Registration of marriage with a foreigner in Russia. How to properly register a marriage with a foreigner in Russia Marriage in the Russian Federation with a foreign citizen

Marriage is an official ceremony that is held to register the desire of two people to build a future together. In most cases, marriage registration is carried out between people of the same nationality, but there are exceptions.

There are no borders for love, and excellent transport links between countries contribute to the emergence of relationships between people of different nations and even religions. Today, marrying a foreigner is by no means considered a rarity and is becoming more and more common in the modern world.

Marriage registration between residents of the same country is carried out according to a clearly established procedure. First, people submit documents, fill out forms and pay state fees, and a month later they are officially signed. In this case, the marriage can take place with or without a solemn ceremony. Future newlyweds choose the nature of their wedding themselves.

Marriage with a foreigner in Russia follows a similar procedure, with the exception of some nuances that can be quite significant. In our country, marriage registration is carried out in accordance with the Family Code based on the norms of current legislation. Therefore, in order to legitimize relations with foreign citizens, it is necessary to submit a special document stating that the ceremony will take place in accordance with the laws and traditions that are accepted in his native state. In addition, the following rules must be observed:

Fulfilling these requirements makes it possible to marry a foreigner in Russia at the official level. At the same time, the list of required documents may vary depending on the procedures, laws, traditions and religion of the foreign spouse’s native state. can be downloaded here.

List of required documents for marriage registration and their execution

Today, marriages between Russians and citizens of other countries do not surprise anyone. At the same time, to legalize them one has to go through a rather long path, consisting of many bureaucratic conventions and nuances. One of them is documents for marriage with a foreigner, which must be submitted to the civil registration authority. They look like this:

The absence of at least one of these documents makes marriage impossible.

Moreover, all certificates, certificates and other papers must contain a translation into Russian, which is certified by a notary and marked with an apostille.

Citizens of former Soviet republics can submit documents without a special mark.

The main reasons for refusal to conduct a marriage ceremony and their characteristics

The collected and completed package of documents is submitted to the registry office at least a month before the planned wedding. However, it is better to submit it two months ahead of schedule. This precaution is due to the fact that in the process of reviewing the documentation, additional questions may arise that require time to clarify. Often, when processing it, registry offices issue a negative verdict and do not allow marriages with foreigners.
The reasons for obtaining such decisions can be varied:

  • the foreign groom is legally married, which was registered in his home country;
  • close or distant relationship between the spouses;
  • officially confirmed incapacity of one of the spouses;
  • the age of one of the spouses does not meet the necessary requirements for marriage;
  • the groom is from a country where polygamy is legalized (if a Russian woman is the first wife, then registration of marriage with a foreigner is allowed);
  • violation of the rights of a foreign groom as part of the registration of a marriage union.

Important! Registration of marriages within the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with current legislation. However, the foreign groom does not obey him, since he is a citizen of another state, which has its own legal norms and requirements. At the same time, compliance with his legal rights is a prerequisite for registering a marriage.

Registration of marriage with a citizen of a foreign country is possible only if all traditions and national characteristics that are inherent in his mentality are observed. To coordinate all issues and clarify the nuances, before submitting documents to the registration authority, you need to contact the embassy of the state from which the future husband comes. Its representatives will be happy to explain all the features of the ceremony and draw up detailed instructions for its implementation.

Where to register a marriage: dividing foreigners into categories and applying to the registry office

Registering a marriage with a foreigner in Russia is quite difficult. This is not only about preparing an extensive package of documents and agreeing on a large number of national issues. The place where the marriage is registered plays a huge role, since not every registry office has the right to take on such responsibility.
In addition, a marriage with a foreigner must be concluded with the direct participation of the embassy of the country of which he is a representative. Based on this, the best solution is to hold a wedding in Moscow, since it is in the capital that most foreign diplomatic missions are located.

Certain rules apply to persons with a different citizenship. Depending on the foreigner’s homeland, he falls into one of two categories:

  • Category 1 - for citizens from former Soviet republics that are now part of the CIS;
  • Category 2 - for all other foreign citizens, including residents of the Baltic states.

Persons belonging to the first category have the right to register a marriage in any registry office in our country. For other citizens who are included in the second subgroup, there is only one option - registration in the central wedding palace No. 4, located on Butyrskaya Street. All other institutions cannot legalize such marriages because they do not have the legal authority to conduct the ceremony.

