How to make a man think about you? Advice from psychologists and magical rituals. Using magic to make a man think about you from a distance Make a man think about you from a distance

You love him so much that you would do anything for him. His photograph is always next to you, sometimes you put your lips to it. If he is near you, you start to stutter out of excitement. All the girls who come within arm's reach of them make you nervous. You always look at his page on in social networks, waiting for his reaction to the new photo posted.

Only for him you choose a dress that attracts attention, and in it, when passing by your chosen one, you leave behind a wonderful aroma of perfume...

But there are no results. Your chosen one is still indifferent to you, does not glance at you. You are sad and offended. But there is no need to cry, because over the entire life of mankind, the female half has acquired powerful experience in seducing the male half. By using some bait, you will be able to achieve your goal, and soon your chosen one will dial your phone number. Whether to answer the call or not is only your decision.

You must become a beast of prey. A trick can help ignite the fire in the heart of every man. This material discusses a situation where you know each other and sometimes you can spend leisure time together.

How to make a man think about you?

Several recommendations are presented to your attention.

Don't let him forget about you. The most banal and easiest method. The effect is small, but in tiny steps you begin to move towards your goal. Always stay in his field of vision, make the man think about you. Wear sexy clothes, a short dress, an open neckline - this way of attracting attention to you will make any man think about you.

Give a gift of some trinket, it will always bring back memories of you, for example, a keychain, a photograph. As soon as your chosen one takes it, he will immediately remember your last meeting. If you give him a coffee mug, then every morning, when he wakes up and pours himself coffee, he will indulge in memories of you. This way, you will be at the very top of the list of people he remembers in the morning.

Write SMS in the morning. Just wish Have a good day, such a reminder of yourself will leave pleasant memories.

Don't be shy. Feel free to ask his friends about what your chosen one says about you. And one fine day, they will boldly advise him to turn his gaze to you. And then there is a chance that he will think about dating you.

If you met by chance– be sure to take an interest in his affairs, flirt a little, ask him to evaluate your outfit. Feel free to get him to start a conversation. Look him straight in the eye, be confident. Your goal is that his attention should be focused only on you.

You must leave a good impression of yourself among the friends of your chosen one. This method is very effective if you have mutual friends. It would be great if you could do them a favor. The opinions of friends are very important in a male society. Conquer them with your intelligence and beauty. You will also be able to conduct reconnaissance and get to know your chosen one better.

Make him feel jealous. In itself, jealousy is bad, but sometimes it can be used, especially in our cunning plans. Give him the opportunity to test you, let him become jealous of any male representative. But do not go beyond what is permitted, this may lead to negative results.

Wear a sexy dress and come to a party where he will be present. You will not only attract his attention, but also raise your self-esteem.

Invitation to dinner. Take the first step yourself, prepare your signature dish and invite your chosen one for dinner. Any man will happily agree to a delicious meal. And if you add a bottle of good wine to dinner, it will turn into a date. With such actions you can make a man think about you.

Play “hot and cold” with him. Turn the situation in such a direction that the man believes that he has achieved his goal, then suddenly become indifferent to him. He will begin to reflect on what happened. Then do the opposite, after indifference, let him know that he is important to you. Make eyes on your chosen one, arouse interest in your person again, and play again "hot - cold". If the game takes place at a moderate pace, then your chosen one will simply be confused, constantly thinking about what is happening.

Find common ground. If his daily routine includes a morning jog, then keep him company. Find out about his habits, use new information in your plans. It will only bring benefits. Firstly, you let him know that he is interesting as a person. Secondly, you do everything “for the company”, without being intrusive. He will focus on this and want to find out something new about your person.

Pay attention to him. Many girls usually talk without knowing how to listen. Try to listen to what he says, let him fill you in on his personal affairs. He will appreciate you as a listener. Support all his ideas and endeavors. Spend enough time for friendly communication, without flirting. Let him be comfortable and comfortable in your company. Even if you are a friend to him now, soon he will consider you a mistress.

To make a man constantly think about you, put these recommendations into practice. The main thing is to purposefully move towards the intended goal, without turning aside, showing patience.

Don't forget that a man needs time to accept the idea of ​​what place you occupy in his life.

