Beautiful table setting at home. Proper table setting: photo. Boho decor

Serving a festive table is not just preparing it for a gala dinner or a dinner party.

This is, first of all, the creation of a certain mood, in which the final result is influenced by the tablecloth, and the selected appliances, and napkins, and dishes.

Of course, there are some rules of etiquette, the observance of which is strictly mandatory. But the decisive factor is the taste and creativity, which ultimately determine the aesthetics of the served table.

Table decoration

Serving a festive table is the basis for any holiday and creating a festive mood for guests. Compliance with the rules of serving is necessary for any celebration. Beautiful table setting is the key to the success of the entire celebration. Over the years, a huge number of formulas and rules have been deduced, which must be followed when decorating a table. Hastily arranged plates and glasses, cutlery, appropriate only for certain occasions - this is the wrong approach. You need to know a lot of nuances, thanks to which you can bring your event to the highest level.

First of all, the theme of the holiday is taken into account. Children's or adult birthdays, weddings, romantic dinners or just gatherings with friends - any occasion requires a clear thought of the future table. To make dinner unforgettable, just delicious food will not be enough. It is necessary to dress up the hall in which the event is held, decorate the table and convey festive mood to your guests. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, since a table cluttered with dishes and decorations can cause a completely opposite impression, show the hostess's lack of taste. The main goal is to create a positive impression on the guests both about the holiday and about the hostess herself.

Classics - white plates and transparent glass goblets. They are versatile and harmoniously fit for any serving.

If this is a formal or business dinner, then it is worth stopping at a neutral, rather restrained style. If only relatives or friends are among the invitees, then the serving can be made less formal and free by using decorative elements. At the same time, the elements of decor and table setting should not only be combined with each other, but organically fit into the overall interior of the room.

Therefore, first you should decide on the style of the festive table. First, you need to clearly know what dishes will be on the table. From this fact it will be possible to build on the choice of tablecloths and napkins. After that, decor elements are chosen, such as napkin holders, flower vases, and so on.

Serving rules

There is a certain algorithm of actions when decorating a festive table:

  1. Tablecloth. Naturally, first you need to wash and iron it so that there is not the slightest hint of spots and folds. Snow-white tablecloths look great - this is a classic option. Now more and more often they use several canvases of contrasting colors at once, they can be bright, or they can be pastel. Metallic fabric is in fashion.
  2. Arranging plates at such a distance from each other that guests can sit comfortably and not hurt their neighbors.
  3. Disposition of cutlery. How many of them should be - directly depends on the dishes offered and the number of guests. It is not necessary to lay out a complete set of cutlery. For example, fish can be eaten without a special knife and fork.
  4. Arrangement of glassware - glasses, wine glasses and vases. Each of them is a decoration of the table and is very functional. It is very important that these devices are polished to a shine, without streaks.
  5. After the above steps, the turn of napkins comes. It is best to arrange them in special rings, put them on holders, or fold them individually for each guest. Both cloth and paper napkins are allowed.
  6. Spices must necessarily have the correct location on the table, because everyone has their own taste and, perhaps, guests will want to make up for the lack of pepper, salt or vinegar in the served dish. Spices should be placed in several places on the table so that everyone can easily get them.
  7. The last thing to put on the table is snacks.

Advice! Vases with flowers (low) will be a lovely decoration for a dinner, both family and business.


Plates often set the tone for the entire table, so their choice is approached very responsibly. A formal reception requires the purchase of new tableware. There are special rules according to which plates should be placed on the table:

  1. The edge of the table is the best place for a plate, it is worth stepping back 2-5 centimeters from it (a distance of two fingers)
  2. For a particularly solemn event or business presentation, it is customary to use “double plates”, laying a napkin between them to prevent the dishes from slipping
  3. Near the main one you can put a plate for pies. The distance between them should be no more than 5-12 cm
  4. You need to set the plates clearly on the same line. This applies to both basic and pie.

You need to arrange the plates, immediately considering that the place will be needed for salad bowls, vases and appliances.


During a typical lunch, each of us uses a minimum of cutlery, laying them out in random order. But celebratory event requires a special layout and a certain number of forks and knives. When serving, the knife must be placed with the blade to the plate and with right side. Knives, as a rule, use several, so their location at the plate is very important. The closest should be a table knife, and the farthest - for snacks, between them put a knife for fish. The spoon turns upside down and lies between the knives. The fork is placed on the left side of the plate. The sequence of laying out the forks is the same as that of the knives: canteen, fish and diner. They are placed upside down at a distance of half a centimeter from the plate.

