The woman wears a snow cap with stone sides wrapped in clouds. The woman wears a snow cap, stone sides wrapped in clouds, “Short temples and panties at any time of the year.”

The Girl-Baba doll represents the values ​​and tasks of a woman before marriage, when she is a girl, and after marriage, when she becomes a woman. Why does this “turn into a woman” hurt your ears? Yes, because today the meaning of the word baba is completely different. To be called a woman, according to ethnographer S.V. Velesova, was very honorable and it had to be earned by giving birth to a successor to the family - a girl. The woman who gave birth to the life-giving force could only bear this title of Baba. And those who give birth to sons remained young.

I started making my first doll at a master class with vokina at summer camp and finished finishing the house. And I made the second one myself especially for you.

1 We will need: a birch stick 20 cm long, at least 1 cm in diameter, no more than 1.5 cm
plumbing flax for braids and flax comb for the head
two squares of double thread 22x22 cm
two different flaps for girls’ and women’s skirts, 30-40 cm long (pomp), 12 cm high
optional lace at the hem
red threads for tying the arms and white strong threads for tying the neck
red satin ribbon 1 cm wide for a girl on her head and in her braid
a scarf with a warrior, or laid braids with a scarf for a woman, a warrior for a woman is required in both cases,
aprons, ribbons or braid for belts.

2 We wind the flax tow very tightly at both ends of the stick. The main thing here is to observe the measure, to make the head neither big nor small. I took this into account on the second doll; on the first, the heads turned out to be large.

3 Using squares folded diagonally, we decorate the head and arms in the usual way.

4 We tie the neck with a light strong thread similar in color, and the arms with a traditional red thread. We add padding polyester under the fabric, indicating the chest. The woman can have more.

5 Just like we style a girl’s hair, i.e. without sewing or gluing. Very long braid It’s better not to do it, it gets in the way when the doll is a woman, or then make very full skirts.

6 Determine the length of the braid.

7 You can take a long headband, tie a headband on your head and braid it without cutting it.

8 For a woman, there are two options for head design: either a warrior and a scarf, or two braids braided around the head and a scarf.

9 Braids should not be made thick.

10 We make the costume according to your wishes. I like to make straps for a skirt, it turns out to be a sundress. The skirt can be sewn at the bottom, or not sewn. Everyone will find their own way; it cannot be the same for everyone.

11 Clothing for girls that matches your ideas.

12 The skirt should completely cover the woman’s head. This is the special difficulty of this doll, to combine everything.

13 You again create the image of the woman, the costume yourself, according to your own ideas.

14 Also, so that the skirt hides the girl’s head. We gather the top of the skirt onto a strong thread, leaving the ends for tying.

15 My first Girl-woman.

16 The skirts in this version are not sewn together.

I don’t recommend dressing a woman in dark clothes, supposedly, after marriage, life awaits her in a “black body”: under her husband and mother-in-law. This is a myth from the past, and most importantly, it is NOT the norm. It is necessary to cultivate and educate that only after marriage a woman blossoms, and the birth of a child turns her into a Goddess, especially during breastfeeding. After childbirth, a woman may experience chronic diseases. It mobilizes all the forces of the body, it rejuvenates. Of course, provided that all vital institutions in society for the family as a whole are normal.
Anyone who wants to know more and see the options for the Girl-Baba doll can read

(Login to clear the page.) Igor Irtenev.

Women wear stockings and tights,
And they are indifferent to cultural issues.
Twenty percent of them are idiots
Thirty percent are complete idiots.
Forty percent of them are psychopaths,
This gives us a total of ninety.
We have ten percent left,
And it’s not easy to choose from these.

Tamara Panferova. Reply to Irtenyev

Men wear mustaches and beards,
And they discuss any problems.
Twenty percent of them are blue.
Forty percent are vodka lovers.
Thirty percent of them are impotent,
Ten are not right in the head.
In total this gives us one hundred percent,
And we have nothing left.

Daniel Akulinin(answer to Panferova).

Do you wear revealing clothes?
And sometimes you have to shave.
Forty percent frigid without vodka,
Thirty percent in search of a prince.
Twenty percent of you are lesbians
Ten percent is trouble-free for everyone.
Hence we have gays and drinking,
But we have all of you, even though it’s dirty.

