How to draw straight arrows step by step. Secrets of beautiful eyeliner and winged eyeliner. There are several options for arrows

Everyday women's makeup will become even more attractive with elegant winged wings. Many of our customers are interested in how to correctly draw beautiful wings on their eyes using eyeliner and pencil. In our review, we will talk in detail about the step-by-step execution of arrows in different ways.

Proper eye makeup contributes to the formation of a bright, attractive image with subtle notes of individuality. Follow our recommendations and your image will become more expressive and sexy.

How to choose the shape of the arrows for your eyes?

Different shapes of women's eyes require individual selection of the shape of the arrows. Carefully examine your eyes and find out what type they belong to:

    wide-set – it is better to prefer a wide version of the line that starts from the inner corner of the eye;

    close-set - start drawing from the middle of the eyelid, expanding to the outer corner. The length of the “tail” can be arbitrary. A good option there will be a connection between the tail of the arrow and the eyeliner of the lower eyelid;

    large – achieve visual reduction of the eyes by emphasizing the upper and lower eyelids;

    round - start drawing a line from the middle of the eyelid. Extend the ponytail towards your temple. Cross out the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid;

    tapered - make a thin line, thickening towards the center and at the outer corner, slightly raising the tail. Do not draw eyeliner on the lower eyelid, this will make your eyes even narrower;

    eyes with drooping corners - be sure to raise the “tail” of the line. A wider design will look more beautiful;

    eyes with raised corners - with this eye shape you should follow the line of eyelash growth, leaving the direction of the tail towards the temple. When drawing the bottom line, draw it directly under the eyelashes.

How to learn to draw arrows: step-by-step instructions

Further in our review we will focus on the story of how to correctly draw arrows on the eyes step by step with shadows, liquid eyeliners and pencils. Try to draw arrows on your eyes step by step, following the algorithm below.

How to draw correct arrows with a pencil?

    select a hard pencil to create thin lines and a soft one to create wide ones;

    feel free to start from the outer corner of the eye and narrow it to the inner corner.

    Draw the space between eyelashes with a steady pencil.

    gradually draw out the “tail of the arrow” with a sharpened pencil;

    If necessary, sharpen the tip with a thin brush, simply draw a pencil line with the brush.

    Correct drawing flaws with a flat synthetic brush with a corrector.

Lines on the eyes with liquid eyeliner step by step

    choose a brush that is convenient for you to draw eyeliner with (thin, angled, “feather”)

    Apply eyelid base and shadow, depending on the desired makeup;

    before starting to draw, remove excess eyeliner from the brush;

    draw the eyelash contour with an even thin line;

    outline the tail of the arrow in the outer corner depending on the shape of the eyes (parallel to the lower line of the beginning of the eyebrow);

    repeat the same on the second eye, tracking symmetry at each stage;

    draw the top line from its tip (tail) to the middle of the eyelid;

    fill the line with eyeliner;

    make longer arrows, creating a “cat’s eye” effect;

    eyeliner along the eyelash edge visually emphasizes the thickness of the eyelashes;

    choose the thickness of the arrows in accordance with the shape of your eyes.

  • first, select a beveled brush made of dense natural bristle;
  • moisten it a little with makeup fixative;

    pick up some dark shadows and start drawing an arrow;

    make a line with light strokes from the center of the eyelid to the inner corner of the eye;

    draw a line to the outer corner in the same way;

    make an arrow that matches the natural curve of the eyelashes at the outer corner;

    connect the drawn lines and paint over the connection;

    do not lower the “tail” below the level of the lower eyelid.

Makeup with arrows according to the shape of the eyes

It is important to learn how to draw arrows evenly for beginners without proper experience. Let's look at the features of doing makeup with drawing right arrows before our eyes.

Wide arrows to enlarge the eyes

Let's give step by step execution arrows that allow you to visually enlarge your eyes:

    for variety we will use gel eyeliner;

    first draw the interciliary space with a pencil;

    start drawing from the place where the first eyelashes grow;

    draw a line to the outer corner;

    draw a “tail” in continuation of the line of the lower eyelid to the temple;

    connect the completed lines. In this case, the arrow should have a thinner beginning and gradually expand towards the outer corner.

Eyeliners for deep-set eyes

Let's figure out how to draw straight lines to harmonize deep-set eyes. Note that the types of corrective arrows also depend on the shape of your eyes. To create arrows during daytime makeup, it is better to use a pencil.

    draw a line with a pencil along the upper eyelid along the eyelash growth line, ending it at the outer corner of the eye;

    work the space between eyelashes with a long-lasting pencil;

    Outline a thinly sloping tail of the arrow, without going beyond the crease of the eyelid;

    Using a thin brush, blend the line near the outer corner towards the tail of the arrow.

