
And it became brighter and warmer in the world -
In honor of the holiday of our mothers.
The expanse of the sky is clear, deep and pure,
And the azure expanse beckons.
Look at the beauty all around
In honor of our sisters.
With the beginning of spring, celebrate this day
It is not in vain bequeathed.
And we will always dedicate this day

* * *
Without you there is no bread, no wine.
Without you there is no rest, no sleep.
Without you, any food is insipid,
And there is no native speech,
There is no storyteller, no shepherd.
Without you, you will cry from nothing.
And the sunlight is fading.

* * *
V. Bryusov
You are a woman, you are a book between books,
You are a rolled up, sealed scroll;
In his lines there are an abundance of thoughts and words,
In his sheets every moment is insane.
You are a woman, you are a witch's drink!
It burns with fire as soon as it penetrates the mouth;
But the flame drinker stifles the cry
And glorify furiously in the midst of torture.
You are a woman and you are right about that.
From the century removed the crown of the stars,
You are the image of a deity in our abyss!
We draw an iron yoke for you,
We serve you, crushing the mountains,
And we pray - from the century - for you!

* * *
W. Shakespeare
Her eyes don't look like stars
You can’t call the mouth corals,
Not snow-white shoulders open skin,
And a strand twists like a black wire.
With a damask rose, scarlet or white,
You can not compare the shade of these cheeks.
And the body smells like the body smells,
Not like a violet delicate petal.
You won't find perfect lines in it
Special light on the forehead.
I don't know how goddesses walk
But the darling walks the earth.
And yet she will hardly yield to those
Whom in comparisons magnificent slandered.

* * *
Guryev A.D..
Your angry tirades
We are being powdered.
Your bold outfits
Cause just a shock!
Your tears are burning
Thick hearts.
Your views move
To the squandering of the miser.
Let the champagne be cheaper
It became immediately a thousand times!
We are now, as of old,
We appreciate you very much!

* * *
Guryev A.D.
We congratulate women -
Everyone in the world
Who gave us life
And the lives of our children
Who inspired the passionate verses
And more serious sins
And those who every day
And even every hour
Curses in every way
And loves us...

* * *
So that the celebration goes well with us,
Let the speech, you women, say
And a gentle introductory word
It will help convey feelings and desires.
It's not like this happens every day.
These minutes are rare every year,
Everything turns green in spring
And March calls men to exploits.
There is only one concern on March 8:
Everyone strives to become a gentleman,
All life is at stake in the morning,
And I want to give and congratulate.
Let's fill a glass of fun to the brim,
At the feet of beautiful ladies - a bouquet of flowers,
Let's discard laziness, resentment and idleness,
Anyone is ready to sacrifice!

* * *
Oh woman! For hands and lips ...
Ah, woman! Over shoulders and eyes
From century to century, a man destroys himself
And he dies without saying a word!
And we will all die! Fate is like this
Early or late, it doesn't matter
Isn't that why we're losing money?
Spending them on beer and on wine.
And not funny! What a tragedy
There will be no us - and the world will end the role.
Of course, a woman gives birth to children,
But not alone, here is the salt of life!
We're bound together forever
And together through the centuries we go,
For every March, 8th, with a smart mine
We drink the first toast to our women.
We love you! Believe me, honestly, love!
Let sometimes insensible sometimes.
We'd rather cut ourselves to pieces
But let's never forget women!

* * *
"Love" contains the word a lot:
All feelings, all impulse, all tenderness for you,
To the beautiful, daring, modest touchy,
To the soul, to the mind, to character, to deeds.
And on this day we will forgive you all the whims.
Flowers, gifts, tender words -
Well, everything for you - champagne, surprises,
And let everyone's head spin!

* * *
Monologue of a woman on March 8.
And now he came, the day of my torment,
It's been a mess since morning!
The flow goes the usual congratulations
Men are boring, nasty as always.
And insinuatingly sounds above the ear:
"Ah, honey, today you are OK!"
How strange, not pushing the belly,
He doesn’t go to the TV to watch hockey ...
Or maybe they are not so disgusting?
Or maybe there is something else in them?
Or maybe we are too aggressive?
Or maybe you need to get into their skin?
Well, where did the flowers come from?
Week, apparently, did not go to the buffet!
Eyes seem to tear a little,
Hurry to the kitchen, dinner will burn!
Hey! All to the table, who wants to chew.
March 8th or not?
And that damn homework
And yet it is a pity for her to say "hello"!
I want to be so beautiful tomorrow!
I want to charm them tomorrow too!
I want to have that power tomorrow
Men who can be conquered!

