Makeup for dark brown hair. Makeup for dark hair. Makeup tips for dark hair

Makeup for brunettes cannot be chosen carelessly and dismissively. The wrong choice of decorative cosmetics will certainly nullify all your efforts to look "stunning". After all, it is so easy, having made an unforgivable mistake, to turn a beauty into an ugly woman. One wrong touch and your face, instead of shining with freshness and beauty, will look like an expressionless boring mask. Hair color, in this case, is the determining factor. A brunette initially has a bright appearance and an extra emphasis on lips or eyes can ruin the overall image.

Makeup for brunettes needs to be selected only individually. There is no one single solution for all brunettes. After all, these girls also differ among themselves in the shade of hair, eye color, etc. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the make-up (literally from English make up - makeup). For what purposes is it applied? It can be daytime, evening, casual, festive, for presentations or for wedding ceremony etc. To understand all the intricacies, it is worth considering in more detail each option recommended for brunettes of a certain type.

Makeup for brunettes with a light shade of hair and light eyes

Light eyes include all shades of blue, gray, light green, light brown, etc. With this combination of hair and eye colors, girls are recommended to focus on the lips. Do not shade your eyes with too dark colors. Against the background of light brown hair, this can look defiant. That's why visually, the main emphasis is transferred to the lips. It is desirable to emphasize the contour of the lips and give them extra volume. Use gloss to add volume. When using lipstick, choose a burgundy or dark cherry shade.

Blush should choose somewhat neutral. A dark hazel shade is perfect for this. But don't overdo it. Apply blush not too intensively and only on the cheekbones. Shadows choose according to the color of your eyes. Blues, grays, soft greens and dark beiges will subtly emphasize your natural charm. Taking advantage eyeliner, it is better to completely exclude black. It can ruin even the most successful makeup. For these purposes, eyeliner in the same color scheme with blush is very good. Dark walnut color blends harmoniously with any shadows.

Makeup for brunettes with dark hair and light eyes

Girls with this combination look very attractive. Delicate eye color on the background dark hair simply attracts the eye of others. The task of the makeup artist, in this case, is to make this contrast more harmonious. Shadows muted and calm shades are used, carefully blending all over the eyelid to the eyebrow line. You can put a little under the eyebrow white color. This will make the eyes visually larger and more expressive. It is advisable to choose the color of decorative cosmetics to match the clothes. What color is your main outfit, take the shadows.

Too bright blush will spoil the feeling of naturalness. For rouge suitable soft peach color or beige. Your task is only to slightly emphasize the line of the cheekbones, and not to demonstrate the unnatural brightness of the blush. Eyeliner for the eyes you need gray or brown. With the help of eyeliner, you create a complete image of the eyes. ink, however, must be black. It will become the link between hair color and eye color. Lips in makeup for brunettes of this type too need their own accent. Emphasize the shape of the lips with a contour pencil half a tone darker than lipstick. If you need to add volume to your lips, use gloss over lipstick.

Makeup for brunettes with dark hair and dark eyes

Hair of thick dark color is perfectly combined with brown, dark green and black eyes. Girls with such a bright appearance should not use light shades for makeup. Any color that is too calm can make a brunette look dull and lifeless. To emphasize the beauty and give charm to the appearance, brunettes with dark eyes should use bright and saturated colors. Unless, of course, you want to look like a lifeless frame from a black and white movie.

Eye makeup for brunettes of this type looks very harmonious with black eyeliner and black mascara. In this case, you can safely shade the lines and adjust the shape of the cut of the eyes using special techniques. For example, the outer corner of the eye can be painted darker than the inner. Shadows Choose according to your clothes and style. However, they should not be dim. Blue shadows, gray, purple, silver, etc. are very well suited. But with rouge need to be more careful. Choose coral shades, dark peach, red-pink. But apply them only on the upper part of the cheekbone. When choosing lipstick you can not limit your imagination at all. Lip color for such brunettes can vary from rich pink to dark red. It also does not exclude using lip gloss.

Day makeup for a brunette

Almost every girl knows for sure that for daytime makeup you need to choose completely different shades that are chosen for evening. In daylight, makeup looks a little different than under artificial lighting or starlight! All your shortcomings and blunders are instantly evident. Few people will enjoy looking at an unsuccessfully "painted" girl. Accordingly, it is necessary to select decorative cosmetics of the closest shades to natural colors.

