New Year of young children. Scenario for a New Year's party for a short-term group for young children. Children leave the hall to the music

Kozlova Elena Mikhailovna
Job title: music director
Educational institution: MDOU " Kindergarten No. 4 KV"
Locality: Bogoroditsk city, Tula region
Name of material: Scenario New Year's holiday in Group early age
Subject: New Year's party for young children
Publication date: 25.12.2016
Chapter: preschool education

New Year's party for young children.
Children enter the hall with their parents to the song
"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree",
They dance in a circle and then sit on the chairs (mother + child...)
Santa Claus gave us this beautiful Christmas tree and invited us all together for the New Year's holiday. And now we’ll start a round dance with the guys, and sing a little song to our beautiful Christmas tree.
The song “Beads Shine on the Christmas Tree” is performed.
1. Beads, firecrackers and a star shine on the tree. We love our Christmas tree. Yes Yes Yes! 2. The Snow Maiden in a white fur coat always comes to us. We sing and dance with her. Yes Yes Yes! 3.And Santa Claus is cheerful - Gray beard - Brings us gifts. Yes Yes Yes!
For some reason, Santa Claus is delayed, let’s all call him together.
: Santa Claus…
Father Frost.
Hello, kids, girls and boys! I see a lot of guests in the hall, did you guys call me?
. Yes!
. Santa Claus, the guys know a song about you and will sing it now.
The song “Father Frost” is performed, music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina.

Santa Claus, why isn’t our Christmas tree on fire?
Father Frost.
No problem! Now let’s say the magic words: “One, two, three, light up the Christmas tree!” (the tree does not light up). Well, help us with the staff, light the Christmas tree for us.
(knocks the staff 3 times with the words: “One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!”). (the lights come on). Now let's play with the Christmas tree? We'll cast a little magic on it, blow a little. (children blow, the lights fall asleep) Well, help us with the staff, light the Christmas tree for us. (knocks the staff 3 times with the words: “One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!”). (the lights come on). Let's do some magic together again and blow on the Christmas tree. (children blow, the lights fall asleep) Well, help us with the staff, light the Christmas tree for us. (knocks the staff 3 times with the words: “One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!”). (the lights come on).
Guys, the Christmas tree has come to our kindergarten for the holiday. There are so many lights, so many toys... How beautiful is her outfit! And our children are also all dressed up and good. New Year's poems will be told to our Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree blinks with colored eyes. He invites the children to dance around him.
The song “Our children have a big Christmas tree” is performed, music by T. Popatenko,

words by N. Naydenova.

Tell me, Grandfather Frost, what did you bring for the little children?
Father Frost
. I brought flashlights for the little kids. Ring the flashlight and the kids will have some fun.
Dance with lanterns
.(children sit down).
. Now parents come out and show off your dexterity in the game.
Game with parents
“Who will take the place faster?”

Christmas tree, listen to the song, Christmas tree, watch the dance, We will clap our hands and warm ourselves up a little.
Dance is a game: “We’ll warm ourselves up a little.”

Santa Claus, do you like to play?

Father Frost.
Oh, how I love it!
Can you escape from the kids?
Father Frost.
I'll try.
Game with Santa Claus:

"Catching up."
(little guys love...).
Father Frost.
I’m tired, I’ll sit and look at the kids. Anyone who knows poems about the holiday, let him read it to me now.

Our Santa Claus sat down on a chair and accidentally fell asleep. Guys, let's hide from Santa Claus? (children go behind the Christmas tree, Santa Claus wakes up)
Father Frost.
1.Where are my guys? (children meow). These are not guys, these are kittens. 2. Where are my guys? (children bark). These are not kids, these are puppies. 3. Where are my guys? (children croak). These are not kids, these are frogs. Children come out from behind the tree.
Father Frost.
Ah, here they are guys.
It was the parents' turn to play and show off their dexterity.
Game with parents
“Whoever runs around the tree faster and takes a chair.”