Love at a distance

Now let’s imagine a situation where your chosen one is away from you. How to make a man think about you from a distance?
An elementary method is to set the situation in such a way that the chosen one begins to yearn for you. In those moments when a person is absent for a long period, you involuntarily begin to miss him. How to turn the situation in such a direction that your chosen one begins to miss you? Get out of his sight for a while. He calls you, but you must have courage and don’t pick up the phone. After such calls, your chosen one will begin to worry and look for reasons why you are not picking up the phone. And this is exactly what we are striving for.

Wait a while. Call me in a couple or three days young man. He will be happy about this. Ask if he missed you. Remember the past, walks together, positive emotions will begin to act as a trigger. Such communication will help make a man think about you all night.

You can make a man think about you from a distance in such a way as to borrow money from him. You should definitely take the money, and not just ask if he can borrow it. Agree on the terms of repayment of the debt. For a man to constantly think about you, let this period be as long as possible. Don't forget to return the money on time. When transferring money, be sure to say pleasant words, showing him how nobly he had acted. Let him feel like a hero. If he became a hero, then you should become his princess at least in the near future.

Your goal– draw attention to your person, make memories of you unforgettable.

You can use this advice even if you don’t need money. In this way, you can learn something new about your chosen one.

This method has such a condition. Do not borrow from him, under any circumstances. Refuse under any pretext, such a situation can worsen the situation. It is difficult for a man to perceive that he cash, even borrowed, went into the girl’s pocket. You must make a man think of you only as an object of love.

The power of thought

This technique requires hard work and faith in success.

Lie back and try to relax. Remember your chosen one. See in your mind's eye how your energy interacts. Your desires strive towards him. To force a person to think about you with the power of thought, draw a picture in your imagination of how his and your desires reunite and begin to dance in the same rhythm. In your thoughts he remembers you. Did you feel the warmth spreading throughout your body? Most likely, he is thinking about you now. In your thoughts, he is now typing an SMS for you... Did you hear the notification about an incoming SMS? Your chosen one sent you an SMS, which means you were able to make a man think about you.

Another extraordinary way. You and your chosen one are in the same room, imagine in your thoughts a beam connecting you. His beam comes out from his forehead. Give a mental instruction so that the man constantly thinks about you, think about it many times until you see the result of your installation.

Hook him subconsciously. Let's say introduce a daily ritual, for example, sending an SMS every day. Come up with your best option. The most important thing is to do this constantly, every day, let him get used to this ritual. It will take 1-2 weeks to introduce this custom. Then suddenly stop performing the ritual. Make a man think about what happened, knock him out of his usual rut. He will subconsciously begin to analyze his and your actions. This technique is called the direct method of influence.

There is also an indirect method. Let a person you know, whom you trust, mention you in the presence of your chosen one. Mentions can be different, a call to you in front of him, a casual phrase thrown about you. There are many options, but here you need to define a clear line between imposition and mention, so that the man constantly thinks about you and does not flinch when he hears your name.


Most easy way- ask a psychic for help. They usually help in such matters. For your own love spell, we offer you several recipes.

1. You will need: a photo of your chosen one above the waist, a needle and red thread. Write your name and his name on the photo. Then, using a needle and thread, make a couple of stitches on the heart of the chosen one, while whispering the following phrases:

“Love spell, act and love me, O (name of the chosen one), son of God. Your heart is connected with mine forever with a red thread. Think about me, feel a prick in your heart, dear (name of the chosen one)”.

As soon as you finish sewing, the photo should burn, rub the ashes in your palms. Then dial your chosen one by phone and chat with him on a neutral topic.

The ritual with a photo is the most effective, so psychics say. The inexplicable has always been relevant, even older generation Women used to try to make a man think about the female half of humanity with the help of extrasensory perception. Why should we give them up?

2. To make a man constantly think about you, you can use one more method. You will need: lemon balm decoction. Melissa is present in numerous rituals related to amorous themes. Psychics believe that this plant helps to attract love to the person using it.

Get up before dawn, wash with the infusion, then take a couple of sips. While washing your face and drinking the infusion, imagine your man, remember him with the same force with which he should dream about you. At the same time, whisper the spell: “Fly, fly, fire of love! Fly to the one with whom the heart beats. Let him think about me, let his thoughts curl like a ribbon.”

From all of the above, it is clear that there are many methods to make a man think about you, they can be banal and original. Be confident in your own abilities, then a miracle will happen, but do not forget that at the same time you must maintain your dignity in his eyes.