Daily eye makeup for brunettes it is better to limit the shadows, trying to do without eyeliner. It is better to create your image using halftones than to bring dissonance into appearance. To emphasize the beauty and expressiveness of your eyes during the day, it is enough to use shadows of a light shade, black mascara and brown eyeliner. However, it is during the day that all the imperfections of the skin of the face can be seen. They will have to be eliminated with foundation, powder and blush. Choose carefully powder and foundation. These cosmetics should be selected as accurately as possible. according to skin color. Choose for lips lipstick delicate shades, gloss and contour. Don't forget, even during the day colorless gloss will make your lips attractive.

Evening makeup for brunettes

Makeup for brunettes in the evening is radically different from daytime makeup. It is related to visiting various events which are usually carried out under artificial lighting. It is in such conditions that naturalness to your face can be given only by making the right make-up.

evening make-up requires a few simple rules. Tone you need to choose taking into account the lighting that will be at the attended event. If it's a bright electric light Foundation it is better to apply a darker shade than the color of your skin. In more subdued lighting - the foundation should be a tone lighter. Powder it is better to use a golden hue, a tone lighter than the powder.

The effect of evening make-up for brunettes will be enhanced by eyeliner. In the evening, the eyes should be especially expressive. To do this, in addition to a contour pencil or liquid eyeliner, apply mother-of-pearl or shimmering shades of bold and bright colors. Do not forget with evening makeup highlight the brow line. In this case, a clear line of eyebrows emphasizes and highlights the eyes. Eyebrow pencil should be a little darker or in the same tone as the hair. From the center to the inner and outer edge, apply short strokes with a pencil and blend them. Thus, you can give the eyebrows the desired shape.

Evening makeup for brunettes cannot do without appropriate rouge. Saturated, and maybe slightly shimmering, blush is applied to the upper part of the cheekbones, evenly shading. For brunettes, peach, pink, beige-brown shades are suitable. Blush should create the illusion of a light blush and be in harmony with your overall style.

lipstick it is better to choose a bright color. Just like the eyes, the lips should be clearly defined and not be lost against the bright appearance of a brunette. Evening makeup is a great way to experiment with your appearance. Just as you can put on makeup for a disco, a party or a dinner party, you will never put on makeup during the day. In daylight, such makeup will look vulgar and defiant.

Wedding makeup for a brunette

A wedding is always a very touching and important event in the life of every girl. Nature gave brunettes a bright and spectacular appearance. It is very important on the wedding day not to overdo it with the amount of decorative cosmetics. Wedding makeup for a brunette should be chosen with special care. After all, in the future you will repeatedly admire your wedding photos. All you need to apply wedding makeup, is to hide some flaws and emphasize natural beauty. Excessive amount of bright shadows, blush and lipstick can make a brunette a few years older than her age. And such an appearance does not adorn any bride.

Choose shades to match your wedding dress, bridal bouquet or accessories. You can beat brown, chocolate and coffee shades. Such a color scheme is not tied to a specific color, but emphasizes the color, contour and shape of the eyes. Blush will suit a soft pink shade. This will make the makeup more lively and natural. For a brunette, lipstick of a light shade is not suitable. pastel and too pale colors make lips nondescript against the background bright hair and eye. Red, burgundy, raspberry lipstick will look harmonious. To add volume, use a contour and lip gloss. You can hide imperfections, minor irritations, redness on the skin, etc., with the help of foundation, corrective pencil and powder.

Where to learn how to do makeup for brunettes

Ability to self-apply beautiful make-up is every girl's dream. Be able to combine the color of lipstick, shadows, blush and others cosmetics, this is very useful knowledge. Is it possible to learn this on your own and how to do it? This question torments many girls, and not only brunettes. Of course, there are people who have a sense of color inherent in nature. Nevertheless, in order to correctly select the shades in accordance with the purpose of the makeup, you must at least be interested in this issue.

If your interest in applying makeup is of a private nature, you just want to gain knowledge for yourself, it is enough to complete short-term courses. And it's even easier to find relevant recommendations from well-known makeup artists on the Internet. Today, this is quite easy to do. Many sites are happy to share this information with you. Read the recommendations and experiment in front of the mirror. Compare results, analyze and remember. If you are interested, you will learn the science of applying makeup very quickly.