We also invite you to read as much as possible.

Another option for a wedding is to contact the diplomatic mission of the groom’s home country. In this case, the ritual is carried out in full accordance with its orders and laws.

In addition, to legalize such a marriage in our country, it is necessary to obtain a marriage permit with a foreigner, which is issued by authorized organizations after a thorough double-check of all documents.

Legal basis of family life: Family Code and conclusion of a marriage contract

At the end of the ceremony, the marriage is considered registered. From this moment, a completely new life begins, implying the fulfillment of certain responsibilities and the presence of specific rights. The legislation of the Russian Federation has a clear definition that best characterizes the legal framework of spouses.

Important! The rights and obligations of persons entering into marriage are regulated by the legislative framework of the state within which the spouses plan to reside.

If the Russian Federation is chosen as the country for further residence, then the married couple is subject to Russian legislation. Moreover, such norms are relevant to all residents of the country, even those with foreign citizenship and temporarily residing on its territory.

Divorce with a foreigner is carried out according to the standard procedure specified in the Family Code of the Russian Federation. According to it, there are 2 types of division of property that was acquired through joint efforts. They look like this:

  • the contractual type is established subject to the actual existence of a marriage contract concluded between the spouses and certified by a notary (it also officially describes all legal aspects of family life and the responsibilities of each spouse);
  • the joint type is registered in the absence of any additional documents (in this case, all acquired property is common).

When a child appears in a family, he is considered a citizen of the state in which he was born or based on an agreement between his parents. As a result, a little person may be Russian on his mother’s side, a foreigner on his father’s side, or have dual citizenship of both spouses. If a marriage with a foreigner is divorced, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the child remains in the care of the mother.

The optimal option for protecting your rights and guaranteeing clear regulation of responsibilities is the conclusion of a full-fledged marriage contract. Its registration makes it possible to determine the rights in advance, discuss all controversial issues and resolve related issues that may subsequently provoke the termination of the marriage relationship. It acquires particular importance when the relationship is fictitious, implying the imminent dissolution of the marriage.

22.09.17 41 562 0

Personal experience

Two years ago I married a Mongolian citizen.

Now we are applying for a residence permit, the next step is Russian citizenship. I'll tell you what it's like to be married to a foreigner in Russia.

Victor Sikirin

married to a foreigner

My wife and I often come across a stereotype of Mongolia as a country of the former USSR, but this is not true: Mongolia was never in the Soviet Union. The official language in the country is Mongolian, Russian is taught as a second foreign language along with English. In 2014, Russia and Mongolia abolished the visa regime, and now a Mongolian or Mongolian woman only needs to apply for a visa to Russia if they want to stay here longer than three months.

How do we live?

In 2009, my wife came to Russia to study. We met 6 years ago, have been married for 2 years and live in Voronezh.

My wife's short name is Mugi. For 7 years in Russia, Muga’s passport was never checked. She takes Mongolian documents with translation only when she goes to the hospital or to some official.

We live in a rented apartment and have moved a couple of times. Many owners are scared by the need to register Mugi in an apartment, so it was more difficult for us to rent an apartment than for an ordinary family.

On the street, in the crowd, in shopping centers, we attract attention: people look at us, but we have never encountered open hostility; on the contrary, everyone supports us. People are as surprised as possible by the unexpected union. Those who are older love to remember how our peoples were friends in Soviet times. Many had relatives working in Mongolia.

We are often asked: “Are there airplanes in Mongolia?” (there are), “What about apples?” (no), “Do you live in yurts?” (no), “Do you have any cities?” (There is). We talk about Mongolia as much as we can.


Marriage does not change the citizenship of the spouses. I remained a citizen of Russia, and Mugi remained a citizen of Mongolia. To obtain Russian citizenship, she needs to obtain a temporary residence permit, then a residence permit - and only after that can she receive a Russian passport. If you do everything quickly, then from the first visa to citizenship it will take 3 years.

Marriage visa

There is no special visa for the bride or groom in Russia - which is a pity. Such a document would make life easier for lovers.

A foreigner can enter the Russian Federation for marriage only in the usual manner: visa-free or visa-free, depending on diplomatic agreements between countries.

