A curse as a gift or things that change a person’s life. How to check a gift for negativity, evil eye and damage Gifts from bad people

There are many things that carry negative energy. They are not only gifts, which traditionally symbolize the approach of illness and old age, but also many other items, the negative nature of which many may not be aware of.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that this item has a certain magical power. There is a statement that, once in the hands of an experienced sorcerer, a mirror helps to perform various magical rituals. For example, if you give a “spoken” mirror to a young successful person, then through it you can take away all her youth, luck and beauty.

It is believed that gifted watches bring all sorts of misfortunes. If they are presented as wedding gift, they will begin to count down the time spent in harmony and love for the newlyweds. This will inevitably lead to quarrels and, as a result, to divorce. And if, for example, you give a wall clock to the head of an organization, then he will not be able to hold this position for a long time.

The thing is that such dolls are made based on the prototype of living people. In other words, the doll's face reflects the features real person, repeats his facial expressions, gaze, smile. That is, energy a certain person can live in a doll. And it is unknown how this will affect the health and life in general of those people to whom they were given.

It is not recommended to give gifts in the form of forks, knives, and daggers. These items will bring negative energy into the house. It is believed that such gifts bring only quarrels, discord and troubles into the life of the person to whom they are presented.

Just like knives, bird figurines can bring misfortune and sorrow to the house. This is due to the belief that the bird is a symbol of the noise of disaster. It is not for nothing that a bird accidentally flying into a window is believed to bring grief.

You should especially not give these gifts to older people. After all, such gifts can remind them of their approaching old age.

And donated gloves or mittens are a harbinger that the giver intends to end the relationship with the recipient of the gift. It was not for nothing that in the old days, when challenging someone to a duel, they threw down the gauntlet.

As for the gift of slippers, some believe that this is a very bad omen, promising a quick death to the person to whom they were presented.

In order to avoid financial problems for people who will be given these things as a gift, a paper banknote must be inserted inside them. The larger it is, the better.

You cannot give items that, one way or another, remind you of diseases. For example, an inhaler, a heating pad, a tonometer, a spinal corset.

It is better not to give live animals unless you are sure that a person has long dreamed of a specific animal of a specific breed. If you do happen to give such a gift, you must take a ransom for the animal - a symbolic amount of money. Otherwise, the animal may run away from its owner or get sick.

It is not recommended to give items of underwear and socks as gifts to your husbands. It is believed that this can provoke the faithful to cheat, as well as long roads. There is an opinion that gifts of socks are a harbinger that the husband will leave home and will want to return to it more.

Donated handkerchiefs bring tears into the house. It’s not for nothing that those scarves that are used during the funeral ceremony are left at the cemetery without taking them into the house.

And, of course, one of the most “dangerous” gifts, symbolizing death, is a bouquet presented to a living person, consisting of an even number of flowers.

I would like to remind you that it is also not recommended to re-gift gifts. It is believed that the energy of the first recipient of the gift remains in him forever. Who knows what this energy is like, maybe negative? In any case, it is alien and will not bring anything good to the subsequent owners of this gift.

Finally, it should be noted that if it happens that you still have to give any of the above gifts, you should definitely demand a ransom for it in the form of a symbolic sum of money. Then all the negative energy from this gift will go away.

Anastasia. Items of power, luck and prosperity Ignatova Maria

Gifts from ill-wishers

Gifts from ill-wishers

“A gift is a very important thing, a gift made from the heart, it is no longer a gift, but a gift, because, in addition to its physical embodiment, it carries a positive energy charge. Such a gift, being close to a person, can help him and ward off trouble from him. But if the gift was not made from pure heart, but with crookedness in your soul, there is little benefit from this. It is not for nothing that there is a belief - if a gift quickly breaks, deteriorates, or fails, it means that it was given without good intentions. But this is not scary, gifts can be even more dangerous when they are given with malicious intent.”