Nevertheless, while preparing for serious events, such as a wedding, a presentation, a dinner party, it is better, after all, not to take risks and turn to specialists. From the outside, you can always clearly see what impression the chosen makeup will make on others. In addition, a professional will be able to more successfully hide your flaws and emphasize your strengths.

The combination of makeup and clothing style for brunettes

To create a harmonious image, it is not enough just to learn how to apply proper makeup. Everything must be combined in a woman, from lipstick to a handbag and gloves. In accordance with the chosen set of clothes, you need to select makeup. Otherwise, you see, green shadows against the background of a blue blouse will look ridiculous. Brunettes, in this case, are very lucky. The fact is that dark hair already creates a certain image, and the color of the clothes should only emphasize the elegance of the image.

When choosing clothes, you can be guided by the same principles as when choosing makeup. For dark hair and eyes, almost any color is suitable except for too bright warm or cold tones. Warm purple, pale yellow, coffee, coral, etc. emphasize the appearance of brunettes very favorably. Expressive colors are very suitable for brunettes with light eyes. Deep blue, elegant green, brown, etc. are perfect for both eye color and hair color. But if you have your favorite color of clothes in which you feel good and comfortable, choose it.

The color of a girl's hair largely determines not only her attractiveness. appearance but also mood and self-confidence. And the modern variety of colors for curls allows you to experiment and find your own image, different from that given by nature and the genes of your parents. Blue-black hair color is rarely given to anyone from birth, so many of the fair sex decide to dye it.

To look harmonious with this color of curls, it is important to understand what makeup you need to do and what clothes to choose. In addition, not all girls go black, so before changing your image, you should think and weigh possible consequences such a step. Moreover, changing the dark shade later will not be so easy. After all, every girl wants to look attractive, not funny or ridiculous.

Who suits blue-black hair color

Every girl can be a brunette, but the blue-black color does not look really harmonious and beautiful on everyone. If we talk about the four color types of appearance, then only a winter girl or a summer girl can afford such an experiment.

A deep black shade of curls is suitable for such options:

  • skin color is swarthy or, conversely, very light - then dark curls will look extravagant;
  • brown or green eyes.

If an autumn girl decides to dye her hair blue-black, she may end up with a tired look that will add her a few years. Therefore, one must be careful with such experiments. Owners of blue or gray eyes it is also worth considering the desire to become a deep brunette, since black curls will visually make the eyes look duller. In extreme cases, if you really want to, you can try to get an ashy shade that will echo the color of the eyes.

Another factor to keep in mind before painting is age. The older the woman, the less likely it is that black hair will suit her. Especially if the curls are long enough.

In some cases, it can even look slightly intimidating, which is better not to experiment with. In addition, if gray hair is visible in the hair, then it will be seen much better on a dark background than on any other. Black color does not suit everyone, so it is worth considering not only your desire to become different, but also natural data.

When deciding to dye your hair black for the first time, it is better to trust a professional and not take risks. Even choosing a good and suitable paint is not as easy as many girls would like.

Cheap paint will go unevenly, and with further washing of the head it will quickly wash off and fade. Such savings will require even greater spending to correct the situation. As a rule, the price is a determining indicator of quality - the more expensive the paint, the better it is. In addition, when buying, it is advisable to read the composition of the product in order to understand the consequences of dyeing for hair health.

When choosing a paint, it is important to decide on a shade of black. Here, too, we need the advice of a professional who constantly works with such colors and can tell what the result of the experiment will be. Black color can have a different shade - reddish, red, bluish, tar or ashy. Thanks to each of them, you can become an attractive brunette, but at the same time they are different, and it is not so easy to choose on your own.

Some girls prefer to dye their hair at home using basma, a natural powder, after which you can also get blue-black curls. In addition, basma strengthens them, gives softness and silkiness.

But this procedure also has its own characteristics and nuances:

  • First, pure basma on the hair different color can give a greenish tint, and no girl would like to get such a result.
  • Secondly, to avoid an unexpected color, basma is mixed with henna. Two natural components dye hair well and with high quality, but it is difficult to get a deep black color. It will have a shade of chestnut.

Thus, if you want to become a brunette, it is better to seek help from a specialist, at least for the first time. And after his consultation and the first painting, decide for yourself how to maintain the resulting black curls in the future.

