Fun activities for the older group. Entertainment in the senior group “Festival of fun games. Video: music day in kindergarten

Scenario of entertainment in kindergarten “Friendship Festival”

Goal: To clarify children’s ideas about what it means to “be able to be friends.”

develop communication skills with each other

Develop positive social behavior skills

Develop the ability to manage your emotional state.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and adults. Create a joyful mood, a feeling of celebration in children.

Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations, conversations, reading fiction.

Material: 4 balloon for the relay race, cardboard flower petals, children's songs about friendship.


Q: Today the holiday brought us together:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
Here the holiday of friendship has come
And he invited everyone into the circle of guys.

Guys! Today we have fun party, dedicated to Friendship Day. We will sing, play, dance.

Let's all say together:

Hello, golden sun! (Hands up)

Hello, blue sky! (Hands up)

Hello my friends! (They greet each other)

I'm very glad to see you - ME! (Spread their arms to the sides, smile at each other)

Host: Guys, today we are celebrating Friendship Day. Let's say the motto of our holiday: “One for all and all for one.”

Listen to the riddles:

*Living in the world is very difficult

Without a girlfriend or... (friend)

*Half and half – sorrows, troubles,

Happiness, joy and victory. (Friendship)

Q: How do you understand the word “friendship”?

Children: This is when a faithful friend is nearby, when you help a friend in Hard time, you keep shared secrets.

Q: How good and kind word- friendship! There is probably no person who does not value friendship.

What kind of friendship can there be?

Children: Strong, faithful, real, etc.

Q: -Who can be friends with whom?

Children: Boy with girl, boy with boy, girl with girl.

Music game"We became friends"

Host: Children and adults, people on opposite ends of the earth, can be friends. Peoples of different countries can be friends.

Q: And, of course, we all know that the most important friend of every person is his mother.

And people can be friends with animals, flowers, trees, the sky and the sun... even little ducklings can be friends

" Dance of little ducks"

Q: -What kind of friendship can’t there be?

Children: Angry, dishonest...

Ruffnut enters to the music.

Ruffnut: - Hello everyone! Yeah! This is where I need it! (rubs hands).

Q:Where does this “here” go?

Ruffnut: -Where, where... Yes, here, where there are a lot of children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Q: Who are you?

Bully: - I am Bully. I heard you are having some kind of holiday here?

Q: -Not just any kind, but the Festival of Friendship, the celebration of true friends. And we came to have fun.
Ruffnut: -Are these these little kids - the little ones - friends? Do they know how to be friends? Oh, they made me laugh! (laughs).

Q: - Wait, wait, Bully, to find out whether our guys really know how to be friends, we need to test them in games, in dancing, in songs.

Ruffnut: - Check, right? Please.

Now we will check how friendly you are. You need to answer my questions loudly.
You are ready? (Yes)
Shall we celebrate the holiday? (Yes)
Will we be silent and bored? (No)
Shall we dance together? (Yes)
Will we play together? (Yes)
Can I put you to bed? (No)

Q: You guys are great! You really showed that you are friendly.
And also Ruffnut, look at how the guys dance together.

Dance “Everyone in this hall is friends”

Ruffnut: You dance well, now let's see how you can play.

1 Game "Friend to Friend".

In this game you need to do everything very quickly, listen carefully to the tasks.

As soon as I say the phrase “friend to friend,” you must find a partner and shake his hand, and then greet with those parts of the body that I will name. Every time I say “each other,” you will have to find yourself a new partner.

Ear to ear;

nose to nose;

forehead to forehead;

knee to knee;

elbow to elbow;

back to back;

shoulder to shoulder

Ruffnut: -You really showed that you are friendly, cheerful and know how to support your friends. I also really wanted to find friends.

Q: - We offer you our friendship.

I also know proverbs about friendship. Listen here:
Don’t have a hundred rubles……………..(scratching his head).
Oh, guys, I forgot, help me, please. Let's play. I will say the beginning of the proverb, and you will say the end.
Don’t have a hundred rubles………………but have a hundred friends.
If you don’t have a friend, look for……………………..but if you find one, take care.
Die yourself………………………and help your comrade.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
A tree is held together by its roots……….and a person is held together by its friends.
It’s bad without a friend who is lost………….but it’s also bad with a friend who is not faithful

(Ruffnut says goodbye to the guys.)