Father Frost.
Oh, how hot it has become in the hall, Oh, I’m afraid I’ll completely melt, Let the breeze blow, Bring the snow here.
Dance of snowflakes.
Presenter how much snow there is. Come on, Santa Claus, play snowballs with the children.
Playing snowballs with Santa Claus.

Bunnies came running to Grandfather into the clearing and onto the lawn.
Game "Bunnies and Fox"
. 1. Bunnies scattered across the forest lawn. These are the bunnies
Bunnies are jumping! (children jump) 2. The bunnies sat in a circle and dug a root with their paw. That's what bunnies are like, bunnies - jumping bunnies! (dig with their paw) 3. Suddenly a little fox runs, The red-haired sister is looking for where the bunnies are, The bunnies are hopping! (Santa Claus runs with a fox, the children cover their faces with their hands, then run away).
Father Frost.
Well, it's time for me to leave.
Santa Claus, have you forgotten your children’s gifts?
Father Frost.
I haven’t forgotten, I have them here in my mitten.
How did they fit into such a small mitten?
Father Frost.
And she is magical to me. Do you want to see how the mitten grows?
We want.
Father Frost.
I will put it under the Christmas tree and say the magic words: You grow little mittens, Grow small, Become big, Just not empty. (Santa Claus runs around the tree and takes a large mitten with a gift). One, two, three, look! This bright mitten contains New Year's gifts. Receive, receive and don’t forget me. (Distribution of gifts, farewell to Santa Claus).

Scenario for the New Year's holiday in an early age group

The script was compiled by the music director

MBDOU No. 10 JV "Rodnichok" Timoshenko L.A.

Target : formation of interest in the traditional Russian holiday " New Year»

Tasks: develop the emotional responsiveness of children, encourage them to actively participate in entertainment;

Create a cheerful, festive mood in children.



Fox (child senior group)

Bear (senior group child)

Santa Claus (voiced toy)

Children join the group to the music

Presenter: Guys, look how beautiful it is in our group. Soon there will be the most fun party- New Year. Grandfather Frost will come to us and put gifts under the Christmas tree. Only we don’t have a Christmas tree! Where will Grandfather Frost put the gifts? What to do? I came up with an idea! We'll go to winter forest and find a Christmas tree. Let's hit the road!

Musically – motor game"Into the forest behind the Christmas tree"

(at the end of the game the teacher places the Christmas tree in the center of the group)

Presenter: Look: our Christmas tree has green needles.
If you smell it, it’s fragrant,
(inhale the aroma)
If you touch it, it’s prickly, (they touch it) Ay! (
Play several times)

This is how our Christmas tree looks - to everyone’s surprise.

How it is decorated is simply a sight for sore eyes!

Let's start a merry round dance together,

Let's sing a song about the Christmas tree!

Song “Beads hang on the Christmas tree”

Presenter: Our Christmas tree is so beautiful, we need to invite our friends - the forest animals - to the holiday. They will be very happy to have fun at the Christmas tree. Let's clap our hands loudly, the animals will hear that we are having a holiday and will come to us.

(clap…..the Bunny appears to the music)

Fox enters (a girl from the older group)

Fox: Hello guys. And I wonder who it is in the forest, having fun, dancing and singing songs.
Presenter: Foxy, we are celebrating the New Year!
Fox: Do you want me to sing you my song?
I am a fox, I am a sister, I walk quietly
Early in the morning, out of habit, I went hunting
(goes behind the tree, hides)

Presenter: Let's jump in the clearing in front of the Christmas tree while the fox is gone.

(children jump like bunnies, Foxy looks out and claps her hands, children run away)

Presenter: Stop, Little Fox, today is a holiday, there is no need to offend our children and bunnies. Better yet, dance with them near the elegant Christmas tree.

Dance “One, two - clap your hands”

(sit down)

Presenter: Guys, let's clap our hands again, maybe someone else will come to visit us?

Bear comes out (child of the older group)

Presenter : - Hello Mishka!!


Hi Hi!

It's good that we didn't forget

I was invited to the holiday.

I just really like to sleep

And please don't disturb me!

