How to properly care for a newborn girl in the first days of life. Intimate hygiene of a baby: how to properly wash a girl Doctor Komarovsky care for a newborn girl

The long-awaited miracle has happened - you have taken your little princess from the maternity hospital. Now all worries about her will fall entirely on your shoulders. The first thing young parents need to know is how to properly care for and keep their young creature clean. The hygiene of newborn girls is somewhat different from the care of boys, due to natural physiological differences. We will tell you about all the intricacies of toilet procedures for newborn babies in this article.


To bathe a newborn, you should stock up on a small plastic bath, a thermometer, special baby soap without additives or bathing foam, and a baby washcloth. It is better to use a small piece of gauze, which after the procedures can be washed, boiled and ironed. Provide a separate diaper for bathing. You should stock up and you can buy it, but you can use any vegetable, after boiling it and adding a couple of drops of vitamin A.

You can start bathing your baby completely when the wound on the navel dries out. This hygiene for newborn girls is carried out every evening before going to bed. The baby needs to be fed an hour and a half before the procedure, otherwise she may regurgitate the milk.

Bathing water should not be higher than 37 degrees; check the temperature with a thermometer. Place a diaper on the bottom of the bath. Fill up with water and slowly lower the baby into it. Wrap the edges of the diaper around the girl and begin to gently pour water over her. When the baby begins to get used to the water, you can remove the diaper. Wash the baby's entire body thoroughly with water.

You should bathe your child with soap no more than once a week. No matter how gentle its composition, it will still dry out the baby’s delicate skin and disrupt its protective layer. A newborn baby does not come into contact with the environment and the skin does not get heavily soiled, so a simple wash with water is quite enough. If desired, you can add natural herbal decoctions to the water, but first make sure that they will not dry out the skin.

After bathing, the baby's skin should be thoroughly blotted from moisture with a clean diaper. If necessary, treat skin folds with oil.


Babies can relieve themselves up to 20 times a day, so the hygiene of a newborn girl must be observed very carefully. At such a tender age, the skin and mucous membranes are very vulnerable, and the slightest excessive exposure to moisture and feces can cause irritation, redness, rash and infection.

After each small hike, you need to thoroughly dry your skin, and after bowel movement, wash it with warm water. You should wash your child only after the bulk of the dirt has been removed with a napkin. All babies are washed strictly from front to back, to avoid contamination of the genitals. Afterwards you need to blot the moisture with a napkin. You should not rub your delicate skin with a towel; such manipulations will quickly lead to irritation. If irritation occurs, apply sterile oil or powder.

Girl's secrets

Hygiene of newborn girls also includes constant monitoring of the condition of the genital organs. The baby's tiny body has a huge number of glands, and the secretion they secrete can be an excellent platform for the development of pathogenic microflora.

Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl comes down to constant inspection and cleansing of the genital area if necessary. If you find that the labia are stuck together with secretions, you need to carefully move them apart with a damp cotton swab, remove the secretions and then dry them with a napkin. Failure to keep this area clean can lead not only to inflammatory processes, but also lead to the formation of adhesions of the labia.

Intimate hygiene of newborn girls comes down to caring for the external genitalia. Internal organs They are very delicate and vulnerable, so you need to make sure that water does not get there when washing. This can cause an inflammatory process. Girls should be washed by placing them on their backs, and try to avoid washing in basins or bathtubs at first.

If you find that your baby has inflammation, strange discharge and a fever, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

What is a "sexual crisis"

At the time of the onset of a “sexual crisis,” the hygiene of girls should be especially careful. Newborn babies at 4-7 days from birth begin to be bothered by swelling from the vagina. This does not happen to everyone, but such manifestations should not frighten the mother, they are considered normal and last from one to several days. At such moments, you should wash the girl with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or ordinary boiled water.

Such unusual manifestations occur due to the fact that maternal hormones enter the newborn’s blood. The situation is stabilized by the body on its own, without any outside help.

Are your breasts filling up?

