How to draw arrows if your eyelids droop. Beautiful makeup with arrows: help in choosing colors and shapes. Deep-set eyes

Nowadays, thanks to various types of makeup, you can transform any type of eye, correct it, hide its flaws and highlight its advantages. If you have an open movable eyelid, eyes almond-shaped or the sub-eyebrow area is large, you are lucky, because you can experiment with any type of makeup.

Well, what should those women do who have the fit and shape of their eyes in need of correction? Many women suffer from the fact that they have a drooping “heavy” eyelid and cannot properly apply makeup to their eyes or draw clear arrows.

Having learned to correctly draw arrows for the impending eyelid, having mastered the subtleties and nuances of such makeup, you will be able to make your look open, light and delightful.

Drooping eyelid – can it be considered a highlight in your appearance?

Many women who have such an eyelid experience difficulties when applying eyeliner, because the usual technique does not work, it hides behind the skin and gets lost in the folds. The crease above the moving part of the eye does not allow makeup to be applied properly. But don’t despair, in this case you need to learn how to draw arrows correctly. It is equally important to choose the right eyeshadow colors.

Knowing the subtleties and handling the brush well, you can make even heavy-lidded eyes beautiful and bright; they will emphasize the image and add some zest to it. The arrows will raise the corner, add coquetry to the look, and make the shape of the eye more beautiful.

Makeup, how to properly apply winged eyeliner to a drooping eyelid? Basic requirements and general techniques

Any makeup requires correction, flaws must be hidden, and advantages, on the contrary, must be emphasized. Those who have an overhanging “hood” need to give their eyes expressiveness and visually hide the patina of tired eyes. For this, various cosmetics and products are used, and subtleties of makeup are applied. They will visually lift the corner of the eye and hide the overhang, the look will be open and clear.

To draw beautiful arrows, you need to know the basic makeup techniques.

  1. Eyebrow care. Eyebrows must have correct form. There is no need to make them very thick or thin. Suitable option– this is a raised, elongated, straight line without creases, the upper edge is raised. If the eyebrows are short, a line extending the eyebrow should always be made using a cosmetic correction pencil;
  2. Makeup is applied with open eyes. So, the result of efforts will be visible, because when closed eye the effect of shadows and arrows looks different.

Eyeliners for eyes with drooping eyelids, basic rules for applying them:

How to beautifully draw arrows for the impending eyelid, an algorithm of sequential actions

First, you need to apply a base to your face; it will prevent the shadows from rolling off and will make the process of makeup and shading easier. To do this, you can use a brush, the product is applied to the entire surface of the eyelid, from the edge of the eyelashes to the very edge, a thin layer. Bruises under the eyes are removed with a special corrector.

It is necessary to mark the bottom edge with the eye open, draw dark color shadows The boundaries that appear between shades must be shaded with upward movements. The middle part of the “hood” is painted with shadows more light shade compared to the previous ones by 2 tones. Shading is done to the outer corner.

Under the eyebrow there are shadows of the light color. The moving part is painted with light shadows, this adds relief and depth. Only the upper eyelid is lined with a pencil.

The arrow is drawn from the middle, made thicker towards the outer corner and pointed upward. Shadows are used for the lower part. Draw the outline starting from the middle and ending with the outer edge.

The mascara should be lengthening with a curling effect.

How to make arrows for narrow eyes with drooping eyelids, step-by-step instructions with photos

For narrow eyes Such arrows will help make your look more open and hide the effect of fatigue and swelling.

How to make arrows for small eyes with drooping eyelids, increasing the shape of the eye

A line is made above the moving part above the fold, connected to bottom, in this case it should go up, the letter V is obtained.

You will need dark shadows; a line is drawn from the middle to the outer edge, drawn first at the bottom, then at the top above the moving part. They will visually make the eyes larger. The bottom line is made straight.

Then, using a brush, matte shadows are applied to the moving part. They also paint the space above the eyebrow and around the eye, then they will look shaded. Then the eyelashes are painted and curled away from the nose.

Some makeup features

Simple arrows will be covered with a hood. They need to be drawn differently. First, a line is drawn that continues the lower eyelid. It appears along the contour of the upper eye and goes to the middle of the eye. Then you need to draw it along the crease of the upper eye, it will be the outer side of the arrow itself.