(The bear lies down under the Christmas tree and snores. A game is played with the bear)

Presenter : Our Bear fell asleep! What to do? Let's wake up the bear!

Mishka, Mishka, why have you been sleeping so long?

Mishka, Mishka, why are you snoring so much?

Bear, Bear, Mishenka, get up!

Mishka, Mishka, play with us!

(The bear growls,the children run away. Mishka walks around looking for children, saying: “Who was singing songs here? Didn’t let Mishka sleep?”

When Mishka falls asleep again, the song is repeated,

Presenter: Stop Mishka, today is a holiday, there is no need to offend our children. Better yet, sing a song about a Christmas tree with us!

(children, Fox and Bear sing a song, then the animals dance)

Song "Little Christmas Tree"

Dance of the animals

Bear and Fox: For your fun, we have a treat for you. Here (shows snowballs)

We tried so hard, sculpted, did we end up with a treat?

Presenter: What are you talking about, we don’t eat snow... Don’t be upset, let’s play in the snow instead, we’ll leave them.

Snowball game

Presenter: For some reason Grandfather Frost is not coming. Probably got lost. Let us sing a song, he will hear and rush to join us for the holiday.

Song “Who is this – Santa Claus”

Presenter: Oh guys, who appeared under our Christmas tree... it’s Grandfather Frost!

(considering D.M)

Presenter: Grandfather, our children know a song about you. Do you want to listen?

Song “Santa Claus brought a Christmas tree to the children”

Presenter: Grandfather Frost brought gifts for everyone. Come on, Bear and Fox, help distribute gifts!

(characters give gifts to children)

Presenter: Here comes the New Year holiday

It's time for us to finish.

Much happiness to you today

Let's wish it, kids!

May it always be under this tree

There is ringing laughter.

All: Happy New Year

Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

The hall is decorated for winter. Children enter the hall to the music.

LEAD: Children, look how beautiful it is in our hall! It's winter outside, but we have a holiday - New Year! You are all smart and beautiful! And our Christmas tree is beautiful! There are so many beautiful, different toys on it. Let's look at our Christmas tree.

To the music, the children walk around the tree and look at it.

LEADER: Children, hold hands,

Stand around the tree.

We'll start a round dance,

After all, today is New Year!

The song “Yolka” is performed

VED: Did you like the Christmas tree, children?

What is missing from our Christmas tree? (lights)

Disorder! Santa Claus will come and be upset! Let's ask the Christmas tree to light its lights.


VED: Let's say together: one-two-three - our Christmas tree is shining! (children repeat, lights come on)

Now let’s stamp our feet - the lights will go out instantly! (stomp their feet).

Clap, clap, say: Our Christmas tree is shining (repeat, the Christmas tree lights up the lights). Our beautiful Christmas tree with lights? (yes) the children stand in front of the Christmas tree.

Children sit on chairs.

VED: Guys, let's tell poems about our Christmas tree!

1. What kind of tree came to us?

So fluffy and slim?

All covered in golden toys,

All covered in silver raindrops!

2. Our tree is tall

Reaches to the ceiling.

And there are toys hanging on it

From the stand to the top!

3. Hello, Christmas tree! Glorious holiday!

Hello, song, ringing laughter!

He's the most important one today

Who laughs the best!

VED: Children! Look what this is under the Christmas tree (takes out a carrot)

Guys, who eats carrots?

Children: bunny!

VED: right! Guys, do you hear someone knocking on the door!?

There is a knock on the door. A bunny enters the hall.

Bunny: Hello, children! How elegant and beautiful you are! I see that you were all preparing for the New Year!

Bunnies boys, come out!

Dance in front of the Christmas tree!

Performs a bunny dance for show.

Children sit on chairs.

Bunny: Guys, you are so great!

ED: Bunny, we want to treat you with a sweet, tasty carrot! After all, today is a holiday!

Bunny: Oh! Thank you! I love carrots so much! Mum-mum...... well, it’s time for me to run into the forest. Goodbye!

VED: Goodbye!

The bunny runs away.

Music is playing.

The Snow Maiden enters.

