The laws of giving money and wealth. Urgently! Laws of money and wealth. Invest money under guarantees

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No money? Are you sure that you know the laws of money and use ways to attract wealth? Perhaps you are losing a fortune on these small mistakes...

You can laugh away financial anxiety if you know the laws of money and follow these simple rules!

1. Find another source of income

Let it be a new specialty or new job¹. This way you can avoid routine and become an expert in one more thing. Look around and you will find new sources of income thanks to new knowledge. Remember: the rich always make money!

2. Invest in yourself

By directing part of the money to your education, you become a more valuable specialist, which in turn will open up new opportunities for you! By investing in yourself, you are investing in your future prosperity, so stop doubting!

3. Save some money

When you receive wages or other income, you need to immediately set aside 10-30%. You say: “I don’t have enough money anyway.” But if you continue to live the way you are, you will never have them. It is human nature to spend all the money if he does not control it.

Let it be small money, but save it regularly. This will help you develop the habit of saving.

Know that what you put aside is your strategy for well-being.

(See law of quantity of money below). Follow it and you will see your income begin to increase!

Then you can invest this money in business, real estate, securities or other sources that will bring you new money.

4. Don't buy unnecessary things

If you have a habit of going shopping, and from there you come out with a bunch of unnecessary things, then urgently change the situation! Make a list and follow it. And remember, when buying things, you should not save too much - “the miser pays twice.”

5. Record financial movements

Keep a notebook of reports and write down there how much you received and how much you spent, so you will master the basics of financial literacy² and understand where your money “goes”. You will also understand where you can really save money.

6. Make investments

Find a project³ in which you can invest money. This can help you create a passive source of income. Study the market. Check the facts. This way, you will soon be able to have a good understanding of where to invest.

But remember: the rich always calculate the risks!

Before you invest money anywhere, you need to study the segment in which you are going to invest. You need to take into account all the risks and only then take a decisive step.

7. Share

By doing this, you will return the “good money” tenfold - this is one of the laws of increasing money and attracting wealth!

8. Rejoice

Be happy that you already have money. Try to give yourself small gifts every day - this will strengthen the idea in your subconscious that money is good, and it will come into your life more often.

Be happy that you are living, an extra day of life cannot be bought for any money! An effective course will help you get ready to attract wealth and prosperity.

Laws of money

1. The law of money circulation

Money should always be on the move!

2. Money back law

The more money you give, the more money you get!

3. Law of attraction of money

Think about wealth, imagine yourself as a wealthy person, then money will be attracted to you!

4. Law of quantity of money

The rich always save! "Money to money." The more money you have, the more it will come into your life!

5. The law of receiving money

Never force the Universe into a framework: think that money is coming to you, but never calculate the ways to get it. Money can come to you from a variety of sources!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

² You can learn about the basics of financial literacy

³ Project - a plan, idea, image, embodied in the form of a description, justification of calculations, drawings that reveal the essence of the plan and the possibility of its practical implementation (

They say that poverty is a way of thinking. But then the opposite judgment will also be true: wealth is also a state of mind. It turns out that in order to become rich, you need to learn to think differently, get rid of negative thoughts that interfere material wealth. However, getting rid of negative thoughts does not mean telling yourself in front of the mirror every morning: “Today I will become rich!” But such an affirmation is unlikely to lead to anything good. Everything is much deeper - you need to change the very mechanics of reasoning, the understanding of the categories of money and wealth, and, accordingly, their content.

If you are reading this article, then most likely you already have an understanding that your current financial situation does not suit you and the need for change is very clear to you. A start! Next, try asking yourself the following question: “What did I do to become rich?” And when answering it, be extremely frank - there is no need to bring up untenable arguments or make excuses in your defense. This will still not bring any results, but the realization that you did nothing or did not do enough will be a serious incentive for real change.

Our lives are filled with opportunities, but for some reason most people simply do not want to notice the obvious. We simply close ourselves off from the outside world and live according to the standard, we are afraid to change something, to open the door to something new. But it’s no secret to anyone that the world is changing and you need to act not according to the old proven scheme, but you need to correlate all your actions with reality.

True, there are inviolable postulates that will always be relevant. Perhaps you can take a fresh look at the well-known laws of wealth and apply them more effectively.

The first law is that all our wealth is created by our own mind.. A limited person will live within his own limitations, so constant self-development coupled with the competent application of acquired knowledge will sooner or later certainly bear fruit.

The second law is that the value of a good, including money, is determined jointly by the buyer and seller. Remember the basic course of economics - the intersection of supply and demand gives rise to price. There is no need to give more for a benefit than you value it.

The third law is that income should be distributed into two parts: covering needs and savings.. Try to reconsider your spending - most likely, you will find some of the cost items unnecessary. Reduce these expenses and turn them into savings, which can later become capital or turn into investments.

The fourth law is that money must work.. Everything that is not spent should not lie as a dead weight. Turn your liabilities into assets, otherwise those liabilities will lose their value over time.

