Who suits turquoise. Turquoise monochrome solo. Bathroom in turquoise tones

    Turquoise. Various bluish-green hues are reminiscent of the clear waters of the seas and oceans. When you see this color with aching tenderness, you remember the bliss in the arms of the sea waves, you palpably imagine the tickling of your feet with seaweed ... This color is universal. It suits everyone. After all, we all love the sea and are drawn to it, dreaming at least once a year to plunge into the abyss of their waters. Any woman, whether blonde or brunette, young or mature, will definitely attract attention by appearing in society in a turquoise-colored outfit. Note that even the word itself carries tenderness and affection.

    The turquoise color of the clothes resembles a certain oriental tale. Such a color cannot be unnoticed, it is luxurious and simple at the same time, it is bright and unobtrusive at the same time, it is warm, but it does not at all resemble the yellow color. You also need to be able to combine it. It doesn’t suit everyone, it’s not always appropriate, the measure is important (after all, the color is very saturated, which means that only one turquoise will look hard).

    Shades of turquoise may differ from each other, this point must also be taken into account. It is worth noting the fact that the color of turquoise has no age restrictions (for example, solid pink of certain shades is not always clear on older ladies). And it is easy to combine it with black or silver, white and even noble purple. Yellow and turquoise is just a sea and sunny fairy tale. And natural brown and green are just as appropriate next to turquoise shades.

    The versatility of turquoise in that it is not only suitable for age, but will also give its charm to different types of appearance. It all depends on the shades of turquoise and the decorations that accompany the outfit. I tried to pick up girls in the photos different types appearance, so that the combination of turquoise for different girls is clearly visible.

    • For brown-haired women with a pinkish complexion and dark eyes, light turquoise is suitable in combination with white shades or dark accents.
    • For bright brunettes, turquoise in combination with gold will give an extra touch.
    • Blondes will look even brighter even in a solid turquoise dress, you can add one or two more bright additions.
    • And redheads feel great in turquoise, although for them the set must be diluted with other shades.

    It is believed that turquoise is most suitable for people of warm appearance. Honestly, I still can’t define my appearance (I’m sure others do too). The thing is that I am against dividing into two types of appearance, because there are many more of them. The combination of skin tone, hair and eye color, as well as facial features - all must be taken into account. It turns out that each person, due to their uniqueness, simply needs to try on this or that outfit and then make sure of the right shade for sure.

    Me (smiling). It's my favorite color and half my wardrobe is filled with turquoise.

    In fact, the turquoise color has many shades that are in harmony with various color types of appearance.

    For example, light turquoise color suits blondes. He emphasizes the aristocratic pallor of their skin and a little cold beauty.

    In order not to get lost at all against the background of a turquoise dress or suit, you can add bright accents. For example, bright red lipstick or accessories.

Ekaterina Malyarova

“In many cultures, turquoise has a very special position. Turquoise is considered a protective talisman. It is the color of deep compassion and healing, and also the color of faith and truth, inspired by water and sky ... "

Leatrice Eiseman, director of the Pantone Color Institute

The color turquoise gets its name from the precious stone having a blue-green hue - turquoise. This color is inherent in the most beautiful creations of nature: the oceanic water surface, the sky at dawn, rare spicy herbs, the thinnest wings of the morpho butterfly. This article will talk about turquoise color combinations in clothes, about how turquoise can change depending on what other colors from the color palette to combine it with.


The uniqueness of the turquoise color is that it suits the spring and winter color type. This is due to the fact that turquoise contains both a cold blue undertone and a warm yellow. And the autumn color type can choose deeper shades of turquoise. The summer color type can use turquoise in shoes, as well as in clothes and accessories on the street.

Turquoise has many different shades and tones. Let's take a look at the main ones.

1. Pale turquoise color (Pale Turquoise). This is the most light shade turquoise. Very gentle, soft, clean. But if there is little light in the room, this shade may look faded. Pale turquoise is not recommended for use in excessive large quantities- this can cause a feeling of sterility. No wonder the clothes medical workers most often wears just such a shade.

2. Turquoise blue color (Turquoise Blue). This is the brightest shade of turquoise. Very beautiful, dynamic, lively and expressive. The color range is close to the shade of cyan. Gives a feeling of energy, freshness. Turquoise blue is recommended to be used as separate accents, combining it with other colors.