We remember with a smile the people who brought us pleasant and positive feelings. It’s the same with the opposite sex, in order to make a man think about you in a positive context, your communication must give him pleasure. The more unforgettable moments you leave about yourself, the more often he will remember you with a smile, fueling positive feelings.

Any man wants to see not only a sexy girl next to him, but also a loyal friend who can lend a shoulder in a difficult situation. Don’t let yourself forget about this, always be there and offer your help in difficult moments for him. You can help not only your chosen one, you can help everyone. Then the fame of your actions will have an indirect effect on him; it will make the man think of you as a girl with a kind and sympathetic character.

Usually, when experiencing unrequited love, a person wonders how to make the object of sympathy experience similar feelings. To solve such a problem, you can find various ways from simple psychological techniques to magical remedies. The main task remains the need to make the object of love constantly think about you.

Psychological ways to make your beloved man or woman think about you all the time

Among all psychological methods Solutions to such a problem can be divided into direct and indirect ones. With the direct method, the object of love is inevitably forced to undergo certain manipulations on your part. This technique consists in the fact that you must be in a certain contact with the object of love for a certain period of time. For example, you can flash before his eyes with an enviable degree of regularity, and then suddenly stop any manifestations of contact for him. This will naturally make the person think about you. After all, on a subconscious level, he will have a strong lack of your appearances in his life that have already become familiar to him.

Let's look at an example of how this principle works. Suppose you happen to work with some a certain person and, coming to his workplace, you greet him every morning by saying hello. However, if you suddenly start ignoring your colleague and stop saying hello to him in the morning, then completely unconsciously and involuntarily he will remember you and wonder what happened. Interest and curiosity will be strong in him, for what reason you unexpectedly stopped greeting him and this will naturally make him think about you. Perhaps not immediately in a romantic sense, but it is definitely something.

Another way to remind yourself

Many people want to know what to do in those possible cases when it is not possible to constantly flash before their eyes the right person, and there is no possibility of contact. This problem can be resolved if you use indirect methods of manipulation. But for such a plan to work, you need to find an assistant who has the ability to communicate with the person you need and has fairly regular contact with him. You should ask such an assistant to pronounce your name and mention you on occasion.

This could be in casual conversation or when talking to the object of your passion. However, it is better to present information in such a way that the person you are interested in also shows interest or curiosity about you. Of course, common business connections, similar hobbies or a common hobby will greatly simplify this task. This way, the subject will constantly have thoughts about you spinning in his head. This will inevitably lead to the fact that sooner or later a closer type of contact or acquaintance will arise between you.

Mental suggestion or how to make a person think about you with the power of thought

The next method to make the right person constantly think about you is through mental suggestion. This technique can be placed on the border between psychology and practical magic. Mental suggestion manifests itself in a special type of hypnosis, in which the necessary thoughts are suggested at a certain distance. This method is well suited if you have the opportunity to personally contact the object of your affection.

When you are within the same room as him or simply see him in your field of vision, you need to mentally concentrate and again begin to mentally convey to him a special phrase, which is a suggestion. It’s better to think about this phrase in advance. You can simply suggest that this person loves you or convey something more specific with your thoughts. When you mentally pronounce such an order, it is also important to clearly imagine how the beam of blue color as if it connects you with your chosen one at points in the middle of the forehead. It is through this created channel that the prepared phrase must be transmitted. Then it will quickly reach the person’s subconscious. You can accompany this phrase with your entire image.

Another method by which you can make a specific person think about you is suitable for those who see their chosen one quite rarely. However, you must be familiar with this person. Otherwise, a person simply will not connect the thoughts that arise in his mind directly with your image. And all efforts will be in vain.

This method also belongs to the field of mental magic. Therefore, before conducting practical experiments, it would not hurt to acquire the skill of completely concentrating on your thoughts and concentrating. A very developed imagination is also a necessary quality. This exercise is recommended to be performed only in the evenings or at night, since it is important that the object of your influence is in a relaxed state, preferably in sleep.

If you find it difficult to completely recreate in your memory the image of the person you need in all its details, then stock up on his photograph. Next, you need to relax your body as much as possible and mentally focus on the image of your loved one. When you see the image of a person quite clearly and very clearly, then begin to imagine that you managed to penetrate inside his body. At the same time, imagine how your heads are connected together.

