A wedding in oriental style is a fairy tale in reality. Eastern fairy tale. Wedding in oriental style Wedding invitations in oriental style

On their most important day, newlyweds want everything to go perfectly. They try to bring a touch of originality and sophistication to the holiday. Wedding in oriental style will be an excellent option for creative and romantic people.

Hall decoration

Depending on what time of year the wedding is planned, the location is chosen. In summer, you can use a large tent located in the garden or near a pond. The tent itself can be decorated with oriental-style ornaments. This solution will look very original. During the cooler months, booking a banquet hall is a must. The decoration of the hall plays an important role in creating the atmosphere of celebration. But even in an ordinary restaurant you can use accessories to create the right decor, corresponding to the theme of the holiday.

The East loves bright colors. It is worth using more red shades and gold details at the wedding. Instead of chairs, you can put comfortable sofas and armchairs. You can hang carpets and complement the restaurant interior with pillows that have fancy patterns that match the oriental style. All colors of attributes used should be warm, bright shades. Add romance and mystery to the action by choosing aromatic incense that will set the mood for the right mood all guests of the evening.

You can see photos of themed wedding decorations in our selection:

The image of the newlyweds

The outfits for the bride and groom should well reflect the chosen oriental style. It won't be easy to get hold of traditional costumes. But you can also decorate ordinary ones with decorations. So, the bride’s dress should be embroidered with gold and complemented with patterns. It is better to choose models with closed shoulders and a loose fit. The color of the dress can be not only white, but also red or gold. Instead of a veil, you can use a scarf. When creating makeup, focus on the eyes, highlight them brightly and expressively. The groom too big choice. He may appear at a wedding in a beautiful, embroidered robe or in trousers and a shirt bright color. To complete the look, it is advisable to wear a turban on your head.

Especially for you we have prepared several photos from beautiful images Eastern newlyweds:

Dress code for guests

The clothing of guests at the wedding should correspond to oriental style. The newlyweds can notify them in advance about the dress code. It is also worth specifying in the invitation cards what colors guests should wear. Outfits made of silk and velvet would be appropriate. Women should choose not tight-fitting dresses, but dresses with a closed back, shoulders and neck. They can tie it on their head beautiful scarf or hijab.


To create a unique atmosphere of the East, decorations and suitable outfits are not enough. It is also necessary to take care of good entertainment program in a wedding theme.

Musical accompaniment

Throughout the wedding, musical compositions should be played, the selection of which should be carried out with special care. You can choose songs from famous oriental performers, the tune of which will suit the style of the celebration. It would be great if you invite a DJ or band to play music live.


A photographer will help you capture all the moments of the wedding. He will prepare a photo zone in an oriental style, which can also become a relaxing place. For example, a low sofa with a back, decorated with numerous bright fabrics with patterns and ornaments. You can install an arch with silk curtains above the sofa. Small pillows and fresh flowers are welcome. Photos against the backdrop of bright scenery will turn out excellent. And not only newlyweds can take pictures there, but also guests of the holiday.

Holiday program

The show program at a wedding should be well thought out. The host can offer the newlyweds his own scenario for the holiday or come up with one together. Eastern style implies the presence of music and dance. You can invite belly dancers. Tricks shown by sword swallowers or yoga would be appropriate. You will surprise everyone if you organize a master class on painting skin with henna for beautiful ladies, as they do in the East.

Important holiday details

It's the little things that make up the overall picture of the wedding. You need to think through various details:

  1. The newlyweds' cake should be made in oriental style. It can be decorated with unusual ornaments.
  2. There should be a lot of fruits and sweets on the table.
  3. Newlyweds can also make a wedding chest in a holiday theme. Decorate it with golden frescoes, patterns and silk. Guests can put their gifts or wishes-cards for the newlyweds in the chest.

Themed weddings are becoming more and more common and will be popular in 2017. A wedding in oriental style will be in an original way stand out from the crowd. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time not only by the newlyweds themselves, but also by the invited persons.