In conclusion, I would like to recommend you the wonderful book “Poor Dad, Rich Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki. This book has helped many people feel financial freedom, start thinking differently and radically change their lives. Also, try to think creatively, go beyond the ordinary, set clear goals for yourself and achieve them!

What a man does is what he is.

(G. Hegel)

Finding your way, finding out your place - this is everything for a person, this means for him to become himself.

(V. G. Belinsky)

What I like about positive thinking is that positive thinkers successful people, can make lemonade from sour lemons and extract snake venom from the snake-infested desert. What I mean is that there is always, at any moment in time His Majesty Chance.

Do you feel like everything is lost because you were fired from your job? It’s worth thinking again, only positively. It is possible that you have long been dissatisfied with your job, nagging boss, and the Universe is thus responding to your true desires. Yes, some excitement is understandable. However, put your fears aside, take heart, test your arsenal of knowledge and skills and get ready to take a leap into the unknown.

You are now given the opportunity to become successful, rich and prosperous. It's just a matter of small things - you need to show your best qualities.

Prayer, or meditation, or just thinking for atheists can help you with this. The essence of prayer is to be allowed to:

> do what you like best;

> show your best qualities at work;

>benefit other people.

At a time when I desperately needed support (financially primarily), I turned to heaven with this prayer:“Lord, I believe that there is a path that you have prepared just for me. Help me find my purpose. Open the doors of understanding, good luck and happiness for me. Give me a job that I can do while remaining who I am. I’m open and ready for change!”

So what happened? I became a writer, realizing my creative abilities. A speaker, realizing his gift of stage speech. A singer, writing down her favorite mantras (they need to be sung, after all). An artist, enjoying the process of drawing itself. An expert in positive thinking, pursuing your passion for knowledge. A Feng Shui specialist, realizing my love for everything mysterious, oriental and for the house in which I live.

And most importantly, people need all this! Do you think my prayer was answered?

It is difficult to demand that an artistic person love accounting and vice versa. There is one important secret success - if you love your business, then the money will come on its own, and easily, while you enjoy the process.

A person's success is his song of praise to God.

A successful person pleases his Creator because he follows the path of progress and development. And development always leads to God.

So how do you know what your purpose is? There are two ways. The first is to ask yourself what I love to do more than anything in the world. The second is to meditate on this topic.

There is a wonderful meditation that has revolutionized my life.

Meditation “Discovering your personal path”

Relax, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths. Breathe with your whole body, breathe with your heart, breathe through your third eye, breathe with your skin. Fill your body with golden light. Feel complete peace and deep tranquility. Ask those of your High mentors and patrons in whom you personally believe to arrange a meeting with your Higher Self.

Feel or simply imagine that your Higher Self has come to contact you. Thank him for his communication and help and ask him to open for you your personal, unique, own path to success.

For different people the answer comes in different ways. Someone may see pictures on a white screen, someone, as in my case, may receive audio information, and someone will receive a simple and clear understanding of what needs to be done and what to strive for.

Be in a state of openness to information for about 10–15 minutes, and then calmly return to your normal state. Be sure to say thank you.

Even if nothing worked out the first time, don’t think that nothing happened. Any message will definitely be returned. Any question already has its answer in the depths of the thinking Universe.

Once you understand who you are and why you came to this Earth, you will have a calm and unshakable self-confidence. Self-confidence and strength in turn attract opportunities to you to change your life. New useful acquaintances appear, unexpected offers arrive.

Don’t yawn here and don’t think twice about it! You asked?

– Feel free to step forward to realizing your destiny, which means to a new level of abundance in your life.

At the same time, be prepared for the fact that you will have to give away something that you had before. I'm not scaring, I'm just explaining the laws of development.

For example, could I become a Russian writer while living in America, where I studied both Feng Shui and the basics of positive thinking? Don't think. I had to leave my established, prosperous life by that time and return to Russia. Do I regret this? Not at all! Although, I admit, it was difficult. Any changes are not very easy, but you shouldn’t be afraid of them, because changes for us, who think positively, are always only for the better, right?

Choose wealth!

Remember that money has the ability to multiply.

(B. Franklin)

Property is an undeniable blessing in this world.

(A. Lincoln)

Choose wealth for yourself, and then your choice will be supported by the beneficial Universe. For we are created for happiness. And in poverty, no matter what they say about heaven in a hut, there is little happiness.

We have taken the most important step with you. Here and now we chose wealth. Great! I'm very happy for you. We can directly say that now it is only a matter of technology for wealth to become the norm of your life, as it was intended by the Creator.

Important Warning

The moment has come when I consider it my duty to warn you that your choice carries with it serious responsibility.

– From now on, you take responsibility for your life and for everything that will happen in it. A person with the psychology of wealth has no right to condemn anyone for his own mistakes and shift responsibility for his life to others.

Otherwise, he is automatically transferred to a state of poverty psychology with the corresponding results.

Prosperity and wealth bring with them a lot of positive aspects that are very pleasant and bring joy. At the same time, responsibility for yourself and for the many people who now depend on you increases.

Yes, and one more interesting point.