* * *
Oh dear! Girls! In the light of spring
Let's face it: we need you!
Without you, we, like Poshekhonsky cheese, are pale
And, like a herring under a fur coat, sad
And like a shark, always hungry
And, like foliage, pants fall.
That's why we need you
So that you are more often visible in the district.
So that the forms are large, so that the legs are long.
And so that kindness is of such width.
And so that the eyes are of such depth.
And so that the braid is of such thickness.
And the waist so that such dinners.
And to the words of such silence.
So that the eyebrows are black, so that the cheeks are red,
So that the curls flow like a river of henna color.
To be young, and slim, and fashionable,
And pleasing to the eye from every angle.
So that there are clothes where it is necessary to be tight.
And there was where to slap below the back.
And so that the medal for raising virgin soil
She didn’t hide from us what makes you all strong.
So that the biceps are not too powerful,
And the lips that are given to us in sensations,
To be gentle and greedy for caresses
Both as a friend and as a wife.

A French proverb says: "What a woman wants, God wants." So God wants to get married, flowers and french perfume. And if you seriously think about it, then for every woman only one thing is important - to be Beloved.

soulful holiday greetings from March 8 in verse they will help you express your feelings for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity as accurately as possible.

Spring is shining outside the windows, look!
Beautiful world, embraced by flowering ...
Take the clarity of the dawn
Let the garden give freshness of breath,
And let the eyes shine with joy
And let the soul sing with happiness
Let the storm blow past
Let only joy give every year!

Lovely women, kind, faithful!
Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!
Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,
Happiness treasured, the purest!
There is a lot of affection, warmth, kindness in you -
May your dreams come true!

Jean Ingres, Great Odalisque, 1814

Among the first days of spring
March 8 is more expensive than all.
All over the earth, for all people
Spring and women are alike.
Good luck to you, health to you
And we wish you happiness!
And with the first holiday of spring

Without wasting unnecessary words,
I give you a bouquet of flowers.
I want to be a beautiful lady
Even more beautiful with flowers!

Know no worries, live happily
So that everyone always says:
How beautiful this woman is
How infinitely young!

Happy March 8! Happy spring holiday!
Let ringing fun flow everywhere!
Let the sun shine! Let the frost go!
Let the mimosa sprig drive away the winter!

Vladimir Volegov, "In the shade with flowers", 2013

holiday date
The calendar is on fire...
We heartily congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!
We wish you good health
Success, joy in the family
And personal happiness, of course,
And friendship, peace on earth!

Take advantage of these congratulations on March 8 in verse and dedicate them to your beloved women! By placing them on a colorful postcard and complementing them with a bouquet of fragrant flowers or assorted chocolates, you can easily make an exquisite and pleasant gift.

But what should men do, in whose circle there are especially refined natures? How to surprise your companions this spring holiday? For such a situation, we present the verses of the classics, suitable as congratulations on March 8 for creative and finely sensitive lovely women.

A. Tvardovsky
"Your beauty never gets old..."

Your beauty never gets old
It only gets hotter.
Fly silently over her
Like light birds, summer.
Your beauty never gets old
And the eyes did not fade from tears,
And a mop of dark blond hair
Yours is heavy and thick.
You walk the earth young -
The grass is green behind you.
You walk along the fields, along the roads -
Parts, bowing, rye.
Young birch in the forest
She rose - and even and white.
She looks at your beauty,
Proudly and freely grew.
Your beauty never gets old.
Do you hear: women in the field sing, -
Everyone will recognize the memorable voice -
Without him, the song is not the same.
The windows will all open at home,
The noisy trembling of the leaves subsides.
You sing! That's why you eat
That you are the song itself.

Franz Marc, Two Women, 1906

M. Lermontov
“God forbid that you never know…”

God forbid that you never know
What do the rumors of fools mean,
And so that you do not have sadness
From spurs, uniform and mustache.

God forbid that you do not upset
False beauty rivals
So that you can see at your feet
Uniform and spurs and mustache!