B: Oh guys. I completely forgot the envelope in my basket for you. What lies there? Multi-colored petals, so that they form a flower you need to name the rules of friendship. Guys, do you know what rules you need to follow to be friendly? (children name the rules, the teacher places a flower on the flannelgraph)

    Don't quarrel

    Give in

    Don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you've offended a friend

    To be polite

    Don't get angry

    Don't be greedy

    Help a friend

    To be honest

So let's be friends, don't quarrel, always help each other and then we will have many friends.

Q: It’s a sunny day when friends are nearby,
Life is beautiful with dancing and singing.
Always with close friends

(Dance “Barbariki”)

Q: I’m so glad that the guys are in kindergarten friendly,

After all, when guys are friends, it’s happiness for the country.

And so that we can end the holiday joyfully,
I want to treat the guys with sweets!
But the basket is not empty, there is something in it.
And in the basket, kids, there were sweets hidden.

Victoria Tarasova
Entertainment in senior group"Holiday fun games»

Kazakhstan, Saran d/s "Bakhyt"


Teach consciously and adhere to the rules of the game. Create festive mood in children. Develop motor activity children in games, spatial orientation. Strengthen the skills of playing folk outdoor games. Development interest in games of peoples. Develop agility, endurance, speed. Cultivate friendly relationships with peers. Cultivate endurance and attention.

Equipment: model of a ship, two horses, two chairs, two ping-pong balls, two deep plates of water, a small table, a rag circle, two balls, a rope, 4 hoops different color, rattles according to the number of children.

Children enter the hall to the music.

1st presenter: Hello, dear guests! We have been waiting for you for a long time, We won’t start the holiday without you. Today there will be games, dancing, laughter. There is enough joy for everyone.

2nd presenter: Attention attention! We invite all boys and girls to holiday of fun games. I suggest you take courage, speed, and ingenuity with you.

1st presenter: We have gathered today to remember old times, play folk games. Each nation has its own traditions, its own songs, fairy tales, and games. There are many people on our planet with skin of different colors - white, black, yellow. And they all want to live in peace. Let's guys build a ship and name it "Friendship". Let our ship sail across the seas and oceans to different countries.

2nd presenter: And our boat is sailing from Kazakhstan station. And the favorite game in Kazakhstan is the game "Baiga".

Kazakh folk game "Baiga".

Children stand in 2 columns of 6 people. The first players on both teams receive a horse. The task is to ride to the landmark, go back and give the horse to the next one. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

1st presenter: We make our first stop in the northern country of Norway. The nature here is very harsh. The sea crashes into the shore. Fishermen live there and go out to sea every day and catch fish. And we'll play a Norwegian folk game "Seine".

Norwegian folk game "Seine".

Two players join hands and catch the rest of the children, who are like fish. Trying to escape "seine". Having caught up with someone, players must join their hands so that the person caught ends up in a circle. Then they catch "fish" already three of us. Everyone caught becomes a part "seine".

2nd presenter: Our boat sails on. Children sit on the boat, put their hands on each other's shoulders and sway to the sounds of ocean music.

Here is another northern country - the Netherlands. It is small and almost entirely stands on the water. Strong winds blow all the time in the Netherlands.

Dutch game "Vetrodui"

Two children participate in the game. In front of each person is a deep plate with a ping pong ball. Children must blow a ball out of it. The player who does it faster wins.

1st presenter: And now our ship is heading for England, a country located on a large island. England has always been famous for its rainy climate and fogs. But English children, like all children in the world, love to play.

English folk game "Trap".

The players of one team make a large circle, hold hands and raise them up, and the players of the second team must run through this circle while the music is playing. As soon as the music ends, the players of the first team catch the players of the second team by lowering their hands down, the remaining players in the circle are considered caught. As an option, the game is played with a rag circle.

2nd presenter: We change course and sail south, to the shores of Africa - the great black continent. Africa is very hot and has a large Sahara desert. People save water trying not spill a single drop. And you and I will become water bearers.