It is not uncommon for the mammary glands to swell at the same time. This phenomenon is observed in babies for several weeks and goes away on its own. Enlarged breasts may produce a secretion called colostrum. If no additional inflammatory processes are observed, then the hygiene of a newborn girl comes down to general measures. Under no circumstances should you massage your breasts or squeeze out secretions from them. If your breasts are painful, there is redness or other signs of a possible disease, it is better to visit a doctor.

Morning routines

After the little beauty wakes up, you need to wash yourself properly in order to face a day full of new explorations and adventures fresh and energetic. The baby should be washed with a towel soaked in warm water. Pay attention to the neck, armpits, wipe behind the ears, every fold. Places that are most susceptible to diaper rash should be lubricated with boiled oil.

Cleaning ears and nose

Most people think that it is dirt that needs to be gotten rid of immediately. But it is not so. It plays an important protective function, so you should clean your ears without fanaticism. It is only necessary to remove the excess wax that is visible in the auricle. The ears of newborns are very vulnerable, so we will put off cotton swabs until better times; the child can jerk his head sharply and cause himself pain. We will use cotton rolls rolled into a tube. We slightly moisten the roller in warm water and carefully screw it into the ear canals, clearing them of wax. This procedure is also necessary after every bath, because water can get into the ear.

If mucus has accumulated in the baby's nose, it should be removed with an aspirator. Then lightly moisten a cotton swab in oil and carefully screw it into the nostril. Rotate the roller several times to remove any crusts. If the baby breathes freely through her nose and there are no crusts in it, then clean it once again not worth it. Use a clean cotton swab for each ear and each nostril. You can see how such hygiene is carried out for newborn girls. The photo is in the article.

She is an expectant mother

Compliance with hygiene procedures for infants is extremely important; they will help avoid many unpleasant and dangerous diseases. We have covered the basic rules of how the hygiene of a newborn girl should be carried out in the first six months of life. Komarovsky O.K., Candidate of Medical Sciences and pediatrician, gives many recommendations for caring for girls’ bodies from birth to adulthood. You can follow him valuable advice in the further education of your baby.

It is so established by Mother Nature that children among us, representatives of the human race, are born of different sexes. In this regard, most new mothers and fathers often worry about how different is caring for a newborn girl from how to care for a boy? As for feeding, daily routine or, for example, morning toilet, there are no fundamental differences in the algorithm of actions and the means used. But if we talk about intimate hygiene, then yes, already in the maternity hospital and in the first days after discharge, parents understand that their little princess or a newly born tomboy, due to the characteristic features of the structure of the genital organs, will need to be looked after as something special. Are you expecting to have a daughter? Then it’s time to learn about the intricacies of hygiene procedures for little representatives of the fairer sex.

In the first days

Like most systems in the body of a newborn, his reproductive system is still immature at the time of birth and is in the process of development and formation.

In a girl, this is externally expressed in the fact that the mucous membrane of her genital organs is very thin and delicate, and therefore is it vulnerable to all kinds of damage? which can cause harmful microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria to enter the baby’s body.

For this reason, caring for a newborn girl must be carried out not only carefully and regularly, but also in compliance with certain rules.

Let's start from the very first day after birth. If you notice that your recently born daughter has a creamy or light gray coating on her labia, don’t worry. This - smegma – original lubricant, or rather its remnants.

Previously, vernix was washed off immediately after the birth of the child. Today it is believed that if it is absorbed into the skin, it will only benefit the newborn

Usually the secretion is absorbed into the skin for some time after childbirth. But if there is a lot of lubricant, it must be removed to avoid oxidation of the fats contained in it. They can provoke the proliferation of pathogenic flora and, as a result, inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Your actions: remove smegma with cotton pads or swabs soaked in warm water boiled water. The plaque can be very dense and washed off in pellets. In this case, do not rush and clean it in two or three steps. In a couple of days the secret will completely disappear.

But these are not all the features related to gender that can alarm and discourage you in the first days and during the first month after the birth of your baby.

Hormonal crisis

A hormonal crisis in newborns is a transitional state when the baby’s body has not yet established the production of its own hormones, and after birth it no longer receives maternal hormones through the umbilical cord.