SNOW: Hello, children! I am the Snow Maiden! Granddaughter of Santa Claus! how beautiful it is in the hall! Everyone is dressed up! And what a beautiful Christmas tree with lights!

VED: We asked her to light the lights, right, children?

SNOW: I'm glad you invited me to your holiday! and I didn’t come empty-handed, but brought magical snowflakes!

The game “Collect snowflakes” is being played

VED: Snow Maiden, where is Grandfather Frost? The children are looking forward to it with gifts!

SNOW: Grandfather Frost decorates trees and bushes, fields and meadows with snow. On New Year's Day, all nature prepares for the holiday. Shall we call him? Do you hear? (DM’s voice is heard from behind the door)

Awww! I'm coming!

DM (enters the hall): Hello, kids!

Girls and boys!

Happy New Year!

I wish all the guys:

Don't get sick or get sick,

Have good health!

All of you join hands,

Stand in front of the Christmas tree.

We'll start a round dance,

After all, today is New Year!

(children stand near the Christmas tree)

The song “Beads Shine on the Christmas Tree” is performed

ED: children, don’t let DM out of the circle!

DM: Won’t you let me out? Then I'll freeze you!

The game “I’ll freeze” is being played

DM: They are so clever! And don't be afraid of Frost! Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit! It's getting hot!

SNOW: Snowflakes - ballerinas, fly here!

Otherwise, Grandfather Frost will melt and something bad will happen to him!

The dance of snowflakes is performed.

Ved: To our Christmas tree oh-oh-oh!

Santa Claus has come alive!

Well, Grandfather Frost!

What cheeks, what a nose!

Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

Did you bring us gifts?

DM: How about that? Of course I brought it

The New Year's song is playing, Santa Claus is distributing gifts.

DM: Well, it looks like I’ve managed it! Have you received all the gifts?

SNOW: Now it's time for us, children!

Celebrate the New Year with others!

DM: Goodbye, friends! See you again!

VED: Children! Our celebration in the hall is over. It's time for us to join the group!

Cheerful music sounds, children leave the hall.

Scenario for a New Year's party in an early age group.
"Winter's Tale"
Children, accompanied by music, snowflakes fly into the hall, sit on chairs, then children dressed as animals enter.
Educator: Children, look at what a beautiful winter palace we found ourselves in!
(together with the children we look at the hall and stop at the Christmas tree)
The presenter draws attention to the tree:
Hello, hello, Christmas tree!
Hello New Year!
Come closer, children.
Look above, below
There are so many toys here:
Beads, lanterns, firecrackers,
We all feel very good, have fun today,
Because the New Year holiday has come to us.
Near the decorated Christmas tree, we will dance and sing together.
(Children with the leader dance the “Legs and Palms” dance near the Christmas tree).
Like our guys, their legs are merrily knocking. (stomp our feet)