The corner is painted over, then you can put shadows on it. The wide arrow will be hidden in the fold; the main thing is to choose the right angle of inclination and the place where it will bend.

With a heavy eyelid, the arrows become expressive and wide, the fixed part is shaded, and a haze is created. If they are thin, it will look like there are more folds. The pencil must be sharpened well before drawing them.

Don't think that heavy eyelids are a disadvantage. If you look at it from the other side, then they have sexuality, a languid look, and seductiveness. Even Marilyn Monroe had such eyes.

Any face requires self-care; it is necessary to emphasize the pros and hide the cons. If you follow all the subtleties and rules of drawing technique, then such eyelids will become a highlight in your appearance.

A few days of practice and you will draw them with your eyes closed, always looking beautiful, well-groomed and confident.

The right makeup for the looming eyelid will open up your eyes and visually enlarge your eyes. Create desired effect beautiful arrows, correctly selected shadows, good mascara will help. Special serums and bases that strengthen the skin of the eyelids and relieve swelling can slightly tighten the skin.

Drooping eyelids: what is the cause of the problem

Excess skin on the upper and lower eyelids can occur due to age, excess weight, and hormonal changes in the body. Swelling in the eye area occurs in representatives of some nationalities; they can be inherited. There is no point in fighting the impending century, modern cosmetical tools gently correct the flaw and add charm to your appearance.

Skin tightening skin care products will help improve the situation. It is useful to apply cold lotions to relieve swelling and tighten drooping eyelids. Before applying makeup in the morning, you can wipe the area around the eyes with a piece of ice; it will not only remove excess swelling, but also revive the look. Tea bags or cucumber slices applied to the eyelids have a good effect. More modern procedure- gel patches or special cooling masks with caffeine, collagen and ceramides. They moisturize, nourish and smooth the skin, remove swelling and swelling.

Drooping eyelids - what to do?

Whether it is worth correcting too heavy eyelids, the girl must decide for herself. Puffy eyes give the face a sleepy, tired expression and visually make it look older. Professional makeup artists suggest eliminating the problem by slightly lifting the outer corners of the eyes and carefully evening out the skin around them. These simple techniques will make your look more open and emphasize your unusual cut. With certain skills, corrective makeup will take no more than 10 minutes. Layering of cosmetics guarantees a noticeable effect and long-lasting results. The arrows and shadows will not need to be corrected during the course; the applied products will maintain color saturation.

Selection of cosmetics

Makeup for eyes with drooping eyelids requires special cosmetics. It is preferable to use professional brand products. These products have a particularly durable texture, they are easy to apply, quickly fix on the skin and last for several hours without any problems. A beginner makeup artist’s mini-makeup bag can include:

  • base for shadows;
  • eye powder;
  • corrector;
  • wax or eyebrow pencil;
  • shadows in 3 harmonizing shades;
  • soft powder eyeliner pencil;
  • Mascara;
  • makeup fixative;
  • moisturizing serum or eye cream.

Professional makeup artists recommend choosing products with a matte texture. However, they should not make the skin dull. It is advisable that shadows and eyeliners do not contain mineral oils, which have a harmful effect on the condition of the skin and can cause severe swelling.

To work, you will need convenient tools: tweezers with flat tips, latex applicators, brushes. You should stock up on micellar water and cotton swabs to quickly correct bad lines. It will help to understand how to apply makeup step by step guide. You can look for it in fashion magazines or on the blogs of popular makeup artists. There are also courses designed specifically for beginners. Having mastered the basic techniques, you can begin more daring experiments.

You need to apply cosmetics in front of a magnifying mirror, in good natural or artificial lighting. It is important to take your time and perform all operations simultaneously, then the eyes will turn out symmetrical.

Preparatory activities

With drooping eyelids, makeup should be done very carefully. Properly selected skincare products will help keep your makeup in place. First, the area around the eyes is cleansed with an alcohol-free tonic or floral hydrosol. A mild preparation will remove excess sebaceous secretions while maintaining natural moisture. A thickening serum or emulsion is beaten into the skin. Its task is a light lifting effect. Flaccid skin becomes toned, strengthened and smoothed.