Beautiful and charming arrows on women's eyes They have always been and will be fashionable, because they make the eyes of any girl much more expressive. This fashion existed back in ancient Egypt and at that time arrows were made on religious grounds. And all because they resembled the cut of a cat’s eyes, and the Egyptians loved and worshiped cats very much. Therefore, the ancient Egyptian priests, pharaohs and rich ladies sought to repeat the magical gaze of the cat. Initially, the arrows will seem simple to make, but they may come out too low or uneven. Therefore, every beauty should know how to draw arrows on her eyes correctly, be patient and not give up on the first unsuccessful attempt.

Let us immediately note that there are different types of arrows and what suits one beauty may not suit another. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the eyes, their color and the type of appearance of the woman. And if you find exactly your version, you can create an unsurpassed image.

Types of arrows

The types of eye arrows are as follows:

  • popular classics. Here the arrow goes along the entire eyelid, it can start from the middle and reach the outer corner. It can also start from the inner corner, and its end will be in the middle of the eyelid;
  • "cat's eyes". They are original and attractive, they start from the middle, and then thin lines are drawn along the lower and upper eyelids and little by little they thicken. The lines in the eye corner do not connect - it is better to paint over the space created between them with light shadows;
  • sharp thin arrows. They are always popular and it is best to apply them from one edge of the eyelid to the other. You should shade light shadows on your eyelids in advance. Many people are interested in how to paint thin arrows before their eyes and what needs to be prepared for this? To create such arrows, a mechanical pencil is used;
  • double color block arrows. They also do not lose their relevance. It is best to make the first line with a thick black eyeliner, and along the top use bright contrasting shades - raspberry, yellow and light green;
  • smoky eye winged eye makeup. When creating such makeup, it is advisable not to use bright lipstick, because all attention should be on your beautiful eyes, and bright lipstick can ruin the whole thing and there will be too much makeup.

Arrows tattoo

Every woman does makeup every day, but the more complex it is, the more time she has to spend in front of the mirror. But modern women There is simply not enough time and that is why arrow tattoos on the eyes are very popular. Just one procedure is enough and you can forget about pencil and eyeliner for a long period of time. This procedure is also called permanent makeup.

Benefits of tattooing

First of all, this is durability; arrows applied using this method will last from four to ten years, but sometimes correction is required after a couple of years, everything is individual. The arrows will not blur and will always look beautiful. But there are also contraindications for this procedure:

  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • if scars appear on the skin;
  • poor regeneration.

Types of arrows for tattooing

If the color of the arrow tattoo on the eyes will depend directly on the shade of the eyes, then the type of arrows themselves is based on the size and shape of the eye. The most commonly used types of arrows are:

  • start from the inner corner and go to the outer;
  • start from the middle of the eye and stretch to the outer corner;
  • The arrows are “eastern”, they protrude beyond the eye area and bend upward.

Also, this type of eye arrow may differ in sharpness and thickness:

  • wide arrows look beautiful on wide almond-shaped eyes. And it doesn’t depend on whether they are performed along the entire length or only until the middle of the century. A wide line will visually press down narrow eyes, and the eyes will appear even narrower;
  • A neat, thin arrow looks good on small eyes. If the eye is round, then an arrow that goes beyond its limits and bends upward will do;
  • if a woman has heavy eyelids, a shaded tattoo is recommended; shading adds the effect of soft lines on the eyelid.

If you choose tattooing, then in the future there will be no question of how to draw arrows on your eyes, but not every beauty will decide on such a procedure. After all, such a procedure will limit the opportunity to experiment and further change your style, and if the tattoo is unsuccessful, then it is almost impossible to correct it.

Choosing arrows to match the shape of the eyes

There are no universal eyeliners; one can emphasize the beauty of slanted eyes, while others can narrow too large eyes. But before you get interested in how to draw arrows correctly on your eyes, think about what is suitable in your case and what kind of eyes you have.

It is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  1. small eyes. The black color of the arrows that run along the lower eyelid is not suitable for you - your eyes will appear even smaller. But a silver or golden line going to the top visually enlarges the eyes;
  2. narrow eyes. Here it is not recommended to make arrows in the corners of the eyes, you need to make a wide line in the center, it also goes along the lower and upper eyelids;
  3. round eyes. A wide arrow of a dark shade will do;
  4. close-set eyes. If you are wondering how to draw arrows on the eyes with their arrangement in this way, then it is recommended to start drawing an eyeliner line from the middle of the eyelid and gradually make it thicker;
  5. wide-set eyes. The eyeliner line should be drawn as a thin line along the entire upper eyelid.