African game "Water Carriers"

Children are divided into two teams and take turns carrying the ball on their heads, supporting it with their hand. The team that completes the task first wins.

1st presenter: And now we are sailing to the shores of Brazil. There are a lot of swamps in it. But Brazilian children, like all children, love to play.

Brazilian folk game "Day and night".

A line is drawn down the middle of the hall. Boys line up on one side, girls on the other, with their backs to each other. Leading between them. Boys Team – "Night", and the girls team – "Day". By command "Night!", boys catch girls, and on command "Day!", girls catch boys.

2nd presenter: We have traveled to many countries, and there are many left that we have not visited, but it’s time for us to return to Kazakhstan. There is nothing more beautiful than our Motherland.

1st presenter: In every country we visited, we played children's favorite games.

Let's play a Kazakh game "Yurt".

Kazakh folk game "Yurt"

Several people participate in the game subgroups of children, each of which forms a circle around the perimeter of the site. In the center of each circle is a hoop. Holding hands, everyone goes their own way subgroupsin a circle and talking: "We, funny boys, let’s all gather in a circle, play and dance, and rush to the meadow.” Then everything subgroups run around the site to the music. After the music stops, the children quickly run to their hoops, take the hoop and raise it above their heads in the form of a tent. (it turns out to be a yurt).

2nd presenter: Well done guys!

Strong, skillful, friendly and brave!

1st presenter: After all, it’s true, friends, it’s good on the planet,

When children are the masters of the planet!

Let's protect anyone from adversity

A large and trusting blue ball!

2nd presenter: Let's finish our holiday fun games friendly and fun game “Take it quickly!”

A game "Take it quickly".

A large circle is drawn with chalk on the floor, into which rattles are placed scattered. The fans stand in a circle and begin to move with cheerful musical accompaniment. The music turns off, that's it are trying grab the rattle and lift it up. Whoever did not get a rattle sits in his place. As the game continues, the rattles are removed by the presenters.

Children leave the hall to the music.

Publications on the topic:

Presenter: Hello dear guests, We invite you to join us in cheerful Russian folk holiday. Maslenitsa - holiday very ancient, it is dedicated.

Happy Children's Festival FUNNY GUYS HOLIDAY Game program Surprise: Hello boys, hello girls! You didn’t recognize me, I’m a surprise. Not right away.

12.07.2018 | Looked at the script 567 Human

Host: Guys, today I invite you on an unusual journey, but first, guess the riddle:

Glorious bridge is so good
Threw across the river.
How elegant, how bright,
Like a holiday gift.
The bridge is painted in seven colors,
Like a peacock...

Scenario for the Elderly Person's Day holiday for grandparents in kindergarten

29.09.2013 | Looked at the script 362 person

1 presenter: But the old ones don’t have the same strength
The supply of unlived days is small
Take care of old people
Without which we would not exist...
Presenter 2: Good afternoon, our dear guests...

Guys, this morning I received a registered letter (I’m showing the letter), it was addressed to Svetlana Vladimirovna and the children of the senior group kindergarten No. 7 "Sunny".
-Do you think this letter is intended for our group? (children's answers)
-Then let's...

Scenario of the holiday "Ball of the Toddlers"

27.08.2013 | Looked at the script 550 Human

1 Presenter: A year has passed since
These doors opened
And you all came here -
Either dolls or children.
We met you here this morning
And they fed me delicious porridge
Every day and every hour
Take care of your health.

2 Presenter: They taught you...

Entertainment script "Treasure Hunters"

27.08.2013 | Looked at the script 1329 Human

Music hands
Today we are going to look for treasure,
We will have to experience many difficulties.
Let us prepare seriously,
To cope with the dangers was possible.
Hold hands together and stand in a circle quickly!
Let's warm up...

Traffic Scenario – Introduction to the rules of the road

17.08.2013 | Looked at the script 448 Human

Characters: Traffic police inspector (well aware of the rules traffic), Interference, Traffic light, Road sign.
Traffic police inspector: Hello young guests and spectators!
Interference: Violators of traffic rules!
Traffic police inspector: Why are you...

