New Year's outdoor games for children. Fun New Year competitions for children - interesting, funny and creative. Gift auction game

The New Year 2017 is coming - which means it’s time to get ready! People all over the world try to fill the holiday with competitions, games, and gifts. Preparations for the New Year tree are also in full swing in schools. We bring to your attention competitions for the New Year for children of primary and senior school age.

New Year's competition “Hold the snowflake”

From pieces of padding polyester or cotton wool you need to roll fluffy, not very dense snowflakes, such that they would easily flutter in the air from a light breath of air. Two players from each team are selected and given one such snowflake. Players on command throw up a snowflake and blow on it, preventing it from falling. Whoever stays in the air longer wins.

“Catch the Snowball”

All children should be divided into two teams and each should be given one large bag or a wicker basket. Santa Claus gives the command, and the snowman scatters a lot of snowflakes on the children (they are made of pieces of fabric or cotton wool. You can also make them from ordinary paper, strongly crumple it into a ball and decorate it with sparkles, wrap it in rain). Children must collect snowballs in their own basket. At the end, when all the snowflakes have been collected, Santa Claus counts the number of snowflakes for each team. Whoever has more wins.

“New Year's tantamaresques”

This type of organization of free leisure is not new. Also in Soviet time Various characters were depicted on Whatman paper, and a space was cut out to insert a child's face.

They indulged in tantamares at holidays back in Soviet times

This kind of fun is suitable for a photo shoot or selfie, which is so popular among modern children. Currently you can use Newest technologies and, having created a layout in Corel or Photoshop, print it and get an excellent tantamaresque banner for the New Year. If this is not possible, draw pictures on whatman paper, cardboard, old wallpaper, etc.

If there are a lot of Tantamares, then you can organize a game “Guess your character”. To do this, the child “tryes on” a banner with a cutout for the face and tries to guess who he is. The rules of the game are to ask questions that others can answer only “yes” or “no.”

With the help of tantamares you can play the game “Guess the Character”

For example, the following questions will help you uncover a character’s secret:

  • "this animal?";
  • “cartoon character?”;
  • “fairy tale hero?”;
  • “Is it red (green, blue, white, etc.) in color?”;
  • "does he have a hat?" and etc.

So gradually, by asking their friends and receiving monosyllabic answers, the boy or girl must guess who they are portraying. On the eve of the New Year 2017, Tantamaresque can be presented in the form of a Snowman, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, Christmas ball, Rooster.


A beautifully decorated ball (paper rolled into a ball and decorated with rain) is given to the children, all players stand in a circle. Music plays, and Santa Claus or the presenter counts out loud to five, while the children must pass the lump from hand to hand. As soon as the presenter pronounces the number “five,” the music stops, and the kid in whose hands the lump remains must either read a poem, or dance, or let him guess the riddle (Santa Claus or the presenter makes the riddle).

“There are Christmas trees”

The children stand around the Christmas tree, do not hold hands, and Santa Claus explains the rules. He says the phrase: “There are Christmas trees...” and adds the words: “wide”, “narrow”, “high”, “low”. With the phrase “Christmas trees can be wide,” children should walk in a circle, making it as wide as possible. When Santa Claus says “Christmas trees can be tall,” children should raise their hands to the top and walk on tiptoes. With the phrase “low Christmas trees,” the children must sit down; with the phrase “narrow Christmas trees,” the children narrow the circle. The step in a circle does not stop. Thus, Santa Claus should confuse the children as much as possible, but not say phrases very quickly. The competition is fun and noisy

Competition “Crumple up the newspaper”

Two participants per team are selected, and a newspaper is laid out in front of them, fully unfolded. Santa Claus gives a signal, and participants must try as quickly as possible to squeeze the newspaper into a tight lump that would fit in one palm.

“Come up with words”

In the “Come up with words” competition, children will need ingenuity and knowledge

In this competition you will need to show your ingenuity and knowledge. This game is suitable for children of primary and secondary school age.

The goal of the competition is to come up with as many words as possible that begin with the letters of the Cockerel’s cry: “ku”, “ka”, “re” and “ku” again.

For example, the following words can be named for the syllable “ku”: pendant, kudelki, vitriol, turmeric; on “ka” – carriage, pocket, cardboard, Carlson, map; on “re” – repair, craft, record, rib, etc.

The last one to name the correct word wins.

“Crush the ball with your foot”

This competition is held between two players, each is given a small balloon(inflated and tied), the balls are placed on the floor in front of the players, and the players themselves are tightly blindfolded with a scarf. A command is given, and the players must step on the ball (each on their own) and crush it. The whole joke of this competition is that the balls are secretly removed from the players and they try to crush the non-existent balls.


The children are all designated as mice, all the adults stand in a circle and hold hands. On command, children run and must run inside the circle, while adults lower their hands from time to time, thereby closing the “moustrap”. Those children who are “caught” also join hands with adults, expanding the circle. Gradually the circle becomes larger, and all the mice fall into the mousetrap.

New Year's competition for high school “Newton's Law”

The children themselves choose a player from each team; the players are given ten peas or small caramels, the kind that would easily fit into the neck of a champagne bottle. On command, the children each stand over their own bottle and, without bending over, try to throw all the peas (caramels) into the neck of the bottle. Champagne bottles can be replaced with three-liter jars, but in any case, bending down to throw candy or peas is prohibited.


This competition will appeal to both boys and girls.

Such competitions are more suitable for boys, but girls are also welcome to feel like cocky cockerels - a symbol of the coming year according to the Eastern calendar.

This fun competition does not require any special preparation. To carry it out, you need a small drawn circle in which the fighting of the cockerels will take place. Children stand on one leg, hold the other with their hand and try to push the opponent out of the circle. Instead of a circle, you can use a small carpet to mark boundaries.

“Draw the symbol of the year”

Whoever connects all the dots faster wins

This competition is held in teams. For each team, numbers from one to ten (according to the number of players) are depicted on a piece of paper. By sequentially connecting one number after another, children should see a picture of a Rooster.

Whichever team does this faster and more accurately wins.

This competition can be carried out by two, three, or four people. In this case, each participant must have their own piece of paper with the task.

Competition “Crow”

The Kukareku competition will require musical talent from participants

The essence of the competition is the performance of well-known New Year's songs in the style of a rooster. Instead of all the words in the song there should only be “crow”! You can come up with tasks together, or you can write them on pieces of paper in advance and let each participant in the competition draw out their own version.

The task is not easy... But children who play such a game will have so much fun and positivity! The singing can be accompanied by cock dancing.


New Year's entertainment: games at home and away

Pinocchio (Eeyore)

On a frame covered with thick material, they draw the face of Pinocchio - or the profile of the donkey Eeyore (you can also attach a sheet of paper to foam rubber, but the paper will quickly become unusable). The nose is made of foam rubber, the tail is made of lace. A long, curved pin is attached to the base of the nose/tail. A blindfold is also required to play. Taking the nose/tail, the player stands on the line six steps from the wall on which the frame hangs. He is blindfolded. The player’s task is to approach the wall and, without feeling the frame, immediately pin the nose/tail to the right place. Rarely does anyone succeed; in most cases, the nose/tail turns out to be completely different from where it should be.

Who am i?