Choosing arrows to match your eye color

Each girl's eyes are different in color and therefore you need to make certain arrows for brown eyes, for blue eyes and so on. Here you need to choose the right eyeliner color so that the arrows highlight your eyes and therefore follow the following rules:

  • black eyes (or other dark color). Owners of this eye color are simply lucky - any color of eyeliner will suit them, but purple and blue shades look best;
  • gray and blue eyes. Copper and bronze eyeliner shades work well. If you want more original solution– choose a purple eyeliner;
  • Brown eyes. The brown color is actually dark orange, sometimes it comes in a golden or even red hue. Therefore, for brown eyes, arrows are best done with eyeliner of blue color. Greenish and warm plum shades are suitable. The color of the deep sea or cobalt also beautifully emphasizes the beauty of such eyes;
  • hazel and green eyes. These eyes are given their unique hue by the amber pigment, so plum, burgundy and violet shades are ideal for them. Gold, turquoise, and copper are also good options.

Choosing a tool

Before you draw arrows on your eyes, you need to prepare everything you need for this procedure. The quality of the arrows will depend on the right tool, and it is best to buy everything in specialized stores that guarantee the brand and quality of the product.

Liquid eyeliner

With its help you can create the highest quality arrows, but beginners in this business will have difficulty with it. Eyeliner dries instantly, so you will need to apply the arrows very clearly the very first time, otherwise you will wash off all your makeup. You will need iron endurance, patience and skill, but the result will be worth it.


It is the most popular among wing lovers and comes in both regular and waterproof effects. Arrows drawn with a pencil are clearer than shadow ones, but they also have a number of disadvantages, namely:

  • you will have to work hard with a pencil to get the desired thickness of the arrows;
  • to get the perfect symmetry of pencil arrows, you will have to work hard;
  • a soft pencil tends to shade very quickly and may lose the contours of the drawing. Therefore, it is best to buy a hard pencil and practice with it on a piece of paper.

Gel eyeliner

It creates very beautiful wings on the eyes and many stylists use gel eyeliner. It allows you to carry out the most daring and unexpected experiments with the shape and color of the arrows, and only gel eyeliner can create an original smoky effect that suits very well. day makeup. Apply using an angled brush.

Eyeliner-felt pen

It has a soft texture and water resistance and has a thin and flexible tip. With this eyeliner you can draw arrows in one motion and accurately. It is convenient in that you do not need to dose the paint, which saves time.

Dry eyeliner

It is also easy to apply; use a brush or applicator. If you want to get a bright eyeliner, soak a brush in water, dip it in the shadow and run it across your eyelid. For muted tones, simply cover the entire eyelid with shadow. And then you will learn how to paint arrows on your eyes.

Learn to draw arrows

To make your arrows look beautiful and neat, first practice on a piece of paper, and then on your eyelids, you will improve your hand, and in the future you will easily draw any arrows.

Drawing Rules

If you want to get an even and not smeared line of arrows, fill your hand, your movements should be clear and confident. Place a mirror in front of your eyes and rest the elbow of the hand that will create the arrow on something hard.

While applying eyeliner, open your eyes slightly, do not open them wide, but you should not close them completely. You need to look at what comes out of you, and at the same time keep your eyelid half-closed, relaxing it to the maximum.

If you want to know how to make arrows on your eyes, then do not immediately apply a thick arrow. It is better to first make a thin line and then gradually thicken it to the required thickness. You shouldn’t even try to draw a continuous long line in one movement. It will not come out even, so it is better to create a long arrow in two stages: first from the inner corner, and then create it from the middle and lead it to the outer corner.

Try to make the arrows symmetrical. If you want to draw arrows on your eyes correctly, then know that even a slight deviation can significantly spoil the entire makeup. If using shadows, apply arrows on the shadows themselves and after them.

Using liquid eyeliner

When using liquid eyeliner, some girls draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes from the inner corner of the eye to its outer corner in one free movement. But if your hand is not yet full, this will not work right away and therefore the procedure can be performed in stages:

Want something interesting?

  1. highlight the outer side of the eye. Draw a line from the middle of the lash line to the outer corner;
  2. now draw a line from the inner corner of the eye to its middle.

To create very beautiful shooters Using liquid eyeliner on your eyes will require confidence in your movements and at least some experience. But such arrows will make your eyes bigger and your eyelashes thicker.

Before applying eyeliner, you need to wash off all makeup; your eyelids should be free of makeup..

Take a small eyeliner applicator and place it in the space between the roots of the eyelashes.

Of course, the line won’t come out too clear, but the eyelashes look thicker and thicker. At the end of the process, apply mascara to your eyelashes.

Drawing regular classic arrows

Now you will learn how to draw the most common – classic – arrows before your eyes. This is a great way to highlight the beauty and expressiveness of your eyes without resorting to a large number decorative cosmetics. You can exchange black eyeliner for rich brown eyeliner, this is especially true for fair-haired beauties.