Games for children's parties

11.06.2012 | Looked at the script 1554 person

Changing positions
Goal: development of attention, memory and observation.
Age: 9-17 years.
Number of participants: 6-25 people.
Material support: none.
Rules. A driver and coordinator are selected from among the participants. Rest...

"Summer Holiday".

11.05.2012 | Looked at the script 5712 Human

Host: Hello boys and girls!
Hello grandparents.
Moms and dads, hello!
Celebrate the Summer Holiday with us!

Child: Smile, uncles, aunts!
You're not at work right now!
It's no good to be gloomy
We will...

"Following the Blue Bird". Theatrical performance

04.09.2011 | Looked at the script 1670 Human

To the music of the song “The Little Prince” (music by M. Tariverdiev, lyrics by N. Dobronravov), the children perform a dance and sit on chairs - the boys seat the girls with a bow of their heads and stand behind them. Music is playing in the background.
1st child.
The fairy tale sometimes cries, and sometimes...

"Guess what I'm playing on." Fun for kids

04.09.2011 | Looked at the script 1971 Human

The cheerful dance melody “Barynya” (Russian folk song in a recording) sounds. Children enter the hall.
Musical director. Dear guys, today Petrushka was going to visit us. Don't you see him?
Children. No.
Musical director. Really...

Nina Osmichenko
Entertainment scenario for children of the senior group “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”

Scenario-entertainment« journey to the land of fairy tales»

Vasilisa the Wise. Hello, friends! I'm very glad to meet you.

You recognized me? I am Vasilisa the Wise. Flew to you on a magic carpet from a wonderful Land of fairy tales. In our wonderful fairyland trouble happened: the evil witch mixed up all the names fairy tales, quarreled everyone fairy tale inhabitants. Residents fairyland were at a loss, they didn't know what to do, so they turned to me for help. I took my magic book and began to look for someone who could help us. And suddenly I saw in her that there was such a wonderful kindergarten with such lovely and smart children.

I thought that, probably, children live in it who know and love fairy tales, they know how to be friends and will always come to the aid of those who are in trouble. Will you guys help us? (Answers children)

Nobody knows what will await us in fairyland and what else will the evil witch come up with. But I believe in you: you are brave and friendly guys and will overcome any obstacles and difficulties. Let's hit the road!

And what time? fairy tale we'll get you there now, You will only find out by solving the riddle:

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

I gave her a red cap.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name.

Answer: Little Red Riding Hood

A game "Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf". Children choose a wolf and a little red riding hood. The wolf wears a mask, and the red riding hood, respectively, a cap. Children run around the hall. The wolf is trying to catch a child wearing a red cap. The player in the red cap passes the cap to the other players, who must put it on their heads. The one who is caught by the wolf is out of the game.

Now guess the songs, I will sing the first line, and you continue.

"If I'm scratching my head" (Winnie the Pooh)

"On the walking guys" (Dance of little ducks)

"I'm lying in the sun" (About a lion cub and a turtle)

Well done! And it's time for us to look into the next one fairy tale and solve another riddle!

She walked across the field... She found the money...

I hurried to the market, and there I bought a samovar! Who are these guys? Right! Fly Tsokotukha! Let's all do this together fairy tale!

Song - dance "Heel toe"

Contest "Confusion"

I will tell you the phrase from the title fairy tales, you will need to untangle it.

Ax soup (Porridge)

At the hare's command (To Shchuchy)

Green Riding Hood (Red)

Puss in Shoes (Boots)

Two little pigs (Three)

Wolf and five puppies (Seven kids)

Sister Tanyushka and brother Ivanushka (Alyonushka)

Boy with palm (Finger)

Great! Well done! Do I have a question? Do you guys like going to the doctor? What was the name of the doctor who treated all the animals? That's right Aibolit! Let us imagine for a moment that we have become doctors and now we will examine the animals, see who has what spots, folds, etc. Let's start the game!

The song is a game "The giraffe has folds"

Contest "Mysterious"

IN: I will ask riddles for each team fairy tales, and you have to guess which one it is fairy tale. If a team fails to complete the task, then the turn is given to the other team. So, let's go...

1. A girl is sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

Without knowing it himself,

Carrying her home (Masha and the Bear).

2.People are surprised:

The stove is moving, there is smoke

And Emelya on the stove

Eats big rolls (At the command of a pike).