Russia and Mongolia have a visa-free regime for 30 days, but no more than 90 days within one half-year. This means that you have to leave the country every 30 days. You can move back in immediately, but you can only do this a total of three times. Then you will have to take a break for 3 months.

Marriage does not give a foreigner the right to stay in Russia

Marriage does not give a foreigner the right to stay in Russia. If your stay in Russia has ended, you need to leave. To come again, you will have to apply for another visa.

I issued a visa invitation so that Mugi could stay for 90 days at once. When they ended, Mugi left Russia and came back visa-free for 30 days. We left Russia and came back two more times allowed. This time was almost enough to obtain a temporary residence permit. With this document, Mugi was able to stay.

What documents are needed to marry a foreigner?

Marriage and other family relationships are governed by the internal laws of the country in which the marriage takes place. You cannot get married in one country, get divorced in another, and file for alimony in a third. A citizen of Russia can marry on the territory of Russia, according to Russian laws, with a citizen of any country or a stateless person. In order for a marriage to be recognized in another country, it must be formalized in compliance with all the requirements of that country.

A marriage with a foreigner can be registered at any registry office; the main thing is to submit the necessary documents. If they refuse to accept the application, write a complaint, go to court, or simply submit documents to the central registry office of your city.

Marriage with a foreigner can be concluded in any registry office of the Russian Federation

In Moscow, Wedding Palace No. 4 specializes in international marriages. In addition to the registry office, a marriage can be registered at the consulate of the state from which the foreigner arrived. Such a marriage will be concluded according to the laws of his country. If there are special international acts, such a marriage is recognized in Russia, but it must be clarified specifically for each country. For example, this is how you can marry a Japanese citizen: both Japan and Russia recognize this marriage and will regulate it according to their laws.

The registration procedure at the registry office is no different from the usual one. The only difference is the documents required for the application. In addition to passports and a receipt for payment of the state fee (350 R), Mugi needed:

  • - passport and its notarized translation;
  • - a certificate stating that she is not married in Mongolia, and a notarized translation of this document.

Translation of Mongolian documents must be certified by a notary. It is better to do it in translation agencies that cooperate with a notary, otherwise you will have to bring a translator with a diploma for certification.

For some countries, documents require an apostille - a special mark placed by the highest judicial authorities of a foreign state. It confirms that the papers are valid and have legal significance. An apostille can only be issued in the home country. In Russia, a foreigner cannot obtain an apostille.

We did not specify in advance which documents with an apostille are needed. I had to ask my relatives in Mongolia to affix an apostille and transfer the documents through a friend who was flying to Russia.

Only the consul and the migration service of the Russian Federation gave us complete answers to all questions.

To get married, it is not necessary to know the language, but then a professional translator with a diploma must be present at the ceremony. If this condition is not met, the marriage may be declared illegal in the future.

Mugi speaks excellent Russian, and we did not need a translator.

Temporary residence permit

After registering the marriage, we applied for a temporary residence permit. This is a stamp that is placed in the passport and gives the right to stay in Russia for three years. To get permission, you have to wait six months. When her visa and visa-free regime expired, Mugi left the country for just over a month. When she arrived back, the residence permit was already ready and we were finally able to be together. If Mugi were pregnant, the document would be issued in 1-2 days.

Foreigners who are not married to a Russian citizen are given temporary residence permits based on annual quotas. If you do not submit documents at the beginning of the year, the allotted number of permits may already run out

A temporary residence permit gives the right to:

  • - live and work in Russia for 3 years;
  • - work without a patent or permit in the subject of the Russian Federation where the permit was issued;
  • - use a health insurance policy at a clinic at your place of residence;
  • - register an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

With a residence permit you cannot:

  • - leave Russia for a period of more than six months, otherwise it may be cancelled;
  • - hold military and state security-related positions;
  • - vote and be elected.

To obtain a temporary residence permit, you must collect medical certificates, provide a certificate of no criminal record and translations of all Mongolian documents. I also had to prove that my wife speaks Russian. To do this, you need to obtain a special certificate or a Russian certificate of secondary education. We presented a diploma from the Russian university from which Mugi graduated.

6 months

we had to wait for a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation

A separate point is the queues. You can submit an application 2 days a week to the migration center of your city; documents are accepted only half a day. People come at 5 am and sign up for a queue. Many do not have time to submit documents in a day. In practice, it can take one and a half to two weeks to submit documents.

