Step-by-step instructions for making Christmas trees from beads. Christmas tree made of beads: do-it-yourself master class in various designs. Photos of Christmas trees made of beads

Let's make New Year's gifts with our own hands! For example, these Christmas trees are made of beads. Trees made of beads symbolize a talisman for the home, a talisman of good luck. You won't find a Christmas tree like this in a souvenir shop! And it’s not difficult to weave, all you need is a little patience and a minimum of material. Is our step by step guide on how to make a Christmas tree from beads with your own hands will help you with this.

Beaded Christmas tree: the simplest technique

To weave a Christmas tree from beads, we will need:

  • Beads white- 20 - 25 g, green - 80 - 90 g;
  • Wire coil - 0.3 - 0.5mm;
  • A lid from under the cream, or a small toy bucket;
  • Plasticine or cement.

Making branches for a beaded spruce

We start by making twigs.

We string 2 white beads and 7 green beads onto a 30-35 cm long wire. Then the end of the wire is threaded through the second white bead and through all the green ones. The first white bead will be the trailing one, that is, the top of the branch.
Next, we put on 2 white and 9 green beads, we also repeat the manipulation of threading the wire into the white and the remaining beads, on the other hand we repeat stringing 2 and 7 pieces. In this way we make 12 “needles” of our spruce.

The first branch will be the top of our tree, and all the other branches will be attached to the wire. To make the barrel stronger, you can wrap it with electrical tape.

There are 15 - 20 such branches, depending on how tall your tree is. Add 2 green beads to each lower branch to add fluffiness.

Assembling a Christmas tree from beads

Have you formed the required number of branches? Now let's collect the Christmas tree. We take the first branch - the crown, weave another into it, while twisting the wire into the main trunk. Using this principle, we twist the remaining branches.

Installation of our craft

When our spruce is ready, we need to install it on a stand.

If you have a toy bucket, fill it halfway with plasticine, install our tree and fill the remaining space. Or we take the cap from the tube, put the Christmas tree in it and fill it with cement mortar. If desired, the lid can be covered with colored adhesive paper.

We looked at the most affordable option, how to weave a Christmas tree from beads.

How to weave a Christmas tree from beads in a spiral

Another beaded Christmas tree has the easiest weaving pattern for beginners - Christmas tree - spiral.

Here you will need rigid wire and large beads of green, red, white. Weaving this tree is very simple; it consists of stringing beads in the sequence that you like. Having secured the ends, the product is given a conical shape, in the form of a spiral.

Master class on weaving a Christmas tree using complex techniques

More experienced craftswomen can try weaving a lace Christmas tree. This fake differs from the previous one in a different manufacturing technique.
First, they put a lot of beads on the wire, like beads, and only then weave lace patterns from it.

Make a loop from 9-11 beads, twisting the thread 2 times. Next, we make more of the same loops on both sides. For the top, 3-5 loops are enough, and for the bottom 9-11 loops. So we make 5-6 branches of the same length.

This beaded Christmas tree has a very different weaving pattern. The main thing is to repeat the pattern of the same size.

Earrings in the shape of a herringbone made of beads

Beaded earrings in the shape of a Christmas tree are a decoration that will be a memorable gift for a close friend or sister.

The look with such earrings will give festive mood and will not leave their owner unnoticed. Special accessories can be purchased in handicraft departments. The colors of the beads can be combined as desired.
Below is a video on making spruce from beads. It's worth remembering that New Year is just around the corner. This means that you need to prepare gifts in advance.

It is very pleasant to create beautiful things with your own hands. This activity is exciting for every craftswoman. Craftswomen really enjoy working with beads. There is no need to be surprised by this! After all, beads of various colors can resemble expensive stones. For the New Year, mini-Christmas trees are often made from beads. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to make a Christmas tree from beads for beginners.

How to make a Christmas tree from beads

First master class.

Today there are many master classes on creating Christmas trees from beads. It is worth saying that a beaded Christmas tree can be an excellent souvenir for every person. Look at 1 master class with step by step photos for beginners. Remember that you will probably succeed.