The next stage is a concealer in a yellowish tones. It is preferable to use the drug in the form of a liquid cream. It spreads easily and does not highlight wrinkles. The concealer is carefully distributed under the eyes, and then pressed in with your fingertips or a latex sponge. A high-quality concealer that perfectly masks bruises, redness, broken blood vessels and other minor imperfections. The product is applied in thin layers until the skin under the eyes becomes perfectly smooth. Finally, it is powdered using a thin fan-shaped brush, not forgetting to brush off the excess fixing powder. The best option- translucent powder with a reflective effect that visually smoothes the skin.

A base in the form of a cream, paste or gel is applied to the upper eyelid. The foundation smoothes the skin, shadows and eyeliner go on smoother and stay in place for several hours. In addition, this product makes the color of cosmetics brighter and more saturated. The base slightly dries out the skin, so it can only be applied after moisturizing serum.

An obligatory point is eyebrow shaping. Heavy arches hanging over the eyes enhance the negative impression of swollen eyelids, giving the face a gloomy expression. The hairs at the bottom of the arch are carefully removed using flat-tipped pliers. You shouldn't pluck too much; your eyebrows should maintain their natural shape.

Everyday makeup

Makeup for drooping eyelids involves applying shadows in natural tones. The lightest tone is applied up to the eyebrow. A darker shade is applied on top, closer to the outer corner. This color can be carefully applied to the lower eyelid using a thin latex applicator. With an overhanging eyelid, it is worth using the third, most saturated color. They are used to highlight the outer part of the eye, slightly extending the line beyond the contours of the eyelid.

A very important point is the eyeliner. It more clearly indicates the shape of the eyes and distracts attention from heavy eyelids. It is not difficult to understand which arrows are suitable for a particular makeup. The daytime look implies thin lines of dark brown, graphite, soft black. Shiny textures should be left for the evening. For convenience, lift the drooping eyelid slightly with your fingers and guide the pencil from the center of the upper eyelid to the outer corner. There is no need to draw an uneven thick line. It is better to draw arrows for the looming eyelid with short, thin strokes, slightly overlapping each other. The line should lie as close to the roots of the eyelashes as possible.

Another layer of eyeliner is applied over the arrow. The technique is repeated on the second eye. If desired, you can carefully tint the lower eyelid. The line is drawn from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. Eyeliners for eyes with drooping eyelids should be carefully shaded with a short brush or latex applicator. After rubbing, the eyeliner will last much longer and will look more natural. In addition, this procedure visually enlarges the incision and emphasizes the beautiful shade of the iris.

Arrows on the eyes are suitable even for very modest makeup. The thinner the lines are, the more neat and invisible the eyeliner will be. Mascara with the effect of lengthening and volume will help to emphasize the cut. It is applied in 1 layer, moving the brush from the roots to the tips of the eyelashes and lightly pressing it to fix the curl. The color is chosen depending on the outfit, skin tone and eyes. For daytime makeup Gray, brown or purple colors are suitable. The less mascara on the lower lashes, the better. A clean comb or baby toothbrush will help get rid of lumps.

A tinted gel with grayish-beige or brown tones will help shape your eyebrows. Hair is dyed by holding the brush at an angle and moving it from bottom to top. This technique will visually open your eyes and distract attention from drooping eyelids.

Evening option

Makeup for narrow Asian eyes can be unusual and even shocking. It is ideal for a party, theater premiere or other special occasions. Unassuming daytime eyeliner for hooded eyelids can be transformed into luxurious, sweeping lines with the help of a soft powder pencil and a set of brushes.

The eyelids are drawn according to the usual pattern. Then the lines thicken, and gradually the entire moving eyelid is painted over with a pencil. In the outer corners of the eyes, the arrows are slightly raised, starting from the middle of the lower eyelid, a thin line is drawn, thickening towards the outer corner. Pencil strokes are thoroughly rubbed, if necessary, you can add another layer. For this makeup, use a liner in very dark tones: black, chocolate, burgundy, inky purple.

You can fix the result using a fixing spray, which is sprayed over the shadows or pencil. Finally, the eyelashes are tinted with rich black voluminous mascara. Colored options are not suitable for the evening. Lumps are removed with a clean brush. If your own eyelashes seem too thin and sparse, you can attach artificial tufts to the corners of your eyes.