Everyone sits in a circle. Each player is given a small piece of paper on which to write down the name of some famous fairy tale character (any other literary work, film) or famous personality. The main thing is that this hero is familiar to everyone. Then each player uses tape or a safety pin to attach their sign to the back of the person on their left. The participant's task is to guess what kind of hero he is. He can ask other players questions to which the interlocutor can only answer “yes” or “no.” If the answer is “yes,” then the player asks the next question, and if the answer is “no,” then he looks for another interlocutor.

Who is faster?

The participants of the game stand in a circle. The driver runs behind the circle and, tapping someone on the shoulder, continues running in the same direction. The one who was slapped by the driver now runs behind the circle in the opposite direction. The task of each runner is to quickly go around the circle and take a free place. The one left without a seat drives.

Pillars (Ladushki)

Two players stand at arm's length from each other, feet together. They join their hands with their palms and try to deprive their partner of balance. You can play with or without lifting your hands. You are only allowed to touch your partner’s palms. You can also play Ladushki while standing on one leg. If there are a lot of participants, you can arrange a tournament for the title of champion.

crawling out

One player lies on the floor, and 3-4 more people are placed across him on top. The player lying below must crawl out from under the pile of bodies. This cannot be done through strength; you need to strain different muscle groups in turn. With some skill you can crawl out from under 5-6 people.

Holy place...

One chair in the circle is left free. The participants in the game quickly move from chair to chair to the left in a circle, so that one place is always empty. The driver is trying to keep him busy. When the driver manages to sit down, he is replaced by the one who turns out to be his neighbor with right side.

Fun Geography

Sitting in a circle, the players are divided into two groups that compete with each other. One team invites the other to say in five minutes as many geographical names as possible, starting with the same letter, which is now indicated. When the time is up, the players of the second team can add names not mentioned by their opponents within two minutes. For each such name they are awarded one point. Then the groups change roles, and a different letter is indicated. The team that scores the most points wins.


The players stand in a circle; the leader is 3-4 steps away from him. He blows one whistle, then two. At one whistle, all participants in the game must quickly raise their right hand up and immediately lower it; You cannot raise your hand after two whistles. The one who makes a mistake takes a step forward and continues to play along with the others. Those who make the fewest mistakes are considered the winners.

Hot pens

The players extend their arms in front of them and hold them with their palms up. The driver walks in a circle. His task is to slap one of the guys on the palm. The moment he tries to do this, the player withdraws or lowers his hands. Whoever the driver slaps on the palm goes to replace him. If there are many participants, then two people can drive at the same time.

Magic word

Participants in the game can sit or stand. The presenter very quickly gives various commands that need to be executed only if the word “please” is added to them. Without this word, the command is invalid and does not need to be executed. The one who makes a mistake gets up or takes a step forward, but does not lose the right to continue the game. The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins.

Do not hurry

The players become a semicircle. The leader shows them various physical training movements, which they repeat, always lagging behind him by one movement: when the leader shows the first movement, everyone stands still; at the second movement of the leader, the guys repeat his first movement, etc. The one who makes a mistake takes a step forward and continues to play. The one who makes the fewest mistakes wins. In this game you can, for example, show the following movements: both hands up; left hand lowered, right extended forward; the right hand lowers, half-turn to the left; hands to the side; hands on hips, squat. More than 10 movements should not be shown.

Crooked mirrors

Having placed the participants of the game in front of him in a semicircle, the leader makes movements to the music, having previously agreed that if he raises his hands up, then everyone puts their hands on their knees; if he bends his arms at the elbows, then everyone raises them up; if he spreads his arms to the sides, then everyone bends their elbows, but if he throws his arms forward, then everyone throws them forward. Anyone who inadvertently mixes up the movements is out of the game. When only two people remain who have not made a single mistake, the game ends.

Half a word is yours

The players stand in a circle. In the center is the leader with the ball in his hands. The presenter throws the ball to any participant in the game and loudly says part of a word (noun). The player to whom the ball is thrown must catch it and immediately finish the word. The one who hesitates raises his hand up and stands there until the leader throws the ball to him again.

Four forces

The presenter, standing in the center of the circle, throws the ball to any participant in the game and says one of four words: “earth”, “water”, “air” or “fire”. The one to whom the ball is thrown must catch it, throw it back to the leader and, if the word “earth” was said, name any animal that lives on land, if “water” - any fish, if “air” - a bird. And if the presenter says “fire”, the player, having caught the ball, must silently turn around. Whoever makes a mistake in the answer or hesitates raises his hand up and holds it until the leader throws the ball to him again.

I won't answer myself

The participants of the game stand in a circle, with the leader in the middle. He asks the players various questions, without observing the order. The person asked must remain silent; his neighbor on the right side is responsible for him. The one who answers the question himself or is late to answer for his neighbor leaves the game.

Louder - quieter

The players sit on chairs arranged in a circle. The driver leaves the room. In his absence, they hide a pre-designated object - Matchbox, book, ball, cap. After this, the driver is called and asked to find what is hidden. At the same time, the players sing a well-known song, and the driver begins the search, listening to the singing. If he moves away from the hidden object, they sing more and more quietly, if he approaches, the sounds of the song increase. When an object is discovered, the driver changes. The song can be performed with a guitar.

flying birds

Each player chooses the name of a bird. All names must be different. The driver, standing in the middle of the circle, blindfolded, loudly calls two birds. Both summoned quickly change places. During the dash, the driver tries to catch one of them. If he fails, he calls a new pair of birds. The one who is caught changes the driver.


The guys sit in a circle, divided into pairs. Everyone comes up with a name for any flower. The names are announced to all participants in the game. One of the players gets up from his chair and goes to the middle of the circle - this is the driver. The one left without a pair invites any of the players to join him in the vacant place, naming this or that flower. The person called quickly runs to a new place, and the one who was paired with him also invites any of the participants to join him. During these dashes, the driver tries to sit on an empty chair before the one who was called has time to take that place. If the driver succeeds, the latecomer replaces him. It may happen that the driver takes a chair before the one left without a pair calls another player to join him. In this case, the one who did not manage to invite someone to be his partner in time goes to drive.


All the guys choose who will be which flower, after which the leader - the gardener - says: - I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers, except ... (daisies). The named flower says: - Oh! Gardener: - What's wrong with you? - In love. - In whom? - In cornflower. Cornflower: - Oh! - What's wrong with you?.. The gardener and the flowers should not hesitate to answer and think, otherwise they are told: - One, two, three, drive away the forfeit. After these words, the participant must give some kind of forfeit, so after the “Gardener” it is logical to play forfeits.


First you need to collect forfeits from everyone present. This could be a piece of clothing or jewelry, a piece of paper with a name on it, or any attractive item. The main requirement for a forfeit is that it be possible to accurately determine which of those present is its owner. There are two presenters, one takes out forfeits, shows them to everyone except the second presenter, and asks: “What should this forfeit do?” The second presenter (“mirror”) gives the task - to sing, dance, crow, go outside and run around the house, go to the room and bring sweets, wash the dishes. Here everything depends on imagination and on the pre-agreed scope of the tasks to be performed.


The players sit in a row and cup their hands in front of them, covering the space between them with their thumbs. The driver has some object in his palms (palms folded in the same way): a coin, a ring, etc. The driver needs to discreetly place this object in the hands of one of the participants. The one who has the item must not show it and jump out of the row immediately after the words of the driver: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” The rest have the task of guessing who the lucky one is and not letting him go. If the player fails to escape, then the driver remains the same.