How to deprive Gifts from ill-wishers of evil power

In order not to suffer and not rack your brains over how the person who gave you the gift treats you and what to expect from this gift, you can simply clean this thing, and if the gift is positively charged, then it will not harm him or destroy him good message. This cleansing is aimed only against negativity.

With this cleansing, you can process many gifts at once if you start doing this after some holiday, for example, a birthday or housewarming.

For this processing you will need essential oil juniper and a regular white candle.

Be sure to close the doors and windows so that the room is completely isolated from the outside world and the rest of the apartment. Next, you need to apply a little oil to each item, and then say:

Brother Juniper,

You are strong

Everything is within your control.

Let the evil go away, the blackness go away,

And joy and goodness will never leave us.

Help and cleanse

Brother Juniper.

Afterwards, you should light the candle, and while it is burning, do not open the doors or windows.

This text is an introductory fragment.

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How to protect yourself from dangerous gifts?
Everyone who enters your home has their own aura, their own energy. Therefore, you should not invite even very close friends to where your personal space is. The task for hospitable hosts seems difficult or even wild, but don’t rush to conclusions. Guests are different, and what they bring can turn out to be a dangerous gift, no matter how strange it sounds. If a guest is jealous, desires troubles and illnesses, he may unknowingly cause you harm. By the way, you shouldn’t be too suspicious and suspicious; all bad thoughts and actions return sooner or later.
Beautiful thing, for example, a ring, but no matter how you put it on, it doesn’t suit your hand. And the size fits, and the standard is high, everything seems to be in order - but it doesn’t fit. The fingers go numb, the hand becomes heavy, and the ring is pulled to the ground like a weight. Such beads certainly rub your neck, put pressure on you, and can even make your head spin or your heart ache. Earrings with a “bad character” will also certainly create discomfort, for example, the holes in the ears will become inflamed, even if the earrings are gold or silver. Usually such things have some kind of dark spots in its origin.

It’s not necessarily the owner’s illness or the fact that the items were stolen. This is the so-called “memory of the material,” perhaps even from the time of ore or stone mined in an area that was unsuccessful from an energy point of view, or perhaps some kind of induced impact at the time the thing was manufactured.

You can fight this only by giving away gold or silver product into rework. When a metal is melted, its bad qualities weaken or even disappear altogether if the reason was an induced negative influence during manufacturing. If these measures do not help, it is better to melt the jewelry and cast a cross from precious metal and consecrate it in the church. Stones that come from "bad" areas are extremely difficult to clean. It is best not to wear them at all or wear them as little as possible. But in some cases, a specialist can “tame” such decoration.

Each of us has heard about “unkind” gifts. They are usually remembered at a wedding or at the birth of a child. The bride will receive a wedding gift from best friend, who simply envied her and then carries this “cross” with her all her life.

One woman inherited an old medallion with a pair of beautiful alexandrites. The shape of the medallion did not suit her for some reason, and she ordered the jeweler to make a ring out of it, leaving the same stones. The beautiful ring that the master made, however, had a peculiar “big-eyed” shape. The woman started wearing it, but soon felt something was wrong. It constantly seemed to her that the ring was “peeping” at her. Feeling this unkind gaze keeping her in suspense, she gradually came to the point that she stopped changing clothes if the ring was in plain sight.

Unable to bear such a life, she again gave the jewelry to the workshop, specially stipulating new option- a pair of earrings, with one stone on each. But, despite the fact that now the shape of the stones did not at all resemble eyes, the earrings again inexplicably created a “peeping tom” effect. Now it seemed to their owner that someone was “looking at her back.” The third time, she ordered a ring with only one stone of the pair, believing that all her fears stemmed from an unconscious feeling of guilt for not leaving the locket in its original form. But even with one stone the ring did not get any better. The “big-eyedness” passed, but the thing became even more “bad,” “heavy.”