3. Bright turquoise (Bright Turquoise). Despite the name, this shade of turquoise is not as dazzling as turquoise blue. It is bright, but does not cause irritation, its brightness is comparable to the color of a clear sky on a fine summer day. Often, bright turquoise is associated with the color of Tiffany's signature box, and therefore creates a playful high spirits.

4. Turquoise. It is this shade that most often wears natural (natural) turquoise. It is rarely found in nature and is valued precisely for its unique coloration, which combines blue and yellow undertones. Turquoise color brings a feeling of freshness and coolness. Another property of turquoise is its ability to give peace, even out the emotional background. Clothing of this color goes especially well with a tan, which makes the look more exotic.

5. Medium Turquoise. This shade of turquoise is rich and calm at the same time. Depending on the lighting, it may look different: in bright light, medium turquoise tends to be classic. blue color, in subdued light it seems the color of the sea wave. Combinations in clothes with medium turquoise look noble, restrained and intelligent.

6. Dark turquoise (Deep Turquoise). This is the deepest shade of turquoise. It carries the freshness and coolness of the ocean. In nature, turquoise with this color is very rare, therefore it is considered especially valuable. In clothes, dark turquoise can be used on a large scale or as separate accents. It looks exceptionally good in combination with contrasting colors.


Now let's look at combinations of turquoise with other colors.

The combination of turquoise and white is classic. It is often used in summer ensembles. Turquoise and white looks especially good in beach-themed clothes. White makes turquoise more vibrant, this combination always attracts attention. This combination looks best on the winter color type.

Turquoise + beige

Turquoise with beige / milky - a softer combination than turquoise with white. It looks best on the spring color type. Unlike dazzling white, beige is a warm color, it lowers the degree of coolness and freshness of turquoise.

Turquoise + red

Turquoise with red is a very controversial combination. These colors are very eye-catching if taken in equal proportions. In this case, it is recommended to make one color dominant, and the second - additional. Or you can add a balancing white color. The combination of turquoise and red came into fashion in the 50s, so it can be successfully used in retro looks.

The combination of turquoise with orange is similar to the previous combination with red. These two colors create high contrast. It's like ice and fire. Warm orange dilutes the coolness and freshness of turquoise. If you want to know with, then read a separate article on this topic.

Turquoise with yellow is a bright and positive combination. It is memorable and can set you apart from others. Turquoise and yellow also carry cheerfulness and a huge boost of energy. Yellow softens the coolness of turquoise, complementing it with warm sunny colors.

Turquoise and blue are related colors. That is why this combination looks so beautiful and harmonious. It should be noted that blue lowers the degree of heat of turquoise, this combination looks very fresh. For greater contrast, take the brightest shade of blue, called ultramarine, and you will get a luxurious, noble and aristocratic duet with turquoise.

Turquoise color in combination with brown gives a very beautiful contrast. This is a classic combination that is often used in clothing. Turquoise is associated with lightness and freshness, while brown is more traditional and conservative. If you take a dark shade of brown called chocolate, then the combination with turquoise will turn out to be exotic and stylish. If you want to know, then read a separate article on this topic.

Turquoise in combination with black dilutes its severity and conservatism. If you take these colors in the right proportion, this combination will not look too gloomy. You can also enter a third color, such as white. Remember the black and white color of the zebra, and you will understand how impressive such a print will look in combination with turquoise.

Turquoise combined with gold / silver - a classic combination for evening dresses. As well as a natural stone turquoise looks harmonious in a frame of gold or silver, and turquoise creates a great combination with gold / silver.

Red is first high energy color. It is a hot, strong, stimulating color. It increases blood pressure, libido, quickens breathing, speeds up metabolism. The artist Aivozovsky worked in a red-painted room, and this stimulated his creativity. All other properties of the red color - the color of blood and fire, stem from its energy intensity.

The meaning of red associated with love, passion, desire, warmth, strong desire, lust, sexuality, sensuality, romance, joy, strength, energy, activity, industriousness, leadership, courage, willpower, anger, irritability, danger, stress, brightness and determination.

Red- assertive, self-confident, courageous, decisive, energetic, enthusiastic, impulsive, exciting and defiant color. Red represents physical energy, lust, excitement and strong desire. It symbolizes activity, self-confidence and courage. Red is associated with the most primitive physical, emotional and financial needs, survival and self-preservation. This color emphasizes materiality, materiality, symbolizes the active male principle.

Red- a heavy color that contains a set of emotions from passion and strong love to cruelty, enmity and war. It is the color of an angel and a devil at the same time.