During pregnancy, the child, while in the mother's womb, through the umbilical cord, receives from the mother's body all the substances necessary for its growth and development. Including hormones. After separation from the mother, the baby must become completely autonomous, that is, learn to independently produce everything that is needed for the full functioning of his body.

Until this happens, immediately after birth and some time later, the level of hormones in the newborn’s blood rapidly drops. And their lowest content is observed at the end of the first week from the moment the baby is born, which is natural and inevitable, and which may manifest itself in some nonspecific reactions.

In girls, these reactions are often much more pronounced than in boys. They received one common name - hormonal (or sexual) crisis. Although these are several local phenomena, each of which deserves separate consideration.


Use cotton pads for any hygiene procedures, incl. and for removing mucus during vulvovaginitis in newborn girls

The end of the first week after the birth of a girl for her parents may be marked by the discovery of mucous or even bloody discharge from the vagina in their beloved daughter.

And again, do not rush to swallow validol and call the emergency room. This is precisely one of the manifestations of a hormonal crisis in newborns. Within 10–14 days, when the baby’s hormonal levels return to normal, the discharge will stop.

Your actions: If you find it, carefully remove mucus from your daughter’s labia with cotton pads moistened with boiled water, and carefully monitor compliance with all hygiene rules.

Physiological mastopathy

Choose your baby's wardrobe very carefully. There's no place in it synthetic fabrics and materials made from artificial fibers

Evidence of the presence of maternal estrogen in the baby’s body is the redness and swelling of her mammary glands on days 4–7 after birth. For some it is weakly expressed, for others it is stronger. Colostrum may also be released from the breasts. These phenomena are considered normal. In most cases, no intervention is required and everything goes away by the end of the first month of life.

Your actions:

  1. Make sure that the baby's nipples come into contact with clothing as little as possible, which should definitely be made from natural fibers. There should be no seams, fasteners, or embroideries in the chest area.
  2. Under no circumstances rub the girl’s breasts or squeeze colostrum out of it.
  3. If your breasts become very swollen or red, consult your doctor immediately. To relieve the symptoms of physiological mastopathy, he may prescribe treatment of the nipples with a weak solution of furatsilin and compresses with camphor oil.

This is what a hormonal rash or bloom looks like

A reddish rash, sometimes with white dots, on the facial skin of a newborn girl is popularly called blooming, but doctors attribute its appearance to hormonal imbalances in the body.

Your actions: This is not an allergy, not an infection or a cold, as some may think, and these pimples do not require treatment. Let the mother not torment herself with a diet, do not swallow antihistamine tablets and do not give syrups of the same content to the baby. In this case, the best doctor is time. 1-2 months later there will be no trace left of the flowering on the little face of your beloved daughter.

Intimate hygiene

Air baths have a beneficial effect on baby's skin

Rule one. And this is not even a rule, but a commandment that every mother of every newborn girl must fulfill. Change diapers frequently and wash your daughter under running water after each change.


  • Wet sanitary napkins should only be used in extreme cases. They cannot be an alternative to washing.
  • For hygiene of a girl’s genitals, only running water is suitable. Washing in a container with water is unacceptable for females, even newborns.

Rule two. An adult must wash their hands thoroughly with soap before starting to wash the baby.

Rule three. When washing, use soap 1-2 times a day, not more often, otherwise you risk drying out the delicate skin of the labia of a newborn girl or disturbing the microflora of the mucous membrane.

The little princess should be washed in the direction from the pubis to the anus, and in no case vice versa

  1. It is very important to wash your little princess correctly. This means that first, from the bottom up towards the tailbone, the perineal area around the anus is soaped and rinsed (this way you will avoid infection in the vagina).
  2. And only then the outer labia are soaped from the pubis to the vagina and also rinsed with running water.
  3. You wipe your daughter’s genitals like this: with a soft, ironed towel, first blot the genital area, then the outer labia. There is no need to wipe the internal genital organs to avoid damaging the microflora.
  4. After washing, lubricate the delicate skin of the baby’s outer labia and perineum with baby oil (sterile sunflower, olive) or baby moisturizer.