Bright, attention-grabbing eyes require perfectly defined eyebrows. They are lined with colorless wax and then tinted with powder shadows. Gray-brown shades are suitable for brunettes; blondes should try dark ash or beige shades. Redheads will have ocher eyebrows. A colorless gel or regular hairspray can add natural shine to your arches. It is distributed in a very thin layer, the excess is removed with a clean cotton swab.

When focusing on the eyes, you should choose a calmer color for the lips. In the evening, tinted glitter or fashionable Matt lipstick in beige and pink tones.

Mistakes of a beginner makeup artist

Drooping eyelids require special makeup techniques. There are foods and methods to avoid that can highlight a deficiency. The main mistakes include

  1. Using pearl or glitter shadows. Eyelids with an oily sheen will appear even more swollen, and eyeliner does not adhere well to this texture.
  2. The arrow on the looming eyelid goes down. The technique makes the already small eyes smaller, giving the face a dull expression. When drawing lines, you need to move the pencil upward, making sure that the strokes lie symmetrically.
  3. Using too oily cosmetic products. They will be imprinted on the eyelid, and if accidentally touched, they will smudge and flow, making the makeup sloppy.
  4. Neglecting eyebrow correction. Curved arches that are too thin will look strange; heavy and shaggy ones will visually narrow the eyes.
  5. Multicolor makeup. On swollen eyelids, you should not use too bright shades or contrasting combinations. Ideal choice— restrained monochrome palette with a predominance of medium and dark tones.

Drooping or swollen eyelids can be visually lifted using makeup. Suitable cosmetics will hide the defect, give the face brightness and a unique charm. Eyeliners for small eyes, done according to all the rules, will make the image bright, indicate a beautiful cut, and are suitable for everyday wear or evening outings.

Eyeliner seems to be one of the most popular makeup elements and one of the most win-win. Arrows highlight the eyes favorably, make them brighter, more expressive, arrows can visually correct the shape of the eyes, do make-up stylization, everyday makeup, evening makeup, cocktail and sometimes even business makeup. Beautiful arrows- this is a matter of training, as well as a good liner, or a set of gel eyeliner and a good brush. However, owners of the so-called “overhanging” eyelid have some difficulties in drawing arrows: in severe cases of overhang, the arrow may not be visible at all with open eyes; in some cases, the folds of the eyelid can deform the arrow and it will turn out to be broken . So, how to correctly draw arrows for an overhanging eyelid?

Drawing an arrow for the impending century - what materials are needed

You will need a high-quality liner or eyeliner: you can use any format - gel eyeliners, liquid eyeliners, felt-tip eyeliners. You can experiment with shadows or pencils, but in this case you should choose the most durable options that will not leave an untidy imprint on the looming eyelid. It is not advisable to apply eyeliner to the “bare” eyelid, so it is also worth preparing a primer, as well as your favorite shadows and appropriate brushes. An eyeliner brush is also an extremely important tool in this matter.

How to draw an arrow for an impending eyelid

The first thing to do is to mark the interciliary space. You need to emphasize not the upper mucous membrane, but specifically the space between the eyelashes: this move is necessary when drawing absolutely any arrows, so that there are no gaps between the line line and the eyelashes: otherwise the look will seem “flat” or even painful.

Next, apply a primer, cover the eyelid with matte or satin nude shadows and a light taupe shade and a blending brush, darken the crease of the upper eyelid: this will neutralize visual sagging. Next, we begin drawing the arrow from the middle of the eyelid, it is important to keep the eyes open: when closing, it will simply be unclear where to “take” the arrow and its tip, there is also a risk of moving the tip of the arrow too low and accidentally “drawing” sad eyes for ourselves: this is what we definitely not necessary.

We continue to draw the arrow with short strokes, strokes, this technique will help make the arrow more accurate. We adjust the thickness of the arrow depending on preferences and planned makeup. Using short strokes, draw an arrow from the inner corner of the eye. Arrow tip at open eye, we start behind natural folds - so that the line does not “break”. The tip of the arrow should be made in the shape of an “airplane wing”; this option is most ideal for an impending eyelid. At the same time, it is important to add width to the arrows gradually: add - do not reduce, and measure is important in arrows. Finally, we paint the eyelashes with mascara or, if necessary, glue false eyelashes.