How to choose makeup for black hair

Having become the owner of blue-black hair, the girl will have to reconsider her own approach to makeup. There can be two options for applying lipstick, shadows, mascara and other products on the face - so that the makeup is in harmony with the hair or that it stands out sharply against their background.

Many of the fair sex decide that since they have dark hair, then they need to add more to their faces. dark shades. Charcoal brows, dark gray shadows, pronounced eyelashes - all these accents together can create an unpleasant menacing look. For girls with dark hair, it is better to stick to light shades in makeup.

To emphasize the black hair color and at the same time highlight the face, you can follow these makeup rules:

  • owners bright eyes it is recommended to use black eyeliner or a pencil, visually increasing their size;
  • shadows are better to choose cold shades, this will emphasize the depth of the black hair color;
  • golden or bronze shadows also look attractive on the eyelids of brunettes, especially if they have a slight shine effect;
  • mascara color - only black, brown or blue eyelashes are “lost” on the expressive face of a brunette;
  • to highlight the lips, you need to use bright lipsticks of red and pink shades.

Of course, all girls are individual. And those makeup rules that work great for one, will not help another to create an attractive and vibrant look. Therefore, in addition to the recommendations of specialists, you must also be guided by your own ideas and experience in caring for yourself. It is important to remember that everything bright and extraordinary suits brunettes, and not be afraid to experiment.

What to wear for hot brunettes

The choice of clothes also largely depends on the color of the hair, therefore, turning into a brunette, a girl should add a few new things to her wardrobe to emphasize her individuality. The advantage of this shade of curls is that no, even the lightest, clothes can make the image dull or inconspicuous. Crow-wing hair is visible everywhere and distinguishes the girl from the mass of other people.

There is no universal makeup option for brown eyes - they are so different shades. For example, very dark, almost black eyes - this is a case when you can not do without working out various make-up solutions. In this material, we will talk about how to choose cosmetics for black eyes and what shades and textures to emphasize their expressiveness.

Makeup cosmetics colors with black eyes

It is a mistake to think that any shades of cosmetics are combined with black eyes. Black, graphite, “bitter chocolate” (and even in matte variations) are not your choice: they will darken the color of the eyes even more and completely deprive them of expressiveness.

  • Black-eyed girls in makeup have two tasks: to add color and add shine. This will emphasize the depth of the look of black eyes. It is important to maintain balance and strive for moderation. Everyday makeup should not look like an art make-up.
  • However, you should not limit yourself too much. You can surround the eyes with a translucent haze of shining shadows, you can make smokey ice or draw arrows in an oriental style - with a stroke.
  • The main thing is to get a harmonious image that can fully show the dignity of the eyes of an unusual rare color.

Makeup options for black eyes

To find the daytime and evening makeup options that are right for you, you need to experiment - and through trial and error to achieve more and more perfect results. But there are some basic tricks that will not let you down even if you have never tried to match makeup to your eye color.

Day makeup for black eyes

Monochromatic haze of shadows

Copper, bronze, emerald, plum - apply these shadows (choose metallic shades with shimmer) along the ciliary contour with shading to get an expressive smoky effect. It is not necessary to distribute them throughout the century, otherwise the make-up will come out not at all daytime.

Graphic arrows

They are also better to draw shining - to "illuminate" the eyes. Razor Sharp eyeliner shades from Urban Decay will come in handy.

Evening makeup for black eyes

Metal smokey ice

To the light shadows used as a base throughout the upper eyelid, add shimmery ones to the outer corner - like the two-tone Eyes To Kill from Giorgio Armani (they are able to create "voluminous" color overflows). Pay attention to shading so that the border of applying color is not noticeable - it should merge with the skin.

Watch the video tutorial by Maria Polkanova - the makeup artist explains how to make smokey eyes that are in harmony with black eyes.

cat eyes

To get the effect of a “cat” look (follow), which is very suitable for black eyes, add smokey arrows to the makeup, not forgetting that it is better not to use black and dark brown liner. If your smokey ice turned out to be shining, then the arrows, respectively, are better to draw with a matte eyeliner.

Lip makeup rules for black-eyed girls

Considering that eye makeup has its own nuances, the question arises: what should be the lip makeup? Makeup artists advise emphasizing lips with bright colors, and here the texture of the product may well be matte. Juicy lips will help create a balance that will make the image harmonious. But faded shades of lipsticks will not work. With a shimmer, even more so.