You can watch a beautiful wedding celebration in the theme of the East in this video:

Photo ideas

O great and mysterious East! How many travelers do you attract? After all, even those who have not been to your hot shores are trying to get there as quickly as possible. However, when it comes to a wedding, then the oriental style will help you find yourself in these beautiful and vibrant lands. Decorate your wedding in oriental style, and be sure that you will never regret it.

Where to start preparing for an oriental style wedding?

The beginning is always to invite your dear ones and any guests, among whom there will only be friends and relatives. In order for them to immediately understand the wedding style, they need to present wedding invitations in an original way. The East is associated with sand and the scorching sun, and the sun and sand have a yellow tint and even brown colors. So remember that your invitation letters should be in this stylistic vein.

Choosing costumes for an oriental wedding

Many outfits are suitable for an oriental-style wedding ceremony. However, the bride should be extremely careful not to overdo it with the flavor of the eastern lands. For such a wedding, the newly-made wife can choose a snow-white classic dress with curvaceous shapes and a decent length. However, regular readers of the wedding site www.. They will fully disclose the topic wedding evening, and also qualitatively emphasize the whiteness of your skin, which women of the East cannot boast of.

Men should decide on specific motives that they will pursue when opening their wardrobe. If they want to look stylish and sophisticated, then they choose a tuxedo, but if the theme of the east looks slightly ironic for them, then they choose the attire of sheikhs and other representatives of the vast east.

Decoration of a banquet hall in oriental style

In the final design of the wedding hall, since we have already touched on oriental theme, bright and saturated colors should prevail. Old-timers of the wedding site Svadebka.ws can confirm to you that the most suitable for an oriental wedding style are bright and burgundy shades. They are the ones who will convey the mystery and depth of the real East.

Wedding procession for an oriental wedding

In this case, if the wedding is still eastern, the main quality of any wedding car should be luxury. Modern people The East has always been and will always be loved by antique and expensive cars. Among other things, it should also be recalled that the main color of cars for the residents of this region has always been white. So in such cases at a wedding, such traditions will be more than useful.

The above-mentioned vehicles must be decorated in white and red shades. Remember that wedding processions in the East were quite small, since only the closest relatives and devoted friends were invited to a wedding in this region. But in the case of a large family and numerous loyal friends, you will have to hire even more luxury snow-white cars.

In the end, I would like to remind you that this holiday honors two people in love. And it is for this reason that everything should be just the way they want it. So, dear lovers of the East, go ahead and don’t be afraid to experiment.



    Using theatrical techniques and means of stage expression in theatrical productions. The main roles are distributed between the bride and groom, whose images are based on the chosen plot, the supporting roles are given to professional actors who, with their performance, create a unique playing space that involves all participants in the celebration and sets the main direction.

    The young couple, working closely with the actors, participates in all theatrical scenes and will mark the end with a tender kiss. All scenarios are developed based on both ancient Indian epics and other cultures
    and traditions of the world.


    Madhura Theater offers a ready-made plot based on the most famous and perhaps the most ancient Indian epic Ramayana - the story of the kidnapping of a young bride and her release by her lover from the captivity of an insidious villain.

    The bride is reincarnated as Princess Sita, personifying fidelity, love and purity, so beautiful that Ravana, the lord of evil, decides to kidnap her and imprison her in his monastery, for the sake of which the groom, the courageous hero-prince Rama, ready to perform any feat for the sake of his beloved, gives up everything and goes in search
    his bride.

    Thus, after going through many trials, he defeats the evil demon and frees his beloved from captivity.

    The story takes place in an interactive format with the participation of wedding party participants.

    It consists of a traditional wedding ceremony, at the end of which a program is organized based on the theater’s repertoire or, at the request of the customer, with the involvement of additional creative groups.

    The Madhura Theater invites you to hold a wedding in the most unusual and enriched with its ancient primordial customs culture of the world - in Ancient India, which will immerse all its participants in the colorful ancient Indian world, which is in the power of demigods - the patrons of the elements and natural phenomena, crafts and skills, feelings and talents , as well as the Creator himself. The spiritual wealth of the people of this country will add richness to your holiday and strengthen your bonds not only in this life, but also in the next seven births.