Dessert utensils may also be required. Put them in front of the plate in the following order: knife, fork and spoon.

Properly laid out cutlery on the festive table is a very important point.


Glassware plays a practical and decorative role. The shape of the glasses can be assessed by some guests as convenient, while others will simply find it impossible to hold them in their hands. Such dishes also need to be able to properly arrange:

  1. glasses for juice and mineral water are placed to the right of the plate or in front of it in the center;
  2. fruit drink and kvass drink are consumed from a mug, the handle of which must be turned to the right;
  3. alcoholic beverages are usually drunk from a glass or a shot glass, depending on the type. Maintain a distance of approximately 1 cm between glassware.

As mentioned earlier, all glassware must be polished to a shine.

Glasses of colored glass on the "autumn" table

Use of napkins for the festive table

Snow-white, brightly decorated napkins will add special solemnity to the table. You can make some kind of figure out of them or just fold it four times. You can choose napkins as the same color as the tablecloth, or contrasting with it. It is very good when napkins not only match the color of the tablecloth, but also combine with its texture. Now you can buy special sets of kitchen textiles, which include everything you need to set the table in the right style.

Usually a starched napkin is placed on top of a plate or to the right of it. Cloth napkins are designed for decorative purposes, they do not blot the mouth. For this there are paper.

Is it worth keeping the table setting in one color?

Holiday tables made in one color scheme are becoming more and more popular. Very often lately you can hear: “What color will your wedding be?” or "I'm having a raspberry birthday!"

The color of the holiday should be chosen, first of all, from your own preferences. Guests are guests, but you are the hosts of the holiday, and the choice of decoration color is one of the ways to express your “I” or convey your mood.

… And why not match the color of the serving to the tone of your eyes?

Serving in one scale is perfect for romantic dinner. As a rule, it will not work to set the table in one, “pure” color. But the use of several shades - always by the way. Red napkins, glasses and candles will perfectly support the duet with a snow-white tablecloth and the same plates.

It will be interesting to look at the table in nautical style. It is perfect for a home dinner and gatherings with friends in nature. In addition, much for this option is done by hand, for example, napkin holders with intricate shells.

Serving a festive table on the street

The absolute lucky ones are those who have the opportunity to organize their own celebration in the fresh air. This can be done in your own yard, in the country or on a rented plot. Describe the benefits of such a holiday does not make sense. After all, this is fresh air, and stunning landscapes for photographs, and a diverse potential for organizing festive leisure.

You can serve a table on the street in shades of green - under natural colors nature, or, conversely, use the techniques of contrast. Both the first and second options will leave a lasting impression on your guests!

A blue linen tablecloth and napkins in the design of the festive table are suitable for a celebration in the summer garden

In addition, table setting "in nature" does not require special embellishment - all the beauties, as they say, are around. It uses either domestic style or the contrast of nature and the "artificiality" of complex decorative techniques. Each event is considered individually, and the choice of dishes and other attributes of the festive table is also considered.

Table decor with lanterns with candles and tablecloths with a Chevron pattern has not gone out of fashion for many seasons in a row.

Festive table for a child's holiday

A children's holiday is a theme in which the flight of fantasy never stops. Children love to imagine, so you can connect the hero of the occasion to the preparation of the holiday. First you need to decide on the topic - here the child will also tell you. After all, you need to do what he likes. Ask him what cartoon or fairy tale he likes now, and then there should be no problems with design. At this point, professional animators distinguish three types of topics children's holiday:

  1. Themes of cartoons, books and films. It can be both classic "Kolobok", "Little Red Riding Hood", and modern "Smeshariki", "Minions" and other popular cartoons.
  2. Themes of interesting professions. Here every child will be able to feel what he wants to become: a fireman or an astronaut, a singer or a cowboy.
  3. historical themes. This is the design and setting of the children's table under the theme of pirates, knights, princesses or other characters.

Regardless of the theme of the holiday, you need to clearly maintain the color scheme of the table - no more than 2-3 colors. It is very fashionable now to expose a candy bar with sweets for guests. It can be arranged away from the main table on a coffee table or chest of drawers. It will also need to provide for the correct design, which does not run counter to the rest of the decor. You can set two tables - for children and adults, so as not to interfere with each other.