It is important to remember that arrows are the dominant element of makeup, very accentuated and bright, so the rest of the makeup should consist of a beautiful, even tone of the face, high-quality, but not very bright eyebrows, as well as neutral lipstick or gloss. You can add light contouring (or so-called non-touring) and a little blush.

What brushes are needed to draw arrows on the looming eyelid?

There are several options: a classic brush for fine lines made of artificial bristles, a brush with a bent base - it makes it easier to draw the tip of the arrow, and a beveled brush. Choose the option that is most convenient for you; by the way, angled brushes are extremely multifunctional, including the ability to shape eyebrows.

Where can you buy quality brushes?

In the assortment of the Wobs online store, you can easily find all the necessary makeup tools, various brushes for various purposes, shapes, sizes and materials - and all this at reasonable prices! With Wobs, every girl can do beautiful, stylish and neat makeup every day!

They say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Perhaps this explains why the fair sex pays great attention to eye makeup. On the other hand, women are often motivated by a simple desire to look beautiful and highlight their eyes, making them more expressive and larger. For this, various techniques and tools are used, and one of the most popular options for correcting the shape of the eyes is eyeliner makeup.

What is eyeliner makeup?

There are many different options for this make-up, however classic version For a long time the so-called Egyptian style was considered. This type of makeup is very popular and lives up to its long history.

This type of makeup provides ample opportunities for experimentation, because there is no single template demonstrating how such makeup should look. Usually girls are guided by their own imagination and ideas, which they then embody before their eyes - either as makeup for every day, or as an evening look.

First you need to understand what types of arrows there are and how they differ from each other. So:

  • Thin arrows They are a great way to highlight your eyes without wearing too much makeup. This will be convenient for everyday look, because it doesn’t take much time to create barely noticeable arrows. This procedure does not require a high level of skill.
  • Double arrow Suitable for those girls who are tired of fairly simple and discreet makeup. That is why you can first make one arrow, and then actively focus on the lower eyelid.
  • Shaded arrow, is probably one of the most universal techniques. It is suitable for an everyday look with delicate tones, weightless textures and smooth lines. This will be an ideal solution for going out in the evening. All you have to do is change color scheme, add shimmer - and the luxurious look is ready!

Features and Benefits

Different situations require different options - for example, sometimes you need gentle makeup, which will look natural and make the image lighter. In such cases, arrows are indispensable to help create a beautiful, feminine and delicate image. On the other hand, it’s quite easy to transform this make-up into a fatal and seductive one by using a combination of winged eyeliner and red lipstick. She will act as an accent in this makeup, which will add a touch of seduction to the girl’s appearance.

From these two examples you can easily see that arrows are a very versatile technique in makeup. It can be used for various occasions and events occurring in life. It is thanks to this that arrows will never go out of fashion and will always be popular.

Moreover, there is a large number of various variations of arrows, which are already determined by certain trends of the season. Lately, feathered arrows have become popular because they are famous for their versatility. They go well with bright makeup and fit perfectly into gentle image. The well-known makeup with two arrows is also universal. However, when planning to experiment, you need to find out what type of make-up suits your individual external features. This should be kept in mind when choosing the color of eyeliner and pencil.

Colored arrows are a hit this season. Not only multi-colored, but also shiny options are especially popular - they will create a different effect on the eyes and will be able to adjust their shape.

Many girls, when choosing the color of eyeliner, are guided by considerations about their favorite color, but this position is wrong, since it often leads to the creation of an awkward image. The palette of cosmetics must be combined with external data.

A classic version of this type of makeup is black eyeliner, which gained popularity in the middle of the last century. This is due to the popularity of such Hollywood beauties as Marilyn Monroe And Audrey Hepburn, who with their entire appearance demonstrated a luxurious image, where the main accent was the eyeliner.

Black eyeliner suits absolutely everyone, because it is an extremely versatile shade that goes with any type of appearance and in any way. The only negative that can be found in this makeup is the possible visual reduction of the eyes. The smaller the eye, the thinner the arrow should be. For this reason, girls turn to colored eyeliners - they not only refresh their makeup, but also visually enlarge their eyes, creating the effect of an open look.

This is especially true for those women who have narrow eyes. This option is a great opportunity to correct them.

However, it is important to know that you need to choose a pencil palette that will match the color of your iris.