Usually 5-7 people play. They choose a driver who asks everyone questions. The driver moves away from the participants, and in the meantime they say one word to each other. The driver asks a question, and the participant answers the word that the neighbor gave him. The one whose answer is most accurate and realistic becomes the driver. For example, the player has the word "water". The driver asks the question: “What are you drinking?” The participant answers: “Water.” "Nonsense" - fun game, built on the discrepancy between question and answer. For example, the driver asks: “What are you flying?” And the participant answers: “On a flower,” etc. In this game, the driver must show ingenuity. He must sometimes ask such a question in order to get the correct answer. Usually such questions are: “What did you see in your dream?”, “What did you draw?”, “What were you thinking about?”

No no no!

The principle of the game is the same as in the game "Nonsense". There is a driver and players. The driver leaves, and the players say to each other a combination of three “yes” and “no”, for example, “no-yes-yes.” The driver asks three questions to each player, and he names the answers in the order that his neighbor asked him. -Can you walk? - No. - Your name is Valenok? -Yes. - Do you like me? -Yes. The player whose answers are closest to the truth also becomes the driver.

Broken phone

The leader thinks of a word and quickly whispers it into the ear of the first team member. He passes the word (also quietly, so that no one hears, and quickly) to the next player, and so on - along the chain. The last team member says the word out loud. Sometimes you can hear very funny versions of the hidden word, which was incorrectly conveyed by the “damaged phone”. Many people complicate the game: the presenter thinks of not a word, but a whole phrase.

Theater Charades (Associations)

The players are divided into two teams. The first team thinks of a word or phrase (by agreement). Then they choose someone from the opposing team and say the hidden word in his ear. This person must silently depict the named word, and his team tries to guess. A certain time is given to guess the answer. Then the teams change roles. You can keep score of the game. Sometimes they come up with a system of signs to make guessing easier. For example, a team can ask questions to the person imitating, and he can answer them with “yes” or “no” using gestures.

Ocean is shaking

The driver says: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, sea figure, freeze in place!” Smoothly moving players last word freeze, depicting some kind of frozen action, a characteristic position (not necessarily related to the sea). The driver walks around the statues and, pointing to one of them, tries to guess what kind of figure it is. If the driver guesses, the figure comes to life and represents some kind of action. Having completed it, the player becomes the driver. The game starts over. In another version of this game, the presenter orders who needs to be portrayed: “The figure of a ballerina (bear, rose, rain), freeze in place.” Then he selects several figures, touches them in turn - the figures “die off” and make several movements. Then the host determines the most beautiful, artistic performance - this player becomes the host.


The name is French and means "rhyming ends." The game is to write poems based on predetermined rhymes. It is held in the form of a competition. For example: business, class, boldly, time.

Our Petrusha knows the business,

Just look - whole

Twenty sandwiches

Eats it in one go!

Living pictures

The players are divided into two teams. The first team comes up with a picture. One person separates from the second and goes into another room. The first team announces their painting to the second team, and they try to silently depict the plot of the painting, forming a sculptural group. They invite the departed person, he must guess the plot of the picture. Then the teams change roles.

Quick brush

Having tightly closed the circle and holding their hands behind their backs, the players pass a clothes brush to each other, trying to do this so that the driver, who is walking inside the circle, does not notice. In order to find out who has the brush, the driver stops in front of any participant in the game and puts his hand on his shoulder. The player must now extend both arms forward. If he has the brush, he changes the driver. Having seized the right moment, the guys can brush the driver with a brush and immediately pass it around again.

Lady (Are you going to the ball?)

The lady sent one hundred rubles. Take whatever you want. Don’t take black and white, don’t say “Yes” and “No”. Don't laugh, don't smile, keep your lips in a bow. The following are questions that cannot be answered with “yes” and “no”; in the answers you cannot name black and white colors, it is also prohibited to smile and laugh. Whoever does not follow the rules is eliminated from the game. Question: "Are you going to the ball?" Answer: “Probably,” etc. Whoever breaks the rules is eliminated from the game.


Each player receives a pen and a long piece of paper. First, everyone writes the answer to the question “who?” on top, then wraps what they have written and gives it to their neighbor. Then everyone writes the answer to the question “with whom?” (under the wrapped part, and not on it!), wrap it up and pass it around again, then - “when?”, “where?”, “what did they do?”, “as a result...”, etc. Questions you can add others. Then all this is revealed and read aloud. Usually the result is a very funny and ridiculous story, for example: “Santa Claus and Marivanna robbed a store in Africa half an hour ago. As a result, global warming began.”

Left - right

Take a pencil (or a piece of chalk if you have a board in front of you) in your left and right hands. Now try to write the number 2 with one hand and 7 with the other. Or draw a house with one hand and the sun with the other. Or at least draw a square with your right hand and a triangle with your left. Remember! Hands must work at the same time!

Who is faster?

To play you will need two large reels (possibly made yourself), two round sticks will do, as well as a rope 6-8 m long, the middle of which is marked with a ribbon. Two players take the reels and move away from each other as far as the rope allows. At a signal, each of them begins to quickly rotate the reel in his hands and, winding a rope around it, moves forward. The one who winds the rope to the middle first wins.

Three prizes

Hang three small prizes on strings in the doorway. Stand six steps from the door. Let each of you, taking scissors in your hands, try, blindfolded, to cut off any prize at once. The Elusive Chair Two features mark the floor; the distance between them is eight steps. The player stands on the line; he is blindfolded. He must reach the other line, turn here and sit on the chair that stands behind it. When the player steps on the line, he is stopped; he can make an attempt to feel the chair only once, and even then without using his hands.


5-6 pins are placed on the floor in a straight line at a distance of a step from one another. The player stands two steps from the end, turning his back to the line. The player’s task is to look straight ahead and move backwards to pass between the pins, alternately going around one of them on the right, the other on the left. If at least one pin is knocked down, the task is considered uncompleted.

How funny New Year will do without competitions, relay races, etc. entertainment program? These games will help you entertain your little guests and tell you what to prepare for this. It will be more interesting if you prepare small souvenirs in advance for those who win. This could be any office supplies: pencils, erasers, pens, air balloons, notepads.

Maybe something edible: candy, waffles (packaged), lollipops, chewing gum, etc.


This is a very fun and active game. It should not be done immediately after eating. To conduct this relay race, you will need two chairs (or stools), two ropes on pegs, two buckets, two balls.

Participants are divided into two teams. At the command of the leader, players must complete the following tasks: jump over a rope, run around a chair, throw a ball into a bucket (preferably hit it). The team that performs all the listed actions faster and more accurately wins.


To start this competition, you need to organize a mini-competition for cutting out paper “snowflakes”. To do this, you need to give the children colored and (or) shiny paper of a size suitable for the size of the future “snowflakes”, give them scissors in their hands, and also ask them to use all their imagination and skill and make paper “snowflakes”.

After these small works of art are ready, you can proceed to the competition itself.

“Snowflakes” spill out onto the floor. At the leader’s command (this could be ringing a bell, clapping hands, or the words: “One, two, three, start!”), the children begin to collect “snowflakes.” At the same time, you need to make sure that they collect “snowflakes” not in handfuls, but individually. The game ends when the host rings the bell again (or gives some other command). At the same time, all participants stop, and everyone who can count counts their “trophy”. If the participant does not yet know how to count, then the presenter helps him in this difficult task. The one with the most snowflakes wins.