For a children's party, you will also need cutlery, plates, glasses for drinks with straws, shelves for sweets, vases for sweets, a cake stand, dishes and trays for desserts and snacks. It’s not worth overloading the table too much, first you can offer the little guests to taste the main course and salads, and only after that let them eat plenty of sweets. You can change dishes while the kids are busy playing.

Advice! It is very convenient to use disposable bright dishes during a children's holiday. It does not need to be washed, and children will not be able to break it. In addition, the choice of themed dinnerware sets for children's events is huge.

Every holiday, even at home, can be raised to the proper level. To do this, you need to know the basic nuances of serving, observing which guests will be satisfied with a great evening spent and the excellent taste of the hostess.

You need to beautifully set not only the dining table on the occasion of the arrival of guests, but also for the family. Even the kitchen and coffee tables deserve special treatment. Here are a few tips to help keep your set table simple and stylish. The main secret lies in the combination of texture, color and accessories.

1. Porcelain and glass

You don't have to spend a fortune on plates or glasses to have an elegant table. If properly decorated, it will look like a million. First of all, you need to pay attention to porcelain and glass.

We start with porcelain. On the table there should be a small plate, a salad plate, a bowl.
Use a stand plate. It is large enough and perfectly frames the dishes, outlining its boundaries. You can use a special rug, which, if desired, can be made with your own hands from decorative paper. Simple wreaths and even leaves will do.

Grouping glasses. If you put more than one glass on the table, then only this trick will already give the table a stylish and elegant look. Glasses should be grouped, there should be glasses for wine and glasses for water.
Cutlery can be connected with a ribbon or twine. In addition, they can be beautifully wrapped in a napkin.

2. Tablecloths

Tablecloths can completely change the mood, immediately creating a festive mood. Now there is a huge selection of all kinds of tablecloths, napkins, paths, which must certainly be different color, textures and patterns, it is desirable that they are all combined with each other. In addition, there should be themed sets that are suitable for certain holidays.

table track- a tablecloth in the form of a narrow strip passing through the entire table. This is one of the most modern ways decorate the table, especially if there is no desire to hide a beautiful wooden or glass table top completely under the fabric. These tracks are universal. They can be easily laid out on top of a regular tablecloth along the table, you can put them across and designate places for guests.
tablecloths must be on the festive table, especially if you want to emphasize the theme or color scheme of the set table.

Napkins. There is no need to abandon tissue napkins in favor of disposable ones. They are an integral part of the table design. If you really don’t feel like doing their laundry after the holiday, then you should take a closer look at paper ones in a banquet style.
Placemat for cutlery determines the place for each guest. They can be not only rectangular, but also square (give a modern look), and round (break the angularity of the table).

3. Central composition

On the festive table, there must certainly be a central composition that will decorate it. It will add volume and unite the entire table, but you need to remember that it should be low and narrow.
The main rule is that at least 35 cm should remain on each side for a person and his cutlery. Therefore, we subtract at least 70 cm from the width of the table, the rest of the space can be used for composition. For desktop composition we use flowers, candlesticks, twigs, pebbles.

Of course, no one requires you to comply with all the rules of diplomatic feasts - however, a little trick will help make even an ordinary family breakfast a real holiday.

Everyday serving

Do you think that in ordinary life you can not bother, and all the difficulties are better left for the holidays or the arrivals of relatives? Psychologists are sure that you are wrong: not only the appearance of the table depends on the serving of the dish, but also your mood and taste perception. They are echoed by nutritionists: do you want to lose weight? Take the time to prepare your meals!

Such a serving differs from a solemn one in a smaller number of devices and decorative details and more lenient requirements.

The diagram clearly shows the difference - if for a banquet you must provide for the presence of all the dishes that your guests may need, then for a home-cooked dinner, it will be enough to limit yourself to the most necessary: that you will definitely use.

Let's try to take a closer look, shall we?

The first thing you should take into service from restaurant practice is a mandatory the presence of stand plates. Do not think that this is an overkill - they will prevent crumbs and drops from getting on the tablecloth, so they will save you a lot of time. Agree, it’s faster to rinse a couple of porcelain items than trying to remove stains from borscht?