As for the “shimmer” ones, it is worth noting that they can add expressiveness to the look. Gold and silver eyeliners are popular. They will sparkle interestingly both in the sun and in evening light. Due to the intensity of these shades, it is not recommended to use them in combination with bright shadows - when doing makeup for every day.

Types of make up

As noted above, the arrow technique is very diverse, and it is not so easy to learn. However, in order to truly create beautiful image, you need to understand what makeup options exist.

Since the art of eyeliner has spread throughout the world from the East, first we should consider the so-called oriental makeup. It is known that the main distinguishing feature of the Western Asian region is strictness in morals, which is reflected in all spheres of life, including appearance girls.

It is because of this that women create soft everyday makeup with the help of black eyeliners, which perfectly lengthen the eyes, making their shape almond-shaped (as some say, “cat-like”).

So-called classic shape shooter originated at the turn of the 50s and 60s of the last century. In this version, women line their eyelids not so much to correct the shape of their eyes. They do this in order to give them expressiveness and focus on this area. Since that time, such images are often used by divas on the red carpet and various evening events. Today, stylists perform this technique with light light shadows, because this creates additional contrast and gives the look a dynamic look.

Some girls like to create shocking looks, and to do this they draw wide, thick arrows - following the example of the once popular Amy Winehouse. However, it is important to understand that for the performer this was a stage image, which Everyday life not used very often. This is the main mistake women make: such solutions are not suitable for daytime makeup, since they are too bright for an everyday look.

Moreover, such arrows categorically cannot be used as makeup for a looming eyelid, because they will make the facial expression tired and the gaze drooping and heavy. The intensity of the eyeliner will make the eyes themselves look small.

In these cases, you need to contact light makeup an eye that will be represented, for example, by nude shadows and the finest black, gray or brown arrows. The combination of shadows in a natural palette and not very flashy eyeliner is a fairly simple solution for creating a simple, delicate and gentle makeup for every day.

For an evening out, multi-colored and metallic cosmetics would be appropriate. A look framed by a golden or silver glow will amaze those around you with its beauty. The girl will be considered very brave, because even today not every lady will decide to create such a catchy makeup look.

Can I recommend smooth transition from classic to avant-garde in the form of an intermediate version with colored arrows. Orange and crimson colors are unlikely to be used in everyday life, because they require a professional approach and understanding of the specifics of the product. But dark green, indigo or rich wine will provide all girls with ample opportunities for experimentation.

The main rule for creating any look is moderation. Agree, it looks ridiculous when a business lady comes to work with evening makeup, so you need to be guided not only by your imagination. It should be limited to the social context and events for which this or that make up is performed.

How to draw?

Today, the beauty market is overflowing with a variety of cosmetic products, so to create “arrow” makeup, they use not only a pencil, but also many other means.

Very popular liquid eyeliner with brush. Such cosmetics will be an ideal option for those girls who have already trained and can confidently draw straight arrows. When using this product, you must take into account the liquid consistency of the product and not overdo it with the amount of eyeliner on the brush, otherwise you will end up with thick, wide arrows that are not suitable for everyone. Excessive eyeliner will be imprinted on the upper eyelid - this will only ruin the look.

Such eyeliners are available in various colors, including a metallic palette.

Eyeliner-felt pen has a number of advantages when compared with conventional liquid. Thanks to its shape, it fits comfortably in the hand, and the position of the marker directly affects the shape of the arrows and their direction. There is no problem of excess product on the brush here, since when using eyeliner of this type, cosmetics are always used evenly and economically. The only problem with this product is that it dries out quite quickly, so the resulting errors cannot be corrected in any way. The product must be used as carefully as possible.

Pencil is the traditional way to create such makeup. Such arrows will help to unobtrusively correct the shape of the eyes. You don't have to worry about making mistakes, because the pencil is easy to erase. For those who are just starting to master eyeliner, the most suitable product would be a soft pencil - or a powder-based product, which will create a not very clear outline. However, it should be noted that despite the ease of use, the disadvantage of pencils is the fact that such a coating can smear or fade.

Shadows are interesting because they allow you to create a soft make-up - for example, a shaded arrow, the basis for which is often the same shadows. This option is especially appropriate for a daytime look, which lacks clear lines, but has lightness.

