If you were given a towel, what should you do? Why is giving a towel considered bad luck? Is it possible to give a towel without the negative meaning?

Today it has become fashionable to give each other towels: on a birthday, wedding, March 8 or February 23, someone will certainly receive a towel for the kitchen or bath as a gift. After all, this gift is not only pleasant, but also practical - it will always come in handy in everyday life.

However, this tradition arose relatively recently; our ancestors believed that presenting a towel as a gift was a bad omen. This was most often explained by the fact that a towel is a funeral attribute.

It turns out that in ancient times a towel was given to guests who came to say goodbye to the deceased, so it was not presented as a gift to loved ones, as they believed that it would lead to separation. By the way, the gate was tied with a towel after the deceased was taken out of the yard; they kept an eye on him, since witches could take him for their magical purposes. When relatives returned from the cemetery, they wiped their hands before the funeral meal. Then it was given to those in need; it could no longer cause harm.

Superstitious people still ask the question: Do they give a towel to loved ones, because such a gift can cause harm? The answer is clear, of course, it is given, but certain manipulations must be carried out with it.

Wedding towel

If you are invited to a wedding and want to give a bath towel to the newlyweds, then be sure to choose a pair for him or buy a set that will include a large one, a medium one, and one for the hands. They need to be purchased only on even numbers, preferably on Sunday - this is the most favorable day, but on others it is also acceptable. When you bring it home, be sure to read the “Our Father” over it and let it lie near the icon for three days. The purchase is cleaned and ready for donation.

Towel for baby

Today it is customary to give towels to children for their birthdays or christenings. In this case, you need to sprinkle the towel with holy water and put a pin on it to secure the effect. Be sure to warn parents about this. Before using a towel for its intended purpose, it must be washed to remove any negativity that may have remained in it while lying on a store shelf or touching other people when looking at it or purchasing it.

Kitchen towel

Probably, there are few women who did not receive a kitchen towel as a gift on March 8th. He must be “introduced” to the work room by waving him in all four corners of the room. Then it needs to be washed and dried over a fire, as if to harden it.

Birthday towel

A great gift that the birthday boy will definitely love. However, it should be hung for a day in a dry and ventilated place, ideally a balcony or in the courtyard of a house, so that all the bad things can be carried away with the breeze. You can then wrap it and give it as a gift.

Towel from spouse

They believe that spouses should not give a towel to each other, otherwise there will be a scandal. But if, after all, someone decides to give such a gift to their soulmate, then let the recipient “buy” it by giving a little money for the gift.

Buying towels by day of the week

There is a belief that depending on the day of the week when the towel was purchased, it can make adjustments in the life of the person who receives it as a gift.

Monday– financial stability and monetary profit.

Tuesday– peace and comfort.

Wednesday- joy and surprise.

Thursday– development of mental abilities.

Friday– romantic adventures, flirting.

Saturday– increased performance.

Sunday– love and mutual understanding.

By purchasing a towel on a certain day, the donor not only makes a practical gift, but also wishes the person a lot of pleasures, but you just need to use it every day.

Can a gift be soft, fluffy, cozy and at the same time practical? Yes, if this gift is !

According to statistics, a towel is one of the most frequently used items in the house. A family of 4 on average needs 16 - 20 towels per week!

Here is an approximate schedule:

  • face towels (each) – 4 pcs;
  • bath towel, i.e. for the body (each) - 4 pcs;
  • hand towels in the bathrooms (each person can have their own or share them. Shared towels should be changed every 2-3 days) – 3-4 pcs;
  • kitchen towels (usually 2 towels, changed after 1-2 days) – 6-8 pcs;
  • towel (mat) for feet (can be either shared or individual. Shared towels are also changed every 2-3 days) – 3-4 pcs.

And these are only the most necessary, but there are also towels used in certain situations or for a holiday:

  • ritual: wedding, baptism, funeral;
  • beach ( big size, so that you can lie down, thin, so that it is not heavy to carry and easy to wash);
  • for the pool (these are microfiber towels, synthetic, but with excellent absorbency);
  • for sports (not thick, so that it can be easily washed, preferably made of cotton)
  • for a bath (to lie on it or wrap yourself up).

Photo source: luxury-textile.ru

Giving towels is an ancient tradition, because not a single important event in a person’s life - birth, baptism, weddings, funerals - took place without a towel. They gave towels - towels made by hand from homespun canvas. Embroidered patterns symbolized health, fertility, wealth, protection - depending on the occasion for which the towel was given.

The girls prepared wedding towels in advance along with the dowry, and after marriage they kept it in new family as a talisman. During the wedding, the hands of the bride and groom were tied with a towel as a sign of union; wedding loaf. An embroidered towel was placed at the entrance to the house, which promised the young couple happiness in family life.

