How to draw perfect arrows on your eyes? How to correctly draw arrows on the eyes with eyeliner or pencil Tips for beginners: how to draw even arrows

Lines on the eyes are one of the most popular makeup elements.. With their help, you can change the shape of your eyes, make your gaze more expressive, and also add extravagance and mystery to your image. That is why many young ladies are interested in the question of how to make arrows on their eyes.

For beginners, this activity may seem very difficult and overwhelming. However, patience and knowledge of the basic subtleties will help you master this makeup technique quite quickly.

You will learn how to make arrows on the eyes for beginners from our article.

Interesting to know! The art of creating arrows before our eyes originated in Ancient Egypt. There it had a sacred meaning. Women and men lined their eyelids in such a way as to repeat the shape of the eyes of a cat, which was considered a sacred animal. To create the perfect pattern on the eyes, they used improvised means in the form natural henna and clay.

To draw arrows on the eyes, you can use either liquid or dry eyeliner or a cosmetic pencil. For thin and bright arrows, liquid eyeliner is the ideal option.

But this makeup tool requires some skill and experience. Therefore, for beginners, a cosmetic eyeliner that should not be too hard is more suitable.

How to make arrows, step-by-step instructions for beginners

Before you start drawing the arrows, you need to prepare the skin of the eyelids. To do this, they need to be treated with a product that is used for eye makeup remover. Then apply to the eyelids Foundation. In order for the drawn arrows to last as long as possible, it is worth making a base layer.

You can use a special eyeshadow base, transparent powder, or light-colored eyeshadow.

How to draw classic thin arrows

Thin arrows are considered a classic makeup element. This is a good solution for both daytime and evening looks.

To draw perfect thin arrows, you need to follow these steps:

  1. For drawing arrows You need to choose a pencil with a sharp lead. If a regular pencil is used, it must be sharpened well.
  2. Pencil lead must be applied to the center of the upper eyelid as close as possible to the eyelashes. Use extreme caution if you are new to makeup to avoid harming your eyes.
  3. Then draw with a pencil a thin line along the growth of eyelashes to the very edge of the eye.
  4. At the next stage you need to make a tail of the arrow, which starts at the outer corner of the eye. To do this, you need to draw a small line pointing upward.
  5. After the tail is ready, it must be connected to the main line of the arrow.
  6. At the final stage you need to remove all irregularities with a damp cotton swab. It is not difficult, even for beginners, to master the art of makeup for girls.

How to draw expressive wide arrows

Wide arrows will be the perfect complement to an evening look.

To create them you need:

How to Draw Double Arrows

Double arrows are a very unusual element of makeup that will make the image bright and unique. Such hands can be made in Egyptian style, in retro style, or with the addition of several colors.

Basic steps:

  1. First you need draw a line that can start from the inner corner of the eye or from the middle of the eyelid. The line is brought to the very edge, then goes a little upward, forming a tail.
  2. Along the lower eyelid you also need to draw the main line, then the tail, which should be parallel to the upper tail.
  3. To create an Egyptian look, you should not move the end of the arrow up, it should remain in a horizontal position.
  4. For make-up in retro style, the tail of the arrow can be raised and also made longer.

How to Draw Raised Eyeliner with a Cat Eye Effect

Eyelid makeup with the effect " cat eyes"suitable for daring and relaxed young ladies. Such a unique make-up will give the look sexiness and mystery.

Technique for applying this type of arrows:

  1. At the first stage it is necessary to draw a contour on the upper eyelid along the growth of the eyelashes.
  2. Then a pencil is applied to the corner of the eye and stretches upward. This will create the tail of the arrow.
  3. The resulting ponytail connects to the main outline of the arrow.
  4. The most decisive stage in creating this spectacular arrow - drawing a triangle on the eyelid. To do this, you need to draw a line from the end of the tail of the arrow to the middle of the upper eyelid.
  5. After making a triangle– it needs to be painted inside.