And one more important point. Several times a day, during diaper changes or before bathing, leave your daughter without clothes for a while. Let her skin, as they say, breathe. Air baths are the best prevention of any skin problems in newborns.


Up to a year old, you need to bathe your baby in the bathtub, and when she gets older, you can do so in the shower.

An infant girl needs to be bathed every day in the bathroom, and it will be enough to use baby soap or foam only 1-2 times a week. On other days, you can add decoctions of medicinal herbs to the bath - strings, calendula, chamomile, which have a beneficial effect on overall well-being, tonic and disinfectant.

Visit to the gynecologist

All newborn girls undergo a routine preventive examination by a gynecologist when they are 1 month old. But in some cases, it is not worth waiting for the appointed time, but you need to consult a doctor immediately.

Remember, a disease diagnosed in time is easier to treat. Therefore, if you notice any health problems in your daughter, consult a doctor without delay.

Symptoms for which consultation with a gynecologist is necessary:

  • the appearance of purulent vaginal discharge;
  • severe swelling in the area of ​​the mammary glands;
  • noticeable restlessness of the baby during each urination.

These manifestations may be accompanied by an increase in the girl’s body temperature, lethargy, and disturbances in appetite and sleep. And they are a reason not to delay visiting the appropriate specialist.

Video “Girl Hygiene” Komarovsky

Genitals a little girl and an adult woman differ from each other in size and structure.

Labia majora Newborns are almost always swollen and do not completely cover the small ones. The clitoris has big size. Uterus and ovaries the crumbs are located in the abdominal cavity.

The length of the uterus is about 3 cm, and the body of the uterus is several times smaller than its cervix. This is due to the action of placental hormones.

Gradually, the size of the uterus decreases and remains unchanged until the age of 8, after which it begins to grow. By the time she reaches puberty, she reaches the size and shape of an adult woman.

The ovaries of a newborn girl are light in weight: about 0.4 g. They grow extremely slowly, by the second year of life they acquire an ovoid shape, and are fully formed by the age of 10.

Urethral length the baby just born is a little more than 1 cm. This distance can be easily overcome by all kinds of microbes and cause inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

That is why personal hygiene must be observed by a young mother!

The skin of a little girl's vagina is very vulnerable. From exposure detergents, applications washing powder for adult underwear, incorrectly selected diaper the mucous membrane quickly turns red, signs of inflammation appear.

In addition, if feces and urine come into contact with the baby’s delicate skin diaper rash may occur.

To protect the delicate genital area of ​​the newborn and prevent infection from entering the body, You need to bathe your baby every day, paying special attention to the genitals.

Soon after birth, a mother may notice her daughter's diaper bloody issues . This phenomenon is called "hormonal crisis" and should not make you feel afraid.

This is how the reaction manifests itself child's body on increased level maternal hormones that cross the placenta. After birth, they enter the body along with mother's milk.

This is a non-painful condition, not requiring any treatment. Everything will gradually pass by itself. During this period, it is also especially important to pay due attention to the hygiene of the daughter’s genital organs.

Every mother should know that an oily secretion accumulates between the labia majora and minora of the baby. white. This is also normal.

But if such discharge is not removed in time with a cotton swab, they can cause itching, redness of the skin and contribute to the development of inflammation.

So, giving Special attention hygiene of the genitals of your newborn daughter, you save the baby from serious problems that can have a detrimental effect on women’s health in the future.

About washing and rinsing

Compliance with the rules of a girl’s intimate hygiene is not just a banal concern for cleanliness. This is also the prevention of all kinds of diseases. Therefore, a newborn girl not only can you wash it, but it is also necessary.

It is only important to do it correctly so as not to harm children’s easily wounded skin. Do not be overly fanatical when washing your daughter, do not try to get your fingers into places where they are not needed.

The delicate folds of the labia should be wiped with a damp cotton pad, slightly opening them with a gentle movement of the hand. A few light pressure movements will not only remove unnecessary mucus from children's genitals, but will also prevent the labia from fusion.

When starting to wash the baby, wash your hands well. The nails on your hands should be cut short so as not to accidentally injure your daughter’s delicate skin.