A. Pushkin
"I remember a wonderful moment..."

I remember a wonderful moment:
You appeared before me
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

In the languor of hopeless sadness,
In the anxieties of noisy bustle
A gentle voice sounded to me for a long time
And dreamed of cute features.

Years passed. Storms gust rebellious
Scattered old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.

In the wilderness, in the darkness of confinement
My days passed quietly
Without a god, without inspiration,
No tears, no life, no love.

The soul has awakened:
And here you are again
Like a fleeting vision
Like a genius of pure beauty.

And the heart beats in rapture
And for him they rose again
And deity, and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

Ilya Repin, "Summer landscape", 1879

E. Asadov
"Word of Love"

To love is first and foremost to give.
To love means your feelings, like a river,
Splash with spring generosity
To the joy of a loved one.

To love is only to open your eyes
And immediately think again with the dawn:
Well, what would please, bestow
The one you love with all your heart?

To love is to fight passionately
For loyalty and word, and every look,
To have their hearts to the end
And in sorrow and in joy forever near.

Is love waiting? Well, of course, waiting!
And tenderness awaits and warmth, but only
Does not conduct accounting calculations:
So much given, so much taken.

Love is not a piggy bank in the closet darkness.
The song doesn't tend to close.
To love is to respond with joy
For all the good things on earth!

To love is to see any object,
Feeling a kindred spirit nearby:
Here is the book - has he read it or not?
Pear ... And how does he like this pear?

Trifle? From what? Why is it empty?!
Sometimes they even save lives.
Love is a cherry banner of happiness,
And in happiness there is no trifle!

Love is not a continuous firework of passions.
Love is faithful hands in life,
She is not afraid of black days,
No seduction and no separation.

To love means to defend the truth,
Even rebelling against the entire universe.
To love is to be able to forgive in grief
Everything except meanness and betrayal.

To love means as many times as you want
With pride to endure all hardships,
But never, even at the hour of death,
Do not settle for humiliation!

Love is not a cheerful thoughtless bow
And do not reproach that they beat in the ribs.
To love is to have talent
Maybe the biggest and kindest.

And to hell with pathetic reasoning,
All feelings will go away, like water in the sand.
Only hobbies are temporary.
Love, like the sun, always lives!

And I don't care about cynical laughter
The one who cannot measure starry heights.
After all, these poems are mine only for those
Who is able to love and believe with his heart!

V. Bryusov

You are a woman, you are a book between books,
You are a rolled up, sealed scroll;
In his lines there are an abundance of thoughts and words,
In his sheets every moment is insane.

You are a woman, you are a witch's drink!
It burns with fire as soon as it penetrates the mouth;
But the flame drinker stifles the cry
And glorify furiously in the midst of torture.

You are a woman and you are right about that.
From the century removed the crown of the stars,
You are the image of a deity in our abyss!
We draw an iron yoke for you,

We serve you, crushing the mountains,
And we pray - from the century - for you!

Marc Chagall, "Paradise", 1961

S. Yesenin
“A blue fire was swept…”

A blue fire swept
Forgotten relatives gave.

I was all - like a neglected garden,
He was greedy for women and potion.
Enjoyed drinking and dancing
And lose your life without looking back.

I would just look at you
To see the eye of a golden-brown whirlpool,
And so that, not loving the past,
You couldn't leave for someone else.

Tread gentle, light camp,
If you knew with a stubborn heart,
How does a bully know how to love,
How can he be humble.

I would forever forget taverns
And I would give up writing poetry.
Just to gently touch the hand
And your hair color in autumn.

I would follow you forever
At least in their own, even in others they gave ...
For the first time I sang about love,
For the first time I refuse to scandal.

7. D. M. Ratgauz

modern woman,
Modern woman!
Wrapped up in vanity,
But, as before, divine!
Let a little tired
But, as before, beautiful!
Not fully understood
No one's control!
modern woman,
Modern woman -
It's sad and thoughtful
It is bright and solemn.
Prove her weaknesses
Defeat her in audacity
In vain men try
Really hoping!
Do not brag about strength
But on it, nevertheless,
And office worries
And family concerns!
Knowing everything in the world,
All hardships past -
Remains a mystery
Modern woman!

Even more interesting materials in our constant.

At the beginning of March we celebrate International Women's Day. Almost every man tries to buy a bouquet of flowers and give it to his beloved woman to congratulate her on March 8th.