For this tree it is worth using a rod. In this case, use a toothpick. And the pedestal will be an ordinary coin. In order to make a Christmas tree for the New Year, you need to stick a toothpick into a flat bead that is smeared with glue. Glue it to the coin. In order to make the branches you need to follow the diagram. After that, attach them to the trunk. On top you stick a star, which is a figured bead.

Second master class.

A Christmas tree made of beads, which you can simply make with your own hands can be excellent and, moreover, a useful gift. To create a keychain you need to prepare:

  • large transparent green beads,
  • small gold opaque beads,
  • a large curly bead that will have the shape of a flower,
  • a gray bead that you will use as a base,
  • thin wire.

This craft is very easy to assemble. Rely on the scheme we offer you.

Third master class.

You can make interesting things from beads women's jewelry. If you make earrings, you can give this jewelry to your close friend or sister. To create earrings you will need special fittings. You can purchase it in a specialized store. Worth purchasing for crafts bright beads. Then the craft will look bright.

Fourth master class.

Before you start weaving this Christmas tree, you need to prepare everything necessary materials. You will need:

  • Chinese beads, white and green,
  • wire that has a diameter: 0.3mm, 1mm, 0.4mm,
  • a thread Brown,
  • plaster mold and solution,
  • varnish based on acrylic and paint.

Step-by-step master class.

At the first stage, it is worth mastering the needle weaving technique. It is in this technique that it is worth forming single branches for crafts.

After this, it is worth cutting the wire to a size of 20 centimeters. On this wire, collect 8 emerald colored beads and one white bead.

You should push one edge through all the beads. However, there is no need to thread the last thread. As a result, you will get your first needle.

The above manipulations must be continued. In this case, it is necessary to add and subtract beads in needles from 9 to 5 pieces. You need to do this until the 20 centimeter thread runs out.

And to make a real Christmas tree, you need to make 17 such branches.

In order to receive a gift - a Christmas tree correct form, you need to make branches that consist of double and triple needles.

The completed workpiece should be twisted. However, do not twist it all the way. Leave a small edge. It is worth attaching one twig to the end and tightening it with the last part of the needle.

As a result, you will get a double spruce branch.

Thus, it is worth making triple blanks. A total of 20 such blanks will be needed.

Now that all the blanks are ready, you need to move on to assembly New Year's gift. Usually, Christmas tree start collecting from the top. First, take a wire with a diameter of 1 mm. The top of the head is tied to this piece.

Then 4 short ordinary branches are tied to this piece. As a result, you will be able to make a primary tier. Continue winding triple and double blanks.

If you finish doing this work, you will have a thick spruce base.

Form a trunk and wrap a piece of wire around the trunk.

If you have completed all the steps, then you should fill the base of the product. Remember that this affects the height and stability of the craft. To make the base: dilute water and plaster in equal proportions.

Then you need to insert the craft into the container. In this case, you must trim off unnecessary parts.

Now wait until the solution hardens.

The tree trunk needs to be painted with acrylic based paints. After this, the barrel must be varnished.

If the product is completely dry, you need to straighten the branches of the craft. The craft will look more beautiful.


As you can see, the Christmas tree craft made from beads looks very nice. This product can be a wonderful gift for anyone. Therefore, when thinking about what to give to your loved one, use our step-by-step master classes. Surely, you will end up with something interesting and very attractive.

The process of creating beautiful things with your own hands brings a lot of pleasure. It is especially pleasant to work with beads. Multi-colored beads remind precious gems, a rich color palette allows you to embody the most extraordinary ideas. Beads are one of the most suitable materials for creating New Year's crafts, try to make beautiful miniature Christmas trees from multi-colored beads.

New Year's decorations made of beads

The following master class clearly demonstrates how to assemble a Christmas tree from beads step by step.

For this craft you will need:

  • thin wire;
  • green and golden beads;
  • beads for the top.

Shown in the photo step by step process creating toys. The branches and tops are collected separately. To make one branch on a branch, you need to string 3 green beads, 2 gold beads and again 3 green beads onto the wire. For the upper branches, three such branches are enough; the lower ones are made more magnificent. A tree is formed from branches. The Christmas tree turns out very beautiful and elegant. The golden color on the branches can be replaced with silver to create a frosted effect.