Often people who practice this technique already at this moment begin to hear the feelings and read the thoughts of the object of influence. You also need to try to understand the person's thoughts, understand his own feelings and feel the emotions he feels. Then give yourself a mindset where you think with that person's brain. Gradually introduce the memory of your image into his brain; you can also give short but very clear orders in the form of thoughts. It is recommended to practice this exercise every new evening for at least one month. But the effect may appear faster. It depends on how closely you communicate with the object of your love.

Safety precautions

The power of thought is a very powerful tool, especially in the hands of a person with strong energy. Therefore, it is important to remember that you should not try to “force” a person to think about you in moments of illness and poor health. And also when you have a confusion of thoughts in your head, when you cannot concentrate, in moments of increased emotionality. Otherwise, you can harm both yourself and the object of your affection. Be careful and skip the session of working with the power of thought, returning to this practice when you become calm and can fully concentrate on your loved one.

Also, you should not engage in mental practices if you are not confident in the strength of your own feelings.

Other important things

And it is important to remember that there are certain things without which it is difficult to achieve results with the power of thought. If you don’t know each other well and haven’t attracted a person’s attention externally, then getting him to think about you will be much more difficult. It's important to remember: men and women fall in love with different qualities in each other. Men pay more attention to appearance, rather than on the inner nature of a woman, especially at the first stage of a relationship. Therefore, in order to be liked, she must first look as good as possible. If you're interested,

Is it possible to transmit thoughts at a distance?

In this article I will try to describe my thoughts on this matter and explain a little scientifically why, in my opinion, the transmission of thoughts at a distance is a completely trivial thing and not something unusual.

In the 20s XX century Academician V.I. Vernadsky introduced the concept of the noosphere, defined as the “intelligent” shell around the earth.

In my mind The noosphere is a kind of field in which all the thoughts of all people on the planet are located. I would NOT call it collective intelligence or social consciousness, no, it’s more like a field where thoughts fly around indiscriminately.

Essentially, the thoughts you think do not originate in your head. They come to you from outside. Just from this field.

This feature could easily be observed by those of you who, in order to “strengthen the power of thought,” engaged in the practice of “no mind,” that is, stopping their thoughts.

When I observe my silent mind, I notice how various thoughts literally attack my head, trying to break into my space, into my mental shell.

Remember, you probably have had situations when some thought directly bombards you beyond your desire. Has it happened?

Our mind generally has two functions: to receive thoughts from the outside and to create them independently.

You and I, people who strive to fulfill our desires, very often tune our minds precisely to create OUR thoughts and images.

We do this by writing down our desires and speaking affirmations, we visualize our desires. That is, we, through an effort of will, create our own thoughts and transmit them to the noosphere.

But who can catch this thought from the noosphere?


Scientists transmit thoughts at a distance

It has long been the norm that scientists in different countries at the same time, INDEPENDENT of each other, without knowing anything about each other, they make the same discovery.

It was enough to “Google” and I found a definition of this phenomenon on Wikipedia:

Multiple opening is the hypothesis that most scientific research and inventions are made independently and more or less simultaneously by several scientists and inventors.

When the list of Nobel laureates is announced annually, especially in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology and medicine, and economics, more and more often, instead of single laureates, two or (the maximum possible number) three who independently made the same discovery are nominated.

Historians and sociologists note the prevalence of “multiple independent discoveries” in science.

Sometimes discoveries occur simultaneously or almost simultaneously; Sometimes scientists make discoveries without knowing that others have already made them years ago.

Examples of multiple independent discoveries:

  • the formalization of differential and integral calculus in the 17th century by Isaac Newton, Gottfried Leibniz and others (described by Rupert Hall);
  • Boyle-Mariotte law, independently discovered by two scientists in the 17th century;
  • the discovery of oxygen in the 18th century by Karl Scheele, Joseph Priestley, Antoine Lavoisier and others;
  • non-Euclidean geometry, independently developed at the beginning of the 19th century by N. I. Lobachevsky in Russia, Janos Bolyai in Hungary and Gauss in Germany;
  • theory of the evolution of species independently developed in the 19th century by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace.

What thoughts does this information make you think?

Perhaps all thoughts really fly into the noosphere and from there they “get” into people’s heads?