Your actions are as follows:

  1. stretch the skin of the upper eyelid. Draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. Use a pencil; you can also use dark shades of eyeshadow in the form of a pencil. The outer part of the drawn line will always be a little thicker, and it should extend beyond the eye contour area;
  2. Highlight the drawn line with thick eyeliner. Makeup will be more permanent. Next, eye shadow should be applied over the line;
  3. highlight the outline of the lower eyelashes. Use a pencil or shadow, you can take a black pencil or another shade that matches your eye color. If your eyes are not widely spaced on your face, then it is best not to highlight the entire area of ​​the lower eyelashes with eyeliner; in this case, draw a line from the middle of the lower eyelid to the outer corner of the eye. Blend the line you applied with a pencil a little and then the makeup will look natural. So you have learned how to make arrows on your eyes and, moreover, this is the most common classic option.

Smoky eye arrows

This beautiful make-up will not go out of fashion in the future and will always be popular. To create this trendy winged eye makeup, you will have to follow these steps:

  1. Stretch the skin on the upper eyelid slightly. Make a clear line along the entire contour from the inner corner of the eye to its outer corner. The middle part of the line should always be made thicker than its ends;
  2. Now the eyeliner line needs to be shaded. You can use cotton pads or just do it with your fingertips;
  3. Apply dark shadows over the eyeliner line. It is this combination that makes smoky eye makeup the most expressive. Shade the resulting line;
  4. Apply lighter shadows to the upper part of the eyelid. Makeup in this style involves using the most saturated shadows of dark shades along the eyelash line, and light shadows are always used along the crease of the eyelid.

Arrows “double mystery”

You will probably be interested in learning how to make double arrows before your eyes, which will give your look mystery and uniqueness.

The technique for applying them is very simple:

  1. clearly draw an arrow on the upper eyelid along the eyelash growth line;
  2. The thickness of the drawn line in the inner eye area is always minimal, and towards the middle of the pupil it should be doubled. And towards the outer corner it narrows again. But if you know how to draw arrows correctly before your eyes, this stage of applying them will not be a problem for you;
  3. Pay special attention to the end of the arrow. It should not touch the outer area of ​​the corner of the eye, but is always directed upward;
  4. Now take care of the lower eyelid. If you can draw lines on the top one with a hard pencil, then for the bottom one you need to use a softer one. Liquid shadows or eyeliner will also come in handy. Draw the arrow in the opposite direction - first from the outside, then to the middle and slowly narrow it. The arrow can only be drawn to the inner corner of the eye for girls with large, expressive eyes.

So you have learned how to make arrows before your eyes and our tips will help you create real beauty. The most important thing is to always try to make the arrows symmetrical, otherwise you will be a lady with with different eyes. But you will certainly succeed, use all the secrets of this matter and always remain beautiful!

In order to aim the arrows, you need to train your hand and be patient. Although this task is not complicated, it is quite painstaking and requires concentration.

How to draw

You can draw an arrow using various means, each of which has its own nuances of application. For those who are just starting to master the technique of winged eyeliner, it is recommended to use a pencil. It makes it easier to draw a line and remove imperfections. Pencils with a greasy consistency do not injure the delicate skin of the eyelid and form smooth connections.

The following tools are used to draw arrows.


  • represents ;
  • applied with a long thin soft brush;
  • has a longer service life;
  • not used in techniques that include shading;
  • requires longer drying time.

  • has a hard tip;
  • easy to use;
  • not used with shading;
  • service life is short (dries quickly).


  • easy to use;
  • easy application technique;
  • easy to sharpen;
  • needs adjustment during the day due to the low strength of the coating;
  • Available in a wide range of colors and hardness levels.

Dry eyeliner

  • has a shadow structure;
  • applied with a damp thin brush;
  • considered a professional remedy;
  • difficult application technique.


  • have a liquid structure;
  • create a smoky effect, allowing you to use eyeliner for daytime makeup;
  • applied with a thin long bone;
  • The waterproof base makes the coating durable and stable.

How to draw an arrow

The only difficulty in drawing the arrow is the positioning of the hand. The first time, most likely, you won’t get the expected result, and that’s okay. When trying to draw a line, you need to rest the elbow of your leading hand on a hard object. This will give you confidence. There is no need to create a thick layer right away.

The eyeliner should be elegant and run along the eyelash line. The main emphasis is on symmetry. You should not open your eyes wide or close them at all. A half-open eyelid will create the necessary conditions for controlling the formed arrow.

Eyeliner technique:

  1. clean your face of cosmetics;
  2. straighten the skin of the eyelids with transparent powder or soft shadows to match the skin color;
  3. remove defects, if any, using concealer and blend the eye area again with a soft brush;
  4. highlight the eye contour with shadows of rich shades;
  5. Apply pearlescent shadows under the eyebrow to highlight the natural curve;
  6. blend the points between the eyelashes with a pencil or liquid eyeliner;
  7. mark the end point of the arrow;
  8. slightly pulling out the outer corner of the eyes, draw a thin line from the middle of the eyelid;
  9. draw a thin arrow from the inner corner to the middle, carefully connecting it into one whole;
  10. if thickening of any zone is planned, do it in stages;
  11. decorate the contour of the lower eyelid with contrasting shadows;
  12. lightly shade the edge of the arrow with transparent shadows to secure it.