A Christmas tree on a toothpick rod looks unusual. An ordinary coin can become a pedestal for it. To make a Christmas tree, insert a toothpick coated with glue into a flat bead and glue it to the coin. Make branches following the diagram and string them onto the “trunk” of the tree. Stick a star in the form of a figured bead on a pin on top.

To make a keychain on a chain in the shape of a Christmas tree you will need:

  • large transparent green beads;
  • small opaque gold beads;
  • large transparent figured bead in the shape of a flower;
  • gray bead for base;
  • thin wire.

Assemble the craft according to the diagram shown in the photo.

Christmas tree earrings

Christmas tree earrings – unusual decoration, which will create a festive mood for you and those around you. They can become excellent or. Accessories for making earrings are sold in specialized craft stores. There you can purchase several loop-locks on which the entire structure will be attached. The photo shows ideas for creating such products. You can combine colors at your discretion.

To create New Year's crafts, purchase bright beads and do not forget about the decor in the form of small bows made of ribbons, multi-colored curly beads, chains, etc.

You always want a holiday and always want to spend the New Year in a special way, and a cozy and warm atmosphere will help this. For example, you can decorate your house or apartment with a Christmas tree made with your own hands from beads. It will shine during the day and will be a table decoration on holiday. We will conduct a master class on creating a Christmas tree from small beads right now!

Here are some examples of patterns for weaving a beaded Christmas tree:

Master class on creating a Christmas tree from beads with your own hands

This is one of the ways to make a Christmas tree for beginners.

We will need the following materials:

  • Drill.
  • A metal rod about 0.5 centimeters and 20 long.
  • Wooden base.
  • Nippers or scissors.
  • Thin wire.
  • Green beads.

Now let's take a closer look at the manufacturing process.

  1. First you need to create the base. To do this, take a wooden square and make a hole there using a drill. Next, hammer the rod into the hole. The basis for the future Christmas tree is ready.
  2. In the next step, we will begin making branches. First, we collect 5 beads on a piece of wire measuring 20 centimeters. Then we pass one end of the wire through four beads, so that the fifth bead is in the loop. This can be seen in the diagram for beginners.
  3. Divide the wire into two equal ends. Let's do the same on each of them. We collect five beads and thread the free end through four beads. Let's do this procedure at both ends. It is necessary to twist them a little by a few millimeters. Then we'll repeat everything.
  4. We independently determine the length of the branches. It all depends on your desires. Next, twist the ends of the wire so that 1.5 centimeters remain without beads. Then we attach them to a metal rod. Accordingly, the further from the top of the tree, the longer the branches need to be created and vice versa. How large quantity twigs, the more magnificent the Christmas tree.

General recommendations for making a Christmas tree:

  • When choosing beads, you need to pay attention to shining options, because dull beads are not very suitable for this.
  • If you want to create a Christmas tree with snow, then it is good to make the first three spines from snow-white beads, and the rest of the branch from green. This Christmas tree will be more elegant.
  • You can experiment a little with color scheme for beautiful variations. You can make a pink, red or blue Christmas tree.
  • You can even make Santa Claus and Snow Maiden using beads. Small toys are not needed here, because the Christmas tree is already quite elegant.

Created by yourself christmas tree can be installed on a table, corner or mantelpiece, in an office, on a dressing table, or on a console or shelf.

Let's consider the second version of the Christmas tree with a description of the work

We always want a Christmas tree to make us happy at home. Growing coniferous trees in a room is, of course, difficult, but making a Christmas tree from beads is absolutely possible. Therefore, I propose to make your own Christmas tree according to the scheme for beginners.

Before you begin, you need to prepare the following materials:

Cut two pieces from the wire by meter, fold them in half and roll up any ends that are laid together.

We will thread the four ends through the bead. Now we will collect five glass beads on each end of the wire.

Then, on either end of the wire we collect two bugles and one bead as in the figure above.

When you have made the required number of these branches, roll them together every centimeter. The base of the wire needs to be strengthened.

  1. The classic way is to fill the mold with alabaster and decorate the top with small Christmas tree branches made of beads and bugles.
  2. The ends of the wires can be attached to a pebble.
  3. You can use plasticine as a base for crafts.