Eyeliners with gel or cream textures are used mainly by professional makeup artists, because such cosmetics require a high level of skills and sufficient experience in working with complex products. Arrows drawn in this way fit perfectly - and at the same time they do not dry out immediately upon application, so it is possible to correct some shortcomings and errors. Moreover, gels and creams are durable.

It is important to have special accessories for applying this product - flat, angled brushes.

It is important to understand that the choice of cosmetics depends on what effect you want to achieve. If the goal is to create a chic evening makeup with a slight touch of vintage, then you should use liquid eyeliner - perhaps using glitter and metallic particles. On the other hand, if you create delicate makeup, then you should turn to shadows, pencils or various pigments. Such arrows will look equally advantageous both with a daytime look, as a “soloist” of makeup, and with an evening look.

The main thing is that the textures are combined with each other and are appropriate for a particular event.

Step-by-step application and techniques used

Having understood the types of makeup and necessary tools, it’s worth talking about how to do makeup. Not everyone gets the arrows right the first time, so don’t be upset if you suddenly encounter errors. They are inevitable, and they can only be corrected by constant practice. To avoid most of the typical problems, it is worth understanding the lesson, which describes the process of creating eye makeup step by step.

Before applying eyeliner, you need to take care of your face tone. To do this, cover problem areas with concealer. It is worth evening out your complexion using foundation. It is necessary to prepare the eyelids. To do this, you need to degrease them and apply a special lotion that does not contain alcohol, and then a primer.

If you plan to use shadows, there is no need to “play” with colors. It is better to use a nude shade - perhaps with light glitter. This will create a natural look, which is especially important for summer makeup. On the other hand, if you want to create eye makeup that stands out, then you should take a closer look at dense consistencies with a dark palette: blue, green, brown.

Henna arrows are especially beautiful, but this material is quite difficult to use, so it is not used very often. You can play with contrast and create makeup with white or shiny eyeliner, which looks avant-garde and revolutionary. Close your eyes and carefully draw a line. If it turns out uneven, it can be corrected. To avoid mistakes, you can use special stencils that allow you to draw perfect arrows. It's better to draw thin lines, because it will be easier to add a few strokes than to remove mistakes.

Try to draw arrows as close to the lash line as possible. To do this, you can pull the eyelid a little. Apply mascara to your eyelashes, but avoid the “spider legs” effect. This cheapens the image. Eyelashes look especially impressive with long (for example, false) eyelashes. Remember that individual details of the appearance must be combined with each other, so choose lipstick according to the shape, color and type of arrows. A win-win- use dusty pink tint as a coating on the lips.

To learn how to create perfect makeup, study more step-by-step video instructions and practice more.

Who is it suitable for?

There are a huge number of ideas for executing arrows in make up. So, who suits what:

  • For almond-shaped eyes Arrows of any thickness, length and bend are suitable. The main thing is not to get carried away with experiments, because this eye shape is ideal. There is no need to correct anything, but you can ruin everything. Therefore, for a girl with this type of eyes, it is better to use time-tested options for arrows: double, shaded and classic.
  • Round eyes correction is necessary in the form of lengthening them, so women use liquid eyeliner, drawing a long arrow. This technique involves moving the arrow outside the eye.
  • Asian women you need to draw a wide line along the lash line. She is able to visually round the look, but it is important not to make the look heavy.

  • Girls with deep-set eyes, you need to remember that the arrow line should not be too hard and thick. Use soft textures and highlight the lower eyelid with white pencil. This will make the look “easy”.
  • For bulging eyes you need to hide the excess volume. To do this, use a not very rich brown or grey colour(choose pencils). This will hide the puffiness under the eyes.
  • Visually highlight the upper eyelid you can, drawing the line of the arrow towards the temple - but not very much, so as not to get the effect of a heavy look.
  • The most difficult case in eye makeup is the drooping eyelid., it does not allow you to fully realize the potential of makeup and makes you refuse to use eyeliner. Even if they are done, they will still be overlapped by the upper eyelid, which hangs over the moving part. In this case, you should limit yourself to shadows and mascara. Even with these simple tools you can create luxurious makeup.

The shape of the eyes is far from the only criterion by which you should select the type of eyeliner. An important point is the color type - for example, almost all shades of eyeliner are suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women, but for blondes the choice is limited only to light and gray shades that will not contrast with their appearance.