By the way: It is better not to try to replace the tablecloth with oilcloth - on the one hand, it is easier and more economical. On the other hand, do you want to create beautiful table who will cheer you up with one of his own appearance?Even a simple checkered fabric looks stylish and neat. We recommend choosing it for the overall interior of the kitchen or dining room in order to achieve visual harmony.

If you are serving a first course, such as soup or broth, you will need special cup or deep plate for each. They must be placed on the table immediately, on the coaster, and then pour the food directly at the table. Of course, in the family circle, this rule can be neglected. However, experience tells us that it is much easier to walk around with a saucepan and a ladle than it is to try to carefully carry a few hot dishes.

Already under it you need to put a plate for the main course and side dish.

If your family has accepted hearty lunches two or three courses with dessert take care of cutlery: they must be laid out for everyone in advance so that later you don’t run after a forgotten fork.

There is a universal rule: dishes for the first course are placed from the outer edge, for the last - closer to the plate. So you will not only follow the traditions of serving, but also save your family from the painful choice - which spoon is the soup, and which is the cake?

Nuance: Although, in fact, dessert forks are served for sweets. Excluding mousses, soufflés and jellies.

Not sure what to put on the table? Refer to the following diagram - it will help you figure it out. The purpose of the cutlery is clearly shown on it, so you should not have any difficulties.

However, it is important not only to choose the right plates and cutlery.

An example of a beautiful serving can be seen in this photo.

It would seem nothing special. However the overall color scheme and a couple of accessories turn an ordinary meal into a small one. family celebration . Agree, this is not difficult to do. It is enough just to get rid of the old dishes and show a little artistic taste.

For breakfast and lunch, the rules remain the same. You just need to remove the excess (for example, tureens) and focus on what you plan to serve to the table.

But what to do if you are expecting guests for the holiday? On the one hand, I don’t want to waste time on banquet serving according to all the rules. On the other hand, you need to add solemnity and emphasize the special atmosphere. Let's take a closer look at a few examples.

Friends came to the child?

Children's activities are always a concern for parents. It is necessary to take care not only about tasty and varied food, but also to think about safety- It is unlikely that a five-year-old baby should be trusted with thin porcelain cups. This is fraught with at least the loss of your favorite service, as a maximum - a visit to the emergency room.

Table setting doesn't have to be too complicated.- if you want the perfect holiday for your son or daughter, listen to our recommendations.

  1. 1. If space allows, set a separate table for the guys- so they feel like adults.
  2. 2. Try maintain the design in a single range or choose a theme: marine, jungle, favorite movie or cartoon ...
  3. 3. Best friend children - disposable tableware . No need to think that we offer you white plastic cups and plates familiar to everyone from picnics! In stores you can find many interesting devices: made of durable plastic or waterproof cardboard, painted with various subjects or unusual shape… Undoubtedly, everyone will like such dishes, and there is no risk of breaking them.
  4. 4. An abundance of salad bowls, a difficult choice between different cutlery ... Are you sure that a child needs this? Much better to submit many a la buffet a la carte snacks. They are both more convenient and more fun.

A good example is in this photo. Bright favorite toys as decor, unbreakable snacks and many small “snacks”.

Do you want a more rigorous option?

Use the same principles, but keep the design in a single color scheme.

If you like, you can find many videos that explain in detail how to make this or that kind of decor for a children's holiday table.

Do you have a holiday?

Of course, here you have to follow completely different recommendations. However, maybe your guests will appreciate plastic dishes with winnie the pooh? You better know.

If you want a simple, classic birthday or anniversary table setting, follow these tips:

1. First of all pay attention to the tablecloth. It can be either plain or painted - it depends on your taste. The main thing to remember (we hope this is already obvious) is no stains or bruises! They ruin the whole look.

2. Carefully consider the menu to choose the necessary dishes or cutlery. Otherwise, you will have to panic looking for a cake spatula or another salad spoon - agree, not the best pastime on your own holiday?

3. If you have invited many guests, you will have to duplicate salads and appetizers - it is inconvenient to reach for them across the entire table. That's why make sure you have enough of the same utensils: salad bowls, dishes, baskets for fruits and sweets. Inconsistency will completely destroy the beautiful serving of the festive feast.

By the way: It is better to make sure that all the invitees come and you are not in for surprises in the form of someone's brother or wife. The number of appliances must exactly match the number of guests.