Mugi underwent fingerprint registration - she gave her fingerprints at the migration center. After receiving a temporary residence permit, you must register at your place of residence: in your own apartment, with relatives or in a rented one. The passport was stamped with the address. Without such registration, you cannot use free medical services or visit a clinic.

Most foreigners who already have a temporary residence permit need to apply for a multiple-entry visa to leave Russia. Without it you cannot cross the border of the Russian Federation. We are lucky: residents of Mongolia do not need such a visa.

Another condition: the residence permit must be confirmed every year. To do this, you need to bring a notification and a certificate of income to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Migration Affairs. If this is not done, the permit will be revoked.

Temporary residence permit must be confirmed every year

After receiving a temporary residence permit, Mugi opened a SNILS and Taxpayer Identification Number.

With a temporary residence permit you cannot stay in Russia forever. A temporary residence permit is a temporary measure until the foreigner obtains a residence permit.

A residence permit is a document according to which a foreigner can live and work in Russia for 5 years. A residence permit gives most of the rights of a Russian citizen. The blue book is similar in appearance to a Russian passport. A residence permit is issued for six months.

To obtain a residence permit, you must live continuously in Russia for at least one year under a temporary permit.

Residence permits are issued for 5 years. It can be extended an unlimited number of times. Once Mugi receives a residence permit, most of the problems associated with her foreign citizenship will disappear.

5 years

A foreigner with a residence permit can live and work in Russia. Then you will also have to renew

A residence permit gives the right to:

  • - live in Russia;
  • - leave the country without special documents;
  • - work in any subject of the Russian Federation;
  • - receive medical care under compulsory medical insurance;
  • - elect and be elected to local government bodies and participate in local referendums;
  • - receive a pension and free education;
  • - issue an invitation to enter the country for your relatives;
  • - take loans.

With a residence permit you cannot:

  • - to serve in the military;
  • - work in the civil service and in the security agencies of the Russian Federation;
  • - be a civil aviation pilot;
  • - vote and be elected at the regional and federal levels;
  • - leave Russia for more than six months, otherwise you will lose your residence permit.

Once a year, Mugi will have to submit a notification of confirmation of residence under a residence permit in Russia. If you violate this condition, your residence permit may be revoked.


To obtain Russian citizenship, an ordinary foreigner must live continuously in Russia for 5 years. As a Russian wife, it is enough for Mugi to be married to me for 3 years. There is a limitation here too. If you leave Russia for more than 3 months in one year, this year will not be included in the period of residence required to obtain citizenship.

Officials can consider an application for citizenship for up to 6 months.

With citizenship, Muga would receive all the rights of a Russian: full voting rights and the opportunity to serve in the military and law enforcement agencies. Well, the most important thing for us is full guarantees for medicine and the opportunity to leave when and as much as we want.

We have not yet decided whether Mugi needs Russian citizenship. The problem is that according to Mongolian and Russian laws, in order to obtain another citizenship, Mugi will have to give up his Mongolian one. We don’t want to do this, because Mugi doesn’t want to lose the opportunity to freely enter his home country.

To obtain Russian citizenship, you will have to renounce your current

Perhaps over time the laws will change and allow having two citizenships. Then Mugi will receive a Russian passport and we will become an ordinary Russian family.

Work and taxes

Muga has a Russian diploma in philology. In Mongolia, she worked as a translator in a bank with Russian clients. She has a license as a professional translator, but in Russia a Mongolian translator is rarely needed. She translated several times in court, and did the rest of the orders for business. Now she translates as a freelancer and sews clothes to order.

183 days

A foreigner must live in Russia for a year to be considered a tax resident

A temporary residence permit gives the right to work, but regular employers do not want to get involved with a foreigner. Mugi was unable to find an office vacancy in Voronezh. Once an employer hears the name Munkhtuyaa, he no longer needs an employee as much as before. An exotic name scares off even employers with less interesting vacancies for salespeople or bartenders. The only place that was happy about Mugi's Asian appearance was a Japanese restaurant, but she didn't want to work there.

When Mugi receives a residence permit, we want to move to Moscow. The capital is clearly more accustomed to foreigners: Mugi receives responses to her resume, and they agree to meet with her and discuss the job.