    Do you want your solemn wedding to take place in an unusual and memorable way, and for the guests to be not only satisfied, but also to share their impressions for a long time?


    Details of the scenario are discussed with clients in advance and can be changed at their request.

    The day before the ceremony (or earlier), we invite the bride and groom and their guests to take a trip to an Indian store where they can choose traditional wedding dresses, accessories and jewelry. On this day, in the evening after an early dinner, the bride will have traditional wedding henna designs - "mehendi" - applied to her hands and feet. This procedure lasts 1-2 hours.

    On your wedding day, after breakfast, our staff will help the bride and groom and their guests dress in their wedding attire. The bride will have special makeup applied.

    The wedding itself is usually held in the evening. In separate cars, the bride and groom and their guests arrive at the wedding venue.

    At this point, a small temple has already been prepared, specially built for the ceremony. It is covered with an awning, decorated at the corners with four palm trees and decorated with many fragrant flowers, mainly yellow color.

    Traditionally, at an Indian wedding, after the bride and groom receive their parents' blessing for marriage, a small but important ritual is performed called "gaye kholud" - a ritual in praise of the color yellow, which Indians associate with the color of the sun and serves as a symbol of fidelity. The Gaye Kholud ceremony is very reminiscent of the festival of colors, Holi, with the only difference being that there is only one color - yellow. First, everyone present paints their foreheads, and then sprinkles yellow powder on each other.

    After this, the groom stands on a flat stone and waits for several people to carry out the bride in a wooden palanquin - in a rich, usually bright red sari, with a lot of jewelry. The porters walk around the groom seven times, and then, stopping, ask the newlyweds to look into each other's eyes. This look is called “shubho drishti” - the very first look.

    The entire wedding procession moves to a small "vedi" temple, made of five bamboo sticks covered with colorful fabrics. In the center of it there is a fire, where the bride and groom, as a sacrifice to the gods, will throw for good luck all those elements that will accompany them in the future. life together, and which should be in abundance in the matrimonial home: grain, salt, sugar, butter, honey, milk, spices...

    The priest, saying a prayer and hearing the vows of the newlyweds, joins the hands of the newlyweds with a garland of flowers and pours milk on them.

    After which the groom applies red paint to the forehead and parting of his bride: now they are husband and wife. Only after this, the bride and groom will exchange rings, and everyone present will shower them with flower petals for blessing.

    One end of the bride's sari is then tied with the groom's sash, signifying their union and affection for each other. After which the young people circle the sacred fire 7 times. This ritual will forever seal their bonds.

    Then everyone goes to celebrate in a room called "bozargan", where a whole performance is staged with dances and songs. During the concert and entertainment program, relatives and guests of the newlyweds give their gifts.


    All elements of the wedding are stylized according to ancient Indian culture. Specialists knowledgeable about all the intricacies and rules of holding an Indian wedding ceremony will be invited to conduct the rites and wedding ceremony.



    The wedding venue and external decoration are selected in accordance with this style - recognized as the most enriched and saturated in color palette and richness (brightness) of colors in the world. The interior may include
    yourself with decorative sculptures of demigods, symbolizing happiness, success, wealth and family well-being. Decorating with fabric will set the overall color, determine the main colors and shades that will be used in the future, and create the main background on which the entire subsequent panorama will be built. Decorating with flowers will bring gentle sophistication to the composition, create a feeling of celebration, emphasize the color and harmoniously complement it. As a wedding procession, a palanquin is made, hung with various garlands of flowers, necklaces and colorful patterns. The bride and groom are taken to the place on a palanquin
    holding the ceremony.



    Musical accompaniment - a festive atmosphere. It emphasizes every change of mood and complements every feeling. At a traditional Indian wedding, the atmosphere of celebration is created by professional musical groups, representing the harmonious harmony of various instruments - flute, sitar, harmonium, mridanga, karatal, etc. They ideally combine the events taking place and the overall color of the wedding, spiritualizing it.