3. The granddaughter went to her grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The gray wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed (Little Red Riding Hood).

4. Those who didn’t want to work

Did he play and just sing?

To the third brother later

They came running to new house (three piglets).

5. The girl is sleeping and doesn’t know yet

What's in this a fairy tale awaits her.

The toad will steal it in the morning,

A shameless mole will hide you in a hole (Thumbelina).

6.The beautiful maiden is sad:

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

The poor thing is shedding tears (Snow Maiden).

Oh guys, look! Who left his boots? Who from fabulous characters walked in boots and ran after a mouse? That's right - it's a cat in boots.

Giants, beware!

Because it's coming to you

Brave cat in boots.

What, are you afraid of him already?

Hides claws in soft paws,

Loves babies

But always ready to hunt,

If he sees mice.

A game "Puss in Boots". Children are divided into two teams. Each team has one pair of boots. At a signal, children put on their boots, run around the obstacle and return to their teams, passing the boots to the next player.

Now we have come to the next task and you and I again need to solve the riddle:

His grandfather raised him with soul -

The vegetable has grown very large.

For a long time his grandfather dragged him,

He didn't have enough strength.

Grandma and granddaughter came running,

Helped the cat, Bug,

The mouse came to their aid -

Together they pulled out the vegetable.

Yes, he sat firmly in the ground,

That's what it is fairy tale…(Turnip)

That's right, we're in fairy tale"Turnip".

What happened to the heroes fairy tales, they quarreled, arguing about who will pull the turnip for whom. We need to arrange them correctly.

Who planted the turnip? (Grandfather)

Who did Grandfather call? (Grandma)

Who did Grandma call? (Granddaughter)

Who did the Granddaughter call? (To the bug)

Who did Bug call? (Cat)

Who did the Cat call? (Mouse)

Now everything is fine.

Who remembers fairy tale"teremok"? Let us show you what the tower was like in fairy tale.

Physical education minute "Teremok"

There is a tower in the field (raise your hands above your head like a house)

He's not low, he's not high (lower your arms down to your sides)

There is a lock on the door (clasp your fingers together) "lock")

Who could open it? (to shrug)

Knocked, knocked (tapping palm on palm)

Twisted, twisted (rotation of palms)

They pulled and opened! (stretch your clasped hands to the sides and open

- Guys, do you want to turn into heroes? fairy tales? (takes the magic wand, touches it and says):

“Come on, help me wand”, turn the kids into little animals (we put on hats and masks, the magic wand itself selects the participants).

Now let's play fairy tale.

We sit on the chairs.

We will tell a fairy tale.

The book opens - the fairy tale begins.

(This is followed by dramatization fairy tales"Teremok").

There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not short, not high, not tall. Here is a mouse running across the field, stopping at the gate, knocking and talking.

Text fairy talesends with the words:

We lived together, did not grieve,

The stove in the house was heated.

Teddy bear house ruined,

Almost crushed my friends.

Come on, wand, help the animals too turn the children(remove masks).

And here is the next riddle about a girl. Who is she - guess!

Evening would soon come,

And the long-awaited hour has come,

May she be in a gilded carriage

Ride on fairy ball!

No one in the palace will know

Where is it from and what is its name?

But as soon as midnight comes,

He will return to his attic again.

The girl ran so quickly from the prince,

That she even lost her shoe. (Cinderella)

A game "Slipper for Cinderella"

Girls – "Cinderella" sit down on chairs, take off one shoe at a time and

pass them on to the presenter. The presenter mixes them. Selected "prince" -

he should s eyes closed find a shoe for everyone "Cinderella".

Here we come to the last test. Guess the riddle:

Straight from the shelf, over the threshold.

The ruddy side ran away.

Our friend rolled away

Who is this? (Kolobok)

Dance-song "kolobok"

No wonder children love fairy tale.

After all the fairy tale is so good,

What's happy about her denouement

The soul already has a presentiment.

And for any test

Brave hearts agree

Waiting impatiently

Have a happy ending.

You guys are so great! Everyone fabulous the heroes who were bewitched by the evil witch were returned home to their fairy tale. And it’s time for me to return to my home too. Let's get on the train and have fun together.