The baby should be washed after each bowel movement, before going to bed, in the morning after waking up. After urination, it will be enough to wipe the child’s genitals and folds with a damp cloth.

At the end of the procedure lubricate the inguinal folds with vegetable, olive (it must be sterile, that is, boiled) or special baby oil. You can purchase it at a pharmacy or in the children's section of supermarkets.

Wash your newborn daughter necessarily boiled water. After all, ordinary tap water contains a lot of microbes that can become a source of infection for your baby.

In the first months of life, the baby’s delicate skin is especially vulnerable, so don’t be lazy to boil the water. After 3 months, you don’t need to boil the water; it will be enough to let it sit for a while.

For example, in the evening, fill a clean bowl with regular tap water and leave it overnight. By morning, all unwanted substances will settle to the bottom. Heat the water and use it to wash the baby.

Every mother should remember that washing the girl should start from the vagina, proceeding to the perineum, anus and buttocks.

If you wash your baby under the tap, place her on your left hand tummy up. From the vaginal slit move down, gently washing away impurities from delicate skin.

After the procedure, wrap the baby’s legs in a diaper and take them to the room for further processing. If it is easier for you to wash your baby on the changing surface, place your daughter on the table with her stomach up.

Raise her legs and also wash the girl from top to bottom with pre-prepared water. To wash, use clean cotton fabric or a special baby washcloth.

When this step is complete, pat your baby's skin dry with a soft towel. You should not wipe the baby, as this can cause redness and irritation of the skin.

When washing a newborn never use soap. It can dry out delicate baby skin.

If you need to remove a dried piece of stool, moisten the area with baby oil. After a while, the dirt can be easily washed off with water.

As the baby grows up You can use special baby soap, but getting it into the genital slit should be avoided. This can cause irritation of the vulva and the baby will become restless.

A separate towel and a small washcloth should be provided for the baby. From the cradle, teach your daughter the basic rules of personal hygiene. This way you will take care of reproductive health to his daughter.

Underwear and diapers

A young mother has a lot of trouble with her little daughter: she learns to understand her child without words, to care for the baby. In addition, the burden of caring for the home falls on the woman's shoulders.

It's good that disposable baby diapers have now been invented. Life without using diapers modern mother it would be much heavier. But they also need to be used correctly.

To avoid diaper rash The child should be given air baths from time to time. After each diaper change, leave your baby naked for 5-7 minutes. Then wash the girl or blot her skin with a damp cloth, lubricate the folds with oil and put on a clean diaper.

This operation should be performed every 3-4 hours and after defecation. Do not buy cheap diapers from a dubious manufacturer; do not expose your baby’s genitals to danger.

By following these simple rules, you will save your baby's skin from diaper rash and irritation.

Buy underwear for your daughter only from natural fabrics: give preference to items made from cotton or linen. Such fabrics allow air to pass through perfectly, allowing the skin to breathe.

Panties and panties should not restrict the baby's movement or tighten the genitals.

For a grown-up baby, don’t buy such popular “thongs!”

This is absolutely unhygienic: such underwear eats into the delicate skin of the genitals and can cause irritation and inflammation.

Never wash your daughter's clothes with an adult. For washing baby clothes exist special means, which are unable to cause allergic reactions on the baby's delicate skin.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

It happens that a mother notices unusual discharge from her daughter’s genital tract and redness of the vulva. Sometimes this is a meaningless factor that is caused by some irritant.

Usually this problem can be dealt with at home. It will be enough to wash the baby with decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs for several days and there will be no trace of irritation.

But there are also situations that require immediate consultation with a doctor:

  • if after self-treatment there is no significant improvement, the problem gets worse;
  • have discharge bad smell, green or bright yellow color;
  • The labia minora have fused together, forming adhesions.

Doctors call this phenomenon synechiae. The cause may be either a reduced level of the hormone estrogen or an inflammatory process.

Do not try Separate your lips yourself!

The pediatric gynecologist will determine the cause of the discharge and itching and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment.

For treatment adhesive process of the labia minora can be treated surgically or locally.

The genital organs of girls are designed in such a way that penetration of infection into them is not difficult. Children's skin is very delicate and easily vulnerable.