Another idea for home decoration using beading technique

To create a Christmas tree we will need brown and green beads, two large beads, and brown copper wire. This Christmas tree consists of ten tiers. When creating it, we will be guided by the diagram.

  1. Cut a piece of wire 45 centimeters long. Place a golden bead in the center. We will pass the two ends of the wire through two beads and a green bead. We string four green beads on both sides of the wire.
  2. Twist the wire four turns, string the beads according to the pattern on each side and twist the loops.
  3. We secure the ends with two turns and also create two more loops.
  4. Take four pieces of wire 25 centimeters each, twist four branches with three loops on each and wrap the wire three turns.
  5. For the next third row, take four wires of 30 centimeters each and create five loops in the same way as in the first tier.
  6. To create the fourth tier, eight 30-centimeter wires are needed. We twist two branches together.
  7. From four pieces of wire 35 centimeters each we create a fifth tier, seven loops per branch.
  8. We create the sixth tier in the same way as the fourth. We collect two branches, cutting off another 20 centimeters of wire. First, we create 12 curls on one branch, then attach the second branch with 15 turns.
  9. To create the seventh tier, we will cut four wires of 60 centimeters each. We make the first loop in the center of the wire, then string six loops around it using one end of the wire. We also make seven loops on the second side.
  10. For the eighth tier, you need four pieces of wire of 30 centimeters each and four of 60 centimeters each. We make branches from the long ones, as for the seventh tier, and string five loops on small sections. We attach a small one with 15 turns to a large branch.
  11. We create the ninth tier as well, but there should only be 18 turns.
  12. For the 10th tier, we will take four wires of 70 centimeters each and 4 of 35 centimeters each. We make nine loops on a large branch and seven on a small one.
  13. Using wire, we assemble all the prepared tiers and wrap it in a spiral.
  14. We place the Christmas tree for delivery.

Continuing to talk about different trees beads, this master class with step-by-step photographs and detailed descriptions will teach you how to make wonderful miniature trees with your own hands from beads and wire. New Year is just around the corner, so we will make a Christmas tree.

1. Christmas tree from cutting

For the manufacture of with your own hands one beaded Christmas tree You will need:

  • green cutting- 50 gr.
  • brown cutting- about 5g.
  • wire brown (or copper) about 50m
  • alabaster
  • colored pebbles(or other decor)
  • two beads under pearls
  • bugles
  • stand
The Christmas tree consists of 10 tiers. Each tier has four branches.

Begin weave a Christmas tree from the top of the head. We cut a wire 45 cm long. You need to string it on the middle of the wire bead golden color and group made of white glass beads, gold and silver beads, 1 cut bead Green colour. Pass the second end of the wire through the entire group. At each end of the wire, dial 4 green beads:

After this, you need to twist both ends of the wire together 3-4 turns. At each end of the wire, collect 4 green beads, 2 brown, 4 green, twist into eyelets.

Twist the ends of the wire 2 turns and make two more turns. eyelets, as shown in the following photo:

Let's move on to manufacturing with your own hands second tier beaded Christmas trees. Cut 4 pieces of wire 25 cm long. Make 4 of them twigs three each eyelets with a set: 3 green beads, 2 brown, 3 green.

Twist the wire 4-5 turns from loop to loop, 3 turns from the last loop.

Let's start manufacturing twigs For third tier woven DIY Christmas trees. To do this, from 4 pieces of wire 30 cm long we make 4 twigs 5 each eyelet. The first three loops, as on the branch from the second tier, in the next two loops, instead of three green ones, cast on 4:

As you understand, you need to weave 4 of these twigs, as in the photo above. After this, we prepare twigs for fourth tier beaded Christmas tree. To do this you will need 8 pieces of wire 30cm long. Need to do 8 branches five each eyelet in each:

The first three loops, as can be clearly seen in the photograph, are the same as in a branch from the second tier, in the next two loops dial 6 green beads. After the last loop, twist the wire down 4-5 turns. Of the two collect one twig, screwing them with a spiral 3-4 turns:

5 tier: from 4 pieces of wire 35 cm long, make 4 twigs 7 each eyelet. The first three loops, as on the branch from the second tier, in the next four loops, cast on only 6 green beads.