    Indian brides pay special attention to their wedding attire. Mostly it is a red sari, but sometimes a wedding sari can be green. The main difference between a regular and a festive saree is the design. The bride's outfit should be richly decorated with golden threads. In addition, the saris are decorated with bead embroidery, rhinestones, borders, gold embroidery, and ornaments. This wedding sari can be placed on a par with works of art. The bride’s wedding jewelry also occupies a special place here. Bracelets for arms and legs, massive earrings, rings on all fingers, pendants and many other jewelry. In addition, the bride’s hands on both sides are decorated with henna tattoos. Indian girls get married barefoot. But during the celebration they wear “chappals” - comfortable shoes with a minimum of fastenings. Groom's clothes - dhoti - robe white embroidered with gold, he is belted with a fiery sash, his head is decorated with a bright turban (turban). Guests should be dressed brightly and festively - ask them to avoid black and white tones in clothes, let them surround the young people like bright flowers.



    Madhura Theater offers to include traditional Indian sweets prepared according to ancient oriental recipes in your banquet menu, which will enrich your holiday table and replace the standard dessert menu. You can also order other traditional Indian dishes from us.



    Saturday is the most common day for celebrations. But according to astrologers, it is the least successful. After all, this day is patronized by Saturn - the planet of self-denial and self-restraint. Spouses who marry under the “blessing” of this planet must be prepared for complete dedication. If the newlyweds are not ready for such mutual concessions, the stars happy marriage do not guarantee. Reschedule the wedding for another day.

    But not on Tuesday and Thursday! Their patrons Mars and Jupiter can bring a young family a lot of quarrels and misunderstandings, scandals and even betrayals.

    Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. In principle, this day is favorable for a wedding. But only for those people who are guided in their actions by the arguments of reason, and relationships in a couple are subject to calculation. If you are emotional and burning strong feelings, then over time Mercury will cool down and bring disappointment to the marriage.

    Monday is the day of the moon. The most mysterious planet establishes a subtle emotional connection between spouses. But, unfortunately, it is as unstable as the lunar path on the surface of the water is unstable.

    Friday and Sunday - perfect days marriage. All astrologers are unanimous in this. Friday is patronized by Venus - the planet of harmony and peace, and also the friend of all lovers. Sunday is under the control of the Sun. This means that any deed done on this day will bring joy.

    If you and your future husband love the East, then try stylizing your wedding in this style. Moreover, by East we mean Japan, India and colorful Morocco. So there is a huge scope for imagination. The main thing is that there will be no problems with the choice of dishes :) And here are some delicious ideas for the wedding.

    Chinese balls, umbrellas, fans, tents, paper cranes for outdoor decoration.

    In the countries of the East, as elsewhere in the world, marriage is one of the most important events
    in family life. For thousands of years the idea has been asserted here that there is no higher debt than debt
    Throughout the history of the cultural development of China, Japan and Korea, all rituals of life
    cycle were subject to minor changes. After the Second World War these
    rituals were seriously modernized, but none of them experienced such profound changes
    like a wedding ritual. With the beginning of the process of Westernization of the East, most wedding
    ceremonies began to be carried out according to European traditions: the bride puts on her wedding dress
    a dress (it can be not only white, but also other colors) and a veil, and the groom - a tuxedo
    or a beautiful wedding suit. As a result traditional wedding has become rare, although
    some of its elements have become part of the modern wedding ritual.
    However, in the last decade there has been a tendency to return to traditional wedding
    ritual in China, Japan and Korea. Some newlyweds prefer to spend
    wedding ceremony according to ancient customs that have existed for centuries, experiencing the feeling
    national identity and pride.
    Based on this, it seems relevant to conduct a comparative analysis of traditional
    wedding ritual in China, Japan and Korea.
    Thus, the purpose of our cross-cultural research is to determine
    example of a traditional wedding ceremony the degree of influence of Chinese culture on culture
    Japan and Korea.