4. When arranging dishes, refer to the recommendations in the first section: first a serving plate, then a container for the main dish and, if necessary, a broth maker.

5. Knives and spoons should lie to the right of the plate, forks to the left.

By the way: If you know that one of your guests is left-handed, consider this when seating. The person will be touched by attention, and it will be convenient for everyone to eat.

6. Glasses and glasses are placed in the upper right corner. Make sure that the containers are suitable for the drinks offered. This may seem like a prejudice, but for champagne you really need tall and narrow glasses, and, for example, for cognac, rounded wide ones - this helps to open up the taste.

7. Don't forget napkins. In addition to disposable ones, wardrobe ones must be present. Put one under the plates, one more - on top or on the side, under the cutlery. By the way, choose them to match the tablecloth or prefer contrasting ones - in addition to the utilitarian purpose, napkins can also be a decoration.

Modern trends in table setting for a holiday are noticeably different from those that were adopted twenty years ago - now there are much fewer conventions. Of course, one should not completely deviate from the classic rules of etiquette. They are not only beautiful, but also very comfortable. But to make a pleasant unexpected variety - why not?

For example, you might like beautiful serving fruit table - unusual, but very effective.

Carving is a carving method that turns an ordinary snack into an amazing masterpiece.

Such compositions will appeal to both children and adults. Choose a design that will fit into the interior and style of the table - flower vases or bouquets will suit someone, and even a dragon or a castle will be appropriate somewhere.

Another interesting idea that can help out great at celebrating an anniversary at home is name cards on plates. Who among us is not familiar with the problem of seating a large number of guests? Solve it by ordering unusual napkins with names (two in one will never go out of style) or by installing cardboard postcards. Guests will appreciate such attention and no confusion will arise.

  • There should be no broken or cracked dishes on the table. It's not only Bad sign You don't want someone to cut themselves, do you?
  • Maintain a common style - in no case do not use objects that do not match each other, they break the harmony.
  • Once again, we strongly recommend that you make sure that everything is enough before the guests arrive.

We liked holiday serving table at home in this photo - all recommendations are followed here. In addition to the seasoned style, harmony and the use of the necessary utensils, the owner left cards with wishes for the guests - agree, an unexpected but pleasant bonus?

It's the little things like that that turn an ordinary dinner with friends into a real treat. More decorating tips can be found here.

An important nuance of seating

When planning a home banquet in honor of any holiday, many people forget one moment that can completely spoil the pleasure - how much space does one person need at the table?

We think that everyone has come across an invitation to visit, from where you rather want to escape - the neighbors are clamped on both sides, it is inconvenient to wield a fork and it remains to look sadly at a salad or a cut that is impossible to reach.

To prevent your friends from being in a similar situation, use the following schemes.

For round table such a calculation would be relevant. It will make everyone feel comfortable. Of course, it is necessary to make adjustments for the size of the chairs and the radius of the tabletop.

However, remember that ideally a person should have at least 70 centimeters.

This rule is also true for square or rectangular tables. True, such schemes should not be considered an indisputable truth - nevertheless, a child will need less space than an adult.

We hope these tips will help you set the table properly for any suitable situation - as you can see, it's not difficult at all!

Table setting implies the correct arrangement of dishes, appliances and its decoration. Its design directly depends on the target area, it can be an ordinary feast, a solemn event or a business lunch. But some rules must be observed in any event.

Naturally, in order to arrange a real celebration, you need a large cozy hall where you can accommodate all the invited guests, and you should also take care of beautiful dishes, tablecloths, cutlery and a variety of festive dishes. Near each plate are knives, forks, spoons, glasses and glasses. As a rule, all devices are usually divided into individual and auxiliary. The latter are used to take food from common dishes, they include spoons, forks, tongs, scoops and more. With auxiliary forks and spoons, they place food from a common dish on their plate, while the spoon is in right hand, and the fork in the left. Sauces and hot soups are placed in ladles very carefully, so as not to drip onto the tablecloth. If this nevertheless happened, you can, without attracting everyone's attention, blot the soiled place with a napkin.

Traditional design implies a certain order of arrangement of dishes on the table. First, porcelain or faience products are placed, cutlery is laid, and then glasses, glasses, glass and crystal products.