How does a thought decide whose head it will enter?

I will describe the mechanism for choosing a person to “get” a thought into him later, but for now read about the mysterious experiment with monkeys on the island.

Monkeys transmit thoughts at a distance

On the Japanese island of Koshima, there lived a colony of wild monkeys, which scientists fed with sweet potatoes (yams), scattering them on the sand.

The monkeys liked the yam, but didn't like the sand on it. You know, animals don’t eat dirty food.

Then one day, 18-month-old female Imo discovered that she could solve this problem by washing her sweet potatoes. She taught this trick to her mother and other monkeys.

And when the number of monkeys who learned to wash sweet potatoes reached a hundred or more, all the monkeys living on the nearby islands suddenly, without any external prompting, also began to wash potatoes.

How can this be, you ask?

It would seem nothing supernatural. But the fact is that several groups of scientists observed monkeys on completely different islands.

And at one point, when the number of monkeys who had learned to peel sweet potatoes reached a certain number, all the monkeys on all the islands began to peel sweet potatoes.

Considering what's in between there was absolutely no contact, it becomes very difficult to explain this phenomenon.

And this happened to all the monkeys in Japan, even in zoos.

Although it is unknown, perhaps worldwide, such global observations have not been made.

How to explain this phenomenon?

Many people associate this phenomenon with the information shell of the earth, or with signals from space.

There are many versions. But none of the theories have yet been proven. For now it remains a mystery...

How people unintentionally transmit thoughts to each other

But if, indeed, a group of people, be it residents of the same village or a group of friends, have a common mental field, then it turns out that we can catch the thought that our neighbor or friend thought yesterday?

Have you ever had a time when you and your loved ones started a conversation and realized that you had absolutely identical thoughts about a specific matter?

Is this a coincidence? Coincidence?

This story happened to me once.

Sisters transmit thoughts at a distance

In those days, my sister and I were far from each other.

It was summer, and we were on vacation in different places.

At this time, a small kitten was brought into our house.

The kitten was handed over to me and I took care of him in the first days, waiting for my sister to return so that we could come up with a name for him together.

Over the course of these few days, I went through names in my mind.

In the end, I decided that I would offer my sister the name Fedor, like Uncle Fedor from the cartoon.

When my sister arrived and we played with the kitten together, it turned out that she, too, had already come up with a name.

Have you already guessed what name she came up with?

It was the same name - Fedor!

Independently of me, the same name came to my sister's mind. Moreover, no cats in our area were ever called by this name, that is, the name was completely new to us.

It is no longer possible to know which of us inspired this name to whom.

But the fact that people can capture other people's thoughts has been a constant for me ever since.

Often close people can easily transmit thoughts to each other at a distance, let's read about an experiment conducted in New York.

How a husband conveyed a thought to his wife

The husband and wife, who voluntarily agreed to undergo the experiment, were placed in different hospitals, several kilometers apart. They were connected to instruments that measured heart rate, blood pressure, galvanic skin response, brain wave frequency and other physiological parameters.

Then one of the parapsychologists approached the man and said in a gloomy tone that he had bad news. His wife died suddenly during the experiment. After a ten-second pause, the subject was told that his wife was fine and that this message was just part of the experiment.

The devices recorded the man's shock and expressed it in quantitative terms.

What was surprising was that several kilometers away, his wife, who knew nothing of what he was told, also registered shock.

Somehow the two minds communicated, despite the distance and the fact that they were unaware of the communication.

In the example described above, we are talking more about transmitting not thoughts at a distance, but an emotional state, but the essence is the same: we can communicate with each other at a distance without using communication means.

For example, many of you are familiar with the teachings of Klaus Jous and techniques for sending love to another person.

When one person can establish contact with another person, improve relations with him, by sending him streams of love energy, I wrote how to do this in the article.

As you can see, conscious communication between two minds is a scientifically proven fact.

Now let's move on to practice and see how you can transmit thoughts at a distance to other people.

I am reprinting this material for those who did not receive the letter.

How to get someone to call?

My dears, let me clarify right away.

We don't force anyone to call! We only direct our thought into the noosphere in order to transmit it to another person. All this is quite harmless.

For more information about this method, watch the video.

So, one day I really wanted a young man to call me. An old friend of mine, with whom I have not spoken for a very long time. And that's what I did.