No one wore the ring anymore; it was hidden out of sight, forgotten about. But still, its impact did not stop. On the contrary, it began to influence the apartment more intensely. Its inhabitants became nervous, and there was a constant premonition of some kind of trouble. Finally, on the advice of friends, the woman invited a psychic to examine the apartment. It was quite easy to determine the location from which the negative impact was spreading. With the consent of the owner, the ring and the unused stone were taken by the psychic for “taming.”

The work took about a week, since it was necessary to establish the reasons for such a powerful negative aura. It turned out that the initial negative energy of the stones was strongly influenced by the long and painful drama that developed in the family that owned the medallion for several generations. Nevertheless, the “taming” took place. True, for several years such jewelry will not be able to demonstrate the positive properties inherent in silver and alexandrite. After the “taming” procedure and cleaning the apartment from negative energy the owner of the jewelry and her family members gradually got rid of troubles.

This case is quite complicated. More often there are situations when the “not goodness” of a thing is associated with an unsuccessful shape, a contradiction between the stone and the setting, and the incompatibility of stones with each other. As general recommendations, we can advise you to be careful about jewelry received as an inheritance, especially from people who died tragically, for example, from a serious illness.

Antique things, if they do not carry a “bad” charge, are better not to be altered. If you feel uncomfortable wearing any piece of jewelry, contact a specialist or try to get rid of the item. It is typical for truly dangerous things to “dictate” their shape when altered, to retain certain features that evoke certain associations (eyes, teeth, claws).

It is characteristic that the same method of “cleaning” that is used for “negative energy” dumped into an artificial stone is not suitable for stones used in such jewelry.

Pay close attention to the silver or cupronickel glasses, cutlery, and cast candlesticks given to you, especially if they are antiques. Perhaps they have a “complicated” biography. overcome bad character Necklaces can be made to some extent if you remove the beads from the thread for a long period of time and store them in different boxes.

And although “unkind” gifts are not given every day, still take care of yourself and, above all, wash jewel in running water, especially if you inherited the item. Better yet, rinse in a holy spring at a chapel or monastery.

And if there is still a suspicion that there is an evil thing in your house, then astrologers and specialists folk medicine Some actions are recommended:

* Ritual with a black candle.

It will help protect against aggression, hatred, anger, and envy. You can make a candle yourself. Light a regular white paraffin candle. While it burns, collect the dripping dark wax into a container without letting it harden. From this wax you will fashion a new candle, not forgetting to insert the wick. Turn off the lights in the room. Place the candle at the bottom of a crystal bowl of water (the water should not reach half the length of the candle). Remember the person who poses a danger to you, light a candle and, looking at the fire and melting paraffin, imagine how his bad thoughts burn and disappear.

You can say a spell (learn it by heart): “As the stars fade from a violent wind, so would my adversary’s heart and lips darken; and just as a dead person became numb, so my adversary (name) would be numb and would not be able to speak against me; and just as a dead man does not look at the light, so my adversary (name) would not be able to look at me and speak against me, servant of God (his name). Amen".

As soon as the candle goes out from contact with water, the water should be taken out of the house and poured (preferably onto the ground), and the candle stub should be buried deeper in the ground.

* * * Gifts can be unselfish, forced and dangerous. Previously, gifts were brought only to the gods - sacrifices, which were considered a guarantee of favor and forgiveness begged from the stern deity. In return, people wanted a guarantee of good luck or relief from troubles. Since then, the magical meaning of the act of giving seems to have been forgotten. We give gifts for the holidays. And it seems to be selfless. Only a truly selfless gift brings happiness. It can become a talisman if a person put his soul into it, dreamed of how you would enjoy it, chose it as if he was preparing it for himself. But it can turn into a source of problems.

Energetic interference occurs when you accept a forced gift. Any gift given to you not from the heart, but under duress (a forcedly bought bouquet of flowers on March 8, a fallen Christmas tree on New Year’s Eve) carries negative energy. If a gift is presented by a person with unkind thoughts, who has unhealthy, but at the same time strong energy, it can bring trouble and even illness. If your energy is stronger than that of the giver, you will accidentally break or lose an unwanted dangerous gift. This will be an indirect confirmation of your unhealthy relationship.