How to make them perfectly even

To ensure that the arrow line is straight, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • control the position of the eyes, do not open them wide;
  • the elbow of the working hand must be rested on a solid place, this will reduce trembling and increase confidence;
  • You need to apply eyeliner only after applying mascara;
  • check points made in advance will help maintain symmetry;
  • moistened cotton swabs will help remove unevenness;
  • those who cannot make a perfect line need to use a hard pencil.

Types of arrows

Eyeliner is carried out in different forms, which makes it possible for each woman to choose the most successful option for her appearance.

Among the popular ones are the following:

  • Graceful and emotional form " cat eye» . Thin lines start from the middle of the upper and lower eyelids, thickening towards the corner. In the corner the lines do not connect; the gap between them is painted over with light shadows.
  • Classic shape emphasizes with a thin line the entire eyelid or only a part of it, which enhances the appearance.
  • "Sharp Arrows" are applied in a thin line over the entire eyelid, most often with a pencil. It is necessary to lighten the eyelids with light shadows in advance.
  • "Double arrows-color block" applied with eyeliners different colors. More often than not, the thick main line is drawn in black or dark brown. And the other, thin one, is raspberry, blue and other bright shades.
  • "Arrows in the smoky eye style" They focus all the attention on the eyes, so no more bright cosmetics are used in makeup.

For those who often use eyeliner in their makeup, there is a way to apply an arrow using tattooing. The effect remains for 4-10 years with the necessary adjustments every 2-3 years. Permanent makeup persistent, which allows women to free themselves from daily drawing of arrows for a long time.

How to choose a form

The arrows differ in shape, line thickness, length, and this allows you to correct any eye shape. When selecting the type of arrow, anatomical features should be taken into account in order to natural beauty emphasize and disguise flaws. And even if the cut has ideal parameters, an easy transformation will allow you to feel yourself in a new image.

When choosing a makeup option, you should consider nuances that will help you avoid mistakes:

  • Round eye shape A tight line will help to visually stretch dark shade. To lengthen the incision, the lateral corners of the lower and upper eyelids should be connected and lengthened, pointing the tail upward. It would also be appropriate classic type arrows on the upper eyelid with a rise in the outer corner.
  • Little eyes fine lines will do dark color along the upper eyelid. It is better to decorate the lower eyelid with silver or gold eyeliner. Dark color will make the shape even smaller.
  • Wide-set eyes eyeliner required dark color only the upper eyelid. The inner corners are drawn well, and on the sides the line rises sharply with a short tail, with the start of the rise a little before the corner.
  • When the eyes are close together the line needs to start from the middle of the century. Reaching the outer corner, it should be compacted and given a raised shape.
  • Narrow eye shape will correct multi-level eyeliner. The first thin line is drawn along the upper eyelid without accentuating the inner corners, and the second thick line is applied only to the middle of the upper eyelid. Bottom part shaded with dark shadows.

Color selection

The shade of the eyeliner can match the shape of the cut, but blend in with the color of the eyes.

Therefore, there are rules that, if followed, will help make the right choice:

  • Green or nutty the color of the iris gives a beautiful amber tint, which can be emphasized by a purple, burgundy or plum arrow.
  • Brown the color of the iris itself is expressive and warm. You can emphasize it with the help of cool shades: blue, plum, greenish. And coral or golden eyeliner will help make your look arrogant and mysterious.
  • Blue and gray irises look good with a bronze or copper arrow. Purple and brown colors are also suitable.
  • Dark Almost all eyeliner colors will suit your eyes. Violet or plum shades will help highlight your eyes.

Common mistakes

When applying eyeliner, you should avoid the following mistakes:

  • Using black or dark brown eyeliner to decorate the lower eyelid of small eyes is unacceptable. The visual effect further reduces the size.
  • It is not recommended to use a thick line to design the lower and upper eyelids with narrow eye shapes.
  • When drawing arrows, you need to stand straight in front of the mirror, and not at an angle or tilt. Then it will be easier to control the trajectory of the line.
  • Drawing a line with abrupt movements will not give good result. It is recommended to hold the arrow without breaking until it ends. Small errors can be corrected with a moistened cotton swab.
  • You should not use the smoky eye technique in everyday makeup. This method is intended for evening time. In daylight, the effect of dense tinting is the opposite. A playful image develops into vulgarity and tastelessness.
  • You should not experiment with types of arrows. You should choose an option based on your individual eye shape. Otherwise, narrow eyes can be visually narrowed even more, and wide-set eyes can be emphasized and strengthen the negative effect.