Good to know! To get an even tail of the arrow, you can use a small ruler or a plastic card. The selected prop must be positioned at the edge of the eye at the desired angle, and then draw a line along it.

Master class on drawing arrows with shadows

As soon as beginners master the technique of drawing arrows on the eyes with a pencil, you can try a more complex technique - using shadows. To perform this technique, you can use liquid, cream or crumbly shadows.

Master class using dry shadows step by step:

  1. To start you need to lay out all the necessary details in front of the mirror: a thick brush for applying the base and shading, a thin, slightly beveled brush for drawing arrows, shadows of a dark and light shade.
  2. Shade over the entire eyelid a base of light color.
  3. For getting bright arrows need to be moistened with a thin brush.
  4. Removed from the brush excess moisture, pick up a small amount of dark-colored eyeshadow.
  5. Swipe with a brush along the line of growth of the upper eyelashes.
  6. From outer edge draw a small line up from the eye.
  7. To expand the arrow, make a few more strokes on top of it.
  8. If the makeup is evening, then you can add a “smoky” effect. To do this, you need to blend the shadows in the outer corner of the eye using a flat thick brush.

How to make arrows to make your eyes appear larger?

Correctly drawn arrows are an indispensable option for those whom nature has not blessed with big eyes. Using professional techniques for creating eyeliner, you can visually enlarge your eyes, make your gaze more expressive, your eyes wide and open.

Experienced makeup artists will tell you how to make arrows on your eyes for beginners, whose advice we will consider.

To adjust the cut to a larger side, you should not draw a line from the very edge of the inner corner of the eye: you need to step back about half a centimeter. The tail of the arrow must be extended beyond the outer corner of the eye. At the same time, he should look slightly upward. It is also worth remembering that the arrow should not be too thick.

Rules for performing arrows on eyes with drooping eyelids

Those with drooping eyes should avoid makeup, which will “heavien” the look. To draw arrows on such eyes, it is best to use loose shadows or a cosmetic pencil. In order to achieve an open look, you need to lift the outer corner of the eye.

The end of the arrow should become a continuation of the growth line of the lower eyelashes. You need to start drawing the main line from the place where the eyelid falls. This must be done with open eyes.

Ideal wings for deep-set eyes

The main task of makeup for deep-set eyes is to make them brighter and more noticeable.

Thin arrows with a small tail are suitable for this.

To draw them, you should not choose liquid eyeliner, as well as black shadows and pencils. Below you can draw a line that will start from the middle of the eyelid and connect to the top arrow.

The best eyeliners for wide-set eyes

Those with wide-set eyes should opt for wide arrows, which will taper towards the outer corner of the eye. The contours of such arrows should not extend beyond the edges of the eyes.

Tips for beginners: how to draw straight arrows

Many women are interested in how to learn to draw perfectly straight arrows before our eyes.

To do this, beginners should adhere to certain recommendations:

  • It is best to use a rotating mirror with a stand, which can be adjusted if necessary and turned in the desired direction. It shouldn't be too small.
  • You need to draw arrows in good lighting. If it is daylight, you need to make sure that the sun does not shine directly into your eyes.
  • When applying the contour, your arms should not be suspended: you need to lean on a hard surface.
  • You should not draw arrows on a completely closed eye.
  • If you can’t draw a straight line entirely, you can first make a few small strokes, then carefully connect them.

Good to know! Despite the abundance of educational materials on the Internet, not all women can understand how to properly draw arrows on their eyes.

For beginners, we can advise you to use special stencils, sketches of which can be found online, bought, or made yourself. Such a stencil must be applied to the eyelid, then traced along the contour lines.

Recommendations from makeup artists when choosing the shape and color of eyeliner

Basic tips:

Proper eyelid makeup will help a woman emphasize her individuality, make her image unique, and also help hide imperfections. Therefore, it is very important to thoroughly study how to draw arrows on the eyes.