Song "little engine".

Summary of entertainment in the senior group “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”

Prepared by: Chursina. Hope.

Creating an emotionally positive environment and forming friendly relationships during a group game.

1. Consolidate knowledge on fairy tales.

2. Improve children's ability to solve riddles.

3. Develop monologue, dialogical, coherent speech.

4. Cultivate an emotional response to well-known and loved ones fairy tales, friendship.

Presenter: Guys, today I received a letter from fairy tale inhabitants. Let's read it:

“Hello dear children d/s "Butterfly". In our disaster struck the fairyland. Baba Yaga enchanted everything fairy tales, everything is confused, and we don’t know what to do now. Help us please!

Residents fairyland»

Presenter: What do you think we should do?

Children: We definitely need to help fabulous residents!

Presenter: Of course, we need to put things in order fairy tales, otherwise we’ll start reading them and won’t understand anything. What do you think needs to be done? (Children's options are listened to). Let's try to get in country where he lives fairy tales.

Let's say the magic words:

Clap twice

Stomp three times

Turn around yourself

And in find yourself in a fairyland!

(Attributes appear fairy tales: "Teremok", "Turnip" etc.)

Presenter:: And now I’ll check you

And I’ll start a game for you.

I'll ask you questions now

It's not easy to answer them!

1st task:

What name did the dog have in the family, which included: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter? (Bug)

Who loved to brag and paid with his life (Kolobok)

What was the name of the girl who went for a walk, got lost, and went into someone else's house where bears lived? (Mashenka)

Whose hut was ice-cold? (at the fox)

In which fairy tale could speak stove, apple tree and river (Swan geese)

Which animal was the first to discover a tower in the forest? (Little Mouse)

Presenter: Well done, you completed the task.

Presenter: Let's see what the next task is. Look, there are mysteries here. We need to guess the heroes fairy tales.

1. “Just jump over the threshold -

And went for a walk without legs"


2. “A vegetable grew in the garden,

Come everyone to help.

We can't pull it out.

Who will help us?


3. “Grandma and grandpa were lucky:

There was a lot of snow.

And they blinded themselves a daughter,

So that I can help them.

But spring has come,

Their daughter disappeared without a trace."

(Snow Maiden)

4. “Devouring rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess"


5. “An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who said goodbye to green skin

He became sweet, beautiful, and pretty."

(Princess Frog)

6. “There is a way, but it’s not easy -

I catch the fish by the tail.

The hole is full of it...

That's it, it's time to go home - it's dark.

Oh, looks like the catch is rich!

I won’t pull my tail back.”


7. “From the stepmother and from the sisters

Just reproaches and reproaches.

Oh, don't lose your head,

If it weren't for the cow"


8. “The Sorceress from the Ice-hole -

Does this happen?

Not with a magic wand

Doesn't wave or wave a hand.

But at her command,

If only there was a desire,

Phenomena happen

Worthy of attention"


Presenter: Well done kids, you solved all the riddles.

A game "Correct the mistake".

1) "Ryaba the Cockerel"

2) "Dasha and the Bear"

3) "The Wolf and the Seven Lambs"

4) "Ducks and Swans"

5) "Fox with a saucepan"

6) "Zayushkin's House"

7) "Princess Turkey"

8) "Fist Boy"

Presenter: You were very attentive and coped with this task.

Presenter: Look guys, these are puzzles. Let's try to collect them.

(Four envelopes, 2 children for each picture)

Tell me which ones you got the fairy tales?

"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

"Masha and the Bear"


"Three Bears"

Well, that's all fairy tales were found. And we can return to the d/s.

Presenter: Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and give our smile to the neighbor on the left, and then the neighbor on the right. Well, are you in a good mood?

Presenter: Well, that’s good, but it’s time for us to return to the d/s. Let's all say the magic words together:

Clap 2 times

Stomp 3 times

Turn around yourself

You'll find yourself in kindergarten!

Here we are at home. Where were we now?

Children: B fairyland!

Presenter: Did you like it? travel through fairy tales?

Presenter: Look, what is this? This is a package from fairy tale inhabitants. They thank you very much.