    The cult of preds had a huge influence on the wedding rituals of China, Japan and Korea.
    kov, the principle of respect for elders, reverence for the father.
    In China, the purpose of marriage was to ensure the well-being of the deceased, so during the wedding
    During the ritual, the fathers of the spouses made reports to their ancestors in the temple at the house. Cult of pred-
    Kov demanded that sacrifices to the dead be performed jointly by husband and wife. And in
    China, and in Korea by marriage young man were more interested in him
    parents who, on the one hand, were responsible to their ancestors, and on the other, cared
    about his own posthumous bliss.
    In Japan, ancestors were also required to be notified of an upcoming marriage.
    In all countries, newlyweds bowed to their parents, especially the groom's parents,
    since after the wedding the bride remained in her husband's house. Respect and honor for parents was considered
    the key to a happy family life.

    The wedding ceremony was preceded by matchmaking, it was almost the same in these
    countries. The ritual included consultations between families and, necessarily, the fortuneteller’s permission to
    marriage: he had to do this based on the dates of birth of the bride and groom (taken into account
    not only the day, but even the hour of their birth). In the event that the fortuneteller's conclusion
    was negative, the wedding might not take place.
    When permission for the wedding was given and the date was set, the departure ceremony was performed
    gifts to the bride's house. In China, the most important gift was silk, which was delivered by the youngest
    son or younger brother. When he was received at the bride's house with a letter from the groom's father,
    the gift was placed on a plate and taken to the temple of ancestors and a prayer was performed.
    In Japan, monetary gifts were exchanged between the groom and the bride.
    the bride to the groom in the presence of parents and intermediaries. The special envoy presented the bride
    several bottles of sake, silk. There was also a certain way of packaging such wedding

    The appearance of Korean and Japanese brides was almost completely borrowed
    from China: the face was thickly covered with whitewash and blush was applied, and a “cloud” hairstyle was done.
    Great importance was attached to the bride's face: it should not particularly express the bride's feelings.
    However, the bride's outfit had some differences: in China, the bride's clothing was short
    a red robe and a red or green dress; in Japan - pure white kimono
    colors, and in Korea the bride wore a red silk skirt and jacket olive color and purple
    During a wedding ceremony in China, the bride moved to her husband's house in a special
    red palanquin, which the groom sent for her. She was accompanied by a wedding procession.
    About halfway through the journey, the ceremony of “handing over” the bride to the groom’s people took place, after
    why the bride's people returned home. Upon arrival, the bride and groom walked to the family altar
    and made four bows to the ground: to the spirits of Heaven and Earth, to the Sun and Moon, to the sovereign,
    the elements of water and earth and, finally, the ancestors of the groom. Then the bride and groom bowed to each other.
    The ritual of worship of Heaven and Earth was considered an official notification of the marriage.
    In Japan, weddings took place in a temple. At the beginning of the ceremony, a purification ceremony was performed,
    then the bride and groom accepted cups of sake from each other, drinking three from each
    pharynx. After the exchange ritual wedding rings the bride and groom brought gifts to the deity
    temple. The ceremony ended with an oath of fidelity to her husband and family, solemnly pronounced
    the bride in the presence of relatives.

    In Korea wedding ceremony could be performed both in the bride's house and in the groom's house.
    On the wedding day, the groom handed the bride's parents a wooden duck, wrapped, except
    with his head in a red scarf. The wild duck was considered a symbol of marital fidelity, and the red
    the color of the scarf is a sign of joy. After this, the bride and groom approached the established place
    courtyard of the house to a high table on which the traditionally prescribed treats and
    objects that had symbolic meaning: rice wine, fruits, candles, blue and red threads,
    roast chicken or duck. The groom stood to the east of the table, and the bride to the west. After
    At this point, the young people exchanged bows and presented each other with a glass of rice wine,
    tied with red thread. At the end of the ritual, the newlyweds bowed to their parents and guests.
    Thus, Japan and Korea borrowed some elements of wedding rituals
    from China, but the wedding ceremony itself in these countries was carried out according to certain
    rules and traditions that expressed the inherent characteristics of each culture distinctive features And
    National character.

    A wedding celebration in one color or dedicated to a favorite theme has become in demand among modern young people. A wedding in oriental style is perfect for lovers of oriental cuisine and connoisseurs of the best traditions of the East.