Have you ever thought about what Do rich people spend a lot? Since rich people have their own social circle, a circle of consumption, increased material status entails a sharp change in their usual life. This is a test that must be passed, although sometimes it is not easy for a person to accept the fact that for the salary of his driver, for example, he will have to shell out an amount that he could not even think about before. The expenses of a rich person are enormous, as the number of different bills to be paid increases. However, we made this choice on our own, didn’t we?

Let me give you an example of the story of a student of my seminars, with whom I often meet now... This is what she told me.

“When I bought my first Mercedes, I was at the height of bliss. By the way, I bought it from a very successful man, which in itself is good feng shui. Everything was fine until it was time to repair it. I remember that summer day well, because when I saw the amount of the bill written out to me for the repair of the Mercedes, this sunny day faded somewhat in my eyes. The invoice amount was half the cost of the car itself! This was a serious test for the person starting my path to prosperity, which I was at that time. Then I had to learn a very important lesson on my own: whoever chooses wealth, his expenses increase accordingly.

I remember reading affirmations and calming my mind, which was just in a panic. Now I am grateful for this lesson, because I realized that you need to bless your accounts if you want to reach a new level of prosperity.”

Are you ready for this? Then go ahead, my beautiful ones, a lot of interesting things await us!

Gradually, step by step, we will build with you a clear and effective program that will help you become a prosperous and happy person.

The most effective way to switch to a new wave of your consciousness is to use the precious minutes before sleep and after waking up to “program” your mind with these words:

· I am the spirit of Divine Abundance!

· I choose happiness and wealth!

· I am the heir (heiress) of Heavenly


These words should become a habit that can turn your life around.

Even if you get up at night, mutter to yourself:

· I attract wealth.

· God constantly multiplies my income.

It is important! There is one condition - This kind of programming of your consciousness must be done constantly, every day!

Let's face it. Even if you are very young now, for at least 20 years of your young life you were exposed to a completely different kind of programming. Surprised? Meanwhile, remember children's fairy tales about inevitably evil rich stepmothers and pompous rich men who get “what they deserve” at the end of the tale from poor but noble heroes. I can immediately note that poor but noble heroes, as a rule, take possession of the property of the defeated rich; in any case, they are guaranteed half the kingdom with the princess. Does this remind you of anything from our history? And if you are 35–45 years old, then the programming took longer...

Why, when passing by beautiful country mansions, does a person say with hatred: “Now they’ve built it...” Are beggar’s shacks better? Not to mention the fact that the owners of such mansions are immediately associated with bloodsuckers, bandits, in other words, with negative characters from children's fairy tales.

For some reason, it doesn’t occur to me that this house or that luxury car could belong to a talented scientist, an honored designer, a famous musician, that people through work, education, and talent have earned their right to enjoy the blessings of life. And such a negative attitude comes from there, from childhood, first from fairy tales, then from upbringing in the family, then from newspaper articles, and so on and so forth.

It is precisely this biased view of wealthy people that is one of the causes of financial problems. Therefore, to change the “program output”, that is, to materialize positive results, you need to hurry up! Just never despair, you will succeed.

– Think positively about all people who have achieved success. You are now one of them! You chose this yourself!

Let your library contain biographical books or memoirs of millionaires and famous people, not detective stories. Our subconscious is designed in such a way that whatever we focus our attention on, it will definitely manifest itself in life. How nice it is to walk past a shelf at home with a book entitled: “How to become a billionaire.” Of course, this shouldn't be the only book in your library... Just kidding.

Think positive about money, they love it. Treat them as your good and powerful friends.

The funny thing is that this is true.

– Receive money with pleasure and give money with pleasure, joy and gratitude.

There are people who adore money, but at the same time cling to it so tightly that giving it away is martyrdom for them. This attitude towards money, from the psychology of poverty that we left in the distant past, has no creative power.

Blessing accounts is one of the most important components of the psychology of wealth. Pay your bills with sincere gratitude for the benefits that you already got.

“Do you really kiss your bills?” – one reader asked me suspiciously when we met. Without showing the slightest sign of remorse, I admitted that I have been doing this for several years, and the results are very inspiring. I hasten to add that it is not necessary to kiss them passionately, just blowing them a kiss is enough.

After all, any bills are evidence of your well-being, and if you pay them with joy and not with internal protest, you will soon see a change in your financial situation for the better.

An exercise to help you connect to the flow of Universal Abundance

Every time you are on the banks of a river, lake or sea, imagine that all this Abundance is for you. Even the elastic jets of a fountain or a babbling forest spring can fill your consciousness with the confidence that Abundance is limitless. Focus your attention on the droplets of water, imagine how many there are, you can even stretch your hands to the source and say to yourself calmly and confidently: “My Abundance is limitless, like the Universe. I am open to the flow of goodness that constantly fills my life.”

If you have time, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out, imagining that you are filled with clean, fresh energy. “May my Abundance increase!“- this phrase can end the exercise.