This competition develops accuracy and attentiveness in children. For this, you need to prepare “snowballs” in advance (3 “snowballs” per child) from a ball of cotton wool and wrap them in shiny, multi-colored “rain.” But if you haven’t had time to prepare, then you can entrust it to little craftsmen to do it. And as a prize you can give them the same “snowballs” that they make with their own hands. But before you hand out the snowballs, organize a competition.

Divide the participants into two teams. Each player must be given snowballs. Children take turns throwing snowballs into a hoop or basket, which must be prepared in advance and placed on the floor. The team with the most snowballs in the hoop will win.


This competition develops children's reaction speed and attentiveness. To hold it, you need to prepare multi-colored “daisies” in advance (according to the number of participants). Each petal of the future “daisy” should be cut out of colored paper the size of a landscape sheet. You also need to cut out a round center that is the size of the “daisy”.

Chamomile petals are laid out on the floor (mixed, colored side up). Participants stand near their “centers”. At the leader's command, they begin to collect daisies. The winner will be the player who collects his daisy first and most correctly.


To hold this competition, you need to prepare in advance large sheets clean paper. The size of the sheet will depend on the size of the snowman you want to see. You can take a sheet of A1 format (Whatman paper). The amount of paper and markers (or markers) will depend on the number of participants.

The players are blindfolded (for these purposes, neckerchief or scarf), give a felt-tip pen. Each participant begins to draw a snowman. The winner will be the one whose drawing is the most accurate (or more suitable for the image of a snowman).

This competition can be made as a team competition. Each team has three players. In this case, each participant will draw his own snowman circle. The team that completed the task better will win.


For this game, you will need to inflate two balloons in advance, prepare two baskets in which these balls would fit, and two 30-50 cm rulers.

Participants are divided into two teams. Each player must “bring” the ball with a ruler to the basket (through the air) and lower it with the same ruler into the basket standing on the floor. In this case, the ball should not fall to the floor and should not be touched by any part of the body. The winner is the team that gets the ball to the basket faster than the other (one at a time) with the fewest mistakes. The game may end if the ball bursts.


For the game to be a success, you need to draw a snowman in advance on a large sheet of paper (you can use whatman paper) and attach it to some vertical surface (wall, door, closet, etc.). Make the nose for this snowman separately: take a sheet of paper, roll it into the shape of a nose (“potato-shaped”, elongated) and wrap it with tape, but only with the sticky side up, so that the nose sticks to any surface.

Participants line up one after another, dividing into two teams. The queue can be established by numbers that are drawn in advance. The presenter blindfolds each player with a handkerchief or scarf, then spins the participant around his axis with the words: “It spins, spins, everything will stick to us,” and turns him to face the drawing. The player must stick the snowman's nose while blindfolded. For each accurate sticking of the nose, the participant receives a snowflake. The team with the most snowflakes wins.


This game develops attention in children. Both interesting and useful. It will require two identical pictures with drawings (Christmas trees, snowmen, snowflakes, sleighs, skates).

The presenter lays out the pictures on the table, images down, and mixes them. Two participants take turns choosing two pictures. If the images match, the player takes them for himself; if not, he puts them back. The game continues until there are no pictures left on the table. The one who collects the most pictures wins.


This is an active game. To carry it out, prepare in advance a broom (like a janitor) or a broom, skittles (the quantity depends on the available distance). Participants must be divided into two teams. Each player runs on a broomstick (zigzag) between pins placed at a distance of 2-3 m from one another. In this game, the team that runs the fastest and knocks down the fewest pins wins.


In this game, you will need toy cars (preferably trucks), on which you can place glasses (or small buckets) of water, filled to the brim. The number of cars will depend on the number of participants. Participants will have numbers pinned to their chests.

You need to tie ropes of the same length (10-15 m) to the cars. At the command of the leader, participants must quickly wind the rope around the stick, pulling the machine towards them. If the water splashes, the presenter loudly calls the number of the “driver”, and he stops winding the rope for a second. The winner is the participant who pulled up the car faster than the others without spilling the water. You can play without water, you just need to lengthen the rope.


This is a very fun and noisy game. Before the game you need to inflate the balloons very much. Each participant sits on his own ball and begins to jump on it. The goal of the game is to jump on the ball as long as possible without it bursting.

The winner will be the one whose balloon goes the longest without bursting.


For this outdoor game, we will need to cut out 4 paper “snowflakes” in a size that matches the shoe size of the largest participant. “Snowflakes” can be made from plain white or colored paper, but it will be better if they are made from some thick paper(for example, from whatman paper) or from thin cardboard.

All participants must be divided into two teams. At the leader’s signal, participants must put one “snowflake” on the floor and step on it with both feet (without stepping on the free floor), then put the other one and step on it. So, rearranging the “snowflakes”, reach the chair. While the kids “fly” from “snowflake” to “snowflake”, the presenter can comment on their “flight”. Participants must run back. The team that arrives the fastest will win.


This outdoor game can be played between two players or between two teams. Two participants stand opposite each other. At the leader’s command, the participants put one hand behind their back and begin to jump on one leg. At the same time, they push each other with their free hand. The winner is the participant who can stay on one leg longer than the other (without falling or standing on the other leg). If the game is played between teams, then each participant who wins is given a “snowflake” cut out of paper. The team with the most snowflakes will be considered the winner.


For this game you need to make a beautiful New Year's hat out of paper in advance, decorate it with tinsel, “rain”, and brightly paint it.

One player is taken out of the room where the participants are located. The remaining players (or the leader) hide one participant under a bright blanket and cover it with a prepared cap on top. All other participants change places. When the presenter brings in the player who came out, the player must determine who is hidden under the hood.


This competition develops imagination and intelligence in young participants. The presenter gives each player multi-colored, bright, non-stick plasticine. Then he shows a letter (it is better to write the letters in advance on separate cards). Participants must create something New Year's (or winter) starting with this letter as quickly as possible. It could be a sleigh, a snowman, a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, a hat, mittens, felt boots. The winner will be the one who makes a plasticine figure the fastest.


A ring is suitable for this game big size(diameter about 20-25 cm). It can be made from wire or cut out of some thick paper. And to make it elegant, it should be wrapped in shiny paper, tinsel or “rain”. Participants sit on chairs in a circle. Each player is given a rope, the ends of which are pre-tied, and a ring is threaded through this rope. The presenter (one of the little guests) stands in the middle of this circle. He is blindfolded with a handkerchief or scarf. The leader’s task is to find the ring on a string, while all participants move it in a circle or in different directions. When the ring is found, the leader should be changed.


In this game, participants must be divided into 2-3 equal teams. Each player is given a paper “sled” tied to a thread (the length of the thread can be 1-1.2 m), which must be cut out in advance from a landscape sheet and decorated with 2-3 (depending on the number of teams) colors. Each participant fastens his end of the thread with the “sledge” to the back of his belt so that the “sleigh” freely touches the floor. If the participant cannot do this, the presenter helps him. Each team has a sled different color. At the leader’s signal, the players, running after each other, try to step on the “sled” of the “opponent”. Participants are not allowed to touch the threads and “sleds” with their hands. The player whose sled is torn off leaves the game. The team with the most sleds left wins.