Employers in Russia are put off by exotic names

It seems that Moscow employers are less afraid of Muga’s citizenship than provincial ones. Perhaps she will work at the Mongolian consulate.

At work, Muga will have the same social package as Russians. The only difference is that the employer must notify within three days GUVM MIA on the conclusion or termination of an employment contract with a foreigner.

If a foreigner lives in Russia for more than 183 days within 12 consecutive months, he is considered a tax resident of the Russian Federation and pays income tax of 13%.


Mugi and I don't have children. But our friends - Sasha and Khulan - have them.

If a foreign woman gives birth to a child from a Russian, this does not give her automatic citizenship, does not shorten the time frame for obtaining it, and does not even extend the visa.

Like Russian pregnant women, Khulan chose the services of a antenatal clinic, maternity hospital and children's clinic using a birth certificate. But she is not entitled to maternity benefits and benefits in the early stages of pregnancy. The child's father cannot claim them either.

A one-time allowance for the birth of a child - 16,350 rubles in 2017, a child care allowance - 3,000 rubles in 2017 and a monthly allowance for a child under 16 years old - 257 rubles in 2017 are also not available to a foreign mother, but they can be issued by a father.

If the mother does not have Russian citizenship, she will not be paid maternity capital.

If a child was born in Russia and at least one parent is a Russian citizen, the child receives Russian citizenship by birth. Emily received Russian citizenship, but Khulan did not, so now she and her daughter are citizens of different countries.

Subtleties of international marriage in Russia

  1. There is no marriage visa in Russia. The bride or groom arrives in the country as usual.
  2. Marriage on the territory of Russia is concluded according to Russian laws.
  3. Each country has its own requirements for marriage. It is better to marry according to the laws of two countries at once.
  4. Translations of documents must be certified by a notary, in many cases they must have an apostille or consular legalization.
  5. Marriage does not change the citizenship of the spouses. Scheme for obtaining a Russian passport: temporary residence permit - residence permit - Russian citizenship.
  6. A temporary residence permit is issued for three years. It allows you to live and work in Russia and use the compulsory medical insurance policy. It cannot be extended, but you can apply again.
  7. To obtain a residence permit, you need to live in Russia for a year with a temporary permit.
  8. A residence permit is given for 5 years. You can extend it as much as you like.
  9. After three years of marriage, you can obtain Russian citizenship.
  10. If a foreign wife has a temporary residence permit or residence permit, at work she will have the same social package, contributions and taxes as Russians.
  11. Children do not simplify legal complexities. A foreign mother will be given a birth certificate, child benefits can be issued by a Russian father, and maternity capital is issued only to Russian citizens.

Marriage between Russian citizens and residents of other countries is becoming more and more common. And if the procedure for registering relations between two Russians is simple, then in this case there are some nuances. What features characterize marriage with a foreigner, and what additional documents will need to be provided to government officials?

To have legal force, the voluntary consent of both parties and the absence of reasons preventing the conclusion of the union are required.

  • one of the newlyweds is incapacitated;
  • the future spouse is already in a family relationship;
  • the newlyweds are close relatives;
  • the union cannot be concluded between the adoptive parent and his ward.

To confirm that there are no obstacles to the conclusion, the citizen will need to provide the relevant documents.

Registration of relations with a resident of another country is regulated by the Family Code. Between residents of states that signed the Minsk Convention in 1993, marriages are concluded according to a simplified scheme.

Where to go to register a marriage with a foreigner.

According to Art. 10 of the Family Code, registration of relationships is carried out in the registry office at the place of residence of one of the spouses.

A marriage between two foreign citizens is registered at the Embassy or Consulate of the country of which they are residents.

If one of them has dual citizenship (including Russian), then he is not considered a foreigner, and the relationship must be registered at the registry office.

If the marriage is between a resident of Russia and one of the CIS countries, then the application can be submitted to any branch of a government agency.

Documents for registering a marriage with a citizen of another state are accepted only in the central city registry offices.

Registration of a marriage: step-by-step instructions.

To register a marriage with a citizen of another state, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the procedure.

To register a relationship, you must follow the following algorithm:

  • collect ;
  • submit an application to the registry office;
  • set a date for the ceremony;
  • on the selected day and time, arrive at the registry office and receive a certificate of union.