For beginners, this activity requires daily practice. Theoretical knowledge of all the subtleties and rules, as well as daily training, will help you become a professional in this matter.

Useful video instructions on drawing arrows for beginners

How to make arrows on the eyes for beginners. Instructions in this useful video:

How to draw arrows, types of arrows:

Such arrows will suit almost every face type and eye shape. The makeup will not be overloaded, the eyes will simply become larger and the gaze more expressive.

You will need

  • Pencil (preferably kajal) or eyeliner (for example, Glossy Eyeliner from Isa Dora). If this is your first time drawing arrows, take a pencil. It's much easier to work with him. As for color, makeup artists still recommend black, as it is universal and most expressive.
  • Cotton buds.
  • Micellar water.

Step 1. Paint the space between the eyelashes at the outer corner of the eye.

Keep the tool as close to the eyelash line as possible and do not go into the mucous membrane, otherwise the color will be imprinted on the lower eyelid.

Start drawing from the middle of the eyelid and move to the outer corner. Stop where the eyelashes end: we will draw the tail of the arrow a little later.

Step 2. Paint the space between the eyelashes at the inner corner of the eye.

Move to the inner corner and again paint only the lash line. Be especially careful here: the line in this area should be the thinnest.

Bring the pencil or brush to the outer corner of your eye. Mentally draw a line. It should extend towards your temple and be an extension of your lower eyelid. Another strong point is the middle part of the eyebrow (before the break and tail). The line should be a repetition of it.

Using a slight pulling motion, draw the tail of your arrow.

Step 4: Connect the arrow

Now connect the tip with the line drawn along the upper eyelid. The transition should be smooth.

Step 5: Adjust the arrow

The most common mistake that immediately catches your eye is the chopped off tip of the arrow. To avoid this, there is a trick.

Take a cotton swab, place it under the tail of the arrow and pull it up to the temple. It will remove excess and at the same time stretch the line, making it thinner.

If you get a little dirty on your eyelid, use a cotton swab to remove all the dirt.

Repeat the same on the other eye and apply mascara.

These arrows are more expressive and are more suitable for the evening. Depending on the occasion, the line can be lengthened and thickened, but let's start with the basics.

You will need

  • Eyeshadow base (for example, from NYX Professional Make-Up).
  • Paper tape or plastic card.
  • Black pencil (for example, Kajal Define from Make Up Factory).
  • Liquid eyeliner.
  • Cotton buds.
  • Micellar water.

Step 1: Prepare the eyelid

You can lightly decorate your eyes with shadows. Darken the outer corner and lighten the inner one.

Step 2. Paint the space between the eyelashes

As in the first method, thinly draw the eyelash line.

Step 3. Draw the tail of the arrow

The tail in this technique is the main part. The perfect line Only a professional can draw, and for beginners and amateurs it is better to use a stencil.

To do this, take a paper one. Attach small piece in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the temple. And now, using eyeliner, draw a line of the desired length. The tape will serve as your ruler. You can use a plastic card in the same way.

The base of the ponytail is ready. Now on both eyes, determine the middle of the eyelid and put small marks there using eyeliner.

Connect the tip to the middle of the eyelid. The line should be exactly horizontal and the movement should be easy. For ease of application, pull the skin slightly towards your temple.

Now use eyeliner to fill in the space between the two lines.

Step 4. Draw the arrow

All that remains is to use eyeliner to lower the line from the middle of the eyelid to the inner corner. Move clearly along the lash line. Add some dark shadow to the crease of your eyelid. For an evening or a holiday, false eyelashes or mascara with a volume effect are suitable for such arrows.

Such soft arrows are suitable for both daytime and evening makeup. The application technique changes here: to get away from clear lines, we use shading.

You will need

  • Eyeshadow base (for example, 3ina).
  • Dark matte shadows (for example, Nude by Nature).
  • At least two brushes: a hard beveled one and a thin soft one.
  • Eyeliner (such as Perfect Contour Kajal from Isa Dora).
  • Concealer or corrector.