As soon as our legs get tired, we clap our hands. (Clap)
Our people are remote, although very small.
And when we start running, no one will catch up with us. (We run)
We are a remote people, albeit very small.
And now squat, everyone squat side by side. (Place your foot on your heel)
Down and up, once and twice, that’s how kids dance. (we crouch)
Oh-oh-oh! Oh no no no! The Christmas tree is sparkling!
Oh-oh-oh! Oh no no no! That's so beautiful!
And our children are also all dressed up and good.
Our Christmas tree will be told New Year's rhymes.
1st child Hello, Hello, Christmas tree,
Hello New Year!
Let everyone dance and sing by the Christmas tree!
2nd child We all feel very good!
Fun today.
Because he came to us
New Year's holiday!
3rd child Hello, the Christmas tree is our friend!
We all gathered around.
Songs to sing and dance,
Celebrate the New Year together!
Presenter: Winter has come and all people are happy about it.
She calls both adults and children outside.
Ah, snowball! Ah, my friend! Fall on your palm.
We will go for a walk with you in new boots.
SONG “WHITE SNOW” music. Filippenko
1. Stars fly from the sky, play merrily, “CATCH SNOWFLAKES”
They went straight down into the garden and covered the ground. LOWER YOUR PALM
Chorus: White snow, white snow, white fluffy snow. "SPRING"
White snow, white snow, light silver. circling
2. The houses became white, and the faces became rosy, “ROOF” “CHEEKS”
The winter fairy tale itself is knocking on our doors. "FISTS
Educator: Well done, guys! How beautifully and cheerfully you all danced! How beautiful and elegant you all are! Well, what would New Year be without Father Frost and Snow Maiden! Soon they will come to our Christmas tree! (Knock on the door). Educator:
Do you hear someone coming towards us?
Celebrating a holiday, New Year?
Maybe it's Santa Claus
Did you bring us gifts?
(A bunny enters.)
Hello, bunny!
How did you come to us?
I galloped out of the forest!
Happy New Year!
I wish you laughter and joy,
I love to dance and sing
And I'm great at playing!
I'll just stretch my paws
And I will invite you to dance!
Bunny spends finger game"Once upon a time there was a bunny"
Once upon a time there lived a bunny
Long ears. (shows ears with hands)
The bunny got frostbitten
The nose is at the edge. (Rubs the nose)
Frostbitten nose
My ponytail is frozen (shows ponytail)
And went to warm up
Visit the kids (gestures the steering wheel)
Educator: Bunny, look, we also have little bunnies at the holiday, and they have prepared a dance for you! Well, dance with them!
(Children and bunny dance)
There's another knock on the door.
I'll see who's coming to us,
Celebrate the New Year with us?
The fox enters.
Oh, oh, oh! How beautiful it is here!
Noisy, fun and cute!
Everything sparkles and shines!
How many children are there?
Both girls and boys!
Everyone is dancing, having fun,
And they play and frolic!
Nothing is clear to me
What kind of holiday is it outside?
It's New Year!
How glad we are, How glad we are,
How many guests came to us!
Come quickly, little fox,
It will be more fun together.
Lisa: Guys, do you want to play with me?
I have snowballs in my basket. I’ll scatter them now, and you collect them in a basket.
Snowball game.
Host: Fox, our little foxes have prepared a dance for you! And you can dance with them!
Dance of the foxes. There's a knock on the door again
The presenter draws attention to the sleeping bear.
Oh, who sleeps here under the Christmas tree in winter?
Yes, this is a bear! Let's wake him up, clap our hands loudly, and stomp our feet.
Bear (wakes up)
What's happened? Why?
I don't understand anything!
What kind of children are walking here?
They don't let you sleep peacefully!
Presenter: You, little bear, don’t be angry! Better have fun with us!
Come out quickly! Dance more fun!
Bear: I would dance with you, but I just don’t know how...
Presenter: no problem, come out with us, we will teach you!
Dance: “Teddy bear with a doll”
Bear: They danced very merrily
And not at all tired!
I thank the guys
I say thank you to everyone!
Host: Let me see, who is coming to us to celebrate the New Year? Maybe Grandfather Frost is coming to our holiday?
The Snow Maiden comes in, sings a song and dances with snowflakes.
Snow Maiden Hello, children! you recognized me?
I am winter's daughter, I am frost's granddaughter.
Call me Snegurochka, snow hands.
We will ask our Christmas tree to sparkle with lights.
We will stomp, we will clap, we will light our Christmas tree.
Clap, clap, say: “Our Christmas tree, burn! »
And the heels will stamp and the lights will go out.
The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Snow: And now, my friends,
I'll tell you a riddle.
Who, who, who is
With a long white beard,
Knows a lot of games and jokes
Does he play with children on New Year's Eve?
Children: Santa Claus!
Ved: We need to call grandpa
Celebrate the New Year with us.
Let's call "Santa Claus!"
Ved: Grandfather Frost is not coming. Maybe he lost his way? What to do?
How to be? Let's help grandpa. Let's make a snowstorm, it will sweep away
forest paths are clear of snow, and Santa Claus will come to us.
Girls will do this: sh-sh-sh, and boys will do this: o-o-o!
Come on, everything is together! (do).
Oh, how well it turns out!
(Santa Claus enters the hall)
D.M.: Congratulations to all the guests!
Congratulations to all the children!
I visited you a year ago,
I'm glad to see you again.
They grew up and became big.
Did you recognize me? (-Yes!)
Stand up, guys.
Hurry up to the round dance.
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!
Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
D.M.: Children, aren’t you afraid of frost? (-No!)
I'll check it now!
Game "I'll freeze."
Snow: Santa Claus walked for a long time,
Farther away.
Sit by our Christmas tree
Get some rest!
D.M.: You sang songs, danced,
But they didn’t read poetry.
I want to see it now
Who is braver here?
Children read poetry.
4th child Father Frost, Father Frost,
It's good that you brought it
To kindergarten today
New Year's holiday!
5th child Near the Christmas tree on New Year's Day
We dance, we dance
Here comes Grandfather Frost
He brought us all gifts!
6th child Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
Lights were lit on it,
And the needles shine on it,
And there is frost on the branches!
Ved: Children! Did Santa Claus play in the snow?
All: Played!
Ved: Did you dance near the Christmas tree?
All: Danced!
Ved: Did you sing songs and make children laugh?
All: Made me laugh!
Ved: What else did he forget?
All: Gifts!
D.M.: Yes! Now!
I carried them, I remember...
I don’t know where the bag went!
Or did you put it under the tree? (looks under the tree)
No, I don’t remember, I forgot...
Ved: Grandfather, how can this be? The kids are waiting for gifts!
D.M.: I have a magic lump,
And there is great strength in it.
Where the gifts are - he will indicate
And he will show the way to them.
(takes out a big lump)
Here it is, my magic little bundle!
(Santa Claus rolls a lump past the children, around the Christmas tree, rolls up to the snowy
snowdrift where gifts are hidden)
D.M.: Found it, found it, here they are, gifts!
(D.M. distributes gifts to children)
D.M.: That's all! It's time for us!
Be happy guys!
To your holiday in a year
Santa Claus will come again!
Snow: Goodbye!
(D.M. and Snegurochka leave)