This color is often used to express love like Valentine's day, but it's more related to sexuality and lust than with love - love is expressed pink. Therefore, the place where brothels are located is called the “red light district”, since in the past such lanterns hung in front of the entrance to the above institutions.

Too much red spoils the mood, anxiety, anger, dominance, exactingness and despotic behavior. Too little red leads to lethargy, passivity, apprehension, tearfulness, a feeling that you are being manipulated. If you want to become more energetic, add some red to your life.

What else does red mean?

Why does red mean danger?

Even among our distant ancestors, red was, first of all, a symbol of threat, revealing itself in the fire of fires, the lava of erupting volcanoes and the ominously beautiful sunset, promising the inevitable beginning of the night and the reign of dark forces on earth. But most of all, the red color was manifested in the blood of hunted or sacrificed animals, as well as wounded and killed soldiers. Red blood then did not symbolize life, but was life itself, because the ancient people understood that its loss led to death.

Annoying, disturbing, attention-grabbing, red is used to indicate danger. It is suitable for painting items needed in emergency cases: Lifebuoy, fire fighting equipment, fire cock, stop cock. They are painted forbidding, warning and requiring a stop road signs and a red traffic light. Red flags or ribbons mark a dangerous place where an accident or crime has occurred. The red flag on the lifeguard tower on the seashore signals that there are strong waves in the sea and swimming is prohibited. Fire trucks and vehicles carrying explosives are also red. As one psychologist put it, the more red objects around us, the more dangerous our life becomes.

On the other hand, red denotes danger because this highly visible color can quickly focus attention and help people make a quick decision.

Red is a symbol of special achievements

The association of red with bravery and courage makes it a color often used for state flags, badges and achievement awards. For students and schoolchildren, it also symbolizes special achievements (red diploma at school and institute).

The freshness of the summer breeze, sea waves and cloudless sky - a bright and pure turquoise color invariably evokes relaxation, carefree and joyful pastime. Clothing of all shades of turquoise looks great not only at the resort - in summer, and in winter, and in the cloudy off-season, this cheerful color helps to make the image bright and memorable. What to wear and combine turquoise clothes with? Turquoise is universal - it suits the owners of hair and skin of any shade, and harmoniously combines with other colors, allowing you to create restrained or contrasting images.

In order for turquoise to be combined with your color type and advantageously emphasize your skin tone, eyes and hair, it is important to choose the right color nuance:

We combine correctly

This bright tone it is combined with both classic base tones, and with saturation equal to it. The following shades will harmoniously complement and emphasize it:
  • White. A win-win- any shade of turquoise is combined with white, from delicate aquamarine to dark azure. Such a fresh combination is a great idea for a summer, vacation wardrobe.
  • Black. The combination with black is a classic for any color; in a duet with turquoise, it is “responsible” for rigor and restraint. It is important to strike the right balance: if there is too much black, the image will turn out to be heavy. Let the tones be present in equal proportions or turquoise prevails.
  • Grey. Gray can shade the brightness of turquoise and somewhat “calm” its brightness: it can be light cold silver-gray, gray-beige (taup) or dark gray anthracite.
  • Beige. Another calm base tone that goes well with turquoise. It can be warm (milk chocolate color, camel) or cold (coffee with milk, cocoa).
  • Juicy, optimistic combination - turquoise and all shades of the solar spectrum. The tone of the sea wave in a duet with both bright yellow and pale lemon color looks equally impressive.
  • Blue. Lying in the same part of the spectrum, these tones support and complement each other. Choose a shade of blue equal in saturation - royal blue, electric blue or ultramarine.
  • Coral. It is best combined with the color of the gemstone bleached coral - the so-called "lobster" color.
  • Gold/Silver. The radiance of precious metals, combined with the brightness of turquoise, help create a luxurious, evening look.

Add brightness to your wardrobe: how and with what to wear turquoise clothes

Total look, no doubt, looks spectacular, but dressing in the same shade from head to toe every day is not worth it - combine things with other details of your wardrobe to create stylish, bright and memorable sets.


Turquoise is appropriate in the office, and on a walk, and on a romantic date.