In winter, it can be performed in the pool or just in the garden. at she. I have already become a habit of not missing a single fountain or any other stream of water, so as not to do this easy, pleasant and very effective exercise.

Arm yourself with a strategy!

A person grows as his goals grow.

(Fr. Schiller)

The only happiness in life is constant striving forward.

(E. Zola)

Talk to successful people and you will see that each of them has a clear strategy that helps them succeed. Some do it intuitively, others consciously, but the important thing is that they do it they do!

I offer you a strategy for creating wealth and prosperity that has already helped so many, on one condition... follow it!

– A mentor can help you achieve prosperity. Who should I choose? A person who has already achieved what you strive for!

You love and respect your grandmother very much, but she cannot become your mentor unless she is an honorary consultant to the stock exchange, for example. Joke.

Our grandmothers, the overwhelming majority, were raised in the spirit of the militant psychology of poverty, and therefore cannot help us as mentors. As comedian Mikhail Zadornov says: “Well, who else but our women can guess that torn tights can be worn under trousers so that no one sees!” That's it, that's exactly what I'm talking about.

Not all of us have the rare fortune of having our own guru or mentor. What to do?

In this case, books take the place of the guru. I am convinced that a book can change a person's life. Content is important. For example, what do you do in the evening before going to bed? There are people who fall asleep with the TV remote control in their hands. It is safe to say that sleep in this case will be restless and will not bring much benefit for our great goals.

As I mentioned before, our subconscious mind is most receptive before sleep and immediately after waking up. In order to help yourself tune into a calm, peaceful mood, read only positive literature before bed!

On my nightstand next to my bed, for example, there are always books by Louise Hay and Joseph Murphy. No matter how tired I am, I make sure to read at least one affirmation or prayer from Joseph Murphy’s collection before going to bed. As an alternative, I listen to positive meditation tapes, often my own, before bed. This helps to relax, calm the mind and join in the great values ​​of Divine grace. In the morning, the first thing I do is read a prayer and say those affirmations that suit me at a given time. This has already become a habit that has changed my life.

Knowing the basics of positive thinking, it is not difficult to detect everything that does not correspond to the new state of consciousness. And believe me, there is a lot of this.

For example, a conversation overheard in a store. A boy, about seven years old, asks his mother to buy a car. Mom answers absentmindedly, looking at the display case with perfumes: “We have no money!” “Well, then at least another car, a smaller one.” Mom’s answer: “We have no money!” “Well, then at least a transformer.” Mom’s answer: “We have no money!”

What happens? Within a few minutes, the mother programmed her subconscious and, most offensively, her son’s subconscious, for a persistent lack of money. This is no longer a joke. After all, this is how it will be! You could answer: “Darling, I’ll get the money and buy it for you, wait a little,” or something like that. But when a person, simply without thinking, repeats this destructive refrain constantly in order to get rid of it, he causes serious harm to himself.

So, even as a joke, do not allow yourself to say that you have no money, for everything is coming true, my friends.

– A person who is aware of the power of his words says only what he really wants to have. Our words create reality. Let them be good.

Become who you want!

Life should and can be unceasing joy.

(L.N. Tolstoy)

There is no hill in the world that persistence will not eventually reach the top of.

(C. Dickens)

Would you like to chat with a superstar? What about the mayor of the city? Absolutely yes, right? Wealthy people who have achieved success are very, very attractive, and a huge number of people want to communicate with them.

When we become attractive to people, we also become attractive to money!

To achieve this state that is pleasant in all respects, you must first convince yourself, firstly, that you are worthy of the greatest good that exists. And secondly, imagine that you are already reached.

The importance of this step cannot be described. I read an interview with one professional who works in a casino to “promote” clients. So, she can distinguish a rich person from a poor person instantly! Do you think by the presence of a Rolex watch and a Gucci suit? No! Regardless of how a person was dressed, whether he was wearing jeans or a tuxedo, she unmistakably identified a wealthy person by his behavior! This once again proves the truth of the statement that

– Wealth is a state of consciousness, not a quantity of things.

Great, let's cultivate this state in ourselves, which is so attractive that it can turn your whole life around!

For people with a disciplined consciousness, it is not surprising that a certain state must first be felt, and then it will not be slow to manifest itself in reality. We have already said that all subsequent events in your life depend on your conscious choice.

Mentally become the person you want to be. Choose for yourself tastefully clothes, a car, a house, or an activity that attracts you. Think through everything in advance, because the Intelligent Universe fulfills all desires.

Get started now.


Go to the mirror and look at yourself. What can we say about you in your opinion? appearance? What is your look, determined or uncertain? What is your posture - straight, full of dignity, or is your head always lowered and your back slouched? Look at your hands. Do they casually strike an elegant pose or try to reach into their pockets? Hands in pockets reveal a fussy, cunning and weak person. What does the hairstyle look like? Even if you are at home, it is advisable to look neat.

All this makes up your new look, which should become as attractive as possible to subtle monetary energy.


The beneficial vibrations of Abundance cannot tolerate such words and fly away from the person using them.