6th tier Christmas tree: we start it in the same way as the 4th tier (8 pieces of wire, 8 branches of five loops each) But we collect the branches in pairs a little differently. Need to cut off an extra piece wire 20 cm long. From the last loop, wind 12 turns in a spiral with additional wire. Then screw the second branch 15 turns using a spiral:

Twigs for 7 tiers beaded Christmas trees: cut 4 pieces of wire 60 cm long. Make it on middle of the wire first loop. Next, cast on 6 more loops, as on the 6th tier, on the same end of the wire so that the other end remains long.

After the last loop, twist it by 6-7 turns. On another ( long) the end of the wire also make 7 eyelet:

Twist with additional wire a twig spiral down by 8 rpm.

8th tier: cut 4 pieces wire 60 cm long and 4 pieces of 30 cm each. Twist branches from 60 cm wire, as for tier 7, from 30 cm wire - branches with five loops:

From these two branches, collect one, screwing them into a spiral. First put the spiral on twig with two ends - 15 turns, then screw a small branch with 15 turns:

9th tier: same as for tier 8, only quantity turns of wire increase from 15 to 18.

10th tier: cut 4 pieces of wire 70 cm each, 4 pieces 35 cm each. Make twigs according to the same scheme as for tiers 8 and 9. Only in big branch cast on 8 and 9 loops, in the small one - 7. Quantity turns spirals increases to 22.

Now twigs for all tiers of our beaded wood ready, we can start wood assembly.

Take extra wire(do not cut from the coil!) and, starting from the top, wrap the ends of the wire down.

Additional kernel will not be required, because due to the number of tiers (and branches in each of them), the trunk thickens and does not bend.

Distance between tiers from 0.8 cm (from the top) to 1.2 cm (to the bottom).

After assembly it remains plant a Christmas tree in a stand. To do this, you need to dilute alabaster and stick it into it Christmas tree, wait until the alabaster dries. Then using clear glue decorate frozen alabaster soil with colored pebbles, moss, cotton wool with glitter, beads.

Here's our result green beauty, it even seems to be in the air festive aroma of pine needles:

Maybe you would like to create with your own hands Not only green Christmas tree, but also her snow-white girlfriend?

Christmas tree can be made not only from beads or felling, but also from bugles. Besides, Christmas tree it is possible dress up:

Christmas tree made of beads will bring festive atmosphere even to yours workplace on the office desk, will decorate your home and serve as an excellent a gift made with soul with your own hands!

2. Christmas beaded

You will need: beads 0/9

z = green - about 42 grams;

w = yellow - 36 pieces;

b = white - about 3 grams;

c = silver - 24 pieces;

cв = beads of luminous colors for jewelry 32x10 pieces;

BB = brown wire for flowers 0.3 mm;

BD = 40 cm wire for 1 mm stems.


Description of work:

Stars (Figure 1 of the pattern): String 4c (4 silver beads) down the middle of a piece of 60cm long brown wire (BB), and thread the wire back through the 3c, passing the first bead.

Thread 4c onto one end of the wire, move them as close to the first row as possible and thread the wire back through 3c, passing the first (1h) bead. Repeat this procedure until you have 6 rows. Form them into a star (see Figure 2 of the diagram).

Treetop: Work in accordance with Figure 2 of the diagram. Barrel: Thread both ends of the wire together through 8z (8 green beads).

Side branch: At each end of the wire, make two branches as follows: string 5z onto the wire and thread the wire in the opposite direction through 4z, passing one bead (1z).

Barrel: Pass both ends of the wire together through 7z.

Side branches with candles: At each end of the wire, make two branches as follows: string 7z, passing one bead (1z), thread the wire in the opposite direction through 1z.

Candle: string 3b (3 white beads) + 1e (1 yellow bead), passing one yellow bead (1e), thread the wire in the opposite direction, first through 3b, then through 5z.

Base: Bend the wire for the barrel in half. Wrap both ends of the wire around the base.

Using Basic Technique II, make 64 Christmas tree branches. Each branch should have a decoration or a candle (in half). Make a candle or decoration after you have made the first “leaf” of the branch along with the neck (see diagram, place marked with an asterisk.) Before assembling the tree, first make all the branches.