This competition will require two participants. But it can be carried out until everyone present has played enough in pairs.

You need to tie an “icicle” in the middle of the rope. You can take it from old stocks of Christmas tree decorations or, if you have imagination and skill, make it yourself from paper, cotton wool or something else and wrap it with multi-colored paper, tinsel or “rain”. Attach to the ends of the rope a simple pencil, also beautifully decorated. Each participant stands on their own side of the rope. His task is to wind his part of the rope around the pencil. The winner will be the one who reaches the “icicle” faster than the other.


For this competition you need all participants (if there are very many participants) a large number of, then take half) line up in one line. At the command of the presenter, all participants “jump” into the New Year. The winner is the participant who jumped the furthest.


This is just a fun game that does not require any skills from children. For this game, you should prepare in advance binoculars and a rope 5-6 m long (or such a length that it is comparable to the size of the room in which the competition is held). You need to lay a rope on the floor, not in a straight strip, but in a winding way. The participant is given binoculars, turning them over so that the objects become smaller. The participant, looking through binoculars, must walk along the entire length of the rope, trying to get his feet on it more accurately. The winner will be the navigator who completes the entire course more accurately than other navigators.

Games for children's company


The presenter, having learned the questions in advance, asks them to the children, who answer with the same phrase. There are many more questions you can come up with. The main thing is to have fun.

– Who walks to school every day in a cheerful band?

- Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class?

- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

– Who is not afraid of frost and flies on skates like a bird?

- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

– Which of you, when you grow up, will become an astronaut?

- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

– Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?

- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

- Which of you, so good, wore galoshes to sunbathe?

- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

– Who completes their homework on time?

- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

– How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order?

- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

– Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?

- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

– Which of you walks on the pavement with your head upside down?

- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

– Which of you, I want to know, has an A+ in diligence?

- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.

– Which of you comes to class an hour late?

- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.


The presenter learns the poems below in advance. You can come up with many more new ones yourself. The purpose of the game is explained to the children: when they hear the name of the Christmas tree decoration, they must raise their hand up and say: “Yes!”, and when they name something that does not happen on the Christmas tree, they must restrain themselves and remain silent. The presenter does not pronounce the text very quickly, but also without giving the children time to think too much. Very soon everyone becomes funny because mistakes inevitably occur.

Text: Soft toy, Sounding cracker, Petenka-Parsley, Old tub.

White snowflakes, Sewing machines, Bright pictures, Torn shoes.

Chocolate bars, Horses, cotton wool bunnies, Winter tents.

Red lanterns, Bread crackers, Bright flags, Hats and scarves.

Apples and cones, Petya's pants, Delicious candies, Fresh newspapers.

Or: Multi-colored firecrackers,

Blankets and pillows.

Folding beds and cribs,

Marmalades, chocolates.

Glass balls,

Wooden chairs.

Teddy bears,

Primers and books.

Multi-colored beads

And the garlands are light.

Snow made of white cotton wool,

Satchels and briefcases.

Shoes and boots,

Cups, forks, spoons.

Shiny balls

Tigers are real.

Golden cones,

The stars are radiant.


This game requires good visual memory. Participants are given a task one by one: for a minute, look at the toys hanging on one or two branches of the Christmas tree and remember them. Then you need to leave the room - at this time several toys (three or four) will be outweighed: some will be removed, others will be added. Upon entering the room, you need to look at your branches and say what has changed. Depending on age, you can make the tasks more difficult or easier.

Games and competitions with Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Round dances

The traditional New Year's round dance can be complicated and made more entertaining. The leader sets the tone for the round dance, changes the pace of movement and direction. After one or two circles, the round dance can be led like a snake, maneuvering between guests and furniture. The steeper the loops of the snake, the merrier. The presenter can come up with ideas as he goes along. various options: include those not participating in the round dance in the chain, sharply slow down, etc.

Decorate the Christmas tree

There are two artificial Christmas trees. “There are only a few minutes left until the New Year,” says the Snow Maiden, “and these trees are not decorated yet.” Perhaps there will be two clever people in the hall who will quickly do this. Toys made of cardboard, papier-mâché and other unbreakable ones are laid out on tables 5-6 steps from the tree. But completing the Snow Maiden's task is not so easy.

The Snow Maiden reports that a short circuit has occurred, and the Christmas trees will have to be decorated in the dark (blindfolded). Perhaps someone will hang their toys on their neighbor's Christmas tree, but the one whose Christmas tree turns out to be the most decorated will win.

Toy in a circle

Santa Claus invites the participants to stand facing each other. Music begins to play, and a toy, for example a doll with the image of the Snow Maiden, passes from hand to hand and moves in a circle. The music stops, the transfer of the toy stops. The one who has the doll left is out of the game. The game continues until one person remains. If there are a lot of players, you can throw several dolls in a circle.

Compliments to the Snow Maiden

Santa Claus calls into the circle a young man who wants to play, who must pay compliments to the Snow Maiden, taking matches from an apple completely studded with matches. Santa Claus gives it to the player before the start of the competition.


You need to throw 6 “snowballs” - white tennis balls - into a hanging (or standing on the floor) basket from a distance of 6-7 steps. The one who copes with this task most accurately will win.

Fluffy snowflakes

The Snow Maiden invites several guests to take light cotton snowflakes from the tray. Each player throws up his own snowflake and, blowing on it, tries to keep it in the air as long as possible. The one who dropped his fluff can go up to his friend and help him complete the Snow Maiden’s task.

Magic words

The game is led by the Snow Maiden, she invites two teams of 10 people each, hands them a set of large letters that make up the word “Snow Maiden”. Each participant receives one letter. The task is as follows: in the story read by the Snow Maiden, there will be words made up of these letters. As soon as such a word is pronounced, the owners of the letters that make it up must step forward and, rearranging themselves, form this word. The team that is ahead of its opponents gets a point.

Sample story

A fast river rose. Snow fell on the fields. The mountain behind the village turned white. And the bark on the birch trees sparkled with frost. Somewhere the runners of a sleigh are creaking. Where are they headed?

Centipede racing

In a fairly spacious room you can hold centipede races. The players are divided into two teams and line up behind each other’s heads, holding the belts of those in front with their hands. A chair is placed at the opposite wall, which the chain of players must go around and then return back. If the chain is broken, the leader can count the team a loss. The task can be complicated and made funnier if the teams move half-crouched, if both teams complete the task at the same time.

A variation of this game is "Snake". The “head” - the first in the column - must catch the “tail”, which eludes it. Having caught it, the “head” moves to the end of the column, and the game is repeated again. The “broken” links of the chain are considered losers and leave the game.

Two Frosts

A group of guys is at one end of the hall (room) beyond the conventional line. The drivers - Frosts - are in the middle of the hall. They address the guys with the words:

We are two young brothers, (Together): Two daring frosts.

I am Frost the red nose.

I am Frost the blue nose.

Which one of you will decide

Set off on a path?

Everyone answers:

We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost! The players run to the other side of the hall beyond the home line. Both Frosts catch and “freeze” those running across. They immediately stop at the place where they were “frozen.” Then the Frosts again turn to the players, and they, having answered, run across the hall, helping out the “frozen”: they touch them with their hands, and they join the others.

Auction Santa Claus says:

We have a wonderful Christmas tree in our hall. And what toys she has on her! Name which ones you know Christmas decorations? The person with the last answer will win this amazing prize.