Topics of conversation

Immediately stop the attempts of others to drag you into dull, painful conversations about disasters, tsunamis, the high cost of chairs for workers of all countries, inflation and other negative things.

Simoron’s school has a fun technique: when someone starts a conversation like this, you have to say to yourself: “And I’m playing music for the camels.” Actually, you can play music for anyone, the main thing is to switch your consciousness from negative to positive.

Or another option: “And I’m in the Himalayas!” You can also cheerfully say: “Where we are, it has always been, is and will be good!” - and move on to another topic.

For those who like to discuss the personal lives of other people, even if the details are gleaned from magazines and newspapers, I can tell you that this kind of conversation significantly lengthens the time before receiving the expected material and spiritual benefits. I emphasize: intimate life other people, including stars, is their own business. You shouldn’t worsen your karma by retelling the latest news from the lives of celebrities.

The reverse is also true. Your personal life concerns only you. Do not make your love experiences or health problems public. Become your own source of only good news, and you will soon notice positive changes in your work, financial situation and personal life.


Watching low-quality shows where the personal lives of people who do not know what they are doing with themselves are dissected can be equated to gossip.

It is much more useful to rent cassettes or discs with recordings of good comedies, classical films, and recordings of concerts by world performers. Such viewing elevates the soul and calms. This is also good because you escape from the bombardment of advertising, which programs you to consume unhealthy products, such as beer, hamburgers, etc.

Music can heal and it can deafen. It all depends on what you listen to. If you turn on a radio station that plays classical music while getting ready for work, you can significantly increase the vibrations in your apartment, which will definitely have a beneficial effect on the overall quality of your life.

In my apartment, only spiritual music is usually played. While writing books, I turn on my favorite CDs with recordings of church chorales with the sound of the ocean and birdsong, and meditative music.

Such music automatically transfers a person’s consciousness to a higher level, which will certainly entail prosperity, which is natural for a highly developed person.


Prosperous people tend to have an even mood. They love to laugh and try to maintain an elevated state of mind all the time.

Regular repetition of mantras, affirmations and prayers greatly contributes to a good mood. Even if at first you don’t really believe in the result, after some time, say a year, you will notice that you have become different.

People around you begin to feel good and say that your presence alone is relaxing and pleasant. Everyone starts looking for communication with you. Congratulations! This is a great signal that your work on yourself was not in vain.

Classics of positive thinking, such as Joseph Murphy, for example, recommend repeating the words “wealth, success” several times throughout the day. You can also add: “joy, happiness, health, abundance.”

Such words have a powerful positive effect on a person’s mood and attract the subtle and golden energy of money.

Education of will

A strong will is a characteristic of a leader, a characteristic of a rich person. Your will, focused and directed towards a specific goal, can work wonders. I often remember Baron Munchausen, who pulled himself and his horse out of the swamp by the hair! This is a portrait of a strong-willed man!

The following rules contribute to the development of will:

> Always finish what you start.

> Try to make decisions without hesitation.

> Increase the number of repetitions of gymnastic exercises every day. Don't forget to say affirmations while charging - this doubles the positive effect.

> Get up earlier than usual. If this is difficult right away, then set the alarm first 15 minutes earlier, then 30 and gradually reach the desired time.

> Completely eliminate the consumption of cigarettes and strong drinks alcoholic drinks.

> Read at least one page a day of a difficult-to-understand but useful book.

>Contain irritation and anger if someone insults you.

> Learn another one foreign language.

> Carry out unpleasant tasks with a calm heart, trying to do everything as best as possible, and not carelessly.

Having a strong will, you have already achieved many heights.

– Self-development is an endlessly rewarding activity, as you will see that you can improve yourself endlessly.

And it brings amazing results!

Force yourself to be rich!

As wealth grows, so do worries.


Wealth is not in the possession of wealth itself, but in the ability to use it wisely.

(M. de Cervantes)

You need to realize one important fact - no one will come and make you rich. Nobody. Except yourself.

Like, you know, in that joke: “You have to force yourself.” It’s not enough to just want, you have to force yourself to be rich. Remember Chekhov, who wrote that he squeezes a slave out of himself drop by drop. In the same way, you need to squeeze poverty out of yourself drop by drop!

And it will be up to you to do this. If you think this is impossible, then you simply underestimate your own strength. You and I have much more strength than it seems at first glance.

About the importance of awareness choice prosperity we have already spoken about.

All you have to do is believe that:

· you can do it;

· you deserve it;

· you will definitely achieve this!

At my seminars, I invite listeners, as an exercise, to visit the most beautiful and expensive place in the city, drink a cup of tea or coffee there and enjoy the process.

"How is it? – one woman asked me with completely sincere bewilderment. “After all, a cup of tea in such a place costs the same as lunch at McDonald’s!”

Exactly. That's exactly what I'm talking about.

Until a person learns to enjoy expensive and high-quality things, to enjoy them, to appreciate them, he will not be able to become rich. Constantly thinking and worrying about where you can buy cheaper and spend less is impossible to achieve prosperity.