A photo of the table setting is presented below:

Fabric and paper napkins are of considerable importance when decorating. Fabrics can harmoniously complement the overall design, they look elegant and elegant. According to etiquette, guests put them on their knees so as not to stain their clothes. Paper napkins wipe lips and hands during or after a meal.

Table setting for a birthday and a lot of photos

Name day is one of the most favorite holidays for both adults and children, so the table setting for a birthday should be elegant, original and even bright.

A large role in the design is given to tablecloths. It can be plain white or vice versa, colorful. And lace patterns on it will give the table a solemn look. In order to prevent the appearance of stains, an oilcloth is placed on top of the tablecloth.

Table setting for a birthday is not complete without tableware such as wicker fruit baskets, crystal vases for sweets and salads, china plates and elegant glasses.

It is very important to think over the number of invited guests in advance, so that there are enough devices for everyone present in order to avoid embarrassing situations.

A vase of flowers is placed near the birthday boy, but in such a way that it does not interfere and does not block the view. Fruit baskets are placed on both sides of the table, it is desirable that they be the same.

After that, several coasters with bread and sandwiches are placed at the same distance from one another and drinks. As for the plates, there is a generally accepted rule - to put them half a meter apart from each other, and from the edge of the table they should be one centimeter. The use of disparate cups and plates for a special occasion is considered bad form, so it is best to take dishes from the service, because they are not only beautiful, but also the same.

It is arranged as follows: first, shallow plates are placed for the second, larger ones are placed on them for first courses, and on top are the smallest ones, serving for snacks.

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The arrangement of cutlery has its own peculiarities: a fork is placed on the left, and a spoon and a table knife are placed on the right, and the spoon and fork should lie with the concave side up. Paper napkins are laid out on the left side. Glasses, glasses and glasses are arranged in descending order from left to right, starting with the largest capacity.

It is customary to start the holiday with cold dishes: salads, appetizers, sandwiches, then hot and dessert are served. Hot usually consists of the first and second. The hostess must definitely check the presence of a spoon in each salad bowl so that it is convenient for guests to put it on.

For children, the festive table is served in the same way as for adults, but now many parents prefer to use plastic dishes in order to prevent possible injuries and breakage of expensive sets. In addition, today plastic glasses and plates delight with their bright and original appearance, which makes it possible to make a children's table elegant and colorful.

As you know, children have a big sweet tooth, so you should pay attention to Special attention sweets: cakes, cookies, sweets, ice cream, which should be served in beautiful vases and other desserts. Fruit can be unusually cut and spread out.

Juices, compotes, fruit drinks, tea or coffee are suitable as drinks for children. And of course, the main attribute of the celebration will be a beautiful birthday cake.

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Do-it-yourself festive table setting

Each hostess, preparing for any solemn event, tries to decorate the festive table as best as possible. But, before covering, it is worth considering in what style it will be decorated.

First of all, the choice depends on the design and colors of dishes and tablecloths, and it is much easier to choose a tablecloth for dishes than dishes for a tablecloth. If the home arsenal has a service made of delicate, exquisite crystal, a snow-white tablecloth and starched, perfectly white napkins will perfectly match with it. Bouquets of flowers in crystal vases will be a wonderful decoration. It is much easier to choose a canvas for porcelain dishes, because any combinations and accessories will look good on it.

The festive table setting will become more refined if you add an additional zest to it in the form of colored or plain napkins folded into various figures. Most importantly, the tablecloth, dishes and napkins should be combined with each other.

A plain tablecloth is very practical, on which you can place dishes of any color. To give a more solemn look, it is decorated with a silk ribbon. If there is an elegant coffee service on the table, a tablecloth and napkins with lace will be an excellent addition to it.

Paper napkins folded in a special way will help complete the look. Due to the wide variety of these products, they can be easily matched to any event, whether it is a wedding, New Year, Valentine's Day and other holidays. Special holders, which are now included in the set of services, will help to fix the napkins.

Candles and candlesticks on the festive table create a special unique atmosphere in the room and decorate the event. These attributes will be appropriate at any celebration, the main thing is not to replace lighting with them, since the festive table should be well lit. The color of candles should be chosen in a single color scheme with napkins or tablecloths, dishes or glasses.

The New Year and Christmas table will convey the whole atmosphere of the holiday if you decorate it with white or red candles in candlesticks with spruce branches. You can arrange them in flower arrangement or between bouquets, or screwed to flower holders so that the candles rise above the bouquets. You can see a photo of what such a table setting looks like here.