The players take turns calling out the words. During pauses, the presenter begins to count slowly: “Clapper - one, clapper - two...” The auction continues.

Prank game

Santa Claus announces to the audience that none of those present will be able to repeat after him the three short phrases that he will say. Of course, no one will agree with him. Then Santa Claus, as if looking for words, says a short phrase. For example: “Today is a wonderful evening.” Everyone confidently repeats this phrase. Santa Claus, embarrassed, looks for and hesitantly says the second phrase. It is also easy for everyone to repeat. Then he quickly and joyfully says: “Well, you were wrong!” The crowd protests. And Santa Claus explains that his third phrase, which had to be repeated, was: “Well, you were wrong!”

Two are better than one

Some three toys are placed on the floor: a ball, a cube, and a skittle. Two players come out and start dancing around them (the game can be played to music). As soon as the music stops or Santa Claus gives the command “Stop!”, each player must try to grab two toys. Whoever gets one loses. The game can be complicated: increase the number of participants and, accordingly, the number of toys or objects. The one who grabs it wins large quantity toys.

Under a lucky star

The winner of this game will be the one who first finds the star hanging from the ceiling with the number announced by the presenter. Stars with a number written large on both sides are pre-hung on threads from the ceiling of the room (or hall) where the dancing will take place. As the dance progresses, the music stops for a minute, and Santa Claus proclaims: “Lucky star 15!” The dancers try to quickly find the star with this number. The winner is awarded a prize.

Watch your back

Father Frost or the Snow Maiden gives various commands to those standing in the circle, and they must be carried out only if the word “please” is added to the command, for example, “Please, hands up”, “Lower your right hand!”, “Please clap your hands” and etc. The game is played fun, at a fast pace. Those who make a mistake leave the game. The person who remains is awarded the title of “Most Attentive Guest” and is awarded a prize.

New Year's games

1. Tiger Tail

All players line up, holding the belt or shoulders of the person in front of them. The first in this line is the head of the “tiger”, the last is the “tail”. At the signal, the “tail” begins to catch up with the “head”, which is trying to escape. The task of the rest of the tiger’s “body” is not to come apart. After several attempts by the “tail” to catch up with the “head”, the children change places and roles.

2. Little funny

Each player gets a name: snowflake, firecracker, Christmas tree, tiger, candle, flashlight, etc. All names must be related to the New Year. One presenter is selected and asks various questions to everyone in turn. The presenter should not know the names of the participants. Participants answer any question from the presenter with their name. For example:


What do you have (points to nose)?


What do you like to eat?

The one who laughs is out of the game.

Alternatively, the one who laughs must guess a riddle or complete some task. After the first round, you can change the names of the participants, choose another leader and continue the game until you get tired of it.

New Year's entertainment


Team game. In front of each team, at a distance of 5-7 meters, there is a thick sheet of paper on the floor, divided into cells in which the endings of names are written (cha; nya; la, etc.). Another sheet of paper with the first half of the name is cut in advance into pieces in the form of postcards, which are folded into shoulder bags.

The first team numbers put their bags on their shoulders, at the leader’s signal, they rush to the paper sheet on the floor - the addressee, take out a postcard with the first half of the name from the bag and put it to the desired ending. When they return, they pass the bag to the next player on their team. The team whose mail finds its addressee faster wins the game.

Journey in the Dark

This game will require bowling pins and blindfolds according to the number of participants. Team game. The pins are placed in a “snake” pattern in front of each team. Teams holding hands and blindfolded try to go the distance without hitting the pins. The team whose team has the fewest pins knocked down will win the “trip.” The number of pins not knocked down equals the number of points.

Collect potatoes

Inventory: Baskets according to the number of participants, cubes, marbles, balls - an odd number. Preparation: “potato” cubes, etc. are placed on the platform.

Game: Each player is given a basket and blindfolded. The task is to blindly collect as many “potatoes” as possible and put them in a basket. Winner: The participant who collected the most potatoes.

Dance with hoops

Inventory: Hoops according to the number of participants. Game: Several players are given a plastic (metal) hoop. Game options:

a) Rotating the hoop around the waist, neck, arm... Winner: The participant whose hoop will rotate the longest.

b) Participants, on command, send the hoop forward in a straight line with their hand. Winner: The participant whose hoop rolls the furthest.

c) Rotate the hoop around its axis with the fingers of one hand (like a top). Winner: The participant whose hoop spins the longest.

The Great Houdini

Inventory: Ropes according to the number of participants Game: Participants have their hands tied behind their backs with a rope. At the leader’s signal, the players try to untie the ropes on themselves. Winner: The first participant to become free.

Robin Hood

Inventory: Ball or apple “basket” of hat, bucket, box, rings, stool, various items. Game: Several options:

a) The task is to knock down various objects standing at a distance on a stool with a ball.

b) The task is to throw a ball, an apple, etc. into the "basket" at a distance.

c) The task is to throw rings on the legs of an inverted stool. Winner: The participant who completed the task better.


Inventory: 2 chess officers, fake swords made of rubber or foam rubber. Preparation: Place a chess piece on the edge of the stop. Game: Participants stand 2 meters from the table. The task is to lunge (step forward) and hit the figure with a thrust. Winner: The participant who hits the first piece. Option: A duel between two participants.

Poetry competition

You can prepare cards with rhymes of the future in advance New Year's greetings(toast) and serve them to guests (including school-aged children) at the beginning of the evening.

Rhyme options:

nose - frost

year is coming

third - millennium

calendar - January

The results of the competition are summed up at the table or when gifts are presented.


Redemption of New Year's prizes from Santa Claus's bag can be arranged as follows. In a circle, both adults and children pass a specially prepared “snowball” - made of cotton wool or white fabric. “Kom” is passed on and Santa Claus says:

We're all rolling a snowball,

We all count to five -

One two three four five -

Sing a song for you.

You should dance a dance.

Let me tell you a riddle...

The person who redeems the prize leaves the circle, and the game continues.

There are Christmas trees

We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest there are different types of Christmas trees, wide, short, tall, thin. Now, if I say “high,” raise your hands up. “Low” - squat and lower your arms. “Wide” - make the circle wider. “Thin” - make a circle already. Now let's play! (The presenter plays, trying to confuse the children.)

Telegram to Santa Claus

The guys are asked to name 13 adjectives: “fat”, “red-haired”, “hot”, “hungry”, “sluggish”, “dirty”... When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts into it the missing adjectives from the list .

Telegram text:

"... Grandfather Frost! All... the children are looking forward to your... arrival. New Year is the most... holiday of the year. We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances! Finally- then... New Year will come! I don’t want to talk about... studying. We promise that we will only receive... grades. So, quickly open your... bag and give us... gifts.

With respect to you... boys and... girls!"

Let's make caps

For participants in the game, Santa Claus invites them to look from a distance at a set of cans of various sizes and shapes. You cannot pick them up. Each player has a piece of cardboard from which they must cut out the lids so that they exactly match the holes of the cans. The winner is the one who has the most lids that exactly match the openings of the cans.


For this competition, prepare some delicate dish - for example, jelly. The participants' task is to eat it as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks.


Each player gets a name, say, a cracker, a lollipop, an icicle, a garland, a needle, a flashlight, a snowdrift... The driver goes around everyone in a circle and asks various questions:


What holiday is today?