Step 1: Prepare the eyelid

Apply an eyeshadow base to your eyelid. It will make blending easier and extend the wear of your makeup. Then, as in the previous methods, draw the space between the eyelashes with a black pencil. At this stage, you can afford to be a little careless: this is just the base, in the final it will be covered by shadows.

Step 2: Blend the pencil

Now take a clean brush. A beveled hard one is best suited. Start shading from the ponytail. Using a brush, draw the arrow towards the temple. Do not take any additional color, use only the pigment that you already have.

It is important to start shading as soon as possible. Then the pencil will be easier to follow your movements.

Step 3: Apply and blend eyeshadow

Now you need dark matte shadows. The brand and price are not important here, the main thing is that they should be shaded well.

Pick up the shadows with a thin soft brush and with light movements (never driving them in) go over the entire arrow. You can go beyond the main line, because we are achieving a haze effect.

Using the same brush, lightly pull the color upward. Before this you moved horizontally, now you move vertically.

Take a clean, soft brush (or wipe off the one you've already used with a napkin) and pick up some eyeshadow of the same color. Shake off any excess; there should be very little product left on the brush. Using light movements, go over the entire arrow and mix the layers. After this, there should be no clear boundaries left on the eyelid.

Step 4: Repeat the first layer

Take a black pencil and trace along the edge of your eyelid. This will enhance the color and make the look deeper.

To complete your makeup, take some black eyeshadow onto your brush and apply it to the base of your eyeliner. Blend them again with a clean brush.

Step 5: Adjust the arrow

Take concealer or corrector. These products are similar but differ in their density. The first is intended for the area around the eyes, the second precisely covers imperfections on the skin.

So, apply one of these products to a cotton swab and remove all the dirt under the arrow. Remember: only its lower border should remain clear.

In fact, there are countless types of arrows. Having mastered the basic ones, you can fantasize and experiment with shape and color. For example, draw a double arrow, replace classic black with white, or add glitter to clear lines.


Eyeliner arrows have long been firmly established on the fashion pedestal; they have already become classics. Women admire this makeup, and men lose their heads when they see it. How to do it make-up, like Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren? Below are 5 rules that will help you do this.

1. Strict selection

For good result you need to find a suitable remedy. In the beauty world drawing arrows equals jewelry work. It requires experience, skills and knowledge of some secrets. But no advice will help if the pencil or eyeliner is chosen incorrectly. Makeup artists advise beginners to use the first option, although it is believed that more spectacular arrows are obtained thanks to eyeliner.

The golden mean between a pencil and an eyeliner is a felt-tip pen liner. It allows you to adjust the thickness of the arrow, draw very thin lines and create a graphic. Through trial and error, you need to choose exactly the product that will not cause discomfort in application and wear.

2. Makeup base

Modern cosmetics manufacturers offer a huge selection of makeup bases. the most popular option today is considered concealer, which perfectly hides signs of fatigue and dark circles under the eyes. It is usually applied to the upper and lower eyelids. If there is no such product, then light or flesh-colored shadows, as well as powder, are suitable as a base.

What is the base for? It ensures a more even application of the liner, making the line clear and bright. The look becomes expressive and effective.

And one more thing: not all girls can do it, and such makeup looks extremely sloppy. To make everything as beautiful as possible, you can use little helpers. These could be pieces of tape or adhesive stationery stickers, or even a regular business card. By fixing one of these options on the outer corner of the upper eyelid, you can draw an even arrow.

They remain relevant at all times and, most likely, will never go out of fashion. Without such a detail it will not be possible to create a sensual look. However, not everyone is able to draw even and symmetrical arrows. First you need to figure out what cosmetics to use for this, and choose the ideal shape of the arrows in accordance with the shape of your eyes.

How to draw arrows

Today the cosmetics market represents big choice cosmetics for drawing straight arrows. You should choose the best product for yourself based on your individual skin characteristics and personal preferences.