How to do makeup for black eyes and black hair: step by step instructions

Step 1. Preparation

Degrease your eyelids with micellar water, then apply a proven base like Urban Decay's Eyeshadow Primer Potion. Next, spread a neutral shade of shadows over the entire surface of the eyelids as the basis of the future make-up.

Step 2 Eyes

Line your lashes with a brown shimmer pencil. Blend the resulting line with a dense brush with a short pile. And then with a slightly more fluffy rounded brush, apply golden brown or, for example, metallic copper shadows so that the color gently combines with the haze from the liner.

  • You can also use a golden kojal to line the eye contour from the inside. This will additionally “highlight” black eyes.

Step 3 Eyelashes

Finish off your eye makeup with mascara. However, try not to paint over the roots of the eyelashes too much - only the tips. A few strokes of the brush will suffice.

Step 4 Lips

If desired, you can highlight the lips with a bright lipstick - for example, red. If you want to make the main focus on the eyes, then apply a transparent balm to the lips, which will provide them with a slight shine.

Beautiful images and makeup ideas for black eyes

Makeup artists of the whole world go crazy with brown-eyed clients, whose beauty lies in a languid look, and luck lies in the bright appearance of brown-haired women, for whom nature has already created daily makeup. Makeup for brown eyes and dark hair is simple and allows you to use almost the entire range of shades of shadows and mascara, and this is the most important advantage of brunettes.

Features and Benefits

You can learn makeup from the images of overseas film stars - Jessica Alba, Monica Bellucci, Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley, Penelope Cruz and Catherine Zeta Jones. If you look closely at the make-up of each of them, it can be noted that decorative cosmetics emphasize the natural beauty of celebrities, who, in turn, have different shades of hair and eyes.

Dark hair and brown eyes are the basis of a woman's bright and memorable appearance, which does not require the use of a kilogram of "plaster". For young girls, only eyebrow mascara and a couple of drops of blush can be useful for creating everyday makeup, for mature ladies - an additional corrector and lipstick.

What are the advantages of a girl with dark eyes and hair in terms of makeup - let's talk right now:

  • A truly attractive and feminine look requires grooming, so makeup artists do not recommend young girls to get involved decorative cosmetics, just tidy up the shape of the eyebrows and create an even skin tone - the eyelashes and eyebrows of brunettes often have dark color from nature and do not require additional staining;
  • For swarthy beauties, creating a tone is not a primary task, rather, the last one. They can add a little blush and emphasize the cilia;
  • For brown-eyed brunettes of the oriental type, cosmetics with a “winter” character are traditionally prescribed - cold shadows, cold lipstick and “frosty” pink blush, but makeup artists around the world also use a warm palette - all shades of brown from light beige to almost black;
  • Brown eyes differ from each other, and this allows you to use a separate color scheme for girls with olive eyes, brown-yellow, dark brown;
  • Hair color plays a secondary role in creating makeup, because it is so easy to change it, which you definitely cannot do with your eyes.

How to choose cosmetics?

Brown-eyed persons are all shades of brown, gray, black, green and purple - if we talk about eye and eyebrow makeup. What to exclude: blue, cyan and red on the eyes.

When choosing shadows, stop on palettes for the color type "winter" with cold shades or choose a brown gamut - brown-eyed brunettes have an amazing appearance and literally “everything suits them”. Avoid blue and blue shadows in classical technique applying to the entire eyelid - at best, they will send you to the 90s, at worst - to the restroom to the washbasin.

For hazel-green or olive eyes all shades of green (including "dirty" olive) and brown, golden . For classic clean brown eyes (not too dark), peach, hazel, plum, lilac and pink go in addition, so instead of shadows, you can easily use suitable blush and apply them on the eyelid.

"Black eyes pairs well with any brown flowers shadows, silver, metallic, calm purple and lilac, and yellowish - with mustard, green, yellow hues, such that they resemble honey in color.

If we talk about eyeliner, then select its shade according to the rules of shadows.

Black and brown pigments remain classics. Give preference to high-quality eyebrow cosmetics: mascara, shadows, lipstick, pencil - choose a shade of the product that is as close as possible to the natural shade of the hair (if they are not dyed at least at the roots).