The wedding date is set no earlier than one month after submitting the application. However, there are exceptions when the waiting period is due to valid reasons.

These include:

  • expiration of the residence permit in the country;
  • bride's pregnancy;
  • serious illness, etc.

If a foreign citizen cannot visit the registry office in person to fill out an application for registration, then he is allowed to fill it out separately, but at the same time have it certified by a notary.

List of documents for marriage with a foreigner.

To marry a foreigner, you will need the following:

  • identification;
  • application form (filled out in the presence of civil registry office employees);
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

In addition, a citizen of another country must prepare the following documents:

  • grounds for staying in Russia (visa, residence permit, etc.);
  • a certificate from the embassy that there are no reasons for the impossibility of concluding a marriage;
  • certificate of divorce from a previous marriage (if it was registered earlier).

All documents must be translated into Russian and certified by a notary office. The certificates are affixed with a special “Apostille” stamp, which legalizes the papers on the territory of Russia.

Registration of relationships.

On the appointed wedding date, the newlyweds must come to the registry office, where they submitted an application, to officially register their union.

If the bride or groom does not speak Russian, then the services of a professional translator will be required so that they can understand what is being said and give their voluntary consent.

The stamp on the conclusion of the union is affixed only to the passport of a Russian citizen. A resident of a foreign country will have to complete documents in his home country.

The newlyweds will be issued a document confirming their marriage. Based on it, the newlyweds will be able to affix a stamp in their country of residence.

How to confirm a marriage in another country.

Statistics on marriages with foreigners show that there are more and more of them every year.

At the same time, in the homeland of a citizen of another country, the registration of relations must be confirmed. Otherwise, the marriage will not be considered valid in that state.

If the bride or groom are residents of a CIS country, then legalization of relations is not required.

In other states, you must provide a marriage certificate to the registration authority. The document must have an apostille. Another way to confirm the authenticity and legal force of a paper is consular legalization.

The document must be translated and certified by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a notary office. Afterwards, the certificate is submitted to the foreign consulate.

To legalize a marriage concluded in Russia on the territory of another state, additional documents may be required, depending on the legislation of the country. The procedure lasts from several months to several years.

Registry offices in Moscow, where marriages with foreigners are registered.

In Moscow, since June 2019, three more sites have been opened for registering marriages with foreign citizens - these are the Meshchansky, Medvedkovsky and Gagarinsky Registry Offices.

Before this, there were two venues in the capital - only in the Wedding Palace No. 4 and in the Shipilovsky registry office.

But since the demand is great, and two registry offices could not cope with the flow of applicants, the Moscow authorities opened additional places.

About 10% of marriages in Moscow are with foreigners.


Marriage with a foreign citizen in Russia has its own characteristics. Registration is carried out in special registry offices.

The presence and voluntary consent of both parties is required.

Additional documents are attached to the paper, including those confirming the right to early registration of relations (earlier than a month from the date of application).

Marriage with a foreigner.

Marriage is always an exciting event that divides life into “before” and “after”. The law allows a citizen of Russia marry a citizen of another state or a stateless person.

Marrying a foreigner is still considered romantically exotic, which brings exclusively happiness and financial well-being. But is this always the case? And won’t you then have to deal with the overseas “prince” or “princess” in court?

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From a newlywed foreigner:

  • document that a foreign citizen has the right to marry (issued at the embassy of his state, or at the registration authority);
  • visa or residence permit(with the exception of countries with which Russia has a visa-free regime) - as evidence that the citizen has the right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate that the foreigner’s previous marriage has been terminated (if there was one).

All documents presented by a foreign groom (or bride) must be translated into Russian, officially certified and legalized (apostille or consular certification) - Article 27 Federal Law of July 5, 2010 N 154-FZ “Consular Charter of the Russian Federation”.

It often happens this way: a citizen of the Russian Federation enters into a marriage outside the country. Each state has its own list of documents, but the vast majority of countries will require:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • document on registration at the location;
  • birth certificate(according to the new model);
  • if this is not the first marriage - a divorce certificate, a court decision;
  • health certificate (for example, in the United States of America);
  • certificate of no criminal record.

Documents must be certified by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and translated into the language of the country where the marriage takes place. The translation must be notarized(except in Germany, where it is not required).