Application secrets, various “tricks”

In order to get beautiful and straight arrows, you can use the following life hacks:

  • A pre-made mark at the site of the tail will help to form a beautiful arrow line.
  • You shouldn't move your eyelids right away. The paint needs to be given time to dry (30-60 seconds).
  • To obtain a beautiful, uniform line, you must first shade the spaces between the eyelashes with eyeliner.
  • Before drawing the arrow, you need to prepare the area around the eyes, it should be perfectly smooth. To do this, you can use a corrector, concealer, or transparent powder.
  • A beautiful tail of the eyeliner line can be drawn using a stencil made from strips of tape. Then all awkward movements will remain on film.
  • Before using eyeliner, it is recommended to line the eyelids with skin-colored shadows or colorless powder. And it is better to fix the top of the dried line using the same transparent powder. This way your makeup will last longer.
  • If you want to emphasize the color of your own eyes, you need to make a double arrow. Draw the first thin line with dark eyeliner along the lash borders. And the second, also thin, draw the area a little higher, using a pencil in the color of the iris.

Bright makeup always attracts the attention of others. It is important to observe moderation and use emphasis on one part of the face to prevent creating a flashy image. A beautifully executed eyeliner will add grace and individuality to any woman.

Arrows on the eyes occupy a special place in makeup. They help transform the look, make it unique, and also highlight the beauty of the face. A few life hacks and liquid eyeliner will tell you how to draw the perfect arrows for yourself, without the help of strangers.

Liquid eyeliner is very difficult to apply. It is produced in the form of a felt-tip pen or in the form of a tube with a brush. Liquid liners can only be applied to the skin; a dry pencil is used to draw the mucous membrane. It takes a lot of practice to get the lines perfect.

When using liquid eyeliner, it is important that the arrows are uniform in color, otherwise they will look blurry. By changing the angle of the brush, you can change the thickness of the line. Liquid eyeliner dries quite quickly, so you need to draw quickly.

When buying a liquid liner, you need to pay attention to the expiration date, since dry eyeliner will not create perfect eyeliner, and it can also scratch the eyelid.

How to make arrows perfectly straight: life hacks and tips

How to draw arrows with liquid eyeliner will help you learn a few simple rules and recommendations:

  • At first, when drawing arrows, place your elbows on the table. The fulcrum will help stabilize the hand so that it does not shake. This way the line of arrows will be perfectly straight.
  • To ensure long-lasting arrows, you need to use a makeup base. If there is no special base, you can apply neutral eye shadow or powder.
  • It is better to use waterproof liquid eyeliner. This will help avoid drips in case of rain or extreme heat. This eyeliner needs to be washed off special means for removing makeup.
  • Using auxiliary objects, you can also draw arrows. For example, it could be a teaspoon, a band-aid, tape, or a business card.
  • If you have no experience in drawing arrows, you can use stencils. They are sold in various specialized cosmetics stores. It is necessary to attach the template to the eye and draw a clear line.
  • Before applying liquid liner, it is recommended to draw a line with eyeliner. This will help correct any unevenness. Or you can mark dots on the eyelid, and then connect them with liquid eyeliner.
  • Prepare the cotton swabs. They will help remove all the unevenness while the liquid eyeliner is still wet. You can also correct the line using a cotton swab, making it thinner.

These life hacks will help greatly simplify the process of drawing arrows with liquid eyeliner.

Classic arrows

To prevent makeup from becoming overloaded, you can use classic arrows. This technique is suitable for almost any type of eye. It is better to start drawing in the area of ​​the pupil, heading towards the outer corner of the eye. Next, along the eyelash growth line, you need to apply a thin horizontal line, which starts from the inner corner.

It is necessary to mentally imagine a line that stretches from the corner of the eye to the temple. Carefully draw the tail, then you need to connect it to the finished line. You can use a cotton swab to make the end of the arrow thinner.

Double arrows

The following algorithm will tell you how to easily draw a double arrow with liquid eyeliner:

It is recommended to choose the option with double arrows for an evening look. You can choose different colors for these arrows. To make your eyes look wider, you can line the lower eyelid with a white pencil. Makeup artists do not advise applying double arrows to girls with slanted eyes.

Wide arrows

To make your look more expressive, you can choose wide arrows. It is recommended to first draw the line with a pencil. Near the outer corner of the eye you need to draw a tick and connect it to the crease of the eyelid.

Next, a wide line is applied with liquid eyeliner, which becomes narrower towards the inner corner of the eye. You need to connect both elements and draw a clear line on top. The final step is to fill the empty space with color.

Raised winged wings with cat eye effect

Arrows in makeup were first used in Ancient Egypt so that the shape of the eyes resembles a cat's gaze. The Egyptians worshiped these animals and considered them sacred. Arrows with this effect do not lose their popularity today. The tail must be drawn sharp and wide.