Optionally you can purchase:

  • liquid gel eyeliner or in the form of a felt-tip pen;
  • regular or waterproof pencil;
  • shadows.

The main thing is to choose and use the right means, which will lie evenly over the entire eyelid. A base must first be applied to the surface. It must be taken into account that for everyday makeup it's better to use shadows pastel shades, and for evening - at your discretion and in accordance with the chosen image.

What brushes will you need to draw arrows?

For liquid textures perfect choice will become a comfortable synthetic brush. Its shape is chosen according to your preferences: elongated or thin. For beginners, an angled brush will be most convenient. Once you get the hang of it, perfect arrows can be drawn with any tool.

How to draw perfect arrows with a pencil

If you don’t have too much experience in doing makeup, makeup artists advise you to first master the technique of drawing arrows with a soft pencil. Its main advantage is that you can achieve fine lines with ease. Moreover, it is a soft pencil that is easiest to shade.

The arrow is drawn from the middle of the eyelids towards the outer corners of the eyes. Depending on its purpose, it can be painted light or dark. However, rich black color is considered a classic, which suits any makeup.

How to draw perfect arrows with eyeliner

Using liquid eyeliner, arrows are the most difficult to draw. It takes a lot of time to master this technique. The color range of such products is not as saturated as that of pencils. To make the arrow perfectly even, you first need to clean the brush from excess dye and lumps.

When wondering how to draw perfect arrows with liquid eyeliner, you can use one trick. First, you should draw a thin line with a pencil, and then draw a second line on top of it using eyeliner. You need to paint along the eyelash row and slightly raise it at the outer corners of the eyes.

Apply dry eyeliner using an applicator or brush. Experts recommend using baked shadows. To get a rich arrow, you just need to wet the brush and then dip it into the composition. The felt-tip eyeliner is quite convenient and dries quickly. Thanks to this product, the paint does not need to be dosed. This will save time when doing makeup.

Easier to use, it combines the properties liquid formulations and a pencil. This cosmetic product applied using an angled brush.

Step-by-step instructions for applying perfect eyeliner

After reading these instructions, you will learn how to draw perfect arrows without any problems (however, this requires practice and skill):

  • The first step is to look down to clearly see where the future arrow needs to be directed. They start drawing it from the outer corner of the eyelashes and lead towards the temple (a thin line should look up).
  • Almost from the middle of the eye, draw a second thin line and connect it to the first.
  • Thus, we have the outline of the arrow; now we need to fill the empty space.
  • All that remains is to draw thin arrows from the inner corners of the eyes and connect them with the existing ones.

Selection of ideal arrows according to the shape of the eyes

  • To the owners almond-shaped the eye just needs to draw the arrow along the natural curve. In the first third, the line begins to thicken and is completed in this form to the end.
  • Eyes with a narrowed shape (Asian type) have wide arrows; it is best to use a liquid waterproof product for this.
  • It is best to draw an arrow on the looming eyelid with the eye open, so that its entire residual area will be visible. Another solution in this case could be an elongated letter V, which lies “on its side”; it should outline the outer corner of the eye.

  • If you don't know how to draw perfect wings on droopy eyes, then focus on lifting them. You need to keep the inner corners open and draw two identical arrows, bringing them up.
  • Round eyes are best lengthened. To achieve this effect, you need to draw an arrow, thickening it in the center; it should remain less thick at the edges.
  • Those with wide-set eyes should visually reduce the distance between them. In this case, it is necessary to slightly extend the arrow to the bridge of the nose and draw so that it does not leave the border of the outer corner.
  • You need to do the opposite. When drawing an arrow, you need to make an indent from the inner corner of the eye, and from the outer corner the arrow is slightly lengthened and directed upward.

Common mistakes

Many girls fail to make up perfectly straight arrows because they constantly make the same mistakes. In training videos, few people voice those aspects that can interfere with drawing a beautiful arrow.