But of course, they congratulate not only wives and mothers, but also colleagues in the work of teachers, doctors and all women. After all, women work in almost all industries. Many male representatives begin to prepare for this holiday for the benefit of time, picking up gifts or preparing them with their own hands, and some simply save money to buy jewelry or cosmetics.

Nome, if a poem read with all my heart is attached to the gift, then such a gift will become doubly pleasant. And in order to make it even a little easier for congratulators to find good congratulatory poems, it was decided to collect the best, gentle and wonderful congratulations on March 8 in verse, in one article.

I have previously published a similar article where there is. This article will be fuller congratulations. For those who are not able to express their feelings in 4 lines.

In the selection you can find congratulations not only for your wife, but also for your mother, colleagues, and beloved teacher. If reading poetry is not your path, then you can simply write these lines on a postcard and give it along with a bouquet of flowers, which will also be very good.

Beautiful verses for congratulating women on March 8

We congratulate you today
Happy International Women's Day,
We dedicate our poems to you,
We place articles in newspapers
And we sing love songs.
With all my heart we wish you
May your life be bright
Let it be strewn with roses
Your life path to the end.
We wish you truth, happiness, kindness
Extraordinary and come true dreams
We wish light, we wish stars
We wish you laughter and happy tears.


So many words and congratulations
You want to say!
I'm so happy on a spring day
Congratulations, baby!
Live, dear, for a long, long time.
As long as you're with me, I'm lucky!
I only love you
Strongest of all! How else?
real wife,
Like fate, always the same.
The entire male half
In love with beautiful ladies.
Congratulations to them today
Our dear companions.


May women's day never end
Creeks will sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile at you
And men give you flowers.
With the first chirping of birds,
with the last blizzard
Happy early spring
And from the heart a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy, happiness,
we want love!

Dear men, we appeal to you
Love a woman for more than just a day of the year.
She does not get well without affection and attention.
The road to the heart is through the forest of misunderstanding.
Love a woman for joy and trouble.

Love a woman like early spring.
Learn to be patient, live in anticipation.
And a desire will be born in her.
One day her eyes will shine with stars.

Love a woman! Give her flowers!
But do not promise what you cannot give.
And the light of smiles on the lips will go out dear.
All promises are absurd and empty.

After all, each nerve is stretched like a string.
Don't argue with a woman. Her soul is hurt.
Youth lives in her as long as she is loved.
Love a woman for what she is!


I congratulate you with all my heart
With this warm holiday of spring!
I wish you health, happiness,
Beauty that pleases the heart!
May this day, March 8,
The lark will sing a song to you,
A gentle ray warms hot
And your flower of love will bloom.
Do not be sad and break the glass
For your happiness, not for your misfortune:
Have fun, do not regret laughter
This day is the only one of the year!


May your day be sunny, beautiful,
And your path will be strewn with roses.
And every evening, starry, clean, clear.
O woman, always be happy!
When, playing with primal force,
This world was created by mother nature,
She is in you, O woman,
All your beauty and grace.
You have a gust of thunder, dawn shine,
The splendor of the mountains and the burrows of the rivers,
A joy to the eyes, a charm to the soul,
Through you the world and man are eternal.
In you nature is all its art
Captured to say: "Praise! \"
And for you later in a fit of feeling
Created a man in love.

Let him smile on a spring day
You have the sun in the blue sky.
Nature wakes up from winter
Keeping him warm.
Again joy will creep into the heart
Radiant happiness, sweet dream,
And a warm breeze blows
Floral scent to your home.
Spring came! And the heart is beating
In love, in desire.
Spring! Let spring respond
In the heart of fun and kindness.


Beautiful and sweet, dear,
You admire your beauty
You go through life as you swim,
You create comfort for all of us.
I, my beloved woman, will tell you
How much I appreciate you.
I wish you had a starfall
And every day yours was rich.
Rich in joy and great fun,
So that life circles quickly like a carousel.
In the family, so that there is understanding and love,
Honeymoon you would experience again.

Gentle words to congratulate women colleagues

You can't find better women
There is simply no better place in the world!

We are ready to congratulate
Our lovely colleagues!

We wish you happiness,
We wish you love!

And for our beautiful ladies
We bring flowers!


You, colleagues, are all with us,
Simply the highest class!

And cute and pretty
And wise, you, and decent!

On Women's Day you will receive -
Gifts from us, you accept!