Ernst. Reply to Irtenyev and Panferova

Forty percent of those in tights
We are partial to vodka lovers.
Sometimes psychopaths love gays,
The truth is that they are not right in the head.
Fools always felt sorry for impotent people
And the idiots wanted idiots.
In total, of course, we are one hundred percent:
Stupids, idiots, assholes, impotents

Victor Bichev- answer to everyone:

Forty percent of the women are artists
You need to have strong nerves with them.
Ten percent of them are feminists
And half are ordinary bitches
What should men do with beards?
What if the percentages here are like this?
One of two things: or trust in vodka,
Or everyone should go blue

Sergey Domnitsky- answer to everyone:

What good is it for us to compare these percentages?
Let's not play name calling.
Life will certainly place accents
No matter all these landfills.

It's no secret to everyone that there are fools,
And fools are just as often there.
Homosexual natures,
Drunkenness, fornication and others surround us.

There's only one thing I wanted to answer
The main thing is, let me note,
So that a woman would be a woman
And so that a man, God forbid, is not a woman...

the battle of poets continues - the parties took a break in search of a rhyme

Help me please! Just 1 question! Please! 6th grade!! Help!! In the prose poem "Sphinx" Turgenev presents the Russian peasant as mysterious

sphinx. On what basis does the writer compare the Russian peasant with the sphinx? Here is a verse Yellow-gray, loose on top, hard, squeaky sand underneath... endless sand everywhere you look!
And above this sandy desert, above this sea of ​​dead dust, rises the huge head of the Egyptian Sphinx.
What do these large, protruding lips, these motionless, widened, upturned nostrils - and these eyes, these long, half-asleep, half-attentive eyes under the double arch of high eyebrows want to say?
But they want to say something! They even speak - but only Oedipus can solve the riddle and understand their silent speech.
Bah! Yes, I recognize these features... there is nothing Egyptian about them anymore. A white low forehead, prominent cheekbones, a short and straight nose, a beautiful white-toothed mouth, a soft mustache and a curly beard - and those wide-set small eyes... and on the head there is a cap of hair, parted... Yes, it’s you, Karp, Sidor, Semyon, Yaroslavl, Ryazan peasant, my compatriot, Russian bone! How long ago did you end up in the sphinxes?
Or do you also want to say something? Yes, and you too - the sphinx.
And your eyes are colorless, but deep eyes they say too... And their speeches are just as silent and mysterious.
But where is your Oedipus?
Alas! It’s not enough to put on a murmur to become your Oedipus, O All-Russian sphinx!


2) How do you understand the words: “What a stone! The first stone! You understand, the first!” ? Write down 1-2 sentences answering the question.

3) Write a description of the portrait of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, Malachite.

4) How do you understand the words of the Mistress: “If you had thought of it yourself, I would have given you such a stone, but now I can’t”?? Continue the sentence:
The master wanted to get rid of the pain of creativity and create a flower based on a magical one. But craftsmanship is.....

5) Why did Danilo break his cup, but left the custom-made cup? What was tormenting him?

Please!! Help me.))) “Thank you” from me!!

Compare the fables of I.A. Krylov “Leaves and Roots” and “Stone and Worm”.

What is the similarity between the themes of the two works?

Rock and Worm
“What a noise he made here! What an ignoramus!”
Stone speaks about the rain in the field, lying down:
“And everyone is glad to see him, look!
And they waited like a dear guest,
What did he do?
It only took two or three hours.
Let them ask about me!
So I’ve been here forever: quiet, always modest.
I lie quietly, wherever they throw me:
I never heard myself thank you.
It’s not for nothing that the light is reviled:
I don’t see any justice in it.” –
“Be quiet! - Worm told him. –
This rain, no matter how short its duration,
Deprived of strength by drought
I watered the cornfield abundantly,
And he revived the hope of the farmer;
And you are just an empty burden in this field.”
So another boasts that he served forty years:
But there is no use in it, like in this Stone.
(I.A. Krylov, 1814)

SONG ABOUT THE DOG In the morning in the rye corner,

Where the mats are golden in a row,
The bitch whelped seven,
Seven red puppies.

Until the evening she caressed them,
Combing with tongue
And the melted snow was flowing
Under her warm belly.

And in the evening, when the chickens
Sitting on the pole
The owner came out gloomy,
He put all seven of them in a bag.

She ran through the snowdrifts,
Keeping up with running after him...
And I trembled for so long, long time
The water is unfrozen.

And when I trudged back a little,
Licking the sweat from the sides,
A month seemed to her above the hut
One of her puppies.

Loudly into the blue heights
She looked, whining,
And the month slid thin
And disappeared behind a hill in the fields.

And deaf, as if from a handout,
When they throw a stone at her to laugh,
The dog's eyes rolled
Golden stars in the snow.


Please answer the questions: 1) Do you think it’s a coincidence that in the poem the owner doesn’t have a name, and the dog doesn’t have a nickname 2) The dog’s eyes rolled
Golden stars in the snow Reveal the meaning of this metaphor