I began to mentally imagine what he would say to me if he actually called. I came up with words that I knew exactly what he could say. To do this, I turned to my memory and remembered how he used to start his phone call to me.

And he started it banally: a long, drawn-out “Hello,” then a pause and “How are you?”

I presented not only the content of the text.

After this image, I moved on to another.

I imagined the phone ringing, I looked at the screen and saw that he was calling, I saw the name with which he was written in my phone book.

I “flavored” both of these visualizations with the emotions that I will experience when he actually calls. So, of course, I will be happy...

Hmm, what should I tell him?

It probably wouldn't be bad for him to know about...

This was my train of thought. I fully believed that I would actually receive a call from him in the near future.

And in the end he called me about 5 days later.

Everything went exactly according to plan.

When I saw his name on the screen and then heard these “hello” and “how are you” - I was a little stunned. It's incredible how thoughts can be conveyed from a distance!

How to attract a message from the right person?

And now the second story. About SMS.

This story was shared by a girl, a reader of the blog, when I asked her what wishes you had already fulfilled, and here is the story she told:

I really wanted to make peace with the man.

In the evening, on a piece of paper, I spontaneously drew a dialog box, like in Viber, and a text from it: “Hello, I miss you.”

About two hours later I received a message from him on Viber with exactly the same text.


As you can see, both mental visualization and what we write down on paper work.

Do you want to receive a call or SMS from someone?

Then try it. No magic. Only the power of directed thought!

These two stories clearly show how one person can direct thoughts to a call or text message to another person.

Do you know what it looks like from the side of the person to whom the thought was sent?

He will be absolutely sure that this is his own thought!

Now think, are you thinking your own thoughts now?

I have an amazingly deep article about “receivers” and “translators”, read it to learn how to create your own thoughts, and not catch other people’s.

How to make a man think about you?

Many people ask me whether it is possible to “work” with a person at a distance. I answer everyone at once - it is possible. At the beginning of the article, you read how our thoughts move from one person to another.

Now I want to tell you how to direct your thought so that the right person “catch” it.

This is done very simply - using your imagination.

You simply imagine this person and imagine that the thought you need enters his head.

I described a very good technique of subjective communication (as Jose Silva called this process) in the article.

I won’t repeat myself, read that article, it describes how you can convey a thought to a person at a distance using the alpha level.

And now I’ll tell you a more piquant way of instilling a thought in a person, and not even a thought, but rather a desire...

That is, so that the person thinks about you.

This is only suitable in the case of a love relationship.

"Magic Touch" Method

Imagine your person is naked.

Your next step is to reach out and touch it.

Use your visualized sensation to caress him erotically with your hand. If you lose the overall picture of this person, that's okay.

Just concentrate on the area of ​​the body you are touching.

If you can't imagine what this particular body part looks like, complete it (it will work anyway).

There are situations when you want to talk to a person, but for some reason you shouldn’t call him. In such cases, psychotechnicians will help to force a person to call immediately. The higher the energy message, the more effective the result will be.

How to get someone to call?

There are several techniques that can get a person to call:

  1. Simoron technique. Place activated carbon on your phone. After this, with the power of thought, give the necessary person a suggestion that he should call as soon as possible.
  2. Prayer. Put everything aside and pray that the person you want will call you.
  3. Photo. This method is suitable for those who are looking for a way to mentally force a person to call. Look closely at the person's photo and give him a command that he should call.
  4. Meditation. This method helps to get a person to call. You need to sit back and try to take your mind off everything. The eyes should be closed. It is necessary to achieve a state in which nothing is heard. In this state, you need to mentally create an image of the right person, look into his eyes and persistently ask for a call.
  5. CONSPIRACY. For supporters of magic, there is a way to make a person call using a conspiracy. To do this, you must have any item belonging to this person. If there is no such object, then any object that this person touched will do. If this is not the case, then you can write down the person’s phone number on a piece of paper and cast a spell over him. You must pick up the thing or piece of paper and say the words over it 9 times: “My dear (me), (name), why don’t you write or call, why don’t you talk to me? I am beautiful (I am strong), I am the best, kindest to you and the most interesting. Take the phone quickly and dial my number. As soon as you hear mine

Of course, if you fall madly in love, your thoughts are occupied only with him, with one, the only, everything becomes important: how did he look, what did he say, did he call or not? Are you worried about whether he thinks about you or remembers you when you are not around? And it’s even scary to think that he might become interested in another girl. Therefore, when your loved one is not around, you most likely wonder how to force a man to think about you from a distance with the power of thought?