Mascara - black, brown, green or dark blue. Brown-eyed brunettes are pearlescent shadows, so feel free to “put on” them at any convenient (read evening) occasion. If we talk about brighter "flashy" shades of shadows, then choose yellow, orange, pink, sometimes blue and blue. Do not apply blue and blue shadows to the entire moving eyelid (as our grandmothers did), but make a haze over the crease of the upper eyelid, generously painting over its moving part with black eyeliner.

Types of make up: which one is suitable?


Any brunette with dark eyes can do without makeup at all - nature has especially taken care of women of oriental appearance and most Russian brown-eyed beauties. Everyday makeup usually consists of creating a tone, correcting the shape of the eyebrows and applying mascara plus contour pencil for lips or hygienic lipstick.

Makeup for every day The best way emphasize natural beauty and don't go beyond:

  1. Apply a light foundation (winter) or fluid (perfect for summer) on a pre-moisturized face and blend it well.
  2. Correct the shape of the eyebrow and comb the hairs up with a brush. If jyb are naturally thick and bushy, it is enough to fix them transparent gel if not, additionally color them with a soft pencil or shadows.
  3. In eye makeup, it will be enough to make up eyelashes with black or brown mascara. You can apply shadows 2-3 tones lighter than the natural color of the eyes and blend them well.
  4. A couple of drops of pink or peach blush - and a light make-up is ready. A gentle image is suitable for both work and going out.


Often, festive makeup requires a large supply of cosmetics and time, but this definitely does not apply to owners of brown eyes and dark hair. For creating bright image it is enough to make the arrows thicker and apply two layers of mascara instead of one. So, we create makeup for a special occasion:

  1. Emphasize the natural shape of the eyebrows with a thin pencil, you can slightly extend its natural line - this will visually expand the eyes.
  2. Apply eye primer to the entire moving part and lightly powder. Paint over the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid with a black pencil, draw a V turned on its side on the outer corner and draw a line over the upper eyelid (with a brush with pigment or pencil), which would follow its contour. Blend a dark pencil and apply brown eyeshadow to the outer corner of the eyelid, moving towards the center.
  3. Black or dark brown eyeliner will make your eyes bright - draw a rich arrow over the shadows and fix the result with mascara - 2-3 layers will be enough.
  4. To make the look festive, you can replace the matte finish of the shadows with a pearlescent one or choose a creamy texture of the shadows - it gives a denser coverage and a rich shade.

Oriental beauty makeup- Another festive option or even everyday. His technique boils down to creating a "cat look" using deep black eyeliner on the upper and lower eyelids. Depending on the shape and size of the eye, the technique varies, but it tends to create an almond shape.

When creating a gentle make-up for light or dark skin choose shades that are 1-2 tones different from natural - the color of the hairs of the eyebrows and hair, the iris of the eyes. In daylight, saturated eyebrows, like eyes in general, are useless, but for the evening, do not be afraid to take shades “stronger” - 2-4 tones darker.

How to apply correctly?

Brown-eyed brunettes especially go with "smoky ice" - a kind of dark haze on dark eyes Oh. The difference between the modern "smoky ice" is the ability to use any shades (except black, as it was before). Do it step by step like this:

  1. The foundation of the basics - perfect skin. Use a light foundation + corrector + masking pencil: it is important to hide all local skin imperfections and even out the overall shade.
  2. Circle the contour of the upper and lower eyelids with a dark pencil - black, brown, gray, depending on what shade the "smoky ice" will be. Create almond shape eyes with a pencil, taking the contour beyond the natural limit.
  3. On top of the pencil, apply the darkest shadows from the palette (you know that several shades of shadows from the same palette will come in handy to create a "smoky" look). In the center, apply the main shade - brown, golden, bronze or any other - it will be an accent.
  4. With a fluffy brush, blend the shadows, turning the lines into a smooth transition of shades.
  5. Emphasize the eyeliner again with a dark pencil or liner - draw a line from approximately the middle of the lower eyelid to the outer corner, gradually making the line wider. Repeat the same with the upper movable.
  6. Apply 2-3 coats of mascara, lifting and curling the hairs.
  7. If your eyes are large, you can draw a line of kayal with a black pencil.

"Smoky ice" is a universal technique that is suitable for narrow or wide-open eyes, for any of their shades - black, green-brown, for fair-skinned and dark-skinned.