Therefore, this issue needs to be dealt with once and for all:

  • When starting to draw arrows, many people look in the mirror not directly in front of them, but from the side, thinking that this is much more convenient. But in the end, the arrows are not as even as they seem from the side. Therefore, when doing makeup, it is best to look straight ahead.
  • There are many rules that tell you how to draw perfectly straight arrows. However, it is best to start drawing a line from the eyelash row, so it will turn out more neat.
  • Many people try to move the tail of the arrow beyond the outer corner. However, for a beginner, it is best to guide it along the mucous membrane - this way it will fit the shape of the eye and visually lift it.
  • When the arrow is ready, gaps can be seen between the eyelashes. To prevent this from happening, you can fill the eyelash row with dark shadows in advance.
  • For eyes with drooping eyelids, you need to draw very thin and neat arrows. Wide lines will make the look even heavier.
  • When drawing the arrow, the skin of the eyelid should be lifted upward with your fingers, while the eyes should be opened slightly.
  • First you need to draw a thin line, you can always expand it if desired.
  • The arrow should be drawn so that the area between it and the eyelash growth line is carefully painted.
  • Most girls wear arrows, the tips of which are directed upward in the outer corners of the eyes.
  • If you find it difficult to draw a solid arrow, then apply it in parts, starting from the inner corner of the eye.
  • Professional makeup artists recommend not using a liquid texture to draw lines on the lower eyelid - it looks vulgar. Below it should be thin, barely noticeable and shaded.
  • If you want to add depth and expressiveness to your look, then use white pencil to highlight the lower eyelid.

Now, knowing how to draw perfect arrows, you can safely experiment and look for a suitable daytime and evening make-up. To make your look more vibrant and beautiful, you can use eyeliners of different colors or glitter.

Real art. ELLE learned from Make Up For Ever's leading makeup artist Anna Merkusheva how to do it professionally - using eyeliner or improvised products that, at first glance, are not at all intended for this.

All girls are divided into those who do not know how to draw arrows, and those who can do it literally on the go, without even looking in the mirror. If you belong to the first group, you should be patient and start training regularly to get better. First, decide what you will draw with - a pencil or a liner. Secondly, remember a few rules that will greatly facilitate the learning process:

1. Draw arrows in good lighting so that all errors are visible.

2. Draw arrows while looking straight in the mirror. Then the line will not be deformed when open eyes due to the fold of the eyelid.

3. If you are not sure about the shape of the arrow, try drawing it with a light pencil first. If unsuccessful, the line can be easily erased.

4. To make the ponytail clearer and neater, use a special brush with an even or oblique cut and eyeliner shadows from a jar. Errors can be corrected with a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover.

5. Start drawing an arrow line from the middle of the eyelid to the place where the eyelash contour ends, and then from the inner corner of the eye to the center. The technique is more psychological, because in order to concentrate on such a painstaking process and draw an even line, a certain amount of time is required. From the center of the eye, the arrow may begin to expand, and if the hand trembles, it’s not a big deal, you can just thicken the line slightly.

6. When drawing arrows, stretch the eyelid to even out the skin texture, then the line will be smooth.

7. To make your eye makeup last longer, degrease your eyelid before applying it by applying an eyeshadow base.

There are also several non-standard ways that will help you draw beautiful arrows:

To make the arrow have a perfectly even tail, attach, for example, a business card, a piece of paper or the tip of a teaspoon to the corner of the eye. Make sure that the angle at which you apply these objects is the same for both the right and left eyes. And then you will get absolutely symmetrical arrows.

You can also use a spoon to draw a thick or graphic eyeliner tip: just place the round base on the edge of your eye. In a word, use a spoon as a ruler, which, by the way, can also be used.

Ordinary tape can be an excellent assistant in drawing arrows. Apply a small piece of clear tape, starting from the outer corner of the eye at the angle you want, onto both eyes at once. Make sure everything is symmetrical. Then start drawing arrows. If you do this with a liner, let it dry and only then peel off the tape.