It is good that most people do not have such powerful energy that the negative charge, which is involuntarily invested in a gift under duress, will bring serious troubles such as illnesses. But minor troubles like a runny nose should be expected.

* Energetically very dubious gifts: a bottle of wine, a box of chocolates, a wallet, gloves, a shirt, a handkerchief, a beer mug, a calendar.

This is exactly the “gentleman’s set” that everyone is familiar with. From a bioenergetics point of view, the danger is that these and similar items are designed for direct contact with the body (whether we wear them on the body or ingest them).

* Gifts should only be accepted from those, in whose good intentions you are absolutely sure. In all other cases, it is worth thinking about plausible excuses for refusal and what to do with the unwanted thing before it begins to do its “job.”

* It is best to get rid of an unwanted gift, but you can try to clear it.
Don't forget about magical properties water! For example, you were given a handkerchief (by the way, according to popular belief, such a gift brings tears). Wash it by first soaking it for a day in salt water with the addition of a few drops of rose or other aromatic oil. Incense has protective properties. Can be washed in holy water.

* A modern option for cleaning a gift is “freezing”.
Keep the questionable, dangerous gift in the freezer for several days. Severe cold is also, in a sense, a kind of amulet: it has the power to expel not too strong negative energy. One way or another, you should try to wash off the energetic dirt, if possible.

* Oh, God, that’s not good for me.
Sometimes it is advised to re-gift dubious or simply formal gifts. I don't think this is always correct. Well, you will present a obviously bad person with obviously bad (from an energetic point of view) cognac. Will you really be pleased? Won't it itch in the depths of your soul?

* The power of fresh flowers.
Plants in general, in the overwhelming majority, neutralize everything bad, unless, of course, the giver puts a special meaning into a bouquet of flowers.

* Perfume.
If the giver has guessed your preferences, you can accept the perfume as a gift. The fact is that most aromatic compositions contain natural substances that dispel negative energy; in this sense, rose, sandalwood, jasmine, and lavender have the most powerful properties.

* Gifts-amulets.
Safe items are those that themselves are talismans and amulets: icons, houses made of flax and straw, quartz crystals, netsuke, Chinese bells. Suitable gifts are in the form of a horseshoe, a circle (this figure has been used since ancient times to protect against evil): a ring, a chain, a tray or dish, a belt, a round pillow or a keychain. As you remember, negative entities hide in corners and also cling to corners and sharp edges. Therefore the circle is safe.

* Do not give or accept knives, needles, brooches or other sharp objects as gifts.
All sharp objects contain too many clues for evil spirits.

* Handmade gifts.
A suit tailored just for you, a knitted blouse - such things are usually prepared with love. But, on the other hand, if a person, while embroidering, say, a napkin, was seething with resentment and indignation, then as a gift you will receive not only a nice little thing, but also negative emotions.

The holiday is over, the guests have left, and hands, of course, are reaching for bags of gifts - what did friends and relatives enjoy this time? Alas, indeed useful gifts- units. The rest can be safely put back into bags and hidden in the closet. Although no, there’s no room left in the closet.

Where to put useless gifts? Let's figure it out...

We sort out bad gifts - dangerous, offensive or unnecessary

Of course, everyone has different tastes. For one, a set of bath accessories will be a useless and offensive gift; for another, a third multi-cooker. Therefore, we will note the most popular gifts from those that are useless, offensive or even dangerous.