As an experiment, invite a few friends to a tea party in an expensive restaurant. And observe the behavior of your friends.

A person with a consciousness of prosperity will look at the pictures on the walls, enjoy the music, and the company of elegantly dressed and successful people. And the one who has not yet let prosperity into his mind will look around nervously, make many unnecessary fussy gestures, curry favor with the waiters, in a word, behave like Kisa Vorobyaninov in a Nepman restaurant with Lisa.

All this happens because somewhere deep in the subconscious sits the thought that all this luxury is for someone else, and not for me.

It turns out a paradox: what less people tries to spend money, the less it becomes.

In other words, saving does not lead to wealth., no matter what our teachers say about this. I have seen this from my own experience. I'll tell you a story from my life that may be useful to you.

At the time when I was selflessly studying the science of an abundant and prosperous life, I did not even have the opportunity to purchase the necessary literature, since books in America are very expensive. I read them in stores and libraries, analyzed them, reflected, and finally the day came when, like Scarlett O’Hara, I made a solemn oath to myself: “I will never feel need again in my life!” I promise and swear that from now on I will become rich and happy!”

After that I went to the supermarket to do some shopping. When I tried to be a thrifty housewife, I diligently (as it seemed to me, correctly) saved on everything I could save on. That is, I bought everything the cheapest, feeling disgusting.

That day I told myself: “I decided to become rich, and rich people cannot afford to skimp on food.” Then I went to the rack where there were jars of fruit jam, and instead of, as usual, finding and taking the cheapest one, my hand reached out to a nice jar of French jam, which was incredibly expensive - about five dollars, as opposed to 99 cents that I usually allowed myself to spend on jam.

And what do you think? This jar of French jam was a turning point in my relationship with money! Because I allowed prosperity, even if it was just a jar of beautiful jam, to come into my life. This was the beginning of a new life.

The next step was shampoo. A prosperous person simply does not have the right to use cheap shampoo, so I chose the most expensive one that was in this supermarket. And the earth did not open up! And the money did not decrease, because I began to buy fewer goods, but of much better quality.

At the same time, high-quality things began to create a completely different mood in the family. And, as the smart books wrote, money began to come to us easier, and easier, and easier. And why? Because I allowed prosperity to come into my life! This step was not easy, but it had to be done.

Thus, the new state of consciousness began to attract new sources of income! And not vice versa!

– In order to attract wealth into your life, you must allow it to enter. This process occurs first in consciousness, and then comes to life!

And this is one of the main secrets of all successful people on this earth.

Make well-being your friend! It pays off.

Become a money magnet!

Along with earth, water, air and fire, money is the fifth element with which a person most often has to reckon.

(I. A. Brodsky)

Private property has been and remains the main source and stronghold of freedom.

(W. Lippmann)

The phenomenon of attracting money is based on one of the fundamental laws of the Universe. This law states:

– Everything we focus our attention on is attracted to us according to the law of similarity!

> If you want health, focus on that.

> If you want wealth, focus on that.

> If you want enlightenment, focus on that.

We can say that with our attention we revive certain intelligent particles, which from the luminous threads of the intelligent Universe begin to weave exactly the fabric that we need.

This is why I ask you to be so careful about what you say and what you think and what you allow to seep into your mind through the media.

Briefly this process can be described as follows. A person who thinks negatively and perceives the world as a dangerous and difficult place to live becomes a magnet for precisely such life experiences. What allows him to subsequently claim: “What did I tell you?”

And the one who thinks positively and believes the world his home, and evaluates all events from the point of view of development and growth, becomes a magnet for joyful, unique, wonderful events. Which in turn allows him to become more and more stronger in his positive attitude towards the world and to be grateful for all the miracles that he himself has created.

Everything around is permeated with magnetism. Planet Earth itself is a huge magnet that attracts everything on it through gravity. When we are close to a loved one, we say: “I am so drawn to him.” The attraction of love...

We need to learn to become attractive to money energy, and this is quite possible.

On that great day, when you allowed prosperity to enter your consciousness, and decided firmly and unwaveringly to become rich, you set into motion your personal electromagnet, which began to generate money-attracting energy.

Why does Louise Hay write that you just need to open up to the Divine flow of Abundance? Because she knows how this law works. It is so simple that most people simply cannot believe how effective it is. Then read the chapter “Make Yourself Rich” again.

You unleash invisible but powerful forces when you make a conscious decision to change and accept the best in your life. And this process is constantly going on.

– Believe in the power of your desire and intention, and then you will actively help the process of manifesting wealth in your life!

Meditation “I am a magnet for money”

Take a comfortable position. Relax. Relax all your muscles. Take a deep breath and exhale. Repeat deep inhalation and exhalation several times. Now your task is to tune in to the highest thing you can imagine. Aim high. Take off. Imagine that every cell of your body is facing upward, like a sunflower facing the sun. The higher you can penetrate, the greater the effect you will achieve. Imagine that even your hair is rising. You can even feel them moving.

Tune in for the highest. Reflect the highest. Reflect the Divine. Become a telescope that picks up only Divine light vibrations.