A basic turquoise jacket with one or two buttons and small lapels will perfectly complement the following looks:

  • White top, navy blue or sky blue skinny jeans or a skirt plus beige or bright contrast mid-heeled pumps.
  • White, light pink or lemon top, black or navy blue skinny jeans or pipe trousers plus white sneakers or.
  • White, coral, beige or lemon sheath dress plus high heels.
  • Blouse or shirt, plain or thin vertical stripes, beige, lemon, white or coral pencil skirt plus beige moccasins or ballet flats.
  • White or beige shorts with an arrow, plus sneakers or boat shoes.

For the more relaxed everyday looks the jacket can be replaced with a turquoise cardigan.

A blouse, shirt or top of the actual tone will be complemented by:


What to wear with turquoise trousers, jeans or a skirt? Pair them with soothing tops for casual and work outings, or with bright hues for bolder looks:


A turquoise coat is a spectacular wardrobe detail that attracts attention. Whatever cut you prefer - a classic coat with a belt, a cocoon or a straight one, such a thing will certainly play a major role in your image.

What accessories goes with a turquoise coat? Black shoes and bags will make the look too "heavy" and boring; opt for accessories in coffee, beige-gray, cold brown tones. You can complement the look with high boots made of natural or artificial suede in dark gray, and choose a bright and contrasting bag - orange, red-coral, ultramarine or multi-colored. Shoes and bags that repeat the color of the skin of a snake are also acceptable.

A bag and shoes of the same shade are an outdated trend. Choose one thing: "balance" bright shoes with a beige bag, and vice versa - complement a bright bag with a pair of shoes in basic tones. If you certainly want to “support” a bright bag or shoes with an accessory of the same tone, let it be a small detail - a thin belt, necklace, watch bracelet, or even just nail polish.

Don't be afraid to be bright - be sure to include a shade of turquoise in your wardrobe palette. Whatever you choose - a bright turquoise coat or a jacket of an unusual cut, a small bag or shoes - fresh, optimistic, fashionable image you are guaranteed.

The turquoise color in clothes is combined with other contrasting shades and is one of the main fashion trends this year. This color is special. Clothing shades of turquoise suit women and girls of all ages and shapes. If you do not know what color turquoise goes with, this article will help you choose the right one. various options in which you will look just gorgeous.

Turquoise suits everyone!

What color goes best with turquoise? Since this shade of green is quite bright, it will just look great in an ensemble with others. bright colors. Such images will be very stylish, fresh and full of personality. Combine in clothes several contrasting colors, and you will always attract the eyes of others and look stylish and bold. First of all, if you have a very light skin tone, choose bright shades of turquoise to highlight all your advantages. If you tanned during the summer, any shades of this color will look just luxurious on you, especially the lightest ones. What colors go with turquoise?

Bright combinations and bold decisions

This color has a lot of shades from the lightest mixtures of blue and green to emerald green, aquamarine, aquamarine and Persian green. Each of them harmonizes perfectly with other colors. But what goes best with turquoise? The combination of this color with blue, green, peach, aquamarine looks very nice. Turquoise goes just fine with white things. For example, wear a bright turquoise top and jeans. white color. This image is very light, delicate and feminine.

Do you want to look bold, bright and stand out from the crowd? Wear turquoise with bright yellow or mustard.

For several seasons, clothing models of this color appear in the collections of the most famous designers around the world. But it is very important to remember that turquoise has quite a lot of shades and each of them is in harmony with its own color, which looks best with it. It is also important not to forget about the compatibility of skin color, hair and your color type in general with darker and lighter shades.

What goes with turquoise more light colors? It will perfectly harmonize with such colors as pink and peach, carmine, yellow-golden, coral, gray, beige, burgundy, green, silver.

A brighter turquoise looks great in a range with lilac shades, lilac, light purple and other colors adjacent to them. Of the more catchy combinations - orange, ocher, red, which will add zest to the image due to contrast.

There is an opinion that white is best combined with turquoise. And we have to admit that this is true. Whether it is a combination of a top and a blouse and a skirt, dresses and shoes, they always look fresh, feminine and elegant.

You can accentuate the image with the help of shoes or accessories of this color. For example, choose a dress of one color, more calm, for example, gray or pink, beige or black, and choose turquoise shoes and a bag. Another option would be the selection of accessories of this color. Jewelry in turquoise or emerald colors will look chic on a black strict dress.

As you can see, there are a lot of colors that are combined with turquoise. Therefore, clothes of this color will be a profitable purchase for your wardrobe, especially summer period. You definitely don’t have to guess what the turquoise color is combined with, and you can always create bright and unique images with clothes of its shades.