Let the blood run in the veins
Our bouquet of three flowers!
From all the men of our team
We hasten to congratulate dear women.


Knife and ax workers...
Excuse me, mice and keyboards.
Spring has come, it's time to congratulate you
Happy Women's Day, opponents of hack work!
You are at work from night to morning,
From morning to afternoon and from afternoon to late night.
You are like a cool computer with two cores,
And someone wants a motherboard!
I wish not to go on maternity leave by spring ...
Then I have to work!

Today is a wonderful holiday, today is the holiday of Ladies,
March 8 in the morning knocked on our door.
And I want, colleagues, to wish you good health,
Be happy forever, how roses bloom,
To burn in the heart - rays of love,
So that you glow with happiness, shine from within
And women's dreams came true on the holiday.
Of course, beautiful words, you can’t count them all ...
Charming persons, we are glad that you exist!


The eighth of March is a holiday of peace,
Uniting hearts.
Let a breath of ether in the air
Employees will breathe in full.
Work will become a moment of joy,
Boss will give flowers like that.
And for tea there will be just sweetness,
Candy rages color!


Girls are cute, sonorous birds,
What do you eat like titmouse?
And without diets, you are good for us,
And we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
Be loved by all men
But stay with the men
Who loves you more than his life,
Will love every year stronger!
Happy Women's Day, we congratulate you,
We wish you to be unsurpassed!


Happy March 8! Congratulations, colleagues!
May ups and downs and successes come to you in life,
And let everything that you want come true
So that joy in the heart, so that happiness sings!

So that health gets stronger, so that money flows,
All that is lost to be found
So that the family is in order, okay at work,
To make life run fun and smoothly!

Poems to the teacher on March 8 from students

We will know the beautiful world with you,
Walking lightly to distant horizons,
Getting smarter every day...
Thanks for letting us know!

On the eighth of March there is again a reason
Thank you very much
For wisdom, understanding and honor,
For the warmth of sincere smiles.

Wishing you bright sunshine
Spring streams and bird trills,
Good luck with your ideas.
May all that you wished come true!


Spring bright sun
cheerful murmur of the stream and fervent chirping of birds
speak eloquently
that on the threshold of March 8 - International Women's Day!
Lovely and charming women
dear teachers, let me sincerely congratulate you
with this wonderful holiday and wish
so that students always love and respect you,
and the leadership appreciated your hard work,
but such a noble and important work!
Take care of your health and smile more often!
May there be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy in your life,
and sadness - only short moments!

The eighth of March is a miracle date!
Let's trust calendars!
Thanksgiving Day
Warmth to your teachers!

For everyone, the teacher has become
Beautiful lady of the unearthly,
That impeccable ideal
What is always next to you!

And therefore in the honorary list
Beloved women - through the years
Among relatives, loved ones, friends
Teacher forever!

On this day, the eighth of March
Women's Day all over the country,
Everyone sitting at the desk
To you, Teacher, we must

Lots of kind words
Indisputably right
IN difficult task education
In children's souls of kindness!

Your life is full of work
We will always remember you!


We all want to congratulate everyone now
Your best teacher!
On the eighth of March, leave everything
We wish you in a festive ranks
Celebrate this day the way you want
All women - at the festive table.
May the angel always accompany you
And protects your home from adversity!


For noble work, for your great work
Accept our modest bouquet today.
And forgive me for the fact that sometimes in learning
Delivered by accident! - you are upset.
You really are like a second mother to us.
Taught seriously, taught by playing,
Taught science, taught good,
They covered the wind with themselves.
So let the spring breeze carry you
Hello smiles for every lesson!


We will all sit at our desks without noise,
You will enter the class - we will give flowers,
And we congratulate you on March 8 -
WITH women's day beauty and dreams.
You are our first teacher
The kindest, most considerate friend!
And for you on this day we love
We read our poems aloud.


March 8 I hurry to school
Congratulate the teacher
I'm a little worried, as always,
I can handle myself!
I wish her well
And nerves to take care of
We treat her with love
But we also worry sometimes.

Work we value it infinitely,
After all, knowledge gives us all,
We are not indifferent to her,
Low bow to the teachers!


I want to wish a sweet teacher
In my work, the rise to know
And always cope with the students,
And, if necessary, be strict with us.
May Women's Day bring you happiness
Love and beauty, soul flight.
I want good health
And I will congratulate you with love

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