Offensive gifts

  • Cosmetics from the series “Isn’t it time for you, old galosh, to tighten up your flabby skin?” Yes, the product can be very expensive, but the bottle is incredibly beautiful. Yes, the gift was probably made from the heart. But it is unlikely that an adult woman who is frightened by her reflection in the morning will be pleased with such a sign of attention. It is worth noting that even close relatives often accept such gifts with mental offense.
  • Bathroom sets. For fragrant soap, as many gifted people joke, the only thing missing is a fluffy rope. Of course, such sets, which thickly cover the shelves on the eve of the holidays, attract with their baskets, bright bottles and tubes, and low prices. But it’s one thing to “mix” such a gift among other, more valuable ones for your children or relatives (shampoo is never too much!), and quite another thing to solemnly present a set to a colleague or friend. At a minimum, a person will think that they are hinting at dishonesty or that they simply did not bother with the choice of a present. Which is also a shame.
  • Socks, deodorants, shaving accessories. Every year, in anticipation of February 23, men sigh heavily and swear “revenge” on March 8, if the gift again turns out to be shaving foam or a bouquet of socks. You shouldn’t torment your loved ones or your work colleagues with such gifts. Use your imagination.
  • A subscription to a beauty salon for anti-cellulite body wrap or Gym, slimming belt, anti-cellulite pants, etc. For a woman, such a gift is a disaster. Unless it’s from your beloved mom, who, of course, won’t tell anyone about your orange peel.
  • “Nice” little things in the form of pens, calendars, cups or notebooks. Such souvenirs can be given to colleagues on whom you do not want to spend your money. But for a loved one or friend, this gift will be an indicator of your attitude towards him.

Useless gifts

  • Figurines, magnets and other “souvenirs”. Usually they are simply poured into boxes and put away in a closet. Because there is nowhere to put it, and I’m too lazy to wipe off the dust, and in general “does not fit the overall design.” And there’s already no living space on the refrigerator - it’s all covered in magnets. Another option if you are buying a rare souvenir for a collector. For example, a rare figurine for a friend’s collection, a super-original candle in the shape of a Christmas tree for a friend who collects just such Christmas trees, or a magnet from Spain for a friend who collects magnets from different countries(and this just doesn’t exist yet). Leave the rest at the store if you don't want your plaster hippo to end up in the trash after you leave.
  • Subscriptions to a gym (swimming pool, bowling alley, etc.) that a person will never go to. Before making such a gift, you should at least inquire about the person’s interests.
  • Tickets to a movie, theater, or concert of a famous performer. Firstly, the taste and color, as they say... If you are delighted with, for example, Nadezhda Kadysheva, this does not mean that everyone is eager to “go see” her. And a person may simply not have time. Your tickets will remain in the kitchen among a pile of newspapers untouched or, in the best case, will be given to a fan of Russian folk song just like you.
  • Handmade crafts. Embroidered napkins, macrame, postcards using the quilling technique and other little things are a work of art only in your eyes. For the rest of the majority, it’s just another piece of nonsense for that box in which children’s crafts are already gathering dust. In order not to be upset later that your efforts were not appreciated, choose other options for gifts. Of course, if you paint pictures professionally, create masterpiece carpets self made or paint the dishes in modern style, then your gift will be appreciated and even, probably, used in the living room. But this is the exception rather than the rule. Adequately evaluate your talents and rely not only on the praise of relatives who are glad that you have at least something to do with your hands, but also on the opinions of strangers.
  • Cheap dishes. Again, at best, she will be taken to the country. At worst, they will be completely offended. Well, who needs the 10th set of cheap “scary” glasses, a frying pan on which everything is on fire, or another batch of plates “not the right color”?
    Perfume, eau de toilette. Even the most close person I am not always able to guess the very aroma that matches my tastes and mood. It is extremely rare for perfume donors to hit the bull's eye. And if the perfume doesn’t hit the mark and is also cheap...