Nude makeup implies a gentle and natural look in a palette of shades that are as close as possible to flesh and pinkish. You can create "makeup without makeup" like this:

  • Moisturize the skin and apply a light tonal fluid;
  • Comb your eyebrows with a special brush and fix them with a transparent gel;
  • Apply a little pink or peach blush on the apples of your cheeks and upper eyelid - they will give the image freshness;
  • On the protruding parts of the face - nose, cheekbones, chin, dimple above upper lip apply some highlighter for freshness;
  • Cover your lips with nude lipstick or a simple balm.

The most natural and at the same time beautiful image ready. It is suitable for dark-haired beauties, and especially for girls with long and black eyelashes by nature.

Secrets of makeup artists

  • Brown-eyed and dark-haired ladies especially go with oriental makeup. Makeup artists advise using a pigment-rich black eyeliner and applying it directly along the contour of the upper lashes - this will make the look even more languid;
  • For any cut and shape of the eyes, use the following technique for applying shadows: in the inner corners - light pigment, on the outer - dark. Start shading the light areas by the middle of the eyelid, as well as the dark ones - towards the center. Exceptions are far-set eyes, then light shadows are superimposed in the outer corners and dark ones in the inner ones.
  • If your skin is “cold” porcelain, you are very lucky. Use shades of sea color and fuchsia even on the eyes and combine them with the tone of clothes or accessories.
  • Not all makeup artists welcome orange and yellow shades in brunette makeup, just like blue and blue.. If you choose one of these, use a creamy eyeshadow texture and apply on and off the mobile eyelid for an informal doll-like look with false lashes and nude lipstick.

Makeup is an art that every woman can master. Adhering to simple rules, it is easy to add expressiveness to the appearance, place accents where necessary, divert attention from shortcomings. Girls with dark hair and brown eyes have always been favorite models for creating make-up at makeup artists. This is not surprising, because when working with this color type, you can apply the most daring shades. To properly do makeup for brown eyes, a special arsenal is not needed. It is quite possible to get by with a small set of cosmetics suitable for a particular appearance.


Arsenal of a brown-eyed woman's cosmetic bag

Dark-haired beauties with brown eyes have an undeniable advantage - the ability to use a wide color palette. Despite the fact that this type of appearance belongs to the "winter", work on makeup is not limited to cold shades. Practice in this matter is the best adviser. In the arsenal of cosmetic bags there should be tools and tools that will add freshness and charm to the appearance of a brunette.

Eyeshadow Palette

A palette of cold shades is the perfect solution for brown eye makeup. But for daytime makeup, it would be reasonable to have another set of shadows from the brown range, which naturally emphasizes brown eyes. However, there are some nuances associated specifically with the shade of the eyes:

  1. Shadows for dark eyes, sometimes called "black eyes": classic brown palette (including shades of light chocolate), silver-gray tones, green natural shades, plum and lilac (not "flashy" shade).
  2. Eye shadow for brown eyes (medium shade without color inclusions): brown palette from light to dark, black, peach, hazel, plum, soft shades of pink and purple.
  3. Shadows for green-brown eyes: golden, olive, a rich range of green (from grassy shades to turquoise color) and, of course, a brown eyeshadow set.
  4. Shadows for yellow-brown eyes: shades of brown (from the lightest to the “bitter chocolate” tone), golden and green colors. Violet gamut gives amazing expressiveness to “honey” eyes.

The blue-blue palette deserves special attention. Applying it in makeup, the dark-eyed brunette runs the risk of looking too catchy. There is nothing wrong with this when it comes to evening makeup. But for a daily make-up, this is superfluous.

Important! Terracotta shades are strictly contraindicated for use in brown eye makeup.

Eyeliner and mascara

Women with dark hair and brown eyes will also have no problems choosing mascara. Most of them have dark eyelashes and will be able to experiment with any of the colors of the main palette: black, brown, dark blue. Moreover, blue mascara on dark eyelashes does not look theatrical, as it becomes noticeable only in certain lighting conditions.

Accordingly, both an eyeliner and an eyeliner from the same color range will be ideal for dark eye makeup.