What do you have (pointing to your nose)?


What drips from the icicle?


Each participant must answer any questions with their “name”, while the “name” can be declined accordingly. Those answering questions should not laugh. Whoever laughs is eliminated from the game and gives away his forfeit. Then there is a drawing of tasks for forfeits.

Mask, I know you

The presenter puts the mask on the player. The player asks different questions to which he receives answers - hints:

This animal?



Is she cackling?


It's a duck!

The person who guesses correctly is given the mask itself as a prize.


The task of the players of each team is to move the oranges to a certain place as quickly as possible without using their hands. Santa Claus is the presenter. He gives the start and announces the winner.

Tear up the newspaper

Santa Claus chooses 2 participants in the competition. The task is to tear the newspaper as quickly and as small as possible. With one hand, right or left, it doesn’t matter - tear the newspaper into small pieces, while the hand is extended forward, you cannot help with your free hand. Who will do the smallest job?

Fairy tale

When you have at least 5-10 guests (age does not matter), offer them this game. Take a children's book with a fairy tale (the simpler the better, “Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, etc. are ideal). Choose a leader (he will be the reader). From the book, write down all the characters of the fairy tale on separate pieces of paper, including, if the number of people allows, trees, stumps, a river, buckets, etc. All guests pull out pieces of paper with roles. The presenter begins to read the fairy tale, and all the characters “come to life”....


Any number of participants can play. All participants in the game, if it is a free area, form a large circle. In the center is the driver (Santa Claus) with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up, while it flies to the ground, everyone laughs loudly, the handkerchief is on the ground - everyone calms down. As soon as the handkerchief touches the ground, this is where the laughter begins, and from the funniest we take a forfeit - this is a song, a poem, etc.


It is necessary that the majority of those gathered have not played it before. In an empty room, a long rope is taken and a labyrinth is stretched so that a person, while passing, crouches somewhere and steps somewhere. Having invited the next player from the next room, they explain to him that he must go through this labyrinth blindfolded, having first remembered the location of the rope. The audience will give him hints. When the player is blindfolded, the rope is removed. The player sets off, stepping and crawling under a non-existent rope. Spectators are asked in advance not to give away the secret of the game.


This game will help all your guests get to know each other. Guests sitting at the table pass a roll of toilet paper around. Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.

With signs

At the entrance, each guest receives his new name - a piece of paper with the inscription is attached to his back (giraffe, hippopotamus, mountain eagle, bulldozer, bread slicer, rolling pin, cucumber, etc.). Each guest can read what the other guests are called, but, naturally, cannot read what he himself is called. The task of each guest is to find out his new name from the others throughout the evening. Guests can only answer “Yes” or “No” to questions. The first one to find out what is written on his piece of paper wins.

Joke game

All guests stand in a circle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The presenter (Santa Claus) says “duck” or “goose” in everyone’s ear (scattered, say “duck” to more players). Then he explains the rules of the game: “If I now say: “Goose,” then all the players whom I called so will tuck one leg. And if “Duck,” then the players whom I called “Duck” will tuck both legs.” You are guaranteed a heap.

Mysterious chest

Each of the two players has their own chest or suitcase, in which various items of clothing are folded. The players are blindfolded, and at the leader’s command they begin to put on things from the chest. The players' task is to dress up as quickly as possible.


The players stand in a circle. The presenter commands: “Touch yellow, one, two, three!” Players try to grab the thing (object, part of the body) of the other participants in the circle as quickly as possible. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. The presenter repeats the command again, but with a new color. The last one standing wins.

Ride the ball

All competition participants line up in teams of 3 people. Each “three” of players receives a tight volleyball. At the signal from the leader, one of the three players, supported by the elbows of two other players, steps on the ball and rolls it. The group that reaches the finish line first wins.

Draw the sun

This relay game involves teams, each of which lines up in a single column. At the start, in front of each team there are gymnastic sticks according to the number of players. A hoop is placed in front of each team, at a distance of 5-7 meters. The task of the relay participants is to take turns, at a signal, running out with sticks, placing them in rays around their hoop - “draw a sun.” The team that completes the task faster wins.

Fast walkers

Participants are asked to stand on the base of a dumbbell with one foot and push off the floor with the other to overcome a given distance.


Participants in the game are given plasticine or clay. The presenter shows or names a letter, and the players must, as quickly as possible, create an object whose name begins with this letter.

It's the other way around

Players are invited to try to draw or color something, but with their left hand, and those who are left-handed use their right.

Crumple up the newspaper

Inventory: Newspapers by number of participants. Game: An unfolded newspaper is placed on the floor in front of the players. The task is to crumple the newspaper at the presenter’s signal, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist. Winner: The participant who collects the newspaper into a ball the fastest.

Funny, active, funny and amusing New Year competitions for children will make the holiday unforgettable. They give good mood, mass positive emotions, bring together those who found themselves in the same circle that night. They reveal a variety of children's talents: some sing great, some draw masterfully, and some end up being faster and smarter than everyone else.

A child is always interested in comparing himself with others and learning how to lose deservedly. This educational moment also applies to New Year’s games, which can be arranged with both kids and teenagers. They will be useful for school-wide Christmas tree, events in kindergarten and family holiday.

Coming up with your own New Year's competitions for children so that they get involved in any age category is a mastery of aerobatics. Firstly, nothing can surprise modern children; their demands for entertainment are quite high, and they can react to many competitions and games with a sour expression and refusal to participate in them. Secondly, the New Year theme involves the use of appropriate paraphernalia and heroes, which must be taken into account when selecting certain competitions. Our useful tips will help you choose the best and most fun options from the variety offered on the Internet.

  1. Age

Decide on the age category of children who will take part in New Year's competitions. If outdoor games are important for kids, then you can organize intellectual battles for schoolchildren, and for teenagers you can include elements of gags and jokes.

  1. Place

The location of the competition for the New Year will also matter. For example, in a kindergarten, children can be lined up in a round dance and have fun outdoor games around the Christmas tree. But at school you will need more serious joke games with jokes and intellectual tasks. And it’s much easier to organize such events at home, in family circle when no one will be embarrassed.

  1. Plot

Carefully read the texts for children's New Year's competitions offered on various sites. Make sure that there was not a hint of vulgarity for adults, which is so much on the Internet today. Imagine the whole game from start to finish: wouldn't it be too difficult for children? Is everything clear to you during the scenario? Can you get all the attributes for the competition? Think through all these points in advance to make the holiday a success.

  1. Leading

Don't forget to decide who will be the presenter at the New Year's children's competitions. Can you organize them so that the kids don’t get bored on the holiday evening and get a lot of positive emotions? Maybe it makes sense to invite a professional to do this or invite actors in the guise of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden?

When choosing New Year's competitions and games for children, consider the smallest details. These are not just competitions that help while away a weekday evening in the yard or at home. They should be truly incendiary, fun, and memorable. They need to be carried out in such a way that even the losers are happy and choked with delight and overwhelming emotions. This is the essence of the New Year: only joy, laughter and no negative emotions - this is the main rule. Start your selection with the age groups of children.

Preschool age

Find interesting New Year competitions for children preschool age the most difficult, since their circle is limited to active and extremely simple games. On the one hand, children aged 3-6 years are very responsive and always willingly participate in such events. However, they may not always understand the conditions and rules of the competition, and in case of failure, resentment may end in tears. Therefore, the selection of New Year's games for kids needs to be taken as responsibly as possible.