The line should be drawn from the outer corner of the eye to the temple. The essence of the cat-eye technique is to lengthen and narrow the shape of the eye. When using black eyeliner, you may end up with aggressive makeup; in this case, you can use liquid liners of other colors depending on the shade of your eyes and skin.

Arabic arrow

Contrary to the name, this technique is also perfect for girls with European appearance. There are several types of Arabic wings, but the basic rule in any of the options is to thoroughly paint the eyelash contour, as well as the mucous part. First you need to darken the lower eyelid.

Next, you need to paint over the contours of the upper and lower eyelids, connecting the lines on the outer corner of the eye. The line is completed with a liquid liner. Makeup artists do not recommend using this technique if your eyes are very small and slanted. Arabic arrows will help make your look more mesmerizing.

Arrows in English

Englishwomen's makeup always looks a little sloppy. It seems like it was done very quickly. Clear lines are rarely used. Usually the drawn arrows on top are shaded with a pencil.

How to make arrows perfectly straight using a spoon

Just like you can draw an arrow with liquid eyeliner on yourself, you can also apply makeup to someone else using a teaspoon. It is necessary to apply the dry spoon at an angle on the outside of the eye so that the rounded side is near the corner. As a result, the line will be clear and expressive.

Life hack on how to draw arrows with liquid eyeliner using a spoon.

Instead of a spoon, you can use a business card, but then you will get a more even arrow. The disadvantage of this method is that you have to have a spoon with you when drawing arrows, and this is not always convenient.

Arrows using tape

Smooth and neat arrows can be achieved using regular tape. It needs to be glued at an angle to the outer corner of the eye. After this, it is better to wait a minute for the liquid eyeliner to dry. The tape must be peeled off slowly to avoid damage. sensitive skin around eyes.

How to make arrows for eyes of different shapes

Arrows must be selected depending on the shape of the eyes. Correct lines will help give symmetry and harmony. The drawing technique should depend on the type of girl’s eyes.

You can determine the form in this table:

Basic eye shapes Description
1 Almond shaped eyesThe eyes are oblong in shape. The outer corner is higher than the inner corner.
2 Eyes with drooping cornersThese are eyes whose outer corners turn down.
3 Small eyesEyes that are small in size compared to other facial features.
4 Round eyesThese are eyes that have a wide eyelid. As a rule, they are very voluminous and convex.
5 drooping eyelidThis is a type of eye in which the fold of the upper eyelid completely or partially overlaps the movable eyelid.
6 Asian eyesThese are eyes that have an elongated shape with a narrow slit.

Almond shaped eyes

Almost any type of eyeliner and makeup technique is suitable for eyes of this shape. A natural line with a thickening from the middle of the upper eyelid will look most expressive. The tail should be thoroughly drawn, connecting to the lower lash line.

The almond shape is close to ideal, so you can experiment with drawing arrows. The main thing is not to make the eyes too elongated, but to maintain their natural shape.

Eyes with drooping corners

With this type of eye, the look seems tired and sad. It is the arrow that can fix this. The line begins in the area of ​​the pupil, the tail extends to the end of the strip of mucous membrane. With this technique, the corners are raised, making the look brighter. The inner corners remain untouched.

Small eyes

The arrows will help to visually expand small eyes. When drawing, you need to step back from the inner corner. The main thing is that it is not recommended to completely outline the contour, so small size the eye will become even more noticeable. You can shade the arrow line on top of the liquid eyeliner with a pencil. It is better to choose not black for drawing, but metallic shades (gold, silver, bronze).

Round eyes

The arrow will help to visually give round eyes almond shape. The line should be thin, and the end of the arrow should be drawn with a horizontal stripe. Thus, the arrow lengthens the eyes on the sides, making them less round. The main thing is not to thicken the arrow in the pupil area. You can also darken the mucous membrane of the eye with a pencil to visually reduce the roundness.

drooping eyelid

How to draw arrows with liquid eyeliner on yourself with a drooping eyelid, and in general, doing bright eye makeup is quite problematic. It is generally believed that this is a sign of age. But drooping eyelid is an anatomical feature that can also occur in young girls. Such an eyelid can hide the arrow, moreover, because of this, the eyeliner wears off faster.

The lines should be light, and the tail should be drawn upward, directing it to the extreme point of the eyebrows.

It is better to choose a waterproof liquid eyeliner, so that the drooping eyelid will not be able to erase the arrow during the day. If your eyes are large, you need to apply eye shadow in addition to the eyeliner. This way the look will be more harmonious.

Asian eyes

Basically, eyes of this type are narrow in shape. It is best to choose thick lines. To make wide arrows perfectly clear the first time, you can first draw lines with a pencil. Life hack from makeup artists: if you draw the outline of the inner eyelid with a white pencil, your eyes will appear wider.