Dangerous gifts

  • Sets of “educational” games are not suitable for age. For example, “young chemist” (or “pyrotechnician”) for a child about five years old.
  • Weapons, crossbows, darts. Such gifts can be given solely based on the child’s age, with the permission of the parents and with the firm belief that the games will take place under the control of mom and dad. Broken service in the sideboard and pets being shot at are not as scary as really serious injuries that can be caused by these toys. This is especially true for air pistols, which have become fashionable for kids to buy today (despite the “+18” sign on the boxes). A shot from such a pistol can leave a child without an eye.
  • Toys with small parts for babies. While the child’s hands automatically pull everything that lies nearby into his mouth, toys should be chosen very carefully. We leave all the small construction toys on the store shelves; we pull all other toys by the eyes/noses to make sure they are durable.
  • Subscriptions for a parachute jump or other extreme joys. For an inexperienced person, such a gift can result in serious injuries.
  • Flowers in pots. This is also a very fashionable gift option today, to which a rather serious allergy can occur. Check information about the flower and the person's health before packing the plant into a party bag.
  • Cheap cosmetics. At a minimum, they will have no effect. In the worst case scenario, a serious allergy may occur. However, it can also arise for expensive cosmetic products, so you should purchase such gifts with the utmost care and only with the confidence that this particular gift will be terribly happy.
  • Pets. The danger of a gift is that the recipient of the gift is allergic to wool, which you may not know about. It is also worth thinking about the fact that having a pet may simply not be part of his plans (maybe the person has nothing to feed it, has no time to care for it, or his wife is generally against it). It is also not recommended to give exotic pets such as giant snails, iguanas, snakes and other living creatures.

You can also add to the list of unsuccessful gifts:

  • Bed sheets. Unless it's a super set for a wedding or for your children.
  • Underwear. The exception is from husband to wife and vice versa.
  • Cloth. It can only be given to close people and knowing exactly the size. By the way, it is not recommended to give clothes to children - they prefer toys, games, sweets and modern technological innovations, rather than a set of uniforms. academic year or new shoes.
  • Candies. Just a routine present, and nothing more. Exception: A LOT of sweets, bouquets of sweets and other sweet original designs. And then, provided that the recipient of the gift is not diabetic and is not on a diet.
  • Money. The most controversial gift option. It can be offensive if a person was expecting attention to himself, but received an envelope with the words “you can buy it yourself, I don’t have time to look for it.” It can be annoying if the amount in the envelope resembles change at the store. It can be awkward if the amount is too large and automatically obliges the recipient of the gift.

What to do with unnecessary or unsuccessful gifts - practical advice

If for a friend's birthday ( close relative, a loved one) still manages to acquire something original, useful and perfect, then for the same New Year or the “holiday of spring and mothers”, gifts fly off the shelves like hot cakes. And the person returning from work only gets cheap candles or clumsy plaster figures. They most often occupy our shelves, cabinets and bedside tables. And it’s a pity to throw it away, and I’m tired of sweeping away the dust. Where should I put them?

  1. Put it in the closet until better times. Maybe in a couple of years the “unsuccessful” blouse you were given will seem very fashionable or will come in handy for your daughter. Or an “extra” iron will suddenly turn out to be necessary when your usual one breaks.
  2. Donate. Of course not very nice option, but unnecessary things only clutter the house, and someone might really like this gift. The main thing is that this someone is not familiar with the donor. Otherwise it will be awkward.
  3. “Reshape” for other purposes. For example, sew various little things for the kitchen from an unnecessary dress.
  4. Convert unsightly oven pots into flower pots. Paint the given faded vase specifically to suit your interior.
  5. Return it to the store. If, of course, there is a tag on the product, and, just in case, they left you a receipt.
  6. Give gifts into good hands to those who need them most. Just. For example, in Orphanage or low-income family.
  7. Sell ​​or exchange. For example, through a forum, auction or corresponding website on the Internet.
  8. Throw a party and use unwanted gifts as prizes. An excellent option to painlessly part with excess souvenirs.

Don’t clutter your head with thoughts like “This is not going well.” Surround yourself only with useful and pleasant things. Find a use for the rest.

Moreover, there is no point in regretting a stupid cheap souvenir that was given to you not out of great love, but “for show.”