Children enter the hall to the music and stand near the Christmas tree.

Presenter: What kind of holiday is coming to us?
New Year is knocking on us!
So that we can meet him,
The Snow Maiden needs to be called.

Adults and children call Snegurochka. The Snow Maiden enters the hall to the music.

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year to you guys!
Are you happy with the Snow Maiden?

Children: Yes!

Presenter: The tree is sad for some reason -
I lowered the branches to the bottom.

Snow Maiden: We'll cheer her up
And we won’t let her get bored!
Let's say to the tree: “One, two, three,
Our Christmas tree is on fire!

The lights on the Christmas tree are lit.

Presenter: Everyone get up in a round dance,
Our Christmas tree is waiting for a song.

Children dance around the tree to the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Snow Maiden: And I didn’t come alone,
I brought you toys.
They all slept for a whole year,
They were just tired of sleeping.
And today is New Year's
Let a miracle happen.
I brought a doll, a bear,
A very cunning fox.
Our Christmas tree is on fire!

The Snow Maiden puts toys near the Christmas tree. He takes the bell.

Snow Maiden: Ring the bell.
And bring the bear to life!

The Snow Maiden rings the bell, and the bear “comes to life” to the music.

Presenter: Hello, teddy bear!

Bear: Hi Hi!
It's good that we didn't forget
I was invited to the holiday.
I just really like to sleep
And please don't disturb me!

Presenter: Misha, the kids want to play with you!

A game with a bear is played (disc “Nursery” No. 2 - “Game with a Bear” No. 8).

Bear: I got kind of bored.

Snow Maiden: How to help your trouble?

Presenter: All the boys are running away
It's like they don't know me.
I shouldn't have come to the holiday,
After all, I didn’t find any friends here.

Presenter: Bear, bear, don’t bother,
Help him, Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: Ring my bell,
Bring the doll Masha to life.

The doll “comes to life” to the music.

Doll: I live in your group
You are playing with me.
I'm called Katya the doll,
You all know me.

Snow Maiden: Doll Katya, help,
Teddy bear amused us.

Doll: Let's dance together
And the guys will help.

Children dance the “Squat” dance with a bear and a doll.

Presenter: Snow Maiden, brought a doll with a bear to life,
Have you forgotten about the fox?

Snow Maiden: I'm still so young -
I never forget.
My bell, ring
And bring the fox to life!

The fox comes to life to the music.

Snow Maiden: What miracles!
The fox suddenly came to life!
Hello, red-haired cheat,
We're glad to see you!

Children with a fox dance the “Winter Dance” dance.

Fox: I'm a fox, I'm a cheat,
Golden head.
I really love bunnies
But I see only guys here.

Presenter: What's the matter?
No problem!
Come here, Snow Maiden.
Ring the bell
Call the white bunnies.

Snow Maiden: Oh, how cunning you are
But you are a dear guest!
I'll call you right away
I will turn children into bunnies!
My bell, ring
Turn the guys into bunnies!

The game “Bunnies and the Fox” is played (disc “Nursery” No. 2 - “Bunnies and the Fox” No. 6):

Along the forest lawn
The bunnies ran away.
(Children bunnies jump or run)
These are the kind of bunnies, Bunnies are runners!
The bunnies sat in a circle,
They dig the root with their paw.
(Squat down -
"looking for the spine")

Suddenly a fox runs
Red-haired sister.
(“Bunnies” hide their faces in their hands,
and the “fox” runs around looking for children.)

Looking for where the bunnies are,
Bunnies are runaways!

Presenter: Answer from the heart
Are all toys good?

Children: Yes!

Presenter: So get up with your toys,
Sing a song with them.

Children dance in a round dance with toys: “Little Christmas tree.”

Toys: And now, baby,
It's time for us to go home!

Snow Maiden: My bell, ring
Turn the toys back.

The toys are taken out of the hall.

Snow Maiden: You sang and danced,
But they didn’t read poetry.
I'll sit quietly
I'll take a look at the guys.

Children read poetry.

  1. It's snowing, it's snowing!
    The holiday is coming - New Year!
  2. Grandfather Frost will come,
    He will bring us a Christmas tree!
  3. The Christmas tree will sparkle
    We should blink the lights.
  4. Oh, what a Christmas tree, what a beautiful Christmas tree!
    We really, really like her today!

Snow Maiden: I stayed with you,
After all, grandfather is waiting for me.

Presenter: And we'll sing a song,
So let's call Frost.

Children sing the song "Santa Claus".

Santa Claus (from the corridor): I'm coming! I'm coming!

Presenter: Let's play hide and seek with him,
Let's hide, guys!

Snow Maiden: My bell is ringing
He tells the kids to hide.
Close your eyes
Squat down quietly.

The children cover their eyes with their palms and squat.

Father Frost: I'm walking around the hall here,
But I can’t find the guys.
Maybe the mothers saw
Where did the kids run away?
Apparently I shouldn’t have come here,
After all, I didn’t find the children.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, so here you go guys,
We're just playing hide and seek.

Dance "Gopachok"

Father Frost: And I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
I brought you gifts.
Where is my bag, that’s the secret.
There is no right and no left.
Isn’t it on the Christmas tree?
Isn't it on the window?
Isn't it on the chair?
Doesn't mom have one?
Doesn't dad have one?

Presenter: Grandfather, while you look for gifts, we will show you how we can dance.

Dance “Fingers and Hands” (disc No. 2 “Nurses”).

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, come here!
We found your bag!
They pull the bag out from under the tree.

Father Frost: That's a knot! Huh-huh!
I can't untie it.
Come on, let's all clap together. (Clap)
Let's stomp our feet. (Stomp)
The knots are all untied
And we got the gifts.
You go to the group with a bag,
Take away the gifts there.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka:And now it's time for us,
Goodbye, kids!

Photos can be viewed in our photo album!

Teachers: Iudova A.S.,
Chistyakova I.A.,
Smirnova O.N..
MADOU "Kindergarten" Pes village