They gave a towel with a special ornament. A newborn was received on it, then the cradle was hung from the evil eye. For the child's baptism, the godmother gave a towel of her own making.

On modern factory-made towels, the design has no symbolic meaning, it is simply decoration.

Is it possible to give towels for a birthday?


The towel can be given as a main gift or as an additional gift.

If this is a primary gift, a kitchen towel or small hand towel is usually in order. Big, beautiful, fluffy - this is exactly what will please the birthday boy. Bright or delicate colors - it all depends on your taste. Often people cannot afford to buy expensive luxury towels, and birthday - perfect occasion pamper them.

If a towel is given as an addition, then it can be simpler and more modest, but it should still be beautiful and pleasant. Ideally, the towel will match the main gift - in color, style, purpose.

Children are not always happy with such practical birthday gifts and are unlikely to appreciate high cost or pay attention to a special type of fiber weaving. If you still want to give your child a towel for his birthday, then let it depict your favorite cartoon characters, animals, or a towel with a toy.

What holidays can you give towels for?

  • New Year. Towels with the symbol of the coming year or with a New Year theme will delight relatives, friends, and colleagues;
  • March 8 . Delicate, beautiful towels with a floral print or a set of brightly colored kitchen towels will not leave mothers, grandmothers, mothers-in-law, and girlfriends indifferent;
  • . Large sets of bath or kitchen towels different sizes will always come in handy in a new home;
  • Wedding. For weddings they give special towels with symbolic patterns, promising happiness and prosperity to the newlyweds, paired sets of towels with delicate embroidery or towels with images and inscriptions on a wedding theme. The names of the newlyweds or a special design can be ordered in an atelier or sewing workshop;
  • . The towel will be an appropriate gift not only for chintz wedding, but also for any anniversary;
  • Birth of a baby. A large soft towel made of natural material that will not cause allergies or irritation. sensitive skin baby;
  • . Here, too, you can’t do without a towel, which is called kryzhma. During the ceremony, the godmother wraps the child after the font and keeps it in it until the end of the ceremony. As a rule, a cross is embroidered on the kryzhma;
  • As from another city, country or some event (for example, a towel from the Spanish park of Port Aventura, a towel from the Olympics, a towel from France with an image of the Eiffel Tower).

Knowing the interests and hobbies of a person, choosing a suitable towel for him will not be difficult.

Is it possible to give a towel to a man?


All men use towels, but not everyone will be happy with such a gift. And not because it bad gift, they just have different interests and values.

Men are given towels for sports, for baths and saunas, as well as themed ones - with the logo of their favorite sports team, with the image of an expensive car, with a humorous inscription or an erotic picture. If a girl wants to add emotion to this gift, then you can order a towel with your photo.

How to give towels? id="8c1ac875">


If you really want to please with your gift, to make something pleasant, then you should consider some points:

  • Give a towel in a package. Beautiful packaging will increase the value of the gift and create festive mood;
  • Give a towel so that its color matches the interior of the bathroom or kitchen. For many housewives this is of great importance;
  • Don’t give towels that are too thin; they quickly become wet, so it’s unpleasant to dry yourself with them;
  • If possible, it is better to ask what sizes of towels this family prefers. Some people like to wrap themselves in a huge towel, while others quickly dry their entire body with a small one;
  • Do not give towels with patterns in contrasting colors. Such products are difficult to wash; they cannot be placed with either light or dark underwear. In addition, when washed, the towel may fade;
  • Don't give towels from big amount lace, rhinestones, ruffles. They, of course, look richer, but are not very convenient to use;
  • You should not give cheap towels, they quickly lose their brightness and color, can stain the skin or other things, do not absorb water well, and can even emit unpleasant odors.

Is it possible to give towels: signs


Towels have long lost their symbolic meaning, so there is no need to fear the negative impact of a gift on the recipient or giver. However, some people believe in superstitions and may be upset when receiving such a gift. If your birthday person is one of them, then you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. ask the birthday person for a coin so that the gift turns into a purchase, and the bad omen will lose its power;
  2. air the purchased towel in the open air so that all the bad things go away with the wind;
  3. According to legend, the day of the week on which the gift was purchased matters.
  • Monday – to material profit;
  • Tuesday – to peace of mind;
  • Wednesday - a pleasant surprise;
  • Thursday – to intellectual development;
  • Friday - for romantic events;
  • Saturday - a surge of energy and efficiency;
  • Sunday – to harmony and love.

To give or not to give a towel is a personal matter for everyone. It is important to do this with love and from pure heart, then no signs or superstitions will prevent you from receiving joy from a really good gift.

Even in the age of the triumph of science and technology, superstitions and signs have still not been completely eradicated from people’s consciousness. Many are still sincerely indignant after spilling salt and meeting a black cat on their way. In the same way, there is a sign regarding giving towels for the holidays. Therefore, is it any wonder that many people wonder why they shouldn’t give a towel as a gift.