Example: To make 1 branch with 4 “leaves” and decoration: 1: String 5z in the middle of a 20 cm BB, twist the ends of the wire together into a “Neck” about 5 mm long

2: For decoration: String 10 strings on a wire, move the beads to the “Neck” itself, form a ring (to do this, thread the wire through the first stringed bead - 1 string). Twist both ends of the wire a couple of times.

3: String 5z on one of the ends of the wire, move them 5 mm from the first “Neck”, bend the wire and twist 5 mm in the direction of the made Decoration and the first “Neck”.

4: Twist both ends of the wire together into a "Rib" about 5mm long.

5: Place 5z on the second end of the wire, move them 5 mm from the “Rib”, bend the wire and twist 5 mm in the direction of the “Rib”. Repeat step 5 with the other end of the wire.

According to the following table, make all the branches of the Christmas tree. Be very precise: uniform appearance tree depends on the length of individual branches:

Assembly: Attach the branches floor by floor to the base. In this case, fix the branches corresponding to one letter (row in the table) at the same level (“floor”):

starting just below the top, wrap the base with brown floral wire (BB) from top to bottom 1.5 cm.

Secure the branches of group A at the same height around the base using BB (1.5 cm).

Secure the branches of group B at the same height around the base using BB (1.5 cm).

Continue until all groups of branches are secured to the base. Under the last group of branches, wrap the base with 2cm of brown floral wire (BB).

Secure the finished tree in a small flower pot with clay (ohm).


3. Christmas tree “Wishes Come True”

Materials: 150 grams of green beads and some gold beads, 0.3mm wire, reinforced threads, 2mm hard wire.

The Christmas tree consists of a crown and 11 tiers of branches.

The main element of the Christmas tree is this trefoil. There are 9 beads in each loop.

Top of the Christmas tree:

Make the following element from gold beads: a central loop 4 cm long, 3 side loops of 15 beads each. Twist all the loops.

Rows 1,2,3,4 are performed the same way. Wrap 2 shamrocks in each row onto the base with gold loops.

Row 5: attach 3 trefoils.

The tops of each branch (cones) are the same and are made of gold beads. Make 3 loops of 9 beads.

Tiers 1 and 2 are performed the same way. Each tier has 3 branches.

Wrap 2 rows of shamrocks to the top of the head (2 shamrocks in each row).

Tiers 3 and 4 are performed the same way. Each tier has 3 branches.

Wrap 3 rows of shamrocks to the top of the head (2 shamrocks in each row).

Tiers 5 and 6 are performed in the same way. Each tier has 4 branches.

Wrap 4 rows of shamrocks to the top of the head (2 shamrocks in each row).

Tiers 7 and 8 are performed in the same way. Each tier has 4 branches.

Wrap 5 rows of shamrocks to the top of the head (2 shamrocks in each row).

9th tier. Complete 6 branches. Wrap 6 rows of shamrocks to the top of the head (2 shamrocks in each row).

10th tier. Complete 5 branches shown in the photo. To do this, first make 10 branches, 4 rows of trefoils in each. Then connect the branches in pairs and wrap 3 more rows of shamrocks (each row has 2 shamrocks).

11th tier. Complete 5 branches shown in the photo. To do this, first make 15 branches, 4 rows of trefoils in each. Then connect the branches 2 at a time and wrap 1 row of shamrocks, wrap another branch and 2 rows of shamrocks (there are 2 shamrocks in each row).

Christmas tree assembly

Attach the tiers of the tree to the top of the head one by one. The distance between the tiers is from 1 - 2.5 cm. Use any brown threads; for this Christmas tree, reinforced threads were used for sewing in 4 folds.

The distance between the rows of trefoils is 0.5 cm.

The distance from the last row of shamrocks to the tree trunk is 1 cm.

In order for the tree to gradually expand downwards in repeating rows (these are rows), increase the distance to the trunk to 1.5 cm.

For a more durable structure of the tree (this is necessary, because the tree is very heavy), insert a strong wire into the trunk at the level of the 4th row. For this tree, 4 strands of wire were used, which were subsequently bent as supports.

Planting a Christmas tree

Plant the Christmas tree in a solution of plaster and PVA or tile adhesive. Prepare the soil.