And then in this telescope, in this mirror surface, like in a lake, the Divine will appear. The moment has come when you can come into contact with Him. All the most beautiful, the purest, the most sublime that exists in the world is God and your relationship with Him, with His greatness and purity, childish naivety and limitless power. This is the Divine spirit and your desire for it.

Breathe in this happiness, this golden presence of the Divine. Exhale away everything unclean, everything superficial, all the energy that you received in the process of communicating with other people, which is alien to you and is not your essence.

Imagine that a powerful wave of light has enveloped and filled your body. Now you can begin the process of magnetizing everything you desire.

Perhaps it is financial freedom or any other desire you have. Imagine in all colors and details what you are striving for. How will you feel? What emotions, what state do you strive to experience when what you want becomes reality? It is very important. Your condition, your feelings, your emotions.

Now turn your attention to the component of your desire. What is this? The energy of power, freedom, independence that money gives?

Think about the period of time during which you want to get what you want. If you feel that this period is too long, you can now mentally shorten it. Just imagine that time is shrinking like shagreen leather and your dream is approaching you very quickly.

And now comes the main moment. Imagine that your entire body begins to vibrate with light, emitting strong electromagnetic waves that attract to you what you are striving for. The source of electromagnetic vibration is located in the solar plexus, and the waves from your solar plexus radiate to infinity. According to the law of attraction, you attract money, luck, everything you need. Your strength is growing. Your magnetism is growing. Your energy is intensifying.

And now you accept into your palms what you are striving for. Be it money, luck, career growth or anything else. It's yours now. Try to enjoy this moment of wish fulfillment. Remember again what feelings, what emotions you want to experience and try to experience them now. Rejoice in the fulfillment of your desire.

Gradually come to your senses. The more you can bring this feeling of fulfillment into your everyday life, the more effective meditation will be. Try to behave and feel as if your wish has already come true. This will speed up the materialization of your dreams.

Stretch, smile, thank, say: “May there be love and peace throughout the Universe.”

Everything is fine. Go about your daily activities feeling heard. The way it is.

- Just do it, just believe. And according to your faith you will receive!

For nothing remains unanswered in our common intelligent space, which we call our Universe.

Strive for wisdom!

Wealth is an endless potential for the manifestation of wisdom.

(Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche)

The crown of the wise is their wealth, and the stupidity of the ignorant is stupidity.

(Book of Proverbs of Solomon: 14, 24)

With our thoughts we can attract or repel gold-bearing monetary energy.

– The task of a person with a disciplined consciousness is to create such a mental space in his consciousness and subconscious that will constantly, steadily and progressively begin to bring money and good luck in all endeavors.

Is this possible, another skeptic will ask? Absolutely yes! This is the path of the mystic, the path of a person who has realized the power of his intention and develops his energetic power to achieve good goals in life.

If you can configure your most important “computer” - your brain - in such a way that it emits vibrations consonant with the Universal Energy of Abundance, then money and all other symbols of well-being will appear in your life as naturally as the alternation of sunrise and sunset, like the ebb of the tide and tides.

Because the state of prosperity is as natural for a person as breathing. It is divine and beautiful. A person should live happily and enjoy all the benefits of his precious life.

– By controlling our thoughts, we control our lives!

Even the fact that you are reading this book now brings you closer to Abundance, because your consciousness is tuned to the energy of money, the energy of prosperity.

Believe that you have the power to learn how to manage the flow of Abundance. Knowledge of the laws of energy accumulation and management will inevitably be translated into your life in the form of favorable opportunities, lucrative offers and good luck in everything you undertake.

Remember these inspirational affirmations:

· Everything I touch turns into a jewel!

· Everything I touch blooms!

Repeat these affirmations at any time, especially when you have succeeded. Let it be a little luck, no matter! The important thing is that the process has already begun, and you definitely need to reinforce the growing confidence of your consciousness with positive statements.

“If I could do this, then I can do even more!”- you put approximately this information into your main computer and launch a powerful program that starts working on its own.

This does not mean that, having achieved great results, you can forget about the power of affirmations and the mindset of wealth. Don't give in to this temptation!

Sometimes a person, having achieved his first success, thinks: “Oh, I could do all this myself. It's just who I am, not positive thinking" This is usually followed by a recession, and you have to start all over again.

The greater our well-being, the more we should thank the gracious Universe for its benefits. Every time you receive money (and if you follow the rules outlined here, the amounts will get larger and larger), say at least to yourself:

· Thank you, luck, thank you, wealth, thank you, love!

– Gratitude, especially sincerely expressed, increases your well-being many times over. Day by day, by accumulating the potential of positive thoughts, we get closer to prosperity.

The Universe is known to be very fond of symbolic actions and gestures. This, I believe, partly explains the success in the use of feng shui symbols. Therefore, such symbolic actions as the blessing of bills, which I already mentioned, are very in an effective way attracting monetary energy.

To create the right mental attitude, in addition to affirmations, thought control and meditation, Special actions that can be called symbolic or ritual are also useful.