  • Nesmeyana

Game situation for New Year's competition: on the eve of the New Year, the Snow Maiden was stolen, and only Nesmeyana knows who is hiding her and where. One of the adults pretends to be a sad, whiny princess, whom the children must make laugh so that she reveals her secret to them.

  • “I’ll freeze it!”

The Snow Maiden asks Father Frost:

- Grandfather, can you freeze everything?
- Yes! - he answers.
- But try to freeze our guys! Children, quickly hide what Grandpa wants to freeze!

To the accompaniment of cheerful, energetic music, the children around Grandfather dance in a circle. When he says:

- I'll freeze your ears! - everyone covers their ears with their palms.

  • Fun questions

The leader in a round dance asks the children funny questions about Santa Claus, which you need to be able to answer correctly. Not all kids can do this. Sometimes, out of consonance, they give incorrect answers, which amuses all the presenters.

— Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man? - Yes
— Do you like jokes and gags? - Yes
- Does he know songs and riddles? - Yes
— Will he eat our chocolates? - No
— Will he light a Christmas tree for all the children? - Yes
— Wears shorts and a T-shirt? - No
- He doesn’t age in soul, does he? - Yes
- Does it keep us warm outside? - No
- Santa Claus is Frost's brother? - Yes
- Is our birch good? - No
— Is the New Year closer to us, closer? - Yes
— Is there a Snow Maiden there in Paris? - No
— Is Santa Claus bringing gifts? - Yes
— Does Grandfather drive a foreign car? - No
— Does he wear a fur coat and a hat? - No
- Doesn't he look like dad? - Yes

Such New Year competitions for young children will help avoid pitfalls and have a fun holiday without unpleasant surprises in the form of grievances and tears. It would be better for this age category if the presenters represent Father Frost and the Snow Maiden or some other fairy tale characters, characteristic of the New Year. This will give the holiday an appropriate flavor and the kids will remember it for a long time.

7-9 years

For children 7-8 years old, you need to look for something more serious. Of course, mobile New Year's games and competitions for this age category are not going anywhere, but they can already be diluted with creative and intellectual elements. This will make the holiday more exciting, will help the children open up and show their talents.

  • New Year's cap

You need to prepare a paper hat in advance and paint it in a fun New Year's way. Children are divided into two teams. Each of them has 1 representative. A cap is put on one of them. The second opponent is given a long stick (make sure its tip is not very sharp), with which he must carefully remove the magic headdress from his opponent and put it on himself. After that they change. All team members must do this. The task of the New Year's competition is considered unfulfilled if the cap fell to the floor or the opponent was painfully hit with a stick.

  • Christmas decorations

The guys are divided into two teams. The first one is Christmas tree decorations. The second one should dress them up New Year tree. Members of the first team must, without words, depict some well-known Christmas tree toy(ball, star, gnome, etc.), and the opponents must guess what they are showing them.

  • Snowballs

For this New Year's competition, you will have to make a cardboard Christmas tree, cutting holes in it with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Prepare paper balls, with which children from a distance must fall into holes on an artificial Christmas tree. The most accurate sniper will receive a prize!

Undoubtedly, the most popular are funny New Year's competitions, when it is simply impossible not to laugh while watching those who take part in the announced competition. Parents should pay attention to them. There should not be so many serious, creative competitions: New Year was invented in order to have fun, and children should be given this opportunity!

10-12 years

At the age of 10-11, despite the proximity of adolescence, schoolchildren still love to have fun, so choose funny competitions for children that will not let them get bored either at school or at home. However, more subtle humor is acceptable here; it is worth taking into account the participation in games of girls and boys, who begin to show their first sympathies at this age.

  • New Year's popcorn

Children are divided into two teams. Paper cups filled with popcorn are attached to the players' feet with tape. So you need to run a certain distance, dropping as little precious burden as possible along the way. Popcorn is poured into the team's bowl. Whoever turns out to be fuller at the end of the New Year's competition wins.

  • Liberator of the Snow Maiden

In the New Year's competition, a fabulous situation is created: on New Year's Eve, the Snow Maiden was stolen and locked away. Two opponents are offered two locked locks and a bunch of keys. Whoever picks up the key faster and unlocks his lock is considered the winner and the noble liberator of the Snow Maiden.

  • Creative competitions

In this age group, be sure to hold New Year’s creative competitions for children: who can better draw a New Year’s tree of the future or a modern Snow Maiden. Here they will show their talents in all their glory.

For this age, New Year's competitions for children and adults will be quite useful, since their interaction will certainly be productive and will give many pleasant and fun minutes. Children aged 10-12 like to feel equal to adults and even be better than them in some ways. If you give them such an opportunity for the New Year, their delight will know no bounds.

13-15 years old

The most interesting age is 13-14 years old, when teenagers should be called children with caution, because in their essence they are no longer such. However, they will also be happy to have fun on New Year’s Eve, especially if the company is of different sexes: boys and girls of this age love to flirt with each other, and where else, if not in games, can this be done in front of everyone? If you have a gathering of young people, look for New Year’s competitions for children and parents, in which absolutely everyone will participate: in this case, this is the best option.

  • Geese and ducks

Participants in the New Year's competition line up one after another so that their hands are on the shoulders of the person in front. It's good if boys alternate with girls. The presenter approaches each of them and whispers in their ear either “duck” or “goose” (there should be more such people) so that the others do not hear it. After this, the presenter explains that if he now says the word “duck”, all the players to whom he said it will press both legs together. If “goose” - one leg. It seems that there is nothing special in this New Year's competition, but as soon as you say the cherished word out loud, you will understand how fun it is.

  • New Year's makeup

Distribute the teenagers into boy-girl pairs. It is better to warn the participants of this New Year's competition in advance and select only those who really would not mind such an “extreme”. Young people are blindfolded and given eye shadow, blush and lipstick. And they start putting makeup on their partner's face. Usually the competition is a great success, because the results are very inspiring and fun for everyone present.

  • Sausage for the New Year

A very funny competition that will bring some cheer during the holidays New Year's table everyone. The presenter asks the children various questions about the New Year, and they, in turn, must always answer with one word, which must be derived from the word “sausage.” For example:

— How did you celebrate this New Year? - Sausage!
— What will you do on January 1? - Suck it!
— What do you want to receive as a gift for the New Year? - Sausage!

The main condition of this funny New Year's competition is not to laugh under any circumstances and always answer with a serious face. Whoever laughs first is out of the game.

  • Attentive Ensemble

All the children present are invited to sing together the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” The conductor of this New Year's competition is selected (an adult, the presenter, can take on his role). He warns teenagers to take a closer look at his hands. As soon as he clenches one hand into a fist, everyone should suddenly fall silent. As a rule, not everyone succeeds in this and some continue to sing the New Year's song alone.

In fact, you can find a variety of funny and very interesting children's competitions for the New Year, which will so lift your spirits and cheer that everyone will remember the holiday for a long time. Parents should take care of the selection of games in advance in order to have a large number of competitions in their arsenal that will not let them get bored. The child will be delighted if he spends New Year's days with friends in a fun and exciting way. Well, don’t forget to choose a gift, and if you don’t know what to give, read.