The roots of superstition

Superstitions, like many other gifts, have not ignored towels. It is believed that such a gift promises only trouble. So what is this connected with, and do they give towels as gifts? You can get answers to all these questions by taking an excursion into history. Even in ancient times in Rus', a towel was used in rituals, namely funerals and weddings. Even relatively recently, in the mid-twentieth century, a towel was hung out the window if death had visited the house. After taking the deceased out of the house, the doors were not closed, but tied with a towel. In addition, the coffin itself was lowered into the ground on towels, and after the funeral they were cut into pieces and distributed to participants in the mourning ceremony in memory of the deceased.

Nowadays, a towel is also used during funerals: pallbearers must wrap a towel around their hand, as it is believed that misfortune awaits them otherwise. It is unknown how true this sign is, but not everyone dares to argue with old superstitions. This sheds light on the question of why a towel should not be given as a gift.

Use during wedding

In ancient times, wedding rituals were also not complete without towels. They were tied over the shoulder in the same way as the ribbon of an honorary witness is now tied. The wedding towel was carried out on an embroidered towel and placed in front of the entrance to the house. The young people had to step on it so that a happy life awaited them ahead.

So why can't you give towels? The sign forbids!

What does popular belief say?

According to the sign, accepting a towel as a gift means accepting illness and quarrels. Another superstition connects this object with the road and promises separation.

If you come across a superstitious person or you find out about the “danger” of a gift too late, when it has already been purchased and packaged, you can present it in exchange for a nominal fee: a few coins will relieve discomfort from both the giver and the recipient. After all, no one forbids us to buy anything.

So, we found out why the sign prohibits giving a towel.

What else is undesirable to give?

A towel is far from the only thing that some people do not want to receive as a gift due to their superstition. If you carefully study this issue, you can find many more items that are not recommended for use as gifts.

In the same way, many negatively perceive knives, watches, perfume, handkerchiefs, pearls, combs, photographs, slippers, mirrors... The list goes on and on. In this regard, a completely reasonable question arises: “Is there anything that can be given?” But this is a separate topic.

Despite the sinister history of using towels, there are situations when the question of why one should not give a towel as a gift should not arise, since in these cases it is permitted.

When can you give a towel?

There are 2 specific cases When it would be quite appropriate to present such a gift: wedding and baptism.

Since, as you already know, a towel was widely used in Rus', it is not forbidden to give it as a gift on this occasion. The sign no longer applies here, and such a gift is considered a tribute to tradition.

Such a gift can also be given at baptism, since after immersing the child in the font, he must be wrapped in a new towel.

Is it necessary?

Even if you yourself have never thought about the question of why you shouldn’t give a towel, it’s better not to take risks, and if you think that a person might be wary of such a gift or refuse it altogether, you don’t need to give a towel. It's not about the gift itself, but about the mood of the recipient. No one wants to spoil the emotional mood with their gift. Presents should bring joy, not frustration. This will be the main answer to the question of why you can’t give a towel.

If the recipient is not superstitious, then he will willingly accept such a necessary and always in demand item. However, otherwise, he will blame you for all his future failures, even if the gift has absolutely nothing to do with it, and this is most likely the case.

The superstition about giving a towel and its consequences has been known for many centuries. People watched the fate of a person after he was given this souvenir.

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A towel can bring both positive and negative events to life. It depends on the material the towel is made from and the recipient of the gift. The mood of the donor, as well as the celebration in honor of which the gift was presented, are also important. The day you purchase and receive the towel also plays a role.

    The history of superstition

    The belief that giving a towel as a gift is a bad omen appeared many centuries ago. Now it does not have such a relevant meaning. Beautiful textile product It is customary to give as a gift for a birthday, March 8, or New Year.

  1. 1. Unlike in ancient times, in modern world a towel is often given as a gift and does not cause any disturbance in the person. This is due to the fact that now there is a huge selection of beautiful terry, waffle and other towels. Once upon a time, towels were embroidered by hand. They were an integral attribute of such holidays as the birth of a baby, christening, and wedding.
  2. 2. Earlier, in order to express your love and tender feelings for young man, the girl always embroidered a towel for the man. The same gift was presented to the mother of the future groom in order to demonstrate her abilities and skills. However, it was inappropriate to give such gifts during a leap year.
  3. 3. Many peoples also have negative associations associated with towels. The towel symbolized tears, melancholy, sadness, partings and troubles. First of all, this is due to the fact that the towel was an invariable attribute of the funeral. It was hung on the street as a sign that there was a deceased person in the house. It was necessarily tied on the wrist of those who carried the coffin with the deceased. The towel was hung on the cross, which is part of the funeral rite. It is for these reasons that in the old days people refused to accept a towel as a gift.
  4. 4. It was considered a particularly unfavorable sign to give a towel to a beloved man. From time immemorial it was believed that this meant the death of his close relative.

    What kind of towel can be given as a gift?

    To ensure that a harmless textile product does not cause tears for the person receiving this gift, it is necessary to follow some recommendations when choosing a gift. First of all, you should not opt ​​for a white towel, without any patterns or designs. Buying a towel as a gift would also be a bad idea. dark shades. As for the material from which the gift is made, it should be a terry or waffle towel. It is not allowed to give a linen towel as a gift. The gift must be packed.

    To neutralize the negative impact of a gift, it should not be given, but purchased. To do this, you can give the person giving the towel a coin of any denomination. You need to take a present right hand, mentally saying a prayer.

    What day of the week should I buy a gift?

    It has long been noted that the day on which a gift in the form of a towel was purchased is important. This can radically change a person's destiny.

    A modern view of the towel sign

    In the modern world, a towel does not cause unpleasant associations associated with funeral and other rites. On the contrary, it is a symbol of pleasant events in a person’s life.

    So, a towel called “kryzhma” godmother buys for a baptism ceremony. A wedding ceremony for young people is not complete without an embroidered towel, which they must step on together. On wedding anniversaries, it is customary to give bath sets of two items.

    Not every girl can embroider beautifully. But a textile product purchased in a store for your loved one is unlikely to cause tears and separation. This way you can show your care and love, as well as give a useful gift.

    Ceremonial event Ways to remove negative impacts
    WeddingBath towels should always be purchased on even numbers. You can buy two towels, or a set of a large, medium and hand towel for each of the newlyweds. This must be done on Sunday. At home, you should read “Our Father” over the gift and place the cloth near the icon. After 3 days, the gift can be given to the couple
    Child's birthday, christeningBefore giving this gift to your baby, you need to sprinkle it with holy water and pin it with a pin. You definitely need to warn your parents about this! Before using the towel, it must be washed. This will help neutralize negative energy, which could remain on a textile product while lying on a shelf in a store or after being examined by other people
    March 8After a woman has received a beautiful waffle towel as a gift, she needs to wave it in all corners of the kitchen. The textile is then washed and dried over a fire.
    Adult's birthdayBefore presenting the birthday person with a beautiful large towel, it should be hung in the sun in a well-ventilated place. The wind will help carry away all negative energy
    For a loved oneThere is a belief that a towel given to a spouse will cause a big family scandal. This can be avoided by giving a small “ransom” in the form of a metal coin of any denomination for the gift.

There are many folk signs, attributed to gifts magical power, which can be either positive or negative. It can be difficult for an “unsavvy” person to understand the array of superstitions, legends and prejudices. For example, the question arises: is it possible to give a towel?

Why not? The thing is very practical, useful in everyday life, can become a good and a universal gift. But according to the signs, a towel is an undesirable gift, the gift of which entails quarrels, disagreements and long separations. How did an ordinary, soft and fluffy bath towel deserve such disgrace? After all, it is difficult to imagine that it would have strong energy or caused negative emotions.

Rituals and traditions

In principle, the answer lies on the surface; you just have to remember that many peoples use a towel in funeral rites. For example, they hang it by the window if there is a dead person in the house. Also, after removing the body of the deceased, the doors are not locked, but tied with a towel. It is not surprising that people then doubt the appropriateness of giving them, given their ceremonial role in ritual events. The towel symbolized the road to the afterlife, which is probably why this textile product became associated with separation. In Rus', special towels were given to guests arriving at the funeral; they served as a kind of gift containing a piece of the soul of a deceased person.

Old Russian towels were ritual objects, but such a role is absolutely unsuitable for their modern counterparts. After all, ritual items were decorated with skillful embroidery, full of secret symbolism and deep sacred meaning. Each family clan had its own native symbols. Such creations of home needlewomen were not given as gifts and they even tried not to show them to strangers. An echo of these long-standing traditions is the sign prohibiting giving a towel.

But for an objective perception and completeness of information, it is worth remembering that these products were necessarily present in happy events.

An experienced midwife received a newborn baby on a towel, which family members used to wipe their hands. On the towel, generous hosts traditionally offered bread and salt to their dear guests. They were used to decorate the “red corners” in which family icons hung. When getting married, the newlyweds stood in front of the lectern (a high table with an inclined upper plane, used as a stand for icons or books) on a special towel. The bride and groom were always given snow-white towels.


When people think about whether it is worth presenting a towel (because it is associated in their minds with sad attributes), for some reason they completely forget the fact that this terry, waffle, cotton or linen product is an irreplaceable thing for such joyful events as , wedding and baptism. Yes, and different times have come. Many people give each other towels and consider them a pleasant and heartfelt gift.