Eyeliner is one of the most popular types of makeup that can transform a girl, making her look “open” and expressive. To achieve the right effect, you need to practice a lot. Each time the eye makeup will turn out better and better, and the images will be luxurious, but at the same time delicate.

Therefore, the question “how to make arrows” becomes even more relevant. Today in our material all types of arrows for any eye shape!


Of all the variations, men like either the effect of its absence or the arrows. To seduce gentlemen with the spectacular look of a cat, you need to know how to do it. It’s not difficult, the main thing is to learn the theory and practice, then success is guaranteed!

READ ALSO - How to wear makeup correctly for older women

To figure out which arrows are best for you, you need to determine your eye shape.

How to make arrows for close-set eyes

Kristen Bell and Kristen Bell have close-set eyes

For this eye shape, you need a special arrow that will visually expand the distance between them. Draw a thin line starting from the middle of the eye, extending well beyond the outer corner. Also carefully draw a thin arrow at the bottom. Between the two tails of the arrows you need to draw a line with a light pencil. It is also necessary to lighten the inner corner of the eye and the lower mucous membrane.

Wing shape for close-set eyes

How to make arrows for eyes with drooping corners

Katie Holmes and Sarah Michelle Gellar have “sad” eyes with drooping corners

An arrow for this shape should visually lift the outer corner of the eye. The classic rule that the tail of the arrow should be a continuation of the mucous membrane does not apply here. The tail of your arrow needs to be raised higher. The arrow itself needs to start drawing from the middle of the eye, namely in the place where it begins to fall.

Eyeliner shape for drooping eye corners

Eyeliners for deep-set eyes

Megan Fox and Anna Paquin have deep-set eyes

Deep-set eyes need to be made visible so that they do not get lost on the face. To do this, make a thin arrow along the upper lash line and move the line up a little, approaching the outer edge. The tail of the arrow should not be massive. To highlight your eyes, add a brighter line to your lower lash line.

The right arrow for deep-set eyes

How to make arrows for almond-shaped eyes

Aishwarya Rai and Angelina Jolie are perfect in everything, even the shape of their eyes

Owners of this eye shape are real lucky ones. You can wear absolutely any arrows with them, and your eyes will look great. Try trendy dramatic arrows in the style of the 60s. Their peculiarity is that the line starts almost from the inner corner of the eye and greatly expands closer to the outer corner. Start drawing a line from the beginning of the eye, gradually thickening it as it approaches the outer corner. Separately outline the tail of the arrow (it should be a continuation of the lower lash line), and connect the tail and the main arrow.

Beautiful arrows for almond-shaped eyes

Eyeliners for eyes with drooping eyelids

Jennifer Lawrence and Blake Lively have hooded eyes

When the eye is open, the upper fold of the eyelid covers the moving eyelid, and the usual arrow will simply not be visible. Therefore, with an impending eyelid, you need to draw a very special arrow. Draw a line only with your eye open, otherwise you will not understand how the arrow will look. Draw the tail of the arrow as a continuation of the lower eyelash growth line, and do not make it sharp right away, but extend it a couple of millimeters in the form of an even line along the upper eyelid. Then draw the eyelash line, stepping back a little from the inner edge of the eye. And connect the line and the tail. When the eye is closed, the arrow will have an unusual “broken” shape, but when it is open, a beautiful bend and tail of the arrow will be visible, it will not hide in the folds of the upper eyelid.

Photo lesson of an arrow for the impending century

Draw arrows for bulging eyes

Christina Ricci and Nicole Richie - actresses with protruding eyes

Protruding eyes always appear too large and round. Our task is to visually slightly reduce and lengthen their shape. To do this, make a wide arrow in the style of the 60s(see above)and line the lower eyelid and mucous membrane.

Example evening makeup with an arrow for bulging eyes

Don't worry if it doesn't work out the first time. The main thing in the ability to draw arrows is practice, and you need to practice as often as possible. To start, draw with pencils, then you can buy eyeliner in the form of a felt-tip pen, and only then you will be ready to master gel, cream and other types of eyeliners. After a while, you will become so skilled in your hand that you will be able to draw perfect arrows with the most inconvenient brushes and the thinnest eyeliners!