It must be said that such methods exist. And, if you have strong enough energy and will, you can study them and use them in practice. These techniques will help preserve, strengthen his feelings and strengthen the connection between you. After all, anyone who understands this issue at least a little knows that thoughts are material and their energy is very strong. This is a fact already proven by science.

The magical power of thought

Our thoughts are streams of energy with which we can influence the existing reality and materialize our desires in reality. The technique of realizing desires through thought forms belongs to the field of parapsychology and is successfully practiced by specialists in mental magic.

Preliminary preparation for the ritual

Exist important rules that will help you realize your intentions of making a man at a distance think about you. Be sure to study them before you start practicing:

Left completely alone, sit down and calmly think about how great your desire is and whether your chosen one is worth spending serious energy resources on him.

Think about whether fulfilling your desire will harm other people?

If you have definitely decided to start realizing your desire with the help of thought forms, start practicing in a completely relaxed state. The most suitable time is at night, when you are almost falling asleep.

The image you evoke in your mind must be clear. Start thinking about your loved one in good mood, sending him mentally positive emotions.

In order to achieve maximum effect, it is better to perform the ritual in the second and third stages of the moon. These are the most favorable periods for energy contacts and transmission of thoughts at a distance. By the third phase, the body has accumulated enough energy to direct its flow in the right direction.

Well, now let's take a closer look complex technique of similar practices that can be used in our case:

Ritual of mental practice

Determine the approximate time when your beloved man sleeps and go to bed yourself. But first remove anything that might distract you. Turn off your phone, put your watch away and start tuning in the right mood. To do this, you can turn on quiet music for meditation, light some incense. To avoid clothing getting in the way, take off everything. Be sure to take off your jewelry and take out the hair clips.

Lying in bed, relax all your muscles, throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head, breathe deeply and calmly. Think only about him, concentrate only on this. Imagine your man in as much detail as possible: his moles, scars, the smell of his hair, his facial expression, etc. A complete image must be built in your head. Now imagine how you are transported inside him, into his consciousness.

Achieve the complete feeling that he is you. That is, you together are a single whole. Imagine his thoughts, sensations and feelings. When you achieve this feeling, start sending commands to his consciousness.

They should be formulated very clearly and clearly and should not be long. For example: “Remember (your name), “Miss (your name)”, “Call (your name)”, etc. If everything is done correctly, he will actually carry out these commands and will think about you from a distance constantly.

You need to know that this and, in general, any other magical practices should be performed when you are healthy and full of strength. If you feel unwell or are sick, nothing will work out. The energy that is so necessary to fulfill your desire will be spent by the body on recovery. There simply isn’t enough for the ritual. So, wait until you get better.

There is another way to make a man think about you from a distance. With its help, you can penetrate his dreams, making him remember you during the day. This is a practical ritual of witchcraft magic. Experts recommend holding it on the waning moon:

Magic ritual

Make preliminary preparations for the ritual, as described in the first method. Wait until midnight. Calm your thoughts, think only about your man. Light a candle, be sure to be red. Dress lightly loose clothes so as not to hinder your movement, let your hair down, wash off your makeup.

Go out into the courtyard of your house or onto the balcony. Place a lit candle, look closely at the flame, concentrate your thoughts on your loved one, mentally sending him the command “Think about (your name)”, “Love (your name)”, etc.

When you feel that the connection with your man’s subconscious has been achieved, spin clockwise three times and repeat the spell: Bring smoke, fire to (man’s name). I spun around and dreamed about you.” Then sit down, calm your emotions, put out the candle and go to bed.

At the end of our conversation, I want to tell you that it is very difficult to take possession of the thoughts and, especially, the feelings of another person from a distance. You will need great desire, will and complete confidence in your abilities.

If you really want him to constantly think about you, take care of your appearance, behave correctly, make him stand out from many other girls.

However, in pursuit of his attention, do not lose the most important thing - your individuality. First, love yourself, forgive yourself mistakes and miscalculations, pamper yourself and remember that the most important thing in life for you is yourself. Once you believe this, a man will begin to admire you, think about you constantly and without the help of magic.