Slanted eyes should not be completely outlined with black eyeliner, because this will make the shape of the eyes more noticeable. You can draw both perfectly thin and wide arrows on your own using the above tips and recommendations. Experience will help you improve the skill of drawing light lines using liquid eyeliner. Arrows will make your look brighter and more expressive.

Article format: Anna Vinnitskaya

Video about drawing arrows correctly

Several life hacks on how to draw arrows beautifully:

Beautiful, even arrows and lined eyes will never go out of fashion and will not lose their relevance. Every girl who loves to do makeup has ever tried to draw eyeliner with liquid eyeliner. Some people have learned to draw smooth, playful arrows on their eyes, but others can’t do it.
Today on the website we will show you how to apply eyeliner to your eyes and get beautiful, even eyeliner, an attractive look and flawless makeup.

The main thing is training. If you can’t apply eyeliner on your eyes the first time, you can do it the fifth time. If you don’t succeed the fifth time, you will succeed the tenth! Don’t doubt it, the main thing is not to give up your training and try to draw eyeliner or simply line your eyes every day. If it doesn’t work out, we erase it and start again or put it off until tomorrow.

Another important role is played by the quality of the eyeliner itself; it should be the right consistency, not dry and not too liquid. Choose a quality product.

There are different types of eyeliners:

  1. LIQUID LINERS. With their help, you get smooth, clear and elegant lines. They require some skill and practice.
  2. GEL LINERS. They have a gel-like structure and are easier to use. You can draw thin, clear lines, or soft ones with shading.
  3. SOLID LINERS. Available in the form of pencils or special markers for the eyes. Also easier to use than classic liquid eyeliner with a thin brush.
  4. There are also eyeliners different color– black, brown, silver and gold, blue, etc.

Read also:

Two Basic Techniques for Applying Eyeliner

  1. Drawing a line based on previously drawn points. You need to carefully mark the location of the arrow with small dots. Then smoothly connect the dots into one clear line.
  2. Drawing a line using the hatching method. When the arrow is drawn with small short strokes. These strokes are then re-painted over with a second even and even layer of eyeliner.
  3. Drawing a line with liquid eyeliner according to the intended drawing with a pencil. Since it is easier to remove imperfections with eyeliner than with eyeliner. First you need to apply makeup and draw the shape of the future arrow with an eyeliner, and then apply eyeliner on top.

For flawless and long-lasting eye makeup, you need to follow several rules:

  1. To ensure that the arrow drawn with such difficulty does not smudge after a few hours and that the eye makeup remains in its original form for a long time, before application you need to degrease the eyelid with tonic or lotion. Applying primer or powder and using a waterproof, quality eyeliner will also help.
  2. When starting to draw an arrow, you need to find a comfortable position and rest the elbow of the hand you will be drawing on a flat surface. This way, the hand will not move and you will get a smooth and neat line.
  3. There is no need to tighten the eyelid, as in this case there is a high risk of drawing an arrow that is not the shape you wanted. The eyes should be open, looking slightly down, the upper eyelid slightly lowered.
  4. Excess liquid eyeliner should be removed from the brush so as not to leave a stain on the eyelid instead of a thin line.
  5. You can apply eyeliner with or without an arrow. With eyeliner, you can fill only the space between the eyelashes and draw a small line ending in the corner of the eye.
  6. If you draw an arrow, its inclination is determined as follows: the arrow should continue the direction of the lower eyelid and go to the temples. The arrow can be short and visually create a shadow from the eyelashes or be longer for a cat-eye effect.
  7. You can also choose the thickness of the line and arrow to your taste, thin or thick. Typically, the line starts thinly at the inner corner of the eye and gradually widens towards the outer corner.
  8. To line your lower lashes, choose a waterproof eyeliner.
  9. After you have drawn the arrow, let it dry and do not close your eyes or open your eyes too much so that there are no marks left.

To draw a thin arrow you need to start drawing from the inner corner of the eye. Very thinly, with the very tip of the brush, begin to move the brush with gentle movements, as close to the eyelash line as possible. Draw a small arrow. We remove all the unevenness in the second step, once again we pass the eyeliner over the eyelid, removing all the imperfections.

To draw a thick, dramatic arrow You must first outline its outline.

  • You can use an eyeliner to mark the location for the arrow. Draw a small tick from the edge of the outer corner of the eye and upward, connecting to the crease of the eyelid (photo 1).
  • Continue marking onto the eyelid itself and draw a thick line above the upper lashes - the line should be thin at the inner corner and widen towards the outer corner (photo 2).
  • Smoothly connect the liner to the liner of the upper lash (photo 3).
  • If you are satisfied with the shape of the arrow, outline the top with liquid eyeliner (photo 4).

To apply gel eyeliner to your eyes, you will need a brush; it is usually included with a jar of gel eyeliner. First you need to mark the angle and inclination of the arrow, draw a line above the eyelashes and paint over the inside of the eyelid.