Evening makeup for brown-eyed women

To create an evening make-up, an eyeshadow palette can be used quite boldly. Knowing “her tone”, a dark-eyed woman with dark hair can beautifully emphasize her appearance. Do not be afraid to try new shades, because it is through trial and error that unexpected combinations are discovered.

Evening makeup for brown eyes in women with dark hair allows bright accents, glitter cosmetics. A glossy eyeliner will emphasize the depth of the look very well. For such a case, it is made more clear, like that of oriental beauties. Eyebrow color can be made darker without fear that it will look bright.

Advice! You never need to experiment with new colors and techniques if there are only a few minutes left before the celebration. It is better to leave for later the desire to repeat the makeup of a glamorous beauty from a fashion magazine. Otherwise, the result is unpredictable.

Makeup for every day

Despite the fact that a bright woman of the “winter” type can afford to leave the house without makeup (many girls with blond hair and eyes are very complex about this, considering themselves “colorless” without makeup), the complete absence of it on her face will not particularly decorate modern lady. Neat daytime makeup for brown eyes is a sign well-groomed woman. Plus, it boosts self-esteem.

Video: Everyday makeup for brown eyes from makeup artist Vika Oleinik

Smokey ice for dark eyes

An interesting technique in makeup, which is called "smoky ice", has gained particular popularity. This technique is not new, as some people think. Effect " smoky eyes was very relevant in the 20s and 30s of the last century. It was used to give brunettes the image of a "femme fatale", but it was performed exclusively in black. The modern counterpart is more interesting, as it allows for various shades and can be used for any appearance color type.

When choosing the desired color scheme, do not forget that its shades should be in harmony not only with the color of the eyes and hair, but also with the skin tone, outfit and, of course, it should match the event. No matter how dizzying the “smoky” in violet-lilac tones looks, in an office working atmosphere it will look ridiculous.

Step by step master class

  1. First you need to prepare the skin for makeup: foundation or cream, you can powder your eyelids a little.
  2. Apply a soft cosmetic pencil along the ciliary edge without “gaps” (do not start working directly from the inner corner). Gently blend the line with the applicator.
  3. Apply shadows of the darkest shade from the palette chosen for makeup to the pencil base. Blend the edges again.
  4. Apply lighter shadows to the resulting border, again - shading (to enhance the effect, a third tone, even lighter than the previous one, will be useful).
  5. The same pencil is used on the lower eyelid. Draw a line to the outer corner, making it wider at the end. Again, gently rub with the applicator.
  6. The expressiveness of the eyes is given by a pencil line drawn along the inside of the eyelid. But this technique is not suitable for small and close-set eyes. But for owners of large round eyes, this method is by the way.
  7. The "arrow" is drawn along the ciliary edge of the upper eyelid, its "tail" will be thicker in the final part.
  8. It remains only to make up the eyelashes, add a little blush on the cheekbones and gloss on the lips.

Advice! Beautiful "smoky ice" does not accept bright lips. Lipstick in neutral tones or a bit of gloss is what you need for an image of a captivating beauty with a deep look of “smoky” eyes.

Video: Smokey ice for brown eyes

Makeup secrets for brown eyes in oriental style

Oriental beauties are considered one of the sexiest women in the world. With bated breath, men admire sensual girls dancing a magical dance on the TV screen or seductively smiling from the covers of magazines. Their eyes amaze with their beauty and mystery. Any brunette with brown eyes and dark hair can become a fabulous Indian or Arab princess. Let for one evening or night ...

Are there any special subtleties? It turns out yes:

  1. "Arab Arrows". Eyeliner is always present! Moreover, it is more pronounced, the lines are clear, the corners are outlined. Such “arrows” are best done with a cosmetic marker or eyeliner, and not with a soft pencil.
  2. Oriental makeup welcomes a bright palette of colors. Shiny and pearlescent shadows are appropriate. With their help, it turns out to enhance the expressiveness of the look.
  3. Eyebrows should have a rich color and a beautiful shape.
  4. Eyelashes are given close attention. They are well stained with black mascara with intensity to the temple (you can use false eyelashes).
  5. The tone of the face should be even, pleasant warm color: peach, golden, swarthy.
  6. Lipstick can only emphasize the mysterious appearance of an oriental beauty. For this purpose, bright cosmetics with a dense texture are not used for lips. Only natural shades!

This make-up can be used as an evening make-up if a woman likes it.

Video: Beautiful Arabic makeup