Excellent prevention In the fight against all kinds of sexually transmitted infections and inflammations, girls usually follow the rules of hygiene.

A newborn baby should be washed boiled water in the direction from the pubis to the anus, change the diaper every 3-4 hours and regularly give the girl air baths.

Your daughter's underwear should be made from natural fabrics. Let it fit loosely around the body and not rub the genitals or eat into them. All this will promote free breathing of the delicate skin of the genitals, prevent diaper rash and help avoid infection.

From childhood, teach your baby that she should have a separate towel, soap and washcloth. And under no circumstances wash your daughter’s clothes with adults.

When foul-smelling discharge appears from the vagina, redness of the vulva, itching, be sure to consult a doctor. These symptoms may indicate infections, vitamin deficiency, or a foreign body entering the vagina.

Always remember that by taking care of your daughter’s hygiene today, you are preventing serious problems for her in the future. May your girl be healthy and happy!

Girls' hygiene. School of Doctor Komarovsky.

The parents waited all nine months for the birth of their little princess. And it happened! The tiny creature sniffles cutely next to you, and you make plans for the future, thinking about what your daughter will be like, what she will do and what she can achieve in life... But for all your dreams to become a reality, you will need to make every effort. The main thing that a baby needs is care and attention. Therefore, it is very important to know everything about infant hygiene.

Girl hygiene

Like any other baby, your daughter needs daily care. Girls' hygiene includes caring for their skin, hair, nails and genitals. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the points that must be performed daily.

The sexual hygiene of a newborn girl deserves special attention. The thing is that babies do not yet have protection against infections, like an adult woman, and improper care of the genitals can lead to an inflammatory process.

Sometimes a mother may notice that the baby’s labia are fused. This phenomenon is a consequence of poor hygiene of the girl.

Genital care includes the following rules:

  • the girl is washed from the pubis to the butt;
  • the washing procedure should be carried out exclusively under running water after each bowel movement and before bedtime;
  • use only soap without fragrance additives;
  • provide the baby with a separate towel and sponge;
  • Before washing, the mother must first wash her hands.

A girl is irritated - what to do?

If you notice irritation or diaper rash in your baby's groin area, you can use a nearby folk remedies. Washing with an infusion of medicinal herbs - calendula, oak bark, chamomile, sage, etc., have proven themselves to be excellent. But the use laundry soap and it is better to limit potassium permanganate, as they greatly dry out the child’s skin.

Girls under 7 years of age should not be washed frequently with soap and care should be taken to ensure that the foam does not penetrate into the genital opening.

Girl's discharge

Many mothers are simply sure that their little daughters should not have any vaginal discharge. In fact, this is a misconception, and every girl should have discharge, regardless of age.

Normally, every newborn baby secretes mucus with a whitish tint from the genitals from time to time. It contains cells of desquamated vaginal epithelium and various microorganisms. If the baby is not restless, and the discharge does not cause her discomfort, then there is no reason for alarm. These are just physiological processes to which all women are subject.

Sometimes mothers may notice a white coating between the labia majora and minora that does not wash off even when washed. Don't be afraid! This is not the well-known and so terrible thrush, but just the secretion of the sebaceous glands - smegma. This type of discharge is not only completely harmless, but also very useful, since it serves as a protective layer for the vagina. If you are very concerned about the presence of this plaque, then you can periodically remove it with a cotton swab. This should be done as carefully as possible, lubricating the stick with regular boiled oil.

Hygiene of a newborn girl and underwear

Daily water procedures, treatment with creams and other components of girl hygiene are familiar to almost every mother. But, unfortunately, not all women are responsible when choosing underwear for their baby. The growing expectant mother should grow up healthy. Therefore, it would be a good idea to pay attention to the quality of linen and diapers. Under no circumstances should they cause irritation to the baby or put pressure on the vagina. To do this, you need to follow only two rules: buy clothes made from natural fabrics (cotton, linen) and accurately calculate the size.