Table setting for the holiday can be complemented by all sorts of things and objects, for example, silk ribbons that match the tone of the dishes. They make up patterns, or skip from bouquets to cutlery, thereby creating smooth lines and rings.

Various silver figurines are also not uncommon on a modern ceremonial table. And finally, flowers serve as an indispensable element of serving. Properly decorated and arranged bouquets help cheer up, create coziness in the room where the holiday takes place, and also add a touch of charm and charm to the table setting.

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Home table setting

As a rule, home table setting falls on weekends, when the family has the opportunity to gather at the dinner table in full force. For such an occasion, delicious dishes are prepared, loved by family members, leisurely conversations are held, the time at such a dinner passes very pleasantly and sincerely.

A well laid, beautifully decorated table teaches children how to properly use cutlery, promotes a good appetite, and gives pleasure to the household who are behind it.

Table setting for breakfast

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Aesthetic table setting for breakfast cheers up the whole day, but it also has its own characteristics. First, plates for snacks are placed, and then cups or glasses on saucers. The handle of the cup and the spoon on the saucer should be on the right side so that they are easy to use. Eggs boiled "soft-boiled" or "in a bag" are served in a special stand on a long leg, which is placed on a plate for snacks along with an egg spoon (it is better to use a plastic device for this, since a metal spoon will acquire bad smell). Porridge is poured into a deep plate, which is also placed on the diner. Hot drinks: tea, coffee, cocoa are poured into cups from a teapot or coffee pot, which are placed in the middle of the table or on the side, so that they can be easily taken out. Pastries and sandwiches are laid out on a wide dish, butter, a plate with honey, jam or jam, a sugar bowl and a salt shaker are also placed on the table.

A small set of several napkins and a heater for a teapot (coffee pot) will decorate the table and create coziness. This set must be made in the same style from the same material. Classic option It is considered a set of products in a cage that will suit any kitchen interior. Very practical and inexpensive to use paper napkins, which are placed under the appliance or on a plate of bread. It is useful to involve older children in setting the home table, and gradually they will learn this interesting, simple duty.

Table setting for dinner

Table setting for dinner requires compliance with several rules. Usually, it is customary to serve cold and hot dishes for lunch, and dessert at the end of the meal. Such serving will require the presence of several devices (spoons and forks) for laying out food into individual plates from common dishes. Snack plates are served for each member of the family, along with a fork and knife. A snack knife is used for butter.

First courses (hot soups) are served in bouillon cups and deep bowls. Both of them are put on the table in a special substitution plate in order to make it easier to clean these dishes and then so that the table and tablecloth do not heat up. Tablespoons are served with broths and soups, and knives and forks for meat.

The main dishes are laid out in small, pre-served plates. If this is a fish dish, the table is served with a fork and a spatula knife, which separates the fish fillet from the bones. Cutlets, meatballs, zrazy, omelettes, casseroles and similar dishes are divided into pieces with a fork. Dessert is served at the end of a meal, when all used dishes after the first and second meals are removed.

Table setting for dinner

Table setting for dinner is similar to lunch setting, with the only difference being that there are no hot appliances. A casserole, pancakes, pancakes, or a sweet pie are prepared for the evening meal.

Dessert plates are preliminarily placed on the table, dessert forks are laid out to the left of them, and dessert knives are laid out to the right. Cups for hot drinks are placed to the right of the plate, or closer to the center of the table.

A very useful acquisition for the kitchen will be a utility table, which perfectly helps out the hostess while eating. Additional plates, cups, cutlery and other items that may be required for meals are placed on it.

Table setting at home is painstaking, but at the same time pleasant and interesting activity which will bring a lot of pleasure and benefit to the whole family.

Of course, the beauty and originality of the design depend on the imagination and diligence of the hostess. In this case, it is important to take into account a lot: the choice of dishes and cutlery, the color of the tablecloth, napkins, as well as the correct location of all items and decorative elements. But besides this, there are generally accepted and long-established rules for table setting, they must be taken into account when designing it.

One of the main requirements is the presence of a spotlessly clean and ironed tablecloth. Its ends should evenly hang from all sides of the table by about 30 cm, and the corners should cover its legs.