    Wedding organization

    Holding a wedding event in oriental style is not an easy task. After all, the wedding theme should take into account Eastern customs and rules; must be observed in the outfits of the newlyweds, decorating the festive hall and other subtleties of organizing the celebration.

    Before giving preference to an oriental wedding, future spouses should seriously consider the issue of the cultural traditions of a particular Eastern country. A professional organizer should outline the main customs of the eastern peoples, which should be emphasized when preparing for the holiday. Carefully consider the dishes that will be offered to guests at festive table. The wedding menu at an eastern wedding should take into account the peculiarities of the cultural and religious life of eastern peoples.

    To develop a scenario for a wedding celebration, you should contact a professional host, and a wedding decorator should take on the full organization and decoration of an oriental wedding. The musical accompaniment must correspond to the theme of the event, so you should hire professional musicians whose repertoire includes musical compositions in the oriental style. Professional dancers should be invited to perform a fiery belly dance and create a vibrant dance mood for the newlyweds and invited guests.

    To hold a wedding celebration, you should give preference to a restaurant with Oriental cuisine, the premises of which are also decorated in Oriental style. This will help reduce expenses on themed decoration. wedding hall. In addition, the chef of such a restaurant establishment knows the traditions and customs of Eastern peoples regarding ready-made dishes and acceptable products. IN summer period year, an eastern wedding can be held outdoors.

    Ideas for decorating wedding tents are numerous. This can be one large tent that will accommodate all the invited guests, or you can make several open tents. The main thing is to decorate everything in bright saturated colors of red, blue, purple palette. Hang large multi-colored lanterns at the top, place a lot of colored ribbons and bright fresh flowers. Place stylish candlesticks on the tables.

    Images of newlyweds and guests

    Compliance eastern traditions when choosing a bride's outfit, it will allow the girl to look chic and unsurpassed. A deep red dress or a snow-white outfit with red embroidery, blue dress with gold embroidery or completely gilded - in any wedding dress the bride will look amazing. The main thing is that such an outfit is not very tight and open. Preference should be given to a slightly loose cut dress. The bride's image should be complemented with massive jewelry. To create the ideal image of an oriental bride, you should pay attention to makeup:

    – highlight the eyes using a pencil or black eyeliner;

    Foundation or the powder should not contain glitter;

    – eye shadows are selected in lilac-blue or blue-black tones;

    – lips are emphasized with red lipstick, bright or dark;

    – hands can be painted with oriental patterns.

    The man can wear a traditional suit, but to maintain the oriental style, the groom should wear a traditional white outfit. The newlywed's costume should be richly embroidered with gold thread, and his fingers should be big amount precious rings. To complete the image of an oriental man, the groom should wear a turban decorated with gold embroidery, stones and rhinestones.

    The bride and groom in oriental attire will look elegant and rich, and the photos from the holiday will turn out bright, lively, and impressive. Invited guests should be notified in advance about the wedding style so that they have time to choose the appropriate outfit. Light, flowing long dresses made of silk or chiffon, embroidered with embroidery, will look beautiful on women. Men may prefer classic pants, a long tunic and a bright vest on top. Women's outfits should not be too revealing or revealing. Women's hair covered with a shawl, the man should wear a hat.

    Ideas for an oriental wedding

    You can have a wedding in oriental style in several variations. Considering that “The East is a delicate matter,” the theme of the wedding celebration will depend on the country that the newlyweds like best. Indian, Japanese, or Arabic wedding - the choice is up to the young people. For an Indian wedding, images of Buddha, many flowers, saris made of velvet and silk fabrics, and elephant figurines are suitable.

    A Japanese or Chinese themed wedding party would not be complete without bright fans, flowers and paper figurines, large paper lanterns, dragon figurines, and kimono-style satin or silk dresses.

    On arab wedding Hookahs with different smoking mixtures and an endless variety of oriental sweets should be placed in the guests’ relaxation areas.

    An eastern wedding, regardless of the country, will be remembered for its bright colors and diverse traditions. A video selection will help you choose the country in whose style the wedding will be decorated.