To protect your child from various types of infections, you need to change your underwear daily. It should only be washed with baby powder and rinsed thoroughly. Don't neglect ironing. It is necessary to iron not only the T-shirts and panties of the little princess, but also bed sheets, since the baby spends quite a lot of time in bed.

All experts, including Dr. Komarovsky, argue that it is necessary to accustom a child to hygiene from the first days of life. In this way, the girl will get used to doing personal hygiene in the future, and procedures such as brushing her teeth, washing and washing up will not become a burdensome task for her, but a completely natural and necessary activity. The hygiene of girls at an early age depends entirely on the mother, and the future of an adult girl depends on her efforts!

Parents of any newborn have many questions regarding proper baby hygiene. But if with boys everything is more or less clear, then with girls everything is not so simple. A little daughter needs a special approach. Moms and dads should know this in order to raise a healthy and happy girl who will not have problems with childbirth and women’s health in the future.

What are we talking about?

Hygiene for girls is usually understood as a set of measures that are designed to preserve the health of the child. Without fail, this includes daily washing, washing, taking baths, treating folds on the body with baby cream or Vaseline oil, and special care for the child’s genitals.

With improper care, girls often experience fusion of the labia, from the very early age Inflammatory processes develop in the reproductive organs.

That is why the queues at the pediatric gynecologist’s office in the clinic are not decreasing, but with the widespread use of diapers and sanitary napkins they are only growing.

Mothers began to rely more on diapers and use wet wipes to clean their daughter’s bottom and genitals. Hence the increase in gynecological diseases in girls.

The baby should be brought to the pediatric gynecologist for the first time at 1 month. This is a routine examination designed to exclude the possibility of congenital anomalies in the development of the baby. You should not wait for this visit, but should go immediately if a newborn girl has purulent vaginal discharge with an unpleasant, sharp or sour odor, if her nipples are very swollen, reddened, there is redness and swelling in the causative areas and thick white discharge from the genitals organs if your daughter begins to behave restlessly during each urination. All these symptoms may indicate the presence of a disease, and hygiene alone will not solve anything; treatment will be required.

Komarovsky about caring for girls

There is nothing difficult about observing hygienic requirements when caring for a girl, Komarovsky believes. Naturally, if you immediately find out a few fundamental rules:

  1. From birth, a girl needs to be washed after every trip to the toilet. Do not wipe with wet wipes, as is sometimes acceptable with little boys, but rather wash. In this case, the direction of movements of the adult’s hand is from the pubis to the butt. In no case is it the other way around, otherwise you can introduce bacteria from the stool and intestines into the vagina, which will cause an inflammatory process.
  2. You cannot wash your baby in the basin. This boy, by and large, doesn’t care in what container his butt is washed. For this hygienic procedure, the girl only needs running water. Otherwise, pathogenic bacteria from the rectum or with small particles of feces can enter the genitals with water and cause an inflammatory process.
  3. Before washing the little princess, an adult must first wash it with baby soap. own hands. The goal is still the same - to prevent foreign flora from entering the genital tract.
  4. But you shouldn’t use soap when washing, as it dries out the delicate skin of the girl’s external genitalia. It will be enough to use baby soap for intimate areas once a day while taking a bath.

And here is Dr. Komarovsky’s commentary on girls’ hygiene.

The main rule that Evgeniy Olegovich urges parents to remember is no hypothermia of the genitals. If a baby likes to run barefoot around the house or even on the street, there is nothing wrong with that, since human feet are designed by nature in such a way that when they come into contact with cold, only the vessels of the feet themselves narrow, and the body’s heat is not lost. However, if your daughter gets into the habit of sitting with her butt on the ground or something cool, this can cause a lot of problems in the future, as it is fraught with serious inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the reproductive organs (uterus, appendages, ovaries).

Make sure that the little girl never sits on a stone surface, on damp earth, or cold sand. Let this become the norm from a very early age.

Overheating the intimate area is just as harmful.

About clothes

About cosmetics

If redness appears on the external genitalia, you should not smear them with baby cream or other creams, says Komarovsky. After thoroughly washing, it is better to lubricate problem areas with sterile olive oil or peach oil. But the doctor does not advise parents of girls to get carried away with powders.