When arranging the dishes, you need to start with the plates, cleanly washed, wiped with a towel and polished to a shine with a napkin. Snack plates are located opposite each chair and at a distance of about 2 cm from the edge of the table. A pie plate is placed to the left of the snack bar. Only the necessary appliances should be on the table, you should not overload it with extra dishes, firstly, it spoils general form, and secondly, it creates certain inconveniences for guests.

To make it easier to seat a large number of guests, you can pre-make cards with the names of all those present and place them near the glasses.

The distance between the chairs should be approximately 50 cm, this will ensure a comfortable pastime at the table.

Despite all the complexity that seems at first glance, do-it-yourself table setting will be successful if you put maximum effort and patience into this work, show ingenuity and imagination as much as possible, and, of course, bring a piece of your soul into it. Then any event will be held with a bang and will be appreciated.

Original and beautiful table setting is, first of all, a guarantee of an excellent holding of any celebration, good mood and an excellent atmosphere of celebration and general fun.

Serving the festive table, first of all, consists of properly arranged items for the meal: plates, cutlery, glasses, as well as original decor on the table, which set the right "tone" for the whole holiday.

The setting of the festive table depends on the most solemn event and its nature, according to which you can choose decorations for decoration and decoration, as well as additional elements.

Exquisite table setting at home involves, for starters, a competent selection of tablecloths, which can be in classic white or in another specific color that matches the theme of the holiday - red, green, turquoise, blue, brown.

Dishes with unusual ornaments, drawings and other decor look especially original, which should be in harmony with the general decor of the table for the holiday.

Special attention should be paid to napkins - paper or fabric, beautiful decoration which plays an important role in serving the festive table. You can view interesting ideas on how to arrange napkins for a festive table in the photos selected by us in the review below.

In addition to the most important and necessary elements, serving a festive table requires picking stylish jewelry and decor that will transform any festive table, giving it a mysterious and magical atmosphere of the best and unforgettable celebration.

We offer you the most interesting ideas festive table setting: beautiful festive table setting at home, photo options of which are presented in the selection below.

Beautiful festive table setting: the main stages of serving

Festive table setting, as a rule, always begins with the selection of a tablecloth, which is one of the most important elements in serving.

A win-win option is a tablecloth white color, which you can always beat in the most different variations and styles for any celebration and event, choosing original color decorative elements in a specific color.

The tablecloth looks very stylish in a rich dark color- dark blue or dark brown, bright turquoise or luxurious red tablecloth, with which the festive table setting will become exquisitely beautiful.

The next step in serving is the choice of plates, which must certainly be in the same style and from the same set, otherwise it is a bad tone. Plates are arranged from the substitution at the very bottom, then deep for the first courses.

For salads and snacks, additional plates are allowed, which are placed on the table to the side of the main plates.

Festive table setting also provides for the correct arrangement of glasses, glasses and glasses - from the largest in size to the smallest, located from right to left.

The necessary cutlery for the meal is arranged as follows: the knife and spoon should lie to the right of the plate, and the fork to the left. Additional devices in the form of dessert forks and spoons are placed in front of the main plates.

Festive table setting provides for the arrangement of plates on the table at a distance of half a meter from each other, and a centimeter from the edge of the table.

Beautiful festive table setting: original decorative elements

Beautiful festive table setting is not complete without original napkins, which can be folded stylishly and perfectly decorate the festive table with them. You can pick up fabric napkins or paper napkins in an unusual color for the celebration.

Festive table setting includes beautifully folded napkins in various ways, which can rightfully be considered a work of art. You can create various figures from paper napkins, fold them beautifully and tie them with a ribbon, or simply put a napkin under a plate or in a glass.

Among the wide variety of decor, take a look at the exquisite and original rings for napkins, without which a beautiful festive table setting at home will not do.

Lighted candles, exquisite natural flowers, decorative balls, cones, twigs and many other decorations, without which a festive table setting is unthinkable, will help to give greater comfort in decorating a festive table.

The decor for the festive table looks especially harmonious in the rustic style, which provides for a variety of different decorations for the festive table.

A special respect and a sign of attention for the guests will be a cute gift in the form of a box with sweets, which can be put on each plate, with which the festive table setting will become even more original.

Beautiful festive table setting: photos, ideas on how to decorate a festive table with your own hands

We are offering to you best photos ideas on the topic: Beautiful festive table setting with your own hands, which can be found in more detail further ...