Where can such a marriage be officially concluded?

This can be understood from the name itself - only at the registration authority. Namely:

  1. in the registry office;
  2. at the consulate - this applies to countries with which certain agreements have been established.

There are often cases when a bride or groom who does not know this nuance agrees to beautiful ceremonies in the form, for example, of a wedding in England or exotic ritual on the sandy beaches of the Caribbean Sea.

They might even sign on beautiful forms decorated with images of angels. However, it later turns out that Such a marriage has no legal force in Russia and the spouses are, strictly speaking, nobody to each other.

This is where the concept of “lame marriage” even arose, that is, there seemed to be a wedding, but According to Russian law, a couple is not considered a family.

And all because the young people only enjoyed the ceremony and did not worry about the “unromantic”, but official procedure in the presence of a consul.

Rights and responsibilities of spouses after an international wedding

Personal and property relations of spouses are subject to the laws of the country where the husband and wife live(Article 161 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation). If they do not have a permanent residence, then the country where their last place of residence was.

The best thing conclude a marriage contract- this gives greater certainty in relations regarding property rights, and also provides guarantees in case of divorce.

Do you need a prenuptial agreement?

As practice shows, it is necessary. He regulates property relations, including in case of divorce.

This does not apply directly to marital relationships or communication with children. For concluding a marriage contract it is best to use the services of a lawyer - this is exactly the case when you can't cut out what's written with a pen with an ax.

If the case comes to court, the servant of Themis will be guided not by the laws of the Russian Federation, but by the marriage contract.

The next step is visiting a translation agency. will be translated into the language of the country of which the foreign spouse is a national. After this, both parties sign, and then the document is certified by a notary.

International marriage: pros and cons

Despite various dramatic talk shows and articles, Russians are not going to give up international marriages. And indeed, they have some advantages. For example:

  • right of free movement in a foreign country;
  • right to work Abroad;
  • economic stability, especially if there is a marriage contract;
  • opportunity quickly and efficiently learn a foreign language.

Meanwhile, every medal has a flip side. Unfortunately, the statistics are disappointing: two thirds of marriages with foreign citizens end in divorce.

It's not just a matter of "testing time." There are others, very serious obstacles which not everyone can overcome:

  • difference in mentality;
  • conditions for obtaining citizenship. This is not as simple and fast as it might seem, and the other half, it turns out, is in no hurry to help;
  • the language barrier;
  • discrepancy between expectations and reality from marriage. This applies to both money (the Germans and the French, for example, are very tight-fisted, if not stingy), and relationships with others;
  • homesickness. It’s not that uncommon for people to get divorced simply because the further they go, the more they feel that no matter how good it is at home, it’s better at home.

What are the dangers of marrying a foreigner, legal consequences

Many people ask what pitfalls may lie in wait for them? on the path to happiness and prosperity?

Difference of laws and legal status. Yes, a marriage concluded in Russia at the registration authority is completely legal.

But if, for example, the wife is Russian, and the husband is a guest from the East and between them Muslim ritual was not performed, then in the husband’s homeland the union is not recognized.

There is a high probability that you will not be the “beloved and only one,” but one of many wives. Not to mention people from the African continent - in some countries the culture and customs are far from civilized.

There is a ceremony, but no marriage. As already mentioned, you should not buy into beautiful ceremonies in the form of riding elephants under a canopy and so on and painting on beautiful forms.

No, you can afford all this - just after a bureaucratic procedure. When an annoying spouse or, more often, a spouse is kicked out and she files a lawsuit, it turns out that before the law of the Russian Federation they are just a couple, not a family.

Remember, marriage with a foreign citizen can only be concluded at the registry office or at the consulate!

Probability of property loss, and in other cases - citizenship. You should carefully study (it is better to visit a lawyer) the laws of the country you are going to move to.

Important: if you are married or married only to obtain citizenship, you should be as careful as James Bond. For example, in the United States, if your plan is discovered, very severe measures will follow - a fine, deprivation of citizenship and deportation.

over the child. If a son or daughter was born in another country, they usually become its citizens.

In the event of a divorce, taking them to Russia will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible.

. It is much easier to receive alimony after a divorce in your spouse’s home country than after returning to Russia.

Once you are separated by a state border, it will be very difficult to force your ex-spouse to provide financial support.