For example, very good results gives concentration of the energy of your attention and intention on a burning candle. There is a huge variety of such rituals, but the essence is the same - your clear intention, an image of what you are striving for, for example a picture, a symbol of abundance or a goal written in your hand.

I can tell you that during such concentration of attention, the most valuable accumulation of energy or psychic fluid occurs for you.

Such exercises will help you further concentrate on the task at hand. Sometimes at the moments of such rituals certain insights, visions occur, a person can even hear a slight hint.

I also recommend the practice of concentrating on a yantra or mandala. In my own bedroom, an image of a Sri Yantra hangs opposite the bed. I have the opportunity to look at it in the morning, reading positive thoughts, and in the evening before going to bed. I also developed the habit of looking at the Sri Yantra during phone calls. This way, I manage to concentrate my attention on the main goal and not waste time on empty talk.

Such yantras are sold in esoteric stores. You can also make them yourself.

Another way to accumulate your inner potential for well-being is creative meditation.

Meditation “I am accumulating strength”

These words can be said lying down, sitting or even standing, especially if you are in nature.

I am one with the power of the Universe. I accumulate in myself the gold-bearing energy of the sun. I accept Abundance.

Take a deep breath and exhale. Repeat the inhalation and exhalation, imagining the golden rays of the sun penetrating your body. Smile and send your welcoming smile to all that exists and mentally wish happiness and prosperity to everyone living on earth.

Then say these words:

· I invoke the beneficial energy of Abundance.

· I believe that from now on I will become strong and pure.

· I am the heir (heiress) of divine Abundance.

· I thank Mother Earth for her generous gifts.

· I thank Heavenly Father for the growing Abundance.

· I transform my consciousness.

· From now on I attract only happiness, health, wealth and love!

After this, join your hands at heart level, send a message of love to the Universe and say great and simple words:

· May there be love and peace throughout the universe.

With this symbolic action you cleanse your karma, direct creative energy into your field and... attract money! When you create your inner feng shui in your mind, the state of well-being will be your constant companion.

Affirmation will help you:

· Wealth in front of me, wealth around me, I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich!

Most people believe that money gives power and authority. This is true, but only partly. In fact wisdom gives money, strength and power. Therefore, if you want to become rich, first gain wisdom, then you will have everything you want.

– True wisdom is knowledge multiplied by a disciplined state of mind and nobility of heart.

There is an old joke that I really like. An elderly countess, the granddaughter of a Decembrist, heard a noise in the courtyard of the house and sent a maid to find out what was happening on the street.

“There’s a revolution,” said the maid when she returned.

“How interesting,” exclaimed the Countess, “after all, my grandfather wanted to make a revolution! What do these revolutionaries want!”

“They want there to be no rich people!”

“What a pity,” the countess moaned, “but my grandfather really wanted there to be no poor people....!”

The desire to write this article arose after my experienced laptop, purchased with money donated by an old financier friend, completely refused to find Wi-Fi in a hotel in St. Petersburg. There was no reasonable explanation. Since the Wi-Fi was not even near the reception desk where the router was installed.

But when the laptop was installed on the desktop in the office, in a hotel room, with a separate office, Wi-Fi was immediately found and automatic. Thanks to a financier friend. His money teaches me how to live for many years.

Theun Marez once wrote: “housing reflects a person’s worldview.” In my picture of the world, if a person lives in one room, receives guests in it, and works in it - this is a children's room. If guests are received in the kitchen, then, apparently, this person is a cook. This is neither bad nor good.

Housing simply reflects a worldview. You can, of course, remember the monks. I talked with the abbot of one of the monasteries: “A monastic cell is a grave,” said the abbot, “there should be nothing superfluous in it. Housing reflects the worldview.”

I don't like planes that don't have business class. And it doesn’t matter that I’m flying economy. But I understand that passengers who pay for their comfort also pay for my safety. Thanks to them!

I think there are enough examples. I remember once a flashed advertisement from a travel agency: “If you ask for a discount of three percent, we will stop offering you coffee, for five percent, we will stop smiling for you, for seven percent, we will reduce the size of the office and remove chairs, for ten percent, we will Let's keep one employee and fire the rest, and we'll have a queue of twelve percent - we'll close the office and start working on the Internet. And finally, if you want a fifteen percent discount, do our work yourself!”

Money is the lifeblood of society. Those organs into which little blood flows begin to work worse and eventually die. If too much flows in, hemorrhage occurs and the organ deteriorates.

The thrifty strive to squeeze the blood vessels of society instead of figuring out what they themselves do not dare leave the children's room and set up a study in their home in order to start doing something other than playing and sleeping. For those who choose the economical path, why hang around in the children's room. It’s better to go straight to the cell-grave, as more honest monks prefer to do.

Still from the film “Heart of a Dog”

Anyone who wants to pay little and get a lot either does not value what he is going to receive, or seeks to deliberately deceive, violating the principles of energy exchange. Anyone who gives something valuable for a pittance either does not value what he owns or does not believe God! published

Vyacheslav Gusev

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet