New Year early age scenario. New Year's party in the second group of early age material (younger group) on the topic. The presenter draws attention to the Christmas tree

Scenario New Year's holiday in Group early age

The script was compiled by the music director

MBDOU No. 10 JV "Rodnichok" Timoshenko L.A.

Target : formation of interest in the traditional Russian holiday " New Year»

Tasks: develop the emotional responsiveness of children, encourage them to actively participate in entertainment;

Create a cheerful, festive mood in children.



Fox (child senior group)

Bear (senior group child)

Santa Claus (voiced toy)

Children join the group to the music

Presenter: Guys, look how beautiful it is in our group. Soon there will be the most fun party- New Year. Grandfather Frost will come to us and put gifts under the Christmas tree. Only we don’t have a Christmas tree! Where will Grandfather Frost put the gifts? What to do? I came up with an idea! We'll go to winter forest and find a Christmas tree. Let's hit the road!

Musically – motor game"Into the forest behind the Christmas tree"

(at the end of the game the teacher places the Christmas tree in the center of the group)

Presenter: Look: our Christmas tree has green needles.
If you smell it, it’s fragrant,
(inhale the aroma)
If you touch it, it’s prickly, (they touch it) Ay! (
Play several times)

This is how our Christmas tree looks - to everyone’s surprise.

How it is decorated is simply a sight for sore eyes!

Let's start a merry round dance together,

Let's sing a song about the Christmas tree!

Song “Beads hang on the Christmas tree”

Presenter: Our Christmas tree is so beautiful, we need to invite our friends - the forest animals - to the holiday. They will be very happy to have fun at the Christmas tree. Let's clap our hands loudly, the animals will hear that we are having a holiday and will come to us.

(clap…..the Bunny appears to the music)

Fox enters (a girl from the older group)

Fox: Hello guys. And I wonder who it is in the forest, having fun, dancing and singing songs.
Presenter: Foxy, we are celebrating the New Year!
Fox: Do you want me to sing you my song?
I am a fox, I am a sister, I walk quietly
Early in the morning, out of habit, I went hunting
(goes behind the tree, hides)

Presenter: Let's jump in the clearing in front of the Christmas tree while the fox is gone.

(children jump like bunnies, Foxy looks out and claps her hands, children run away)

Presenter: Stop, Little Fox, today is a holiday, there is no need to offend our children and bunnies. Better yet, dance with them near the elegant Christmas tree.

Dance “One, two - clap your hands”

(sit down)

Presenter: Guys, let's clap our hands again, maybe someone else will come to visit us?

Bear comes out (child of the older group)

Presenter : - Hello Mishka!!


Hi Hi!

It's good that we didn't forget

I was invited to the holiday.

I just really like to sleep

And please don't disturb me!

(The bear lies down under the Christmas tree and snores. A game is played with the bear)

Presenter : Our Bear fell asleep! What to do? Let's wake up the bear!

Mishka, Mishka, why have you been sleeping so long?

Mishka, Mishka, why are you snoring so much?

Bear, Bear, Mishenka, get up!

Mishka, Mishka, play with us!

(The bear growls,the children run away. Mishka walks around looking for children, saying: “Who was singing songs here? Didn’t let Mishka sleep?”

When Mishka falls asleep again, the song is repeated,

Presenter: Stop Mishka, today is a holiday, there is no need to offend our children. Better yet, sing a song about a Christmas tree with us!

(children, Fox and Bear sing a song, then the animals dance)

Song "Little Christmas Tree"

Dance of the animals

Bear and Fox: For your fun, we have a treat for you. Here (shows snowballs)

We tried so hard, sculpted, did we end up with a treat?

Presenter: What are you talking about, we don’t eat snow... Don’t be upset, let’s play in the snow instead, we’ll leave them.

Snowball game

Presenter: For some reason Grandfather Frost is not coming. Probably got lost. Let us sing a song, he will hear and rush to join us for the holiday.

Song “Who is this – Santa Claus”

Presenter: Oh guys, who appeared under our Christmas tree... it’s Grandfather Frost!

(considering D.M)

Presenter: Grandfather, our children know a song about you. Do you want to listen?

Song “Santa Claus brought a Christmas tree to the children”

Presenter: Grandfather Frost brought gifts for everyone. Come on, Bear and Fox, help distribute gifts!

(characters give gifts to children)

Presenter: Here comes the New Year holiday

It's time for us to finish.

Much happiness to you today

Let's wish it, kids!

May it always be under this tree

There is ringing laughter.

All: Happy New Year

Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Kozlova Elena Mikhailovna
Job title: music director
Educational institution: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 4 KV"
Locality: Bogoroditsk city, Tula region
Name of material: Scenario for the New Year's holiday in an early age group
Subject: New Year's party for young children
Publication date: 25.12.2016
Chapter: preschool education

New Year's party for young children.
Children enter the hall with their parents to the song
"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree",
They dance in a circle and then sit on the chairs (mother + child...)
Santa Claus gave us this beautiful Christmas tree and invited us all together for the New Year's holiday. And now we’ll start a round dance with the guys, and sing a little song to our beautiful Christmas tree.
The song “Beads Shine on the Christmas Tree” is performed.
1. Beads, firecrackers and a star shine on the tree. We love our Christmas tree. Yes Yes Yes! 2. The Snow Maiden in a white fur coat always comes to us. We sing and dance with her. Yes Yes Yes! 3.And Santa Claus is cheerful - Gray beard - Brings us gifts. Yes Yes Yes!
For some reason, Santa Claus is delayed, let’s all call him together.
: Santa Claus…
Father Frost.
Hello, kids, girls and boys! I see a lot of guests in the hall, did you guys call me?
. Yes!
. Santa Claus, the guys know a song about you and will sing it now.
The song “Father Frost” is performed, music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina.

Santa Claus, why isn’t our Christmas tree on fire?
Father Frost.
No problem! Now let’s say the magic words: “One, two, three, light up the Christmas tree!” (the tree does not light up). Well, help us with the staff, light the Christmas tree for us.
(knocks the staff 3 times with the words: “One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!”). (the lights come on). Now let's play with the Christmas tree? We'll cast a little magic on it, blow a little. (children blow, the lights fall asleep) Well, help us with the staff, light the Christmas tree for us. (knocks the staff 3 times with the words: “One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!”). (the lights come on). Let's do some magic together again and blow on the Christmas tree. (children blow, the lights fall asleep) Well, help us with the staff, light the Christmas tree for us. (knocks the staff 3 times with the words: “One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!”). (the lights come on).
Guys, the Christmas tree has come to our kindergarten for the holiday. There are so many lights, so many toys... How beautiful is her outfit! And our children are also all dressed up and good. New Year's poems will be told to our Christmas tree.

The Christmas tree blinks with colored eyes. He invites the children to dance around him.
The song “Our children have a big Christmas tree” is performed, music by T. Popatenko,

words by N. Naydenova.

Tell me, Grandfather Frost, what did you bring for the little children?
Father Frost
. I brought flashlights for the little kids. Ring the flashlight and the kids will have some fun.
Dance with lanterns
.(children sit down).
. Now parents come out and show off your dexterity in the game.
Game with parents
“Who will take the place faster?”

Christmas tree, listen to the song, Christmas tree, watch the dance, We will clap our hands and warm ourselves up a little.
Dance is a game: “We’ll warm ourselves up a little.”

Santa Claus, do you like to play?

Father Frost.
Oh, how I love it!
Can you escape from the kids?
Father Frost.
I'll try.
Game with Santa Claus:

"Catching up."
(little guys love...).
Father Frost.
I’m tired, I’ll sit and look at the kids. Anyone who knows poems about the holiday, let him read it to me now.

Our Santa Claus sat down on a chair and accidentally fell asleep. Guys, let's hide from Santa Claus? (children go behind the Christmas tree, Santa Claus wakes up)
Father Frost.
1.Where are my guys? (children meow). These are not guys, these are kittens. 2. Where are my guys? (children bark). These are not kids, these are puppies. 3. Where are my kids? (children croak). These are not kids, these are frogs. Children come out from behind the tree.
Father Frost.
Ah, here they are guys.
It was the parents' turn to play and show off their dexterity.
Game with parents
“Whoever runs around the tree faster and takes a chair.”

Father Frost.
Oh, how hot it has become in the hall, Oh, I’m afraid I’ll completely melt, Let the breeze blow, Bring the snow here.
Dance of snowflakes.
Presenter how much snow there is. Come on, Santa Claus, play snowballs with the children.
Playing snowballs with Santa Claus.

Bunnies came running to Grandfather into the clearing and onto the lawn.
Game "Bunnies and Fox"
. 1. Bunnies scattered across the forest lawn. These are the bunnies
Bunnies are jumping! (children jump) 2. The bunnies sat in a circle and dug a root with their paw. That's what bunnies are like, bunnies - jumping bunnies! (dig with their paw) 3. Suddenly a little fox runs, The red-haired sister is looking for where the bunnies are, The bunnies are hopping! (Santa Claus runs with a fox, the children cover their faces with their hands, then run away).
Father Frost.
Well, it's time for me to leave.
Santa Claus, have you forgotten your children’s gifts?
Father Frost.
I haven’t forgotten, I have them here in my mitten.
How did they fit into such a small mitten?
Father Frost.
And she is magical to me. Do you want to see how the mitten grows?
We want.
Father Frost.
I will put it under the Christmas tree and say the magic words: You grow little mittens, Grow small, Become big, Just not empty. (Santa Claus runs around the tree and takes a large mitten with a gift). One, two, three, look! This bright mitten contains New Year's gifts. Receive, receive and don’t forget me. (Distribution of gifts, farewell to Santa Claus).

Scenario New Year's party in kindergarten.
Second early age group No. 3
Children dressed smartly sit on chairs.
Presenter: Hello Christmas tree, how glad we are,
Why did you come to visit us?
And in green needles
The freshness of the forest brought.
New Year is coming,
Let's start the round dance.
Let's go around the Christmas tree
Let's sing a sonorous song.
Round dance to the song: “Christmas tree”
Song "Yolochka"
Music by N. Bakhutova. Words by Z. Alexandrova.
1. Our kids
The Christmas tree is big,
Lights on the Christmas tree
They sparkle merrily.
Hey, Christmas tree, look, look!
Children, Christmas tree, light it up, light it up!
2. Don’t prick us, Christmas tree,
A shaggy twig,
Remove the needles
More from the guys.
3. We sing and dance
Fun today.
Our kids
New Year's holiday!
Presenter: A good New Year is walking around the yard.
The games are different and bring fun to the kids.
All dressed in silver,
Fluffy snow is scattering.
Sleigh is lucky,
He invites us to go for a ride.
Song - dramatization: “Sledge”
Words and music by T. Sauko
1. Our children sat in the sled, (Children, holding hands in pairs, run around the hall)
We wanted to go for a ride.
They rolled far, (in pairs - “ride” around the hall)
No one will catch them.
2.Took hold of the rope,
We rolled down the hill.
Suddenly the sled turns on its side - bang - (Fell, dangling legs)
Everyone fell into a snowdrift.
3. Hey, get up, get up, buddy, (They get up and shake off their right side, then,
And shake off the snow. left side, tummy, legs)
Shake off your hands too, (They shake off their hands, make “crackers”)
And hug my friend. (Hug)
Presenter: And the Snow Maiden is coming to our holiday.
Snow Maiden: Enters to the song and dances.
"Song of the Snow Maiden" lyrics. and music M. Kraseva
All the animals know me
The name is Snegurochka.
They play with me
And they sing songs.
And Mishka the naughty one,
And Zainka the coward-
My friends.
I love them very much.
The fox comes to me
Always with fox cubs
Wanders through the forest with me
The wolf is gray sometimes.
Snow Maiden: Hello dear children, I am Snow Maiden.
Happy New Year to all children and all guests.
I only wish everyone happiness, lots of good news.
What is your beautiful tree!
Why doesn't it shine with lights?
Well, let's say one, two, three,
Is the Christmas tree shining?
Snow Maiden: Oh! How the Christmas tree is dressed up
It lit up with lights.
And under the tree there is a round dance,
Hello New Year holiday!
Round dance to the song: “One, two, three, four”
One two three four,
We are going to the Christmas tree. (Round dance)
One two three four,
Dance the polka and have fun.
Handles - clap, clap, clap, (Clap)
With their feet - stomp, stomp, stomp, (Stamp with their feet)
Wag your finger. (They shake a finger)
And dance around you. (Dancing)
(Repeat the words of the verse 3 times)
Presenter: Everything is white in winter,
There was a lot of snow.
And now we'll play
And we leave the snowballs.
Game: "Snow - snowball."
Words by E. Maksheev
Snow-snowball, snow-snowball, (They run after each other, raising their hands up)
White blizzard,
Snow-snowball, snow-snowball,
It creeps along the path.
The paths are covered with snow,
Snow-snowball, snow-snowball,
Melts on the palm.
We will make snowballs, (Make “snowballs”, imitation)
Let's play together
and snowballs at each other (throwing snowballs at each other, playing, imitation)
Let's have fun.
Snow-snowball, snow-snowball, (Clap your hands)
The paths are covered with snow,
Snow-snowball, snow-snowball,
Melts on the palm.
We're warm in the yard, (rubbing hands on ears)
Ears are not frozen
We'll roll the snow (Bend over, roll)
Into a huge white lump.
Snow-snowball, snow-snowball, (Clap your hands)
The paths are covered with snow,
Snow-snowball, snow-snowball,
Melts on the palm.
(Children sit down)
Presenter: Children, the Snow Maiden came to the holiday, but Grandfather Frost is not there.
Snow Maiden: We need to call grandpa,
Celebrate the New Year with us.
Dear grandfather, oh!
The Snow Maiden and the children call Grandfather Frost. (Ay! Ay!)
Santa Claus: I'm coming, I'm coming! Enters on penalty.
Santa Claus song
Music by N. Potolovsky. Words by N. Novikov.
1. Have fun, blizzards,
Bend lower, pines and spruces!
Everything that is in my forest
I'll fill everything up and bring it in.

How will I go on the road?
On the river or on slippery ice.
I’ll just blow a little,
Suddenly there will be snowdrifts.

2. Will you come across one on foot or on horseback?
On my little path,
I’ll climb into a tanned sheepskin coat,
I'll freeze you to the bone.
Take care of your hands, feet,
Cover your ears and nose.
Walks and wanders along the road
Old Grandfather Frost.
Santa Claus: Addresses children
What a wonderful Christmas tree!
How beautifully decorated!
The lights are burning on it
And the lanterns sparkle!
Happy New Year,
And with all my heart I wish
Happiness, joy to all of you,
Both big and small!
Where are our snowflakes?
White fluff?
Everybody, hurry up and fly here,
Cool down Santa Claus!
The presenter and the Snow Maiden hand out plumes to the snowflake girls and invite them to dance at the Christmas tree.
Dance of snowflakes
Presenter: And who is in a hurry to hide under the Christmas tree!
Song – dramatization: “Who’s there under the Christmas tree”

Bunny - Danya Kochnev
Bear - Belyaev Kirill
Belka – Julia Golubeva
Fox – Tikhomirova Lisa

Long ears moves nicely. (Jumps on two legs around the Christmas tree, crouches)
This little gray bunny is in a hurry to hide!
Who's in a hurry to hide under the tree?
A large nut is peeled with teeth.
This red squirrel is in a hurry to hide! (Runs around the tree, crouches)
This red squirrel is in a hurry to hide!
Who's in a hurry to hide under the tree?
If she needs to outsmart everyone.
This is our little fox in a hurry to hide, (Runs around the Christmas tree, crouches)
This is our little fox in a hurry to hide.
Who's in a hurry to hide under the tree?
He drives away the bees, gets angry and growls.
This is a bear - the gourmet is in a hurry to hide! (Walks around the Christmas tree, crouches)
This is a bear - the gourmet is in a hurry to hide!
We met all the animals in the forest, (Round dance of “animals” around the Christmas tree)
Squirrel and hare, wolf and fox.
We will find everyone who wants to hide in the forest!
We will find everyone who wants to hide in the forest!
Santa Claus: Under the beautiful Christmas tree
Everyone welcomes the New Goal,
Hold hands together.
Get into a round dance.

Round dance to the song: “The Christmas tree stood”
Words and music by N.B. Karavaeva

There lived a bunny under the Christmas tree, the bunny was a hopper (jumping in place on two legs)
Like this, like this, a jumping bunny.
A squirrel in a cart cracks nuts (Rubs palm against palm)
Just like that, like that, he cracks nuts.
And under the tree there are birds, sparrows, titmice, (“Waving” their arms)
Like this, like this. Sparrows, titmice.
There lived a bear under the Christmas tree, the bear was a naughty one, (They imitate bears, stomp)
Top, top, top, yes top, the bear is a playful little girl.
Eyes sparkled, laughter, fun dancing, (Dance movements)
Waste - ta - ta, tra - ta - ta - we dance hapaka.
The Christmas tree stood and grew slender (Slowly raise their hands up)
Like this, like this, she grew up slender (Once again they slowly raise their hands up)
Like this, like this, she grew up slender (And once again they slowly raise their hands up)
Snow Maiden: And now I’ll play with you!
Game: “We will catch up with the Snow Maiden”
(Children sit down)
Presenter: Santa Claus, Snegurochka played with the kids, and if you dance, the kids will be happy!
Santa Claus: I won’t dance alone, Snow Maiden come to me!
Dance of Father Frost and Snow Maiden
(Children clap their hands)
Santa Claus: Children, look at the Christmas tree!
And there are toys for the Christmas trees
Beads, balls shine,
The tree also congratulates
Happy New Year to all the guys.
Hold hands together and stand in a wide circle!
Round dance to the song: “On New Year’s Eve, like in a fairy tale”
Lyrics of the song "On New Year's Eve"
Words: V. Shumilin
Music: Y. Verizhnikov

1The New Year, like in a fairy tale, is full of miracles,
They are in a hurry to leave the winter forest for the Christmas tree holiday.
The stars wink and dance in circles.
On New Year's Eve.

2Snowflakes are like funny babies - they fly, circle, circle,
And funny songs sound everywhere.
The wind whistles, the snowstorm sings.
On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve,
On New Year's Eve.

3We have become a year older, more mature and smarter.
But we also believe in fairy tales and are looking for encounters with them.
Let's make a wish when twelve strikes,
On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve,
On New Year's Eve.
(Children sit down)
Santa Claus: Our Christmas tree is shining, it’s shining very brightly,
So, the time has come for us to give out gifts.
Where is my snowball?
I’ll take a look, I’ll look under the tree, there’s a big snowball, and the snowball is not easy, There is a gift - like this!
(Gives treats to children)
Santa Claus: I'm coming to you next year, I'll definitely come!
(Picks up the Snow Maiden, waves to the children, leaves)

1. Round dance to the song: “At our children’s place”
2. Song - dramatization: “Sleigh”
3. Round dance to the song: “One, two, three, four”
4. Game: “Snow - snowball”.
5. Dance of snowflakes
6. Song – dramatization: “Who’s there under the tree”
7. Round dance to the song: “The Christmas tree stood”
8. Game: “We will catch up with the Snow Maiden”
9. Round dance to the song: “On New Year’s Eve, like in a fairy tale”

Scenario of a matinee for children of the first early age group “Visiting Grandfather Frost”

The script for the matinee for children of the first early age group “Visiting Grandfather Frost” will be useful for educators and music directors to conduct winter holiday with young children.

Target: formation of ideas about the celebration of the New Year;
- strengthen children’s ideas about winter;
- to teach joint musical activities with adults and peers;
-develop attention, coordination of movements, encourage children’s activity;
- cultivate interest in musical activities.

Light fluffy snow slowly swirls, settling on the roofs of houses, trees, and the clothes of passers-by. The long-awaited frost creaks underfoot; The morning clean and fresh air invigorates.
For more than thirty years now, I have been going to work with my kids and every time, together with them, I experience the joy and excitement of the first New Year’s party in their lives, their first meeting with Santa Claus, the first dance of snowflakes and the first New Year’s song they heard.
A lot has changed in society in recent years. Instead of a forest beauty that smells of pine, a synthetic Christmas tree appeared. New characters came to New Year's parties. But the feeling of anticipation and joy from the New Year holiday, the sparkle of children's eyes and the cheerful laughter of my kids remains unchanged.

Progress of the lesson:

The leader comes to the group and invites the children to visit Grandfather Frost. Everyone goes to the music room together.
Presenter: Look around! How beautiful it is in our hall! A Christmas tree in a white fur coat looks at us and waves its green branches. Let's say hello to her. Hello, Christmas tree!
Children walk around the tree in a flock, looking at it and the Christmas tree decorations.
The musical director sings “The Snow Maiden’s Song” lyrics. Voronko music Nekrasova
Presenter: The tree is beautiful, but the lights on it don’t light up, let’s all light up the lights on our tree together!

"Game with Lights"
(children clap their hands together - the lights come on; they blow on the Christmas tree - the lights go out).
Here are a row of beautiful lights, now they go out, now they burn
The Christmas trees are shining all around, and they invite us to sing a song.
Song “Here is our Christmas tree” lyrics. Klokova, music. Kraseva
Here is our Christmas tree, standing bright,
Our whole Christmas tree sparkles with stars.
Falls from the Christmas tree, golden rain,
Oh, how much fun we have, Christmas tree with you!
Presenter: Well done kids! We sang the song well, the Christmas tree liked it! And now we will go to visit Santa Claus. Let's hurry, otherwise the snowstorm will start soon and all the paths will be covered with snow. Oh, guys, a blizzard is starting, it’s going to snow now. Look how our snowflakes will dance.
“Dance of Snowflakes” lyrics. Volgina, music Fillipenko
Fluffy snowflakes, flying, flying, flying (running)
Cold snowflakes shine like stars
Losing (spinning)
So fun today, white swarm of snowflakes (half squat)
We dance with the kids at the New Year's tree
Losing (spinning)
And the playing breeze swirled the snowflakes (hands swing up)
And quietly flying away to the ground, he lowered it (sit down)

Presenter: Oh, there’s so much snow, it’s impossible to get through, it’s impossible to get through! Where is Santa Claus? This is his house, let's knock (they knock) he can't hear it! Shall we call him? (they shout) Grandfather Frost doesn’t open, he’s probably sleeping. How can we wake up Santa Claus?

I came up with an idea: I have ringing bells, we will ring them and Grandfather will wake up.
"Dance with bells" music. Zhilinsky

Father Frost: What kind of noise, what kind of ringing, do I hear from all sides?

Yes, I have guests! Hello kids! Forgive me, I lay down for a minute and fell asleep for an hour! Did you wake me up?

Oh, those bells jumped out of the chest again. Well, climb back. (children fold bells). Oh I'm tired! (sits down)
Do you know the song about me?
Song “This is our Christmas tree” lyrics. Malkova, music Slonova
Visit us for Santa Claus
I brought this Christmas tree.
Who brought us a Christmas tree?
Father Frost, Father Frost.
On this holiday, Santa Claus
He brought us all gifts
Who brought us gifts?
Father Frost, Father Frost.
Presenter: Grandfather, guests are knocking on your door (a hare is brought out from behind the tree)
Hare: Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Father Frost: What do you want, oblique?
Hare: Grandfather Frost, the New Year is on the doorstep, my bunnies are waiting for gifts.
Father Frost: Look how smart you are, gifts, you will amuse my guests and there will be gifts for you too!
Hare: I'll have some fun Grandfather, here are the "pultants" for you.
"Dance with the Sultans"
I'll give the boys some gold tinsel
I'll wave over my head, repeat after me.
Golden tinsel lay down on the path,
You stroke her, my friend, like fluffy snow, a snowball.
Stomp, stomp, one, two, three, shake the snow off your feet.
Spin around with tinsel and bow to all the guests.

Father Frost: Well done bunny! Here's a carrot gift for the kids!
(The hare thanks and leaves, a knock is heard)
Father Frost: Who else is there?
(A bear is brought out from behind the tree)

Father Frost: Why do you need a stomp?
Bear: Grandfather Frost, the New Year is just around the corner, my cubs are waiting for gifts.
Father Frost: Present? You make my guests happy, and you will have gifts too!
Bear: I'll have some fun, Santa Claus, come out kids and play.
Outdoor game "Children and the Bear"

The bear was walking through the forest, the bear was looking for children,
I looked for them for a long, long time, sat down on a chair and dozed off.
The children began to dance here, their feet began to stomp,
Mishka, Mishka get up, Mishka catch up with the kids.
Father Frost: Well done Mishka, here’s a gift for the kids, sweet honey.
(hands over a barrel of honey, the bear thanks and leaves)
Presenter: Grandfather Frost, the New Year is just around the corner, our kids are waiting for gifts.
Father Frost: Present? And you play and dance with me, you will also receive gifts.
Presenter: Let's make Santa Claus happy? Once! Two! Three! Let's play in the snow!
Outdoor game "Snowballs".

Dance with Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Well done! Have fun! And now it's time to receive gifts! (Santa Claus shows gifts and says goodbye to the Christmas tree together with the children)

New Year's holiday "Yolochka" for children of early age group (1.5-3 years).

Description of material: The material will be of interest to educators and music directors when organizing a New Year's party with younger children preschool age.
Target: Creation festive mood in children.
1. Unleash children's creative abilities through different kinds musical activity.
2. Promote the development of positive emotions.
3. Introduce children to New Year's traditions kindergarten.
Characters: Presenter, Father Frost, Snow Maiden - adult roles.
Children: boys are parsleys, girls are snowflakes.
Decor: the hall is festively decorated.
Attributes: rattles according to the number of children, a Frost mitten, put a bell inside under the Christmas tree, snowballs in a box for playing.

To the calm music of “Waltz”, together with the Presenter, dressed-up children enter the hall: girls - snowflakes, boys - parsleys.

Leading:“Having blossomed its needles, the Christmas tree shines with beauty
How many balls, toys, cones, stars, firecrackers are there,
We need to look at the tree, let’s stand in a circle as soon as possible, guys.”
(stand in a circle in front of the Christmas tree)
Leading:"It is snowing! It is snowing! Hello, New Year holiday!
The Christmas tree will sparkle and the lights will flash for us.
We’ll sing a song for the Christmas tree and start our round dance!”
Round dance "Little Christmas tree"(sit on chairs)
Leading: Look here! Whose mitten is this?
(The presenter draws attention to Santa Claus's mitten under the tree).
Grandfather Frost was walking by the Christmas tree and lost his mitten.
(takes a bell out of a mitten)

Bell, help, call Santa Claus! ( rings).
Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden enter to cheerful music.
Father Frost:"Hello children! You recognize Grandfather Frost. I came to you together with the Snow Maiden. How nice and bright it is here. Did I end up in kindergarten?
Snow Maiden:“Today is a holiday for the guys! All the people are having fun.
This is the New Year holiday!
Father Frost:“That's right, that's right! New Year! The Christmas tree is calling us to itself.
Now we will sing her a song and have fun together.
One, two, three - come on, light up the Christmas tree!”
(hits with a staff, turns on the lights on the Christmas tree, children stand in a circle dance)
They sing the song “Holiday Christmas Tree”.
Santa Claus sees a mitten in the Leader's hands.

Father Frost: The glove has been found! Yesterday she was left in the snow.
Leading: I'll give you the mitten if you dance for us. Come on, granddaughter, help me.
Father Frost and Snow Maiden dance the “Gopachok” dance.

Father Frost: Oh, I’m tired, I’ll sit and look at the kids.
Leading: Hey, parsleys - well done, there are bells on the top of the head. Well, go out to the tree and dance by the tree.
(The presenter distributes rattles to the parsley)
Dance of Parsley with rattles
Snow Maiden: I am the Snow Maiden girl who came to you for the holiday,
She brought jokes and fun with her.
White snowflakes swirl like light fluffs.
Dance with me, near the forest Christmas tree.
Dance "Snowflakes and Snow Maidens"

Father Frost: Children, do you want to play in the snow? "Snowball game"
Good in winter. Isn't it true?
The kids are so happy about winter! Sleds, skis, snowing,
Christmas tree, holiday - New Year. They perform the song “Yolka”.
Surprise moment. Presenter Grandfather Frost, did you bring any gifts?

Father Frost: Here they are, in the bag. Oh, oh, oh! At the very bottom, Grandfather Frost folded up and didn’t forget about the gifts. ( Distributing treats with the Snow Maiden)

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: Goodbye, kids, it's time for us to say goodbye!
Leading: Come visit us in a year, we will be very glad to see you!

New Year's music sounds and children leave the hall.

“It’s a magical evening, sparkling snow.
You can hear music, songs and laughter!
The smell of candles and many stars,
The holiday brought faith and hope!”
Elena Makarova

A wonderful holiday comes to every home!
I wish you a Merry Christmas!
May you be good and successful
There will be a coming year!
Let goodness, warmth and joy,
An angel will bring it to your home!

Christmas (P. Sinyavsky)
In the realm of frost and snow
Crystal gardens bloomed.
Through our window from the festive sky
The light of the Christmas star is shining.
In every tower, in every little room
The golden-winged angel has arrived,
He lit the Christmas tree
And he looked at us with a smile.
We dream on Christmas Eve
A string of festive miracles,
The Lord Himself in wonderful robes
It comes down to you and me from heaven.
There is another celebration near the Christmas tree,
Christmas! Christ's Nativity.